Cloud Migration Services

Choose your Rs wisely

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Cloud Migration Services

SoftwareOne provides global reach and flexible end-to-end services. We can meet you wherever you are on the journey to cloud, whether that’s helping you take your best next step or building a comprehensive cloud transformation strategy with you and your team.

Embracing cloud is not one-size-fits-all. SoftwareOne takes a neutral, data-driven approach to building your custom seven Rs roadmap, cost-optimised and aligned to your intended business outcomes.

  • Relocate and Rehost: Build a robust cloud foundation and migrate workloads efficiently.
  • Replatform and Refactor: Modernise applications with cloud-native architectures.
  • Relicense: Rationalise and optimise your software and cloud investments.
  • Retire and Retain: Sunset applications with low ROI or defer action on select workloads.

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Invest in what moves you forward, improve what holds you back

Our 3,500 cloud experts can help you:

  • Make intelligent decisions when charting the course for your application portfolio across all 7 Rs, guided by a vendor-neutral partner with end-to-end services.
  • Maximise return on investment through software cost take-out, cloud financial management, and hyperscaler incentives. And if cloud isn’t the right choice for part of your estate, keep it where it is, relicense, and save.
  • Migrate to the cloud and level up your cloud capabilities through architecture, security, DevOps, and FinOps best practices.
  • Focus application modernisation efforts on the applications that unlock the most value for your business.
  • Transfer skills to your team as they learn alongside cloud experts.

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Multicloud maestros

Proven capabilities and attractive incentive programmes for three of the leading cloud providers.

Insights from the field

Optimise your path to the cloud

How a pragmatic approach to migration translates into ongoing benefits.

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A circular building with blue windows.

SoftwareOne named a Cloud Professional Services Major Player by IDC MarketScape

The IDC MarketScape recognised SoftwareOne’s cloud services highlighting the quality of services we deliver and the ability to help you elevate your organisations' cloud strategy. Discover why we’re a ‘Major Player’ in this excerpt.

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