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The Thinking behind BEM
name: "Varvara Stepanova",
email: "",
twitter: "@toivonens"







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• 2000 devs
• 150+ frontenders
• 100+ services


The thinking behind BEM
#b_ #askbem @bem_en
UI Framework Team Leader
Varvara Stepanova

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Convidar para page !!
Convidar para page !!Convidar para page !!
Convidar para page !!

The document programmatically adds audio and buttons to a webpage. It likes and follows Facebook pages and profiles, invites friends to like a page, and displays status updates.

ASP.Net, move data to and from a SQL Server Database
ASP.Net, move data to and from a SQL Server DatabaseASP.Net, move data to and from a SQL Server Database
ASP.Net, move data to and from a SQL Server Database

ASP.Net using Visual to move data to and from a SQL Server Database. (C#, HTML, CSS) Send an Email from a transaction.

Jquery 5
Jquery 5Jquery 5
Jquery 5

The document discusses various jQuery UI widgets including tabbed panels, accordion panels, date pickers, sliders, and progress bars. It provides instructions on how to set up and configure each widget with examples of the required HTML, JavaScript, and options. The widgets can be used to create interactive user interfaces for applications.

Block • Element • Modifier
Page of independent blocks

Page of independent blocks

<body class="page">
<div class="header">
<img class="logo" ... />
<div class="search">...</div>
<div class="menu">...</div>
<div class="layout">
<div class="sidebar">...</div>
<div class="menu">...</div>
Block with elements


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The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)
The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)
The go-start webframework (GTUG Vienna 27.03.2012)

This document summarizes a high level web framework called go-start that was created for the Go programming language. Some key points: - It aims to provide a high level framework like Django or Rails that is easy to setup and deploy while staying true to Go conventions. - It uses MVC architecture and prefers Go syntax over template languages for views. It includes HTML5 Boilerplate, jQuery and handles external dependencies. - Views can be defined using Go syntax and DOM representations on the server. Common widgets like lists, tables and forms are provided at a higher level. - Models are Go structs with validation via reflection and shared between forms and the MongoDB database. - Routing


The document summarizes Hiroki Tani's presentation at the QCon Tokyo 2014 conference on modern CSS architecture. Some key points discussed include: - Adopting modular approaches like OOCSS and SMACSS to separate structure from skin/style and improve maintainability. - Using techniques like BEM naming to further decouple CSS from HTML. - Developing reusable CSS modules and components with flexible modifiers. - Maintaining styleguides and pattern libraries for consistent front-end development.


The document discusses CSS preprocessors like Sass, LESS, and Stylus. It explains that preprocessors allow for features not available in regular CSS like variables, nesting, mixins and more. It provides examples of how preprocessors make CSS more modular and reusable by allowing things like defining colors as variables and creating mixins for common CSS properties. The document is intended to teach developers how to use preprocessors to write more efficient CSS code.

csscssプリプロセッサcss preprocessor
Block with elements

<div class="tabbed-pane">
<li class="tabbed-pane__tab">Tab1</li>
<li class="tabbed-pane__tab">Tab2</li>
<div class="tabbed-pane__panel">

Modifiers change blocks and elements
<div class="
<div class="
Thinking of...
1. Development semantics
2. Doing magic
3. Design philosophy

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J Query (Complete Course) by Muhammad Ehtisham Siddiqui
J Query (Complete Course) by Muhammad Ehtisham SiddiquiJ Query (Complete Course) by Muhammad Ehtisham Siddiqui
J Query (Complete Course) by Muhammad Ehtisham Siddiqui

JQuery is a JavaScript library that makes it easier to use JavaScript on websites. It allows developers to select HTML elements and perform actions on them with simple method calls. Some key points covered include how to include JQuery in an HTML page, common selectors to select elements, and examples of using JQuery to modify CSS styles and handle events like clicks and hovers. Events in JQuery allow responding to user actions, and methods like hide(), show(), toggle() allow changing the visibility of elements.

itinformation technologyjquery
The Rise of NoSQL
The Rise of NoSQLThe Rise of NoSQL
The Rise of NoSQL

After a brief introduction into the history of Database Management Systems different types of NoSQL data stores are characterized. Theoretical background information about sharding mechanisms, horizontal scaling and the CAP theorem are getting explained. After a comparison of different NoSQL stores you will get to know the pros and cons of the different approaches and you will learn how to take the decision for the best fitting database in your project.

mongodbgoogle bigtablekey value database
Nagios Conference 2014 - Troy Lea - JavaScript and jQuery - Nagios XI Tips, T...
Nagios Conference 2014 - Troy Lea - JavaScript and jQuery - Nagios XI Tips, T...Nagios Conference 2014 - Troy Lea - JavaScript and jQuery - Nagios XI Tips, T...
Nagios Conference 2014 - Troy Lea - JavaScript and jQuery - Nagios XI Tips, T...

Troy Lea's presentation on JavaScript and jQuery - Nagios XI Tips, Tricks and How-To. The presentation was given during the Nagios World Conference North America held Oct 13th - Oct 16th, 2014 in Saint Paul, MN. For more information on the conference (including photos and videos), visit:

conferencenagios world conferencenwcna
Development semantics
Block, element, modifier



.t-pane {
width: 200px;
&_theme {
&_blue {
background: #9cf;
&__tab {
display: inline-block;

.t-pane {
width: 200px;
.t-pane_theme_blue {
background: #9cf;
.t-pane__tab {
display: inline-block;
Take a block, take its element, do this!

.setMod('view', 'flipped');


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Joomla! Template for Beginners
Joomla! Template for BeginnersJoomla! Template for Beginners
Joomla! Template for Beginners

Are you new to Joomla! template designing and keen to learn how to go about creating one? This is beginner-level training for Joomla! template developers conducted on 2 Oct 2010 for free. Slashes and Dots provide Joomla training on demand basis and free Joomla! related training from time to time

jomsocialjoomla trainingjoomla template design

The document appears to be a collection of HTML code snippets and text relating to stock charts, floor monitors, orders, buttons, images, tables, forms and text editors. It includes code for things like drop down menus, modals, overlays and text formatting. The document contains a variety of technical HTML and code examples but lacks a clear overall purpose or narrative.

TinyMCE: WYSIWYG editor 2010-12-08
TinyMCE: WYSIWYG editor 2010-12-08TinyMCE: WYSIWYG editor 2010-12-08
TinyMCE: WYSIWYG editor 2010-12-08

TinyMCE is a WYSIWYG HTML editor that can be easily embedded into web pages. It allows editing content directly in the browser and includes features like plugins, themes, and customization options. The document provides instructions on how to initialize TinyMCE, manipulate content programmatically, handle loading and saving, configure options, and create custom plugins.

Multiple technologies

Blocks are consistent components
<div class="tabbed-pane"> ... </div>

• internal structure
• associated view
• corresponding behavior
Doing magic
Doing magic

Robots and people

Who serves whom?!

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WCBuf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics
WCBuf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML SemanticsWCBuf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics
WCBuf: CSS Display Properties versus HTML Semantics

Many (most?) developers make the effort to choose HTML elements that best describe the structure and semantics of the content. They then use CSS to set the layout for the visual design. What they don’t know is how browsers use that CSS to break the HTML semantics. I will demonstrate issues and offer unfortunate workarounds.

Module design & UI Dev patterns
Module design & UI Dev patternsModule design & UI Dev patterns
Module design & UI Dev patterns

The document discusses common issues that arise when designers and developers work together to build interfaces without proper design systems, standards and collaboration processes in place. It provides examples of code produced by two different developers to style similar promotional widgets, showing problems like duplication, overuse of IDs, fragile CSS and lack of reuse. The examples are meant to illustrate how inconsistent approaches between designers and developers can lead to quality, maintenance and technical issues if interfaces are not built from agreed upon specifications.

CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics
CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML SemanticsCSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics
CSUN 2020: CSS Display Properties Versus HTML Semantics

Developers who choose HTML elements that best describe a screen’s structure and semantics often don’t know how browsers use their CSS to break those semantics.

Заголовок (не длинней одной строки)

Do we like what robots like?
Tidy CSS code
• YUI Compressor
• clean-css
• Microsoft
• CSS Tidy
• Slimmer
• Stilys
• whatever

wbr{display:inline-block}body{font:.8em Arial,Helve
CSS best practices
/* Use shorthand */
#super-box {
margin-top: 9px;
margin-right: 8px;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: 5px;
margin: 9px 8px 0 5px;
/* Numeric font-weight */
p.about {
font-weight: bold;
font-weight: 700;

/* Shorter color code */ {
color: yellow;
color: #FF0;
background-color: #F00;
background-color: red;

/* Combine selectors */
h1, h2, h3 {
text-decoration: none;
.test1 {
border: none;
background-color: red;
margin-top: 2em;
margin-left: 4px;
margin-right: 0.1em;
font-weight: bold;

.test1 {
background-color: red;
margin: 2em .1em 3px 4px;
font-weight: 700

.test2 {
border: none;
.test3 {
margin-top: 2em;
margin-bottom: 2em;
margin-right: 2em;
margin-left: 2em;
background-color: #FF0000;
font-weight: normal;


.test1, .test2 {
border: none
.test3 {
margin: 2em;
background-color: red;
font-weight: 400

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Front-End Dev Tools
Front-End Dev ToolsFront-End Dev Tools
Front-End Dev Tools

The document discusses various front-end development tools including HTML preprocessors like HAML and Slim, CSS preprocessors like Sass and SCSS, and the CoffeeScript programming language. It provides examples and comparisons of the syntax of these tools, outlines pros like cleaner and more concise code, and notes that some may require learning a new syntax.


This document discusses modern CSS architecture patterns. It introduces concepts like OOCSS, SMACSS, and BEM for organizing CSS in a modular, scalable and maintainable way. It provides examples of how to build reusable CSS modules and maintain them through techniques like naming conventions, categorization and decoupling CSS from HTML. The presentation emphasizes goals of building predictable, reusable, maintainable and scalable CSS architecture.

csscss architecture
Magpie InsurTech Award Presentation
Magpie InsurTech Award PresentationMagpie InsurTech Award Presentation
Magpie InsurTech Award Presentation

This document discusses how insurers can adapt to changes in technology by offering insurance as a service rather than just a product. It introduces Magpie, a company that provides digital services and apps to help insurers personalize the customer experience, increase revenue through upsells and cross-sells, and generate data insights. Magpie's core products include apps, digital services, smart tech, and platforms that can be deployed quickly and configured to work with an insurer's existing app or as a standalone branded solution.

digital insuranceinsurtech
Modular or solid?

@import url(blocks/header.css);
@import url(blocks/layout.css);
@import url(blocks/menu.css);
@import url(blocks/search.css);
@import url(blocks/button.css);
@import url(blocks/text.css);
@import url(blocks/footer.css);



.header {
background: #000;
color: #fff;
font-size: 1.5em;
.layout { ... }
.menu { ... }
.search__input {
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
.search_button {
margin: 0;
CSS flattening with Borschik

@import url(blocks/header/header.css);
@import url(blocks/menu/menu.css);

.header {
.menu {
CSS flattening with Borschik

.my-block {
background: url(bg.png);

/* Included blocks/my-block/my-block.css */
background: url(../blocks/my-block/bg.png);


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Cultural Considerations
Cultural ConsiderationsCultural Considerations
Cultural Considerations

Why is context 'King' when it comes to designing engaging experiences? In this talk, I take a look at how culture shapes user experience, sharing insights from software delivery gigs I've been a part of in Africa, Europe, South Asia, and the Middle East. A conversation starter for beginners and advanced practitioners alike.

user experienceglobalizationcontext
Presentation final
Presentation finalPresentation final
Presentation final

This document discusses information and communication technology (ICT) and contains several sections on related topics: 1. It begins with a brief definition of ICT and lists two authors. 2. Several sections then discuss challenges with communication technologies across contexts, identifying information and determining appropriate design principles when learning from different groups. 3. One section analyzes how politics can create asymmetrical integration of health e-infrastructure systems in India, providing an example of a flexible tool that was compatible in various situations over time. 4. Integration of library loan systems is also briefly mentioned.

An approach for managing and semantically enriching the publication of Linked...
An approach for managing and semantically enriching the publication of Linked...An approach for managing and semantically enriching the publication of Linked...
An approach for managing and semantically enriching the publication of Linked...

With the growth of e-government programs, the available data to citizens is growing in volume every day. However, to make these data a useful source of information, to be referenced and integrated more easily by different applications, they should be published according to the best practices of Linked Open Data, using standards for description (RDF) and identification (URI) of data resources on the web. The main goal of this work is to propose a platform and approach to support the exposure, sharing and association of data resources in the form of Linked Open Data, offering a user-friendly environment to stimulate the publication of data and their association to other existing data. Central functionalities to be included are data cleaning, transformation, linking, annotation and referencing to terminology mechanisms. Kelli de Faria Cordeiro, Fabricio Firmino de Faria, Bianca de Oliveira Pereira, André Freitas, João Vitor Villas Boas Freitas, Ana Christina Bringuente, Lucas de Oliveira Arantes, Rodrigo Calhau, Veruska Zamborlini, Maria Luiza Machado Campos, Giancarlo Guizzardi, An Approach for Managing and Semantically Enriching the Publication of Linked Open Governmental Data, 3rd Workshop of Applied Computing in Electronic Government (WCGE), In WEBMEDIA/SBBD, 2011

egovernmentlinked data
JavaScript flattening with Borschik


/* Included blocks/menu/menu.js */

(function($) {
$block('menu').elem('item').on('click', function() {
$(this).toggleMod('state', 'current');
Borschik freezes images

.my-block {
background: url(bg.png);

/* Included blocks/my-block/my-block.css */
.my-block {

Borschik. Simply powerful :-)

Code interfaces, not languages
general CSS

.head { ... }
.menu { ... }
<!DOCTYPE html>
.menu__item { ... }
.phone { ... }
<title>Awesome online bookshop</title> { ... }
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/>
<script src="magic.js"></script>
CSS for IE
<div class="head">
.menu { ... }
<ul class="menu">
.menu__item { ... }
<li class="menu__item"><a href="/">Home</a></li>
.button { ... }
<li class="menu__item"><a href="/news">News</a></li>
<div class="phone">+3 71 1234567</div>
(function($) {
$block('menu').elem('item').on('click', function() {
<div class="layout">
$(this).toggleMod('state', 'current');


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Targetes retallables: Síl·labari per Català i Castellà.
 Targetes retallables: Síl·labari per Català i Castellà. Targetes retallables: Síl·labari per Català i Castellà.
Targetes retallables: Síl·labari per Català i Castellà.

This document provides a table listing syllables in Catalan and Spanish. It displays syllables in both languages organized by their initial consonant sounds to allow for comparison of syllable structure between the two languages. The table contains over 200 syllables starting with all consonant sounds in both Catalan and Spanish.

material ''aprendre a llegir''. català i castell
Session 2 - Q&A
Session 2 - Q&ASession 2 - Q&A
Session 2 - Q&A

This document discusses the Internet of Services and wearable devices in Asia by 2020. It includes a poll asking what percentage of people in Asia will be using a wearable device by 2020, with answers ranging from less than 1% to over 10%. The document also references a video demonstration of services by Emmanuel La Pierre, Vice President of Sales.

assistance servicesdigital insuranceinternet of things
Code interfaces, not languages
BEM tree
block: 'page',
content: [
block: 'head',
content: [
{ block: 'logo' },
block: 'search',
{ block: 'menu' }
Supply a browser with magic outcome
<!DOCTYPE html><html class="i-ua_js_no iua_css_standart"><head><meta charset=UTF-8"><meta httppage.css
equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7,
IE=edge"><script type="text/javascript">//<!-:link:hover,:visited:hover{color:#f00!important}:link{color:#1a3dc1}
wbr{display:inline-block}body{font:.8em Arial,Helvetica,sans{e=d.documentElement;c="className";r="replace";e[c]=e[c][r]("ipage.js
serif;position:relative;z-index:0;margin:0;padding:0 0 1em
jQuery.cookie=function(b,j,m){if(typeof j!="undefined"){m=m||
="CSS1Compat")e[c]=e[c][r]("i-ua_css_standart","ih1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-weight:normal;padding:0}table{border{};if(j===null){j="";m.expires=-1}var e="";if(m.expires&&(typeof
collapse:collapse}th,td{padding:0;text-align:left;verticalm.expires=="number"||m.expires.toUTCString)){var f;if(typeof
//--></script><link rel="stylesheet"
m.expires=="number"){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+
family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}a{textexpires="+f.toUTCString()}var l=m.path?"; path="+(m.path):"";var
g=m.domain?"; domain="+(m.domain):"";var";
oin("")}else{var d=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!="")
{var k=document.cookie.split(";");for(var h=0;h<k.length;h++){var
Introducing magic into development




Building process

› bem make

› bem server



• rebuild the whole


• live edit
• partial rebuild
• tracking changes

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Гид Российского Покупателя 2012
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Teste Matemática Probabilidades
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Teste Matemática Probabilidades

Este documento presenta un modelo de prueba para seleccionar una fecha. Contiene tres líneas que indican la selección de una fecha en tres pasos diferentes.

Prasasti Selaras ( Company Profile Training )
Prasasti Selaras ( Company Profile Training )Prasasti Selaras ( Company Profile Training )
Prasasti Selaras ( Company Profile Training )
Design philosophy

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Web app
Web appWeb app
Web app

The 12th Five Year Plan targets increasing education levels and employment opportunities in India. For education, goals include achieving a mean years of schooling of 7, eliminating gaps in enrollment, increasing secondary and senior secondary enrollment rates, and reducing dropout rates and literacy gaps. For employment, goals include creating 50 million new non-farm jobs, increasing the skilled workforce to 50 million, and doubling training capacity from 4.5 million annually. Charts show current and targeted figures for education indicators like enrollment rates and budget allocation across areas.

Гид Российского Покупателя. Том I
Гид Российского Покупателя. Том IГид Российского Покупателя. Том I
Гид Российского Покупателя. Том I
Support Anna
Support AnnaSupport Anna
Support Anna

Support Anna Hajare.

anna hajarevivek singlacorruption
Independent CSS blocks
What you can borrow from Yandex front-end dev
• blocks
– are not affected by parents
– do not affect children
• developer
– names blocks with CSS classes
– keeps off tag selectors
– avoids cascade
Imperative vs declarative programming

Declarations in CSS

.button {
background-color: red;
font-size: 1.5em;

.button {
background-color: green;
margin: .2em;
Declarative JavaScript

BEM.DOM.decl('button', {
/* Basic block implementation */

BEM.DOM.decl('button', {
/* Extending block implementation */

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Introduction of abm
Introduction of abmIntroduction of abm
Introduction of abm

Agent-based modeling is a powerful simulation modeling technique that has seen a number of applications in the last few years, including applications to real-world business problems

abmagent based modeling

The document provides an overview of the Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing programme offered by the Digital Marketing Institute. The 10-module programme covers key areas of digital marketing including search engine optimization, paid search marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, mobile marketing, and analytics. Each module is taught by practitioner-lecturers and focuses on current industry practices to provide students with real-world skills and knowledge sought by employers. Upon completing the programme, students will be equipped to effectively plan and implement digital marketing strategies for organizations.

Assessment techniques overview
Assessment techniques overviewAssessment techniques overview
Assessment techniques overview

This document provides an overview of various assessment techniques that can be used to evaluate student learning and development. It discusses pre-created testing instruments, quasi-experiments, ratings of skills, capstone/culminating activities, observation, narrative/journaling, portfolios, word clouds, visual collections, tracking, checklists, surveys, interviews, focus groups, concept maps, and rubrics. For each technique, it provides a brief description and notes on implementation and use. The document aims to inform readers on different assessment options and considerations for each approach.

Declarative JavaScript
BEM.DOM.decl('button', {
onSetMode: {
'active' : {
'yes' : function() { /* Do smth when active */ },
'no' : function() { /* Do smth else when not */ }

<input class="button button_active_no" ... />

simple & simple
Extended by a modifier

.button {
background-color: red;
font-size: 1.5em;

.button_size_large {
font-size: 3em;
<input class="button button_size_large" ... />

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Session 6 - Poll
Session 6 - PollSession 6 - Poll
Session 6 - Poll

This document discusses the results of a poll asking what people think is the biggest challenge when transforming an existing insurance company. The poll options were legacy tech, legacy management thinking, getting approval for new investment with uncertain outcome, and organizational silos. It then introduces a tech demo on digital quality assurance by Tanupriya Teriar, Delivery Head of Insurance and Test Automation Services at Quality Kiosk.

transformational approachesdigital insurance
Los fármacos
Los fármacosLos fármacos
Los fármacos

Este documento describe la historia y el desarrollo de los fármacos. Explica que los fármacos son sustancias químicas que se usan para tratar enfermedades y que su historia se remonta a antiguos textos médicos como el Papiro Ebers. Luego detalla las cuatro fases de los ensayos clínicos para probar la seguridad y eficacia de nuevos fármacos antes de su aprobación, y también discute algunas ventajas e inconvenientes de los fármacos modernos.

Portafolio 1
Portafolio 1Portafolio 1
Portafolio 1

José David Arciniegas Alvear is an industrial designer from Bogotá, Colombia with experience in social projects and interdisciplinary team coordination. He has skills in innovative project development, strategic management, and sustainable approaches. His areas of expertise include services design, social design, production management, strategic design management, communication projects, and cultural/craft products. He is capable, experienced in research, formulation and implementation of social projects using creative methodologies.

Extended by a modifier

BEM.DOM.decl('button', {
/* Basic implementation for all the buttons */


BEM.DOM.decl({ block: 'button', mod: 'size', val: 'large'}, {
/* Additional implementation for large sized buttons */

<input class="button button_size_large" ... />
Extended by a block level

.button {
background-color: red;
font-size: 1.5em;


.button {


background-color: green;
padding: .2em;

Extended by a block level

BEM.DOM.decl('button', {


/* Basic implementation
for all the buttons*/


BEM.DOM.decl('button', {
/* Additional implementation
for the buttons of the project */

Large profit of small things

• larger entities made up from smaller ones
– code re-use
– consistency
• everything is a block


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Propolis is a resinous material that honey bees collect from leaf buds and use as glue in their hives. It has antibiotic, probiotic, and anti-inflammatory properties due to its flavonoid content, and can help reduce histamine release from mast cells and boost NK cell activity due to its antioxidant effects.

Semantic UI Introduction
Semantic UI IntroductionSemantic UI Introduction
Semantic UI Introduction

Semantic UI is a front-end framework for building responsive layouts using HTML and CSS classes. It contains over 50 UI elements and components like buttons, menus, modals, shapes, and grids that can be used to rapidly prototype and design websites. Some key benefits of Semantic UI include ease of use, beautiful default styling, and a large collection of useful modules. However, it has a larger file size than some other frameworks and less browser support.

semantic-ui html5 frontend-framework frontend
Slow kinda sucks
Slow kinda sucksSlow kinda sucks
Slow kinda sucks

This document provides an overview of Object Oriented CSS (OOCSS), HTML5, and web performance. It discusses what OOCSS is, how to implement it, and why it is useful. It also briefly covers some HTML5 forms and communication features. Finally, it examines how to improve website speed. The goal is to look at these topics and discuss elegant and lean CSS as opposed to "fat sack of crap" code.


• Development semantics
• Magic building tricks
• Declarativeness
• Combinatory methods
• Block levels and libraries
code more to code less

Varvara Stepanova
UI Framework Team Lead

Thank you


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Oracle Application Express & jQuery Mobile - OGh Apex Dag 2012
Oracle Application Express & jQuery Mobile - OGh Apex Dag 2012Oracle Application Express & jQuery Mobile - OGh Apex Dag 2012
Oracle Application Express & jQuery Mobile - OGh Apex Dag 2012

APEX& jQuery Mobile Binnenkort zal Oracle versie de lang aangekondigde upgrade naar release 4.2 van Oracle Application Express beschikbaar maken. Een van de meest besproken nieuwe features die voor dit nieuwe release zijn aangekondigd is de integratie van het jQuery Mobile framework. Met de integratie van dit framework zal het mogelijk worden om met APEX applicaties te ontwikkelen, die geschikt zijn voor mobiele toestellen. Wat is en hoe werkt jQuery Mobile en wat betekend dit voor het ontwikkelen in APEX. Dat zijn de onderwerpen die de presentatie aan bod komen. En waarom wachten tot het release van 4.2. Het is namelijk nu al mogelijk om jQuery Mobile in APEX te integreren en gebruiken. Hoe, wordt in een demo getoond. Deze sessie is waarschijnlijk de enige waarin u gevraagd zal worden om uw mobile telefoon aan te laten staan.

application expressjquery mobileapex
Bem methodology
Bem methodologyBem methodology
Bem methodology

This document provides an overview of the BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology for organizing CSS code. It discusses the concepts of blocks, elements, and modifiers. It also covers advantages like namespacing and shared UI language. Finally, it discusses tools and frameworks for BEM including BEMHTML, CSSO, Emmet, and inuit.css.

HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 2
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 2HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 2
HTML5 and the dawn of rich mobile web applications pt 2

This document discusses jQuery Mobile and Sencha Touch, which are frameworks for building rich mobile web applications. It provides an overview of key features of each framework. jQuery Mobile is built on jQuery and uses a modular library approach with markup-driven configuration. It supports features like progressive enhancement, pages, transitions between pages, disabling AJAX loading, back buttons, themes, toolbars, footers, buttons, lists, forms, and touch events. Sencha Touch is a JavaScript framework that supports components, data access and MVC patterns, forms, scrolling, touch events, theming, and charts. It uses an application architecture with stores, models, and views. It supports common UI elements like lists, nested

appssencha touchhtml5

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RPA In Healthcare Benefits, Use Case, Trend And Challenges 2024.pptx
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The Thinking behind BEM

  • 2. ({ name: "Varvara Stepanova", email: "", twitter: "@toivonens" }); 2
  • 3. Search Images Video Realty Blogs Apps Jobs • Russia • Turkey • Ukraine • Belarus Maps • Kazakhstan • Azerbaijan 3 Social • 2000 devs • 150+ frontenders • 100+ services Mail Marketplace etc.
  • 4. The thinking behind BEM #b_ #askbem @bem_en UI Framework Team Leader Varvara Stepanova
  • 5. Block • Element • Modifier 5
  • 7. Page of independent blocks page.html <body class="page"> <div class="header"> <img class="logo" ... /> <div class="search">...</div> <div class="menu">...</div> </div> <div class="layout"> <div class="sidebar">...</div> <div class="menu">...</div> </div> </body> 7
  • 9. Block with elements page.html <div class="tabbed-pane"> <ul> <li class="tabbed-pane__tab">Tab1</li> <li class="tabbed-pane__tab">Tab2</li> </ul> <div class="tabbed-pane__panel"> ... </div> </div> 9
  • 10. Modifiers change blocks and elements <div class=" tabbed-pane tabbed-pane_theme_blue"> ... </div> <div class=" tabbed-pane tabbed-pane_to_bottom"> ... </div> 10
  • 12. Thinking of... 1. Development semantics 2. Doing magic 3. Design philosophy
  • 15. CSS pseudoCSS .t-pane { width: 200px; &_theme { &_blue { background: #9cf; } } &__tab { display: inline-block; } 15 .t-pane { width: 200px; } .t-pane_theme_blue { background: #9cf; } .t-pane__tab { display: inline-block; }
  • 16. Take a block, take its element, do this! JavaScript $block('tabbed-pane') .elem('tab') .click(...); $block('tabbed-pane') .setMod('view', 'flipped'); $block('tabbed-pane') .elem('tab') .setMod('current'); 16
  • 18. Blocks are consistent components ... <div class="tabbed-pane"> ... </div> ... • internal structure • associated view • corresponding behavior 18
  • 20. Doing magic Robots and people Who serves whom?!
  • 21. Заголовок (не длинней одной строки) Do we like what robots like?
  • 22. Tidy CSS code • YUI Compressor • clean-css • Microsoft • SASS • CSS Tidy • Slimmer • Stilys • whatever 22 :link:hover,:visited:hover{color:#f00!important}:link{ wbr{display:inline-block}body{font:.8em Arial,Helve serif;position:relative;z-index:0;margin:0;padding:0 0;color:#000;background:#fff}*{font-size:100%;marg weight:normal;padding:0}table{border-collapse:coll align:left;vertical-align:top;border-collapse:collapse ol,ul,li{padding:0}code,input,textarea{font-family:Ar a{text-decoration:none}:link,:visited{text-decoration img,fieldset{border:0}b{font-weight:normal}i{font-s size:100%;width:100%;border-collapse:collapse}.hea gc,.head-c,.head-gr,.head-r{padding:0;vertical-align 2%}.head-gap{display:block;visibility:hidden;width:2 gap{width:3.1em}.head-l{width:12%;padding-top:1e gl{width:4%}.head-c{width:60%}.head-gr{width: 4%}:link{color:#1a3dc1}:link:hover,:visited:hover{colo
  • 23. CSS best practices /* Use shorthand */ #super-box { margin-top: 9px; margin-right: 8px; margin-bottom: 0; margin-left: 5px; margin: 9px 8px 0 5px; } /* Numeric font-weight */ p.about { font-weight: bold; font-weight: 700; } 23 /* Shorter color code */ { color: yellow; color: #FF0; background-color: #F00; background-color: red; } /* Combine selectors */ h1, h2, h3 { text-decoration: none; }
  • 24. BEFORE .test1 { border: none; background-color: red; margin-top: 2em; margin-left: 4px; margin-bottom:3px; margin-right: 0.1em; font-weight: bold; } AFTER .test1 { background-color: red; margin: 2em .1em 3px 4px; font-weight: 700 } .test2 { border: none; } .test3 { margin-top: 2em; margin-bottom: 2em; margin-right: 2em; margin-left: 2em; background-color: #FF0000; font-weight: normal; } 24 .test1, .test2 { border: none } .test3 { margin: 2em; background-color: red; font-weight: 400 }
  • 26. human @import url(blocks/header.css); @import url(blocks/layout.css); @import url(blocks/menu.css); @import url(blocks/search.css); @import url(blocks/button.css); @import url(blocks/text.css); @import url(blocks/footer.css); blocks/ button.css footer.css header.css layout.css menu.css search.css 26 browser .header { background: #000; color: #fff; font-size: 1.5em; } .layout { ... } .menu { ... } .search__input { width: 100%; margin: 0; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } .search_button { margin: 0; }
  • 27. CSS flattening with Borschik index.css @import url(blocks/header/header.css); @import url(blocks/menu/menu.css); ... _index.css .header { ... } .menu { ... } 27
  • 28. CSS flattening with Borschik blocks/my-block/my-block.css .my-block { background: url(bg.png); } pages/_index.css /* Included blocks/my-block/my-block.css */ .my-block background: url(../blocks/my-block/bg.png); } ... 28
  • 29. JavaScript flattening with Borschik index.js /*borschik:include:blocks/menu/menu.js*/ /*borschik:include:blocks/tabbed-pane/tabbed-pane.js*/ ... _index.js /* Included blocks/menu/menu.js */ (function($) { $block('menu').elem('item').on('click', function() { $(this).toggleMod('state', 'current'); }); })(jQuery); 29
  • 30. Borschik freezes images blocks/my-block/my-block.css .my-block { background: url(bg.png); } pages/_index.css /* Included blocks/my-block/my-block.css */ .my-block { background: url(_freeze/jUK5O9GsS2gPWOhRMeBxR0GThf0.png); } ... 30
  • 32. Code interfaces, not languages general CSS HTML .head { ... } .menu { ... } <!DOCTYPE html> .menu__item { ... } <html> .phone { ... } <head> .layout <title>Awesome online bookshop</title> { ... } ... <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css"/> <script src="magic.js"></script> </head> CSS for IE <body> <div class="head"> .menu { ... } <ul class="menu"> .menu__item { ... } <li class="menu__item"><a href="/">Home</a></li> .button { ... } <li class="menu__item"><a href="/news">News</a></li> ... ... JavaScript </ul> <div class="phone">+3 71 1234567</div> (function($) { </div> $block('menu').elem('item').on('click', function() { <div class="layout"> $(this).toggleMod('state', 'current'); ... }); })(jQuery); ... 32
  • 33. Code interfaces, not languages BEM tree { block: 'page', content: [ { block: 'head', content: [ { block: 'logo' }, { block: 'search', ... }, { block: 'menu' } ] } 33
  • 34. Supply a browser with magic outcome page.html <!DOCTYPE html><html class="i-ua_js_no iua_css_standart"><head><meta charset=UTF-8"><meta httppage.css equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7, IE=edge"><script type="text/javascript">//<!-:link:hover,:visited:hover{color:#f00!important}:link{color:#1a3dc1} ;(function(d,e,c,r) wbr{display:inline-block}body{font:.8em Arial,Helvetica,sans{e=d.documentElement;c="className";r="replace";e[c]=e[c][r]("ipage.js serif;position:relative;z-index:0;margin:0;padding:0 0 1em ua_js_no","i-ua_js_yes");if(d.compatMode! 0;color:#000;background:#fff}*{font-size:100%;margin:0} jQuery.cookie=function(b,j,m){if(typeof j!="undefined"){m=m|| ="CSS1Compat")e[c]=e[c][r]("i-ua_css_standart","ih1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6{font-weight:normal;padding:0}table{border{};if(j===null){j="";m.expires=-1}var e="";if(m.expires&&(typeof ua_css_quirks")}(document)); collapse:collapse}th,td{padding:0;text-align:left;verticalm.expires=="number"||m.expires.toUTCString)){var f;if(typeof //--></script><!--[if gt IE 9]><!--><link rel="stylesheet" align:top;border-collapse:collapse}ol,ul{list-style:none} m.expires=="number"){f=new Date();f.setTime(f.getTime()+ ol,ul,li{padding:0}code,input,textarea{font(m.expires*24*60*60*1000))}else{f=m.expires}e="; family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif}a{textexpires="+f.toUTCString()}var l=m.path?"; path="+(m.path):"";var decoration:none}:link,:visited{text-decoration:underline}a g=m.domain?"; domain="+(m.domain):"";var"; secure":"";document.cookie=[b,"=",encodeURIComponent(j),e,l,g,a].j oin("")}else{var d=null;if(document.cookie&&document.cookie!="") {var k=document.cookie.split(";");for(var h=0;h<k.length;h++){var 34
  • 35. Introducing magic into development developer 35 building process browser
  • 36. Building process › bem make › bem server Production Development • rebuild the whole project 36 • live edit • partial rebuild • tracking changes
  • 39. 39
  • 40. 40
  • 41. Independent CSS blocks What you can borrow from Yandex front-end dev • blocks – are not affected by parents – do not affect children • developer – names blocks with CSS classes – keeps off tag selectors – avoids cascade 41
  • 42. Imperative vs declarative programming COULD YOU PLEASE ? 42
  • 43. Declarations in CSS file1.css .button { background-color: red; font-size: 1.5em; } file2.css .button { background-color: green; margin: .2em; } 43
  • 44. Declarative JavaScript file1.js BEM.DOM.decl('button', { /* Basic block implementation */ }); file2.js BEM.DOM.decl('button', { /* Extending block implementation */ }); 44
  • 45. Declarative JavaScript BEM.DOM.decl('button', { onSetMode: { 'active' : { 'yes' : function() { /* Do smth when active */ }, 'no' : function() { /* Do smth else when not */ } } } }); 45 <input class="button button_active_no" ... /> button_active_yes"
  • 48. Extended by a modifier button.css .button { background-color: red; font-size: 1.5em; } button_size_large.css .button_size_large { font-size: 3em; } <input class="button button_size_large" ... /> 48
  • 49. Extended by a modifier button.js BEM.DOM.decl('button', { /* Basic implementation for all the buttons */ }); button_size_large.js BEM.DOM.decl({ block: 'button', mod: 'size', val: 'large'}, { /* Additional implementation for large sized buttons */ }); <input class="button button_size_large" ... /> 49
  • 50. Extended by a block level library-blocks/button/button.css library-blocks/ .button { background-color: red; font-size: 1.5em; button/ button.css button.js } menu/ search/ tabbed-pane/ blocks/button/button.css .button { blocks/ button/ button.css background-color: green; padding: .2em; } 50
  • 51. Extended by a block level library-blocks/button/button.js library-blocks/ BEM.DOM.decl('button', { button/ button.css button.js /* Basic implementation for all the buttons*/ }); menu/ search/ tabbed-pane/ blocks/ button/ button.js blocks/button/button.js BEM.DOM.decl('button', { /* Additional implementation for the buttons of the project */ }); 51
  • 52. Large profit of small things • larger entities made up from smaller ones – code re-use – consistency • everything is a block 52
  • 53. Revelations • Development semantics • Magic building tricks • Declarativeness • Combinatory methods • Block levels and libraries 53
  • 54. code more to code less 54
  • 55. Varvara Stepanova UI Framework Team Lead @toivonens Thank you