Stopping Bulimia is Far From Easy!

By: Ksana Vera

Here is Why:

People who suffer from bulimia often suffer in silence, following the vicious cycle of binge eating and purging. Diagnosed as a psychosomatic illness, it is treated with psychotherapy, without paying much attention to the physiological balance required to properly recover from the disease.

Bulimics who discuss the craving they have for certain foods note that when they are binging, they are almost always craving salts, fats and starches, which may indicate that there is a biochemical component to the syndrome, some aspect of the body's systems that are out of synchronization with each other. Bulimics crave flavors that their bodies associate with certain nutrients; the lack of satiation when their stomach fills only highlights that these nutrients are not being absorbed.

Furthermore, because of the purging cycle that follows the binging cycle, bulimics strip their systems of other vital nutrients as well, which only causes the craving to resume and the cycle to repeat itself.

There is a growing body of evidence that bulimia may reinforce its underlying need for control with a dietary deficiency that creates a hunger pang that is as strong as the compulsion to drink is for a person parched and in a desert.

To attempt to balance this out, more and more naturalists and herbalists are recommending natural vitamin therapy; the argument goes like this: Vitamins are not being absorbed by the body, perhaps the bulimic has sensitized themselves to the additives in most commercial vitamins, and their body is blocking absorption.

To remedy this, focus on getting your vitamins from natural sources like fruits, vegetables and grains high in nutrients your body needs. Where possible, go organic, to avoid lingering exposure to pesticides that may trigger the same vitamin absorption problem.

Consider getting organic vitamins-powder which are all generated from natural food sources, containing a blend of vitamins and nutrients from sources such as Brewers yeast, maize, liver, alfalfa, sprouted foods, spirulina, chlorella, and more. These natural vitamins have been proven to be better absorbed by the body with fewer inhibition shocks as well.

In particular, some synthetic vitamins (like vitamin E) are the opposite molecular structure from their natural forms, which significantly impairs how the body utilizes them.

The goals of nutrition therapy are to stabilize the recipients blood sugar levels, and to keep the blood stream mildly alkali. The key to doing this is to get the nutrients balanced correctly.

While natural vitamin supplements may sound like a costly proposition, in the long run, it proves otherwise.

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