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Binging on Data:
Enabling Analytics
at Netflix
World Markets
World Markets

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Netflix Data Engineering @ Uber Engineering Meetup
Netflix Data Engineering @ Uber Engineering MeetupNetflix Data Engineering @ Uber Engineering Meetup
Netflix Data Engineering @ Uber Engineering Meetup

People, Platform, Projects: these slides overview how Netflix works with Big Data. I share how our teams are organized, the roles we typically have on the teams, an overview of our Big Data Platform, and two example projects.

data engineeringubertableau
Context Aware Recommendations at Netflix
Context Aware Recommendations at NetflixContext Aware Recommendations at Netflix
Context Aware Recommendations at Netflix

At Netflix, we try to provide the best personalized video recommendations to our members. To do this, we need to adapt our recommendations for each contextual situation, which depends on information such as time or device. In this talk, I will describe how state of the art Contextual Recommendations are used at Netflix. A first example of contextual adaptation is the model that powers the Continue Watching row. It uses a feature-based approach with a carefully constructed training set to learn how to adapt to the context of the member. Next, I will dive into more modern approaches such as Tensor Factorization and LSTMs and share some results from deployments of these methods. I will highlight lessons learned and some common pitfalls of using these powerful methods in industrial scale systems. Finally, I will touch upon system reliability, choice of optimization metrics, hidden costs, risks and benefits of using highly adaptive systems.

Making Netflix Machine Learning Algorithms Reliable
Making Netflix Machine Learning Algorithms ReliableMaking Netflix Machine Learning Algorithms Reliable
Making Netflix Machine Learning Algorithms Reliable

This document discusses making Netflix machine learning algorithms reliable. It describes how Netflix uses machine learning for tasks like personalized ranking and recommendation. The goals are to maximize member satisfaction and retention. The models and algorithms used include regression, matrix factorization, neural networks, and bandits. The key aspects of making the models reliable discussed are: automated retraining of models, testing training pipelines, checking models and inputs online for anomalies, responding gracefully to failures, and training models to be resilient to different conditions and failures.

machine learningnetflixpersonalization
Tableau Conference 2018: Binging on Data - Enabling Analytics at Netflix
Tableau Conference 2018: Binging on Data - Enabling Analytics at Netflix
Intro & Topics

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Contextualization at Netflix
Contextualization at NetflixContextualization at Netflix
Contextualization at Netflix

At Netflix we take context of the member seriously. In this keynote talk we will see how modeling contextual factors such as time or device can help members to find the right content at the right moment At the end, the goal is to maximize member satisfaction and retention These slides will go through which contextual factors matters for the video service and why we choose to use them or not.

Recent Trends in Personalization: A Netflix Perspective
Recent Trends in Personalization: A Netflix PerspectiveRecent Trends in Personalization: A Netflix Perspective
Recent Trends in Personalization: A Netflix Perspective

Invited talk at the Adaptive and Multi-Task Learning (AMTL) workshop at ICML 2019 on 2019-06-15 in Long Beach, CA.

personalizationrecommender systemsmachine learning
Sequential Decision Making in Recommendations
Sequential Decision Making in RecommendationsSequential Decision Making in Recommendations
Sequential Decision Making in Recommendations

In this talk, we talk about the algorithms for sequential decision making in recommendations and the challenges around it.

contextual banditsreinforcement learning
D A T A E N G I N E E R I NG +
● Binging on Data
● Enabling Analytics
● Tableau Environment & Challenges
Binging on Data

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Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture
Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh ArchitectureArchitect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture
Architect’s Open-Source Guide for a Data Mesh Architecture

Data Mesh is an innovative concept addressing many data challenges from an architectural, cultural, and organizational perspective. But is the world ready to implement Data Mesh? In this session, we will review the importance of core Data Mesh principles, what they can offer, and when it is a good idea to try a Data Mesh architecture. We will discuss common challenges with implementation of Data Mesh systems and focus on the role of open-source projects for it. Projects like Apache Spark can play a key part in standardized infrastructure platform implementation of Data Mesh. We will examine the landscape of useful data engineering open-source projects to utilize in several areas of a Data Mesh system in practice, along with an architectural example. We will touch on what work (culture, tools, mindset) needs to be done to ensure Data Mesh is more accessible for engineers in the industry. The audience will leave with a good understanding of the benefits of Data Mesh architecture, common challenges, and the role of Apache Spark and other open-source projects for its implementation in real systems. This session is targeted for architects, decision-makers, data-engineers, and system designers.

Personalizing "The Netflix Experience" with Deep Learning
Personalizing "The Netflix Experience" with Deep LearningPersonalizing "The Netflix Experience" with Deep Learning
Personalizing "The Netflix Experience" with Deep Learning

These are the slides from my talk presented at AI Next Con conference in Seattle in Jan 2019. Here I talk in a bit more detail about the intuition behind collaborative filtering and go a bit deeper into the details of non linear deep learned models.

netflixairecommender system
ML Infra for Netflix Recommendations - AI NEXTCon talk
ML Infra for Netflix Recommendations - AI NEXTCon talkML Infra for Netflix Recommendations - AI NEXTCon talk
ML Infra for Netflix Recommendations - AI NEXTCon talk

Faisal Siddiqi presented on machine learning infrastructure for recommendations. He outlined Boson and AlgoCommons, two major ML infra components. Boson focuses on offline training for both ad-hoc exploration and production. It provides utilities for data preparation, feature engineering, training, metrics, and visualization. AlgoCommons provides common abstractions and building blocks for ML like data access, feature encoders, predictors, and metrics. It aims for composability, portability, and avoiding training-serving skew.

netflixmachine learningrecommender systems
● Data and Analytics are embraced across the company
○ Engineering, UX, Customer Service, Finance, & more
● A/B Testing of almost everything...
○ Product, Signup Methods, Payments, Messaging, & more
● Algorithms for...
○ Recommendations, Content, Marketing, & more
Data is Ubiquitous
5000 employees
300 in data teams
200+ in dedicated analytic teams
Analytic Ecosystem

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Notebooks @ Netflix: From analytics to engineering with Jupyter notebooks
Notebooks @ Netflix: From analytics to engineering with Jupyter notebooksNotebooks @ Netflix: From analytics to engineering with Jupyter notebooks
Notebooks @ Netflix: From analytics to engineering with Jupyter notebooks

Slides from JupyterCon 2018 in NYC on 8/23/2018. Notebooks have moved beyond a niche solution at Netflix; they are now the critical path for how everyone runs jobs against the company’s data platform. From creating original content to delivering bufferless streaming, Netflix relies on notebooks to inform decisions and fuel experiments across the company. Netflix also uses notebooks to power its machine learning infrastructure and run over 150,000 jobs against its 100 PB cloud-based data warehouse every day. The goal is to deliver a compelling notebooks experience that simplifies end-to-end workflows for every type of user. To enable this, Netflix is investing deeply in notebook infrastructure and open source projects such as nteract. In this talk, Michelle Ufford and Kyle Kelley share interesting ways Netflix uses data and some of the big bets the company is making on notebooks. Topics will include architecture, kernels, UIs, and Netflix’s open source collaborations with projects such as Jupyter, nteract, pandas, and Spark.

Deeper Things: How Netflix Leverages Deep Learning in Recommendations and Se...
 Deeper Things: How Netflix Leverages Deep Learning in Recommendations and Se... Deeper Things: How Netflix Leverages Deep Learning in Recommendations and Se...
Deeper Things: How Netflix Leverages Deep Learning in Recommendations and Se...

In this talk, we will provide an overview of Deep Learning methods applied to personalization and search at Netflix. We will set the stage by describing the unique challenges faced at Netflix in the areas of recommendations and information retrieval. Then we will delve into how we leverage a blend of traditional algorithms and emergent deep learning methods and new types of embeddings, especially hyperbolic space embeddings, to address these challenges.

deep learningrecommendation enginesearch
Data Streaming Ecosystem Management at
Data Streaming Ecosystem Management at Data Streaming Ecosystem Management at
Data Streaming Ecosystem Management at

This document provides an overview of the data streaming ecosystem at It discusses how uses Apache Kafka, Kafka Connect, and related tools across over 300 clusters containing over 350 brokers to handle large volumes of streaming data from its various services and applications. Key aspects of's data streaming infrastructure are highlighted, including its use of multiple data centers, global and local clusters, monitoring and alerting systems, and operational best practices.

Enabling Analytics

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Netflix talk at ML Platform meetup Sep 2019
Netflix talk at ML Platform meetup Sep 2019Netflix talk at ML Platform meetup Sep 2019
Netflix talk at ML Platform meetup Sep 2019

In this talk at the Netflix Machine Learning Platform Meetup on 12 Sep 2019, Fernando Amat and Elliot Chow from Netflix talk about the Bandit infrastructure for Personalized Recommendations

netflixmachine learningreinforcement learning
Recommendations for Building Machine Learning Software
Recommendations for Building Machine Learning SoftwareRecommendations for Building Machine Learning Software
Recommendations for Building Machine Learning Software

Talk from Data by the Bay 2016 on some recommendations for building machine learning software and putting machine learning into applications.

machine learninglarge scalerecommender systems
Neo4j Graph Use Cases, Bruno Ungermann, Neo4j
Neo4j Graph Use Cases, Bruno Ungermann, Neo4jNeo4j Graph Use Cases, Bruno Ungermann, Neo4j
Neo4j Graph Use Cases, Bruno Ungermann, Neo4j

Neo4j GraphTour Europe 2019: Neo4j Graph Use Cases, Bruno Ungermann, Sales Director Germany & Switzerland, Neo4j

neo4jgraph databaseuse-case
How do we Enable Analytics?
Big Data Portal
Data Platform

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Big Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data Democratization
Big Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data DemocratizationBig Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data Democratization
Big Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data Democratization

In their webinar "Big Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data Democratization" Ben Szekley, Cambridge Semantics’ SVP of Field Operations, and guest speaker, Forrester’s Noel Yuhanna, author of the Forrester report: “Big Data Fabric 2.0 Drives Data Democratization”, explored why data-driven businesses are making a big data fabric part of their data strategy to minimize data complexity, integrate siloed data, deliver real-time trusted insights, and to create new business opportunities. These are the slides from that webinar.

big datadata fabricgraph database
Zipline—Airbnb’s Declarative Feature Engineering Framework
Zipline—Airbnb’s Declarative Feature Engineering FrameworkZipline—Airbnb’s Declarative Feature Engineering Framework
Zipline—Airbnb’s Declarative Feature Engineering Framework

Zipline is Airbnb’s data management platform specifically designed for ML use cases. Previously, ML practitioners at Airbnb spent roughly 60% of their time on collecting and writing transformations for machine learning tasks. Zipline reduces this task from months to days – by making the process declarative. It allows data scientists to easily define features in a simple configuration language. The framework then provides access to point-in-time correct features – for both – offline model training and online inference. In this talk we will describe the architecture of our system and the algorithm that makes the problem of efficient point-in-time correct feature generation, tractable. The attendee will learn Importance of point-in-time correct features for achieving better ML model performance Importance of using change data capture for generating feature views An algorithm – to efficiently generate features over change data. We use interval trees to efficiently compress time series features. The algorithm allows generating feature aggregates over this compressed representation. A lambda architecture – that enables using the above algorithm – for online feature generation. A framework, based on category theory, to understand how feature aggregations be distributed, and independently composed. While the talk if fairly technical – we will introduce all the concepts from first principles with examples. Basic understanding of data-parallel distributed computation and machine learning might help, but are not required.

* apache spark

 *big data


Big Data for the CMO
Big Data for the CMOBig Data for the CMO
Big Data for the CMO

The document discusses AlpineNow, a company that provides advanced analytics solutions for big data. It describes how AlpineNow allows for code-free, visual and collaborative analytics that reduce the time to insights from weeks/months to hours/days. Key features highlighted include automated data collection, self-serve visual exploration and analysis of entire datasets, and multi-user collaboration on models and projects.

Big Data Portal
Why not use Tableau Server?

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A glimpse of business intelligence
A glimpse of business intelligenceA glimpse of business intelligence
A glimpse of business intelligence

This document provides an overview of business intelligence concepts and technologies. It summarizes the experience of Argelo Royce Bautista working in business intelligence at Analog Devices, where tools like Power BI and Excel helped improve warehouse operations by reducing cycle times, increasing capacity, and enabling more predictive decision making. The document also briefly reviews common BI tools and technologies from Microsoft and how to obtain them.

business intelligencedata visualization
Analytics is Taking over the World (Again) - UKOUG Tech'17
Analytics is Taking over the World (Again) - UKOUG Tech'17Analytics is Taking over the World (Again) - UKOUG Tech'17
Analytics is Taking over the World (Again) - UKOUG Tech'17

Mark Rittman presented at the UKOUG Tech'17 Conference in December 2017. He discussed how analytics has changed business models and driven disruption twice already. The first wave focused on using analytics for operational efficiency. The second wave saw companies like Amazon, Netflix, and Uber build entirely new data-driven business models. Now, a third wave is underway where analytics and machine learning are being embedded into all business applications and fueling new personalized, data-enriched offerings.

analyticsbig datamachine learning

Lunch & Learn Presentation about Data & analytics industry, given @ IESE Business School, MBA program, in Barcelona

Data Portal - Tables
Data Portal - Tables 2

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Northern New England Tableau User Group (TUG) May 2024
Northern New England Tableau User Group (TUG) May 2024Northern New England Tableau User Group (TUG) May 2024
Northern New England Tableau User Group (TUG) May 2024

Join us live in Portland or over the wire for networking and two fantastic presentations! Data viz freelancer Desireé Abbott will demonstrate how adding interactivity to your dashboards will delight and spark curiosity in your users. Then, Charlotte Taft & Laurie Rugemer will reprise their TC24 presentation on the keys to building a successful analytics team.

Northern New England TUG May 2024 - Abbott, Taft, Rugemer
Northern New England TUG May 2024 - Abbott, Taft, RugemerNorthern New England TUG May 2024 - Abbott, Taft, Rugemer
Northern New England TUG May 2024 - Abbott, Taft, Rugemer

Join us live in Portland or over the wire for networking and two fantastic presentations! Data viz freelancer Desireé Abbott will demonstrate how adding interactivity to your dashboards will delight and spark curiosity in your users. Then, Charlotte Taft & Laurie Rugemer will reprise their TC24 presentation on the keys to building a successful analytics team.

Tableau workshop during ICCTAC 2018
Tableau workshop during ICCTAC 2018Tableau workshop during ICCTAC 2018
Tableau workshop during ICCTAC 2018

Delivered at Kristu Jayanti College, Feb 1, 2018 During IEEE International Conference on Current Trends in Advanced Computing. Github -

tableaudata visualizationr integration

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ML, Statistics, and Spark with Databricks for Maximizing Revenue in a Delayed...
ML, Statistics, and Spark with Databricks for Maximizing Revenue in a Delayed...ML, Statistics, and Spark with Databricks for Maximizing Revenue in a Delayed...
ML, Statistics, and Spark with Databricks for Maximizing Revenue in a Delayed...

In this talk, we will present how we used Spark, Databricks, Airflow and MLflow to process big data, and build a pipeline of both ML(XGBoost) and statistical models that maximizes our revenues in one of our core products, called the “Offer Wall”. The “Offer wall” is a mobile phone product that is integrated with existing apps, suggesting users to perform tasks in exchange for in-app currency. The problem gets even more interesting when considering the fact that some of the tasks users do take 15 minutes and some may take up to 2 to weeks, forcing us to make revenue determining decisions in an uncertain space all of the time. The solution we developed utilizes Databricks and Spark’s strengths and diversity in machine learning, big data, MLflow and Airflow integrations, allowing us to deliver a production-grade solution with short development time between experiments.

Data Pipelines -Big Data Meets Salesforce
Data Pipelines -Big Data Meets SalesforceData Pipelines -Big Data Meets Salesforce
Data Pipelines -Big Data Meets Salesforce

This document discusses FinancialForce's new Data Pipeline feature, which allows developers to process large amounts of data in parallel using Apache Pig scripts. Key points include: - Data Pipeline uses Pig Latin scripts to run Extract-Transform-Load processes on large datasets asynchronously and in parallel to improve performance. - It enables processing data faster than other asynchronous Apex options while avoiding governor limits. - Demo use cases show extracting specific fields from invoices and joining data from multiple objects. - FinancialForce also discussed their new "Big Objects" that allow storing very large amounts of data separately from standard objects to avoid storage limits.

dreamforce 15pipelinebig objects
SAP Process Mining in Action: Hear from Two Customers
SAP Process Mining in Action: Hear from Two CustomersSAP Process Mining in Action: Hear from Two Customers
SAP Process Mining in Action: Hear from Two Customers

Hear about insights gained and other benefits of leveraging SAP Process Mining by Celonis at two of the largest global enterprises in their respective industries: SAP SE and Schlumberger. Mark Saul, Head of Process Management at SAP SE has been spearheading the planning, introduction and successful implementation of SAP Process Mining at SAP. He will outline the benefits and use cases that are relevant for Europe’s largest software company by using SAP Process Mining with SAP S/4 HANA, SAP Data Hub and the positive outcomes for the company. Jim Brady, Vice President Architecture & Governance from Schlumberger will highlight the company’s SAP GoLive of one of the largest launches recent history. In particular, using SAP Process Mining during the vital hypercare period in that global SAP launch. The focus during that critical time is on adaption monitoring, conformance monitoring, de-bottlenecking, and in part design validation to ensure the SAP launch proves to be a big success. Presenters: Alex Marx, Global Partner Director, SAP James P. Brady, Vice President IT Architecture & Governance, Schlumberger Mark Saul, Head of Process Management, SAP

celoniscelosphereprocess mining
Enabling Analytics
● Highly Aligned, Loosely Coupled
● Vertical Teams
Content Marketing Growth Tech
Data Engineering
Science & Analytics
Business Teams
Analytic Teams
Engineering Teams

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Case Study: Lessons from Newell Rubbermaid's SAP HANA Proof of Concept
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Case Study: Lessons from Newell Rubbermaid's SAP HANA Proof of Concept

View this session from Reporting & Analytics 2014. Coming to Las Vegas in November! In this session, Newell Rubbermaid guides you through the key elements that comprised its SAP HANA business case and proof of concept, including an emphasis on process improvement. Learn firsthand how Newell Rubbermaid: · Identified which business processes were most likely to realize significant improvement as a result of utilizing SAP HANA · Established a “current state” baseline and demonstrated a “projected state” that could be realized through the use of SAP HANA · Determined which SAP BI tools to use based on specific reporting scenarios and end user requirements

Sap Analytics and Finance Solutions Guide
Sap Analytics and Finance Solutions GuideSap Analytics and Finance Solutions Guide
Sap Analytics and Finance Solutions Guide

Conheça em detalhes toda a plataforma analítica da SAP e descubra quão poderosa ela pode ser para a gestão do seu negócio

lumirabusiness intelligencebusiness analytics
Data Visualization Workshop using Tableau
Data Visualization Workshop using TableauData Visualization Workshop using Tableau
Data Visualization Workshop using Tableau

Delivered at PSG College of Technology, Mar 24, 2018 Github - Basics of BI, Data Visualization. Tableau Features and integration with R. Discussed about Tableau Public and Tableau Desktop. Additions Compared to ICCTAC 2018 session :- Some more emphasis added related to Data Science. Added slides related to Bi and Data science Gartner Magic Quadrant of year 2018. A slide dedicated to foremost Principles of Data Visualization; a note Edward Tufte and Gestalt laws. Audience are MSc Data Science students along with other Teaching Staff. Workshop happened in PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore (Department of MCA).

analyticsbusiness intelligencedata visualization
● Growing user base
● We’ve started up:
○ A Tableau User Group
○ Education tracks
● Early days... much more to do here!
○ Office Hours
○ Tableau Days
○ Data Doctor & more
Enabling Analytics
2000+ Users
250 Developers
On version 10.4 Q4 → 2018.2

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Fall 2018 Release Webinar Presenter PPT
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Fall 2018 Release Webinar Presenter PPT

The document summarizes the new features and enhancements in Cartegraph's Fall 2018 release. Key additions include the ability to lock down the system and notify users, new record and dashboard gadget types for analysis, scenario budget categories to apply activities to specific budgets, and performance improvements to the Scenario Builder. The release also features updates to the user interface, support for newer operating systems, and an improved online campus.

How to Use Data Effectively by Abra Sr. Business Analyst
How to Use Data Effectively by Abra Sr. Business AnalystHow to Use Data Effectively by Abra Sr. Business Analyst
How to Use Data Effectively by Abra Sr. Business Analyst

Key Takeaways from this presentation include: - How data is used to run day to day operations - How data is used to influence product decisions and marketing strategies - Which skills are necessary to become self-serving in data tasks regardless of core responsibilities

datausing databusiness analytics
Data & Analytics at Scale
Data & Analytics at ScaleData & Analytics at Scale
Data & Analytics at Scale

Building an immersive Data Function in Large Scale Organizations. Data is hard, analytics is hard. Many challenges in both fields have been mastered, but many more lie ahead. One of them is how to establish the combination of both data and analytics as a company function in a large organization. In this talk, I shared insights from the ongoing journey to build a data function at Mercedes-Benz Cars Finance and to embed it into the company’s innermost workings.

big dataanalyticsdata
Tableau Servers
7 x =
> 448 vCPU
> 1.8 TB RAM
> 175 Gigabit IO
Cluster Config
● The vast majority of our data sources are Extracts
○ Very few live connections
● Why?
○ Some direct connections to Presto or MPP
● Extracts provide an aggregation and caching layer
We Love Data Extracts!
Tableau Data Sources
50% via Extract API
50% run on Server

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Analytic Excellence - Saying Goodbye to Old Constraints
Analytic Excellence - Saying Goodbye to Old ConstraintsAnalytic Excellence - Saying Goodbye to Old Constraints
Analytic Excellence - Saying Goodbye to Old Constraints

The Briefing Room with Dr. Robin Bloor and Actian Live Webcast August 6, 2013 With all the innovations in compute power these days, one of the hardest hurdles to overcome is the tendency to think in old ways. By and large, the processing constraints of yesterday no longer apply. The new constraints revolve around the strategic management of data, and the effective use of business analytics. How can your organization take the helm in this new era of analysis? Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to find out! Veteran Analyst Wayne Eckerson of The BI Leadership Forum, will explain how a handful of key innovations has significantly changed the game for data processing and analytics. He'll be briefed by John Santaferraro of Actian, who will tout his company's unique position in "scale-up and scale-out" for analyzing data.

data integrationanalyticsdata
Tableau Visual analytics complete deck 2
Tableau Visual analytics complete deck 2Tableau Visual analytics complete deck 2
Tableau Visual analytics complete deck 2

This document provides an overview of Visual Analytics Session 3. It discusses data joining and blending in Tableau. Specifically, it explains why joining or blending data is necessary when data comes from multiple sources. It then describes the different types of data joins in Tableau - inner joins, left joins, right joins, and outer joins. An example is provided to demonstrate an inner join using a primary key to connect related data between two tables. The goal is to understand how to connect different but related data sources in Tableau using common keys or variables.

tableaudata visualizationdata science
Tableau 2018 - Introduction to Visual analytics
Tableau 2018 - Introduction to Visual analyticsTableau 2018 - Introduction to Visual analytics
Tableau 2018 - Introduction to Visual analytics

This document provides an overview of a visual analytics course using Tableau. The course structure includes modules on Tableau Desktop foundations, exploratory data analysis, creating analytics dashboards, advanced predictive analytics with R programming, and completing visual analytics projects. Learners will gain skills in exploratory data analytics, building dashboards, predictive analytics, and developing a project portfolio. Case studies will cover topics like geo-data analysis, customer segmentation, and price index analysis. The importance of visual analytics and Tableau for industries like sales, marketing, and finance is also discussed.

big datadata scienceanalytics
1 Use Big Data Portal to develop query
2 Commit query to ETL repository & deploy
3 Configure ETL workflow so data dependencies are met
4 Use ETL job to publish TDE to server
5 Connect to TDE, Develop Viz, Publish to server, Share
“Best Practice” Pattern
1 Use Big Data Portal to develop query
2 Paste the query into Tableau
3 Develop Viz
4 Publish, and Schedule data refresh on Tableau Server
“Self-Serve” Pattern
● “Best Practice” Pattern is:
○ More robust
○ But complex
● “Self-Serve” Pattern is:
○ Easy and convenient
○ Less scalable
○ Harder to manage
Publish & Refresh

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#askSAP Analytics Innovations Community Call: Delivering Big Data Inisghts wi...
#askSAP Analytics Innovations Community Call: Delivering Big Data Inisghts wi...#askSAP Analytics Innovations Community Call: Delivering Big Data Inisghts wi...
#askSAP Analytics Innovations Community Call: Delivering Big Data Inisghts wi... - Moderated by SAP Mentor Tammy Powlas, you’ll hear from SAP experts Ty Miller, Angela Harvey, and Tammy Powlas on our BI product strategy for both Enterprise BI with SAP BusinessObjects BI 4.2 and Trusted Data Discovery with SAP Lumira. We’ll also have guest speaker Justin Sears from Hortonworks, who will share how companies can derive new insights thanks to the powerful combination of Hortonworks Data Platform and SAP Lumira. Other topics of discussion include: - Our latest roadmap on dashboarding innovations, including the 1.6 release of SAP Design Studio. - A deep-dive on how new data-wrangling capabilities in SAP Lumira bring the power of Big Data to Trusted Data Discovery, and a real-world demo of this new functionality. - See how customers are leveraging SAP Lumira and Hortonworks for big data analytics Learn more at

dashboardsdata visualizationbusiness intelligence
Seamlessly Pay Online, Pay In Stores or Send Money
Seamlessly Pay Online, Pay In Stores or Send MoneySeamlessly Pay Online, Pay In Stores or Send Money
Seamlessly Pay Online, Pay In Stores or Send Money

Seamlessly Pay Online, Pay In Stores or Send Money

Introduction to the Red Hat Portfolio.pdf
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Introduction to the Red Hat Portfolio.pdf

red hat

Enabling Analytics
Challenges at Netflix
● Data Scale
● Data Lineage
● Push Reporting
Challenge 1: Data Scale

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LSTM algorithm

LLM powered Contract Compliance Application.pptx
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LLM powered Contract Compliance Application.pptx

LLM powered contract compliance application which uses Advanced RAG method Self-RAG and Knowledge Graph together for the first time. It provides highest accuracy for contract compliance recorded so far for Oil and Gas Industry.

We have REALLY big data
1 Trillion
New Data Events Daily
150 Petabyte
300 Terabytes
Written Daily
5 Petabytes
Read Daily
● Data volume
● Level of Detail
Constantly Balancing
● Speed of access
● Data prep
Development Choices
Choice 1 Choice 2 Choice 3
Data Engine MPP Cloud TDE
Data Size < 1B rows < 10B rows < 100M rows
Up to many
Up to many
● For REALLY big data use cases
● For very fast interactivity
● For custom UI/UX/dataviz
● Custom Analytic Tools
○ Web app built with Javascript
○ Data stored in Druid
Choice 4...

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Australian Catholic University  degree offer diploma TranscriptAustralian Catholic University  degree offer diploma Transcript
Australian Catholic University degree offer diploma Transcript

学历认证补办制【微信:A575476】【(ACU毕业证)澳大利亚天主教大学毕业证成绩单offer】【微信:A575476】(留信学历认证永久存档查询)采用学校原版纸张,特殊工艺完全按照原版一比一制作(包括:隐形水印,阴影底纹,钢印LOGO烫金烫银,LOGO烫金烫银复合重叠,文字图案浮雕,激光镭射,紫外荧光,温感,复印防伪)行业标杆!精益求精,诚心合作,真诚制作!多年品质 ,按需精细制作,24小时接单,全套进口原装设备,十五年致力于帮助留学生解决难题,业务范围有加拿大、英国、澳洲、韩国、美国、新加坡,新西兰等学历材料,包您满意。 【业务选择办理准则】 一、工作未确定,回国需先给父母、亲戚朋友看下文凭的情况,办理一份就读学校的毕业证【微信:A575476】文凭即可 二、回国进私企、外企、自己做生意的情况,这些单位是不查询毕业证真伪的,而且国内没有渠道去查询国外文凭的真假,也不需要提供真实教育部认证。鉴于此,办理一份毕业证【微信:A575476】即可 三、进国企,银行,事业单位,考公务员等等,这些单位是必需要提供真实教育部认证的,办理教育部认证所需资料众多且烦琐,所有材料您都必须提供原件,我们凭借丰富的经验,快捷的绿色通道帮您快速整合材料,让您少走弯路。 留信网认证的作用: 1:该专业认证可证明留学生真实身份【微信:A575476】 2:同时对留学生所学专业登记给予评定 3:国家专业人才认证中心颁发入库证书 4:这个认证书并且可以归档倒地方 5:凡事获得留信网入网的信息将会逐步更新到个人身份内,将在公安局网内查询个人身份证信息后,同步读取人才网入库信息 6:个人职称评审加20分 7:个人信誉贷款加10分 8:在国家人才网主办的国家网络招聘大会中纳入资料,供国家高端企业选择人才 → 【关于价格问题(保证一手价格) 我们所定的价格是非常合理的,而且我们现在做得单子大多数都是代理和回头客户介绍的所以一般现在有新的单子 我给客户的都是第一手的代理价格,因为我想坦诚对待大家 不想跟大家在价格方面浪费时间 对于老客户或者被老客户介绍过来的朋友,我们都会适当给一些优惠。 选择实体注册公司办理,更放心,更安全!我们的承诺:可来公司面谈,可签订合同,会陪同客户一起到教育部认证窗口递交认证材料,客户在教育部官方认证查询网站查询到认证通过结果后付款,不成功不收费! 办理(ACU毕业证)澳大利亚天主教大学毕业证【微信:A575476】外观非常精致,由特殊纸质材料制成,上面印有校徽、校名、毕业生姓名、专业等信息。 办理(ACU毕业证)澳大利亚天主教大学毕业证【微信:A575476】格式相对统一,各专业都有相应的模板。通常包括以下部分: 校徽:象征着学校的荣誉和传承。 校名:学校英文全称 授予学位:本部分将注明获得的具体学位名称。 毕业生姓名:这是最重要的信息之一,标志着该证书是由特定人员获得的。 颁发日期:这是毕业正式生效的时间,也代表着毕业生学业的结束。 其他信息:根据不同的专业和学位,可能会有一些特定的信息或章节。 办理(ACU毕业证)澳大利亚天主教大学毕业证【微信:A575476】价值很高,需要妥善保管。一般来说,应放置在安全、干燥、防潮的地方,避免长时间暴露在阳光下。如需使用,最好使用复印件而不是原件,以免丢失。 综上所述,办理(ACU毕业证)澳大利亚天主教大学毕业证【微信:A575476 】是证明身份和学历的高价值文件。外观简单庄重,格式统一,包括重要的个人信息和发布日期。对持有人来说,妥善保管是非常重要的。

[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...
[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...
[D3T1S04] Aurora PostgreSQL performance monitoring and troubleshooting by use...

Aurora PostgreSQL에서 가장 일반적인 performance use case 들에 대해 Aurora PostreSQL의 모니터링 Tool들을 통해 어떤게 문제를 식별하고 분석하는지 그리고 이 문제를 해결해나가는 절차와 방법에 대한 Deep Dive입니다.

Vasant Kunj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe
Vasant Kunj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model SafeVasant Kunj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe
Vasant Kunj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe

Vasant Kunj @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873777170 ❤꧂VIP Ruhi Singla Top Model Safe

● Druid
○ An open source data system for analytic applications
○ Distributed, horizontally scalable architecture
○ VERY, VERY fast
○ Queries are in JSON format to REST endpoint
Druid white paper:
● Can we connect Tableau to Druid?
○ All the performance benefits of Druid...
○ Tableau or web apps use same data store…
● We are exploring this...
○ There is now a Druid SQL layer based on Apache Calcite
○ Have done some testing, finding limitations
Tableau ?
● TDE -> Hyper with 2018.2 upgrade
○ Happening now(ish)
○ Expectations: faster for small and medium data (<100M)
● Snowflake
○ Fast for “large” data stores (1B+)
● Data scale is always a challenge!
In the meantime...
Challenge 2: Data Lineage

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Malviya Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe
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Malviya Nagar @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe

● Where did this data come from?
● Can I trust this data?
Challenge 2: Data Lineage
● Tableau PRO: very easy to pull in data, analyze, and publish
● Tableau CON: very easy to pull in data, analyze, and publish
Data Sources
Data Tables
● ...but not about Tableau
We have Data Lineage...

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Nehru Place @ℂall @Girls ꧁❤ 9873940964 ❤꧂VIP Jina Singh Top Model Safe

[D3T1S02] Aurora Limitless Database Introduction
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Amazon Aurora 클러스터를 초당 수백만 건의 쓰기 트랜잭션으로 확장하고 페타바이트 규모의 데이터를 관리할 수 있으며, 사용자 지정 애플리케이션 로직을 생성하거나 여러 데이터베이스를 관리할 필요 없이 Aurora에서 관계형 데이터베이스 워크로드를 단일 Aurora 라이터 인스턴스의 한도 이상으로 확장할 수 있는 Amazon Aurora Limitless Database를 소개합니다.

● Can the upcoming Metadata APIs and Object Model help?
● Metadata APIs:
○ Inventory of workbooks, data sources, and metrics
○ Identify similar existing data and workbooks?
● Automate building of similar insights, and integrate to our
existing data lineage system
Metadata APIs
Data Model
Data Model
● Better practices across our “vertical” teams
● Manual / brute force methods
● Potentially evaluate Alation, Unifi, Collibra, AtScale, Dremio
In the meantime...

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Cómo hemos implementado semántica de "Exactly Once" en nuestra base de datos ...
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Los sistemas distribuidos son difíciles. Los sistemas distribuidos de alto rendimiento, más. Latencias de red, mensajes sin confirmación de recibo, reinicios de servidores, fallos de hardware, bugs en el software, releases problemáticas, timeouts... hay un montón de motivos por los que es muy difícil saber si un mensaje que has enviado se ha recibido y procesado correctamente en destino. Así que para asegurar mandas el mensaje otra vez.. y otra... y cruzas los dedos para que el sistema del otro lado tenga tolerancia a los duplicados. QuestDB es una base de datos open source diseñada para alto rendimiento. Nos queríamos asegurar de poder ofrecer garantías de "exactly once", deduplicando mensajes en tiempo de ingestión. En esta charla, te cuento cómo diseñamos e implementamos la palabra clave DEDUP en QuestDB, permitiendo deduplicar y además permitiendo Upserts en datos en tiempo real, añadiendo solo un 8% de tiempo de proceso, incluso en flujos con millones de inserciones por segundo. Además, explicaré nuestra arquitectura de log de escrituras (WAL) paralelo y multithread. Por supuesto, todo esto te lo cuento con demos, para que veas cómo funciona en la práctica.

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[D3T2S03] Data&AI Roadshow 2024 - Amazon DocumentDB 실습

Amazon DocumentDB(MongoDB와 호환됨)는 빠르고 안정적이며 완전 관리형 데이터베이스 서비스입니다. Amazon DocumentDB를 사용하면 클라우드에서 MongoDB 호환 데이터베이스를 쉽게 설치, 운영 및 규모를 조정할 수 있습니다. Amazon DocumentDB를 사용하면 MongoDB에서 사용하는 것과 동일한 애플리케이션 코드를 실행하고 동일한 드라이버와 도구를 사용하는 것을 실습합니다.

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Challenge 3: Push Reporting
Challenge 3: Push Reporting
What we do...
● Improved layout & pagination
● Export to different formats
● Distribution management: what, who, and when
What we’d like

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Looking Forward
In 2019 and Beyond
Before we wrap up...
Thank YOU!

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