There Is A Discount Cruise Waiting For You!

By: 60capp11
Cost is a big factor for many prospective cruise holidaymakers and if you have been holding back because of this then I'm here to tell you that you that it really shouldn't be an issue at all. Discount cruises have enabled many holiday makers to enjoy the pleasures of sailing the high seas in recent years and with a little due diligence on your part, you could very well be sunning it on a cruise ship in the near future.

You see, discount cruise holidays are being offered all the time. You just need to be aware of them.

Did You Know?

Cruise lines rarely sail a ship which is only partly booked. Discount cruise fares are one way for them to make sure that as many cabins, and in most cases, all available cabins are booked. Why? Well, giant cruise ships are expensive to operate; that's a fact and cruise lines will offer varying degrees of discounts prior to departure to fill as many rooms as possible rather than leave them empty. That is good business sense.

How To Spot Discount Cruises

It's unlikely you'll see these type of offers advertised in mainstream media. So it's up to you to check with travel agents and cruise lines to see what type of deals are on offer. It also pays to join travel and cruise site memberships if only to receive discount offers. In other words, you need to do some digging to find the nuggets of gold.

The question often arises of whether a discount means a compromise on quality. This is a question you need to raise whether shopping for deals but I can assure you that any reputable cruise line would frown on any suggestion of diminished quality simply because of a cheaper price. There is just too much at stake for these shipping conglomerates and while they are always trying to attract the first time vacationers, you can bet that a large percentage of their business comes from repeat cruisers. Put it this way, a regular buying customer at a discount price is a lot more valuable than a one time purchaser. So quality should never be an issue.

On a recent Royal Caribbean cruise to Cancun, Mexico which I booked at late notice at a tidy discount, my experience was so good that I was already planning my next adventure. The cost of the trip was well below "full tote odds." One way to land nice discounts I've found is to deal with agents who who deal in bulk. That's the bulk sale of cabins which gives the purchaser plenty of room to move price wise.

Be diligent in your approach to finding discount cruises. Get on mailing lists from agents, either travel or cruise lines. The information you receive will keep you up-to-date on the available of discounts and depending on availability, last minute deals are always the ones to be on the lookout for.

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