Ed Tittel

Ed Tittel

Ed Tittel has been a Tom’s Hardware contributor since the early 2000s when he started out by translating Tom’s articles from German into English from the original parent site. His computer experience stretches back to the days of the PDP-11 and the 8080 when he worked at various computer labs while a graduate student in CS at UT Austin from 1979 to 1982. He bought his first Macintosh in 1982 (a 512K “Fat Mac”) and his first PC in 1984 (a 1MB IBM PC/AT). He’s been writing about computing since 1986 when he started writing for Bob LeVitus at The Macazine about Macintosh hardware and software. He's the author of over 100 computing books, including over a dozen …For Dummies titles and the creator of the Exam Cram series of IT cert prep books. A Windows Insider MVP since 2018, Ed still writes for GoCertify, ComputerWorld, and TechTarget, and for numerous other business clients. To learn more about Ed and his body of work, please visit edtittel.com.

Articles by: Ed Tittel