motherfucking sexy ass butch that fears no one and is always 100% . always straight savage
wow shes such a kautz , always a thug
by emmaislife February 29, 2016
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pejorative abbreviation for a liberal person... sometimes also refers to a feminist
"I know what some of your big-city, no-bra-wearin' hairy legged women libbers might say. They might say that a pageant is old-fashioned and demeaning to the girls."
-From the movie Drop Dead Gorgeous
by queenie213 February 21, 2007
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Calling someone a 'pap', 'papsmear', 'papsmearian' or 'smear' is one of the worst possible insults. It describes them as the by-product of woman's annual 'papsmear'.
"I can't believe you'd do that! You're a 'papsmearian'!"
"Look at that pap across the street."
"Hey papsmear, pass the bong."
"Hey pap! Stop smearing it! Don't smear you 'papsmearian'."
by Diego July 30, 2003
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Proper Noun; An original Centurian, who thoroughly and proudly represents Tuesday.

Not to be confused with the regular noun version.

Stands side by side with the Tuesday Renegade
Spectator: Wow, look at the way that guy carves

Spectator 2: Yeah, he must be a real Tuesday Warrior.
by jackmcmah09 September 27, 2009
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A NYC street. Known for 1 dollar pizza slices, zippo lighters, paraphernalia shops, tattoos, piercings, fake ID's... basically where private school kids can get almost anything illegal or cheap accessories or both.
yo man, let's go down to st. mark's place... i need a new bowl cause we had to smash mine in the gutter on saturday. plus i want a fedora and some knockoff ray ban's.
by Ronaldo McDonaldstein November 19, 2009
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The act of receiving oral sex from a female, while she has ice cubes in her mouth.

Also known as an eskimo blowjob or a meatcicle
She slipped some ice cubes into her mouth and sucked down a Cock on the Rocks
by Foxhill August 12, 2007
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