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revision 2 Oct, 6, 2017
Dr. Pavel Kravchenko
Vladimir Dubinin
Distributed Lab
What is tokenization?
A process of transformation of asset
accounting and management to represent
each asset by a digital token.
Why tokenize assets?
Tokenization reduces costs and
frictions to trade
Factors that increase friction and
decrease liquidity
● Low speed of transaction settlement
● Need to trust a chain of intermediaries
● Limited functionality of infrastructure
● Reliance on a single party
● Low usability for the end user
● Limited interoperability of infrastructure components

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What is a Token Service Provider?
What is a Token Service Provider?What is a Token Service Provider?
What is a Token Service Provider?

To increase the security of mobile payments, many payment schemes nowadays apply a technology called tokenization. Tokenization is the process of replacing an existing payment card number with a surrogate value (token). This token is used during a payment transaction, keeping the original card number safe. A Token Service Provider (TSP) is an entity within the payments ecosystem that generates and manages tokens. The TSP maps the original card number with the payment tokens and stores this safely in a token vault. Often these tokens can only be used in a specific domain such as a merchant’s online website or channel, limiting the risk even further. A TSP manages the entire lifecycle of payment credentials including: Token Requestor Authorization Host 1. Tokenization: Replaces the PAN with a payment token. 2. De-tokenization: Converts the token back to the PAN using the token vault. 3. Token vault: Establishes and maintains the payment token to PAN mapping. 4. Domain management: Adds additional security by restricting tokens to be used within specific (retail) channels or domains. 5. Identification and verification: Ensures that the payment token is replacing a PAN that was legitimately used by the token requestor. 6. Clearing and settlement: Ad-hoc de-tokenization during clearing and settlement process. Issuers, acquirers and merchants that wish to offer mobile and/or digital payments to customers can become a TSP. Becoming your own TSP gives full control over the tokenization process: creation, storage, issuance and management. By having your own TSP, you are in full control of digital payments by issuing tokens directly without third party intervention. By using a third party TSP from the payment schemes, issuers need to integrate with each payment scheme. Benefits of having you own TSP: 1. Reduce long term costs: no additional TSP fees from the payment schemes. 2. On-us transactions: save on transaction fees when you are the issuing as well as the acquiring bank. 3. Banks retain their privacy because data and roadmaps do not have to be shared with the schemes. 4. Keep track of customer payment behavior to gain valuable insight and be able to offer personalized services. 5. Expand to multiple use cases. Host Card Emulation Embedded SE Internet: Card-Not-Present Value added services / non-card payments 6. Have your own strategy and be future proof in order to stay competitive. Bell ID® Token Service Provider enables issuers and processors to perform the role of a Token Service Provider.

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Introduction to Blockchain
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Introduction to Blockchain

Blockchain is a distributed database that maintains a growing list of transaction records organized in blocks. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, transaction data, and a timestamp. This creates a permanent, unalterable record of transactions that is distributed across a peer-to-peer network of nodes. Blockchain technology enables a decentralized system of recordkeeping that does not require a central authority and allows digital transactions to be validated and recorded in a transparent yet secure manner. It has applications in finance, healthcare, supply chain management, and more.

Overview of blockchain technology and architecture
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Overview of blockchain technology and architecture

The adoption of blockchain technology continues to accelerate across a wide array of industries, yet many of our clients are confused about how to deploy these solutions within their environment. EY has developed a blockchain stack that fits within the existing enterprise infrastructure, project and system development life cycle approaches that are customized to the new technology, and development frameworks to streamline our deployment.

by EY
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What will remove friction?
● Mathematically provable execution of trades
● Mathematically provable reconciliation and synchronization of
data for each participant
● Each transaction subject to audit by all involved parties
● Guaranteed security against unauthorised history or account
● Universally applied transparent and predictable rules of trade
● Resilient infrastructure
● Fast settlement speed
● Simplicity of extension and usage of the infrastructure
● Standardized interoperable software components and protocols
Tokenization - improving
the world’s trading
What exactly needs to be
● Plug-in modules with business logic
● Interoperability of applications
● Smart contracts
● Backwards compatibility between protocols versions

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This document discusses Ethereum 2.0 and its goals of improving decentralization, scalability, and energy efficiency over Ethereum 1.0. It outlines the key components of Ethereum 2.0 including using proof of stake instead of proof of work, implementing sharding to partition the blockchain into multiple shards to improve scalability, and transitioning to a new virtual machine. It provides timelines for rolling out these changes and demos running an Ethereum 2.0 beacon node.

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● Non-repudiation
● Ledger, history and account integrity
● Resilient infrastructure
● Separations of responsibility and roles
● Accessibility and DDoS protection
● Provable traceability of the account state
● Secure identity management which prevents impersonation
● Validation of software components
● Audit of all administrative actions
● Digitization of all assets and processes
● Transaction finality in seconds (or less)
● AML determinations in seconds (or less)
● Real-time audits and auditability
Joint management
● Well-defined rules embedded and enforced in
● Transparency of all decisions for all participants
● Separation of roles
● Adding new ecosystem participants on the fly
● Joint account management
● Clear governance processes
● Component interoperability
● Open-source
● License-free components
● Easy customization

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Blockchain distributed ledger technology is evolving from the hype phase into one of greater maturity and long-term value creation. This graduate course overview examines how blockchains, networks, and social interaction patterns are related.

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Presented during Blockchain Vlaanderen #7 on 20/04/2017, organised by Kunstmaan and Antwerp Management School. The assignment: host a basic introduction into blockchain, share some insights on smart contracts and explain why financial institutions choose other ledgers than bitcoin.

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More info: Ethereum for Beginners: History of the Blockchain & Ethereum, Components, Outlook, Web 3.0, Serverless, Decetralized Universal World Computer

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• Usage of cryptography for account management
• Usage of open API for component interaction
• Usage of blockchain for distribution of decision
making, storage, and provable integrity and historical
How to improve?
Tokenization is performed for real (i.e., existing somewhere
else) assets that are under control of some entity or entities,
which guarantees 1:1 relationship between the token and
the “reference asset”
Principles of governance, KYC requirements, privacy,
security and speed of processing are defined by the relevant
entity or entities
Account management transformation
Tokenization presumes a shift from mere order execution to
direct asset management in an account.
This shift is enabled due to the usage of cryptography for
account authorization and management. Accounts can be
managed jointly via using multi-signature. Integrity and
non-repudiation is achieved.
Accounts are secure even if the ledger is publicly available.
Infrastructure components
Depository, exchange, and payment systems are
combined and become a uniform decentralized
infrastructure that contains within itself a ledger, an
order book and a transaction execution engine which all
are accessible via an open API.

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Asset tokenization Real Estate Reinvented
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Asset tokenization Real Estate Reinvented

Asset tokenization allows converting ownership rights to real-world assets such as real estate into digital tokens on blockchain. This provides benefits like increased liquidity, fractional ownership, and global access for investors. Several startups are developing platforms for real estate asset tokenization using various models. For example, Brickblock allows investors to purchase tokenized shares of individual properties. Challenges include ensuring regulatory compliance, addressing legal issues around property rights, and developing trusted technology solutions. Overall, asset tokenization has potential to significantly transform traditional asset markets.

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A presentation explaining the concepts of Blockchain. It covers the introduction to blockchain, types of blockchain, process of adding blocks in bitcoin blockchain, hyperledger block structure, use cases of blockchain explained.

Blockchain acts as a ledger for accounts. It enables:
1. decentralization of transaction processing and storage,
which leads to robustness and integrity
2. transparent and auditable transaction validation processes
for all entities - and protection from double spending
3. Automated business logic (smart contracts)
4. Decentralized storage, audit and processing with centralized
What is a “token”?
A token is an account which contains the balance of a
specific (“reference”) asset.
Everything will be tokenized
- Money
- Stocks and derivatives
- Real estate and certificates
- Warehouse receipts
- Loyalty points
- Precious metals
- Intellectual property
Tokenization leads to better
asset liquidity

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In this presentation there will be brief overview on what is Blockchain Technology? What are the components in a block? what are the applications of BlockChain technology?

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More info: Blockchain for Beginners: Blockchain history, state of development, outlook & current challenges #bitcoin #ethereum #smartcontracts

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Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin have significant economic, social, and political impacts. Economically, they increase global investment and financial access but also create high volatility. Socially, they enable pseudonymous transactions but also allow for potential criminal uses of anonymity. Politically, they can undermine government control of currency but also make regulation difficult. Overall, the document discusses both benefits and challenges of cryptocurrencies across many domains.


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Tokenization v2

  • 1. revision 2 Oct, 6, 2017 Tokenization Dr. Pavel Kravchenko Vladimir Dubinin Distributed Lab
  • 2. What is tokenization? A process of transformation of asset accounting and management to represent each asset by a digital token.
  • 3. Why tokenize assets? Tokenization reduces costs and frictions to trade
  • 4. Factors that increase friction and decrease liquidity ● Low speed of transaction settlement ● Need to trust a chain of intermediaries ● Limited functionality of infrastructure ● Reliance on a single party ● Low usability for the end user ● Limited interoperability of infrastructure components
  • 5. What will remove friction? ● Mathematically provable execution of trades ● Mathematically provable reconciliation and synchronization of data for each participant ● Each transaction subject to audit by all involved parties ● Guaranteed security against unauthorised history or account changes ● Universally applied transparent and predictable rules of trade ● Resilient infrastructure ● Fast settlement speed ● Simplicity of extension and usage of the infrastructure ● Standardized interoperable software components and protocols
  • 6. Tokenization - improving the world’s trading infrastructure
  • 7. What exactly needs to be improved?
  • 8. Functionality ● Plug-in modules with business logic ● Interoperability of applications ● Smart contracts ● Backwards compatibility between protocols versions
  • 9. ● Non-repudiation ● Ledger, history and account integrity ● Resilient infrastructure ● Separations of responsibility and roles ● Accessibility and DDoS protection ● Provable traceability of the account state ● Secure identity management which prevents impersonation ● Validation of software components ● Audit of all administrative actions Security
  • 10. ● Digitization of all assets and processes ● Transaction finality in seconds (or less) ● AML determinations in seconds (or less) ● Real-time audits and auditability Speed
  • 11. Joint management ● Well-defined rules embedded and enforced in software ● Transparency of all decisions for all participants ● Separation of roles ● Adding new ecosystem participants on the fly ● Joint account management ● Clear governance processes
  • 12. Usability ● Component interoperability ● Open-source ● License-free components ● Easy customization
  • 13. • Usage of cryptography for account management • Usage of open API for component interaction • Usage of blockchain for distribution of decision making, storage, and provable integrity and historical accuracy How to improve?
  • 14. Assumptions Tokenization is performed for real (i.e., existing somewhere else) assets that are under control of some entity or entities, which guarantees 1:1 relationship between the token and the “reference asset” Principles of governance, KYC requirements, privacy, security and speed of processing are defined by the relevant entity or entities
  • 15. Account management transformation Tokenization presumes a shift from mere order execution to direct asset management in an account. This shift is enabled due to the usage of cryptography for account authorization and management. Accounts can be managed jointly via using multi-signature. Integrity and non-repudiation is achieved. Accounts are secure even if the ledger is publicly available.
  • 16. Infrastructure components integration Depository, exchange, and payment systems are combined and become a uniform decentralized infrastructure that contains within itself a ledger, an order book and a transaction execution engine which all are accessible via an open API.
  • 17. Decentralization Blockchain acts as a ledger for accounts. It enables: 1. decentralization of transaction processing and storage, which leads to robustness and integrity 2. transparent and auditable transaction validation processes for all entities - and protection from double spending 3. Automated business logic (smart contracts) 4. Decentralized storage, audit and processing with centralized governance
  • 18. What is a “token”? A token is an account which contains the balance of a specific (“reference”) asset.
  • 19. Everything will be tokenized - Money - Stocks and derivatives - Real estate and certificates - Warehouse receipts - Loyalty points - Precious metals - Intellectual property
  • 20. Tokenization leads to better asset liquidity