Fashioning an Image for Yourself

By: acurace
Making an image for yourself can prove to be an invaluable career move, or at least a social one. The reason to do so lay in the fact that while thorough communication between others is a virtue, projecting an image for yourself can serve as a near-essential survival tool. As shallow as that sounds, the fact stands that appearances drive the world; they shape our lives; and they even determine what consumers will buy. It may seem insensitive to attribute the latter statement to human beings, but to that I say, "Why not?" Well, why not create an image for yourself?

Nobody suggests that you become a yuppie and sell yourself out to the snazziest advertising campaign. No, because creating an image for yourself means just that: yourself, as in, you. Discover what you want and mine your interests for the kind of personality and appearance you wish to project. The hurdle for a lot of people is that they don't know who they want to be, or how they want to act. This leads them into an awkward compromise with their attitudes toward things, where anger and other negative feelings can easily sweep in.

The first step toward finding your image is getting an attitude adjustment. To know your attitude toward life is a major factor in all things, regardless of appearance. The thing I am talking about is optimism. A filmmaker once said that movies are either about optimism or pessimism. Well, this same principal applies to life. In order to influence others, you must give them your assurance. Needless to say that leadership in pessimism will not get the rallies going. At the least, many situations in life are a microcosm of this. Project optimism to every person you meet; in fact, don't just project it. Be optimistic. Closing yourself off from others is a sure fire way to keep your life in a stasis.

Appearance. This could be anything, except that it must be one thing: familiarity. Not to sound like a yuppie, but people generally have an eye for familiar things. Strangers who look the same since the last time you saw them are more likely to stick in your memory. Shirts, shoes, pants, hair...they all play a role in defining who you are to the greater world. In defining your image, one principle is to avoid loose clothing. It can make anything, even the best outfits, appear off-kilter, drawing attention to itself for the wrong reasons. Pay attention to colors as well. There are specific aspects of it to consider, and these usually are: cool, warm, and neutral. Never be too loud in your colors, and never be too boring either (most often caused by too many neutral colors).

Case in point, if your image is boring or too loud, then it should be of no surprise if people act a certain way towards you. It's the law of attraction. Or maybe you already have your "look" down pat; it still pays to be positive. Because fashioning an image for yourself implies being self-aware as to how the world treats you, and, ultimately, how you want to be treated.
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