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 The wireless industry came up with the idea of WAP. 
The point of this standard was to show internet 
contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones. 
 Wireless Application Protocol commonly known as 
WAP is used to enable the access of internet in the 
mobile phones or PDAs. 
 An open, global specification that empowers mobile 
users with wireless devices to easily access and 
interact with internet information and services 
 A set of protocols which allow data exchange 
for mobile cellular systems 
 The current world standard for the 
presentation and delivery of wireless 
 It is device independent 
 It is network independent
 WAP is an application communication 
 WAP is used to access services and 
 WAP is for handheld devices such as mobile 
 WAP enables the creating of web 
applications for mobile devices. 
 WAP uses the mark-up language WML (not 
HTML) WML is defined as an XML 1.0 

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Infrared transmission uses infrared light-emitting diodes to transmit data over short ranges using line-of-sight propagation. It has advantages of simple circuits, low cost, low power consumption and no licensing but has disadvantages of short range and blockage by common materials. Radio transmission modulates electromagnetic waves below visible light for uses like audio, video, navigation and data over larger areas but requires licensing and has difficulties with interference and shielding.

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A presentation which on Wireless Network Security. It contains Introduction to wireless networking, security threats and risks, best practices on using wireless networks.

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WAP 2.0
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WAP 2.0

This document provides an overview of the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) and WAP 2.0 standard. It discusses what WAP is, its development and objectives, and the architectures of WAP 1.0 and WAP 2.0. Key features of WAP 2.0 are summarized, including WAP Push, user profiles, wireless telephony applications, and support for high-speed 3G technology. Examples of real-life WAP applications are given such as checking bank balances on the go and making reservations without calls.

The basic AIM of WAP is to provide a web-like 
experience on small portable devices - like mobile 
phones and PDAs.
•To enable easy, fast delivery of relevant information 
and services to mobile users. 
•Handheld digital wireless devices such as mobile 
phones, pagers, two-way radios, smart phones and 
communicators . 
Web Server 
12/17/14 8

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Wireless application protocol (WAP)
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This presentation introduces the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP). WAP was created by mobile companies to provide an open standard for wireless information and services. It uses WML as its markup language. The presentation describes WAP's architecture including its protocol stack and WAP gateway. It also discusses how WAP addresses limitations of wireless devices and networks, such as small displays and low bandwidth. Examples of WAP services mentioned include banking, shopping, news and email. In conclusion, the presenter notes that WAP will become more efficient with the rollout of 3G networks like UMTS.

wapwireless application protocol.
Wireless security
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Wireless security

Wireless networks have become commonplace in homes and offices, enabling increased productivity and mobile connectivity. They function by connecting clients to a central access point or in an ad-hoc peer-to-peer mode. Early security standards like WEP had vulnerabilities due to short encryption keys and initialization vector reuse. WPA and its successor WPA2 were developed to address these issues through stronger encryption, authentication, and dynamic key generation. However, wireless networks remain vulnerable to insertion attacks by unauthorized clients or rogue access points, as well as traffic interception if encryption is not used.

Wireless security presentation
Wireless security presentationWireless security presentation
Wireless security presentation

This document discusses security issues with wireless networks and protocols. It describes common wireless standards like 802.11b, g, and a. It then covers security protocols that aimed to improve on WEP like WPA and WPA2, discussing their encryption methods. The document also outlines various threats to wireless security like eavesdropping, unauthorized access, and denial of service attacks. It concludes by listing some common wireless hacking tools.

Web Server 
 Create global wireless protocol specifications that work 
across differing wireless technologies 
 Facilitate network-operator and third party service 
 Define a layered, scalable and extensible architecture 
 Bring Internet/Intranet information and advanced data 
services to wireless terminals 
 Support as many wireless networks as possible 
 Provide support for secure applications and communication 
 Optimize for efficient use of device resources
- Is used to access WAP applications and 
content. It might be a PDA, handheld 
- Entity that receives content from Internet 
via a WAP Gateway. This is usually the WAP 
- Element in the network where the 
information or web/WAP applications resides.

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The document discusses the Domain Name System (DNS) which maps domain names to IP addresses. It describes how DNS works hierarchically with a root server at the top level, below which are generic, country-specific and other domain levels. DNS servers store and distribute this mapping information across multiple computers to avoid a single point of failure. Primary DNS servers store and update zone files mapping domain names to IP addresses, while secondary servers transfer this information from primary servers.

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WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) is a protocol that allows users to access information and services on the internet using handheld wireless devices like mobile phones. It uses a layered architecture and protocols like WSP, WTP, and WTLS to enable wireless internet access via technologies like GSM, CDMA, and UMTS networks. WAP was designed to work with microbrowsers and uses the markup language WML instead of HTML to optimize content for small screens and low bandwidth connections.

Cloud Security, Standards and Applications
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Cloud Security, Standards and Applications

Security in Clouds: Cloud security challenges – Software as a Service Security, Common Standards: The Open Cloud Consortium – The Distributed management Task Force – Standards for application Developers – Standards for Messaging – Standards for Security, End user access to cloud computing, Mobile Internet devices and the cloud. Hadoop – MapReduce – Virtual Box — Google App Engine – Programming Environment for Google App Engine.

hadoopopen cloud consortiumcloud security
 Acts both as a client and as a server in the network. 
Typically has 
Protocol gateway : translates requests from the WAP 
protocol stack to WWW protocol stack 
Content encoders and decoders : translate WAP content into 
compact encoded formats to reduce the size of data over the 
 It allows content and applications to be hosted on 
standard WWW servers
- Intermediary element used to connect two different 
types of network. It receives requests directly from 
the clients as if it actually was the original server that 
clients want to receive the information form. The 
clients are usually unaware that they are speaking to 
the Gateway. 
- Software running on the WAP device that interprets 
the WAP content arriving from the internet and 
decides how to display it on WAP device.
WML – Wireless Markup Language formerly 
called HDML (Handheld Devices Markup 
 Is a tag language that allows the text portions of 
Web Pages to be presented on cellular phones and 
Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) via wireless 
WML is used for delivering data to WAP devices, 
and is HTML- like in its appearance.
 The protocol for WAP is broken down into 
different parts which is known as the WAP 
protocol stack:- 
1. WDP 
2. WTLS 
3. WTP 
4. WSP

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Hypertext transfer protocol and hypertext transfer protocol secure(HTTP and H...

The document defines HTTP and HTTPS. HTTP is the Hypertext Transfer Protocol that provides communication between web browsers and servers. It is unsecured and transmits data in plain text. HTTPS is HTTP secured with SSL/TLS encryption to provide security. Key differences are that HTTPS uses port 443 instead of HTTP's port 80, establishes an encrypted channel, and verifies servers with certificates to protect against attacks.


TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols that allows devices to connect on the internet. It has two main protocols - TCP and IP. TCP ensures reliable delivery of segments through acknowledgements and retransmissions. IP handles addressing and routing of packets between networks. Common applications that use TCP/IP include HTTP, FTP, SMTP and more. It is popular due to its early development and support in operating systems like UNIX.

wireless communication and networking Chapter 1
wireless communication and networking Chapter 1wireless communication and networking Chapter 1
wireless communication and networking Chapter 1

wireless communication and networking by WilliamStallings Hai I'm Senthilkanth, doing MCA in Mepco Schlenk Engineering College.. The following presentation covers topic called Wireless Communication and Networking by WilliamStallings for BSc CS, BCA, MSc CS, MCA, ME students.Make use of it. This presentation agenda like,, Introduction Chapter 1: Wireless Comes of Age Chapter 2: Transmission Fundamentals Chapter 3: Communication Networks Chapter 4: Protocols and the TCP/IP Protocol Suite Chapter 5: Antennas and Propagation Chapter 6: Signal Encoding Techniques Chapter 7: Spread Spectrum Chapter 8: Coding and Error Control Chapter 9: Satellite Communications Chapter 10: Cellular Wireless Networks Chapter 11: Cordless Systems and Wireless Local Loop Chapter 12: Mobile IP and Wireless Access Protocol Chapter 13: Wireless LAN Technology Chapter 14: IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard Chapter 15: Bluetooth

wireless communication and networking by williamswireless communication and networking
 The WAP datagram protocol (WDP) is the 
Transport layer that sends and receives messages 
via any available bearer network. 
 It is the most bottom layer and responsible for 
moving WAP data from sender to receiver & back 
 Provides a common interface to the upper layer 
protocols and hence they function independent of 
the underlying wireless network.

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wireless application protocol

content has been taken from the schiller's book and some of my peers ppts... i would like to thank them all.

information technologydata communicationcomputer science
Http Vs Https .
Http Vs Https . Http Vs Https .
Http Vs Https .

This presentation is a basic insight into the Application Layer Protocols i.e. Http & Https. I was asked to do this as a part of an interview round in one of the networking company. -Kudos Harshad Taware Bangalore ,India

Switching techniques
Switching techniquesSwitching techniques
Switching techniques

Circuit switching establishes a dedicated electrical path between source and destination before data transmission, but it wastes bandwidth if no data is being sent and has high initial delays. Store-and-forward switching breaks messages into packets that are transmitted independently between nodes, allowing more efficient use of bandwidth. Packet switching is commonly used as it offers better delay characteristics than message switching and requires less buffer storage than transmitting full messages.

 A security protocol based upon the industry-standard 
Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, formerly 
known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). 
 WTLS checks the security level of data which is sent 
through wireless. 
 Features: 
Data integrity 
 The WAP transaction protocol (WTP) layer 
provides transaction support, adding reliability to 
the datagram service provided by WDP. 
 It makes sure that packets are sent via WDP actually 
arrive at their destination by waiting for their 
 WTP/WDP uses less than half the packets that TCP/IP 
uses to transfer the same amount of data.
 The WAP session protocol (WSP) layer provides a 
lightweight session layer to allow efficient exchange 
of data between applications. 
 It creates a session between the WAP client & the 
WAP Gateways. Each session has an unique id & 
must be started, stopped, resumed or disconnected.
 General-purpose application environment based on 
a combination of WWW and mobile telephony 
 It defines the user interface on the phone. It 
contains WML and WTA (Wireless Telephony 
 Primary objective – interoperable environment. 
 WAE includes a micro-browser.

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Features of a wireless network
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Features of a wireless network

This document discusses different types of wireless networks including wireless personal area networks (PANs), local area networks (LANs), and wide area networks (WANs). It describes key features of wireless networks such as allowing multiple computers to access shared hardware and easier data sharing. Challenges of wireless networks including interference and fading are also outlined.

VANET in Mobile Computing
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VANET in Mobile Computing

Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) allow vehicles to communicate with each other using sensors, GPS, WiFi and other technologies. In a VANET, vehicles act as wireless routers to connect to other vehicles within 100-300 meters, creating a mobile internet. VANETs provide safety benefits by sharing information about location, speed and road conditions to warn of accidents and traffic. They can also notify drivers of nearby services. Inter-vehicle communication does not require infrastructure and allows real-time sharing of safety messages between any vehicles that are nearby.

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WAP Model- Mobile Location based services -WAP Gateway –WAP protocols – WAP user agent profile- caching model-wireless bearers for WAP - WML – W MLScripts - WTA - iMode- SyncML.

Simplicity of use. 
Easy to carry. 
Increased sales for devices ,infrastructure & 
gateway manufacturer. 
Time saving.
Battery life 
Small display screens 
Speed of access 
Limited availability 
Lack of user habit 
Limited memory 
Limited bandwidth
 Corporate Applications: Sales force automation 
where sales people use their WAP enabled handsets 
to get instant, direct access to the latest pricing, 
latest news, competitive information any time, 
 Online Services: 
-Banking: Users can get their current balance, 
transfer funds between accounts and receive fax of 
a mini-statement. 
-Electronic Commerce: Subscribers can use 
their handset just like their PC to purchase products 
and services over the Web.
 Tele services 
-Prepaid Services: With a WAP-enabled phone, 
prepaid subscribers can see their current balance with 
the press of a button. By pressing another button, 
they can also recharge their account by entering a 
credit card or voucher number into the handset. 
 Personal Productivity 
-Email: Using WAP users can keep track of 
their email right from their handset. 
 Others include: 
- Interactive Chat 
- Auctions 
- Games

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The document discusses various topics related to network security including encryption, authentication, and protocols. It provides an overview of symmetric and public key cryptography, algorithms like DES and RSA, digital signatures, protocols like SSL and IPsec, and applications like PGP. Common security threats like packet sniffing, IP spoofing, and denial of service attacks are also summarized.

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MQSeries is a middleware product that implements a messaging and queuing framework to allow programs to communicate asynchronously by sending messages to queues. It provides assured delivery of messages across platforms and languages. The core components of MQSeries include queue managers, queues, message channels, and a messaging programming interface. MQSeries uses message logging and recovery to ensure reliable and persistent message delivery.


This document discusses the properties of minerals. It begins by defining a mineral as a naturally occurring solid substance that has a specific chemical composition and formula. It then outlines that minerals have physical, optical, and chemical properties. The document focuses on various physical properties of minerals such as hardness, luster, specific gravity, color, fracture, tenacity, streak, and cleavage. It provides details on how hardness and color are determined for minerals and explanations of streak and luster. The document also briefly mentions cleavage, fracture, specific gravity, and tenacity. It concludes by noting that minerals can be examined using light to study optical properties like refraction, dispersion, and birefringence.

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  • 2.  The wireless industry came up with the idea of WAP. The point of this standard was to show internet contents on wireless clients, like mobile phones.  Wireless Application Protocol commonly known as WAP is used to enable the access of internet in the mobile phones or PDAs.  An open, global specification that empowers mobile users with wireless devices to easily access and interact with internet information and services instantly.
  • 3.  A set of protocols which allow data exchange for mobile cellular systems  The current world standard for the presentation and delivery of wireless information  It is device independent  It is network independent
  • 4.  WAP is an application communication protocol  WAP is used to access services and information  WAP is for handheld devices such as mobile phones  WAP enables the creating of web applications for mobile devices.  WAP uses the mark-up language WML (not HTML) WML is defined as an XML 1.0 application
  • 5. GOALS The basic AIM of WAP is to provide a web-like experience on small portable devices - like mobile phones and PDAs.
  • 6. PURPOSE OF WAP •To enable easy, fast delivery of relevant information and services to mobile users. TYPE OF DEVICES THAT USE WAP •Handheld digital wireless devices such as mobile phones, pagers, two-way radios, smart phones and communicators . WAP WORKS WITH MOST WIRELESS NETWORKS SUCH AS: •CDPD, CDMA, GSM, PDC, PHS, TDMA, FLEX, TETRA, DECT.
  • 7. Web Server CGI, Scripts, Etc. Content Client WAE User Agent Request (URL) Response (Content) Gateway Encoders And Decoders Encoded Request Encoded Response
  • 9. Web Server CGI, Scripts, Etc. Content Client Web Browser Request Response (Content)
  • 10.  Create global wireless protocol specifications that work across differing wireless technologies  Facilitate network-operator and third party service provisioning  Define a layered, scalable and extensible architecture  Bring Internet/Intranet information and advanced data services to wireless terminals  Support as many wireless networks as possible  Provide support for secure applications and communication  Optimize for efficient use of device resources
  • 12. WAP DEVICE - Is used to access WAP applications and content. It might be a PDA, handheld computer. WAP CLIENT - Entity that receives content from Internet via a WAP Gateway. This is usually the WAP Browser. WAP CONTENT/ORIGIN/APPLICATION SERVER - Element in the network where the information or web/WAP applications resides.
  • 13. WAP PROXY-  Acts both as a client and as a server in the network. Typically has Protocol gateway : translates requests from the WAP protocol stack to WWW protocol stack Content encoders and decoders : translate WAP content into compact encoded formats to reduce the size of data over the network  It allows content and applications to be hosted on standard WWW servers
  • 14.  WAP GATEWAY - Intermediary element used to connect two different types of network. It receives requests directly from the clients as if it actually was the original server that clients want to receive the information form. The clients are usually unaware that they are speaking to the Gateway.  WAP BROWSER - Software running on the WAP device that interprets the WAP content arriving from the internet and decides how to display it on WAP device.
  • 15. WML WML – Wireless Markup Language formerly called HDML (Handheld Devices Markup Language)  Is a tag language that allows the text portions of Web Pages to be presented on cellular phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) via wireless access. WML is used for delivering data to WAP devices, and is HTML- like in its appearance.
  • 16.  The protocol for WAP is broken down into different parts which is known as the WAP protocol stack:- 1. WDP 2. WTLS 3. WTP 4. WSP
  • 19. 19
  • 20.  The WAP datagram protocol (WDP) is the Transport layer that sends and receives messages via any available bearer network.  It is the most bottom layer and responsible for moving WAP data from sender to receiver & back again.  Provides a common interface to the upper layer protocols and hence they function independent of the underlying wireless network.
  • 21.  A security protocol based upon the industry-standard Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, formerly known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).  WTLS checks the security level of data which is sent through wireless.  Features: Data integrity Privacy Authentication
  • 22.  The WAP transaction protocol (WTP) layer provides transaction support, adding reliability to the datagram service provided by WDP.  It makes sure that packets are sent via WDP actually arrive at their destination by waiting for their acknowledgement.  WTP/WDP uses less than half the packets that TCP/IP uses to transfer the same amount of data.
  • 23.  The WAP session protocol (WSP) layer provides a lightweight session layer to allow efficient exchange of data between applications.  It creates a session between the WAP client & the WAP Gateways. Each session has an unique id & must be started, stopped, resumed or disconnected.
  • 24.  General-purpose application environment based on a combination of WWW and mobile telephony technologies.  It defines the user interface on the phone. It contains WML and WTA (Wireless Telephony Application).  Primary objective – interoperable environment.  WAE includes a micro-browser.
  • 25. ADVANTAGES- Simplicity of use. Mobility. Personalized. Easy to carry. Increased sales for devices ,infrastructure & gateway manufacturer. Time saving.
  • 26. DISADVANTAGES OF WAP Battery life Small display screens Speed of access Limited availability Price Lack of user habit Limited memory Limited bandwidth
  • 27. USAGE/APPLICATIONS  Corporate Applications: Sales force automation where sales people use their WAP enabled handsets to get instant, direct access to the latest pricing, latest news, competitive information any time, anywhere.  Online Services: -Banking: Users can get their current balance, transfer funds between accounts and receive fax of a mini-statement. -Electronic Commerce: Subscribers can use their handset just like their PC to purchase products and services over the Web.
  • 28.  Tele services -Prepaid Services: With a WAP-enabled phone, prepaid subscribers can see their current balance with the press of a button. By pressing another button, they can also recharge their account by entering a credit card or voucher number into the handset.  Personal Productivity -Email: Using WAP users can keep track of their email right from their handset.  Others include: - Interactive Chat - Auctions - Games