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SharePoint 2013
Ken Maglio
                  Level 100 -
Session Evaluations
    • Schedule and evaluate each session you attend via our
      mobile app that can be used across devices at

    • You will be able to evaluate sessions added to your “My
      Sessions” 25 minutes before the scheduled end time
    • Evaluations are stored anonymously and your
      feedback is appreciated
    • The app will be the only method available to submit session
      evaluations for the event and we hope you find it intuitive
      and convenient
      • Ken Maglio
        • Oakwood Systems Group
        • SharePoint Architect

        • @kenmaglio
SharePoint 2013:
   What’s New For Developers
Introducing apps for Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013

          Apps in a nutshell for Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013

                    Organize   Discover

            Share   Build      Manage
Build Apps Your Way

         Apps                      Sites                      Cloud
         A new development         SharePoint 2013 makes      The cloud provides you
         model for building apps   customizing sites easier   with the freedom to
         provides a secure and     for user, web designer     choose how and where
         scalable way to build     and professional           to host your apps.
         SharePoint solutions.     developer alike.
Apps for Office and SharePoint

     Products &   Services &
     Platforms    Data

                                          Expense      Vacation     Risk
                  SharePoint              Calculator   Requests     Management
                  Microsoft Dynamics
     SharePoint   Windows Azure
     Office       SQL Server
Apps for the Cloud

       Build Apps    Web Standards

                     Apps are built using industry proven web
                     standards such as HTML, JavaScript and

                     Scalable and Safe
                     Apps are independently scalable which
                     reduces total cost of ownership. Apps are
                     secured and isolated from SharePoint

                     Apps can be accessed from any device with
                     a web browser.
Apps for the Cloud

       Build Sites   Accelerate Site Creation

                     Sites can be customized and themed with
                     apps or a few clicks in the browser.

                     Simple Site Customization
                     SharePoint sites are built using web
                     standards making it easy to customize with
                     industry standard web design tools

                     Adaptive Experiences

                     Sites can adapt their experiences based on
                     the user.
Apps for the Cloud

       Build for the cloud   Web Standards

                             Apps are built using industry proven web
                             standards such as HTML, JavaScript and

                             Scalable and Safe
                             Apps are independently scalable which
                             reduces total cost of ownership. Apps are
                             secured and isolated from SharePoint

                             Apps can be accessed from any device with
                             a web browser.
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Challenges today with SharePoint 2010

 Custom code on server
       Root cause of most SharePoint outages / issues
       Lots to deploy
       Requires a big server touch
       Not possible in hosted environments
 Sandbox
     Possible in hosted environment
     Limited set of things you can do
 In both, developers must know SharePoint API
SharePoint App Model

   SharePoint applications no longer live in SharePoint
   Custom code executes in the client, cloud or on-prem
   Apps are granted permissions to SharePoint via OAuth
   Apps communicate with SharePoint via REST / CSOM
   Acquire apps via centralized Marketplace
       Corporate Marketplace
       Public Marketplace (via submission process)
       APIs for manual deployment
App Fundamentals

 Apps are a very different philosophical change to
  extending SharePoint
     More scenario-focused
              Event Tracking
              Ticket Management System

 Robust
     Built-in robust semantics for install, upgrade & uninstall
 Apps are for End Users
 Cloud & Web-Oriented
 Apps must ask permission to do things with people’s data (are isolated
  by default)
 Apps are associated with sites (SPWebs)
User Experience

 Everything in a SharePoint site is an app
       Contact form
       Travel request
       Shared Documents library
       Contacts list
 Formerly known as View All Content, the Site Contents link shows all apps in a
  site & links to the SharePoint Store (public) and App Catalog (internal)
 Selecting an app redirects to the app’s start page

 No custom code on the SharePoint server
 Easier to upgrade to future versions of SharePoint
 Works in hosted environments w/o limitations
 Reduces the ramp-up time for those building apps
 Don’t need to know/be as familiar with SharePoint “-isms”
 Leverage hosting platform features in new apps
 Enables taking SharePoint apps to different levels – further than what can be
  done with farm / sandbox solutions
 Isolation – private vs. public clouds
Tech Demo Road-Map

 SPApp Project Template and Wizard
        What new project template(s) are there
        What does the project wizard look like and do
        What does the initial solution/project look like/contain

 SPApp Deployment and Debugging
        What happens when I use the “Deploy” command

 Remote Event Receiver (What….????)
        Describe the new remote event receiver artifact, item template and what occurs when one is added to the
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       Metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   Navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools

                              Custom List
         REST & OData         Queries               Push Notifications
         Entire CSOM          Build views of data   Microsoft Push
         utilizes new REST    on the fly and the    Notification
         calls to perform a   REST services         Service (MPNS) for
         much more            return the            Windows Phone
         complete set of      customized JSON /     OS
         actions              ATOM results

Simpler and Easier to Use
Much easier to use than SOAP-based web service
Higher productivity when using JavaScript and Jquery
Results can be returned in JSON and ATOM format

Each Query is submitted with a unique URL
Results can be cached by proxy servers

The new data access API for HTTP-Based Clients
Based on open specification growing in popularity
Standardizes Data Access APIs for CRUD operations
OData services are emerging on the Internet (NetFlix, Azure, etc.)
OData clients becoming more popular as well
Custom List Queries

Configure list views on the server for use in Windows Phone apps

Not possible / practical to create all views in SharePoint, for Mobile apps

Modification of existing views already designed in SharePoint

Creation of “on-the-fly” views suited just for mobile application needs
Push Notifications

SharePoint integrated to Microsoft Push Notification Service

Windows Phone apps can receive notifications through events on SharePoint

Similar to Windows 8 development around Push Notifications

Available for Windows Phone And Windows 8 RT! (Toast and Tile)
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Geo-location Field
        New field type but not
        available through
        OOTB GUI 

        You must write code
        to deploy a Geo-
        location Field

        Pull list data into Bing
        (or other) Map

        Support for GIS
        application needs
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Managed Metadata and Navigation

 What’s New with MMD?
    •   Editable via Datasheet View
    •   Term Pinning
    •   Global and Local Term Sets
    •   “Limit To List”
    •   Additional Multilingual support

 What’s New with Navigation?
    •   Managed Navigation – use MMD terms to provide custom nav.
    •   Friendly URLs

 Content Search Web Part (not CQWP)
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Site Publishing and Authoring

 Authoring and reusing site content.
 Branding and designing your site's look, feel, and behavior.
 Metadata management—you can build a taxonomy-driven site navigation
 Publishing content smoothly to the current site collection, or publishing
  content across site collections—even spanning the intranet and Internet site

Site Retention Policies
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Cross-Site Publishing

 Reuse content across multiple site collections
 Uses built-in search capabilities
 For the first time, you can design sites that cross SharePoint farms
     enabling your sites to span the boundary between intranets and the Internet
 You can use the CSWP (Content Search Web Part) to display search data
  published from across sites and site collections.
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Snippet Gallery

   Snippet Gallery group on the ribbon
   HTML snippet gives you a high-fidelity preview of that component
   HTML snippets are automatically converted into the SharePoint components
   The Design Manager generates HTML snippets that can be used by any web
    design tool
Apps!                Mobile
Office Store         Rest Services                             Managed
Functionality        Custom List Queries                       metadata and
Pick and Choose      Push Notifications    Geolocation Field   navigation

Site Authoring and   Cross-Site
Publishing           Publishing            Snippet Gallery     Development Tools
Developer Tools

         Create apps for   What's new in       Workflow
         Office and        SharePoint          development in
         SharePoint        development tools   SharePoint
                                               Designer 2013 and
                                               Visio 2013

       Build apps for Office or
       SharePoint directly out of a
       browser window

       New Share Project feature
       allows you to share with
       someone else your code or
       pages you are developing
Visual Studio 2012

                     Build Apps for Office and
                     SharePoint using new Project
                     and Item templates

                     REMOTE DEVELOPMENT!!!!

                     OAuth for cloud-based

                     Azure Workflows!
SharePoint Designer

                      Start in Visio, export to
                      Designer, publish to
                      SharePoint site

                      Stages, loops, and steps
      Follow SharePoint Saturday St. Louis on
       Twitter @spsstlouis and hashtag #spsstl
      Play “Sponsor Bingo” to register for your
       chance to win one of the many great
       giveaways at the end of the day
      Schedule and evaluate each session you
       attend via our mobile app that can be used
       across devices at http://spsaturday.
                                                    41   | SharePoint Saturday St. Louis 2013
Thanks to Our Sponsors!

                          42   | SharePoint Saturday St. Louis 2013
Thank you for attending!

 Developer Site
     Sign up for an Office 365 Developer Site
           How to: Create your first mail app for Outlook by using "Napa" Office 365 Development Tools
           How to: Create your first content app for Excel by using "Napa" Office 365 Development Tools
           How to: Create a basic app for SharePoint by using Office 365 Development Tools Preview

 Developer Training
         Training Videos
         Samples

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SP2013 What's New for Developers : SPSSTL

  • 1. SharePoint 2013 Ken Maglio Level 100 - 200
  • 2. Session Evaluations • Schedule and evaluate each session you attend via our mobile app that can be used across devices at http://spsaturday. • You will be able to evaluate sessions added to your “My Sessions” 25 minutes before the scheduled end time • Evaluations are stored anonymously and your feedback is appreciated • The app will be the only method available to submit session evaluations for the event and we hope you find it intuitive and convenient
  • 3. Bio • Ken Maglio • Oakwood Systems Group • SharePoint Architect • @kenmaglio
  • 4. SharePoint 2013: What’s New For Developers
  • 5. Introducing apps for Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013 Apps in a nutshell for Office 2013 and SharePoint 2013
  • 6. THE NEW WAY TO WORK TOGETHER Organize Discover Share Build Manage
  • 7. Build Apps Your Way Apps Sites Cloud A new development SharePoint 2013 makes The cloud provides you model for building apps customizing sites easier with the freedom to provides a secure and for user, web designer choose how and where scalable way to build and professional to host your apps. SharePoint solutions. developer alike.
  • 8. Apps for Office and SharePoint Products & Services & Apps Platforms Data Expense Vacation Risk SharePoint Calculator Requests Management Microsoft Dynamics SharePoint Windows Azure Bing Office SQL Server Help-Desk Support Learning Management Event Planning Yammer
  • 9. Apps for the Cloud Build Apps Web Standards Apps are built using industry proven web standards such as HTML, JavaScript and REST Scalable and Safe Apps are independently scalable which reduces total cost of ownership. Apps are secured and isolated from SharePoint Accessible Apps can be accessed from any device with a web browser.
  • 10. Apps for the Cloud Build Sites Accelerate Site Creation Sites can be customized and themed with apps or a few clicks in the browser. Simple Site Customization SharePoint sites are built using web standards making it easy to customize with industry standard web design tools Adaptive Experiences Sites can adapt their experiences based on the user.
  • 11. Apps for the Cloud Build for the cloud Web Standards Apps are built using industry proven web standards such as HTML, JavaScript and REST Scalable and Safe Apps are independently scalable which reduces total cost of ownership. Apps are secured and isolated from SharePoint Accessible Apps can be accessed from any device with a web browser.
  • 13. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 14. Challenges today with SharePoint 2010  Custom code on server  Root cause of most SharePoint outages / issues  Lots to deploy  Requires a big server touch  Not possible in hosted environments  Sandbox  Possible in hosted environment  Limited set of things you can do  In both, developers must know SharePoint API
  • 15. SharePoint App Model  SharePoint applications no longer live in SharePoint  Custom code executes in the client, cloud or on-prem  Apps are granted permissions to SharePoint via OAuth  Apps communicate with SharePoint via REST / CSOM  Acquire apps via centralized Marketplace  Corporate Marketplace  Public Marketplace (via submission process)  APIs for manual deployment
  • 16. App Fundamentals  Apps are a very different philosophical change to extending SharePoint  More scenario-focused  Event Tracking  Ticket Management System  Robust  Built-in robust semantics for install, upgrade & uninstall  Apps are for End Users  Cloud & Web-Oriented  Apps must ask permission to do things with people’s data (are isolated by default)  Apps are associated with sites (SPWebs)
  • 17. User Experience  Everything in a SharePoint site is an app  Contact form  Travel request  Shared Documents library  Contacts list  Formerly known as View All Content, the Site Contents link shows all apps in a site & links to the SharePoint Store (public) and App Catalog (internal)  Selecting an app redirects to the app’s start page
  • 18. Benefits  No custom code on the SharePoint server  Easier to upgrade to future versions of SharePoint  Works in hosted environments w/o limitations  Reduces the ramp-up time for those building apps  Don’t need to know/be as familiar with SharePoint “-isms”  Leverage hosting platform features in new apps  Enables taking SharePoint apps to different levels – further than what can be done with farm / sandbox solutions  Isolation – private vs. public clouds
  • 19. Tech Demo Road-Map  SPApp Project Template and Wizard  What new project template(s) are there  What does the project wizard look like and do  What does the initial solution/project look like/contain  SPApp Deployment and Debugging  What happens when I use the “Deploy” command  Remote Event Receiver (What….????)  Describe the new remote event receiver artifact, item template and what occurs when one is added to the project
  • 20. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries Metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field Navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 21. Mobile Custom List REST & OData Queries Push Notifications Entire CSOM Build views of data Microsoft Push utilizes new REST on the fly and the Notification calls to perform a REST services Service (MPNS) for much more return the Windows Phone complete set of customized JSON / OS actions ATOM results
  • 22. REST & ODATA REST Simpler and Easier to Use Much easier to use than SOAP-based web service Higher productivity when using JavaScript and Jquery Results can be returned in JSON and ATOM format Each Query is submitted with a unique URL Results can be cached by proxy servers ODATA The new data access API for HTTP-Based Clients Based on open specification growing in popularity Standardizes Data Access APIs for CRUD operations OData services are emerging on the Internet (NetFlix, Azure, etc.) OData clients becoming more popular as well
  • 23. Custom List Queries Configure list views on the server for use in Windows Phone apps Not possible / practical to create all views in SharePoint, for Mobile apps Modification of existing views already designed in SharePoint Creation of “on-the-fly” views suited just for mobile application needs
  • 24. Push Notifications SharePoint integrated to Microsoft Push Notification Service Windows Phone apps can receive notifications through events on SharePoint Similar to Windows 8 development around Push Notifications Available for Windows Phone And Windows 8 RT! (Toast and Tile)
  • 25. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 26. Geo-location Field New field type but not available through OOTB GUI  You must write code to deploy a Geo- location Field Pull list data into Bing (or other) Map Providers Support for GIS application needs
  • 27. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 28. Managed Metadata and Navigation  What’s New with MMD? • Editable via Datasheet View • Term Pinning • Global and Local Term Sets • “Limit To List” • Additional Multilingual support  What’s New with Navigation? • Managed Navigation – use MMD terms to provide custom nav. • Friendly URLs  Content Search Web Part (not CQWP)
  • 29. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 30. Site Publishing and Authoring  Authoring and reusing site content.  Branding and designing your site's look, feel, and behavior.  Metadata management—you can build a taxonomy-driven site navigation system.  Publishing content smoothly to the current site collection, or publishing content across site collections—even spanning the intranet and Internet site boundary. Site Retention Policies
  • 31. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 32. Cross-Site Publishing  Reuse content across multiple site collections  Uses built-in search capabilities  For the first time, you can design sites that cross SharePoint farms  enabling your sites to span the boundary between intranets and the Internet  You can use the CSWP (Content Search Web Part) to display search data published from across sites and site collections.
  • 33. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 34. Snippet Gallery  Snippet Gallery group on the ribbon  HTML snippet gives you a high-fidelity preview of that component  HTML snippets are automatically converted into the SharePoint components  The Design Manager generates HTML snippets that can be used by any web design tool
  • 35. Apps! Mobile Office Store Rest Services Managed Functionality Custom List Queries metadata and Pick and Choose Push Notifications Geolocation Field navigation Site Authoring and Cross-Site Publishing Publishing Snippet Gallery Development Tools
  • 36. Developer Tools Create apps for What's new in Workflow Office and SharePoint development in SharePoint development tools SharePoint Designer 2013 and Visio 2013
  • 37. NAPA Build apps for Office or SharePoint directly out of a browser window New Share Project feature allows you to share with someone else your code or pages you are developing
  • 38. Visual Studio 2012 Build Apps for Office and SharePoint using new Project and Item templates REMOTE DEVELOPMENT!!!! OAuth for cloud-based Azure Workflows!
  • 39. SharePoint Designer Start in Visio, export to Designer, publish to SharePoint site Stages, loops, and steps
  • 41. Housekeeping  Follow SharePoint Saturday St. Louis on Twitter @spsstlouis and hashtag #spsstl  Play “Sponsor Bingo” to register for your chance to win one of the many great giveaways at the end of the day  Schedule and evaluate each session you attend via our mobile app that can be used across devices at http://spsaturday. 41 | SharePoint Saturday St. Louis 2013
  • 42. Thanks to Our Sponsors! 42 | SharePoint Saturday St. Louis 2013
  • 43. Thank you for attending!
  • 44. Links  Developer Site  Sign up for an Office 365 Developer Site  How to: Create your first mail app for Outlook by using "Napa" Office 365 Development Tools  How to: Create your first content app for Excel by using "Napa" Office 365 Development Tools  How to: Create a basic app for SharePoint by using Office 365 Development Tools Preview  Developer Training   Training Videos  Samples