How to Handle Fear and Anxiety

By: Garland Van Dyke

What About Fear?
Fear can be one of the worst experiences for mankind. Prolonged fear can lead to chronic health conditions and chronic health conditions can ultimately lead to a shortened life. Fear can be real or imagined. When a bear crosses your path you feel objective (real) fear. Thinking there may be a bear waiting for you when you open your door is an imagined fear (usually).

Anxiety deals with a fearful feeling of some anticipated misfortune. It is difficult for some to say what they are anxious about. Anxiety is often unknown or ill-defined. Either way, anxiety is a very strong, negative emotion.

What if I am unable to Function Due to Fear?
This is an easy answer but may be difficult to carry out by some: get medical attention immediately.

Can I Really Control Fear and Anxiety?
Yes. Try these steps to lessen or overcome your fear and anxiety:

1. Pray from the Depths of your Heart -
Pray each time you experience fear, worry or anxiety.

Find the closest, private place and pour your heart out to God. If you have committed your life to Him and are living in ways He finds acceptable, He will listen to your needs. Never forget it, never doubt it; believe it with all your heart.

2. Trust God -
One of the hardest things in visiting with God is that He doesn’t verbally respond to us. How to trust Him? Look at the care, love, compassion, and forgiveness that Jesus gave to thousands. That is a picture of God caring for His people. Look in the Bible to learn how to trust God. The three fellows to be thrown in a fiery furnace trusted God explicitly and they were saved from death.

3. Fight the Fear and Anxiety -
You have God-given abilities and talents to handle your issues. If you have a real fear of something, take it apart mentally. There are parts you can control and probably parts beyond your control. Do the things you can do about your fear-item; for the things you cannot handleArticle Search, seek professional help. You will eventually fight through to the end and defeat your issues. Discover the root of your anxiety and realize that 90% of the bad things never come about.

4. Clean up your Personal Life -
Guilt can lead people to fear. If you want to stop looking over your shoulder to see who’s about to catch you then stop doing the things that are hurting your conscience. Make it a personal rule to never again make the mistakes you are making. Rectify all things you are able. Ask for forgiveness from those you’ve injured. Start doing only positive things in your life. Stick by the morals that are found in the Bible.

5. Count your Blessings on a Regular Basis –
If you are alive you have things to be thankful for. Take the time to name them.


» More on Anxiety