
Coming soon to a mosque near you: Muslimedia.

SPJ will visit your town and co-host a blunt debate about the way journalists cover Muslims at home and abroad. And we’ll do it in a mosque with a free halal lunch.

What you’ll talk about

You don’t have to cover the Mideast, terrorism, or politics to face practical and ethical issues about reporting on the world’s second-biggest religion...

Journalists and Muslim leaders will teach each other how they approach these topics — and maybe both groups will learn something new.

You don’t even have to be a journalist to attend. You just need to be an interested and open-minded reader.

Why there’s lunch

Frankly, it’s easier to break stereotypes — of both Muslims and journalists — when you’re breaking bread. This is a give-and-take, back-and-forth meal. No question is stupid, and all answers are open-minded.

Muslimedia is more than just talking and eating. You’ll also tour the mosque and observe afternoon prayers. And best of all, we’ll buy the lunch and help with the boring logistics to make it all happen.


SPJ will offer money and other assistance throughout 2017. Fill out the form below for cash from SPJ. Also, SPJ’s Florida chapter — which hosted the first Muslimedia in November — will work with you on the three L’s...

Apply right here:

Questions? Comments?

We’ll get back to you within 48 hours.