Reception Desks: Creating First Impressions

By: Brooke Theresa

According to a popular saying, 'first impression is the last impression'. This has been proved a number of times and applied to anything and everything under the sun. Especially in this materialistic world, it is all about creating an impressive first impression. Keeping with this evergreen trend, all organisations too try and adopt various methods to create an indelible impression on their clients, and believe it or not, reception desks play a major role in it.

The entire world, today is a huge market with everybody either buying or selling various goods and services. All those who are selling try and adopt certain methodologies that will attract and entice their clients and bring them back again and again. The quality of products and services and their pricing is a major factor, but one of the most important factors, that comes much before the actual buying and selling, is the appearance of the office, especially the reception area and the reception desk.

Everything about the corporate office plays a major role in creating that impression, even the office desks and chairs, the workstations, etc., but the reception area is the place that is called the front face of the organisation. It is the place where the client first enters and gets an impression about the whole organisation, including its market standing, reputation and degree of professionalism.

The reception desk is the most visible and prominent area of the reception. When a client or a visitor enters the reception, he heads straight for the desk with his queries and appointment requests. The most important thing that has to be kept in mind is that the table at the reception should be welcoming and friendly. The visitor should not hesitate even once before approaching the desk.

If the reception desk is cluttered and untidy, then the client might get the impression that the official conduct of the organisation is unprofessional and unorganised. On the other hand if it is neat and well organised then the client will be able to smell professionalism, and this may be the deciding factor behind the organisation clinching the deal.

The reception desks seem to be very trivial and insignificant when compared to larger issues and the big structure of an office, but the role they play in the world that is all about clinching deals is slowly emerging and being understood by corporate professionals.


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