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Portland Community College | LEED Silver | Photo: PCC Sustainability

Portland Community College

USGBC provides sustainability solutions to integrate sustainability across curricula, support student pathways to green careers, and transform your existing campus buildings and infrastructure.

Integrate sustainability

Sustainability in curriculum prepares students to be champions in addressing climate change.

Prepare students​

There is a spectrum of possibilities when it comes to a career in green building and sustainability.

Transform your buildings

Green campuses reduce environmental impact, positively affect health and prepare students.

Integrate sustainability into curriculum and classroom

Integrating sustainability across the curriculum prepares students to be global citizens and champions in addressing climate change.

  • Higher education curricular toolkits: Enhance courses with a curricular toolkit, which includes curated resources to teach students about sustainability concepts.
  • Campus subscription: A membership and education opportunity only available to higher education institutions, the campus subscription provides gold-level membership and unlimited access to USGBC’s education subscription for staff, faculty and students at participating post-secondary campuses.
  • Exam Prep-Take-Teach for teachers: This exam prep training program, available exclusively to teachers and educational support staff, prepares participants to earn their LEED Green Associate credential with a curriculum that can be delivered in their own classrooms to support student exam preparation.
  • LEED Lab: LEED Lab is a multidisciplinary project-based learning course in which students work with campus and facility staff to pursue LEED O+M certification for an existing building. Students gain valuable experience working on a LEED project and are prepared to take the LEED AP O+M credential exam following program participation.
  • Green Classroom Professional Certificate: Students pursuing a career in the education field can earn the GCP certificate to demonstrate their ability to identify what supports or impedes healthy, resource-efficient and environmentally sustainable learning spaces.

Prepare students for green careers

There is a spectrum of possibilities when it comes to a career in green building.

  • Credentials: Badges and credentials can help students advance and promote their green building knowledge, and students receive discounts on their exams.
  • USGBC Students: In addition to discounts on credential exams, USGBC Students have access to the largest network of sustainability professionals, and worldwide opportunities to network and volunteer with local community groups.
  • Green careers: USGBC is committed to supporting the growing green jobs market and ensuring that people passionate about sustainability can apply their skills and talents to a rapidly changing workforce. Green career resources can be utilized in your courses or by students as they explore and prepare for green building careers.
  • Green workforce articles: USGBC articles covering topics related to green careers provide students with insights and recommendations for understanding the green jobs landscape and pursuing a career in sustainability and green building.

Transform buildings and infrastructure​

Green campuses reduce the environmental impact of buildings and grounds, positively affect health and prepare students to be global sustainability citizens. Need support implementing sustainability on your campus? Contact us.

  • Campus Implementation workbook: The workbook helps you create a green existing buildings program, implement the LEED for Building Operations and Maintenance rating system at the campus and building level, and establish a culture of performance.
  • LEED Campus: This guidance document supports higher education campuses by providing a more efficient and streamlined certification process for multiple LEED projects on campus.
  • Green building campus case studies: The LEED project directory showcases innovative green building strategies and projects that are being pursued at higher education institutions globally.
  • USGBC membership: Join our member network of post-secondary institutions to help drive the green building movement, connect with other organizations in our community, and receive member-only opportunities and discounts.

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