World of Warcraft Gold Making Tips

By: Johan Krost

Buyer beware. Buying gold in World of Warcraft can cause you problems, in game and in real life. If you are considering buying gold in World of Warcraft, it is because the great gear and mounts cost alot of gold and it is difficult to make it if you don't know how.

But the fact of the matter is that it is easy to make gold in World of Warcraft with the right strategy, and you do not have to subject yourself to the scams and dangers of buying gold. I hope that this article makes you think about you and your characters well being.

The fact of the matter is, there are many companies out there catering to players looking at buying gold in World of Warcraft. Many of these companies are very shady.

It is against Blizzard's terms of service (TOS) to sell game property, including gold, and these companies have built an entire business doing just that. If these companies are willing to treat Blizzard unfairly, what makes you think that they would treat you fairly?

Well, a lot of them would not. When buying gold in World of Warcraft, players do not realize that most of this gold comes from hacks and exploits that steal from other players. This could be anyone in the game, including you. Also, players that do business with these companies are also targeted for future hacks.

Unfortunately, that's not the worst of it. Players have also reported having their identities or credit card numbers stolen when buying gold in World of Warcraft. This can take years to repair on your credit report. Ask yourself, is a flying epic mount worth years of repairing my finances in real life? I don't think it is.

Looking further into the situation of buy gold in World of Warcraft, right now company X is selling 5000 gold for the bargain price of $207.34, with a delivery time of 30 minutes to 24 hours. So you could plunk down over $200 to have to wait an entire day to get your gold and go buy your epic flying mount.

Then, when you want to create another character you have to buy more gold. Is this really worth it? When there are strategies that can get you as much gold as you need pretty quickly, the answer is no. Even if you bought a good guide to show you how, you could save yourself a ton of money and not risk being the victim of an in-game or real life crime.

It's simple; if you are considering buying gold in World of Warcraft, look into developing a strategy instead.

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