Teeth Bleaching - the Latest Technique to Whiten Teeth

By: Jumphigher

If you want to have your teeth whitened, who are you going to contact? The chances are maximum that you will contact to a professional dentist and you will let him know about your needs. If the dentist is not aware about your problem then you should discuss to an acquaintance who has undergone the professional teeth bleaching procedure, and choose the best tooth bleaching dentist in your locality.

Teeth bleaching dentists are well trained in diagnosing and the reasons for your discolored teeth, and in recommending the appropriate treatment, based on how quickly you need results and how much you can afford to pay. Consulting with several teeth bleaching dentists before choosing one may give you an idea of which of them will charge the least, but other than that you can expect them to offer similar treatments. Good teeth bleaching dentists always provide lighten teeth through some procedures as follows:

Home tooth bleaching

Home tooth bleaching has taken a prominent place among those procedures which replace traditional visits to professional clinics. Home teeth bleaching is a popular dental procedure used to lighten stained teeth. Carbamide peroxide is the most commonly used active ingredient in home tooth bleaching systems. It breaks down into hydrogen peroxide and urea in aqueous solution. Although concentrations of 10% carbamide peroxide (equivalent to approximately 3% hydrogen peroxide) are most commonly used, tooth bleaching systems containing up to 22% carbamide peroxide are available for home use.

Office tooth bleaching

Office tooth bleaching provides the quickest and most effective way to whiten teeth. With office teeth bleaching, the whitening product is applied directly to the teeth. These products can be used in combination with heat, a special light, or a laser. The light and heat accelerate the whitening process. Results are seen in only 30 to 60-minute treatment. But, to achieve dramatic results, several appointments are usually needed. However, with laser-enhanced bleaching, dramatic results can be seen after the first treatment.

In Delhi in India, you will find a few expert dentists who are using teeth bleaching technique to whiten teeth at their own price. You can contact with Dr Supriya Bhatia, an experienced and competent, Family and Cosmetic Dentist who is using the latest and most scientifically advanced office teeth bleaching procedures ie Laser whitening to give you a dramatically whiter smile in less than an hour,apart from the regular home bleaching procedure.

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