Kids Party Planning Checklist

By: Inspired Gumboot Publishing Associates


For the Planner:

•Choose the most suitable Party Date (at least one month in advance).

•Select the Party Time, to go for 1.5 to 3 hours at the most, taking into consideration the age of the children.

•Location, give this some serious thought and include the child in the decision making process.

•Decide on the number of guests

•Decide on a Party Theme (see our book for ideas and suggestions. You can get your copy at

•Create or purchase invitations and mail out 2-3 weeks in advance. There are many great themed invitations available; you may be able to link them to the party theme.

Then again, you may enjoy making your own. This is a great way to really involve the child.

•Send out the invitations and ask guests to RSVP

•Decide on what games to play and what supplies you will need. (see our book for lots of great games ideas - go to

•Decide on your menu and order food. Don’t forget the CAKE!!!

•Create a list of party supplies and decorations go to

•Check your responses and tally the number of Guests coming. It is important to do this a couple of days in advance so that you can get the catering right.

•Be sure your home is childproofed. No, not against all kids, those who live there know the hazards, it’s the guests you want to send home safe!

•Clean and decorate accordingly.

•Have extra loot bags prepared for those unexpected little sisters and brothers who just won’t be left out. (Make a special one EACH for mom and dad.)

For other great ideas for your party event, go to

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