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Not So Artificial
Sentinel Report Q2 2017 by Globant
Real ways to incorporate AI today
Sentinel report
CEO Globant
The Sentinel Report is one of Globant’s initiatives to stay relevant through the
observation of metrics, statements, market trends, insights, and industry
updates on consumer behavior from all over the world.
This information is meant to inspire new thoughts and trigger new
conversations about products, services, ideas, and opportunities in an effort to
help us be more creative and innovative in our solutions.
Observation and action are at the core of any sustainable strategy, and we
believe that this is a great way to create a positive trend.
We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and to
deepen your understanding of the concepts and ideas that we present here.
Take a look and enjoy!
Survival of the Fittest
the AI Gold Rush
We’re experiencing an AI gold rush — and like many California 49ers discovered nearly two centuries ago, not everyone will cash in.
2016 saw the start of the AI gold rush, but 2017 will be the year we begin dividing participants into winners and losers. Everybody’s
playing, but only some will strike it rich.
This edition is an exploration on how to incorporate AI to products and services in a very real and organic way. Dive in!
Then and now
Do you remember KITT in Knight Rider, Iron Man’s J.A.R.V.I.S, or C-3PO from a
galaxy far, far away? — there’s a long-established fascination with meaningful
machine-human interaction. This dynamic has characterized many of the recent
developments in technology:
- Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Machine Learning (ML), a method for achieving AI.
- Deep Learning (DL), a specialized subfield of ML.
In recent years AI and ML capabilities have advanced exponentially, blurring the
line between fantasy and reality, thus creating an unparalleled market
opportunity for whoever can bring the technology to eager consumers. When
lifeBEAM (an artificial-intelligence wearables technology company) was seeking
funding to launch their AI-enabled headphones, they turned to Kickstarter,
literally capitalizing on the public appetite for “smart” products. They reached
their $100k funding goal in a mere 90 minutes, bringing almost $1.7 million in
donations by the end of the campaign.
This was just the beginning. Today there is an abundance of demand for more
intelligent and human-like behavior and technology on the market, and now we
have concrete ways to fill that demand. Let’s take a look at this new ecosystem.
is empowering
new behavior
Self-driving cars, arguably the application most within reach for
widespread use, are a great example. This area is poised for
extraordinary growth. 10 million self-driving cars are predicted to be
on the road by 2020, and entrenched manufacturers like BMW and
Mercedes, disruptive startups like Tesla, and even tech giants like
Google, are all rolling out self-driving models in the hopes of
capturing future market share.
From autonomous cars to professional services to human
genomics, companies are racing to perfect solutions and secure the
first-mover advantage.
Successful AI products will be driven by one or both of two
fundamental goals: aiding people in accessing and processing
information and facilitating decision making.
The crucial characteristic shared by both is that AI is treated as
technology to supplement, not replace, human capability.
Developers and applications that fail to grasp the continued
necessity of human input are doomed to fail, while those that
understand the necessity are poised for sustainable success.
AI is so important because it's the next step in empowering
decision making and accessing bigger and faster data.
Why is it so important?
“Any sufficiently advanced technology
is indistinguishable from magic”
Arthur C. Clarke, British science fiction writer
Technical Director
at User Experience Studio
A.I. is Changing the Way
we Design Services
With Artificial Intelligence related technology maturing,
‘human‘- organizations are looking to use this technology to
improve the services they offer to their customers. However, AI
will not just allow processes to become more efficient. This
technology can give us the opportunity to design differently, if
we look at the services end-to end.
Creating meaningful experiences always starts with
understanding the users' needs and motivations. Many
companies are looking to leverage AI to help automate manual
tasks in an effort to significantly reduce costs. Just like any
other touchpoint, for AI solutions to be relevant, we need to
make sure that it is solving a known user need in the
appropriate context. For instance, we need to understand not
only what questions need to be answered by a chatbot, but also
how users will discover the service, get onboarded to the
service, and interact with it. Designing a fluid and transparent
journey is essential when building successful AI experiences.
Furthermore, incorporating AI into services may give us the
opportunity to rethink human interactions. As some tasks are
automated, companies will have the opportunity to let people
focus on building new and meaningful interactions between
people in relevant moments of the journey.
Imagine a chatbot that can help, through simple conversation,
guide a candidate to apply to NASA. Or, a system that
seamlessly matches your professional expertise to a job's
requirements without filling lengthy, duplicative forms. What
about a communication channel that is always available to
immediately answer most of your questions?
The efficiencies created by leveraging this technology might
afford interviewers and recruiters more time to connect with
the right candidates and start building relationships with the
people they want to hire.
By incorporating AI holistically, service designers will have the
chance to focus on not just improving existing experiences and
proposing ideal experiences, but also on redefining the new
functions each channel could perform. Organizations will have
the power to create relationships that will focus on people and
will go beyond technological innovation.
5 AI solutions
for the real world
Artificial Intelligence has a concrete and real impact on daily life. Here are 5
scenarios in which AI can help shape behavior and access information
1. Talent management
2. Education and learning
3. Meaningful interactions
4. Process efficiency
5. Scaling interactivity
Talent Management
Reaching and engaging talent1
There you
We’re so happy
to see you.
On many levels and for many reasons, talent is one of the most difficult
things to find. First, we need to understand and have a thorough definition
of talent. Then, we need to determine what are the correct metrics and how
we can measure talent effectively? How do we cope with and evaluate the
multiple ways a person adds talent to an organization? Finally, how do we
sort out the interdependence of different kinds of talent that makes teams
shine? After asking ourselves and trying to address these questions, it is
clear that to define, find, retain and nurture talent is a complex endeavor.
Currently, we are seeing many products and services in the market that are
successfully exploiting the abilities of AI to find, recognize, and engage
talent through many different types of interactions.
Through the heavy use of data, AI enables us to find the correlations and
contingent situations in which talent is unleashed and high performance
can occur. AI can help us understand, from the bottom up, the values of
our teams, how our teams interact, what makes our teammates tick, and
eventually, what makes them leave.
By applying the massive individual personalization capabilities of AI and
treating our teams as our top clients, we can bring about a whole new
experience, where everyone can, and is able to, bring forth their best.
In this case, AI and Big Data helps us answer the questions:
● What kind of profile does a particular team need?
● How are the employees recognized?
● Who knows what?
Talent management cases
Applicant Screening and Assessment
Mya helps employers to recruit, engage and
screen candidates before moving forward with an
application for employment. Screening questions
are contextual, based on an analysis of the
candidates’ declared competencies vs. the job
description. To get to a hiring manager, you’ve
got to get through Mya first.
Employee Recognition and Engagement
StarmeUp, a multiple award winning platform by
Globant, is a recognition platform developed to
help organizations strengthen their corporate
culture. StarmeUp uses gamification techniques
and leverages big data to engage employees and
encourage a positive team mindset, while
simultaneously delivering key insights on
employee satisfaction, performance, and hidden
Individual Skills Management/Performance
Individual skill management and development
can be encouraged using Machine learning.
Workday creates personalized training
recommendations for employees based on a
company’s needs, market trends, and employee
“Errors using inadequate data are
much less than those using no
data at all”
Charles Babbage in the Art of Data Mining
Technical Director
at Consumer Experience Studio
at Globant
AI for Improving the Talent
Quotient of an Organization
In order to stay competitive in the marketplace and maintain a
skilled workforce, organizations often invest in various
employee development programs for training, mentoring young
talent, and rewarding achievers. With the help of AI, it is
possible to build systems around these programs which would
accelerate the process in a more automated way.
AI can help by learning from the various tools and practices
that organizations have already developed or invested in to
manage and recognize their talent. AI can help derive
meaningful insights by collecting data points and behavior
from these systems. In the example of Globant, there are
various tools available including StarmeUp, MyFeedBack, and
Acamica to recognize talent, reward employees, give feedback,
and provide a forum for continuous learning. AI can help to
leverage these tools more effectively and will provide
meaningful insights to identify areas for improvement.
With the help of AI in StarmeUp and MyFeedBack, these tools
can analyze recognitions and identify any lacking
competencies in individual employees. They can also
recommend actions to be taken to improve the areas that are
lacking competency.
AI can improve the learning experience for employees, and help
improve the systems that are designed for training and
education. It will be possible to monitor the progress on
enrolled courses in Acamica, and alert mentors when
appropriate. For example, mentors can be notified when an
employee is not performing a course, or when employees are
struggling with the quiz. It can also recognize and reward
employees. It would be possible to make recommendations on
relevant courses for employees to take in order to continue
their career path. Finally, it can automate the assessment of
the tests upon completion of the course and can reward the
best performers.
In summary, because AI can alter how we find, navigate, and
interact with certain information, it can help both employees as
well as organizations review their processes and take the
necessary steps to make those processes more efficient,
impactful, and helpful. Enhancing skills and qualities of the
employees and the organization will help improve the talent
Education and Learning
New ways of imparting knowledge2
Learning is a lifelong endeavor, and improving the experience of learning by
reducing its friction, and adapting the content and context for every learner
is essential. This is especially true for children, many of whom require
different learning styles, because of the impact this period has on the rest
of their life. Each day we learn more about how children behave, how their
brains learn, how to pace experiences, and the role and importance of
social behavior.
Through AI, we are able to produce curriculum and materials tailored for
every child. We can track their progression in real time, detect underlying
knowledge failing, and even peek into the emotional and cognitive state of
the person in order to adapt and incorporate the latest pedagogic
knowledge into the teaching process. With the help of AI, we can even
understand their personality in order to structure the appropriate study
groups, and coach them, semi automatically, to find their answers rather
than simply just giving them the answers.
This is a new area in which we can explore how to engage with both
children and adults in order to optimize their attention and focus to provide
the right content at the right time.
In this case, AI along with Experience Design can help us answer the
following questions:
● What is this person’s learning profile?
● What is the best material for them?
● Who are their best learning partners?
has never been
more fun! ;)
Education and Learning cases
Google brings AI to computer science education
In January 2017, Google announced plans to
introduce artificial intelligence and machine
learning tools to UK-based Raspberry Pi. The
low-cost credit-card sized computer will be
enhanced with AI tools that aid facial and
emotional recognition, speech-to-text translation,
natural language processing and sentiment
analysis. The aim of the partnership is to enable
school children, programmers and inventors that
use the computer to build “even more powerful
Complementing in-class teaching
Third Space Learning has launched an AI project
with goals to achieve positive teaching and
learning patterns. The platform gives real-time
feedback and helps online tutors become better
at teaching. For example, the tool will detect if a
student’s reaction to a concept follows a pattern
of misunderstanding. By notifying the response
to teachers, the tool can help prevent problems in
advance and create a more solid foundation for
further learning.
Smart toothbrush tracks oral hygiene via AI
The University of Southern California (USC)
Institute for Creative Technologies creates smart
virtual environments and applications that utilize
AI, 3-D gaming, and computer animation to
develop authentic virtual characters and realistic
social interactions. Captivating Virtual Instruction
for Training (CVIT) is a distributed learning
strategy that aims to integrate live classroom
methods with best-fit virtual
technologies—including virtual facilitators,
augmented reality, intelligent tutor, and others—in
remote learning and training programs.
“The key to artificial intelligence
has always been the
Jeff Hawkings
Technical Director
at Enterprise
Consumerization Studio
at Globant
A Innovative Transition
Education is constantly evolving. Every society has the goal to
form and educate -'to produce'- their own components and the
process is in a continual transformation trying to catch up with
the world’s economy, politics, ideologies, culture, technology,
etc.The challenge is that everything is changing and advancing
too fast; so fast than traditional ways are losing the capability
to join the world's transformation.
In a new era of communication, with excess of information and
intelligent tools, how will be the future of education?
And what will the impact of AI, be?
AI can play a new role in the field of data analytics related to
learning. Evaluating the condition of curricular contents and the
information available in different knowledge networks, it can
assess, modify or create content, courses and even an entire
career plan, generating an structure of resources that could be
continually evolving.
AI can also create a set of services to provide virtual teachers,
and learn from the experience of interacting with human
students, manage calendar of activities and even provide a
customized study plan adjusted to every student's conditions
and needs. AI can coordinate lab experiments, simulate
teamwork scenarios and constantly evaluate planned tasks to
rate and track a student’s progress.
According to several studies over e-learning dropouts (Gartner,
University of Columbia, Online Learning Consortium) more than
20% of students don’t complete online course because they get
bored during the process, and that personalization is a key
aspect to maintaining them on the track. The challenge is how
to offer personalized courses for every student? AI can do this.
It can learn from the student and offer just the right content for
each of them. It’s all a matter of learning and data, and today
we have the capability to afford the costs to improve our
educational systems in that direction
Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and other industry leaders’
developments are showing the way for the future of an AI
conceived for education, assisting in classrooms to solve
problems or creating the right content to assist professors,
providing materials and simulations, or helping to solve
exercises while the professors put focus on the class.
Transition is already happening, and there is a huge opportunity
to take a leap of innovation and quality to improve education,
and the big driving force for the next revolution is coming to the
Ladies and gentlemen: Let's welcome AI.
Meaningful Interactions
Expanding the limits of connectivity3
less noise,
more results.
AI enables devices to adapt to the user and to the context. It can
distinctively learn how you interact, depending on the time, place or even
your mood. It can understand gestures and commands, and it can
proactively suggest, or predictively prepare for your needs. It can tackle
complex tasks to aid the user in understanding, translating, organizing, and
suggesting actions.
The ever-growing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable
devices, and the Cloud enable the use of Edge and Fog Computing. This
means that both storage and processing can happen at the fingertips of
the users, thus offloading many AI components to be present in smart
devices. Now, imagine a world where you don’t need a screen anymore,
unless you really want to!
The abundance of information gives us yet another avenue of potential,
since AI could anticipate the basic necessities of some interactions (like
basic information and reason to contact an agent or tech support) and let
the people focus on how to be useful instead of the what.
When you stop thinking about how you have to interact, the devices are free
to be smart. When you can cut the boilerplate for interacting, you have the
depth to be meaningful.
In this case, AI along with IoT help us answer the questions:
● Where should we be? and how?
● How can we interact in a seamless way?
● Can we make it more fun?
Meaningful Interactions cases
Improve your mood through eating
Available for download starting May 2017, Yolk!
is a mobile app designed to improve people’s
mood through food. The US-developed app uses
artificial intelligence to understand how people
are feeling based on a submitted selfie across
eight emotions including sadness, stress and
anxiety. The app then suggests foods to improve
a user’s mood, such as zinc-rich mollusks if
users are angry.
Voice-activated selfie camera dispenses fashion
In April 2017, Amazon introduced Echo Look: a
smart, voice-activated selfie camera that can
take photos and videos on command and provide
fashion advice. The Style Check facility sees
virtual assistant Alexa providing advice based on
fit, color, styling and current trends, when two
outfits are compared. Available by invitation only
in the US, the device also has built-in lighting and
a depth-sensing camera which automatically
blurs the background.
Personalized emojis from selfie
Ommy creates a unique emoji using artificial
intelligence from users that are taking a selfie.
Ommy instantly creates an image of users based
off many styles and emotions: funny, love,
cartoon, rage, etc. Ommy uses neural networks
so that each new user helps the product to
evolve. The Ommy team is also working on
providing new feature updates like creating a
cartoon-looking caricature of a user's head from
a single selfie in 3D.
“Artificial Intelligence is the new
Andrew Ng, VP & Chief Scientist of Baidu; Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of
Coursera; and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University.
Technical Director
Big Data Studio at Globant
Personalizing the Impersonal:
AI Applied to MOOCs
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are taking advantage
of the Internet to bring high quality teaching materials to
students all over the world, by applying the concept of distance
education. One of most famous MOOCs, “Introduction to AI”,
was launched by Stanford University in 2011. Its enrollment
was over 100,000 students, far beyond the size of any course in
the university’s history, with an unequalled far reaching scope.
While these courses have several advantages, such as
providing access to students at nominal fees or no cost, and
without the need to be present at the university’s campus, there
are also some disadvantages. Some of those do not have
simple solutions: for example, over 50% of students taking part
in the US based courses come from countries where English
isn’t their first language. (See or can prove to be a significant
barrier because of the high reading comprehension levels that
MOOCs usually require. However, there are some other
problems where AI can provide a solution.
Student demographics suggest that dropout rates for online
courses are extraordinarily high: Course completion rates are
around 5-10%, while an extra 10-20% go through the complete
courses without the final evaluation. (See, for example, or
Many people are just curious about the course, but have no
actual interest in finishing it. Some simply want to learn a bit
more about a subject.
Regardless of the type of student or the motivation for taking a
course, there are other problems that affect students: courses
and classes that are too long in duration, levels of required
background courses and prerequisite classes, communication
problems, and lack of interaction with professors and peers.
AI can help alleviate some of these aforementioned problems
by adding evaluations, taking note of results, and helping
identify and focus on weak points in the student’s knowledge,
while letting them advance at faster speeds when mastery of
the subject is shown. By analyzing the student’s answers
during the course, the system can decide if more material is
needed to reinforce weakly learnt concepts, or to speed the
course up if the student shows appropriate mastery. More
precise translation tools would also help bridge problems with
foreign students -- however, special care must be taken not to
distort the original meaning of the course materials. Finally, AI
can also be applied to create more effective tests by applying
Natural Language Processing techniques for written material
assessment, and, on the darker side of evaluations, to do
advanced text analysis to detect plagiarism and cheating.
When the professor is removed from actual teaching, and
students are basically on their own (or with just their peers)
adding an AI tutor can be a way to enhance a course, going
back from the impersonality of a basic MOOC, to a finely tuned,
student-geared personalized learning tool.
Process Efficiency
Improving the everyday tasks4
Free your
There is so much
you can do with
your time.
All organizations rely on a series of processes (formal and informal) to
maintain its operation, whether incorporating data, communicating
decisions, outputting feedback, information and products, tracking
documentation, correcting mistakes and so on. These processes can be
“institutional” (i.e. involving many people) or individual, as stages in the
personal workflow.
For a long time, the bane of a seamless world has been, the cognitive
processes which have required humans in the middle, like recognizing
handwritten text, understanding audio, knowing what is in a picture,
applying complex criteria that requires a lot of experience and background
context, and getting to know a person to be able to give an extremely
personalized response.
How much can we grow and improve if we can concentrate on meaningful
tasks rather than repeating mind-dulling paperwork? How much can we
increase returns if we can focus on new ideas and execution rather than
maintaining processes? How can we better serve our clients by treating
them as our sole client, but on a massive scale?
There is a brave new world, where the people can focus on creativity,
empathy and problem solving. While we humanize technology, we can
de-mechanize people!
In this case, AI along with Service Design and System Architecture help us
answer the questions:
● What is the optimal process?
● How can I make this more efficient?
● Is there another way around?
Process Efficiency cases
AI management service simplifies email
A round of funding in December 2016, garnered
3.5 million USD for the AI email management
system, Knowmail. The Israeli initiative works
with Outlook, studying employees’ email habits,
time management, and personal preferences,
automatically categorizing mail as ‘urgent’,
‘important’, or part of another category.
Additional features simplify Outlook management
and navigation. The, invite-only system includes
virtual assistance in the form either Microsoft’s
Cortana or a Bot.
Automated business decisions with AI
The German e-commerce merchant is using AI
technology with an algorithm designed for the
CERN laboratory. Not only does it automate
business decisions beyond customer
management, but it also reduces cost by millions
of euros per year by lowering the number of
returns of products. The algorithm analyzes
around 3bn past transactions and 200 variables
(such as past sales, searches on Otto’s website,
and weather information) to predict what
customers will buy a week before they order. The
AI system predicts with 90% accuracy what will
be sold within 30 days.
Smooth manufacturing using AI based software
Brilliant Manufacturing software enhances the
efficiency of the entire manufacturing
process—from design to distribution and
services. The software includes a suite of
analytics and operational intelligence tools
appropriate for a range of manufacturers. The
WIP Manager software provides industrial and
discrete manufacturers with plant-floor and
plant-wide collaborative visibility of all of the
work in process. Toray Plastics is using GE’s
Plant Applications product, which allows
management to collect granular-level data
throughout production and reduce the
manufacturing of defective products and wasted
“AI will be responsible for
reducing one of the leading
causes of death in the world: car
Mark Zuckerberg
Technical Director
Consumerization Studio
at Globant
Technology as a Driver to
Improve the Nature of Work
In an incredibly competitive and aggressive marketplace,
companies will remain successful if they are able to rapidly
become more efficient. By using new technology, there is an
opportunity to build solutions focused on automating
processes. This can provide important enhancements to
precision and cycle times, increasing productivity in transaction
processing and improving the work by removing people from
repetitive and boring tasks.
It is important to consider the actual technology as
complementary to human capabilities. Instead of removing
talent, talent can be reallocated to jobs where value can be
added and where that talent is more appreciated. One of the
biggest challenges for enterprise operations is identifying what
processes need to be prioritized in order to build the best
automation strategy. Once an automated solution is ongoing,
the monitoring and governance of automated processes is key
to keep improving the operational efficiency moving forward.
There is new technology available today that allows us to
capture and interpret existing applications, simulate and make
more efficient human interaction, and manipulate data. The
idea is to leverage this technology and our imagination to come
up with innovative solutions that can help increase a
company’s productivity and competitiveness.
Some innovative examples across industry are (1) automated
answers to recurring questions in customer service/support
roles, (2) bots in different stages of the development process
(code review notifications, debugging and environment
deployment), and (3) autonomous cars that do not require
human input.
Although this may seem like science fiction, it is not. It is an
opportunity that may make the difference in today's
competitive marketplace.
Technology is revolutionizing the way we think about managing
business and workflow processes.
Are you ready?
Scaling Interactivity
Making connections more familiar5
I’m sure I can
help you now.
AI has recently enabled a venue, the conversational interface, which was
unthinkable some years ago. Whether it is text, voice, or even gestures, we
now have the capacity of understanding the nuances of language
automatically and have the ability to act on it.
The most common form of conversational interfaces is the chatbot, an
omni channel element in which device becomes irrelevant (see the rise of
personal assistants like Google Now, Alexa, Siri and others).
Soon, we may not even realize we are talking with a computer. There may
be a time where we might not even have to declare what we are doing or
what we want, as the devices themselves would already know.
What would we do differently if we could have one-to-one conversations
with every client all the time?
In this case, AI along with Cloud and Big Data helps us answer the
How would I engage with my information in a more real way?
Can we create a seamless experience?
Is there room for non intrusive interaction?
Scaling Interactivity cases
Virtual Assistance empowering sales
Conversica “sales assistant” automates and
enhances sales operations processes by
identifying and conversing with internet leads.
Star2Star Communications implemented its
Conversica-powered sales rep “Rachel” in 2016
and saw a 30% email response rate within hours.
The customizable sales assistant software is
also used to cross-sell or re-engage existing
leads. New England-based Boch Automotive also
employed Conversica software, which it
attributed to a an average of 60% increase in
sales per month at one Toyota dealership.
AI Powered Travel Assistance
Hipmunk’s AI-powered chatbot assistants are
available on Facebook Messenger, Slack, and
more recently, Skype. Hipmunk bots allow users
to ask questions like “when is the best time to
travel to New York from New Jersey?” or “what is
the cheapest hotel in San Francisco?” Because
Hipmunk also works in group chats, users can
easily plan family trips together without leaving
the chat room.
Immigration Attorney Bot
Visabot is an immigration attorney bot that helps
users understand American Immigration Laws. It
even lets users apply for the correct visa, based
on their history, personal background, and CV.
The bot ensures that people fill out forms
accurately to help them earn citizenship in the
U.S. It suggests the user’s immigration path
powered by a smart analysis of success stories
and source information from the public domain,
and structures and tunes the path to support
user’s individual case.
“A computer would deserve to be called
intelligent if it could deceive a human
into believing that it was human”
Alan Turing - Computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and
theoretical biologist.
Product Team
at Enterprise Consumerization
AI, IoT, and Edge of Cloud:
Improve your Business
When modern AI first started many decades ago, its focus was about
creating logical rules to define intelligence, and building algorithms
to give “logical power” to a computational entity. This approach was
about disruption, and the aim was to find a more efficient way to
provide simulations and faster results for mathematical problems.
Years later, AI advanced one big step with its ability to obtain
information from first data networks, improving the ability to get
large volumes of data from different research centers. However, this
advance led to new problems related to scale, which was ultimately
solved by modern networks and processing power from data centers
and a new generation of servers.
Thanks to ongoing IoT disruption, computers networks have found a
way to expand their capacity “to sense” the world because of an
abundance of new sensors and devices. We use “feeling” because of
the ability to capture temperature, motion, sound, vibration, smoke,
light, humidity, etc. This capacity generates a large amount of “Big
Data" and gives us the opportunity to create applications for smart
environments, cities, and solutions for several industries and
scientific fields. This can be done by analyzing data simultaneously
from multiple sources, or even in (near) real time, empowering AI
capacities and data models.
The latest developments in cloud computing and data
processing have provided another perfect opportunity for AI:
scaling systems and communications in commercial products
and applying edge computing models to feed complex
information to central networks more efficiently. In that way,
systems can analyze large amounts of data at the same time
from different points in a building, a city, or even a country.
This enables us to produce innovative and affordable
solutions that can be adapted to several business scenarios,
applying AI, Big Data and advance communications to help
you to scale your business (invest, onboard your processes,
be more innovative/efficient), by creating smart interactions,
with your customers, employees and with the world.
According to a recent PwC study, AI will contribute 15.7 trillion
USD to global economy by 2030. Don’t get left behind - let’s get
started and be part of next revolution.
There is so much more you
can do with these insights!
We are a team of professional researchers, designers, technologists and subject-matter experts that put
knowledge into action. We create strategy reports and envision scenarios that help build a strategy for
the future.
Contact us at and take the next step into a more insightful strategy.
Diego Cardozo, Natalia Freyre, Federico Kereki, Sonali Palkar, Yanina Guerzovich
Research, Copy and Design
Juan José López Murphy, Javier Minhondo, Matias Boix, Gonzalo Zarza, Julio César Borrero, Sneha Debnath
Emiliano Horcada, Julia Christensen
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Sentinel Report | Q2 2017

  • 1. Not So Artificial Intelligence Sentinel Report Q2 2017 by Globant Real ways to incorporate AI today
  • 3. MARTÍN MIGOYA CEO Globant @migoya The Sentinel Report is one of Globant’s initiatives to stay relevant through the observation of metrics, statements, market trends, insights, and industry updates on consumer behavior from all over the world. This information is meant to inspire new thoughts and trigger new conversations about products, services, ideas, and opportunities in an effort to help us be more creative and innovative in our solutions. Observation and action are at the core of any sustainable strategy, and we believe that this is a great way to create a positive trend. We encourage you to share this information with your colleagues and to deepen your understanding of the concepts and ideas that we present here. Take a look and enjoy!
  • 4. Survival of the Fittest the AI Gold Rush We’re experiencing an AI gold rush — and like many California 49ers discovered nearly two centuries ago, not everyone will cash in. 2016 saw the start of the AI gold rush, but 2017 will be the year we begin dividing participants into winners and losers. Everybody’s playing, but only some will strike it rich. This edition is an exploration on how to incorporate AI to products and services in a very real and organic way. Dive in!
  • 5. Then and now Do you remember KITT in Knight Rider, Iron Man’s J.A.R.V.I.S, or C-3PO from a galaxy far, far away? — there’s a long-established fascination with meaningful machine-human interaction. This dynamic has characterized many of the recent developments in technology: - Artificial Intelligence (AI). - Machine Learning (ML), a method for achieving AI. - Deep Learning (DL), a specialized subfield of ML. In recent years AI and ML capabilities have advanced exponentially, blurring the line between fantasy and reality, thus creating an unparalleled market opportunity for whoever can bring the technology to eager consumers. When lifeBEAM (an artificial-intelligence wearables technology company) was seeking funding to launch their AI-enabled headphones, they turned to Kickstarter, literally capitalizing on the public appetite for “smart” products. They reached their $100k funding goal in a mere 90 minutes, bringing almost $1.7 million in donations by the end of the campaign. This was just the beginning. Today there is an abundance of demand for more intelligent and human-like behavior and technology on the market, and now we have concrete ways to fill that demand. Let’s take a look at this new ecosystem.
  • 6. Artificial Intelligence is empowering new behavior Self-driving cars, arguably the application most within reach for widespread use, are a great example. This area is poised for extraordinary growth. 10 million self-driving cars are predicted to be on the road by 2020, and entrenched manufacturers like BMW and Mercedes, disruptive startups like Tesla, and even tech giants like Google, are all rolling out self-driving models in the hopes of capturing future market share. From autonomous cars to professional services to human genomics, companies are racing to perfect solutions and secure the first-mover advantage. Successful AI products will be driven by one or both of two fundamental goals: aiding people in accessing and processing information and facilitating decision making. The crucial characteristic shared by both is that AI is treated as technology to supplement, not replace, human capability. Developers and applications that fail to grasp the continued necessity of human input are doomed to fail, while those that understand the necessity are poised for sustainable success. AI is so important because it's the next step in empowering decision making and accessing bigger and faster data. Why is it so important? Source: driving-cars-will-be-on-the-road-by-2020-2015-5-6
  • 7. “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic” Arthur C. Clarke, British science fiction writer
  • 8. YANINA GUERZOVICH Technical Director at User Experience Studio A.I. is Changing the Way we Design Services With Artificial Intelligence related technology maturing, ‘human‘- organizations are looking to use this technology to improve the services they offer to their customers. However, AI will not just allow processes to become more efficient. This technology can give us the opportunity to design differently, if we look at the services end-to end. Creating meaningful experiences always starts with understanding the users' needs and motivations. Many companies are looking to leverage AI to help automate manual tasks in an effort to significantly reduce costs. Just like any other touchpoint, for AI solutions to be relevant, we need to make sure that it is solving a known user need in the appropriate context. For instance, we need to understand not only what questions need to be answered by a chatbot, but also how users will discover the service, get onboarded to the service, and interact with it. Designing a fluid and transparent journey is essential when building successful AI experiences. Furthermore, incorporating AI into services may give us the opportunity to rethink human interactions. As some tasks are automated, companies will have the opportunity to let people focus on building new and meaningful interactions between people in relevant moments of the journey. Imagine a chatbot that can help, through simple conversation, guide a candidate to apply to NASA. Or, a system that seamlessly matches your professional expertise to a job's requirements without filling lengthy, duplicative forms. What about a communication channel that is always available to immediately answer most of your questions? The efficiencies created by leveraging this technology might afford interviewers and recruiters more time to connect with the right candidates and start building relationships with the people they want to hire. By incorporating AI holistically, service designers will have the chance to focus on not just improving existing experiences and proposing ideal experiences, but also on redefining the new functions each channel could perform. Organizations will have the power to create relationships that will focus on people and will go beyond technological innovation. PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 9. 5 AI solutions for the real world Artificial Intelligence has a concrete and real impact on daily life. Here are 5 scenarios in which AI can help shape behavior and access information today: 1. Talent management 2. Education and learning 3. Meaningful interactions 4. Process efficiency 5. Scaling interactivity
  • 10. Talent Management Reaching and engaging talent1
  • 11. TALENT MANAGEMENT There you are! We’re so happy to see you. On many levels and for many reasons, talent is one of the most difficult things to find. First, we need to understand and have a thorough definition of talent. Then, we need to determine what are the correct metrics and how we can measure talent effectively? How do we cope with and evaluate the multiple ways a person adds talent to an organization? Finally, how do we sort out the interdependence of different kinds of talent that makes teams shine? After asking ourselves and trying to address these questions, it is clear that to define, find, retain and nurture talent is a complex endeavor. Currently, we are seeing many products and services in the market that are successfully exploiting the abilities of AI to find, recognize, and engage talent through many different types of interactions. Through the heavy use of data, AI enables us to find the correlations and contingent situations in which talent is unleashed and high performance can occur. AI can help us understand, from the bottom up, the values of our teams, how our teams interact, what makes our teammates tick, and eventually, what makes them leave. By applying the massive individual personalization capabilities of AI and treating our teams as our top clients, we can bring about a whole new experience, where everyone can, and is able to, bring forth their best. In this case, AI and Big Data helps us answer the questions: ● What kind of profile does a particular team need? ● How are the employees recognized? ● Who knows what?
  • 12. Talent management cases HIREMYA Applicant Screening and Assessment Mya helps employers to recruit, engage and screen candidates before moving forward with an application for employment. Screening questions are contextual, based on an analysis of the candidates’ declared competencies vs. the job description. To get to a hiring manager, you’ve got to get through Mya first. Source: STARMEUP Employee Recognition and Engagement StarmeUp, a multiple award winning platform by Globant, is a recognition platform developed to help organizations strengthen their corporate culture. StarmeUp uses gamification techniques and leverages big data to engage employees and encourage a positive team mindset, while simultaneously delivering key insights on employee satisfaction, performance, and hidden talent. Source: WORKDAY Individual Skills Management/Performance Development Individual skill management and development can be encouraged using Machine learning. Workday creates personalized training recommendations for employees based on a company’s needs, market trends, and employee specifics. Source:
  • 13. “Errors using inadequate data are much less than those using no data at all” Charles Babbage in the Art of Data Mining
  • 14. SONALI PALKAR Technical Director at Consumer Experience Studio at Globant AI for Improving the Talent Quotient of an Organization In order to stay competitive in the marketplace and maintain a skilled workforce, organizations often invest in various employee development programs for training, mentoring young talent, and rewarding achievers. With the help of AI, it is possible to build systems around these programs which would accelerate the process in a more automated way. AI can help by learning from the various tools and practices that organizations have already developed or invested in to manage and recognize their talent. AI can help derive meaningful insights by collecting data points and behavior from these systems. In the example of Globant, there are various tools available including StarmeUp, MyFeedBack, and Acamica to recognize talent, reward employees, give feedback, and provide a forum for continuous learning. AI can help to leverage these tools more effectively and will provide meaningful insights to identify areas for improvement. With the help of AI in StarmeUp and MyFeedBack, these tools can analyze recognitions and identify any lacking competencies in individual employees. They can also recommend actions to be taken to improve the areas that are lacking competency. AI can improve the learning experience for employees, and help improve the systems that are designed for training and education. It will be possible to monitor the progress on enrolled courses in Acamica, and alert mentors when appropriate. For example, mentors can be notified when an employee is not performing a course, or when employees are struggling with the quiz. It can also recognize and reward employees. It would be possible to make recommendations on relevant courses for employees to take in order to continue their career path. Finally, it can automate the assessment of the tests upon completion of the course and can reward the best performers. In summary, because AI can alter how we find, navigate, and interact with certain information, it can help both employees as well as organizations review their processes and take the necessary steps to make those processes more efficient, impactful, and helpful. Enhancing skills and qualities of the employees and the organization will help improve the talent quotient. PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 15. Education and Learning New ways of imparting knowledge2
  • 16. Learning is a lifelong endeavor, and improving the experience of learning by reducing its friction, and adapting the content and context for every learner is essential. This is especially true for children, many of whom require different learning styles, because of the impact this period has on the rest of their life. Each day we learn more about how children behave, how their brains learn, how to pace experiences, and the role and importance of social behavior. Through AI, we are able to produce curriculum and materials tailored for every child. We can track their progression in real time, detect underlying knowledge failing, and even peek into the emotional and cognitive state of the person in order to adapt and incorporate the latest pedagogic knowledge into the teaching process. With the help of AI, we can even understand their personality in order to structure the appropriate study groups, and coach them, semi automatically, to find their answers rather than simply just giving them the answers. This is a new area in which we can explore how to engage with both children and adults in order to optimize their attention and focus to provide the right content at the right time. In this case, AI along with Experience Design can help us answer the following questions: ● What is this person’s learning profile? ● What is the best material for them? ● Who are their best learning partners? EDUCATION AND LEARNING Accessing & processing information has never been more fun! ;)
  • 17. Education and Learning cases GOOGLE - RASPBERRY PI Google brings AI to computer science education system In January 2017, Google announced plans to introduce artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to UK-based Raspberry Pi. The low-cost credit-card sized computer will be enhanced with AI tools that aid facial and emotional recognition, speech-to-text translation, natural language processing and sentiment analysis. The aim of the partnership is to enable school children, programmers and inventors that use the computer to build “even more powerful projects”. Source: THIRD SPACE LEARNING Complementing in-class teaching Third Space Learning has launched an AI project with goals to achieve positive teaching and learning patterns. The platform gives real-time feedback and helps online tutors become better at teaching. For example, the tool will detect if a student’s reaction to a concept follows a pattern of misunderstanding. By notifying the response to teachers, the tool can help prevent problems in advance and create a more solid foundation for further learning. Source: USC INSTITUTE OF CREATIVE LEARNING Smart toothbrush tracks oral hygiene via AI The University of Southern California (USC) Institute for Creative Technologies creates smart virtual environments and applications that utilize AI, 3-D gaming, and computer animation to develop authentic virtual characters and realistic social interactions. Captivating Virtual Instruction for Training (CVIT) is a distributed learning strategy that aims to integrate live classroom methods with best-fit virtual technologies—including virtual facilitators, augmented reality, intelligent tutor, and others—in remote learning and training programs. Source: e-in-education/
  • 18. “The key to artificial intelligence has always been the representation.” Jeff Hawkings Source:
  • 19. DIEGO CARDOZO Technical Director at Enterprise Consumerization Studio at Globant A Innovative Transition Education is constantly evolving. Every society has the goal to form and educate -'to produce'- their own components and the process is in a continual transformation trying to catch up with the world’s economy, politics, ideologies, culture, technology, etc.The challenge is that everything is changing and advancing too fast; so fast than traditional ways are losing the capability to join the world's transformation. In a new era of communication, with excess of information and intelligent tools, how will be the future of education? And what will the impact of AI, be? AI can play a new role in the field of data analytics related to learning. Evaluating the condition of curricular contents and the information available in different knowledge networks, it can assess, modify or create content, courses and even an entire career plan, generating an structure of resources that could be continually evolving. AI can also create a set of services to provide virtual teachers, and learn from the experience of interacting with human students, manage calendar of activities and even provide a customized study plan adjusted to every student's conditions and needs. AI can coordinate lab experiments, simulate teamwork scenarios and constantly evaluate planned tasks to rate and track a student’s progress. . According to several studies over e-learning dropouts (Gartner, University of Columbia, Online Learning Consortium) more than 20% of students don’t complete online course because they get bored during the process, and that personalization is a key aspect to maintaining them on the track. The challenge is how to offer personalized courses for every student? AI can do this. It can learn from the student and offer just the right content for each of them. It’s all a matter of learning and data, and today we have the capability to afford the costs to improve our educational systems in that direction Amazon's Alexa, Apple's Siri and other industry leaders’ developments are showing the way for the future of an AI conceived for education, assisting in classrooms to solve problems or creating the right content to assist professors, providing materials and simulations, or helping to solve exercises while the professors put focus on the class. Transition is already happening, and there is a huge opportunity to take a leap of innovation and quality to improve education, and the big driving force for the next revolution is coming to the stage. Ladies and gentlemen: Let's welcome AI. PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 20. Meaningful Interactions Expanding the limits of connectivity3
  • 21. MEANINGFUL INTERACTIONS Relevant interaction, less noise, more results. AI enables devices to adapt to the user and to the context. It can distinctively learn how you interact, depending on the time, place or even your mood. It can understand gestures and commands, and it can proactively suggest, or predictively prepare for your needs. It can tackle complex tasks to aid the user in understanding, translating, organizing, and suggesting actions. The ever-growing adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT), wearable devices, and the Cloud enable the use of Edge and Fog Computing. This means that both storage and processing can happen at the fingertips of the users, thus offloading many AI components to be present in smart devices. Now, imagine a world where you don’t need a screen anymore, unless you really want to! The abundance of information gives us yet another avenue of potential, since AI could anticipate the basic necessities of some interactions (like basic information and reason to contact an agent or tech support) and let the people focus on how to be useful instead of the what. When you stop thinking about how you have to interact, the devices are free to be smart. When you can cut the boilerplate for interacting, you have the depth to be meaningful. In this case, AI along with IoT help us answer the questions: ● Where should we be? and how? ● How can we interact in a seamless way? ● Can we make it more fun?
  • 22. Meaningful Interactions cases YOLK Improve your mood through eating Available for download starting May 2017, Yolk! is a mobile app designed to improve people’s mood through food. The US-developed app uses artificial intelligence to understand how people are feeling based on a submitted selfie across eight emotions including sadness, stress and anxiety. The app then suggests foods to improve a user’s mood, such as zinc-rich mollusks if users are angry. Source: ECHO LOOK Voice-activated selfie camera dispenses fashion advice In April 2017, Amazon introduced Echo Look: a smart, voice-activated selfie camera that can take photos and videos on command and provide fashion advice. The Style Check facility sees virtual assistant Alexa providing advice based on fit, color, styling and current trends, when two outfits are compared. Available by invitation only in the US, the device also has built-in lighting and a depth-sensing camera which automatically blurs the background. Source: OMMY Personalized emojis from selfie Ommy creates a unique emoji using artificial intelligence from users that are taking a selfie. Ommy instantly creates an image of users based off many styles and emotions: funny, love, cartoon, rage, etc. Ommy uses neural networks so that each new user helps the product to evolve. The Ommy team is also working on providing new feature updates like creating a cartoon-looking caricature of a user's head from a single selfie in 3D. Source: creation-app-ommy-launches-300407024.html
  • 23. “Artificial Intelligence is the new electricity” Andrew Ng, VP & Chief Scientist of Baidu; Co-Chairman and Co-Founder of Coursera; and an Adjunct Professor at Stanford University. Source:
  • 24. FEDERICO KEREKI Technical Director Big Data Studio at Globant Personalizing the Impersonal: AI Applied to MOOCs Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are taking advantage of the Internet to bring high quality teaching materials to students all over the world, by applying the concept of distance education. One of most famous MOOCs, “Introduction to AI”, was launched by Stanford University in 2011. Its enrollment was over 100,000 students, far beyond the size of any course in the university’s history, with an unequalled far reaching scope. While these courses have several advantages, such as providing access to students at nominal fees or no cost, and without the need to be present at the university’s campus, there are also some disadvantages. Some of those do not have simple solutions: for example, over 50% of students taking part in the US based courses come from countries where English isn’t their first language. (See or can prove to be a significant barrier because of the high reading comprehension levels that MOOCs usually require. However, there are some other problems where AI can provide a solution. Student demographics suggest that dropout rates for online courses are extraordinarily high: Course completion rates are around 5-10%, while an extra 10-20% go through the complete courses without the final evaluation. (See, for example, or Many people are just curious about the course, but have no actual interest in finishing it. Some simply want to learn a bit more about a subject. Regardless of the type of student or the motivation for taking a course, there are other problems that affect students: courses and classes that are too long in duration, levels of required background courses and prerequisite classes, communication problems, and lack of interaction with professors and peers. AI can help alleviate some of these aforementioned problems by adding evaluations, taking note of results, and helping identify and focus on weak points in the student’s knowledge, while letting them advance at faster speeds when mastery of the subject is shown. By analyzing the student’s answers during the course, the system can decide if more material is needed to reinforce weakly learnt concepts, or to speed the course up if the student shows appropriate mastery. More precise translation tools would also help bridge problems with foreign students -- however, special care must be taken not to distort the original meaning of the course materials. Finally, AI can also be applied to create more effective tests by applying Natural Language Processing techniques for written material assessment, and, on the darker side of evaluations, to do advanced text analysis to detect plagiarism and cheating. When the professor is removed from actual teaching, and students are basically on their own (or with just their peers) adding an AI tutor can be a way to enhance a course, going back from the impersonality of a basic MOOC, to a finely tuned, student-geared personalized learning tool. PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 26. PROCESS EFFICIENCY Free your self! There is so much you can do with your time. All organizations rely on a series of processes (formal and informal) to maintain its operation, whether incorporating data, communicating decisions, outputting feedback, information and products, tracking documentation, correcting mistakes and so on. These processes can be “institutional” (i.e. involving many people) or individual, as stages in the personal workflow. For a long time, the bane of a seamless world has been, the cognitive processes which have required humans in the middle, like recognizing handwritten text, understanding audio, knowing what is in a picture, applying complex criteria that requires a lot of experience and background context, and getting to know a person to be able to give an extremely personalized response. How much can we grow and improve if we can concentrate on meaningful tasks rather than repeating mind-dulling paperwork? How much can we increase returns if we can focus on new ideas and execution rather than maintaining processes? How can we better serve our clients by treating them as our sole client, but on a massive scale? There is a brave new world, where the people can focus on creativity, empathy and problem solving. While we humanize technology, we can de-mechanize people! In this case, AI along with Service Design and System Architecture help us answer the questions: ● What is the optimal process? ● How can I make this more efficient? ● Is there another way around?
  • 27. Process Efficiency cases KNOWMAIL AI management service simplifies email A round of funding in December 2016, garnered 3.5 million USD for the AI email management system, Knowmail. The Israeli initiative works with Outlook, studying employees’ email habits, time management, and personal preferences, automatically categorizing mail as ‘urgent’, ‘important’, or part of another category. Additional features simplify Outlook management and navigation. The, invite-only system includes virtual assistance in the form either Microsoft’s Cortana or a Bot. Source: OTTO Automated business decisions with AI The German e-commerce merchant is using AI technology with an algorithm designed for the CERN laboratory. Not only does it automate business decisions beyond customer management, but it also reduces cost by millions of euros per year by lowering the number of returns of products. The algorithm analyzes around 3bn past transactions and 200 variables (such as past sales, searches on Otto’s website, and weather information) to predict what customers will buy a week before they order. The AI system predicts with 90% accuracy what will be sold within 30 days. Source: sing-algorithm-designed-cern-laboratory-how-germanys-otto-u ses GE’s BRILLIANT MANUFACTURING Smooth manufacturing using AI based software Brilliant Manufacturing software enhances the efficiency of the entire manufacturing process—from design to distribution and services. The software includes a suite of analytics and operational intelligence tools appropriate for a range of manufacturers. The WIP Manager software provides industrial and discrete manufacturers with plant-floor and plant-wide collaborative visibility of all of the work in process. Toray Plastics is using GE’s Plant Applications product, which allows management to collect granular-level data throughout production and reduce the manufacturing of defective products and wasted productivity. Source: mizes-manufacturing-operational-performance-with-big-data-analyt ics-customer-story.pdf
  • 28. “AI will be responsible for reducing one of the leading causes of death in the world: car accidents” Mark Zuckerberg Source: ng-to-prevent-car
  • 29. NATALIA FREIRE Technical Director Enterprise Consumerization Studio at Globant Technology as a Driver to Improve the Nature of Work In an incredibly competitive and aggressive marketplace, companies will remain successful if they are able to rapidly become more efficient. By using new technology, there is an opportunity to build solutions focused on automating processes. This can provide important enhancements to precision and cycle times, increasing productivity in transaction processing and improving the work by removing people from repetitive and boring tasks. It is important to consider the actual technology as complementary to human capabilities. Instead of removing talent, talent can be reallocated to jobs where value can be added and where that talent is more appreciated. One of the biggest challenges for enterprise operations is identifying what processes need to be prioritized in order to build the best automation strategy. Once an automated solution is ongoing, the monitoring and governance of automated processes is key to keep improving the operational efficiency moving forward. There is new technology available today that allows us to capture and interpret existing applications, simulate and make more efficient human interaction, and manipulate data. The idea is to leverage this technology and our imagination to come up with innovative solutions that can help increase a company’s productivity and competitiveness. Some innovative examples across industry are (1) automated answers to recurring questions in customer service/support roles, (2) bots in different stages of the development process (code review notifications, debugging and environment deployment), and (3) autonomous cars that do not require human input. Although this may seem like science fiction, it is not. It is an opportunity that may make the difference in today's competitive marketplace. Technology is revolutionizing the way we think about managing business and workflow processes. Are you ready? PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 31. SCALING INTERACTIONS “Hello there” I’m sure I can help you now. AI has recently enabled a venue, the conversational interface, which was unthinkable some years ago. Whether it is text, voice, or even gestures, we now have the capacity of understanding the nuances of language automatically and have the ability to act on it. The most common form of conversational interfaces is the chatbot, an omni channel element in which device becomes irrelevant (see the rise of personal assistants like Google Now, Alexa, Siri and others). Soon, we may not even realize we are talking with a computer. There may be a time where we might not even have to declare what we are doing or what we want, as the devices themselves would already know. What would we do differently if we could have one-to-one conversations with every client all the time? In this case, AI along with Cloud and Big Data helps us answer the questions: How would I engage with my information in a more real way? Can we create a seamless experience? Is there room for non intrusive interaction?
  • 32. Scaling Interactivity cases CONVERSICA Virtual Assistance empowering sales Conversica “sales assistant” automates and enhances sales operations processes by identifying and conversing with internet leads. Star2Star Communications implemented its Conversica-powered sales rep “Rachel” in 2016 and saw a 30% email response rate within hours. The customizable sales assistant software is also used to cross-sell or re-engage existing leads. New England-based Boch Automotive also employed Conversica software, which it attributed to a an average of 60% increase in sales per month at one Toyota dealership. Source: dentify-hot-leads-that-are-ready-to-buy-now HIPMUNK AI Powered Travel Assistance Hipmunk’s AI-powered chatbot assistants are available on Facebook Messenger, Slack, and more recently, Skype. Hipmunk bots allow users to ask questions like “when is the best time to travel to New York from New Jersey?” or “what is the cheapest hotel in San Francisco?” Because Hipmunk also works in group chats, users can easily plan family trips together without leaving the chat room. Source: VISABOT Immigration Attorney Bot Visabot is an immigration attorney bot that helps users understand American Immigration Laws. It even lets users apply for the correct visa, based on their history, personal background, and CV. The bot ensures that people fill out forms accurately to help them earn citizenship in the U.S. It suggests the user’s immigration path powered by a smart analysis of success stories and source information from the public domain, and structures and tunes the path to support user’s individual case. Source:
  • 33. “A computer would deserve to be called intelligent if it could deceive a human into believing that it was human” Alan Turing - Computer scientist, mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, philosopher and theoretical biologist.
  • 34. DIEGO CARDOZO Product Team at Enterprise Consumerization Studio AI, IoT, and Edge of Cloud: Improve your Business When modern AI first started many decades ago, its focus was about creating logical rules to define intelligence, and building algorithms to give “logical power” to a computational entity. This approach was about disruption, and the aim was to find a more efficient way to provide simulations and faster results for mathematical problems. Years later, AI advanced one big step with its ability to obtain information from first data networks, improving the ability to get large volumes of data from different research centers. However, this advance led to new problems related to scale, which was ultimately solved by modern networks and processing power from data centers and a new generation of servers. Thanks to ongoing IoT disruption, computers networks have found a way to expand their capacity “to sense” the world because of an abundance of new sensors and devices. We use “feeling” because of the ability to capture temperature, motion, sound, vibration, smoke, light, humidity, etc. This capacity generates a large amount of “Big Data" and gives us the opportunity to create applications for smart environments, cities, and solutions for several industries and scientific fields. This can be done by analyzing data simultaneously from multiple sources, or even in (near) real time, empowering AI capacities and data models. The latest developments in cloud computing and data processing have provided another perfect opportunity for AI: scaling systems and communications in commercial products and applying edge computing models to feed complex information to central networks more efficiently. In that way, systems can analyze large amounts of data at the same time from different points in a building, a city, or even a country. This enables us to produce innovative and affordable solutions that can be adapted to several business scenarios, applying AI, Big Data and advance communications to help you to scale your business (invest, onboard your processes, be more innovative/efficient), by creating smart interactions, with your customers, employees and with the world. According to a recent PwC study, AI will contribute 15.7 trillion USD to global economy by 2030. Don’t get left behind - let’s get started and be part of next revolution. PROFESSIONAL OPINION
  • 35. There is so much more you can do with these insights! We are a team of professional researchers, designers, technologists and subject-matter experts that put knowledge into action. We create strategy reports and envision scenarios that help build a strategy for the future. Contact us at and take the next step into a more insightful strategy.
  • 36. Credits Collaborators Diego Cardozo, Natalia Freyre, Federico Kereki, Sonali Palkar, Yanina Guerzovich Research, Copy and Design Juan José López Murphy, Javier Minhondo, Matias Boix, Gonzalo Zarza, Julio César Borrero, Sneha Debnath Editors Emiliano Horcada, Julia Christensen
  • 37. Disclaimer This report is intended for informational purposes only, based on information available in public domain. While the information provided has been obtained from sources believed to be reliable, neither Globant nor any of its affiliates, directors, neither officers nor agents attests to its accuracy or completeness. No representation or warranty, expressed or implied, is made regarding the completeness, accuracy, timeliness or suitability of any and all information and data contained within any part of the report. Globant shall in no case be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damage or loss (including, without limitation, loss of profit), which may arise or derive directly or indirectly from use of or reliance on the information contained in this report. All information contained in this report is subject to change by Globant without notice. Prior written approval of Globant is necessary to reprint or reproduce in whole or in part this report. All contents, text, images, data, information and other materials displayed, including any Globant trademarks or copyrights, are the property of Globant or the designated owner and are protected by applicable laws.