Best Supplements for Hair Loss

By: sniffles

Hair Loss Cure with Supplements

Most people believe the only way to cure their hair loss problem is from the outside, by using a chemical treatment, shampoo or other topical treatment.

DHT is the Main Cause of Hair Loss

Medical studies have shown that DHT is the main cause of hair loss. 95% of the time, hair loss is either genetic and/or hormonal. A hormonal by product, DHT, affects the hair follicles, making them thinner and shrink until nothing is left. Research found that balding men had increased levels of DHT in these areas. By simply blocking the production of DHT, you can stop hair loss.

Best Supplements for Hair Loss to Stop DHT
These are some of the supplements, vitamins, minerals and herbs that can block the DHT in your body. 

1) Biotin
Part of Vitamin B complex. It helps with the skin condition of your scalp.

2) Other B vitamins e.g B6
They are essential for good health and hair growth.

3) Zinc
Helps your immume system, but it also is needed for cell division for the tissue of the hair, nails and skin.

4) Nettle Root
Nettle Root is the root, the rhizome, of the common stinging nettle plant, Urtica dioica. Stinging nettle is one of the oldest treatments for combating hair loss. It blocks the 2 enzymes that produce DHT, now known to be the leading cause of hair loss.

  • Use nettle oil by adding it to your shampoo and other hair products. Nettle-infused shampoos promote healthy hair growth and helps control oil production. A good scalp massage using nettle oil combats hair loss effectively.
  • Nettle oil capsules and tea are also available. They can be consumed to treat hair loss internally. 

5) Saw Palmetto
It is a plant with small berries that has been used by Native Americans as medicine and food for hundreds of years. Saw Polmetto is an alternative remedy used to treat hair loss.

  • Saw Palmetto acts by blocking the enzymes, 5 alpha-reductase, that produces DHT which causes hair loss. 
  • Most effective when taken as a capsule or tablets containing saw palmetto extract. The recommended adult dosage is between 160 milligrams and 200 milligrams per dose, taken twice daily. may take 2 to 3 months before you can see the results. 

6) Gotu Kola
Available in powder form, tea or oil. This herb plays a very important role in strengthening the hair follicles and nourishing the scalp.

  • The extract can be used internally and externally to aid in fighting hair loss. It can be used as an oil in scalp massages. or taken internally as a tea or can be used in a hair mask by combining aloe vera gel with the Gotu Kola powder. Not only will this be a great hair mask for hair loss, but it is also a soothing and scalp irritant deterrent.
  • Gotu Kola plays an important role in nourishing the scalp, preventing hair loss and promoting hair re-growth. It strengthens the blood vessels in the area and allows the small hair follicles to expand. The circulation of blood becomes better as the blood vessels relax, due to this herb. This makes space for the entry of oxygen and other important nutrients in the scalp. 

7) Pumpkin Skin Oil
The oil extracted from pumpkin skins is also a natural hair loss remedy.

These are the best supplements for hair loss
You can get all of the above and more in a tablet which you only have to take twice per day? Yes, there is a hair loss solution from a pill and it's not a prescription. You can cure your hair loss problem from the inside out naturally.

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