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Setting Apple’s
UIAutomation Free
      with Appium
                          Dan Cuellar
    Lead Software Engineer, Test Team
 The Problem

 The Solution
   Run UIAutomation From The Command Line
   Break It Out Of Javascript
   Control it in Real-Time

 How to Code With Appium

 Demo

 Odds & Ends
The Problem
The Problem w/ UIAutomation
 runs only in
 must be written in Javascript
 does not support realtime control
 many useful js methods (e.g. HTTP requests) have been
 difficult to build libraries and re-use code
 cannot integrate w/ existing Selenium automation
 requires adding http servers to your app’s source code

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Browser Automated Testing Frameworks - Nightwatch.js
Browser Automated Testing Frameworks - Nightwatch.jsBrowser Automated Testing Frameworks - Nightwatch.js
Browser Automated Testing Frameworks - Nightwatch.js

Browser automation testing frameworks like Nightwatch.js allow developers to automatically test their web applications. Nightwatch.js provides an easy way to write tests using JavaScript. Tests can launch browsers, fill forms, click links, and verify outputs. Nightwatch.js tests can help developers catch errors that might break functionality and ensure compatibility across browsers. The documentation is good and it is actively maintained with over 10,000 downloads per month. Developers can integrate Nightwatch.js tests into their own projects to avoid future issues.

Automated Smoke Tests with Protractor
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Automated Smoke Tests with Protractor

This is my May 16th presentation at the OKC.js user group about using protractor to build automated smoke tests for Angular applications.

protractorwebdriversmoke tests
applet using java
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applet using java

applet using java in this ppt there is a one program which gives you information about animation using java

The Solution
Solving the Problem
 need command line control

 needs to run on the simulator and real devices

 need to break out of javascript

 need realtime control

 should not require you to add code to your app

 shoud not require the application source code
Command Line Control
 /usr/bin/instruments
     -t templatePath (path to Automation.tracetemplate)
     (path to compiled ios application)
     -e UIASCRIPT (path to UIAutomation javascript test)
     -e UIARESULTSPATH (path where results will be saved)
     [-w device udid]

 /usr/bin/xcodebuild (run inside project.xcodeproj)
     -sdk (sdk version)
     -target (build target)
     [-scheme (scheme)]
     TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=1|2 (1=iPhone, 2=iPad)
Breaking Out Of Javascript
No HTTP Web Requests in UIAutomation JS


host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout() can run all
your favorite shell commands

so with friends like cat, curl, and python who needs
Javascript and its HTTP web request methods

… and Don’t Forget the AppleScript (comes in handy when
you need to dismiss OS permissions dialogs)

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This document discusses Espresso, an Android UI testing framework. It describes Espresso's components like ViewMatchers and ViewActions that are used to find views and perform actions. It outlines a typical test case structure involving finding views, performing actions, and validating results. It also covers setting up Espresso in a project and constructing test classes and methods. Custom matchers and view actions are discussed. Both pros and cons of Espresso are provided.

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Titanium - Making the most of your single thread

The native app development environments support multiple threads. Titanium however does not (out of the box), it only supports a single thread. In this presentaton, Ronald Treur will shortly explain how threading works and why this knowledge matters. But more important, he will show you how to keep heavy duty processes from blocking others.

Java applet
Java appletJava applet
Java applet

An applet is a Java program that runs in a web browser. Applets extend the Applet class and have a lifecycle of init(), start(), stop(), and destroy() methods. Applets are embedded in HTML pages and have security restrictions enforced by the browser. When a user views an HTML page containing an applet, the applet code is downloaded and a JVM instance is created to run the applet.

life cycle of an appletapplet
Making It Real-Time
 Technique 1, file based communication
   Javascript loop looking for sequentially number files in a
    predetermined folder for commands
   Have your program write raw javascript to the file
   Read the file using cat
   Run the command using eval()
   Write the sequentially numbered response file using
    whatever you like (I chose python)

 Technique 2, setup a proxy web service
   Curl to ask if there’s a command you should run
   Curl back posting the result
 Now you can control UIAutomation from any language
  that can write files or make web requests
   You can reuse all that non javascript based (java, c#,
    python, ruby, php) automation code you have for your
    selenium tests
   Run tests that use a web browser and an iOS device at the
    same time
   The possibilities are endless
Coding w/ Appium
 install Xcode

 install Xcode Command Line Tools

 Set up a ~/.appium file
  username = an_osx_admin_username
  password = an_osx_admin_password


 sudo easy_install pip

 sudo pip install bottle (required for webdriver server)

 sudo pip install selenium (required to code against the webdriver

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Selenium is a tool for automating web browser testing. It supports recording and playback of tests across browsers including mobile browsers. Selenium 2 uses "native" communication with browsers via drivers. The Selenium module for Drupal provides classes that make it easy to write automated tests for Drupal using Selenium. XPath locators can access elements in complex ways while CSS locators are faster but less flexible. Running Selenium tests on a headless server using Xvfb avoids showing browser windows during testing.

React Native: The Development Flow
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React Native: The Development Flow

React Native is slowly becoming the preferred choice for developing mobile applications. If you are already a web developer, you will find that most of the principles of coding remain the same as it uses the same design as React. But the development flow might feel a bit overwhelming for someone who is creating a React Native app for the first time. In this talk, I will describe the various tools and methods that can simplify your development workflow. I will talk about the whys and hows of debugging, performance optimizations and improved release cycles so that the next time you are developing a React Native application, you feel at home.

react nativemobile application development
The current state of web
The current state of webThe current state of web
The current state of web

The document summarizes several emerging web APIs including IntersectionObserver, ResizeObserver, Abortable Fetch, Async Clipboard API, CSS Typed Object Model, Web Workers, WebXR Device API, Web MIDI API, and others. It provides code examples and descriptions for how each API works and its benefits over older approaches. Key points covered include asynchronous observation of element intersections and resizes, aborting fetch requests, improved clipboard access, strongly typed CSS styles, offloading work to background threads, immersive augmented reality, and connecting MIDI devices to web apps.

Running Appium
 git clone git://

 To launch the UIAutomation javascript interpretter
   python “/path/to/”

 To launch the webdriver server
   Python “/path/to/”
Coding Appium like Selenium
from selenium import webdriver

command_url = “http://localhost:4723/wd/hub”
iphone = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.IPHONE

driver = webdriver.Remote(command_url, iphone)

fields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField’)

buttons = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('button’)
Odds & Ends

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Front-End Testing: Demystified
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Front-End Testing: Demystified

Confused by testing terms and jargon? This talk walks through testing web applications, explaining the difference between unit testing and end to end testing. Several tools and concepts are also explored through a demo section. Sample projects can be found at

javascripttestend to end testing
Selenium IDE
Selenium IDESelenium IDE
Selenium IDE

Selenium IDE is a Firefox add-on that allows users to record, edit, and debug automated tests of interactions with a browser. It allows for easy recording and playback of test steps as well as features like intelligent field selection, autocomplete commands, debugging tools, and the ability to save and run test suites to ensure full browser functionality. The IDE is useful for creating automated tests of tasks like logging into a website to check functionality.

Uploading files using selenium web driver
Uploading files using selenium web driverUploading files using selenium web driver
Uploading files using selenium web driver

The document discusses different methods for automating the uploading of files in Selenium tests. It describes using the sendKeys method to upload files for input tags, but also covers using third party tools like AutoIt and Sikuli when upload buttons are not input tags. AutoIt and Sikuli can interact with OS level windows that Selenium cannot access directly. The document provides instructions on setting up AutoIt and Sikuli, identifies common methods like click and type, and includes examples of uploading a file using each tool within a Selenium test.

uploading filessikuli setup ubuntuusing autoit
Failed Prototypes
 Applescript iOS Simulator Automation
   Did not work on actual devices
   Seemed to be highly sensitive to iOS and OS X version
   Not a reliable

 Javascript Server Within UIAutomation
   I could not get a server booted up while running in
 Bug in UIAutomation causes 1 second delay between
   I get around this by sending batches of commands

 Noticed NIBs and XIBs are supported while storyboards
  are a more of a crapshoot

 It’s tricky to make elements accessible in objective C
   Some controls (UISegmentedControl) are missing supported
    accessibility methods
   Applying a label to text will hinder your ability to read the
    text in the control (you need to encapsulate it)
Appium Project
   or


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Setting Apple's UI Automation Free with Appium

  • 1. Setting Apple’s UIAutomation Free with Appium Dan Cuellar Lead Software Engineer, Test Team
  • 2. Overview  The Problem  The Solution  Run UIAutomation From The Command Line  Break It Out Of Javascript  Control it in Real-Time  How to Code With Appium  Demo  Odds & Ends
  • 4. The Problem w/ UIAutomation  runs only in  must be written in Javascript  does not support realtime control  many useful js methods (e.g. HTTP requests) have been removed  difficult to build libraries and re-use code  cannot integrate w/ existing Selenium automation  requires adding http servers to your app’s source code
  • 6. Solving the Problem  need command line control  needs to run on the simulator and real devices  need to break out of javascript  need realtime control  should not require you to add code to your app  shoud not require the application source code
  • 7. Command Line Control  /usr/bin/instruments  -t templatePath (path to Automation.tracetemplate)  (path to compiled ios application)  -e UIASCRIPT (path to UIAutomation javascript test)  -e UIARESULTSPATH (path where results will be saved)  [-w device udid]  /usr/bin/xcodebuild (run inside project.xcodeproj)  -sdk (sdk version)  -target (build target)  [-scheme (scheme)]  TARGETED_DEVICE_FAMILY=1|2 (1=iPhone, 2=iPad)
  • 8. Breaking Out Of Javascript No HTTP Web Requests in UIAutomation JS However… host.performTaskWithPathArgumentsTimeout() can run all your favorite shell commands so with friends like cat, curl, and python who needs Javascript and its HTTP web request methods … and Don’t Forget the AppleScript (comes in handy when you need to dismiss OS permissions dialogs)
  • 9. Making It Real-Time  Technique 1, file based communication  Javascript loop looking for sequentially number files in a predetermined folder for commands  Have your program write raw javascript to the file  Read the file using cat  Run the command using eval()  Write the sequentially numbered response file using whatever you like (I chose python)  Technique 2, setup a proxy web service  Curl to ask if there’s a command you should run  Curl back posting the result
  • 10. Result  Now you can control UIAutomation from any language that can write files or make web requests  You can reuse all that non javascript based (java, c#, python, ruby, php) automation code you have for your selenium tests  Run tests that use a web browser and an iOS device at the same time  The possibilities are endless
  • 12. Pre-Requisites  install Xcode  install Xcode Command Line Tools  Set up a ~/.appium file [appium] username = an_osx_admin_username password = an_osx_admin_password OPTIONAL  sudo easy_install pip  sudo pip install bottle (required for webdriver server)  sudo pip install selenium (required to code against the webdriver server)
  • 13. Running Appium  git clone git://  To launch the UIAutomation javascript interpretter  python “/path/to/”  To launch the webdriver server  Python “/path/to/”
  • 14. Coding Appium like Selenium from selenium import webdriver command_url = “http://localhost:4723/wd/hub” iphone = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.IPHONE driver = webdriver.Remote(command_url, iphone) fields = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('textField’) fields[0].send_keys(3) fields[1].send_keys(4) buttons = driver.find_elements_by_tag_name('button’) buttons[0].click()
  • 15. Demo
  • 17. Failed Prototypes  Applescript iOS Simulator Automation  Did not work on actual devices  Seemed to be highly sensitive to iOS and OS X version  Not a reliable  Javascript Server Within UIAutomation  I could not get a server booted up while running in Instruments
  • 18. Pitfalls  Bug in UIAutomation causes 1 second delay between commands  I get around this by sending batches of commands  Noticed NIBs and XIBs are supported while storyboards are a more of a crapshoot  It’s tricky to make elements accessible in objective C  Some controls (UISegmentedControl) are missing supported accessibility methods  Applying a label to text will hinder your ability to read the text in the control (you need to encapsulate it)
  • 19. Resources Appium Project  or Discussion 