Taboola Newsroom Logo


Taboola Newsroom Logo

Powered by Taboola’s predictive engine and massive data set of over 500 million daily active users, Taboola Newsroom helps writers, editors and special-interest teams make informed decisions to increase readership.

Monitor Real-Time and Historical Data About Content Performance

Track page views, the speed at which traffic is being acquired and your customized Taboola Article Engagement Score. Further segment and view by referral traffic type, section or author.

Taboola Newsroom
Taboola Newsroom

Make Key Coverage Decisions with a 360-degree View of Topic Trends on the Open Web

Easily Pinpoint Correlated Topics

Discover angles you haven't covered for currently trending topics. See your top articles for each topic.

Gain Invaluable Detail About Your Readers' Interests

Review what content your repeat visitors are reading across the web and track your market share. Assess general interest, or zero in on search and social traffic.

Optimize Home Pages and Section Fronts with Performance Benchmarks & A/B Testing

Select the Best Headlines and Thumbnails

A/B test variations of your headlines and visuals to determine what drives the most clicks. Go live with the winning combination without having to access the CMS.

Optimize Story Positions with Performance Benchmarks

Know when it's time to move a story by comparing every story's real-time performance against position benchmarks.

Taboola Newsroom

Actionable Alerts Delivered Your Way

Subscribe to the alerts you care about most and receive them via email, Slack, or mobile push.

Monitor Content Virality

Know instantly when a story is going viral and maximize on traffic by adding new images, links or videos.

Grow Social & Search Traffic

Get recommendations for story promotion that can lead to an increase in social and search traffic.

Increase Topic Coverage

Find out what topics interest your readers on other sites and get updated on spikes or trends.

Drive Video Views

Make the most of popular articles by ensuring that they include videos.

Taboola Newsroom
Taboola Newsroom

Manage Your Newsroom from Anywhere

Perform A/B testing and monitor article position performance overlayed directly on your homepage using the Newsroom Chrome Extension. Gain full access to Newsroom on the go with the Taboola Newsroom App, available for iOS & Android.

Empowering Editorial Teams with Insightful Subscription Metrics

Taboola Newsroom
Taboola Newsroom
Taboola Newsroom

Track Subscribers

See what content your subscribers and registered users are reading.

Monitor Article Conversions

See which articles are leading to conversions and how many conversions your site has had in total today.

Identify Converting Topics

See which topics are likely to convert readers into subscribers.