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Questions tagged [comment-voting]

For questions about comment-voting.

21 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
18 votes
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Voting to close as duplicate no longer up-votes the auto-generated comment

Until fairly recently, if I voted to close a question as a duplicate, the system would automatically up-vote the existing "possible duplicate of Foo" comment (if there was one). This no longer seems ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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16 votes
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Deleting comments while reviewing Close Votes

Normally, moderators can delete comments at will. An odd exception is while reviewing the Close Votes queue, where the delete link next to comments is missing. So if I want to clean up some comments, ...
janos's user avatar
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Flagging a comment temporarily hides the upvote button/indication

After flagging a comment, the upvote button/indicator will disappear, until you reload the page. Here is an example where I already upvoted the post (and the upvote button is visible in a 'permanently ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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When I login on a question, it looks like I have upvoted all comments

I get the following unexpected behaviour when I access mobile web versions of Stack Exchange sites through Google Chrome on Android. If I am logged out, visit a question, then log in while on the ...
Julian Rosen's user avatar
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Can we eliminate or reduce the rate limit for comment votes when you have enough rep?

I will often look over the body of comments to a question or answer and sometimes I'll find 2 or 3 that deserve to be highlighted. Invariably I'll try to click on the second one before 5 seconds are ...
Mark Ransom's user avatar
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9 votes
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Show a popup when clicking the upvote button on already upvoted comment

When you try to revote or retract your vote for a post (answer or question) you see the following message: But there is no notification about the same actions on comments, only a tooltip: Please add ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
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Comment voting scrolls to top of page

This doesn't happen very often, but it's happened enough that I'm sure it's more than me imagining it. Sometimes when I click to vote up a comment, the page will scroll all the way to the top. The URL ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
8 votes
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Analyst badge: 10 comments with score of 10 or more

I see that Area 51 has an Analyst badge — Left 10 comments with score of 10 or more. It also has the Commentator (10 comments) and Pundit (10 comments/5 score) badges, which the SE sites all ...
Nicole's user avatar
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Upvoting and flagging comments multiple times (and pretending Community did it)

If you have enough rep to get the association bonus on one site, then on any site which you don't yet have a profile on, you can upvote or flag (sorta) comments as many times as you like. Normally, if ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
7 votes
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View votes on Comments in Activity

At times I have upvoted comments because the comment had a useful tip or pointer. If I want to later reference that point, however, there is no easy way to find the comment I voted on. I am suggesting ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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Upvoting comments in locked posts

When a post is locked, you should not be able to vote on it, including comments. But you can vote on comments, until you get stopped by an error. (Found in Jon Skeet Facts). This should be fixed....
Universal Electricity's user avatar
6 votes
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Comment upvote triangle always appears "upvoted"?

See the image, I haven't voted up this comment, but the triangle inclined me into thinking I've voted. Chrome 68.0.3440.91 from Google Play on OnePlus 6 running Android 8.1.
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
6 votes
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Could I get warned when nearing the end of my daily comment-vote ration?

There have been a couple days when I hit the end of my comment-votes. (I don't even know how many I get per day - 20?) I thought it could be made less abrupt, as in post-voting. I'm sure someone ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Error popup when one upvotes a comment more than once should contain "upvote" instead of "mark"

Steps to reproduce: Upvote a comment. Click any link from that page. Press the back button from the browser. The comment will look like it wasn't upvoted. So press the upvote button again. Result: ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
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Comment upvote arrows move after un-upvote in the mobile web

When I upvote a comment, it's marked. When I un-upvote it, the upvote sign doesn't go back, but moves left.
i3arnon's user avatar
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