Two Way Radio Used In The Fight Against Crime

By: Marketing Buzz

Walk down the main street of many town or city in Europe or the United States at 11pm on a Saturday evening and there is every chance you could witness alcohol fueled anti social behaviour. This article looks at how businesses are using modern 2 way radios in the fight against crime.

Property damage, alcohol related unsocial behaviour, knife crime even the occasional shooting are just some of the things you could face on the high streets of the United Kingdom, Europe and the US on a night out. So faced with potential trouble on their doorsteps on any given night of the year, business owners and particularly those in the licensed trade are now turning to the use of two way radios as a way to protect their business in the fight against crime.

Owners of restaurants, pubs, bars, music venues and clubs or indeed any premises that sells alcohol is potentially exposed to trouble as a direct result of excessive alcohol or drug consumption. Therefore as most of the anti social behaviour is caused by people of all ages who are drunk and out of control businesses are fighting back.

In the past, going out for a few drinks with friends might once have been a walk down the high street at a certain time of the evening that resulted in nothing but a happy and pleasurable experience. However with anti social behaviour on the increase, a night out in town could now turn into a battle ground with drunken yobs abuse, threats in some cases physical violence possibly on the agenda.

Drunken behaviour, on street drinking, the throwing of glasses and bottles, shouting abuse at passes by, theft, drug taking, vandalism and assaults are some of the issues facing business owners and door personnel of pubs, clubs, bars and other licensed trade establishments.

Whether this new epidemic of late night trouble, fighting and bottle throwing is new or not isn't really the issue. The fact is in many parts of the UK, US and world it is common place.

And whilst this problem is still thankfully in the minority, business owners and door staff are aware it happens and are therefore making sure their establishment is as safe as possible so their customers feel protected.

As the world in which we live potentially faces a recession, people will have less disposable income and therefore business owners have to make sure they do all they can to make sure their premises is looked upon more favourably than their competitors. One way in which licensed trade premises can do this is by employing qualified and reliable door staff who are equipped with the latest radio technology in the form of two way radio.

Many successful businesses are being proactive in the fight against trouble and crime with the sole aim of making your evening an enjoyable experience. Schemes currently in operation include the UK pubwatch scheme which is a police approved scheme that ensures our night time venues are safer places. Pub Watch uses CCTV and 2 way radio so trained staff can spot potential trouble makers and communicate amongst each other to monitor and control them before the trouble get out of hand.

Schemes like Pub Watch are most successful when all those involved including music venues, arenas, sports stadiums, pubs, clubs, door staff and the Police keep in touch so they can identify and deal with potential trouble makers and problems.

2 Way Radio gives everyone involved a solution that offers value for money and an affordable way to the problem of anti social behaviour. In fact after paying for the handset there is no rental or call charges. With robust and reliable two way radios being it has never been easier for business owners to stay in touch and make their premises as safe and free of trouble as possible.

In the world in which we currently live, criminal damage and anti social behaviour is a fact of life but steps are being taken to address the issue and solutions to the problem are available by using two way radio.

Businesses in the industries ranging from pubs and clubs to retailers and schools are using 2 way radio to stay in touch and make them safe. Two Way Radio, the perfect way to stay safe and stay in touch.

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