You’re a change maker, an opportunity creator, a status-quo shaker. Maybe even a Thoughtworker. Ready to take on a new role?


You’re multidimensional and we think work should be that way too. Here, you’ll own your career path and we’re going to support you the whole way, no matter the direction you want to grow. 


So while you’re evolving into the technologist you want to be, you’ll be making extraordinary impact for our clients along the way. And the best part? You’ll be doing it alongside other passionate, diverse and equally empowered Thoughtworkers.


Together, our extra curiosity, innovation, passion and dedication overcomes ordinary.

Change the world with tech

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Our interview process

Icon of a phone in white and a yellow background.
Recruiter screening

After initial contact with us through a message, you will connect with one of our recruiters via a Zoom call. This is an opportunity for us to get to know each other and determine if there is mutual compatibility.

Icon of two people in white on a pink background.
Role-specific interviews

You will participate in interview rounds tailored to your specific role. This may include traditional interviews, practical collaboration exercises, case/study simulations and others. Your recruiter will provide more detailed information once you reach this stage.

Icon of three people in white with a purple background.
Cultural alignment

This interview is where we will dive deeper into the correspondence between you and Thoughtworks. You and your interviewers will address a range of questions related to collaboration, growth, and Thoughtworks' commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and social change.

Icon in the shape of a globe in white with a blue background.
Leadership interview

In this interview, we will explore your key leadership skills, align your career aspirations with what Thoughtworks can offer, and determine the support you need to succeed in your work.

Cultivating curious minds to make extraordinary impact.

Meet James

Removing barriers for both himself and others has been a theme for James as he’s navigated his career in tech and DEI, using his perspective to open doors to authenticity, understanding and opportunity.

Meet Harinee

Throughout her life, Harinee Muralinath has remained dedicated to her dreams. Find out how she has shown courage throughout her career as a technologist.

Meet Mushtaq

Sometimes a professional detour is what leads to our most fulfilling work. Learn more about Mushtaq Ahmed’s inspiring transition from doctor to 'Mr. Scala.’

Thoughtworkers you might meet

Erik Dörnenburg
Erik Dörnenburg

Erik, our Head of Technology in Germany, leads teams and clients and still writes code ...

Birgitta Böckeler
Birgitta Böckeler

Birgitta, one of our Principal Developers, still finds time to write articles and speak at many events ...

Anne Weise
Anne Weise

Anne is a lead BA and has been working at Thoughtworks for several years...

Awards and recognitions


There are many things we are proud of as a company - from our colleagues, to our long-standing commitment to DEI and social change, to the work we do for our clients. Here are some of the awards and recognition we have received in Germany.


Kununu Top Company 2024
Pride Champion Gold_2024
Worlds best place to work


It's in our DNA. See what it means to be a Thoughtworker.