Established in 2013 to meet the ever-increasing IP traffic and high-speed internet connection expectations, SOCAR Fiber provides high-quality and highly secure electronic communication and network service using the latest technologies.

Giant Fiber Infrastructure

SOCAR Fiber evaluates the global potential in the telecommunication sector and offers its operators backbone network services for all kinds of electronic communication and fast internet access. Continuously expanding its customer portfolio within the framework of this mission, the company provides services to 20 cities and 67 districts in total, with a fiber optic line of 1,850 km length that traverses Türkiye from east to west.

Secure Network Connection

The security of the SOCAR Fiber network, starting from the Georgian border in the east of Türkiye and ending at the Greek border in the west, is provided by two separate fiber optic cables in two separate channel systems along the line route. In addition, backup fiber optic network support is provided over this line to TANAP, which has significantly impacted the energy market by transporting Azerbaijani natural gas to Türkiye and Europe.

Global Potential

Evaluating the global potential in the telecommunication sector, SOCAR Fiber continues its business development negotiations actively. The company is expected to contribute to the services of operators and other telecommunication companies in the upcoming period, such as additional capacity and line backup.

SOCAR Fiber's goal is to provide a strong, preferred, and diversified communication infrastructure between the Far East and Europe in the electronic communication market.