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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)
Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 404
Software Testing: Data Kart and Integrated Pipeline Approach
Md Rehan Faisal1
, Ms. Shalini Bhadola2
, Ms. Kirti Bhatia3
M Tech Student, 2
Assistant Professor, 3
1, 2, 3
Computer Science & Engineering, Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management
Bahadurgarh (HR) Affiliated by Maharshi Dayanand University (Rohtak), Haryana, India
With the evolution of Digital Era and growing demand of automation
from manual effort, demand of Software and automated application
increases and it will keep increasing day by day. With increase in
application and software the quality of product and quality assurance
become a vital role in any software life cycle. To maintain the quality
and final release cycle of software, Software Testing become a key
challenges one can face. Software testing play important role from
the beginning till the release of application. Current paper focus on
tradition testing phase along with enhanced data driven and pipeline
integrated techniques to maintain best quality of software.
KEYWORDS: Data Driven Approach, Pipeline, Testing
Methodologies, Automation Testing, Software Testing, Testing
Frameworks, Test Driven Development, Test optimization, Quality
How to cite this paper: Md Rehan Faisal
| Ms. Shalini Bhadola | Ms. Kirti Bhatia
"Software Testing: Data Kart and
Integrated Pipeline
Published in
International Journal
of Trend in
Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-
6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5, August 2021,
pp.404-407, URL:
Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and
International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
Software testing is one of the important and crucial
steps in software development life cycle. It provides
us the quality of software as well as insight view of
the application. Software testing provides us
discrimination between system actual behaviour vs
expected behaviour. The goal of software testing
process is to provide high quality product which is
bug free and also improve quality by identifying the
defects. Evaluate work products which may be
requirement documents, Design, all the Customer’s
requirement, find defect and prevent defect in
software system. Testers test the product, create
requirement traceability matrix for mapping of all the
test cases to requirement, create test cases and ensure
that all functionality all verified for every executed
test case. Before system go live, system need to test
on all parameter so that it will run smoothly and bug
free for better user experience and user ease. So
software testing phase is important area for the testing
point of view as well as research point of view.
In current testing methodologies creating test case and
Test set is first steps. For test case generation many
different approaches are used and it also depend on
the types of category either black box testing or white
box testing. If we look into other perspective for
testing software it may also be classified into
Functional testing, Non-Functional Testing and
Maintenance Testing. If tester have to test some
functionality then will go for functional testing which
comprises of Unit testing, Integration testing, Smoke,
UAT, Localization and Globalization. If tester need to
test other than functionality then will opt for Non-
Functional testing which includes Performance
Testing, Endurance Testing, Load Testing, Volume
Testing, Scalability Testing and Usability.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 405
Figure 1: Software Testing Types on
Functionality Basis
A. Manual Software Testing
Manual Testing is the approach in which software is
tested manually, there is no use of automated tools in
this process. Whole process depend on tester who
individually identify the test area and results of
testing. Everything is carried out in manual way from
error to the report of testing.
B. Automated Software Testing
Automation Testing is the approach in which software
is not tested manually, it is also called as Test
Automation and the tester who perform this activity is
called as Test Automation Engineer. During this
testing process Test Automation Engineer writes
automated scripts to test the product and find out any
error in system. This process is quick, fast and
automated as compared to manual process.
In Software Testing Field there are lot of methods and
Approach followed by company and organization to
carry out this testing. Some of them are below:
A. Black-Box Testing Approach
Black-Box Testing is the approach in which software
is tested without knowing the internal working of
application. Tester is unaware of what logic and
algorithm written inside the application to perform the
desired task. During the testing process tester is
unware of internal structure and codes, tester just
provide input value corresponding to the filed
parameter and validate the result as a parameter
without going into deep of hoe system calculate and
evaluate all these things.
B. White-Box Testing
In this Testing approach whole internal structure of
code is involved, where tester need to know all
internal code and logic of the system to perform
testing activity. Testing is done on internal structures
or working of application. White box tester need
programming skills because in this approach internal
perspective of system as well as programming skills
are used to design test case and to carry out the testing
C. Grey-Box Testing
Grey-Box Testing is a software testing technique
which is a combination of White-Box and Black-Box
Testing approach. In this approach tester need to know
all about software working as well as internal structure
like coding, Algorithm and Steps involved in
Black-Box focus only on input and output value
without knowing the internal structure and coding, due
to this tester not able to prepare a better test case. So
to overcome this activity Grey-Box testing is best
approach for testing.
Figure 2: Software Testing Types
This is advanced or enhancement in testing process,
which is very much handy and automated as
compared to existing steps. Advance steps not only
save money, time and resources but also offer user to
schedule and let machine process all steps. Enhanced
steps consists of Automating screens, Data form UAT
server to process and validate, automated test pipeline
with dev pipeline and on demand advance reporting.
Figure 3: Advance Testing Architecture
Types of Software
Functional Maintenance
Enterprise System/ERP/Application
Rules Base
GUI Library
Repository for Assets
Data Kart Scheduler
Execution Driver
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 406
A. Automating Screens for Test
The main objective of this is to find relational matrix
between the expected value and actual value and then
checks the mismatch. Automation of screen using test
automation is easy and less time consuming as
compared to the manual testing process. In software
development life cycle test automation is start from
the Requirement phase to till the testing phase. Test
automation involve form capturing the screen and then
adding these screen to make a test case. Once the test
case is ready we combine these test case into test set
which is generally a group of test set.
Regression testing consume lot of time, whenever new
bug is fixed regression testing is required, which
works for checking of features which are being fixed
after bugs. This type of testing is recursive in nature
and required whenever a new bug is fixed, so creating
a test automation with flow and set of flows and
running after each new released will save lot of time
and manual effort. Automation also helps in
identifying issues in early stages, which save lot of
resources & cost invested during early development
stages itself. There are different testing framework
which is used to set the environment automation
testing. This framework helps in execution of tests and
test sets, identifying exact format for expectations for
result reports.
B. Data Kart
Data Kart is concept for providing real test data of
their field type when a test starts running. Data Kart
table is associated with the test when a test is created,
once it is associated with their column and data type it
fetches real time test data from underlying cache table
and execute the test to find a relational matrix between
expected and actual results. Data Kart provide concept
of supplying data to test automation flow, main
advantages of this Data Kart is that it integrate with
Enterprise UAT Data Base and work with actual test
data. User have option to change the corresponding
data during execution by applying a constant label in
test on that particular filed of screen. Associated
mapping is done between parameter and underlying
Data Kart cache table column.
Data Kart also provide facility to analyze the data first
by applying different level of filter to identify the
potential of data that will be going to use in test
execution. Applying sort filter will provide how
unique data exist in Data Kart and what will be
possibility factor on this data when a test will be
execute. Key Club is concept of clubbing two or more
table data on the basis of primary and foreign key
relation in table.
C. Integrated Test Pipelines
Now a days most development company follow
continuous integration and continuous
delivery/continuous deployment process for code
merge and build deployment process. It is a modern
software development practice in which incremental
code changes are made frequently and reliably.
Automated build-and-test steps triggered byCIensure
that code changes being merged into the repository are
reliable. The code is then delivered quickly and
seamlessly as a part of the CD process. In the software
world, the CI/CD pipeline refers to the automation
that enables incremental code changes from
developers’ desktops to be delivered quickly and
reliably to production.
Along with this CI/CD pipeline a test pipeline is also
added whenever developer pushes code it trigger the
test pipeline and generate a test report corresponding
to the bug fixed for details analysis. Adding test
pipeline helps lot and also save manual effort for
Software testing phase in SDLC. As soon as test
pipeline executes corresponding to the requirement
and test the targeted module it will generates log and
report file with all details analysis which will be
further used as expected and actual result analysis of
targeted module.
D. On Demand Reporting
Report help in analyzing data, logs and results in more
precise and accurate way. Report help user, tester and
admin to look into the final status of test execution,
input output value and expected and actual result set
of test without going deep into the system and without
monitoring the ongoing execution. When a test and
test set is executed a details report is generated
corresponding to that execution ID with all steps in
details. Expected and Actual value can be identified
from report itself by analyzing the report. Report also
provide insight view of which screen open, what data
was entered inside different UI fields, which button
was clicked on UI and also attach screen shot of that
executed steps. User have option to schedule a report
on their email, just after execution end user will get a
details report dashboard inside inbox along with all
steps and business process details in pdf format.
Report also populate suggested filed from machine
learning approach for those steps which get failed or
skipped during execution process.
E. Scheduler Based Recursive Testing
Scheduler plays an important role for such activity
which is recursive in nature and need scheduling
activity. Scheduling is the action of assigning
resources to perform some task by system itself in
automated manner. Scheduler can be applied to any
resources such as process, network and any kind of
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 407
custom activity. Scheduler based recursive testing is
required where we need test to be executed on
recursive interval. For such test we need to schedule
the test using scheduler and it will automatically run
the test on schedule time, generate the log and report
along with all pass and failed details. Scheduler helps
in executing recursive test without any resource hence
it will save manpower and cost as well for the
In any application development life cycle testing is
crucial as it decide the final end product. Software
Testing provides in-depth view about the quality of
the product or application which is used by the many
end users. Software testing also gives independent
view of software in the different aspect to understand
the risk of software implementation and potential
attack. If any delay in development phase it delay all
the process and resources of company. Testing process
may vary organisation to organisation and type of
software developed, it can be automatic or manual. To
accelerate the testing process in terms of time and
final product delivery test matrices can be added from
start till end process. Hence the future point to more
automated testing model based approach and real data
driven based testing.
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Software Testing Data Kart and Integrated Pipeline Approach

  • 1. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) Volume 5 Issue 5, July-August 2021 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 404 Software Testing: Data Kart and Integrated Pipeline Approach Md Rehan Faisal1 , Ms. Shalini Bhadola2 , Ms. Kirti Bhatia3 1 M Tech Student, 2 Assistant Professor, 3 HOD, 1, 2, 3 Computer Science & Engineering, Sat Kabir Institute of Technology and Management Bahadurgarh (HR) Affiliated by Maharshi Dayanand University (Rohtak), Haryana, India ABSTRACT With the evolution of Digital Era and growing demand of automation from manual effort, demand of Software and automated application increases and it will keep increasing day by day. With increase in application and software the quality of product and quality assurance become a vital role in any software life cycle. To maintain the quality and final release cycle of software, Software Testing become a key challenges one can face. Software testing play important role from the beginning till the release of application. Current paper focus on tradition testing phase along with enhanced data driven and pipeline integrated techniques to maintain best quality of software. KEYWORDS: Data Driven Approach, Pipeline, Testing Methodologies, Automation Testing, Software Testing, Testing Frameworks, Test Driven Development, Test optimization, Quality Metrics How to cite this paper: Md Rehan Faisal | Ms. Shalini Bhadola | Ms. Kirti Bhatia "Software Testing: Data Kart and Integrated Pipeline Approach" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- 6470, Volume-5 | Issue-5, August 2021, pp.404-407, URL: Copyright © 2021 by author (s) and International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development Journal. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY 4.0) ( I. INTRODUCTION Software testing is one of the important and crucial steps in software development life cycle. It provides us the quality of software as well as insight view of the application. Software testing provides us discrimination between system actual behaviour vs expected behaviour. The goal of software testing process is to provide high quality product which is bug free and also improve quality by identifying the defects. Evaluate work products which may be requirement documents, Design, all the Customer’s requirement, find defect and prevent defect in software system. Testers test the product, create requirement traceability matrix for mapping of all the test cases to requirement, create test cases and ensure that all functionality all verified for every executed test case. Before system go live, system need to test on all parameter so that it will run smoothly and bug free for better user experience and user ease. So software testing phase is important area for the testing point of view as well as research point of view. II. CURRENT TESTING PROCESS In current testing methodologies creating test case and Test set is first steps. For test case generation many different approaches are used and it also depend on the types of category either black box testing or white box testing. If we look into other perspective for testing software it may also be classified into Functional testing, Non-Functional Testing and Maintenance Testing. If tester have to test some functionality then will go for functional testing which comprises of Unit testing, Integration testing, Smoke, UAT, Localization and Globalization. If tester need to test other than functionality then will opt for Non- Functional testing which includes Performance Testing, Endurance Testing, Load Testing, Volume Testing, Scalability Testing and Usability. IJTSRD43816
  • 2. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 405 Figure 1: Software Testing Types on Functionality Basis A. Manual Software Testing Manual Testing is the approach in which software is tested manually, there is no use of automated tools in this process. Whole process depend on tester who individually identify the test area and results of testing. Everything is carried out in manual way from error to the report of testing. B. Automated Software Testing Automation Testing is the approach in which software is not tested manually, it is also called as Test Automation and the tester who perform this activity is called as Test Automation Engineer. During this testing process Test Automation Engineer writes automated scripts to test the product and find out any error in system. This process is quick, fast and automated as compared to manual process. III. METHODS OF SOFTWARE TESTING In Software Testing Field there are lot of methods and Approach followed by company and organization to carry out this testing. Some of them are below: A. Black-Box Testing Approach Black-Box Testing is the approach in which software is tested without knowing the internal working of application. Tester is unaware of what logic and algorithm written inside the application to perform the desired task. During the testing process tester is unware of internal structure and codes, tester just provide input value corresponding to the filed parameter and validate the result as a parameter without going into deep of hoe system calculate and evaluate all these things. B. White-Box Testing In this Testing approach whole internal structure of code is involved, where tester need to know all internal code and logic of the system to perform testing activity. Testing is done on internal structures or working of application. White box tester need programming skills because in this approach internal perspective of system as well as programming skills are used to design test case and to carry out the testing activity. C. Grey-Box Testing Grey-Box Testing is a software testing technique which is a combination of White-Box and Black-Box Testing approach. In this approach tester need to know all about software working as well as internal structure like coding, Algorithm and Steps involved in processing. Black-Box focus only on input and output value without knowing the internal structure and coding, due to this tester not able to prepare a better test case. So to overcome this activity Grey-Box testing is best approach for testing. Figure 2: Software Testing Types IV. ADVANCE TESTING PROCESS This is advanced or enhancement in testing process, which is very much handy and automated as compared to existing steps. Advance steps not only save money, time and resources but also offer user to schedule and let machine process all steps. Enhanced steps consists of Automating screens, Data form UAT server to process and validate, automated test pipeline with dev pipeline and on demand advance reporting. Figure 3: Advance Testing Architecture Non-Functional Types of Software Testing Functional Maintenance Enterprise System/ERP/Application Rules Base GUI Library Repository for Assets Data Kart Scheduler Execution Driver
  • 3. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 406 A. Automating Screens for Test The main objective of this is to find relational matrix between the expected value and actual value and then checks the mismatch. Automation of screen using test automation is easy and less time consuming as compared to the manual testing process. In software development life cycle test automation is start from the Requirement phase to till the testing phase. Test automation involve form capturing the screen and then adding these screen to make a test case. Once the test case is ready we combine these test case into test set which is generally a group of test set. Regression testing consume lot of time, whenever new bug is fixed regression testing is required, which works for checking of features which are being fixed after bugs. This type of testing is recursive in nature and required whenever a new bug is fixed, so creating a test automation with flow and set of flows and running after each new released will save lot of time and manual effort. Automation also helps in identifying issues in early stages, which save lot of resources & cost invested during early development stages itself. There are different testing framework which is used to set the environment automation testing. This framework helps in execution of tests and test sets, identifying exact format for expectations for result reports. B. Data Kart Data Kart is concept for providing real test data of their field type when a test starts running. Data Kart table is associated with the test when a test is created, once it is associated with their column and data type it fetches real time test data from underlying cache table and execute the test to find a relational matrix between expected and actual results. Data Kart provide concept of supplying data to test automation flow, main advantages of this Data Kart is that it integrate with Enterprise UAT Data Base and work with actual test data. User have option to change the corresponding data during execution by applying a constant label in test on that particular filed of screen. Associated mapping is done between parameter and underlying Data Kart cache table column. Data Kart also provide facility to analyze the data first by applying different level of filter to identify the potential of data that will be going to use in test execution. Applying sort filter will provide how unique data exist in Data Kart and what will be possibility factor on this data when a test will be execute. Key Club is concept of clubbing two or more table data on the basis of primary and foreign key relation in table. C. Integrated Test Pipelines Now a days most development company follow continuous integration and continuous delivery/continuous deployment process for code merge and build deployment process. It is a modern software development practice in which incremental code changes are made frequently and reliably. Automated build-and-test steps triggered byCIensure that code changes being merged into the repository are reliable. The code is then delivered quickly and seamlessly as a part of the CD process. In the software world, the CI/CD pipeline refers to the automation that enables incremental code changes from developers’ desktops to be delivered quickly and reliably to production. Along with this CI/CD pipeline a test pipeline is also added whenever developer pushes code it trigger the test pipeline and generate a test report corresponding to the bug fixed for details analysis. Adding test pipeline helps lot and also save manual effort for Software testing phase in SDLC. As soon as test pipeline executes corresponding to the requirement and test the targeted module it will generates log and report file with all details analysis which will be further used as expected and actual result analysis of targeted module. D. On Demand Reporting Report help in analyzing data, logs and results in more precise and accurate way. Report help user, tester and admin to look into the final status of test execution, input output value and expected and actual result set of test without going deep into the system and without monitoring the ongoing execution. When a test and test set is executed a details report is generated corresponding to that execution ID with all steps in details. Expected and Actual value can be identified from report itself by analyzing the report. Report also provide insight view of which screen open, what data was entered inside different UI fields, which button was clicked on UI and also attach screen shot of that executed steps. User have option to schedule a report on their email, just after execution end user will get a details report dashboard inside inbox along with all steps and business process details in pdf format. Report also populate suggested filed from machine learning approach for those steps which get failed or skipped during execution process. E. Scheduler Based Recursive Testing Scheduler plays an important role for such activity which is recursive in nature and need scheduling activity. Scheduling is the action of assigning resources to perform some task by system itself in automated manner. Scheduler can be applied to any resources such as process, network and any kind of
  • 4. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470 @ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD43816 | Volume – 5 | Issue – 5 | Jul-Aug 2021 Page 407 custom activity. Scheduler based recursive testing is required where we need test to be executed on recursive interval. For such test we need to schedule the test using scheduler and it will automatically run the test on schedule time, generate the log and report along with all pass and failed details. Scheduler helps in executing recursive test without any resource hence it will save manpower and cost as well for the organization. V. CONCLUSION In any application development life cycle testing is crucial as it decide the final end product. Software Testing provides in-depth view about the quality of the product or application which is used by the many end users. Software testing also gives independent view of software in the different aspect to understand the risk of software implementation and potential attack. If any delay in development phase it delay all the process and resources of company. Testing process may vary organisation to organisation and type of software developed, it can be automatic or manual. To accelerate the testing process in terms of time and final product delivery test matrices can be added from start till end process. Hence the future point to more automated testing model based approach and real data driven based testing. REFRENCES [1] S. Amland, "Risk-based testing:" Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 53, no. 3, pp. 287– 295, Sep. 2000. [2] Redmill and Felix, “Theory and Practice of Risk-based Testing”, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability, Vol. 15, No. 1, March 2005. [3] B. Agarwal et al., “Software engineering and testing”. Jones & Bartlett Learning, 2010. [4] K. Bogdan. “Automated software test data generation”. Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 16.8 (1990): 870-879. [5] Jacobson et al. The unified software development process. Vol. 1. Reading: Addison-Wesley, 1999. [6] Everett et al., “Software testing: testing across the entire software development life cycle”. John Wiley & Sons, 2007. [7] B. Boehm, “Some Future Trends and Implications for Systems and Software Engineering Processes”, 2005, pp.1- 11. [8] R. Bryce, “Test Suite Prioritisation and Reduction by Combinational based Criteria”, IEEE Computer Society”, 2014, pp.21-22. [9] M. I. Babar, “Software Quality Enhancement for value based systems through Stakeholders Quantification”, 2005, pp.359-360. Data retrieved from ( 55No3.pdf) [10] R. Ramler, S. Biffl, and P. Grünbacher, "Value- based management of software testing," in Value-Based Software Engineering. Springer Science Business Media, 2006, pp. 225– 244. [28] D. Graham, "Requirements and testing: Seven missinglink myths," Software, IEEE, vol. 19, 2002, pp. 15- [11] M. Shaw, “Prospects for an engineering discipline of software,” IEEE Software, November 1990, pp.15-24 [12] D. Nicola et al. "A grey-box approach to the functional testing of complex automatic train protection systems." Dependable Computing- EDCC 5. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2005. 305-317. [13] J. A. Whittaker, “What is Software Testing? And Why Is It So Hard?” IEEE Software, 2000, pp. 70-79. [14] N. Jenkins, “A Software Testing Primer”, 2008, pp.3-15. [15] Luo, Lu, and Carnegie, "Software Testing Techniques Technology Maturation and Research Strategies’, Institute for Software Research International-Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Technical Report, 2010. [16] M. S. Sharmila and E. Ramadevi. "Analysis of performance testing on web application." International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, 2014. [17] S. Sampath and R. Bryce, Improving the effectiveness of Test Suite Reduction for User- Session-Based Testing of Web Applications, Elsevier Information and Software Technology Journal, 2012. [18] B. Pedersen and S. Manchester, Test Suite Prioritization by Cost based Combinatorial Interaction Coverage International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management, SPRINGER, 2011. [19] S. Sprenkle et al., "Applying Concept Analysis to Usersession based Testing of Web Applications", IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 33, No. 10, 2007, pp. 643 - 658