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                             VIRTUAL WORLDS                      EU-CHINA

                                 TO THE              3D WEB

                                                   - 中国,亚洲及世界各地的网络社区

+8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd
March 2009
在过去几年里,虚拟世界成为众人瞩目的焦                                  此外,曾经是独立的服务现在已与众多其他
                                                                                                    点。那么,它今天的状况又如何呢?                                     服务交织在了一起,尤其是社交网络和网络游
                                                                                                    首先,我们需要认识到,虚拟世界有许多种:                                 趋势在将来会变得更加明显。我们的方法是提

                                                                        目录                          从2D社区到游戏世界,再到商业或教育环境。                                供各种示例来展现全景,而不是强行将这些服

                                        Contents                                                    虽然虚拟世界,或从更广意义来说,在线社区                                                                                   编者,
                                                                                                    发源于美国,但许多亚洲国家(尤其是中国,                                 从监管方面来看,虚拟世界涉及知识产权(商
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Benjamin Joffe, 首席执行官
                                                                                                    日本和韩国)却通过推出形象化身(avatar)及                             标,版权和专利)、电子商务和法律权利问题
                                                                                                                                                                                                           +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd
                                                                                                    通过虚拟商品赚钱抢得了先机。这方面的发展                                 的诸多方面。其中的大部分问题都不是新的,
                                                                                                    促进了2D虚拟世界和网络游戏的成长。                                   但这些问题发生的频率很可能会迅速增加,法
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Yiqun Bo, 咨询和研究部经理
                                                                                                                                                                                                           +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd
                                                                                                    系统通常拥有最大用户群及最高收入。到目前                                 随着计算机处理能力的增强,网络速度变得越
                                                                                                    为止,没有哪个3D虚拟世界能够创造不菲的收                                来越快,3D的显示也将不成问题。因此,我们
                                                                                                    入。(此次研究中,我们不将MMORPG1等网络                              会看到更多的3D,它在操控信息、协作或分享
                                                                                                    游戏看作是虚拟世界)                                           情感方面能够显示其优势。

                                                                                                                                                                                                                     前言 Foreword
                                                1         Foreword

                                                                                                    Virtual worlds gathered a lot of attention           Moreover, what used to be siloed services         The editors,
                                                2         Introduction
                           介绍                                                                       during the past few years. What is the               are now intertwined with a variety of others,
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Benjamin Joffe, CEO
                                                                                                    situation today?                                     notably social networks and online games.
                                                                                                                                                         The lines between services are blurred and        +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd
                                                                                                    The first point is to recognize that there            will continue to become more so in the

                   市场状况                                                                                                                                                                                    Yiqun Bo, Consulting & Research Manager
                                                          Market situation                          are many genres of virtual worlds: from 2D           future. Our approach has been to offer a
                                                                                                    communities to gaming worlds to business or          variety of examples to illustrate the landscape   +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd
                                                                                                    educational environments.                            rather than force a classification onto them.

                                                                                                    While virtual worlds and more generally              In terms of regulation, virtual worlds touch
      中国虚拟世界的                                             Evolution and trends of                   online communities were pioneered in                 upon various aspects of IPR (trademark,
        演变与趋势                                             virtual worlds in China                   the United States, several Asian countries           copyright and patents), e-commerce and
                                                                                                    (especially China, Japan and South Korea)            legal rights issues. Most of them are not new,
                                                                                                    got an early start by introducing avatars            but the frequency of their occurrence is most
                                                                                                    and monetizing by virtual goods. These               likely to grow rapidly and would benefit from

                                                                                                    developments helped grow the 2D virtual              an updated regulatory framework.
                                                          Policy and regulation
               政策和法规                                                                                world and online gaming scenes
                                                                                                                                                         As computers gain more processing power
                                                                                                    The services with the largest number of users        and networks become faster, displaying 3D
                                                                                                    and highest revenues are generally aimed at          will be much less of a difficulty. Therefore,
                           结论                             Conclusion                                teen, gaming-oriented closed systems. So far,        we can expect to see more 3D wherever
                                                                                                    no 3D virtual world has achieved significant          it can bring advantages for manipulating
                                                                                                    revenues so far (in this research, we do not         information, collaborating or sharing
                                                                                                    consider online games like MMORPG1 as                emotions.
                                                                                                    virtual worlds).

                      如需更多信息,请登陆网站或联系Thomas Hart博士

        This report is part of the EU-China information Society Project briefing paper series        1
For more information: or contact Dr. Thomas Hart,       Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
                                                                                                                                                        这是真实生活吗?                                         此外,通过计算机进行的互动与离线互动相比                               现代世界使我们能够通过计算机而不是面对面
                                                    为虚拟世界找到一个标准的定义是很困难的,                                                                                                                                 有着诸多优势,其中包括与面对面交流相比它
                                                                                                     事实上,我们的研究发现虚拟世界、网络游戏以                                                                                                                                  的方式与越来越多的人进行交流互动,在这种
                                                    尤其是因为其设计和用途各不相同。通常的                                                                                                                                  能够更好地掌控相互之间的沟通,这要归功于
                                                                                                     及社交网络之间有许多交叉点。因此,此研究将                                                                                                                                  环境下,与quot;离线quot;情形下购买服装一样,你所
       虚拟世界是一种没有游戏机制                                设计包括2D, 2.5D 和 3D,而其用途也大相径                                                                                                                           “数字肢体语言”的非同步输入和处理。
                                                                                                     虚拟世界定义为具有以下标准的网络环境:                                                                                                                                    买的服装通常是让人欣赏的,它表现了你的情
       的网络游戏                                        庭,从社交、创作、游戏,到商业、约会、教                                                                                “虚拟”这个词有多种含义,我们发现这个此                                                                                绪和/或地位。因此对在线展示的方式进行控制
                                                                                                     •   2D 或3D永久网络环境
                                                    育等等。                                                                                                属于用词不当。这些在所谓quot;虚拟世界quot;中进行                            从本质上说,在线互动和形象化身并不能完全                               也就不足为奇了。
                                                                                                                                                        的互动可能是数字化的,但不管怎么说,他们                             替代离线互动,但确实可以作为其补充。
                                                                                                     •   用户的视觉展示(形象化身)
                                                    我们最终发现,人们通常所看到的虚拟世界是                                                                                在感情或经济上对用户产生实际影响,从这种
                                                    一个拥有形象化身但无明确规则或确切目标的                                                                                意义上来看他们是“真实的”。因此,虽然环                             在线和离线之间的划分主要是因不同时代的人
                                                                                                     •   服务中无确定终点或单一目标
                                                    永久网络环境。从某种意义上来说,虚拟世界                                                                                境不是“物质的”,他们却确实“真实的”。                             而异。年轻一代的“数字土著人”可以在两种
                                                    是一种没有游戏机制(game mechanics)的                                                                          虽然我们强烈偏好于“在线”而不是“虚拟”                             环境中自由切换。从另一方面来看,老一代
                                                                                                     •   不仅仅是一项游戏(如魔兽世界)
                                                    网络游戏。                                                                                               这个词,尤其是因为前者与quot;离线quot;相呼应,但                            “数字移民”们在对形象化身的使用理解上有
                                                                                                                                                        此报告中我们仍使用人们习惯的“虚拟世界”                             较大困难,他们对在线和离线互动加以区分,
                                                                                                     •   不仅仅是一个社交网络 (如 Facebook)
                                                    如果说虚拟世界的声名鹊起始于2005左右出                                                                               这个词,以便于读者阅读。                                     把他们称为“虚拟的”和“真实的”。
                                                    现的Second Life (第二人生),值得注意的是,
                                                    几乎在同一时期,西方世界两个最大的社交                                                                                 为了说明虚拟世界中的互动不是由虚幻构成                              我们切不可低估形象化身(avatars)的重要
                                                    网络Facebook, MySpace以及全球人气最旺的                     如身份、隐私、在线和离线商务、版权、专利                               的,让我们记住,离线互动并不是建立社会关                             性,他是虚拟世界中的中心构件。有一点我们
                                                    MMORPG游戏World of Warcraft(魔兽世界)                  或法律权利等不是虚拟世界所特有的,他们通                               系或友谊的先决条件。在线环境中交的朋友与                             必须明白的是,吸引人的视觉形象与地位和影                               经无人问津了。”
                                                    在媒体上也同时抢尽了风头。                                                                                       笔友或电话那边的人同样是“真实的”。                               响力密切相关。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Clay Shirky《大家都来了》
    介绍 Introduction
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            quot;The experience of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            average twenty-five-year-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            old is one of substantial
    Defining virtual worlds                                                                           Is this the real life?
                                                    this research defines a virtual world as an                                                          control over communication compared to           has led many of us to interact with an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            overlap between online
                                                    online environment possessing the following                                                         face-to-face thanks to an asynchronous input     increasing number of people via computers
                                                                                                     Is this just fantasy?                                                                                                                                  and offline friends and
    Developing a standard definition for a virtual   criteria:                                                                                           and handling of quot;digital body languagequot;.         rather than face-to-face. In such context and
    world is a challenge, notably since their                                                                                                                                                            quite similarly to the fact that the clothes one
    design and usage vary widely. The common        •   2D or 3D permanent online environment        quot;Virtualquot; has numerous connotations and we         In essence, online interactions and avatars do   buys quot;offlinequot; are mostly seen by others and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            The overlap is so great that
    designs include 2D, 2.5D and 3D while the                                                        found it was often a misnomer. Notably, the        not replace entirely offline interactions, but    convey your mood and/or status, it makes
    uses vary from socializing, creation, gaming,   •   Visual representation of the user (avatar)   interactions taking place in so-called quot;virtual    can surely complement them.                      sense to control the way you appear online.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            both the word and concept
    business, dating to education and more.                                                          worldsquot; might be digital, but are nonetheless
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            of quot;cyberspacequot; have fallen
                                                    •   No defined ending nor single aim in the       quot;realquot; in the sense that they affect the users,    The divide between online and offline is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            into disuse.quot;
    Eventually, we found that what is generally         service                                      at least emotionally if not economically.          mostly generational. Young generations of
    seen as a virtual world is a permanent online                                                    Hence, while the environments are not              quot;digital nativesquot; transfer seamlessly between
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Clay Shirky
    environment with avatars and no clear rules     •   Not only a game (e.g. World of Warcraft)     quot;materialquot;, they remain quot;realquot; nonetheless.        the two environments. On the other hand,
    nor definite objective. In a way, a virtual                                                       Though we strongly prefer the term quot;onlinequot;        older generations of quot;digital immigrantsquot;                                                           Here comes Everybody
    world is an online game without game            •   Not only a social network                    to quot;virtualquot;, especially since the former          have a more difficult time understanding the
    mechanics at the center.                            (e.g. Facebook)                              contrasts nicely with quot;offlinequot;, we chose to        point of using avatars, and distinguish online
                                                                                                     stick to the usual quot;virtual worldquot; term in this    and offline interactions by calling them
    If virtual worlds came to fame with the         We will see that many of the concepts,           report for easier reading.                         quot;realquot; and quot;virtualquot;.
    service named Second Life (Linden Lab,          problems and opportunities with virtual
    2003) circa 2005, it is interesting to note     worlds such as identity, privacy, online and     To illustrate how interactions in virtual worlds   The importance of avatars – a central
    that around the same time, several other        offline commerce, copyright, patents or           are not made of dreams, let's remember that        piece in virtual worlds – should not be
    services such as Facebook and MySpace,          legal rights are not specific to virtual worlds   offline interaction is not a pre-requisite for      underestimated. It is fundamental to
    the largest social networks in the Western      but are often common to various other            forming relationships or friendships. Friends      understand that the point of having an
    world, and World of Warcraft, one of the        online services.                                 made in online environments are no less            attractive visual representation is related to
    most popular MMORPG globally, shared the                                                         quot;realquot; than pen-pals, or people called on the      both status and reach. The modern world
    media spotlight.                                                                                 phone.

                                                        A virtual world is an online
    In fact, our research identified numerous                                                         In addition, computer-mediated interactions
                                                        game without game
    overlaps between virtual worlds, online                                                          have a number of advantages over offline
    games and social networks. As a result,                                                          interactions including a potentially better
                                                        mechanics at the center.

                                                          虚拟世界之起源                                                                                                                                                                                                            虚拟世界声名鹊起始于“第二生命”(Second
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Life) (Linden实验室, 2003),该游戏重视地再现
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           十年后,第一个多人网络游戏出现了。                                 了小说《雪崩》中所描绘的愿景。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2D MMORPG是这种游戏的先驱者,其中包
                                                                                                                    True Names(真名实姓), Neuromancer(神经                                                                       括韩国的Nexus: The Kingdom of the Wind
                                                          久。二十五年前的科幻小说中首先对其进行了预                                                                                                                                                                                              下面的章节将提供当今美国、欧洲和亚洲虚拟
                                                                                                                    漫游者)和Snow Crash(雪崩): 虚拟世界的三                                                                            (Nexon, 1996) (风之王国)和美国的Ultima
                                                          见,早在二十多年前的1986年就付诸实施了。                                                                                            早先的在线虚拟社区是基于文字的虚拟环境,                                                                             世界中的一些例子,并对它们的成功程度加以
                                                                                                                                                                            如LambdaMOO (Pavel Curtis, 1990),一个“以           Online(Origin Systems, 1997)。                     比较。我们将从一系列示例中发现,知名度并
                                                          科幻作家Vernor Vinge的《真名实姓》(1981),                                                                                    物件为导向的多用户城堡”(MUD-OO) ,以                                                                          不意味着创新性或商业成功。
                                                          William Gibson的《神经漫游》(1984)及Neal                                                                                  及Habitat (Lucasfilm, 1986),它首次提供了一               第一个 3D MMORPG 是十年前推出的
                                                          Stephenson的《雪崩》(1992)所描述的数字化                              日本动画“攻壳机动队”(manga, 1989; anime,                                                                        EverQuest (索尼, 1999)。
                                                                                                                                                                            个图形界面。这些服务未能吸引大量的用户                                                                              在亚洲,日本和韩国都拥有非常先进的IT基础
                                                                                                                    1995) ,这部动画为好莱坞提供了灵感,继而
                                                          世界与今天的在线环境有很多相似之处,这些                                                                                                                                                                                               设施,这使得它们能够更轻而易举地实施这类
                                                          小说中发明了诸如“网际空间”和“虚拟实                                                                                               为当时互联网还不够普及,但公司当时经历着
                                                                                                                    催生了“黑客帝国”(1999)这部家喻户晓的主                                                                                虚拟社区和网络游戏是并行发展的,而目前的                              服务,而中国则在互联网用户数量和风险资本
                                                          境”等词汇。                                                                                                            与今天的许多在线环境相同的喜悦和挑战。                            虚拟世界可看作是他们的子孙。                                    强大支持方面拥有优势。

    Origins of virtual                                                                                              From text-based to online games                                                                        Today's virtual worlds
                                                          Pop culture soon followed literature with                                                                         A decade later, the first multiplayer online
                                                          works like Japan's Ghost in the Shell                                                                             games appeared. Among the pioneering
    worlds                                                                                                                                                                  games were the 2D MMORPG, Nexus: The           Virtual worlds came to fame with Second
                                                          (manga, 1989; anime, 1995), which                         Among the first examples of online virtual
                                                                                                                                                                            Kingdom of the Wind (Nexon, 1996) in           Life (Linden Lab, 2003), which quite faithfully
                                                          inspired Hollywood and gave birth to Matrix               communities were text-based virtual
    Literature and pop culture                                                                                                                                              South Korea and Ultima Online (Origin
                                                          (1999), the most famous reference in the                  environments like LambdaMOO (Pavel                                                                     reproduced Snow Crash's vision.
                                                          mainstream.                                               Curtis, 1990), an quot;object oriented multi-user           Systems, 1997) in the US.
    As new as they might sound, virtual worlds                                                                      dungeonquot; (MUD-OO) and Habitat (Lucasfilm,                                                               The following chapter will provide examples
                                                                                                                                                                            The first 3D MMORPG was EverQuest (Sony,
    are not really new. They were initially                                                                         1986), which was the first to offer a graphical                                                         of today's virtual worlds in US, Europe and
    envisioned 25 years ago in science fiction and                                                                   interface. While those services did not gather          1999), released a decade ago.                  Asia, and compare their level of success.
    first implemented as early as 1986 – over 20                                                                     large numbers of users (LambdaMOO had                                                                  Notably, we will see from a number of
    years ago.                                                                                                      only a few thousands at peak) since the                 Virtual communities and online games           examples that visibility does not imply
                                                                                                                    Internet was yet to spread, the company                 developed in parallel, and current virtual     innovativeness or commercial success.
    Science fiction writers like Vernor Vinge's                                                                      faced the same joys and challenges of many              worlds could be seen as their grandchildren.
    True Names (1981), William Gibson's                                                                             of today's online environments.                                                                        In Asia, both Japan and South Korea enjoy a
    Neuromancer (1984) and Neal Stephenson's                                                                                                                                                                               very advanced IT infrastructure which makes
    Snow Crash (1992) described digital worlds                                                                                                                                                                             it easier to deploy such services, while China
    sharing many similarities with today's                                                                                                                                                                                 has advantages of a large Internet user base
    online environments, coining terms like                                                                                                                                                                                and strong support by venture capital.
                                                          Matrix, pop culture icon of virtuality and its Japanese
    quot;cyberspacequot; and quot;metaversequot;.
                                                          inspiration Ghost in the Shell.

                                                                                                                    LambaMOO, 一个基于文字的虚拟社区,
                                                                                                                    LambaMOO, a text-based virtual community with several
                                                                                                                    thousand users (1990)

                                                                                                                                                                            索尼的EverQuest (1999)
                                                                                                                                                                            EverQuest by Sony (1999)

    True Names(真名实姓), Neuromancer(神经漫游者)和
    Snow Crash(雪崩): 虚拟世界的三大灵感
    True Names, Neuromancer and Snow Crash: three major
    inspirations of virtual worlds.

                                                                                                                    Habitat, the first graphical virtual world (1986)

4                                                                                                                                                                           Nexon的NexusTK (1996)                           “第二人生”中会议场景
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Conference in Second Life
                                                                                                                                                                            NexusTK by Nexon (1996)

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西方的 2D世界
                                                                                                                  西方世界中著名的此类服务有Habbo2 (芬兰,                        Stardoll的理念是创造数字化纸玩偶。2008年                                虚拟世界类型
                                                                                                                  2000), Gaia Online (美国, 2003) Stardoll3 (瑞      11月,该服务报告说已拥有超过两千万个注册
                                                                                                                  典 , 2004) 和 Club Penguin4 (加拿大, 2005)。          用户,每月有八百万个独立访客,其中的94%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              类别          定义                                                                          举例
                                                          2D 虚拟世界                                                 告说拥有数百万注册用户,据说服务都接近于                            自于装扮玩偶和房间的数字物品的销售。该网                                                                                                                                Second Life
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              平台          平台是“开放的”环境,在这种环境中用户没有定义的目标
    细分市场                                                                                                          盈利。                                             站与许多著名时尚品牌和艺术家建立了合作关                                                                                                                                IMVU
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              社区          虚拟社区是控制性更强的环境,它围绕着社会关系这个中心
                                                                                                                                                                  系, 每天销售的物品超过 100,000个6。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      The Sims
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              游戏          主要目的是游戏。游戏本身可以是开放型的。
    到目前为止,虚拟世界所遭遇境遇各不相同。                                  青少年的2D世界比任何其他3D服务的表现要好                                  这些服务的共同点是有能力吸引大量的用户,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              商务          此环境的设计主旨是商业使用
                                                                                                                                                                  Club Penguin(企鹅俱乐部) 是一个虚拟世
    我们可以根据以下各项对众多服务进行分类:                                  得多。我们发现其中的主要原因是进入的门槛较                                   并通过注册或在一个封闭系统和经济体中销售
    图形(2D/3D),主要目的,服务的开放性 –                               低,因为现有技术使基于浏览器的使用(尤其是                                   数字化商品来赚钱。                                       界,用户可在此控制卡通企鹅、聊天和玩儿迷                                                                                                                                  来源: Plus Eight Star
                                                          Flash 和 Shockwave)成为可能,能够使服务提
    是否允许用户生成的内容 , 以及目标用户群。                                                                                                                                        你游戏。游戏的目标群体是6-14岁的青少年。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            西方几个主要的 2D 虚拟世界
                                                          供商将重点更好地聚焦于自己的目标用户群,并                                                                                   它的商业模式是将月会员资格与虚拟商品销售
    从目的上来看,我们将服务分为四类:平台,                                  能够通过虚拟商品创造更多的盈利。                                        们在一个酒店中走动,在那里他们可以与其他                            结合起来。2007年底,该服务拥有一千二百万
                                                                                                                                                                  个账户。根据调研公司 DFC的估计,其2008年
    社区,游戏和商务。                                                                                                     用户会面;用户可使自己的形象化身个性化,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2008 年收入(E)7                          估值(E)8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              服务                         注册用户
                                                          这些服务为用户提供了讨论、社交及其他方面的                                   并用虚拟的家具来装点自己的房间。2008年6                          的收入在五千万到一亿五千万美元之间。
    毫无疑问,社区和游戏世界以其开放性和“娱                                  空间。主要的活动通常是形象化身(avatar,一个                               月,此服务创造了自己的第一亿个形象化身。                                                                                        Habbo                      1亿                5千万美元                                 12.5亿美元
                                                                                                                  Habbo在游戏内物件和活动方面已与众多品牌                          Gaia Online 是一个集在线论坛、创意出口、博
    乐因素”而成为当今最为活跃的服务。因此,                                  能够代表用户的人物)的个性化以及个人空间的                                                                                                                                               Gaia Online                7百万 UV/月          1千万美元                                 n.a.
    下面的章节将重点介绍这两类。                                        个性化,为用户提供一个进行互动的视觉环境。                                   和名人进行了合作。                                       弈游戏网站和虚拟世界为一体的服务。根据报
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Stardoll                   2千万               3千万美元                                 4.5亿美元
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Club Penguin               1200万             5千万-1.5亿美元

    市场状况 Market situation

    Segmentation                                          2D virtual worlds                                       Western 2D worlds                               Stardoll's concept is to create digital paper             Club Penguin is a virtual world where users        Gaia Online is a hybrid between an online
                                                                                                                                                                  dolls. In November 2008 it reported over 20               control cartoon penguins, chat and play            forum, creative outlet, casual gaming site
    Virtual worlds have so far experienced very           Overall, 2D worlds with little or no user-              Among well-known services of this kind in       million registered users with 8 million unique            mini-games. The game is targeting the 6-14         and virtual world. It reported over 7 million
                                                                                                                  the Western world are Habbo2 (Finland,
    different fortunes. It is possible to categorize      generated content aiming at teenagers have                                                              visitors every month, 94% of whom were                    year old demographic. The business model           unique visitors and 1 million USD virtual
                                                                                                                  2000), Gaia Online (US, 2003) Stardoll3         teen and tween5 girls. Revenues were coming
    the variety of services according to the              generally fared far better than any 3D service.                                                                                                                   is a combination of monthly membership             goods sale per month in 2008.
                                                                                                                  (Sweden , 2004) and Club Penguin4
    graphics (2D/3D), the main purpose, the               We found the main reasons to be a much                                                                  from the sale of digital items to dress up a              and virtual goods sales. The service had
    openness of the service – whether it allows           lower barrier of entry thanks to technologies           (Canada, 2005). Though not disclosing           doll and its room. The site has partnerships              over 12 million accounts at the end of
    user-generated content or not – and the               allowing browser-based usage (notably                   precise numbers, all those services report      with famous fashion brands and artists and is             2007. According to the research firm DFC
                                                                                                                                                                  selling over 100,000 items per day6.
    target demographics.                                  Flash and Shockwave), better focus on their             millions of registered users and are rumored                                                              Intelligence its revenues were estimated to be
                                                          demographics, and better monetization with              to be nearing profitability.                                                                               between 50 and 150 million USD in 2008.
    In terms of purpose, we divided the services          virtual goods.
    into 4 categories: platforms, communities,                                                                    The common point of those services is their
    gaming and business.                                  Those services provide spaces for users                 ability to attract large numbers of users and
                                                          to discuss, socialize and more. The main                monetize their audience via subscriptions or
    Unsurprisingly, the most active services today        activities are often the personalization of an          the sale of digital goods in a closed system
    are the communities and gaming worlds                 avatar – a character representing the user –            and economy.
    thanks to their openness and quot;fun factorquot;.            and of a personal space to provide a visual
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Gaia Online
                                                                                                                  Habbo allows users to create avatars and
    The following chapters will thus focus on             context to interactions.
    those two categories.                                                                                         move them around a hotel, where they meet
                                                                                                                  other users, personalize their avatar and
                                                                                                                  populate their room with virtual furniture.                                                                                                          
                                                                                                                  The service had its 100 millionth avatar                                                                                                                     4
                                                                                                                                                                  Stardoll的数字化纸玩偶                                           Club Penguin中各式各样的企鹅                               5
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 8-12 岁女孩
                                                                                                                  created in June 2008. Habbo worked with a       Stardoll's digital paper dolls                            Club Penguin's myriad of penguins                    8-12 years old
                                                                                                                  variety of brands and celebrities for in-game                                                                                                                6
                    Virtual world categories                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     tech-ebiz-cx_sm_0530stardoll.html
                                                                                                                  objects and events.                                                                                                                                          7
                                                                                                                                                                  Some of the major Western 2D virtual worlds                                                                  8
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 根据Silicon Alley Insider 2008年4月的估计 | www.
                      Category          Definition                                            Example                                                                                                                                                                    及纽约时报()对 Gaia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 首席执行官的采访 /2008/12/08/
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Revenue 2008 (E)7               Valuation (E)8
                                                                                                                                                                   Service                         Registered users
                                        Platforms are quot;openquot; environments where users                                                                                                                                                                                            technology/internet/08virtual.html
                      Platform                                                               Second Life                                                                                                                                                                         Estimate by Silicon Alley Insider in April 2008 | www.
                                        do not have clearly defined objectives.                                                                                                                                                                                          and Gaia's CEO interview
                                                                                                                                                                   Habbo                           100 million          50 mln USD                      1.25 bln USD             at
                                        Virtual communities are more controlled
                      Community                                                              IMVU                                                                                                                                                                                internet/08virtual.html
                                                                                                                                                                   Gaia Online                     7 million UV/month   10 mln USD                      n.a.
                                        environments centered on relationships.                                                                                                                                                                                                9
                                                                                                                                                                   Stardoll                        20 million           30 mln USD                      450 mln USD
                                        The main purpose is gaming. The game itself can                                                                                                                                                                                          Based on the acquisition price by Disney in 2007 for
                      Gaming                                                                 The Sims
                                        be open-ended.                                                                                                                                                                                                  350-700 mln USD9         350 million USD with an additional 350 million if
                                                                                                                                                                   Club Penguin                    12 million           50-150 mln USD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 specific targets are met.
                                        This environment is designed primarily for
                      Business                                                               Qwak
6                                       business use.
                                                                                        Source: Plus Eight Star   Habbo酒店大厅
                                                                                                                  Habbo's lobby
                                                                                                                  几个亚洲服务的运营理念基本类似,经营也非                                                                                                                                                    在中国,许多服务都依赖于形象化身和虚拟商
                                                                                                                  常成功,如韩国的Cyworld10 (SK 电信, 1999),                                                                                                                                        品。最成功的是QQ (腾讯, 1998),2008年,
                                                                                                                  日本的 Mobile Game Town11 (DeNA, 2006)                         身、照片和其他服务。Cyworld 是探索虚拟商                                                                                    公司的销售额和利润分别为10亿美元和5亿美
                                                                                                                  和 Gree12 (2004)。它们都吸引了数百万用户,                                品模式的先驱,它在韩国有着巨大的影响力,                                                                                        元,公司基于形象化身的服务在用户、收入和
    亚洲领先的基于形象化身社区                                                                                                 并从形象化身的个性化中获得了不菲的收入和                                        这个国家大部分15-30岁的网民都有自己的一                                                                                      利润方面成为世界领先者。
                                                                                                                  利润。                                                         个网页。
                                                                                     估值(E)13                                                                                                                                                                                              其主要服务围绕着即时讯息,但还包括类似于
                                                 2008 年收入(E)
     服务                    注册用户
                                                                                                                                                                              Mobile Game Town (MGT) 和 Gree 是移动服务                        名)推出了一个新的服务,名为Nicotto Town                       Club Penguin 名为QQ宠物的 2D虚拟世界。
     Cyworld               2200万                 2亿美元                                n.a.                                                                                                                                                (“微笑之城”)。
                                                                                                                  既不提供同步互动,也不具备必要的永久性                                         (Gree的网络使用率有限),它们使用基于Flash
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          虽然 QQ遥遥领先于所有其他服务,但其他几
                                                                                                                  “世界”。然而,其所具备的网络空间和形象                                        的手机游戏来吸引用户。根据MGT的报告,其
     Mobile Game Town 1260万                      2.5亿美元                              14亿美元
                                                                                                                  化身使用户产生兴趣。                                                                                                                                                              个基于形象化身的2D服务也吸引了大量用户,
     Gree                  800万                  6000万美元                             12亿美元
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          其中包括爱情公寓( iPart) (商情网络, 2003),
     Nicotto Town          100,000               n.a.                                n.a.                         2003年,Cyworld 被SK电信收购,并将其从                                                                                                                                              娜娜米米 (2005), (Mocre, 2007) 和 梦
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         该服务与Habbo, Stardoll和 Cyworld有极为相似
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          境家园 (Xlands, 2008)。
                                                                                                                  网络扩展到手机。其服务是一种实名制社交网                                        公司的股票市值都保持在10亿美元左右。                                        之处。
                                                                                        数据来源: Plus Eight Star

    Japan & South Korea                                                                                                                                                                                                                  China
                                                        Cyworld was acquired by SK Telecom in                     Mobile Game Town (MGT) and Gree are                         In 2008, a new service named Nicotto                                                                        messaging but also includes a 2D virtual
                                                        2003 and extended from web to mobile. Its                 mobile services (Gree has a limited web                     Town (quot;Smile Townquot;) was launched by the                                                                     world named QQ Pet comparable to Club
    Several Asian services are operating                service is a real-name social network offering            usage) using Flash-based mobile games to                    Japanese video game maker Square-Enix                      In China, a number of services rely on avatars   Penguin.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and virtual goods. The most successful is QQ
    successfully with similar concepts, such            personal diaries, avatars, photos and other               attract users. MGT was reporting that around                (famous for its Final Fantasy and Dragon
    as Korea's10 Cyworld (SK Telecom, 1999),            services with some similarities to Facebook.              10% of its 12 million users paying for value-               Quest series).                                             (Tencent, 1998), which recorded an estimated     While QQ outshines all other services by an
    Japan's Mobile Game Town11 (DeNA,                   Cyworld is a pioneer of the virtual goods                 added services (virtual goods and avatars).                                                                            1 billion USD in sales and 500 million USD in    order of magnitude, several other 2D avatar-
    2006) and Gree12 (2004). All of them                model and has had an enormous impact in                   Both companies went public in Japan and                     Within a few months, the service gathered                  profits in 2008, making it the leading avatar-    based services managed to gather significant
    gathered millions of users and are generating       South Korea where most netizens from 15-                  enjoy a market capitalization in the 1 billion              over 100,000 users.                                        based service by users, revenues and profit       numbers of users. Among them are iPart
    strong revenues and profits from avatar              30 have a page.                                           USD range due to their revenues and high                                                                               worldwide.                                       (ShangQing Networks, 2003), Nanamimi
    personalization.                                                                                              profitability.                                               The service has strong similarities with                                                                    (2005), (Mocre, 2007) and 1001m
                                                                                                                                                                              Habbo, Stardoll and Cyworld.                                                                                (Xlands, 2008).
    The above services are not exactly virtual
    worlds as they do not provide synchronous                                                                                                                                                                                            Its main offering is centered on instant
    interactions nor is there necessarily a
    permanent surrounding quot;worldquot;. However,
    the presence of online spaces and avatars
    make them interesting to consider.

                                                        Cyworld的 迷你小家,其中有迷你小屋和形象化身
                                                        Cyworld's mini-hompy with mini-room and avatar
                                                                                                                                                                              Square-Enix 的 Nicotto Town
                                                                                                                                                                              Nicotto Town by Square-Enix                                                                                 虚拟宠物服务 QQ宠物
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          The virtual pet service QQ pet

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         带有形象化身的QQ 即时讯息服务
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         QQ's IM service with avatars
                                                                                                                  Mobile Game Town的形象化身室
                                                                                                                  Mobile Game Town’s avatar room

                                                        Some of the major Western 2D virtual worlds
                                                                                                                                             Valuation (E)13
                                                         Service                    Registered users            Revenue 2008 (E)                                              10
                                                         Cyworld                    22 million                  200 million USD              n.a.                             13
                                                                                                                                                                                 Estimate for Cyworld by Plus Eight Star 对Cyworld的估
                                                                                                                                                                                 计是基于 SK电信的财务数据和移动收入估计。DeNA 和
                                                         Mobile Game Town           12.6 million                250 million USD              1.4 billion USD                     Gree的估值是基于到2009年2月23日的市值。
                                                                                                                                                                                 Estimate for Cyworld by Plus Eight Star based on SK
                                                         Gree                       8 million                   60 million USD               1.2 billion USD
                                                                                                                                                                                 Telecom's accounting and estimate of mobile revenues.
                                                                                                                                                                                 Valuation for DeNA and Gree based on market
                                                         Nicotto Town               100,000                     n.a.                         n.a.
                                                                                                                                                                                 capitalization as of 23 February 2009.

                                                                                                                                                    Source: Plus Eight Star
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تا زمان انتشار این گزارش مجموع تعداد نمایش آگهی از ۲۰۰ میلیون گذشته و ۸ میلیون نصب از آن به دست آمده است. رکورد تعداد نمایش آگهی یک برنامه ۲,۴ میلیون بار نمایش بوده است. استفاده‌کنندگان از ابزار تبلیغات در جست‌وجوی بازار در این گزارش می‌توانند نرخ هزینه متوسط تبلیغات (CPI) در جست‌وجوی بازار را در دسته‌های مختلف ببینید. آمارها نشان می‌دهد نرخ تبدیل شدن به خریدار در بین کاربرانی که برنامه را از طریق تبلیغات در جست‌وجو نصب می‌کنند ۴۵٪ بیشتر از کاربرانی است که برنامه را از راه جست‌وجوی عادی نصب می‌کنند.

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در این گزارش، آمارهای تحلیلی تازه‌ای از جمله دسته‌های پرتقاضا و کم‌رقیب در برنامه‌ها و بازی‌ها، حجم پراکندگی یا تمرکز درآمد در هر دسته و نیز بیشترین واژه‌ها و برندهای جستجوشده در بازار ارائه شده است. همچنین در این گزارش توزیع خرید کاربران برنامه و بازی در ساعت‌های مختلف شبانه روز را مشاهده کنید. اطلاعات دستگاه‌های اندرویدی کاربران بازار، تغییرات نصب‌ فعال دسته‌های مختلف در فصل پاییز بیشترین رشد نصب فعال و بیشترین رشد در تعداد برنامه و تغییرات تعداد‌ برنامه‌های منتشر شده در هر دسته از دیگر بخش‌های این گزارش است.

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در گزارش فصلی بهار ۹۸ کافه‌بازار به موضوعات جدیدی از جمله هزینه تبلیغات در جست‌وجوی بازار هم پرداخته شده است. همچنین توسعه‌دهندگان هر استان که پرنصب‌ترین برنامه‌ها را تولید کرده‌اند به تفکیک استانی معرفی شده‌اند که فایل کامل‌تر آن را در اینجا می‌توانید مشاهده کنید. در این گزارش همچنین می‌توانید اطلاعات دستگاه‌های اندرویدی کاربران بازار، ساعت‌ خرید کاربران بازار،‌ تغییرات نصب‌ فعال دسته‌های مختلف در فصل جدید و تغییرات تعداد‌ برنامه‌های منتشرشده در هر دسته را مشاهده کنید.

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From Virtual Worlds To The 3 D Web

  • 1. FROM VIRTUAL WORLDS EU-CHINA TO THE 3D WEB ONLINE COMMUNITIES IN CHINA, ASIA AND THE WORLD 从虚拟世界到3D网络 - 中国,亚洲及世界各地的网络社区 +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd March 2009
  • 2. 在过去几年里,虚拟世界成为众人瞩目的焦 此外,曾经是独立的服务现在已与众多其他 点。那么,它今天的状况又如何呢? 服务交织在了一起,尤其是社交网络和网络游 戏。服务与服务之间的界限正在模糊化,这种 首先,我们需要认识到,虚拟世界有许多种: 趋势在将来会变得更加明显。我们的方法是提 目录 从2D社区到游戏世界,再到商业或教育环境。 供各种示例来展现全景,而不是强行将这些服 务进行分类。 Contents 虽然虚拟世界,或从更广意义来说,在线社区 编者, 发源于美国,但许多亚洲国家(尤其是中国, 从监管方面来看,虚拟世界涉及知识产权(商 Benjamin Joffe, 首席执行官 日本和韩国)却通过推出形象化身(avatar)及 标,版权和专利)、电子商务和法律权利问题 +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd 通过虚拟商品赚钱抢得了先机。这方面的发展 的诸多方面。其中的大部分问题都不是新的, 促进了2D虚拟世界和网络游戏的成长。 但这些问题发生的频率很可能会迅速增加,法 Yiqun Bo, 咨询和研究部经理 规框架的更新将有益于这些问题的解决。 +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd 目标针对青少年的服务及以游戏为导向的封闭 系统通常拥有最大用户群及最高收入。到目前 随着计算机处理能力的增强,网络速度变得越 为止,没有哪个3D虚拟世界能够创造不菲的收 来越快,3D的显示也将不成问题。因此,我们 入。(此次研究中,我们不将MMORPG1等网络 会看到更多的3D,它在操控信息、协作或分享 游戏看作是虚拟世界) 情感方面能够显示其优势。 前言 Foreword 1 Foreword 前言 Virtual worlds gathered a lot of attention Moreover, what used to be siloed services The editors, 2 Introduction 介绍 during the past few years. What is the are now intertwined with a variety of others, Benjamin Joffe, CEO situation today? notably social networks and online games. The lines between services are blurred and +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd The first point is to recognize that there will continue to become more so in the 6 市场状况 Yiqun Bo, Consulting & Research Manager Market situation are many genres of virtual worlds: from 2D future. Our approach has been to offer a communities to gaming worlds to business or variety of examples to illustrate the landscape +8* | Plus Eight Star Ltd educational environments. rather than force a classification onto them. While virtual worlds and more generally In terms of regulation, virtual worlds touch 16 中国虚拟世界的 Evolution and trends of online communities were pioneered in upon various aspects of IPR (trademark, 演变与趋势 virtual worlds in China the United States, several Asian countries copyright and patents), e-commerce and (especially China, Japan and South Korea) legal rights issues. Most of them are not new, got an early start by introducing avatars but the frequency of their occurrence is most and monetizing by virtual goods. These likely to grow rapidly and would benefit from 18 developments helped grow the 2D virtual an updated regulatory framework. Policy and regulation 政策和法规 world and online gaming scenes As computers gain more processing power The services with the largest number of users and networks become faster, displaying 3D and highest revenues are generally aimed at will be much less of a difficulty. Therefore, 26 结论 Conclusion teen, gaming-oriented closed systems. So far, we can expect to see more 3D wherever no 3D virtual world has achieved significant it can bring advantages for manipulating revenues so far (in this research, we do not information, collaborating or sharing consider online games like MMORPG1 as emotions. virtual worlds). 此研究报告为中欧信息社会项目简报系列之一部分, 如需更多信息,请登陆网站或联系Thomas Hart博士 1 This report is part of the EU-China information Society Project briefing paper series 1 多人在线角色扮演游戏 For more information: or contact Dr. Thomas Hart, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game
  • 3. 虚拟世界的界定 这是真实生活吗? 此外,通过计算机进行的互动与离线互动相比 现代世界使我们能够通过计算机而不是面对面 为虚拟世界找到一个标准的定义是很困难的, 有着诸多优势,其中包括与面对面交流相比它 事实上,我们的研究发现虚拟世界、网络游戏以 的方式与越来越多的人进行交流互动,在这种 或只是虚幻? 尤其是因为其设计和用途各不相同。通常的 能够更好地掌控相互之间的沟通,这要归功于 及社交网络之间有许多交叉点。因此,此研究将 环境下,与quot;离线quot;情形下购买服装一样,你所 虚拟世界是一种没有游戏机制 设计包括2D, 2.5D 和 3D,而其用途也大相径 “数字肢体语言”的非同步输入和处理。 虚拟世界定义为具有以下标准的网络环境: 买的服装通常是让人欣赏的,它表现了你的情 的网络游戏 庭,从社交、创作、游戏,到商业、约会、教 “虚拟”这个词有多种含义,我们发现这个此 绪和/或地位。因此对在线展示的方式进行控制 • 2D 或3D永久网络环境 育等等。 属于用词不当。这些在所谓quot;虚拟世界quot;中进行 从本质上说,在线互动和形象化身并不能完全 也就不足为奇了。 的互动可能是数字化的,但不管怎么说,他们 替代离线互动,但确实可以作为其补充。 • 用户的视觉展示(形象化身) 我们最终发现,人们通常所看到的虚拟世界是 在感情或经济上对用户产生实际影响,从这种 一个拥有形象化身但无明确规则或确切目标的 意义上来看他们是“真实的”。因此,虽然环 在线和离线之间的划分主要是因不同时代的人 • 服务中无确定终点或单一目标 永久网络环境。从某种意义上来说,虚拟世界 境不是“物质的”,他们却确实“真实的”。 而异。年轻一代的“数字土著人”可以在两种 “一般二十五岁左右的年轻人 是一种没有游戏机制(game mechanics)的 虽然我们强烈偏好于“在线”而不是“虚拟” 环境中自由切换。从另一方面来看,老一代 • 不仅仅是一项游戏(如魔兽世界) 网络游戏。 这个词,尤其是因为前者与quot;离线quot;相呼应,但 “数字移民”们在对形象化身的使用理解上有 都会经历在线和离线朋友以及 此报告中我们仍使用人们习惯的“虚拟世界” 较大困难,他们对在线和离线互动加以区分, 同事之间的广泛交叉。 • 不仅仅是一个社交网络 (如 Facebook) 如果说虚拟世界的声名鹊起始于2005左右出 这个词,以便于读者阅读。 把他们称为“虚拟的”和“真实的”。 现的Second Life (第二人生),值得注意的是, 这种交叉如此之大,以至于 我们将看到,虚拟世界的理念、问题和机会, 几乎在同一时期,西方世界两个最大的社交 为了说明虚拟世界中的互动不是由虚幻构成 我们切不可低估形象化身(avatars)的重要 ‘网际空间’这个词和概念已 网络Facebook, MySpace以及全球人气最旺的 如身份、隐私、在线和离线商务、版权、专利 的,让我们记住,离线互动并不是建立社会关 性,他是虚拟世界中的中心构件。有一点我们 MMORPG游戏World of Warcraft(魔兽世界) 或法律权利等不是虚拟世界所特有的,他们通 系或友谊的先决条件。在线环境中交的朋友与 必须明白的是,吸引人的视觉形象与地位和影 经无人问津了。” 常是其他各种网络服务所共有的。 在媒体上也同时抢尽了风头。 笔友或电话那边的人同样是“真实的”。 响力密切相关。 Clay Shirky《大家都来了》 介绍 Introduction quot;The experience of the average twenty-five-year- old is one of substantial Defining virtual worlds Is this the real life? this research defines a virtual world as an control over communication compared to has led many of us to interact with an overlap between online online environment possessing the following face-to-face thanks to an asynchronous input increasing number of people via computers Is this just fantasy? and offline friends and Developing a standard definition for a virtual criteria: and handling of quot;digital body languagequot;. rather than face-to-face. In such context and colleagues. world is a challenge, notably since their quite similarly to the fact that the clothes one design and usage vary widely. The common • 2D or 3D permanent online environment quot;Virtualquot; has numerous connotations and we In essence, online interactions and avatars do buys quot;offlinequot; are mostly seen by others and The overlap is so great that designs include 2D, 2.5D and 3D while the found it was often a misnomer. Notably, the not replace entirely offline interactions, but convey your mood and/or status, it makes uses vary from socializing, creation, gaming, • Visual representation of the user (avatar) interactions taking place in so-called quot;virtual can surely complement them. sense to control the way you appear online. both the word and concept business, dating to education and more. worldsquot; might be digital, but are nonetheless of quot;cyberspacequot; have fallen • No defined ending nor single aim in the quot;realquot; in the sense that they affect the users, The divide between online and offline is into disuse.quot; Eventually, we found that what is generally service at least emotionally if not economically. mostly generational. Young generations of seen as a virtual world is a permanent online Hence, while the environments are not quot;digital nativesquot; transfer seamlessly between Clay Shirky environment with avatars and no clear rules • Not only a game (e.g. World of Warcraft) quot;materialquot;, they remain quot;realquot; nonetheless. the two environments. On the other hand, nor definite objective. In a way, a virtual Though we strongly prefer the term quot;onlinequot; older generations of quot;digital immigrantsquot; Here comes Everybody world is an online game without game • Not only a social network to quot;virtualquot;, especially since the former have a more difficult time understanding the mechanics at the center. (e.g. Facebook) contrasts nicely with quot;offlinequot;, we chose to point of using avatars, and distinguish online stick to the usual quot;virtual worldquot; term in this and offline interactions by calling them If virtual worlds came to fame with the We will see that many of the concepts, report for easier reading. quot;realquot; and quot;virtualquot;. service named Second Life (Linden Lab, problems and opportunities with virtual 2003) circa 2005, it is interesting to note worlds such as identity, privacy, online and To illustrate how interactions in virtual worlds The importance of avatars – a central that around the same time, several other offline commerce, copyright, patents or are not made of dreams, let's remember that piece in virtual worlds – should not be services such as Facebook and MySpace, legal rights are not specific to virtual worlds offline interaction is not a pre-requisite for underestimated. It is fundamental to the largest social networks in the Western but are often common to various other forming relationships or friendships. Friends understand that the point of having an world, and World of Warcraft, one of the online services. made in online environments are no less attractive visual representation is related to most popular MMORPG globally, shared the quot;realquot; than pen-pals, or people called on the both status and reach. The modern world media spotlight. phone. A virtual world is an online In fact, our research identified numerous In addition, computer-mediated interactions game without game overlaps between virtual worlds, online have a number of advantages over offline games and social networks. As a result, interactions including a potentially better mechanics at the center. 3 2
  • 4. 今天的虚拟世界 虚拟世界之起源 虚拟世界声名鹊起始于“第二生命”(Second Life) (Linden实验室, 2003),该游戏重视地再现 文学和流行文化 十年后,第一个多人网络游戏出现了。 了小说《雪崩》中所描绘的愿景。 2D MMORPG是这种游戏的先驱者,其中包 虽然听起来有点新,但实际上虚拟世界由来已 从基于文字到网络游戏 True Names(真名实姓), Neuromancer(神经 括韩国的Nexus: The Kingdom of the Wind 久。二十五年前的科幻小说中首先对其进行了预 下面的章节将提供当今美国、欧洲和亚洲虚拟 漫游者)和Snow Crash(雪崩): 虚拟世界的三 (Nexon, 1996) (风之王国)和美国的Ultima 见,早在二十多年前的1986年就付诸实施了。 早先的在线虚拟社区是基于文字的虚拟环境, 世界中的一些例子,并对它们的成功程度加以 如LambdaMOO (Pavel Curtis, 1990),一个“以 Online(Origin Systems, 1997)。 比较。我们将从一系列示例中发现,知名度并 大灵感 科幻作家Vernor Vinge的《真名实姓》(1981), 物件为导向的多用户城堡”(MUD-OO) ,以 不意味着创新性或商业成功。 William Gibson的《神经漫游》(1984)及Neal 及Habitat (Lucasfilm, 1986),它首次提供了一 第一个 3D MMORPG 是十年前推出的 流行文化很快跟上了文学的步伐,其代表作是 Stephenson的《雪崩》(1992)所描述的数字化 日本动画“攻壳机动队”(manga, 1989; anime, EverQuest (索尼, 1999)。 个图形界面。这些服务未能吸引大量的用户 在亚洲,日本和韩国都拥有非常先进的IT基础 (LambdaMOO在高峰时期仅有数千用户),因 1995) ,这部动画为好莱坞提供了灵感,继而 世界与今天的在线环境有很多相似之处,这些 设施,这使得它们能够更轻而易举地实施这类 小说中发明了诸如“网际空间”和“虚拟实 为当时互联网还不够普及,但公司当时经历着 催生了“黑客帝国”(1999)这部家喻户晓的主 虚拟社区和网络游戏是并行发展的,而目前的 服务,而中国则在互联网用户数量和风险资本 境”等词汇。 与今天的许多在线环境相同的喜悦和挑战。 虚拟世界可看作是他们的子孙。 强大支持方面拥有优势。 流电影。 Origins of virtual From text-based to online games Today's virtual worlds Pop culture soon followed literature with A decade later, the first multiplayer online works like Japan's Ghost in the Shell games appeared. Among the pioneering worlds games were the 2D MMORPG, Nexus: The Virtual worlds came to fame with Second (manga, 1989; anime, 1995), which Among the first examples of online virtual Kingdom of the Wind (Nexon, 1996) in Life (Linden Lab, 2003), which quite faithfully inspired Hollywood and gave birth to Matrix communities were text-based virtual Literature and pop culture South Korea and Ultima Online (Origin (1999), the most famous reference in the environments like LambdaMOO (Pavel reproduced Snow Crash's vision. mainstream. Curtis, 1990), an quot;object oriented multi-user Systems, 1997) in the US. As new as they might sound, virtual worlds dungeonquot; (MUD-OO) and Habitat (Lucasfilm, The following chapter will provide examples The first 3D MMORPG was EverQuest (Sony, are not really new. They were initially 1986), which was the first to offer a graphical of today's virtual worlds in US, Europe and envisioned 25 years ago in science fiction and interface. While those services did not gather 1999), released a decade ago. Asia, and compare their level of success. first implemented as early as 1986 – over 20 large numbers of users (LambdaMOO had Notably, we will see from a number of years ago. only a few thousands at peak) since the Virtual communities and online games examples that visibility does not imply Internet was yet to spread, the company developed in parallel, and current virtual innovativeness or commercial success. Science fiction writers like Vernor Vinge's faced the same joys and challenges of many worlds could be seen as their grandchildren. True Names (1981), William Gibson's of today's online environments. In Asia, both Japan and South Korea enjoy a Neuromancer (1984) and Neal Stephenson's very advanced IT infrastructure which makes Snow Crash (1992) described digital worlds it easier to deploy such services, while China sharing many similarities with today's has advantages of a large Internet user base 虚拟化流行文化的代表quot;黑客帝国quot;,它的灵感来自于日本 online environments, coining terms like and strong support by venture capital. 动画quot;攻壳机动队quot; Matrix, pop culture icon of virtuality and its Japanese quot;cyberspacequot; and quot;metaversequot;. inspiration Ghost in the Shell. LambaMOO, 一个基于文字的虚拟社区, 拥有数千个用户(1990) LambaMOO, a text-based virtual community with several thousand users (1990) 索尼的EverQuest (1999) EverQuest by Sony (1999) True Names(真名实姓), Neuromancer(神经漫游者)和 Snow Crash(雪崩): 虚拟世界的三大灵感 True Names, Neuromancer and Snow Crash: three major inspirations of virtual worlds. Habitat(栖息地),首个图形虚拟世界(1986) Habitat, the first graphical virtual world (1986) 5 4 Nexon的NexusTK (1996) “第二人生”中会议场景 Conference in Second Life NexusTK by Nexon (1996)
  • 5. 西方的 2D世界 西方世界中著名的此类服务有Habbo2 (芬兰, Stardoll的理念是创造数字化纸玩偶。2008年 虚拟世界类型 2000), Gaia Online (美国, 2003) Stardoll3 (瑞 11月,该服务报告说已拥有超过两千万个注册 典 , 2004) 和 Club Penguin4 (加拿大, 2005)。 用户,每月有八百万个独立访客,其中的94% 类别 定义 举例 是十三至十九岁和八至十二岁的女孩5。收入来 虽然确切数字不得而知,但所有这些服务都报 2D 虚拟世界 告说拥有数百万注册用户,据说服务都接近于 自于装扮玩偶和房间的数字物品的销售。该网 Second Life 平台 平台是“开放的”环境,在这种环境中用户没有定义的目标 细分市场 盈利。 站与许多著名时尚品牌和艺术家建立了合作关 IMVU 社区 虚拟社区是控制性更强的环境,它围绕着社会关系这个中心 系, 每天销售的物品超过 100,000个6。 总的来说,拥有很少或没有用户生成内容、针对 The Sims 游戏 主要目的是游戏。游戏本身可以是开放型的。 到目前为止,虚拟世界所遭遇境遇各不相同。 青少年的2D世界比任何其他3D服务的表现要好 这些服务的共同点是有能力吸引大量的用户, Qwak 商务 此环境的设计主旨是商业使用 Club Penguin(企鹅俱乐部) 是一个虚拟世 我们可以根据以下各项对众多服务进行分类: 得多。我们发现其中的主要原因是进入的门槛较 并通过注册或在一个封闭系统和经济体中销售 图形(2D/3D),主要目的,服务的开放性 – 低,因为现有技术使基于浏览器的使用(尤其是 数字化商品来赚钱。 界,用户可在此控制卡通企鹅、聊天和玩儿迷 来源: Plus Eight Star Flash 和 Shockwave)成为可能,能够使服务提 是否允许用户生成的内容 , 以及目标用户群。 你游戏。游戏的目标群体是6-14岁的青少年。 西方几个主要的 2D 虚拟世界 Habbo使用户能够创建形象化身并可带着它 供商将重点更好地聚焦于自己的目标用户群,并 它的商业模式是将月会员资格与虚拟商品销售 从目的上来看,我们将服务分为四类:平台, 能够通过虚拟商品创造更多的盈利。 们在一个酒店中走动,在那里他们可以与其他 结合起来。2007年底,该服务拥有一千二百万 个账户。根据调研公司 DFC的估计,其2008年 社区,游戏和商务。 用户会面;用户可使自己的形象化身个性化, 2008 年收入(E)7 估值(E)8 服务 注册用户 这些服务为用户提供了讨论、社交及其他方面的 并用虚拟的家具来装点自己的房间。2008年6 的收入在五千万到一亿五千万美元之间。 毫无疑问,社区和游戏世界以其开放性和“娱 空间。主要的活动通常是形象化身(avatar,一个 月,此服务创造了自己的第一亿个形象化身。 Habbo 1亿 5千万美元 12.5亿美元 Habbo在游戏内物件和活动方面已与众多品牌 Gaia Online 是一个集在线论坛、创意出口、博 乐因素”而成为当今最为活跃的服务。因此, 能够代表用户的人物)的个性化以及个人空间的 Gaia Online 7百万 UV/月 1千万美元 n.a. 下面的章节将重点介绍这两类。 个性化,为用户提供一个进行互动的视觉环境。 和名人进行了合作。 弈游戏网站和虚拟世界为一体的服务。根据报 Stardoll 2千万 3千万美元 4.5亿美元 告,此服务2008年每月的独立访客量为700万 3.5-7亿美元9 Club Penguin 1200万 5千万-1.5亿美元 人,虚拟商品销售额100万美元。 市场状况 Market situation Segmentation 2D virtual worlds Western 2D worlds Stardoll's concept is to create digital paper Club Penguin is a virtual world where users Gaia Online is a hybrid between an online dolls. In November 2008 it reported over 20 control cartoon penguins, chat and play forum, creative outlet, casual gaming site Virtual worlds have so far experienced very Overall, 2D worlds with little or no user- Among well-known services of this kind in million registered users with 8 million unique mini-games. The game is targeting the 6-14 and virtual world. It reported over 7 million the Western world are Habbo2 (Finland, different fortunes. It is possible to categorize generated content aiming at teenagers have visitors every month, 94% of whom were year old demographic. The business model unique visitors and 1 million USD virtual 2000), Gaia Online (US, 2003) Stardoll3 teen and tween5 girls. Revenues were coming the variety of services according to the generally fared far better than any 3D service. is a combination of monthly membership goods sale per month in 2008. (Sweden , 2004) and Club Penguin4 graphics (2D/3D), the main purpose, the We found the main reasons to be a much from the sale of digital items to dress up a and virtual goods sales. The service had openness of the service – whether it allows lower barrier of entry thanks to technologies (Canada, 2005). Though not disclosing doll and its room. The site has partnerships over 12 million accounts at the end of user-generated content or not – and the allowing browser-based usage (notably precise numbers, all those services report with famous fashion brands and artists and is 2007. According to the research firm DFC selling over 100,000 items per day6. target demographics. Flash and Shockwave), better focus on their millions of registered users and are rumored Intelligence its revenues were estimated to be demographics, and better monetization with to be nearing profitability. between 50 and 150 million USD in 2008. In terms of purpose, we divided the services virtual goods. into 4 categories: platforms, communities, The common point of those services is their gaming and business. Those services provide spaces for users ability to attract large numbers of users and to discuss, socialize and more. The main monetize their audience via subscriptions or Unsurprisingly, the most active services today activities are often the personalization of an the sale of digital goods in a closed system are the communities and gaming worlds avatar – a character representing the user – and economy. thanks to their openness and quot;fun factorquot;. and of a personal space to provide a visual Gaia Online Habbo allows users to create avatars and The following chapters will thus focus on context to interactions. those two categories. move them around a hotel, where they meet other users, personalize their avatar and 2 populate their room with virtual furniture. 3 The service had its 100 millionth avatar 4 Stardoll的数字化纸玩偶 Club Penguin中各式各样的企鹅 5 8-12 岁女孩 created in June 2008. Habbo worked with a Stardoll's digital paper dolls Club Penguin's myriad of penguins 8-12 years old variety of brands and celebrities for in-game 6 Virtual world categories tech-ebiz-cx_sm_0530stardoll.html objects and events. 7 making-mmos-2008/ Some of the major Western 2D virtual worlds 8 根据Silicon Alley Insider 2008年4月的估计 | www. Category Definition Example 及纽约时报()对 Gaia 首席执行官的采访 /2008/12/08/ Revenue 2008 (E)7 Valuation (E)8 Service Registered users Platforms are quot;openquot; environments where users technology/internet/08virtual.html Platform Second Life Estimate by Silicon Alley Insider in April 2008 | www. do not have clearly defined objectives. and Gaia's CEO interview Habbo 100 million 50 mln USD 1.25 bln USD at Virtual communities are more controlled Community IMVU internet/08virtual.html Gaia Online 7 million UV/month 10 mln USD n.a. environments centered on relationships. 9 基于迪斯尼2007年的收购价格,即3.5亿美元,如果 具体目标实现,外加3.5亿美元, Stardoll 20 million 30 mln USD 450 mln USD The main purpose is gaming. The game itself can Based on the acquisition price by Disney in 2007 for Gaming The Sims be open-ended. 350-700 mln USD9 350 million USD with an additional 350 million if Club Penguin 12 million 50-150 mln USD specific targets are met. 7 This environment is designed primarily for Business Qwak 6 business use. Source: Plus Eight Star Habbo酒店大厅 Habbo's lobby
  • 6. 中国 日本和韩国 几个亚洲服务的运营理念基本类似,经营也非 在中国,许多服务都依赖于形象化身和虚拟商 常成功,如韩国的Cyworld10 (SK 电信, 1999), 品。最成功的是QQ (腾讯, 1998),2008年, 络,提供类似于Facebook的个人日记、形象化 日本的 Mobile Game Town11 (DeNA, 2006) 身、照片和其他服务。Cyworld 是探索虚拟商 公司的销售额和利润分别为10亿美元和5亿美 和 Gree12 (2004)。它们都吸引了数百万用户, 品模式的先驱,它在韩国有着巨大的影响力, 元,公司基于形象化身的服务在用户、收入和 亚洲领先的基于形象化身社区 并从形象化身的个性化中获得了不菲的收入和 这个国家大部分15-30岁的网民都有自己的一 利润方面成为世界领先者。 2008年,日本的视频游戏厂家Square-Enix(以 利润。 个网页。 估值(E)13 其主要服务围绕着即时讯息,但还包括类似于 其“最终幻想”和“勇者斗恶龙”系列而闻 2008 年收入(E) 服务 注册用户 Mobile Game Town (MGT) 和 Gree 是移动服务 名)推出了一个新的服务,名为Nicotto Town Club Penguin 名为QQ宠物的 2D虚拟世界。 以上的服务准确来说不是虚拟世界,因为他们 Cyworld 2200万 2亿美元 n.a. (“微笑之城”)。 既不提供同步互动,也不具备必要的永久性 (Gree的网络使用率有限),它们使用基于Flash 虽然 QQ遥遥领先于所有其他服务,但其他几 “世界”。然而,其所具备的网络空间和形象 的手机游戏来吸引用户。根据MGT的报告,其 Mobile Game Town 1260万 2.5亿美元 14亿美元 1200万用户中约10%的人购买了增值服务(虚 化身使用户产生兴趣。 个基于形象化身的2D服务也吸引了大量用户, 在数个月之内,该服务就吸引了十万多用户。 Gree 800万 6000万美元 12亿美元 其中包括爱情公寓( iPart) (商情网络, 2003), 拟商品和形象化身)。两家公司都已在日本上 Nicotto Town 100,000 n.a. n.a. 2003年,Cyworld 被SK电信收购,并将其从 娜娜米米 (2005), (Mocre, 2007) 和 梦 该服务与Habbo, Stardoll和 Cyworld有极为相似 市,由于它们在收入和利润方面不俗的表现,两 境家园 (Xlands, 2008)。 网络扩展到手机。其服务是一种实名制社交网 公司的股票市值都保持在10亿美元左右。 之处。 数据来源: Plus Eight Star Japan & South Korea China Cyworld was acquired by SK Telecom in Mobile Game Town (MGT) and Gree are In 2008, a new service named Nicotto messaging but also includes a 2D virtual 2003 and extended from web to mobile. Its mobile services (Gree has a limited web Town (quot;Smile Townquot;) was launched by the world named QQ Pet comparable to Club Several Asian services are operating service is a real-name social network offering usage) using Flash-based mobile games to Japanese video game maker Square-Enix In China, a number of services rely on avatars Penguin. and virtual goods. The most successful is QQ successfully with similar concepts, such personal diaries, avatars, photos and other attract users. MGT was reporting that around (famous for its Final Fantasy and Dragon as Korea's10 Cyworld (SK Telecom, 1999), services with some similarities to Facebook. 10% of its 12 million users paying for value- Quest series). (Tencent, 1998), which recorded an estimated While QQ outshines all other services by an Japan's Mobile Game Town11 (DeNA, Cyworld is a pioneer of the virtual goods added services (virtual goods and avatars). 1 billion USD in sales and 500 million USD in order of magnitude, several other 2D avatar- 2006) and Gree12 (2004). All of them model and has had an enormous impact in Both companies went public in Japan and Within a few months, the service gathered profits in 2008, making it the leading avatar- based services managed to gather significant gathered millions of users and are generating South Korea where most netizens from 15- enjoy a market capitalization in the 1 billion over 100,000 users. based service by users, revenues and profit numbers of users. Among them are iPart strong revenues and profits from avatar 30 have a page. USD range due to their revenues and high worldwide. (ShangQing Networks, 2003), Nanamimi personalization. profitability. The service has strong similarities with (2005), (Mocre, 2007) and 1001m Habbo, Stardoll and Cyworld. (Xlands, 2008). The above services are not exactly virtual worlds as they do not provide synchronous Its main offering is centered on instant interactions nor is there necessarily a permanent surrounding quot;worldquot;. However, the presence of online spaces and avatars make them interesting to consider. Cyworld的 迷你小家,其中有迷你小屋和形象化身 Cyworld's mini-hompy with mini-room and avatar Square-Enix 的 Nicotto Town Nicotto Town by Square-Enix 虚拟宠物服务 QQ宠物 The virtual pet service QQ pet 带有形象化身的QQ 即时讯息服务 QQ's IM service with avatars Mobile Game Town的形象化身室 Mobile Game Town’s avatar room Some of the major Western 2D virtual worlds Valuation (E)13 Service Registered users Revenue 2008 (E) 10 11 12 Cyworld 22 million 200 million USD n.a. 13 Estimate for Cyworld by Plus Eight Star 对Cyworld的估 计是基于 SK电信的财务数据和移动收入估计。DeNA 和 Mobile Game Town 12.6 million 250 million USD 1.4 billion USD Gree的估值是基于到2009年2月23日的市值。 Estimate for Cyworld by Plus Eight Star based on SK Gree 8 million 60 million USD 1.2 billion USD Telecom's accounting and estimate of mobile revenues. Valuation for DeNA and Gree based on market Nicotto Town 100,000 n.a. n.a. capitalization as of 23 February 2009. 9 Source: Plus Eight Star 8