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Which one of “How to ⟨something⟩”, “How do I do ⟨something⟩” or “Doing ⟨something⟩” is preferred in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with “How do I ⟨do something⟩?” or “How to ⟨do something⟩?” are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like “Doing ⟨something⟩” is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5–6 yearslong ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Which one of “How to ⟨something⟩”, “How do I do ⟨something⟩” or “Doing ⟨something⟩” is preferred in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with “How do I ⟨do something⟩?” or “How to ⟨do something⟩?” are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like “Doing ⟨something⟩” is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5–6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Which of “How to ⟨something⟩”, “How do I do ⟨something⟩” or “Doing ⟨something⟩” is preferred in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with “How do I ⟨do something⟩?” or “How to ⟨do something⟩?” are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like “Doing ⟨something⟩” is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked long ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

don’t use code formatting for non-code; use true angle brackets and other typographic improvements; add title irony
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Prefering How Which one of “How to <something>⟨something⟩”, How“How do I do <something>⟨something⟩” or Doing <something>“Doing ⟨something⟩” is preferred in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with "How“How do I <do something> ⟨do something⟩?" or "How“How to <do something> ⟨do something⟩?" are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like "Doing <something> "“Doing ⟨something⟩” is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5-65–6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Prefering How to <something>, How do I do <something> or Doing <something> in question titles

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with "How do I <do something> ?" or "How to <do something> ?" are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like "Doing <something> " is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5-6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Which one of “How to ⟨something⟩”, “How do I do ⟨something⟩” or “Doing ⟨something⟩” is preferred in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with “How do I ⟨do something⟩? or “How to ⟨do something⟩? are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like “Doing ⟨something⟩” is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5–6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

deleted 13 characters in body; edited title
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Prefering How to <something>, How do I do <something> or Doing <something> in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with "How do I <do something> ... ?" or "How to <do something> ... ?" are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like "Doing <something> ... ?"" is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5-6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Prefering How to <something>, How do I do <something> or Doing <something> in question titles?

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with "How do I <do something> ... ?" or "How to <do something> ... ?" are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like "Doing <something> ... ?" is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5-6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

Prefering How to <something>, How do I do <something> or Doing <something> in question titles

A current FAQ on How do I write a good title? seems ambiguous on whether titles that begin with "How do I <do something> ?" or "How to <do something> ?" are desirable on Stack Exchange sites generally, or whether a shorter title like "Doing <something> " is to be preferred.

By ambiguous I mean things like the most upvoted answer saying:

4. Don't start with "How do I..."

Writing in that style ensures that your title will fail criteria 1-3, and get less attention than it deserves.

This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions.

while the FAQ title starts with:

"How do I..."

Without going into all other possible title structures, and individual sites may already have clarified this in their own Metas, is there generally a case for preferring one of the above over the others while performing more comprehensive editing of a question?

A similar question (Preferred title format: gerund or "how to"?) was asked 5-6 years ago from what I suspect was a pure Stack Overflow perspective. It was made a duplicate of How do I write a good title? an hour and a bit later which, in retrospect, seems to have been hasty because unambiguous advice on this particular aspect is not offered in that FAQ.

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added 377 characters in body
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