Renting Video Games: Better Than Ever

By: Craig Thornburrow

Video games are probably one of the most popular past-times and time killers.? If you don’t feel like finishing a paper for school, go pop in a video game.? If you just had a long and rough day at work, go pop in a video game. Today video games are more popular than ever and there are several different types of games as well as different consoles to choose from.? There are so many things to choose, that it could seem impossible to find something you like.? And because video games are so expensive, buying a game that you don’t like is something that you just can’t afford.? However, there is hope, and that hope is video game rentals.

In the beginning, video game rentals worked just like movie rentals did.? You would go to your local blockbuster, grab a game and play it.? The rentals were a few bucks more than a movie, but that really didn’t matter considering the actual price of the game.? The problem with this was that renting a game put a limit, because most rentals lasted about 5 days, and sometimes that just isn’t enough time to play a game.? This would lead to either having to go back to the rental store and paying for another 5 days, or racking up expensive late fees.

With the invention of Netflix however, things changed drastically.? Netflix changed the way people rented movies, allowing them to use the Internet and not having to deal with pesky late fees.? Well it didn’t take long for this to happen with video games as well.? Places like GameFly took the model that Netflix set-up and applied it to video games.? For a certain monthly fee, a person can rent one or a few videogames, have them sent directly to their house, play them as long as they want, send them back and get more games.? This eliminates having to rush through games and even having the fear of not finishing a game.? They have all the major console games, as well as games from a few of the past generations consoles.? They even allow you to rent hand-held games as well.

Now GameFly is a great service, but what if you wanted to play games from the past, games that you couldn’t get on GameFly?? Well there is a place called Gametap that charges a monthly fee, and allows you to play games directly on your computer.? No waiting, just click and play.? So the renting options for videogames has hanged a lot, and long gone are the negative parts of renting like late fees.? Now renting video games is easier than ever.

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