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Questions tagged [tour]

For questions relating to the Stack Exchange 'Tour' page, formerly known as the 'About page'.

3 votes
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Tag popup is obscured on the Tour page

On the Tour page the popup for tags on demo questions is partially obscured by the frame border:
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
0 votes
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How is the list of questions for Tour page populated? [duplicate]

Moderators are able to edit the question that will be shown on Tour page, but that list is quite short. How is that list populated? Expected criteria are: has high positive score has several answers ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
4 votes
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Translations for admin buttons are not used on the Tour page

There are a few strings on the site's tour page visible to moderators only. For some reason, translations from Traducir are not used here: For buttons below the main site description (Save changes, ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
33 votes
1 answer

The tour link has disappeared from the help menu in the top bar

The Tour item disappeared from top bar on all sites: What's the background for this? The Tour page itself still here. Based on the question from RuSO.meta: Куда делась ссылка на Тур в знаке вопроса (...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
18 votes
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Allow mods more freedom in editing the tour

Context: Some sites prohibit 'personal advice' questions: Mathematics: Questions about choosing a course, academic program, career path, etc. are off-topic. Such questions should be directed to ...
CDR's user avatar
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-4 votes
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Do we want the "Voting is different on meta sites" content to match the reality?

This is not a duplicate of A Proposal for More Constructive Downvoting on Meta: Express Disagreement by Answering the Question because this is not proposing changing the Meta Stack Exchange users' ...
Rubén's user avatar
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Could or should the "search first, ask question later" principle be made more prominently visible?

I'm relatively new (roughly a month), so please excuse any great misunderstandings. Presumptions / Impressions: (A) It may vary a bit per case or community, but in general, the approach seems to be ...
srn's user avatar
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Vote buttons in the tour page are different from the actual vote buttons

Essentially the same as this question, Vote buttons in the banner are different from the actual vote buttons, except that this is about the example vote buttons in the tour page; the depicted buttons ...
CDR's user avatar
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Is it possible to make the tour more prominent to new users again?

The tour (redirects to the Chemistry SE tour), is something that gives users a brief idea on how the specific site works. However, this feature has become so hidden away that new users do not even ...
Safdar Faisal's user avatar
5 votes
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Responsive "Tour" page has extra right space due to one section that is not responsive (only when logged out)

Left: iPhone; right: Firefox desktop Click either for higher resolution (URL) Also makes scrolling on a mobile device funky; keeps twitching right. To reproduce: log out. (Thanks @Laurel)
ymb1's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

How can I find the revisions history for the help center?

Some parts of the help center can be edited by the moderators and, of course, any part can be edited by a Stack Exchange employees. According to this post, the link to revisions is accessible to ...
Martin's user avatar
  • 15.2k
6 votes
1 answer

Animations are missing in the Tour page

On the Stack Exchange Tour page, there are some animations for the images, those are pulling from right to left. Sample animation: But those animations are missing in the other Stack Exchange site's ...
Arulkumar's user avatar
  • 38.9k
38 votes
1 answer

Please add some basic guidance on voting to the tour

I just had to deal with an understandably irate user who had been participating on the site I moderate only in one specific tag, where only a very small group of people were active. It turned out that ...
terdon's user avatar
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The number of communities listed on the Tour page is not the same as on the About Us page [duplicate]

The Tour page states that (bolding added for emphasis): Stack Exchange is a network of 177 communities that are created and run by experts and enthusiasts like you who are passionate about a specific ...
Mureinik's user avatar
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Add a history event to a question when it is selected or deselected for the tour page

Right now, it's hard to track the history of which questions have been used on the tour page. It's not possible to know when someone selected a question for the tour page and who, and when it was ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar

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