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Health & wellness

It’s winter, your nose is runny. But these cold and flu tablets may not help

It’s winter, your nose is runny. But these cold and flu tablets may not help

What some consumers don’t realise is that a common drug used to treat blocked noses does not work when taken in tablet, capsule or liquid form.

  • by Jewel Topsfield


‘Greens powder, collagen, creatine and beef liver’: What a sprinter eats in a day

‘Greens powder, collagen, creatine and beef liver’: What a sprinter eats in a day

Athlete Olivia May’s morning routine starts with a big glass of water and taking her electrolytes to the beach to watch the sunrise with her dog, Oakley.

  • by Nicole Economos
Why Peru has won the ‘world’s leading culinary destination’ title for six years running

Why Peru has won the ‘world’s leading culinary destination’ title for six years running

From gourmet Lima to the soaring heights of Machu Picchu, the South American country offers an edible and visual feast.

  • by Paul Ewart
IBS affects one in five Australians. What’s the best way to treat it?

IBS affects one in five Australians. What’s the best way to treat it?

It’s not known what causes IBS, and there is no cure, so the condition is often difficult to manage. But a new study offers clues for how best to find relief.

  • by Alice Callahan
Nine in 10 people lie to their therapist. But why?

Nine in 10 people lie to their therapist. But why?

We pay hundreds of dollars to have people listen to our deepest truths. So why can’t we divulge our secrets?

  • by Gary Nunn
It was in the final moments of my eighth pregnancy when I began to shiver uncontrollably

It was in the final moments of my eighth pregnancy when I began to shiver uncontrollably

I remember the abject fear of the operating theatre. Lying there, so close to having my miracle baby, I felt like I was floating in a bubble of terror.

  • by Isabelle Oderberg
Intermittent fasting over two days can help people with Type 2 diabetes

Intermittent fasting over two days can help people with Type 2 diabetes

A recent study involved more than 330 overweight and obese adults who had recently been diagnosed with the medical condition.

  • by Anahad O’Connor
Why your 30s and 40s can be the perfect time to start running

Why your 30s and 40s can be the perfect time to start running

When Sinead Diver competed in her first world championship at 38, she thought it may be her last. Now 47, she’s heading to the Paris Olympics.

  • by Gyan Yankovich
Help! Stories about severe turbulence have made me too scared to fly

Help! Stories about severe turbulence have made me too scared to fly

Severe turbulence appears to be worsening, so how can people manage their anxiety the next time they board a flight?

  • by Nell Geraets
I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m glad it wasn’t long COVID

I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m glad it wasn’t long COVID

I’ve always enjoyed being social and have often had too many drinks. Did I regret it? No. When you have cancer, it’s a bit too late to worry.

  • by Margaret Gordon
‘This is your fault’: The doctor’s words that left me with PTSD

‘This is your fault’: The doctor’s words that left me with PTSD

It’s only now – 24 years later – that I am able to discuss it, and I still cry. Birth trauma is still vastly overlooked, but its impacts can last a lifetime.

  • by Beth Knights