How to Setup Wordpress Blog on Shared Hosting

By: Robert

As a beginner guide, I will start with web hosting and then blog setup, and they adding content into it and running it. First, you will need to find a good web hosting that support wordpress blog, and have the right Mysql database. Not all hosting plan are supporting the latest wordpress script. I recommend hostican hosting, as you can get discounted price on your sign up with hostican coupon code from and your first year hosting plan will cost you $45 dollars, and that is less than $4 per month.

Next login to hostican cpanel control panel, here is the hosting administrative area, and we will get started. The easiest way to setup wordpress is through the fantastico. Click on the fantastico icon will goes to the script selection page, and on your left, select the wordpress blog. The setup will begin, it will asked for blog name etc. Fill it in, and complete the setup. Its simple as that and your blog is running. From web hosting sign up to setting up a blog, it took less than 10 minutes.

Alternative for advanced user is to upload the wordpress script and follow the readme file to setup the blog manually. This will require some extra works. But it works as well.

Next what we need to do is to find a good wordpress theme. These theme will give new design and look to your blog. There is no web design knowledge require. You need to go to theme website and find the right theme for your blog. Download it, unzip it and upload to your web hosting folder where you setup the blog. Upload it to /wp-content/themes . Once you are done, login to wordpress admin area and go to presentation tab and select the new theme. Done, the new design is apply to your website now.

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