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Questions tagged [comment-voting]

For questions about comment-voting.

4 votes
0 answers

Inconsistent behavior in low-quality review queue with comment votes [duplicate]

I recently completed a couple of Low-Quality-Post reviews on Science-Fiction & Fantasy. The one that turned up first allowed me to upvote the comment there. The second one to turn up did not allow ...
W.O.'s user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Is it okay to upvote answers posted in comments?

I recently received an answer to one of my questions posted as a comment. I upvoted the comment and suggested that the commenter post it as an answer. Was it appropriate to upvote the comment? The ...
Someone's user avatar
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10 votes
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Flagging a comment temporarily hides the upvote button/indication

After flagging a comment, the upvote button/indicator will disappear, until you reload the page. Here is an example where I already upvoted the post (and the upvote button is visible in a 'permanently ...
Glorfindel's user avatar
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2 votes
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Shouldn't comment upvote buttons on locked questions be visibly disabled? [duplicate]

On locked questions, the upvote / downvote buttons (for the question and for the answers) are disabled, as in this screenshot: However, upvote buttons on comments appear as if you could upvote ...
astroide's user avatar
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1 vote
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How to comment on a question on another Stack Exchange site I newly joined? [duplicate]

I'm new to the area this question was posted in, and I don't have a "correct" answer to hand, but I want to get them a clue as to why the question is not perhaps the right rabbithole, and ...
Conrad B's user avatar
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2 votes
0 answers

Display votes next to comments in User → All Actions → Comments tab [duplicate]

Just as the number of votes is displayed next to an answer in the Answers tab (, can we also have the number of votes displayed next to a ...
GratefulDisciple's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

The automatic comment upvote is not retracted when I retract my duplicate close vote

I've been following a duplicate proposal of another user recently, and voted to close the question, but later I changed my mind and retracted the close vote. What bothered me is that the automatic ...
πάντα ῥεῖ's user avatar
10 votes
0 answers

When I login on a question, it looks like I have upvoted all comments

I get the following unexpected behaviour when I access mobile web versions of Stack Exchange sites through Google Chrome on Android. If I am logged out, visit a question, then log in while on the ...
Julian Rosen's user avatar
7 votes
0 answers

Upvoting and flagging comments multiple times (and pretending Community did it)

If you have enough rep to get the association bonus on one site, then on any site which you don't yet have a profile on, you can upvote or flag (sorta) comments as many times as you like. Normally, if ...
thesecretmaster's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Flagging a comment doesn't count as a review [duplicate]

While reviewing First Posts or Late Answers if you upvote a comment, it counts as "reviewed". If you flag a comment (for any reason) it doesn't count. Is this intentional? Any particular reason ...
Welz's user avatar
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9 votes
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Show a popup when clicking the upvote button on already upvoted comment

When you try to revote or retract your vote for a post (answer or question) you see the following message: But there is no notification about the same actions on comments, only a tooltip: Please add ...
αλεχολυτ's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

Comment voting scrolls to top of page

This doesn't happen very often, but it's happened enough that I'm sure it's more than me imagining it. Sometimes when I click to vote up a comment, the page will scroll all the way to the top. The URL ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
6 votes
0 answers

Comment upvote triangle always appears "upvoted"?

See the image, I haven't voted up this comment, but the triangle inclined me into thinking I've voted. Chrome 68.0.3440.91 from Google Play on OnePlus 6 running Android 8.1.
iBug says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
67 votes
4 answers

Why are the comment upvote and flag options always appearing now?

I just saw now that a new build had rolled out in which the comment upvote and flag options are always visible. Previously, one had to mouse over the area in order to see them. Why was this just ...
Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

How can you vote on comments? [duplicate]

How do you vote on a comment to a question or answer? I am not seeing any vote button by any comments. Is it a privilege that you have to earn by having enough reputation? I only have 16 reputation, ...
user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I get back my upvote for a comment I made though SE Android App? [duplicate]

I made an upvote for a comment that pointed me through the Stack Exchange Android app. Later I thought of getting back my upvote and I tried to do that, but that option (upmark) is not available. ...
Sathiya Kumar V M's user avatar
-11 votes
1 answer

Back button forgets votes [duplicate]

Simple case, for comments: Navigate to a question page that has a link away from the current SE site. Upvote a comment. [Most probably there’s an issue with flagging as well.] The comment score is ...
Alex Shpilkin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should I upvote complimentary comments on my answer?

I'm a frequent reader/lurker but an infrequent contributer on several SE sites. Occasionally I craft an answer to a question which is better-received than usual, and one or two kind users add a ...
IanF1's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Undo upvote if the comment is edited

There should be an option to undo your comment upvote if a comment gets edited. It is likely that you upvote something else which gets useless or provides incorrect information after the edit.
user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Has my comment been downvoted? [duplicate]

Other related questions such as Allow downvoting comments (status-declined) and Why can't I downvote comments?, plus the fact I actually cannot downvote a comment make me think downvoting a comment is ...
Tim's user avatar
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16 votes
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Deleting comments while reviewing Close Votes

Normally, moderators can delete comments at will. An odd exception is while reviewing the Close Votes queue, where the delete link next to comments is missing. So if I want to clean up some comments, ...
janos's user avatar
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Make clicking “Recommend Deletion” in the VLQ queue automatically upvote the correct comment [duplicate]

When I select “Recommend deletion” in the VLQ queue, it will automatically add a comment to the post with my reason, if someone hasn’t already. I’m suggesting that the system automatically upvote the ...
J F's user avatar
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-19 votes
1 answer

Change the comment upvote "Up Arrow" to a "Thumbs Up" in the Android app

This is just a minor suggestion, but I think the "up arrow" button that appears in the action bar when selecting a comment on the Android app should be changed to "thumbs up". After all, the button ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Can you display upvote count near the comments posted under Profile section? [duplicate]

I want to track how close I am to getting the Pundit badge but I just don't seem to find a way. Leave 10 comments with score of 5 or more. While I am able to see all the comments posted under my ...
BiscuitBoy's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Why are votes on comments not shown in the "votes" tab of one's profile?

People can vote on comments, same as on posts. The "votes" tab of a user profile shows upvotes, downvotes, close votes, delete votes, and some others, but doesn't include comment votes. Why is this?
user avatar
2 votes
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Clicking the comment upvote twice causing some bugs

I raised this earlier question which (being new to Meta) I mistakenly marked as a feature when it should be a bug. Here goes... I went to upvote a useful comment to one of my questions, but I ...
AlainD's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are the voters of comments recorded?

I heard that sometimes mods can know the voters of answers, is there anyone who can know who voted comments? Is there a fixed amount of rep one needs to have access to either information?
user96370's user avatar
7 votes
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View votes on Comments in Activity

At times I have upvoted comments because the comment had a useful tip or pointer. If I want to later reference that point, however, there is no easy way to find the comment I voted on. I am suggesting ...
Tot Zam's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Can I see how many votes my comments have? [duplicate]

I recently won a 'Pundit' badge for having 10 comments with a score of +5 or more. I then proceeded to waste more time than I'm comfortable admitting to trying to find which comments were well liked ...
Patrick M's user avatar
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Error popup when one upvotes a comment more than once should contain "upvote" instead of "mark"

Steps to reproduce: Upvote a comment. Click any link from that page. Press the back button from the browser. The comment will look like it wasn't upvoted. So press the upvote button again. Result: ...
Spikatrix's user avatar
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7 votes
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Upvoting comments in locked posts

When a post is locked, you should not be able to vote on it, including comments. But you can vote on comments, until you get stopped by an error. (Found in Jon Skeet Facts). This should be fixed....
Universal Electricity's user avatar
31 votes
7 answers

Transfer upvotes on comments to stars in chat

When a comment conversation is moved by moderators to a chat room, the upvotes on those comments are lost. If a comment had 20 upvotes, there is nothing to indicate that once it has been moved to ...
Y     e     z's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How to search score of comments

Is there any where that give me the list of my comment sorted by its score descending or not sorted and just shows the score of that? I think this result will guide me to write better comments in ...
shA.t's user avatar
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Upvoting a comment doesn't update the UI

When you upvote a comment in the latest beta release of the iOS app, it doesn't update the vote count and coloring. Instead it flashes and returns to its normal color. When refreshing, the UI shows ...
Patrick Hofman's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does up/downvoting work exactly in terms of reputation and do some users have greater ability to affect ones reputation? [duplicate]

I'm really confused on voting. Based on the link below I am assuming that comments do not affect reputation. Can administrators or more "powerful" users for lack of a better term affect a user's ...
JMFB's user avatar
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Why can't we downvote comments? [duplicate]

Try it yourself. You can't downvote comments. Why? I'm really frustrated when I see tons of crappy comments. They meet the minimum requirement -- no insult, no cursing, just without quality. Not ...
54D's user avatar
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How do I demonstrate disagreement for user actions that I can't downvote on?

What's the preferred mechanism to demonstrate disagreement with user actions that aren't questions or answers on the main site? I often see newbie questions handled downright hostilely by (presumably)...
Jay Lemmon's user avatar
4 votes
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Comment upvote arrows move after un-upvote in the mobile web

When I upvote a comment, it's marked. When I un-upvote it, the upvote sign doesn't go back, but moves left.
i3arnon's user avatar
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Visible timer feedback for comment votes instead of obnoxious recurring dialog

When reading popular questions I often will serial upvote comments, which leads to the appearance of the Red Comment Vote Threshold Dialog of Doom (RCVTDoD): The problem This dialog is infuriating, ...
zzzzBov's user avatar
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Tapping the loading indicator when voting on comment crashes Android app

Steps to replicate: Tap a comment Tap "Vote Up" Tap the spinning circle quickly The spinning circle stops and is highlighted for a split second, then the application reports that it had crashed. It ...
Chris Forrence's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Two and three digit comment vote counts extend beyond comment

Comments that have three digit votes or two digit votes extend beyond the left side of the comment. Whilst this is visible without hovering over the comment due to the end of the separating line, it ...
grg's user avatar
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8 votes
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Are custom-close-reason comments auto-upvoted when you VTC with that reason?

I just voted to close something with someone else's custom reason. Their comment with that custom reason was upvoted, apparently by me, right as the VTC "took", despite the fact that I didn't issue a ...
michaelb958--GoFundMonica's user avatar
1 vote
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Comment-handling from the Close review queue is inconsistent

Today I noticed that I can't upvote or flag comments from the Close review queue, which I think I used to be able to do.1 But one item in the queue had a "show N more comments" link, and after I ...
Monica Cellio's user avatar
5 votes
4 answers

Is it ok to upvote comments/answers that aren't useful?

Take a look at this answer. Personally, I do upvote similar comments/answers that have some sense of humor from time-to-time, but is it fine? Updated sample comment
Lee Gary's user avatar
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Comment upvotes not carried over when converting answer to comment [duplicate]

I know it's already been covered that Answer upvotes are not the same as Comment upvotes, but suppose the following situation occurs: Useful answer that should have been a comment - Useful comment ...
corsiKa's user avatar
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Why is re-upvoting not allowed for comments? [duplicate]

If I remove my upvote on a comment, then after some time try to re-upvote the same comment, I won't be allowed to. I don't get why we can't re-upvote a comment after we upvote it then revoke our vote. ...
Mak083's user avatar
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18 votes
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Voting to close as duplicate no longer up-votes the auto-generated comment

Until fairly recently, if I voted to close a question as a duplicate, the system would automatically up-vote the existing "possible duplicate of Foo" comment (if there was one). This no longer seems ...
Duncan Jones's user avatar
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Upvoting a comment shouldn't count as reviewing a post

I noticed when reviewing First Posts and Late Answers that whenever I Upvote a comment on the post, The I'm done button gets enabled. I don't think this should be so because this will be an ...
Walker's user avatar
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6 votes
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Remove "You may only submit a comment vote every 5 seconds" for high rep users [duplicate]

Often times there are multiple good comments on a question and you want to upvote them all. However, you can only do one every 5 seconds. I presume this is to prevent spam (especially from bots). ...
David says Reinstate Monica's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Wrong vote count on collapsed comments

Noticed something weird on this question. If the comments are collapsed the vote count of my comment is zero. When expanded the vote count is correctly three.
juergen d's user avatar
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