International Conferences on Tourism Statistics & Other Events

International Conferences on Tourism Statistics and Other Events

International Conferences

Over the years, UN Tourism’s Statistics, Standards and Data Department has coordinated important developments relating to the conceptualization of tourism and its measurement, progressively building consensus amongst the international statistical community. Some milestone scenarios in the historical developments have been the following international conferences:

Statistics Capacity Building Programme

The Statistics Capacity Building Programme (SCBP) is a key element of UN Tourism’s programme for the implementation of the UN ratified International Recommendations on Tourism Statistics 2008 (IRTS 2008) and Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework 2008 (TSA:RMF 2008).



Ad Hoc Workshops

Regional Workshop on Compiling Tourism Statistics in Asia and the Pacific

The ESCAP Statistics Division, in collaboration with the UN Tourism and Department of Statistics Malaysia, organized the "Regional Workshop on Compiling Tourism Statistics in Asia and the Pacific" which took place from 6 to 10 May 2024 in Perak, Malaysia.

The workshop featured sessions led by resource persons from the organizers, as well as by other experts on tourism statistics.

ESCAP Regional Workshop

UN Tourism Regional Workshop on Measuring Tourism in Asia and the Pacific, Kathmandu, Nepal 15-17 March 2023. This three day workshop focused on helping Member States from across Asia and the Pacific to better measure and manage their tourism sectors. 

Workshop on Tourism Statistics, Asia-Pacific

Introductory Workshop on women's employment data in tourism: measurement, challenges and solutions, for English Speaking countries, online, 1 June 2022. 
The goal of this workshop is to become familiar with how tourism employment is measured, its complexity, and how sex – disaggregated data for tourism employment can be obtained. The participants will also had the opportunity to learn from countries that have been able to overcome barriers to achieve it. 

Workshop on women's employment data in tourism - English

Introductory Workshop on women's employment data in tourism: measurement, challenges and solutions, for Spanish Speaking countries, online, 28 April 2022. 
The goal of this workshop is to become familiar with how tourism employment is measured, its complexity, and how sex – disaggregated data for tourism employment can be obtained. The participants will also had the opportunity to learn from countries that have been able to overcome barriers to achieve it. 

Workshop on women's employment data in tourism - Spanish

UN Tourism Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism, online, Manila, Philippines, 29 March 2022 and 14 December 2021
UN Tourism jointly organized the UN Tourism Asia-Pacific Workshop on Measuring the Sustainability of Tourism with the Department of Tourism of the Philippines on 14 December 2021 and 29 March 2022 respectively, through the kind support of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Korea

UN Tourism Asia-Pacific Workshop on MST

Workshop on Tourism Statistics for African countries, online, 6 - 7 July 2021 
This workshop was part of the support offered by UN Tourism offered to countries during the COVID-19 pandemic to mitigate its effects on the sector. The topics addressed during the workshop included 'Measurement of Tourism for Better Policy' on day 1 and 'How to better measure Tourism' on Day 2. 

Workshop on Tourism Statistics, Africa

Workshop on Tourism Statistics with a focus on the Caribbean, online, 16 - 17 February 2021, jointly organized by UN Tourism and CTO 
This workshop counted with the participation of different countries such as The Bahamas, Jamaica, Grenada or Aruba among other Caribbean countries in Session 2, while Session 1 provided an overview about the utility of statistics for better policies.

Workshop on Tourism Statistics, Caribbean

Workshop on Measuring the economic impact of tourism in Europe: the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA), Brussels, Belgium 29-30 November 2017

Jointly organized by UN Tourism and the Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) and in collaboration with Eurostat, this workshop aimed to bring policy makers (data users) and tourism statisticians and TSA compilers (data producers) to uncover the main elements for successful TSA implementation.

UN Tourism/DG GROW Workshop

Regional Workshop on Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Accounts, Ankara, Türkiye, 2-4 December 2014.
The Statistical Economic and Social Research and Training Centre for Islamic Countries (SESRIC) organized, in collaboration with the World Tourism Organization (UN Tourism), the Regional Workshop on Tourism Statistics and Tourism Satellite Accounts at SESRIC Headquarters in Ankara, Republic of Turkey on 2-4 December 2014.

Regional Workshop on Tourism Statistics and TSA

UN Tourism Special Workshop on Tourism Statistics, Nara, Japan, 20-21 November 2014

This workshop provided an intensive and practical experience on a number of selected and highly relevant issues in applied tourism statistics: Measurement of tourism for policy purposes; Towards a Framework for Measuring the Sustainable Development of Tourism; and Institutional and technical requirements for successful TSA implementation.

UN Tourism Special Workshop on Tourism Statistics

Seminar on employment in tourism - Realizing its full potential, Málaga, Spain 19-20 November 2013 
This seminar  counted with different key experts in the field of tourism and statistics and addressed various key topics such as 'Measuring Employment in the Tourism Industries', 'What can tourism data tell us about tourism businesses and those employed in them' or 'Alternative methods to evaluate formal and informal employment.

Seminar on Employment in Tourism