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From codebase to database:
Automation via workflows
A way of writing customizable logic.
● What is workflow as a concept
● Some examples of workflow
● Automate workflows using traditional coding techniques
● Problem with traditional techniques
● Design a technique using event based architecture to solve
the problem
● Use Cases
● Benefits / Advantages over traditional methods
● Overview: our implementation of this technique
● Challenges we are facing with this design
● Dictionary meaning:
The sequence of processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation
to completion.
● It is a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person or group/organization.
● From a higher-level perspective, workflow may be considered a view or
representation of real work.
● Workflows may be viewed as one fundamental building block to be combined
with other parts of an organization's structure.
● History:
One of the earliest usages of the term 'work flow' was in a railway engineering
journal from 1921.
Workflow as a concept

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Confluent provides a platform for modernizing enterprise messaging infrastructure by leveraging Kafka. Kafka uses an immutable log to share data across producers and consumers in a scalable, fault-tolerant, and efficient manner. This allows enterprises to build real-time applications and enable data-in-motion across the organization. Confluent offers tools like Schema Registry, ksqlDB, and connectors to help standardize data, build stream processing applications, and integrate Kafka with other systems.

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The document outlines an agenda for a Dynatrace free trial test drive. It includes an overview of Dynatrace application monitoring, what activities will be done during the test drive, and useful resources. The architecture of the Dynatrace solution is shown, with the Dynatrace server processing data and the frontend server supporting user analysis. Screenshots of the Dynatrace user interface are provided to demonstrate transaction flows, hotspots identification, and performance analysis.

Sample Workflow
An example workflow for the purpose to this talk.
A simplistic workflow from medical services domain
Patient schedules an appointment.
Patient gets to the clinic.
Patient talks with the doctor.
Send a notification via sms to patient
& doctor.
Send a reminder sms to patient
15 mins before the appointment.
Automated workflow via
Traditional coding
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :doctor
belongs_to :patient
after_create :send_sms_to_doctor_and_patient
after_create :remind_patient_before_hand
def remind_patient_before_hand(appointment)
(appointment.scheduled_time - 15.minutes),
Problems with this method:
● Suppose we try to sell this to different doctors, and found out that every doctor’s
workflow is little bit different.
● How can we achieve this kind of customizability in our application to cater for
different requirements ?
● Suppose, we came up with settings feature where a set of settings can be
enabled/disabled to handle different requirements. (but is it a feasible solution ?)
● So now we will design a solution based on event driven architecture, which is fully
customizable and can handle requirement differences easily.

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** Watch the video to accompany these slides: ** Legacy systems can be critical to business success, but because they're frequently old, they often don't work well in the modern world and lag behind in features and convenience. Migrating to a more modern system is often viewed as risky and expensive. But it doesn't have to be. Watch this video to discover: - Why would you want to migrate your legacy application to the cloud - Common migration approaches - Ways to make the migration faster and painless - How to minimize risk during the migration process More CloverDX webinars: Twitter: LinkedIn: Get a free 45 day trial of the CloverDX Data Management Platform:

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Event driven architecture (EDA)
● It’s a software architecture pattern promoting the production, detection,
consumption of, and reaction to events.
● Key aspects:
1. Type of interaction: Event-driven
2. Initiator: Event
3. Participants: Open-ended
● Some principles of EDA:
1. “Real-time” events as they happen at the producer
2. One-way “fire-and-forget”
3. Immediate action at the consumers
4. Informational (“someone logged in”), not commands (“audit this”)
EDA (generic block diagram)
Services State
Monitors /
Services State
Monitors /
Event Publishers
Event Subscribers
Event processing engine
Event Handler
Event Emitter
Event Channels
Event Flow
Design a system using EDA to solve our
System comprised of following entities
System’s primary focus should be on the domain & domain logic.
● Domain events:
○ A Domain Event is something that happened that the domain expert cares about.
○ By exposing relevant Domain Events on a shared event bus we can isolate cross cutting functions to
separate system.
● Conditions:
○ Often domain logic accompanies with some conditional scenarios.
○ Through this entity, we decide whether to execute a given action after evaluating defined
conditions. Conditions may be optional.
● Actions:
○ A way of reacting to domain events in the system.
○ We can perform any activity in the system when an event is triggered.

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Salesforce currently has 150,000 customers across the world who use Salesforce in some capacity. If you are one of those customers, you've likely had to work through how to integrate it with your other back office systems: ERP, Marketing Automation, BI systems, etc. Or perhaps you're a brand new Salesforce customer and are just now trying to understand what options exist for integration. It is undeniable that the rate of integrating with Salesforce is increasing, and extracting the valuable data that is in Salesforce is not always an easy feat when you have to consider how to do this best in your own unique environment. In this webinar, Big Compass and Confluent will talk about the various techniques for getting data out of Salesforce, and how Confluent and Kafka can play an integral role in not only brokering these messages at an incredibly fast and scalable rate, but to also make it very easy to exchange data with Salesforce. YOU WILL LEARN: What integration capabilities exist within Salesforce How Confluent can be used to integrate with Salesforce Techniques in Confluent for pub/sub, streaming, and building business logic using KSQL and Kafka Streams Patterns of Salesforce integration in general and specifically with Confluent Strengths and weaknesses of each pattern and scenarios where they work best WHO SHOULD ATTEND: IT leaders who are looking for the most efficient methods for integration with Salesforce Developers/System Integrators who are interested in seeing Salesforce integration techniques Anyone in the Salesforce ecosystem who is interested in integration REASONS TO ATTEND: Learn about methods of Salesforce integration and explore Confluent’s built-in capabilities if you're considering an off-the-shelf solution

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Speakers: David Menninger, SVP and Research Director, Ventana Research + Joanna Schloss, Analytics, Data and Information Management Subject Matter Expert, Confluent Can your organization react to customer events as they occur? Can your organization detect anomalies before they cause problems? Can your organization process streaming data in real time? Real time and event-driven architectures are emerging as key components in developing streaming applications. Nearly half of organizations consider it essential to process event data within seconds of its occurrence. Yet less than one third are satisfied with their ability to do so today. In this webinar featuring Dave Menninger of Ventana Research, learn from the firm’s benchmark research about what streaming data is and why it is important. Joanna Schloss also joins to discuss how event-streaming platforms deliver real time actionability on data as it arrives into the business. Join us to hear how other organizations are managing streaming data and how you can adopt and deploy real time processing capabilities. In this webinar you will: -Get valuable market research data about how other organizations are managing streaming data -Learn how real time processing is a key component of a digital transformation strategy -Hear real world use cases of streaming data in action -Review architectural approaches for adding real time, streaming data capabilities to your applications Watch the recording:

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Dynatrace is an APM solution that provides deep visibility into application performance across complex, distributed environments. It uses PurePath technology to capture timing and code-level context for all transactions end-to-end. This allows Dynatrace to identify performance issues and their root causes faster than other tools. Dynatrace can monitor Apache Tomcat servers and provide metrics on JVM performance, database queries, requests, and more. It helps diagnose common issues like inefficient database access, microservice problems, and coding issues.

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● We will create a workflow as:
○ Triggering Event:
■ New appointment scheduled event.
○ Action:
■ Send a notification sms to doctor & patient with appointment time.
■ Send a reminder to patient 15 mins before appointment time.
● Let’s name this workflow as ‘notification_workflow’
Automate the sample workflow with this event-driven
● We can have a workflow model to save our
custom workflows to database.
● Instead of sending notification directly in
appointment’s callback, we now publish
appointment scheduled(created) event in it.
● Consider we have some method to subscribe a
workflow to any domain event. Using that we
can now register our notification_workflow to
appointment scheduled event.
● We can implement some sort of Event
processing engine which will find all the
workflows registered on a triggered event &
can execute them all.
● We can provide a GUI interface for creating &
editing workflows. This way every health
provider can create custom workflows
according to his needs.
class Worflow < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :conditions
has_many :actions
def execute
# evaluate conditions & execute actions
class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :doctor
belongs_to :patient
after_create :new_appointment_created_event
# some method in Event processing engine.
def execute(worflow_id)
workflow = Workflow.find(workflow_id)
● Notifications module
○ Notifications can be a cross cutting concern in many systems, which makes it a perfect contestant
for using EDA.
○ For example: A system consisting of monitoring & reporting service
■ Monitoring service - want’s to send notification when some metric goes above threshold
■ Reporting service - send different types of reports via notifications.
● Implement hooks within some service
○ For example: A popular code hosting platform ‘Github’ provides a webhook service.
■ It allows external services to be notified with a POST request, when certain events happen
within your repository.
Use cases for EDA
Workflows via Event driven architecture

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● Fully Customizable
● Highly Scalable
● Easily extensible
● Efficiently handle crosscutting concerns by decoupled system.
Advantages of EDA over traditional methods
High level overview of ‘our’ implementation of EDA
Branch 1 Branch 2
Trigger branch
● Binary tree structure
● Introduced notion of branches
● Branch can be action branch or
condition branch
● Workflow has one compulsory branch
called trigger branch
● Action branches are always present at
leaf nodes of the tree
Challenges we are facing in this system
● Activities performed in workflow actions can trigger other events implicitly
triggering other workflows subscribed to that event which can result into a
loop of workflows triggering each other leading to deadlock conditions.
How this problem can be solved efficiently ? (Think)
Open for discussions !
● Wikipedia

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The document discusses using actors to handle asynchronous requests that require aggregating responses from multiple services. It proposes using a "cameo actor" to encapsulate the request context and define the behavior for handling partial or complete responses. The cameo actor would send the initial requests, set a timeout, and send the final response before shutting down once the work is complete. This approach avoids issues with capturing the correct sender reference and state management compared to using anonymous actors or futures directly.

Thank You

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Workflows via Event driven architecture

  • 1. From codebase to database: Automation via workflows A way of writing customizable logic. patelmilanp patelmilan-p
  • 2. Agenda ● What is workflow as a concept ● Some examples of workflow ● Automate workflows using traditional coding techniques ● Problem with traditional techniques ● Design a technique using event based architecture to solve the problem
  • 3. ● Use Cases ● Benefits / Advantages over traditional methods ● Overview: our implementation of this technique ● Challenges we are facing with this design
  • 4. ● Dictionary meaning: The sequence of processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion. ● It is a sequence of operations, declared as work of a person or group/organization. ● From a higher-level perspective, workflow may be considered a view or representation of real work. ● Workflows may be viewed as one fundamental building block to be combined with other parts of an organization's structure. ● History: One of the earliest usages of the term 'work flow' was in a railway engineering journal from 1921. Workflow as a concept
  • 5. Sample Workflow An example workflow for the purpose to this talk.
  • 6. A simplistic workflow from medical services domain Appointment Patient schedules an appointment. Arrival Patient gets to the clinic. Visit Patient talks with the doctor. Send a notification via sms to patient & doctor. Send a reminder sms to patient 15 mins before the appointment.
  • 7. Automated workflow via Traditional coding technique class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :doctor belongs_to :patient after_create :send_sms_to_doctor_and_patient after_create :remind_patient_before_hand def remind_patient_before_hand(appointment) MailerWorker.perform_at( (appointment.scheduled_time - 15.minutes), appointment.patient_id) end end
  • 8. Problems with this method: ● Suppose we try to sell this to different doctors, and found out that every doctor’s workflow is little bit different. ● How can we achieve this kind of customizability in our application to cater for different requirements ? ● Suppose, we came up with settings feature where a set of settings can be enabled/disabled to handle different requirements. (but is it a feasible solution ?) ● So now we will design a solution based on event driven architecture, which is fully customizable and can handle requirement differences easily.
  • 9. Event driven architecture (EDA) ● It’s a software architecture pattern promoting the production, detection, consumption of, and reaction to events. ● Key aspects: 1. Type of interaction: Event-driven 2. Initiator: Event 3. Participants: Open-ended ● Some principles of EDA: 1. “Real-time” events as they happen at the producer 2. One-way “fire-and-forget” 3. Immediate action at the consumers 4. Informational (“someone logged in”), not commands (“audit this”)
  • 10. EDA (generic block diagram) Business Processes Services State Machines Monitors / Probes Business Processes Services State Machines Monitors / Probes Event Publishers Event Subscribers Event processing engine Event Handler Event Emitter Event Channels Event Flow
  • 11. Design a system using EDA to solve our problem
  • 12. System comprised of following entities System’s primary focus should be on the domain & domain logic. ● Domain events: ○ A Domain Event is something that happened that the domain expert cares about. ○ By exposing relevant Domain Events on a shared event bus we can isolate cross cutting functions to separate system. ● Conditions: ○ Often domain logic accompanies with some conditional scenarios. ○ Through this entity, we decide whether to execute a given action after evaluating defined conditions. Conditions may be optional. ● Actions: ○ A way of reacting to domain events in the system. ○ We can perform any activity in the system when an event is triggered.
  • 13. ● We will create a workflow as: ○ Triggering Event: ■ New appointment scheduled event. ○ Action: ■ Send a notification sms to doctor & patient with appointment time. ■ Send a reminder to patient 15 mins before appointment time. ● Let’s name this workflow as ‘notification_workflow’ Automate the sample workflow with this event-driven system
  • 14. ● We can have a workflow model to save our custom workflows to database. ● Instead of sending notification directly in appointment’s callback, we now publish appointment scheduled(created) event in it. ● Consider we have some method to subscribe a workflow to any domain event. Using that we can now register our notification_workflow to appointment scheduled event. ● We can implement some sort of Event processing engine which will find all the workflows registered on a triggered event & can execute them all. ● We can provide a GUI interface for creating & editing workflows. This way every health provider can create custom workflows according to his needs. class Worflow < ActiveRecord::Base has_many :conditions has_many :actions def execute # evaluate conditions & execute actions ... end end class Appointment < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :doctor belongs_to :patient after_create :new_appointment_created_event end register(notification_workflow, :new_appointment_created) # some method in Event processing engine. def execute(worflow_id) workflow = Workflow.find(workflow_id) workflow.execute() end
  • 15. ● Notifications module ○ Notifications can be a cross cutting concern in many systems, which makes it a perfect contestant for using EDA. ○ For example: A system consisting of monitoring & reporting service ■ Monitoring service - want’s to send notification when some metric goes above threshold value. ■ Reporting service - send different types of reports via notifications. ● Implement hooks within some service ○ For example: A popular code hosting platform ‘Github’ provides a webhook service. ■ It allows external services to be notified with a POST request, when certain events happen within your repository. Use cases for EDA
  • 17. ● Fully Customizable ● Highly Scalable ● Easily extensible ● Efficiently handle crosscutting concerns by decoupled system. Advantages of EDA over traditional methods
  • 18. High level overview of ‘our’ implementation of EDA Workflow Branch 1 Branch 2 Trigger branch ● Binary tree structure ● Introduced notion of branches ● Branch can be action branch or condition branch ● Workflow has one compulsory branch called trigger branch ● Action branches are always present at leaf nodes of the tree
  • 19. Challenges we are facing in this system ● Activities performed in workflow actions can trigger other events implicitly triggering other workflows subscribed to that event which can result into a loop of workflows triggering each other leading to deadlock conditions. How this problem can be solved efficiently ? (Think) Open for discussions !