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The Case for the Open Web
    Is web 3.0 where we give up and use something else?

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So far, the web has won
                                               the platform war.

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© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
3 Reasons:
Deployment, Openness, Lazy Text

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Picture of things and people who have inspired me...

Gp Parki Narodowe
Gp Parki NarodoweGp Parki Narodowe
Gp Parki Narodowe
Who decides if it carries
                                               on winning?

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What if there is only one
                                           effective browser vendor?

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Monopolies: Good / Bad?
Monopolies: Good / Bad?
Monopolies are a form of Absolute Power
         (and that’s not good)

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Building Effective Compensation Plans
Building Effective Compensation PlansBuilding Effective Compensation Plans
Building Effective Compensation Plans

presented at TrueConnection: Sales Performance Management Conference 2007 by Joe DeHaven, Solutions Architect at Callidus Software Inc.

John Howard Is Killing You Vote Him Out!
John Howard Is Killing You   Vote Him Out!John Howard Is Killing You   Vote Him Out!
John Howard Is Killing You Vote Him Out!

The document mentions John Howard and his vineyard in Nairne, along with references to the Kyoto Protocol, core promises, and humanity. It also mentions Howard's Waterfall Cave and calls for regime change at home.

Providing Better Producer Administration With TrueProducer
Providing Better Producer Administration With TrueProducerProviding Better Producer Administration With TrueProducer
Providing Better Producer Administration With TrueProducer

The document discusses the TrueProducer software for administering insurance producers. It provides an overview of key functionality, including 360-degree producer views, analytics and reporting, producer onboarding and credential management. Upcoming releases will enhance integration with other Callidus products and provide additional insurance-specific functionality.

A mono-culture is easier
  for the developers
A mono-culture is easier
  for the developers
(but the goal is to be better for the users)
Plug-ins: Good / Bad?
Plug-ins: Good / Bad?
A plugin is just a ‘browser’ in a browser

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Do students with learning differences really need an i pad (1) copy
Do students with learning differences really need an i pad (1) copyDo students with learning differences really need an i pad (1) copy
Do students with learning differences really need an i pad (1) copy

This document is a presentation by Rick Weinberg on whether students with learning differences need an iPad. Weinberg discusses that the decision depends on factors like student goals and needs, affordability, and the student's gifts. He notes concerns like over-relying on technology instead of instruction and addresses major uses of assistive technology like helping with reading and writing difficulties. Weinberg demonstrates tools that can aid with writing, spelling, organization, reading text aloud, and accessing online library resources, showing how both computers and iPads can provide these supports.

Slachtoffer-dader mediation op het werk: hulpmiddel of valkuil voor vertrouwe...
Slachtoffer-dader mediation op het werk: hulpmiddel of valkuil voor vertrouwe...Slachtoffer-dader mediation op het werk: hulpmiddel of valkuil voor vertrouwe...
Slachtoffer-dader mediation op het werk: hulpmiddel of valkuil voor vertrouwe...

Aangepaste PPT van de presentatie die ik gaf voor het behalen van mijn diploma 'Toegepaste Victimologie' van het Belgisch Instituut voor Victimologie in november 2006.

The History of the Web
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© Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved
© Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved

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07 ZamyšLení Tantra Totem
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Scenarios for a Sustainable Information Society Strategy for the Mediterranea...
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Scenarios for a Sustainable Information Society Strategy for the Mediterranea...

Policy Document for the EU ASIS Project, Conference "Towards a Sustainable Information Society for the 21st Century: Strategies, Research and Policy Actions", Brussels (BE), 22 February 2000

Argentina - A daunder with the geographer
Argentina - A daunder with the geographerArgentina - A daunder with the geographer
Argentina - A daunder with the geographer

Travelogue of three different areas in Argentina. The southern Andes, the Lake District and the capital, Buenos Aires.

argentinael chaltengeysers
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© Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved
© Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved

                  3.0                     Netscape Usage Share





      1.0                                         7.0
      ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08

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Food Summary

outcome of the survey

Object Concepts Chapter 6
Object Concepts Chapter 6Object Concepts Chapter 6
Object Concepts Chapter 6

An object-oriented program consists of objects that communicate by sending messages. Objects represent components like numbers, files, and processes, while messages represent interactions between components. Each object holds attributes to store information and can respond to messages. A class defines a template for objects, ensuring each has the same attributes and understands/responds to the same messages in the same way. The protocol of a class is the set of messages its objects understand.


The document discusses different coordinate systems and geometries for the FCAL collaboration including the positions of the LumiCal and BeamCal detectors centered on the outgoing beam within 3.05cm and 3.65cm respectively. It also notes the angular coverage of LumiCal from 8 to 28cm and 26 to 92 mrad and BeamCal from 1.5 to 10cm and 4 to 28 mrad. The BeamCal segmentation is mentioned as 45 or 60 degree calorimeter segments with either 8 or 6 segments using a 360-opening angle divided by the number of segments for 20 mrad coverage.

If the Netscape developers were
 not in the safety of a monopoly;

 Would they have chosen
 the risky rewrite path?

                                   U5.0             M5.2                                8.0
                            U4.0      M5.0                                7.0
                 (U3)          M4.5               6.0
                      M4.0                 5.5
50              M3             5.0
          M2.1        4.0
   ‘95    ‘96        ‘97     ‘98     ‘99    ‘00   ‘01   ‘02   ‘03   ‘04   ‘05   ‘06   ‘07   ‘08

                                   U5.0             M5.2                                8.0
                            U4.0      M5.0                                7.0
                 (U3)          M4.5               6.0
                      M4.0                 5.5
50              M3             5.0
          M2.1        4.0
   ‘95    ‘96        ‘97     ‘98     ‘99    ‘00   ‘01   ‘02   ‘03   ‘04   ‘05   ‘06   ‘07   ‘08
6 years                     6 years
1996                       2002                     2008

 16 major releases of IE          2 major releases of IE?
   Across 4 platforms             Now only on Windows

                  IE got to 90% market
                      share in 2002

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OneSpring: 5 Myths of Rich Internet Applications
OneSpring:  5 Myths of Rich Internet ApplicationsOneSpring:  5 Myths of Rich Internet Applications
OneSpring: 5 Myths of Rich Internet Applications

What are Rich Internet Applications or RIAs? Are they the panacea for everything that ails us? User Experience expert Laurie Gray from OneSpring discusses some of the most common attitudes toward RIA’s and addresses the 5 biggest myths surrounding this exciting technology.

4 things the web needs to
carry on winning ...
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© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

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The document provides an overview of load testing a website, including tips on designing and conducting the test. It discusses determining test objectives and critical user journeys, setting targets for transactions and concurrent users, using analytics to inform the test design, and analyzing results to identify performance bottlenecks and take corrective action. Contact details are provided for vendors that can assist with load testing tools and services.

Øredev 2014
Øredev 2014Øredev 2014
Øredev 2014

The document discusses various topics from the à ̃redev 2014 conference, including web components, HTML5 standards, trends in web development, AngularJS 2.0, OAuth 2.0, JavaScript modules and classes, React, and usability testing. It provides information on new browser capabilities, performance optimization techniques, testing practices, and strategies for building responsive designs and applications.

London web performance WPO Lessons from the field June 2013
London web performance   WPO Lessons from the field June 2013London web performance   WPO Lessons from the field June 2013
London web performance WPO Lessons from the field June 2013

Web Performance - random lessons learnt from delivering WPO, Load testing and APM consulting in the UK. PLus a bit about WebPageTest Private Instances etc

wpoweb performance optimisationwebpagetest
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© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Signs of Disfunction

© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
Signs of Disfunction

          Zillions of toolkits are a sign that something is wrong.

          If browsers were perfect we wouldn’t need Dojo or
          DWR or any of the other toolkits

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Jump start your application monitoring with APM
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Jump start your application monitoring with APM

This LiveMeeting presentation introduces Application Performance Monitoring (APM) in System Center Operations Manager 2012. APM allows monitoring of .NET and WCF applications to identify performance issues. It requires SCOM 2012 or later with the IIS management pack installed. APM bridges the gap between development and operations teams by integrating with Team Foundation Server and collecting traces in an IntelliTrace format. It provides various tools for client-side monitoring, server-side monitoring, and analyzing application diagnostics and advisors to help answer common support questions about application slowdowns and errors.

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Prototyping Adobe AIR Applications with Fireworks CS4
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This presentation gives an overview of prototyping AIR applications using Fireworks CS4. You can get the source for the prototyped application here:

Sun Startup Essential Program
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Sun Startup Essential Program

The document summarizes Sun's Startup Essentials Program which provides resources and assistance to startups including free and discounted software, hardware, hosting, support and community benefits to help startups overcome challenges in their early growth stages. The program offers free Solaris, Linux and Windows software, developer tools, email support from Sun experts, hardware discounts, hosting partnerships, promotional assistance and access to a global startup community network. Startups that have less than 150 employees and are less than 6 years old can apply for the program online.

Signs of Disfunction

          What do the toolkits do for us?
           •Bug fixing

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Signs of Disfunction

          How do toolkits harm us?

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Browser Features

          Browser Developer Todo List:
            •Make ajax toolkits irrelevant

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Browser Features

          The down side of browser evolution
           •Do new features break old features?
           •It’s slow
           •Ubiquity is vital

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Samuel Asher Rivello - PureMVC Hands On Part 2
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In this beginner session we’ll see how to setup your first PureMVC based on a proven project template. We’ll lay down the groundwork and add new features to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the framework. While the examples shown will be specific to Adobe Flex 3 for deployment to the browser, this session is equally relevant for application developers of other technologies including Adobe Flex 3 for Adobe AIR desktop deployment.

How to use browser mining
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How to use browser mining

Browser-based crypto currency mining has become popular, with over 100,000 websites now using JavaScript to mine cryptocurrencies using visitors' CPU power. When integrated onto a website, the mining script connects to a server and mines cryptocurrencies as long as the website tab remains open. While this provides additional revenue, websites must be careful not to overuse CPU resources in order to avoid angering users. Mineralt is a service that allows websites to easily integrate crypto mining and offers advantages like payouts every 24 hours, multi-coin mining, and protections against adblockers.

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Ever considered going hosted? Find out why SaaS may make sense for your development teams. This session shares one customer's experiences with Atlassian developer tools, and their thinking around JIRA Studio and on-demand dev suites. Customer Speaker: Jeff Schnitter of Work Day Key Takeaways: * Best practices for efficient dev teams * Tips and tricks for tuning Atlassian's dev tools suite * Considerations for SaaS dev suites

Browser Features

          How far can we evolve without vendor support?
           •3D using VML / SVG / Canvas / etc
           •Storage and offline

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© Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved

          Local or Global?
           •Depending on small scale reliability can hurt
           •Large scale reliability requires anticipation of failure
           •Markup defines the Open Web through reliability

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          The web has some great features borrowed from Unix
           •Small, independent units
           •Linked through debuggable text based protocols

          It adds features from living things
             •The ability to cope with failure
             •That can adapt when the world changes

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Web browsers and browser version support
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Web browsers and browser version support

This week I gave a speech on browser usage, the statistics behind it and how it effects the way we develop our web sites and applications.

Help! SQL Server 2008 is Still Here!
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Help! SQL Server 2008 is Still Here!

Your company is ignoring the news: SQL Server 2008 and 2008R2 are officially out of support as of today, but nothing's changing at your company. You still have SQL Server 2008 in production, and you're a little nervous. How should you approach the conversations with management? Brent Ozar will help: he's been there too, fighting managers who want to leave an old server hiding in the corner. We'll role play: you be the manager, and Brent will show his techniques for convincing management to take the plunge and move to a newer SQL Server version.

Achieving Peak User Experiences & Optimizing Web Performance - Load Testing, ...
Achieving Peak User Experiences & Optimizing Web Performance - Load Testing, ...Achieving Peak User Experiences & Optimizing Web Performance - Load Testing, ...
Achieving Peak User Experiences & Optimizing Web Performance - Load Testing, ...

Ensuring great experiences for today’s rich and complex web applications requires a new approach to performance testing. Application owners, e-business and marketing managers, QA & IT operations all need to ensure mission & business critical transactions perform flawlessly when: * Releasing new web applications and features * Upgrading or virtualizing IT infrastructure * Adding third-party or cloud-based services such as CDNs, shopping carts and news feeds * Penetrating new markets Join us as Forrester’s Senior Analyst, Mike Gualtieri, and Gomez’s CTO, Imad Mouline, discuss: * Best practices for launching new applications and infrastructure with confidence * Finding and fixing problems prior to launch across the entire web application delivery chain * Maximizing the effectiveness of major marketing campaigns * Why the new “load testing 2.0” approach finds problems legacy tools couldn’t detect, and makes solutions accessible to a broader range of departments and organizations due to their ease of use and on-demand delivery

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          What do you worry about when using the web?
           •Web worms
           •Privacy invasion
           •Data in transit
           •Identity Theft
           •Browser Security
           •How to build something trustable

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          What do users need to build trust
           •Lack of spelling mistakes
           •Reliable patterns
            •Principle of least astonishment

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          What does the web need?
           •Content Restrictions
           •An anti CSRF marker for cookies
           •Less brittle models of building relationships
            •SMASH, XIP, etc.

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This document discusses macro vs micro benchmarking in .NET. It defines macro benchmarking as measuring the performance of whole applications or parts of applications from a user's perspective, while micro benchmarking involves repeatable measurement of specific sections of code isolated from virtual machine effects. The document also covers topics like when optimization is needed, profiling tools available for .NET like dotTrace and dotMemory, and concludes that profiling can help identify performance bottlenecks and memory leaks, and forecast potential performance gains.

Drupal CDN integration: easier, more flexible and faster!
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Drupal CDN integration: easier, more flexible and faster!

90% of the page loading time is spent on retrieving CSS, JavaScript and images. There are lots of techniques to reduce this, but using a CDN is the most effective. Currently it's expensive to integrate with a CDN (especially if you want to avoid vendor lock-in) and it's hard to serve file A from a CDN, file B from a static file server and file C from neither. In this session, you'll learn about the push-to-CDN model, which makes all of this trivial. Session Overview This session will explain how a CDN (Content Delivery Network) improves page loading times and how you should analyze the page loading performance while evaluating a CDN. Existing techniques for integrating a CDN with Drupal will be compared and an alternative, comprehensive solution will be presented. Agenda - How pages are loaded by the browser - How a CDN improves page loading times - Evaluating the results - Existing Drupal CDN integration techniques - Push-to-CDN model: pros & cons - CDN integration module: synchronization via Drupal or highly scalable daemon - Alternative uses: create your own CDN, massive back-up tool Goals - You should have a good overview of the different techniques to integrate Drupal with a CDN. - You should have learned how you can evaluate page loading performance to know which files should be served from a CDN.

Yahoo Microstrategy 2008
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Yahoo Microstrategy 2008

I was meaning to put this talk up for grabs for some time now, but kept forgetting. I was invited to give the keynote speech for the Microstrategy World 2008 conference. The talk was very well received, so here it is.

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                         What people know today defines
                         how they think about the future

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          Web Standards:
           •Not all have been transparent
           •Working groups break down when the participants
            don’t play ball
           •Adding IQ to a large group reduces the IQ of the
           •Working groups don’t test for fitness

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What if we don’t get the tools we need?


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The document discusses the potential for Firefox and Java to serve as a corporate browser platform. It notes that Firefox is open source, OS-agnostic, plug-in based, and embeddable. With MozSwing, Firefox can be embedded as a Swing component in Java applications. This would allow Java applications and Firefox to work together as a client-side platform that is OS-agnostic, instantly deployable, avoids browser incompatibilities, and provides powerful features. The document argues that Mozilla should support MozSwing to help realize this vision of Firefox and Java serving as a corporate browser.

The Case for the Open Web
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Is the Open Web the Platform for Tomorrow
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Speed is central to discussions of the benefits of CI/CD. Too often, speed is presented as the goal of CI/CD. That’s not entirely true. Speed is exciting, but by itself, it is just expensive. Speed is valuable because of the things that it brings with it. In every instance where people pursue speed, they have to systematically simplify, lighten, and improve the thing they are trying to make fast.

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TPH Global Solutions makes it easy to get your products to market, through the maze of retailer requirements and complex supply chain challenges that include missed deliveries, packaging errors, and shipping damage. From pitch to profits, TPH delivers successful retail merchandising campaigns with custom point of purchase (POP) displays and custom packaging that meet the toughest demands of retailer buyers and customers at Costco, Sam’s Club, BJ’s, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walgreens, CVS, Kroger, Meijer, Petco, and more. If you’re an established brand needing to take the pain out of your supply chain, TPH ensures global, on-time and on-budget delivery so you can focus on making great products instead of dealing with headaches. If you’re an emerging brand needing to convert new retail opportunities, TPH will help you land and pass the test order – we know all major retailer requirements and provides you with total cost visibility, so you will negotiate with confidence and fly through the toughest approval process. With deep expertise in retailer requirements and global supply chain management, we deliver confidence for brand managers – since 1965.

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Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdfGame Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf
Game Product Manager VS Product Manager.pdf

Hi guys! To do the first things first, I have to introduce myself and my background, and we need an explanation for the reason and incentive behind this summary presentation and the series of articles that may follow for more details. I am a game designer with a focus on economy design. After some years of working in game design, I felt the most inspiring thing for me is seeing an increase in a graph (of course, not the churn graph). The combination of this with a focus on features and their results and the needs of the game led me toward becoming a product manager. At first, I started reading about product managers' roles, responsibilities, daily routines, and most importantly, the methods they use for fulfilling their responsibilities. Initially, I tried to implement these methods in our structure, but the deeper I delved into gaming product management, the more methods I found that needed to change to achieve the best results. After some time, I realized that having knowledge of how product managers in application products operate is necessary but not sufficient to call oneself a game product manager. Of course, they invented the wheel, special thanks to them, but the fact is that we do not have a car; we have bicycles or airplanes! So, the same wheel does not work for us! In this series of articles, I want to describe how things are different when playing the role of a PM or GPM, what you need to know, and what are not our primary challenges. How to become a GPM after discussing the pros and cons of being a PM or GPM. If you are going to choose between one of them, you can stop reading this and choose PM! But if you are passionate about becoming a GPM, I suggest you read these, then take a deep breath, make your final decision, take your sword, and be ready to face dragons, without knowing how to use the sword!

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Is the Open Web the Platform for Tomorrow

  • 1. The Case for the Open Web Is web 3.0 where we give up and use something else? © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
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  • 17. © Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved
  • 18. © Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved
  • 19. © Sitepen Inc. 2007. All Rights Reserved
  • 20. 100 3.0 Netscape Usage Share 4.0 75 4.5 2.0 50 4.8 5.0 25 6.0 1.0 7.0 0 ‘93 ‘94 ‘95 ‘96 ‘97 ‘98 ‘99 ‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08
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  • 29. Momentum © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 30. Features © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 31. Signs of Disfunction © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 32. Signs of Disfunction Zillions of toolkits are a sign that something is wrong. If browsers were perfect we wouldn’t need Dojo or DWR or any of the other toolkits © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 33. Signs of Disfunction What do the toolkits do for us? •Abstraction •Bug fixing •Simplification •Harmonization © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 34. Signs of Disfunction How do toolkits harm us? •Downloading •Integration © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 35. Browser Features Browser Developer Todo List: •Make ajax toolkits irrelevant © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 36. Browser Features The down side of browser evolution •Do new features break old features? •It’s slow •Ubiquity is vital © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 37. Browser Features How far can we evolve without vendor support? •Comet •3D using VML / SVG / Canvas / etc •Storage and offline © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 38. Reliability © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 39. Reliability Local or Global? •Depending on small scale reliability can hurt •Large scale reliability requires anticipation of failure •Markup defines the Open Web through reliability © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 40. Reliability The web has some great features borrowed from Unix •Small, independent units •Linked through debuggable text based protocols It adds features from living things •The ability to cope with failure •That can adapt when the world changes © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 41. Trust © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 42. Trust What do you worry about when using the web? •Web worms •Privacy invasion •Data in transit •Identity Theft •Browser Security •How to build something trustable © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 43. Trust What do users need to build trust •Lack of spelling mistakes •Reliable patterns •Principle of least astonishment •Time © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 44. Trust What does the web need? •Content Restrictions •An anti CSRF marker for cookies •Sandboxing •Less brittle models of building relationships •SMASH, XIP, etc. © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 45. Momentum © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 46. Momentum What people know today defines how they think about the future © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 47. Momentum Web Standards: •Not all have been transparent •Working groups break down when the participants don’t play ball •Adding IQ to a large group reduces the IQ of the group •Working groups don’t test for fitness © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved
  • 48. What if we don’t get the tools we need? Toolkits Flash Gears
  • 49. The Case for the Open Web Questions? © Sitepen Inc. 2008. All Rights Reserved