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What’s in your BA Toolbox?
Has User Experience and Usability gone to the wayside?
 Learn about usability and why it is important
 Learn the basics of user interface design
 Where to go to learn more information when building
 Susan Bernstein, Senior BA Consultant / Lead
 Over 20 years as a BA designing and enhancing applications
 Glenn Teneycke, User Experience Designer
 Over 15 years UX experience
BA Skills
Better Workflows
technology and
improve interfaces
Improved User Experience
reliability and

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A project guide to ux design vm
A project guide to ux design vmA project guide to ux design vm
A project guide to ux design vm

User experience design involves creating and coordinating all digital and physical elements that affect a user's experience with a company to influence perceptions and behaviors. Starting a new project requires understanding the company culture, types of websites, and people involved. Well-written proposals provide stability and protection by outlining the project overview, approach, deliverables, costs, and payment schedule. Defining user groups involves researching attributes and prioritizing which groups to focus on. Prototyping and testing designs with users helps improve the design by synthesizing feedback. After launch, log file data and customer feedback are analyzed to identify issues and plan further testing.

Uz big design talk may10
Uz big design talk may10Uz big design talk may10
Uz big design talk may10

Alfonso de la Nuez's talk, "How to conduct global UX benchmarking", at BigDesign event, about what, why, and how to conduct website user experience & usability benchmarking.

benchmarkingconduct user experience & usability studies
Ux Overview
Ux OverviewUx Overview
Ux Overview

User experience (UX) is defined as a person's perceptions and responses resulting from use or anticipated use of a product, system or service. UX considers all aspects of a user's interaction with a company, its services, and its products. It includes factors like usability, accessibility, and satisfaction. The goal of UX design is to enhance user satisfaction and loyalty by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction.

ucduser experienceux
UX Analyst
BA Skills
BA Skills
“This is a great opportunity for business analysts, but it
requires a shift in the way they define requirements. UX
skills are often absent from business analysts' (BAs') tool
kits, because BAs have been trained to engage "the
business" to learn about requirements but not to do true
user research that will deepen their understanding.
By gaining key skills, performing user research, and actually
"becoming" their application's end users while defining
requirements, BAs can improve the user experience — and
organizational outcomes — by helping create apps that are
useful, usable, and desirable.”
What is User Experience Design (UXD)?
 The process of enhancing user
satisfaction by improving the
usability, ease of use, and pleasure
provided in the interaction between
the user and the product.
Credit: Donald Norman “The Design of Everyday Things” ”,
User Experience Design

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Web Design Phase
Web Design PhaseWeb Design Phase
Web Design Phase

The document discusses various aspects of web design, including: 1. Four steps to user-centered design: focus on the user's goals, provide intuitive pathways, follow conventions, and test designs. 2. Four types of web conventions: navigation systems, icons, placement on the page, and color. 3. Factors to consider when designing for different systems like platforms, browsers, and monitor capabilities. 4. Six common ways to organize a website, such as by category, task, user, language, date, or corporate department.

Fundamentals of Web Design - Professional Development Workshop
Fundamentals of Web Design - Professional Development Workshop Fundamentals of Web Design - Professional Development Workshop
Fundamentals of Web Design - Professional Development Workshop

Working through basic web design principles with government employees in Port Vila, Vanuatu as part of my Peace Corps Response assignment.

web design and development
A Web Design Framework for Improved Accessibility for People with Disabilitie...
A Web Design Framework for Improved Accessibility for People with Disabilitie...A Web Design Framework for Improved Accessibility for People with Disabilitie...
A Web Design Framework for Improved Accessibility for People with Disabilitie...

The document proposes a Web Design Framework for Improved Accessibility for People with Disabilities (WDFAD) that presents web accessibility guidelines in a precise and developer-oriented format. It packages guidelines according to the three components of web applications: content, navigation, and user interface. It presents web accessibility requirements as primary goals and sub-goals, and shows the relationship between primary goals and sub-goals to identify critical sub-goals. The framework aims to make guidelines easier for developers to understand and apply.

User Experience Design - Not Just UI
User Experience Design - Experts
 Large companies have UI/UX departments
 Public facing applications
 Added cost for any project
 Leverage these experts depending on cost:
 Low cost – Access company UI guidelines
 Medium cost - Use to review solution and provide best
 High - Work as UI experts on your project team
User Experience Design - Key Elements
Requirement Life Cycle
High Level Business Requirements
• User Research
Detailed Business Requirements
• Interface Design
• Usability
System Requirements
• Visual Design

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Usability Evaluation
Usability EvaluationUsability Evaluation
Usability Evaluation

The usability evaluation identified several issues with the IC2 Global Commercialization Group's website, including unclear navigation with too many options and inconsistent titles, dense text, limited use of graphics, and difficulty completing tasks like finding contact information or downloading forms. Recommendations included simplifying the menu, adding a sitemap, increasing font sizes, incorporating more images, and redesigning pages with a blog format. Future usability testing would benefit from a larger and more representative user group.


The document outlines a UX design project for a new Webster University Leiden campus website in 2011. Julian Scaff was the UX lead who conducted interviews and focus groups with students, faculty, staff, and leadership to understand needs. Key needs included making complex services simple, faster login, tighter social media integration, and more effective prospective student marketing. Wireframes were developed and tested to address these needs like making the student login and marketing more prominent.

UWC Interview
UWC InterviewUWC Interview
UWC Interview

The document discusses the website project management cycle for Marshfield/Wood County including assessment/discovery, planning, design, implementation/launch, and improving phases. It provides examples of objectives and considerations for navigation, recruitment content, clean and simple design. The presentation aims to drive visitor behavior, engage users, and extend the website's reach through an intuitive design.

uwcwebsite designuniversity of wisconsin colleges
User Research
User Research focuses on understanding user behaviours,
needs, and motivations
User Research Techniques
 User Observation
 User Interviews
 Focus Groups
 Surveys
User Research Techniques – User Observation
 Observe the users do their own work tasks
 Discuss in person any issues
 Encourage user to share past stories relevant to the
 Most effective
 Most expensive
User Research Techniques – User Interview
 Researcher meets with the user and asks questions
 Not as effective as User Observation
 What they say they do may not be what they actually do.

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Mozilla Open Badges 201
Mozilla Open Badges 201Mozilla Open Badges 201
Mozilla Open Badges 201

This document summarizes a Mozilla webinar on open badge system design and technology. The webinar covered an overview of badge system design, the technical infrastructure supporting open badges including standards, APIs, and software, and a 7-step process for roadmapping and resource management for a badge system. The webinar provided examples and encouraged participants to design their own badge systems and credentials.

Information Architecture
Information ArchitectureInformation Architecture
Information Architecture

The document discusses various aspects of information architecture (IA) and interface design. It defines IA as balancing user needs, content, and context. It describes researching users, defining content types and structures, internationalization considerations, and more. For interface design, it covers layout, presentation techniques, organization, conventions, and templates to structure information effectively for users. The goal is to design intuitive and accessible interfaces through principles like consistent navigation, clear orientation, and a simple ("KISS") approach.

Website Recommendations
Website RecommendationsWebsite Recommendations
Website Recommendations

Provide recommendations to revamp the Career Development Office website. Included survey of constituents, review of materials online, recommendations to change structure and content.

web designsurveycareer change
User Research Techniques – Focus Groups
 Groups of 3 -12 participants are asked a series of
questions on a set of topics
 Avoid leading participants
 Good for quick feedback
 Danger of 1 or 2 participants dominating
User Research Techniques - Surveys
 Intercept Surveys
 Surveying website users while they are using the website
 Email surveys
 Select a group of users
 Benefits
 Capturing trends
 Large amount of feedback at a low cost
 Drawbacks
 Feedback can be flawed
 Never gets the same level of detail found in user observation
ROI of User Research
 Meet the user and build relationships
 Gain confidence with stakeholder and sponsor
 May surface additional requirements earlier rather than
Requirement Life Cycle
High Level Business Requirements
• User Research
Detailed Business Requirements
• Interface Design
• Usability
System Requirements
• Visual Design

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Content-Centric Design The Future of Online User Assistance
Content-Centric Design The Future of Online User AssistanceContent-Centric Design The Future of Online User Assistance
Content-Centric Design The Future of Online User Assistance

Content accessed online is often stripped of its hierarchical relationship to related content. Help articles must be encapsulated with metadata so that they can be understood when discovered or accessed out their original content repository. By embedding context within the the content object, the content will remain comprehensible even when accessed without the original information structure.

unstructured data managentobject oriented contentcontent management systems
Don’t Just Build Pretty Websites — UX in the Real World
Don’t Just Build Pretty Websites — UX in the Real WorldDon’t Just Build Pretty Websites — UX in the Real World
Don’t Just Build Pretty Websites — UX in the Real World

This document summarizes a presentation on user experience (UX) in website design. It discusses the importance of understanding who your users are through creating user personas, designing for the goals and needs of users rather than clients, ensuring usability across devices and browsers, and continually analyzing user behavior and feedback to improve the experience over time. Key aspects of UX covered include navigation, content layout, calls to action, site speed, accessibility, and using analytics tools to evaluate the user experience after launch. The presentation emphasizes an iterative process of testing assumptions and listening to users to enhance success.


The document discusses planning and implementing mobile user interfaces. It outlines steps including defining business goals and target audiences, creating user personas and scenarios, mapping task flows, prototyping designs, and usability testing with target users. The goals are to understand users, design for usability, and test the design through iterations before final implementation.

Interface Design
A user interface is like a joke.
If you have to explain it, it’s not that
Interface Design Principles - Visibility
Guide them through a series of tasks
Interface Design Principles - Visibility
Lead the user through an interaction
Interface Design Principles - Visibility
Indicate what actions are available to them

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Melinda poss online ux portfolio
Melinda poss online ux portfolioMelinda poss online ux portfolio
Melinda poss online ux portfolio

The document discusses several usability analysis projects including: 1. Analyzing Gmail's user experience and identifying opportunities to better integrate the "Circles" feature. 2. Assessing a government website providing services to foreign workers through user interviews and mobile mockups. 3. Evaluating an ergonomic product company's online learning modules using heuristic analysis and redesigning the navigation. 4. Designing a mobile app for the City of Stratford to help elderly users find culinary experiences through user inquiries and assessments.

user experience designuser experienceuser interface
Ashishuiuxdesigner resume-doc-97-2003
Ashishuiuxdesigner resume-doc-97-2003Ashishuiuxdesigner resume-doc-97-2003
Ashishuiuxdesigner resume-doc-97-2003

I am Creative designer, possessing both design and development expertise in the implementation of scalable, end-to-end e-Business websites. With an eye for detail and flare for creative web design, I utilise cutting-edge rich media technologies to enhance user experience. Also a firm believer in the use of web standards. Seeking opportunities wherein my creative and technical skills are best utilised in a friendly business environment.

ui designer resumeux designer resumeinteraction designer resume
Advanced Internet
Advanced InternetAdvanced Internet
Advanced Internet

The document discusses various aspects of usability testing and evaluation for websites, including definitions, methods, and best practices. Specifically, it describes heuristic evaluation, which involves examining a user interface against recognized usability principles and industry standards. Ten common usability heuristics are outlined, such as ensuring visibility of system status and having a clear match between the system and the real world. Evaluation criteria also cover areas like navigation, functionality, branding, documentation, and instructions.

usabilityuser experienceheuristics
Interface Design Principles - Visibility
Communicate the context of the situation
Interface Design Principles - Navigation
Interface Design Principles - Navigation
Navigation is intuitive
Interface Design Principles
 Pay attention to patterns and stay consistent
 Use visual hierarchy
 Navigation and tasks are clear to the user what is next or what
can be done
 Buttons show available actions
 Speak their language
 Keep it simple
 Keep moving forward

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User Centered Design and SharePoint Publishing Portals
User Centered Design and SharePoint Publishing PortalsUser Centered Design and SharePoint Publishing Portals
User Centered Design and SharePoint Publishing Portals

Usability and User Experience. The User Centered Design Process (UCDP), taking designs from Abstract to Concrete. Identifying Measures of Success. Putting together a UX Team. Microsoft’s Web Content Management System - SharePoint Publishing Portals. Publishing Site Components - Master Page, Page Layouts, CSS, JS, XSLTs, Web Parts. Leveraging CSS Frameworks for responsive web like Bootstrap.

cssmaster pagesxslt
Designing usable web applications (part 1) experience dynamics web seminar
Designing usable web applications (part 1)  experience dynamics web seminarDesigning usable web applications (part 1)  experience dynamics web seminar
Designing usable web applications (part 1) experience dynamics web seminar

Designing Web Applications using usability best practices...Web application projects need a solid understanding of what success criteria constitutes a usable web application. Teams deploying web applications should be utilizing emerging best practices in Interaction Design, such as how to design for "progressive disclosure" using dynamic interface techniques. This seminar will outline best practices, things to avoid in designing usable web applications as well as a review of recent client case studies.

user experienceweb applicationsweb apps
Joel Baskin UX Design and Artifacts
Joel Baskin UX Design and ArtifactsJoel Baskin UX Design and Artifacts
Joel Baskin UX Design and Artifacts

Joel Baskin is a UX designer with a Masters in HCI from Carnegie Mellon University. He has over 15 years of experience designing interfaces and experiences for companies across various industries. His portfolio can be found at and he can be contacted at or 425-766-3947.

ux designinteraction designprototyping
Interface Design Deliverables -Site Maps
Interface Design Deliverables – Screen Flow
Interface Design Deliverables -Wireframes
Interface Design Deliverables - Mockups

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UCD overview
UCD overviewUCD overview
UCD overview

This document provides an overview of User Centered Design (UCD). It discusses conducting user research, modeling user requirements, validating designs, and case studies. The key aspects of UCD include understanding users through research, modeling requirements based on user goals and scenarios, and validating designs through iterative testing with users. UCD helps ensure designs meet user needs and are usable, which can increase user satisfaction and business metrics like sales and loyalty.

ucduser experience designux
Standards Based Approach to User Interface Development
Standards Based Approach to User Interface DevelopmentStandards Based Approach to User Interface Development
Standards Based Approach to User Interface Development

Standards Based Approach to User Interface Development presentation at ACM SIGCHI conference Bangalore

Web Design Process
Web Design ProcessWeb Design Process
Web Design Process

The document discusses conventions and expectations for website design. It explains that users expect websites to work in predictable ways, so conventions have developed over time through cultural norms, technology limitations, familiarity from other media, ease of use, advertising, common platforms, and trends. It then outlines some basic components that are found on most websites, such as a header, feature area, body/content, sidebar, and footer. Finally, it discusses the standard web development process and where graphic/UI designers fit within the planning and design stages.

web designcsshigher education
ROI of Improved Interface Design
 Buy in from the business/users
 Validation of requirements prior to documenting
 Tangibility as users are visual
 Reduces Drop off rate
Usability - Testing
 Early stages
 Helps guide the design
 Assess the overall experience from user
 Helpful Ideas
 Comments
 Techniques
 Use paper prototyping, screen flows, site maps, mockups
 Comparative testing on multiple designs (A/B testing)
 Simulations
 Card Sorting
ROI of Usability
 Increase user productivity
 Decrease user errors
 Decrease training and customer support costs
 Decrease user support
 Increase user satisfaction and loyalty
 Increase sales
 Lower abandon rates

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Interaction design in industry
Interaction design in industryInteraction design in industry
Interaction design in industry

Defines user interface interaction design in industry, describes the interaction design process, and provides some insights into the pros and cons of a career as an interaction designer.

lawrence najjarusabilityinteraction design
Putting the "User" back in User Experience
Putting the "User" back in User ExperiencePutting the "User" back in User Experience
Putting the "User" back in User Experience

If you ask a organization "Are you customer centric?" - of course they say "yes", but as you peel back the layers too many organizations have teams of people building products - and the user is nowhere in sight. This talk will go over a number of ways to include users in your product design process, from start to finish. It's time we truly live up to the term "User Experience".

designuser experiencedesign research

The document discusses various user experience design methods and tools. It provides examples of tools such as customer journey maps, personas, storyboards, sketches, prototypes and simulations that can be used at different stages of the design process to understand users, define requirements, conceptualize designs, test ideas and gather feedback. The tools help visualize the user experience and interactions within a service from the user's perspective.

Requirement Life Cycle
High Level Business Requirements
• User Research
Detailed Business Requirements
• Interface Design
• Usability
System Requirements
• Visual Design
Visual Design
Visual Design - Branding
Visual Design – Colours and Contrast

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User Experience Design Heuristics
User Experience Design HeuristicsUser Experience Design Heuristics
User Experience Design Heuristics

Brief explanation of user experience with a focus on usability and accessibility. Heuristic assessments, WCAG 1.0 checkpoints and how this fits in with real user testing.

User interface design for the Web Engineering Psychology
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User interface design for the Web Engineering Psychology

Describes why usability is important for the Web, challenges when designing for the Web, and a Web user interface design process.

lawrence najjaruser interface designe-commerce
Discussion postArchitectural Styles Please respond to the fo.docx
Discussion postArchitectural Styles Please respond to the fo.docxDiscussion postArchitectural Styles Please respond to the fo.docx
Discussion postArchitectural Styles Please respond to the fo.docx

Discussion post "Architectural Styles" Please respond to the following: · Analyze two architectural styles of your choosing and, for each, give an example of a real-world application whose software design would benefit by incorporating your chosen style. Justify your response. · Evaluate the driving factors or conditions that affect the selection of an architectural style for a given open-source software application. Provide two examples of these conditions and how they help determine an application’s architectural style. JR’s post states the following:Top of Form Data centric style- a data store will be in the center of the architecture and accessed by other components that update, add, delete or modify the data present within the store (2008). I think this type of design would work best with organizations like Walmart and Amazon. This style is flexible and promotes integrability.  Layered style- divided style is divided into various horizontal layers and each layer has some specific function.  It’s a beneficial style because different individuals/teams can work on different layers that they’re knowledgeable about and most efficient. I think this style would best for bank applications.   I think the budget and the client/users would affect the selected style.  Depending on what type of budget is in place affects where the money is allocated to therefore selecting the most cost-effective options. The user/client affects the style because developers would have to select an option that would be most effective for the client and the end goal.  Reference NM’s post states the following:Top of Form Architectural Styles" Please respond to the following: Analyze two architectural styles of your choosing and, for each, give an example of a real-world application whose software design would benefit by incorporating your chosen style. Justify your response. The architectural style is a particular pattern that focuses on the large-scale of a system. And it is about selecting, adapting, and integrating several architectural styles in ways that best produce the desired result (Pfleefer & Atlee, 2010). Two architectural styles: Component-based and pipe-and-filter. Component-base is a method of software development whereby systems are created by assembling preexisting components (Graca, 2017). Meaning it reduced design complexity in each part solves smaller problems. Component reuse—reuse algorithm and environment model in a web application. And unit testing—where it eliminates retesting for durable components and reduces the cost of verification. A web developer uses component-based to the created web application to be more composable and performant. And the server API is more application. Pipe-and-filter—system functionality is achieved by passing input data through a sequence of data-transforming components called filters to produce output data (Graca, 201 ...

Visual Design - Style Guide
Visual Design - Style Guide
 Documents basic rules and features
 Ensures best practices
 Provides uniformity and consistency
 Standards vs. Guidelines
 Logo / fonts are standards
 Guidelines are best practices
Visual Design - Style Guide
 Layout
 Typography
 Forms
 Tables
 Navigation
 Wizards
 Right mouse
 Dialogs and Messages
Visual Design - Style Guide: Layout
 Create a Template for the pages in the application
 Define each section

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Ui Design And Usability For Everybody
Ui Design And Usability For EverybodyUi Design And Usability For Everybody
Ui Design And Usability For Everybody

The document provides an overview of the user interface development process, including analysis, design, prototyping, and usability principles. It discusses tasks such as defining user profiles and scenarios, wireframing, information architecture, visual design, and standards compliance. Web 1.0 is contrasted with newer collaborative and interactive aspects of Web 2.0.

Designing For Interaction
Designing For Interaction Designing For Interaction
Designing For Interaction

An overview of older but still relevant techniques when we think about interaction design. If you're a practitioner now there's nothing new here but if you're trying to understand what interaction design is and how it adds value this is a good place to start.

Designing for Interaction, Chris Bernard
Designing for Interaction, Chris BernardDesigning for Interaction, Chris Bernard
Designing for Interaction, Chris Bernard

Building a Vision for Innovation in Interaction Design Chris Bernard, User Experience Evangelist, Microsoft

interaction designdesigncreative thinking
Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography
 Define standard font, font sizes, colors, background color
 Headings (H1, H2, H3)
 Labels
 Menu names
 Text
 Hyperlinks
 Define consistent spacing and alignment
 Headings
 Form controls (Text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.)
 Buttons
 Dialogs
Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography
Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography
Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography

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Majestic MRSS Usability Engineering
Majestic MRSS Usability EngineeringMajestic MRSS Usability Engineering
Majestic MRSS Usability Engineering

Majestic MRSS provides usability engineering services to help make computer products and services more usable. Their approach involves planning usability activities early in the design process, gathering requirements from stakeholders, designing interfaces iteratively based on user feedback, implementing designs according to usability guidelines, and testing products to evaluate how well requirements have been met. They provide an ROI framework explaining how usability engineering can reduce costs and increase sales, productivity, and customer satisfaction. Majestic MRSS uses a usability lab called mLAB to record and analyze user testing sessions.

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Business Analyst Role in developing successful User Experience
Business Analyst Role in developing successful User ExperienceBusiness Analyst Role in developing successful User Experience
Business Analyst Role in developing successful User Experience

Business Analyst Role in developing successful User Experience. International Institute of Business Analysis January 20, 2009 San Diego, CA

Deconstructing/Reconstructing User Experience
Deconstructing/Reconstructing User ExperienceDeconstructing/Reconstructing User Experience
Deconstructing/Reconstructing User Experience

This document discusses user experience (UX) job roles and expectations. It begins by explaining that while many recognize the importance of UX, few understand what it entails. It then examines sample job postings to show the wide range of responsibilities encompassed by UX roles, from design and research to development and documentation. The document emphasizes that the field requires a variety of skills that often don't align with single job titles. It encourages asking questions to better understand expectations for different UX positions and notes that "unicorns" don't exist - finding the right fit requires understanding varied and evolving needs.

ux jobsux hiringuser experience
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Primary goal for every form is completion
 Provide a clear path
 Prevent users from making mistakes
 Provide defaults
 Focus on first enterable field
 Disabled fields vs. Visibility
 Only show what is needed
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Use the right control to help with selection(s)
 Mandatory fields (*) visibility
 Prevent continuing until all mandatory fields are entered
 Use icons, labels and images
 Consistent use of controls, navigation, alignment, etc.
throughout application
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Label alignment
 Top Aligned
 Data required is familiar
 Right Aligned
 Fast Completion time
 Left Aligned
 Data required can be unfamiliar
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Clearly highlight required fields
 If most fields are required: indicate optional fields
 Asterisk (*) or Text

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MMRSS Usability Engineering
MMRSS Usability EngineeringMMRSS Usability Engineering
MMRSS Usability Engineering

Majestic MRSS provides expert usability engineering services using a rigorous process that incorporates usability activities throughout product development. This includes planning usability testing early, conducting requirements workshops with users and experts, iterative design and testing, and post-release monitoring. Majestic MRSS uses a usability lab equipped with specialized recording technology to capture user interactions and feedback, which helps identify problems and ensure usability objectives are met.

central location facilitieschennaidelhi
Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematicsPricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics
Pricing sophistication - auto insurance telematics

Is there anyone significantly outperforming the competition due to their use of Insurtech? Yes! Prograssive's telematics-based pricing sophistication

insurtechtelematicsauto insurance


Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Don’t use placeholders to replace labels
 Placeholder is gone once user starts typing
 Use placeholder for added helpful information
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Field length should provide enough room for input
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Group like information
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Execute a single action or range of actions
 Text should use verbs
 No more than five buttons on a page
 Multilingual considerations

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ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024
ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024

Front Slide ConvertKit: Best Email Marketing Tool for 2024 Next Slide What is Email Marketing? Email marketing involves promoting products or services via email to potential customers. Tools like ConvertKit enhance the effectiveness of email marketing by helping you reach your target audience and elevate your business. Next Slide What is ConvertKit? ConvertKit is a top email marketing tool, favored by content creators and small businesses. It offers features like automation, landing pages, sequencing, and broadcasting, making it ideal for generating and converting leads efficiently. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 1. Landing Pages: Easily create customizable landing pages. 2. Forms: Embed forms on your website to generate leads. 3. Automation: Automate email responses with pre-built templates. 4. Broadcasting: Send personalized emails to thousands of subscribers. Next Slide Key Features of ConvertKit 5. Sequencing: Automate email series to convert leads into customers. 6. Integration: Integrate with platforms like affiliate sites and e-commerce. 7. Commerce: Start an e-commerce business without a website. 8. Creator Pro: Advanced features for selling high-cost products. Next Slide How ConvertKit Can Help Your Business Grow 1. Convert Casual Visitors: Turn social media followers into subscribers. 2. Build Relationships: Customize emails to build strong audience relationships. 3. Source of Earnings: Use trust to convert subscribers into sales. Next Slide Join ConvertKit Affiliate Program ConvertKit's affiliate program offers free training, premium tools, and a 30% commission for referrals. Next Slide ConvertKit Pricing Plans ConvertKit has Monthly and Yearly plans with Free, Creator, and Creator Pro tiers. Start with the free plan and upgrade as needed. Next Slide ConvertKit Alternatives 1. Mailchimp: All-in-one marketing platform. 2. GetResponse: Focus on landing pages and email lists. 3. ActiveCampaign: Advanced follow-up sequences. 4. AWeber: Building mailing lists and designing newsletters. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. Mailchimp - Automation: ConvertKit offers advanced options. - Landing Pages: ConvertKit has more templates. - Customer Support: ConvertKit offers 24/7 support in all plans. - Email Sending Limit: ConvertKit allows unlimited emails. - Migration: ConvertKit offers free migration services. Next Slide ConvertKit vs. GetResponse - Simplicity: ConvertKit is user-friendly for small businesses. - Sequencing: Easier to use in ConvertKit. - WordPress Plugin: Available in ConvertKit. - Charges: No charges for duplicate signups in ConvertKit. Next Slide Conclusion Email marketing is an excellent method to showcase your business and sell high-value products. ConvertKit is a robust tool to help you reach your target audience and start earning.

convertkitemail marketing
Commercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptx
Commercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptxCommercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptx
Commercial Roofing Contractors Chennai.pptx #commercialroofingcontractors #commercialroofing #roofingcontractors #commercialroofshed #roofshed #roofingshed #roofingshedcontractors #roofingcontractor #chennai #madurai #tirunelveli #trichy #thanjavur #coimbatore #kanchipuram #vellore #dindigul #kumbakonam #salem #nagapattinam #thoothukudi #tiruppur #sivaganga #hosur #kanniyakumari #karaikudi #cuddalore #ambur #erode #nagercoil #pudukkottai #rajapalayam #neyveli #alandur #kurichi #tiruvottiyur #madhavaram #pallavaram #tambaram #ambattur #uthukuli #kanniyakumari #palani

Navigating Change Strategies for Effective Transition and Operational Plannin...
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Navigating Change Strategies for Effective Transition and Operational Plannin...

Strategies for effective transition and operational planning to help your organization adapt and thrive in the face of change.

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Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Label of button should be intuitive
 Instead of OK, be more descriptive
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Button State
 Left, Middle, Right, Split?
Credit Top Image:
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Free form data entry
 Use Textarea for long entries and allow for scrolling
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
 Yes/No selection
 Multiple Yes/No’s

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Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Radio buttons
 Select only of one of maximum 4-6 selections
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Drop down lists
 Select only one of many
 Autocomplete – completes entry based on existing values
or prediction
 Combo box – allows input
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Selection lists – one of many or many to many
Credit: Left: Microsoft Word, Right:

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Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Table CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete)
Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms
Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback
Errors - Explain why the information was not valid and what
needs to be fixed
Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback
Errors – Avoid Negative words

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Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback
 Bad Feedback examples
Visual Design – Bad Examples
 Green background
 Labels – not intuitive, drop shadow
 Buttons – inconsistent
Visual Design – Bad Examples
 Too much going on
ROI of Visual Design Skills
 Ease of use by customer / user
 Enhances user engagement
 Builds trust and interest in brand
Overall Reduction in future costs of development and support
Higher Customer Satisfaction

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JD Euroway Report 2024 : Shocking Revelations
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Shocking Revelations: The JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) Financial Debacle In an astonishing series of events, Finance JD Euroway Inc. and its CEO Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) find themselves embroiled in a high-stakes legal battle, accused of orchestrating a fraudulent investment scheme. The allegations, which have not yet been proven in court, detail a complex web of deceit and financial misconduct that has left investors in turmoil. A Complex Financial Web Finance JD Euroway Inc. (JDE), under the leadership of Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), has been accused of luring investors into a fraudulent scheme involving Standby Letters of Credit (SBLCs). According to the plaintiffs, JDE promised extraordinary returns on investments, convincing them to deposit substantial funds into JDE-controlled accounts under false pretenses. Promises of High Returns The case details how investors were enticed by Zephir's promises of high returns and secure investments. In one instance, an investor forwarded USD $1.2 million to JDE, assured by Zephir of a guaranteed 10% monthly return. Similarly, another investor was persuaded to deposit USD $10 million in escrow for what was purported to be a lucrative investment opportunity. The Alleged Fraud The plaintiffs assert that these investments were never intended to generate returns. Instead, they claim that JD Euroway and Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz) used these funds for unauthorized purposes. Zephir is accused of providing fraudulent SWIFT receipts and false insurance documents to create an illusion of legitimacy. For example, the insurance for one investor's escrow funds was supposedly backed by Timber Creek Surety Inc., which later confirmed the insurance certificate was fraudulent. Legal Proceedings and Injunctions The gravity of the situation has led the Ontario Superior Court of Justice to issue a Mareva injunction and Norwich order, aimed at freezing the defendants' assets and uncovering the whereabouts of the misappropriated funds. Justice John Callaghan, in his endorsement, highlighted the plaintiffs' strong prima facie case of fraud and the necessity to prevent further dissipation of assets. A Tale of Unfulfilled Promises Despite repeated assurances from Fritzgerald Zephir (Fritz), the promised returns never materialized. Investors experienced continuous delays and excuses, with Zephir often citing issues such as pending bank confirmations and internal reviews. By May 2024, it became clear that the funds were not forthcoming, prompting the plaintiffs to take legal action.

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Resources - Internal
 UX Team
 Style Guides
 Developer
 Helps determine any technology constraints
 Challenge the developers for better solutions
 You
 Learn what is available for your technology
 Google similar web applications
Resources - External
Our picks - Websites
 Jakob Nielson –
 Luke Wroblewski –
 Web Style Guide -
 Alan Cooper -
 Controls Sample -
 Kendo UI –
 Jquery UI –
 Learn about usability and why it is important
 Learn the basics of user interface design
 Where to go to learn more information when building
Final note
Navigation and simplicity are key

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2024欧洲杯盘口 Sports 与其他博彩公司相比,其独特之处在于2024欧洲杯盘口 Sports 基于低利润和高营业额的独一无二的体育博彩模式,该模式可以为玩家开出最高的赔率。2024欧洲杯盘口的优势在于中文界面友好,接受人民币投注。他们的开户奖金和实时体育投注界面是大陆玩家的首选。 [足球外围平台] [365体育] [彩票平台] [线上博彩网址] [线上赌博app] [欧洲杯盘口] [美洲杯押注] [欧洲杯投注] [美洲杯买球去哪买] [欧洲杯买球]

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A while back I created this training material for project managers in 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗴𝘆 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗹𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴. I am now sharing it widely since it is useful to a broader audience. A central theme is that project management is much more than putting together presentations. It covers all kinds of high-level cognitive efforts, which is why it is exciting (at first). It is also important to note that you do not improvise your way into project management. It is a well-developed craft that is far down its experience curve. I started my career at McKinsey & Company in 1984 and was an Engagement Manager between 1986 and 1989. I then became a partner. So my project management days are long gone, but I have interacted with and trained countless young consultants since. The document is not a manual. If you follow it 100% you would not have time to do your project management job. But I trust there is always an idea or two that is useful on any project. To me, the most difficult part of this document was to create the 18 rays with the grey contours. It involves some trigonometry. Getting this right was fun.

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What’s in your BA Toolbox – Has User experience and Usability gone to the wayside?

  • 1. What’s in your BA Toolbox? Has User Experience and Usability gone to the wayside?
  • 2. Objectives  Learn about usability and why it is important  Learn the basics of user interface design  Where to go to learn more information when building applications
  • 3. Presenters  Susan Bernstein, Senior BA Consultant / Lead  Over 20 years as a BA designing and enhancing applications  Glenn Teneycke, User Experience Designer  Over 15 years UX experience
  • 4. BA Skills Requirements Management Processes (BPM) Interfaces Usability Testing Better Workflows Leverage technology and improve interfaces Improved User Experience Improved reliability and functionality
  • 6. BA Skills “This is a great opportunity for business analysts, but it requires a shift in the way they define requirements. UX skills are often absent from business analysts' (BAs') tool kits, because BAs have been trained to engage "the business" to learn about requirements but not to do true user research that will deepen their understanding. By gaining key skills, performing user research, and actually "becoming" their application's end users while defining requirements, BAs can improve the user experience — and organizational outcomes — by helping create apps that are useful, usable, and desirable.” Credit:
  • 7. What is User Experience Design (UXD)?  The process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, ease of use, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product. Credit: Donald Norman “The Design of Everyday Things” ”,
  • 8. User Experience Design Credit:
  • 9. User Experience Design - Not Just UI
  • 10. User Experience Design - Experts  Large companies have UI/UX departments  Public facing applications  Added cost for any project  Leverage these experts depending on cost:  Low cost – Access company UI guidelines  Medium cost - Use to review solution and provide best practices  High - Work as UI experts on your project team
  • 11. User Experience Design - Key Elements User research Interface Design Usability Visual Design
  • 12. Requirement Life Cycle High Level Business Requirements • User Research Detailed Business Requirements • Interface Design • Usability System Requirements • Visual Design
  • 13. User Research User Research focuses on understanding user behaviours, needs, and motivations Credit:
  • 14. User Research Techniques  User Observation  User Interviews  Focus Groups  Surveys
  • 15. User Research Techniques – User Observation  Observe the users do their own work tasks  Discuss in person any issues  Encourage user to share past stories relevant to the project  Most effective  Most expensive
  • 16. User Research Techniques – User Interview  Researcher meets with the user and asks questions  Not as effective as User Observation  What they say they do may not be what they actually do.
  • 17. User Research Techniques – Focus Groups  Groups of 3 -12 participants are asked a series of questions on a set of topics  Avoid leading participants  Good for quick feedback  Danger of 1 or 2 participants dominating
  • 18. User Research Techniques - Surveys  Intercept Surveys  Surveying website users while they are using the website  Email surveys  Select a group of users  Benefits  Capturing trends  Large amount of feedback at a low cost  Drawbacks  Feedback can be flawed  Never gets the same level of detail found in user observation
  • 19. ROI of User Research  Meet the user and build relationships  Gain confidence with stakeholder and sponsor  May surface additional requirements earlier rather than later
  • 20. Requirement Life Cycle High Level Business Requirements • User Research Detailed Business Requirements • Interface Design • Usability System Requirements • Visual Design
  • 21. Interface Design A user interface is like a joke. If you have to explain it, it’s not that good Credits:
  • 22. Interface Design Principles - Visibility Credit:: Guide them through a series of tasks
  • 23. Interface Design Principles - Visibility Lead the user through an interaction
  • 24. Interface Design Principles - Visibility Indicate what actions are available to them
  • 25. Interface Design Principles - Visibility Communicate the context of the situation
  • 27. Interface Design Principles - Navigation Navigation is intuitive
  • 28. Credit: Interface Design Principles  Pay attention to patterns and stay consistent  Use visual hierarchy  Navigation and tasks are clear to the user what is next or what can be done  Buttons show available actions  Speak their language  Keep it simple  Keep moving forward
  • 29. Interface Design Deliverables -Site Maps Credit:
  • 30. Interface Design Deliverables – Screen Flow
  • 31. Interface Design Deliverables -Wireframes Credits:
  • 32. Interface Design Deliverables - Mockups Credit:
  • 33. ROI of Improved Interface Design  Buy in from the business/users  Validation of requirements prior to documenting  Tangibility as users are visual  Reduces Drop off rate
  • 35. Usability - Testing  Early stages  Helps guide the design  Assess the overall experience from user  Helpful Ideas  Comments  Techniques  Use paper prototyping, screen flows, site maps, mockups  Comparative testing on multiple designs (A/B testing)  Simulations  Card Sorting
  • 36. ROI of Usability  Increase user productivity  Decrease user errors  Decrease training and customer support costs  Decrease user support  Increase user satisfaction and loyalty  Increase sales  Lower abandon rates Credit:
  • 37. Requirement Life Cycle High Level Business Requirements • User Research Detailed Business Requirements • Interface Design • Usability System Requirements • Visual Design
  • 39. Visual Design - Branding
  • 40. Visual Design – Colours and Contrast Credit:
  • 41. Visual Design - Style Guide
  • 42. Visual Design - Style Guide  Documents basic rules and features  Ensures best practices  Provides uniformity and consistency  Standards vs. Guidelines  Logo / fonts are standards  Guidelines are best practices
  • 43. Visual Design - Style Guide  Layout  Typography  Forms  Tables  Navigation  Wizards  Right mouse  Dialogs and Messages
  • 44. Visual Design - Style Guide: Layout  Create a Template for the pages in the application  Define each section Credit:
  • 45. Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography  Define standard font, font sizes, colors, background color  Headings (H1, H2, H3)  Labels  Menu names  Text  Hyperlinks  Define consistent spacing and alignment  Headings  Form controls (Text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, etc.)  Buttons  Dialogs
  • 46. Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography Credit:
  • 47. Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography Credit:
  • 48. Visual Design - Style Guide: Typography Credit:
  • 49. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms  Primary goal for every form is completion  Provide a clear path  Prevent users from making mistakes  Provide defaults  Focus on first enterable field  Disabled fields vs. Visibility  Only show what is needed
  • 50. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms  Use the right control to help with selection(s)  Mandatory fields (*) visibility  Prevent continuing until all mandatory fields are entered  Use icons, labels and images  Consistent use of controls, navigation, alignment, etc. throughout application
  • 51. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Label alignment  Top Aligned  Data required is familiar  Right Aligned  Fast Completion time  Left Aligned  Data required can be unfamiliar
  • 52. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Mandatory  Clearly highlight required fields  If most fields are required: indicate optional fields  Asterisk (*) or Text Credits:
  • 53. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms  Don’t use placeholders to replace labels  Placeholder is gone once user starts typing  Use placeholder for added helpful information Credits:
  • 54. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms  Field length should provide enough room for input Credits:
  • 55. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms  Group like information Credit:
  • 56. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Buttons  Execute a single action or range of actions  Text should use verbs  No more than five buttons on a page  Multilingual considerations
  • 57. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Buttons  Label of button should be intuitive  Instead of OK, be more descriptive
  • 58. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Buttons  Button State  Left, Middle, Right, Split? Credit Top Image:
  • 59. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Text  Free form data entry  Use Textarea for long entries and allow for scrolling
  • 60. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Checkbox  Yes/No selection  Multiple Yes/No’s
  • 61. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Radio buttons  Select only of one of maximum 4-6 selections
  • 62. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Drop down lists  Select only one of many  Autocomplete – completes entry based on existing values or prediction  Combo box – allows input
  • 63. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Credit:
  • 64. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Selection lists – one of many or many to many Credit: Left: Microsoft Word, Right:
  • 65. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Table CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) Credit:
  • 66. Visual Design - Style Guide: Forms Pagination Credit:
  • 67. Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback Errors - Explain why the information was not valid and what needs to be fixed Credit:
  • 68. Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback Errors – Avoid Negative words Credit:
  • 69. Visual Design - Style Guide: Feedback  Bad Feedback examples
  • 70. Visual Design – Bad Examples  Green background  Labels – not intuitive, drop shadow  Buttons – inconsistent Credit:
  • 71. Visual Design – Bad Examples  Too much going on Credit:
  • 72. ROI of Visual Design Skills  Ease of use by customer / user  Enhances user engagement  Builds trust and interest in brand Overall Reduction in future costs of development and support Higher Customer Satisfaction
  • 73. Resources - Internal  UX Team  Style Guides  Developer  Helps determine any technology constraints  Challenge the developers for better solutions  You  Learn what is available for your technology  Google similar web applications
  • 74. Resources - External Our picks - Websites  Jakob Nielson –  Luke Wroblewski –  Web Style Guide -  Alan Cooper -  Controls Sample - story  Kendo UI –  Jquery UI –
  • 75. Objectives  Learn about usability and why it is important  Learn the basics of user interface design  Where to go to learn more information when building applications
  • 76. Final note Navigation and simplicity are key

Editor's Notes

  1. The following points above are the objectives we want you to get out of this presentation. Target Audience BA’s that have no exposure to User experience and Usability and want to expand their skills as well as learn where to look for information
  2. BA skills generally have been focussed on Requirements management. But to be able to be better BSA these added skills should be in your toolbox for the best solution for the client. Why have these skills are in the boxes and review each one BAs are responsible for ensuring business solutions are met not only from Requirements but from a Process, Functionality and Usability perspective
  3. The BA and UI expert working together provide the balance naturally for user needs and goals which on the most part are also the business. If No UX person than the BA must internalize that balance Learn to additionally focusing on the user interaction when creating requirements. BABOK 2.0 has Little or no information. Just references to prototyping and interface analysis without much information.
  4. Talk about the quote in the sense that BAs can build better solutions by doing some user research and/or user requirements
  5. Review this quote with the audience. Donald Norman is cofounder of Nielson Norman Group, a leader in user interface design. So what is User Experience and Usability? Let’s start with User Experience.
  6. "User experience" encompasses all aspects of the end-user's interaction with the company, its services, and its products. Broader concept of Usability Even this diagram does not depict the full spectrum of UX
  7. Large companies have UX departments to cater to the public facing applications– e.g. those applications on the WWW and Mobile. Other projects may or may not use UX departments but this will be an added cost to that department. This will then fall on the BSA to pick up and incorporate user experience in their requirements. Many times this has failed as the BSA does not have this expertise. Departments can leverage these experts depending on how much they want to spend. At a low cost, the Department/BSA can reach out to the UX department and get their UI guidelines or Style guides. This should give the BSA an idea of standards to follow. This is the first thing a new BSA to a company should do. At a medium cost, a UX department can be used as a consultant and review the solution and provide input For a higher cost, they can be a team member on your project, especially if the solution is UI intensive. NN Group: To assess the total cost of usability (as opposed to the price of a single test), we collected data from 863 design projects that included usability activities. Depending on how we estimated it, usability costs were between 8% and 13% of the projects' budget. Based on this finding and findings from other surveys, we conclude that current best practices call for devoting about 10% of a project's budget to usability. Our full survey data reveals a slightly complicated mathematical model that relates project size to recommended usability spending. In essence, the cost of usability doesn't increase linearly with project size, since many usability activities cost about the same, regardless of how big the project is. A project that's ten times bigger, for example, typically requires only four times more usability spending.  
  8. UX design can be loosely grouped in 4 areas and we will look at each one more closely
  9. In Summary, if we look at a Requirement Life Cycle, during each of these Requirement Gathering types is when the UX key elements are also executed. Above is generally for waterfall. If agile, then all could come into play at the same time.
  10. User Research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies.
  11. Speakers notes There are a range of user research techniques that can help the BA build requirements. I’ve listed 4 main ones to consider . The one you choose will depend largely on how much time and money the project has to support the various methods Sources:
  12. Most effective of the user research methods and also most expensive
  13. The goal of user interface design is to make the user experience and interaction with your system as simple and efficient as possible.
  14. With applications, this is useful with workflows and wizards. In an application, if the task is create account, this could take more than one page and the system can lead the user through the steps.
  15. The examples here guides the user through a series of steps.
  16. From an application perspective, these can be the menus, top or left navigation and also the buttons. This Rogers example clear illustrates the actions the client can make on the screen.
  17. Context of the situation with applications can also be shown using breadcrumbs. In this example the Turbo Tax site shows the user where they are in the process and allows the user to easily move from section to section
  18. Does anyone remember Netscape Navigator? One of the creators said he wished that he had never invented the back button on the browser as allowed designers to not build proper navigation. When visiting a screen the user wants to know the following” Where am I? How did I get here? What can I do here? Where can I go from here?
  19. This CIBC site provides a good example of Navigation visibility
  20. A few points in what a BA can do.
  21. Explain Site Map vs. Screen Flow
  22. Wireframes Is all about functionality (where text goes, buttons etc) Ranges from a simple sketch to a higher fidelity Similar to the blueprint of a house, it shows you where the rooms are but not how they are decorated A good practice is to keep details sketchy in the first part of the research process to keep the focus away from the smaller parts of the design that come later BAs should create wireframes to help the visualize the requirements
  23. Mockups Higher fidelity then wireframes Done later in the requirement gathering process to verify requirements Attention to detail is required as can be used to develop the look and feel of the site  
  24. A reduction in drop-off rates during the checkout process on e-commerce sites can increase the ROI for usability.
  25. Usability is the ease of use and learnability of a human-made object. A BA should ask each of these questions with respect to the UI changes to the application. Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design? Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks? Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency? Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors? Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design? Visibility: Keep the most commonly used options for a task visible (and the other options easily accessible). Does it do what the users need?
  26. Best done in the early stages of the project which helps guide the design Focus is on whose goal is not primarily to find usability problems that need to be fixed, but to assess the overall user experience and understand users’ reactions to different ideas. This can include comparative testing—that is, soliciting feedback on multiple solutions to a design problem A BA should be using Paper prototyping, screen flows, site maps and mockups to confirm that the requirements solution is correct. GLENN add add notes for how a BA could use theseh
  27. In Summary, if we look at a Requirement Life Cycle, during each of these Requirement Gathering types is when the UX key elements are also executed
  28. Visual Design refers to the Aesthetics – Images, colors, font, layout, controls, etc.
  29. Consistency, branding across all platforms BA should be consistent as this enhances customer’s user experience Devices should not be in competition with each other
  30. What is a style guide? – it is best practices for the application Why do you need it? – it provides visual blueprint, standards, branding etc to the application and for the developers. All applications should have a style guide for the visual aspect of the application. This provides a standard to follow as well as provides consistency to the application if there is turnover
  31. The core pieces of a style guide: layout, navigation, fonts, colours, usability and accessibility requirements Design deliverable consisting of fonts, colours and interface elements that communicate the essence of a visual brand for the web. Style Tiles are similar to the paint chips and fabric swatches an interior designer gets approval on before designing a room. They help form a common visual language between the designers and the stakeholders and provide a catalyst for discussions around the preferences and goals of the client.” Style tiles are more of a graphic design deliverable than a UX document. However a UX designer would certainly input into a set of style tiles and may well create a set if they have graphic design expertise.
  32. Living breathing document
  33. Each page in the application should be consistent. If there is no style guide then create one. Start with a template of the page and define each component and it’s attributes. This is just an example and there could be many variations for dialogs, overlays, messages, etc. Your application may only have a few of these sections
  34. Form Controls are the data entry field types
  35. When you look at the style guide created by Yelp, you can see how it starts with the basics: typography, grid, and colors, adding more patterns as it goes along.
  36. Whether new technology or old, the standards still apply for all forms, dialogs, pages, etc.
  37. A form is a page with fields.
  38. Summary of points to note for the audience.
  39. No fast rule as long as your application is consistent, although right aligned labels provided form completion times cut in half. If vertical screen is not an issue then top aligned also provides reduced completion time.
  40. For a lot of fields, make it look neat and clean and ordered how the user would work
  41. Grouping related fields together helps users make sense of the information that they must fill
  42. Use a button when the user is required to execute a single action. Use a set of buttons when a range of actions is available to a user. Do not use buttons for navigation between screens. Hyperlinks should be used instead. Do not use buttons to indicate a change of state (e.g. leave button pushed in). Consider using checkboxes or radio buttons instead. Do not use more than seven action buttons on a screen. Five is the preferred limit.
  43. Order of buttons normally is left or right. There is no right answer but again as long as the application is consistent. Middle can be used for alerts.
  44. Add slides for each one
  45. Add slides for each one
  46. Note alignment of labels and that this is just a summary of what we just reviewed. Comment on alignment of labels to control, date picker
  47. One of many – use when too many for a drop down list
  48. Just an example of a table and for the application to be consistent with all tables. Point out Add/Edit/Delete.
  49. Interface should provide feedback Error messages indicate what the user needs to fix Be explicit, human readable, polite, precise and give constructive advice on how to fix problem Be visible, preserve as much of the user’s work, reduce the work (
  50. Green background Shading in the text Excess border around the controls Inconsistent spacing of buttons
  51. Tabs and tabs Buttons in different case Radio buttons when check boxes could be used (depends on the business)
  52. Here are some things you can also do. Talk to your developer and find out any technology constraints. Keep asking for better solutions if you are not sure of what they suggest. Google sites that have what is available for your technology. So if you are using .Net, then google .Net UI and see what comes up. Also if you are building an accounting application, then google that and see what the similar applications are doing.
  53. Our handout will have a summary of key concepts and more links
  54. The following points above are the objectives we want you to get out of this presentation. Target Audience BA’s that have no exposure to User experience and Usability and want to expand their skills as well as learn where to look for information