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Scala in Goozy

         Alexey Zlobin

1. Goozy overview
2. Scala's place
3. Lift
4. Cake pattern in scale
5. Scalaz and other fancy stuff
6. Summary
What is Goozy?
A social network built around
the concept of sticky note

 ● A note could be left
   anywhere in the Web.
 ● It is associated with
   particular page element.

Central UI concept: user's
related feed with all new notes
and comments
Top-level architecture

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Async Scope With Mule ESB

The document discusses using asynchronous scopes in Mule ESB. An asynchronous scope allows a child flow to execute simultaneously with the parent flow without blocking it. This is useful when the parent flow does not depend on the result of the child flow. The document provides steps to configure an asynchronous scope, including creating the parent and child flows, adding a Groovy script component to the child flow to simulate a long-running task, and calling the child flow from within the asynchronous scope in the parent flow.

integrationmule esbtutorial
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Scala's place

API server

Main functions:
 ● Storage access
 ● Background tasks (feed writing, e-mails)
 ● Email sending
 ● Text indexing
Why scala?

● Fast
● Сoncise
● Expressive
● Advanced OO
● Some functional stuff
   ○ Simple concurrency
● All Java legacy
The team

● 2 persons
● Strong Java background
● Fancy about technologies
● Love to try new things
       Utilized features:
        ● REST
        ● JSON serialisation

       That's it...

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The document provides an agenda for a lesson on JavaScript. It begins with an introduction on what JavaScript is, how it is used in HTML, and its capabilities. It then covers JavaScript syntax, including that it is case sensitive, how to write comments, how to define variables and use conditions, loops and arrays. It also discusses how to add JavaScript to HTML using internal and external scripts, and how to write and call functions.

Quartz connector mule
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Quartz connector mule

The Quartz connector in Mule allows scheduling of events using cron expressions or repeat intervals. Cron expressions provide powerful scheduling capabilities like executing jobs weekly or monthly on a specific date. Attributes of the Quartz connector include display name, cron expression, repeat interval, repeat count, start delay, and job. Jobs perform actions when triggers occur, and connector configurations associate endpoints with global configurations.

Lift: issues
Localisation performance
 ● Hand-made localisation on standard resource bundles
   gave 4 times throughput improvement.

Very memory-consuming JSON serialisation.
 ● Not so efficient PrettyPrinter is used
 ● Functional-styled string escaping

Poor code style
 ● Extremely long map-match-if hierarchies
 ● Mutable, difficult to debug LiftRules design
Lift: shift from

Some plans about             But we have a strong
migration to less            dependency from Boot
sophisticated framework...   and configuration

Ideally small and simple     And there is some aspect-
enough to be completely      like hooks on HTTP
rewritten in case of any     processing, which are
issue.                       unportable.
Goozy API logical structure

Application is composed
from three layers.

Each layer consists from
several similar
components. Like
GroupStorage, etc.
Conceptual problems

● Components of each level depend from each other
● Components most likely have several dependencies
  from the previous level
● A lot of common stuff inside a level
    ○ Every storage needs a DB connection
    ○ Every service needs an entire storage system and
      access to text indexes
    ○ Etc...

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Flow is a static type checker for JavaScript that tracks types as they flow through a program to find errors. It works by parsing code, generating an abstract syntax tree, performing type inference to create a Flow graph, then evaluating the graph to find errors. Basic setup involves installing Flow, adding "// @flow" comments, and running the "flow" command to check files. Flow is focused on soundness while TypeScript prioritizes tooling and scalability.

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This document provides an overview of test case formatting and structure in Robot Framework. It discusses test case files, the editor used, table structure including test cases, settings, keywords and variables. It also covers syntax elements like spacing, argument separators, and comments. Additionally, it explains how to create keywords, pass parameters, use setup/teardown, and address elements. It concludes with examples of simple test scenarios and encourages enjoying test automation.

robot framework
The solution: cake pattern
● Each logically closed piece
  of functionality is
  represented as component
● Dependencies are
  expressed as self-type
● Common features expressed
  as mix-ins
● Common combinations of
  functionality are expressed
  as mix-ins of several
Cake pattern: consequences
+ All top-level architecture   - Long dependency lists
is expressed in one less         ● Poor design?
than 100 LOC file
                               - Implicit dependency on mix-
+ Compile-time                 in order (linearisation strikes
dependency checks              back)
                                 ● Prefer def and lazy
+ The biggest file is
around 1000 LOC                - A bit unclear how to deal
                               with several dependencies of
                               the same type but different
                               runtime implementation
                    One sweet morning I sent a
                    link to the colleague...

                    On the next morning we had
                    a new dependency and
                    totally refactored request
                    parameters analysis.

                    Now everything is validated.
Validation: pros and cons
+ Comprehensible error      - Monads and Applicatives
aggregation and reporting   cause massive brain
+ The only imaginable way
to deal with 20+ request    - Complicated error reports
parameters with 2-3         from the compiler
constraints on each
                            - You can't just ignore
+ Unified approach to       possibility of runtime
request validation and      exception
runtime error handling

+ Type-level check for
correct error handling

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jRuby fixes some issues with the Ruby programming language like memory leaks and lack of kernel level threading by running Ruby code on the Java Virtual Machine which has features like a sophisticated garbage collector, just-in-time compilation for improved performance, and native threading; benchmarks show jRuby provides much higher concurrency and better performance than Ruby for background processing and web applications; deploying a Ruby application using jRuby and a Java application server like Torquebox allows it to take advantage of the reliability, scalability and deployment features of the Java platform.

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The document discusses Microsoft's .NET Framework, which includes a Common Language Runtime (CLR) that allows any supported language to run on a virtual machine. Languages compile to Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL) bytecode. Assemblies are the fundamental unit of deployment and security. The .NET Framework supports web services, distributed applications, and data binding through XML.

Architecture diagram of jvm
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The document discusses the architecture of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It explains that Java code is first compiled to bytecode, which is then converted to native machine code by the JIT compiler and loaded into memory segments by the class loader for execution. The JVM handles tasks like memory management, execution, and exception handling through various modules that interface with the underlying operating system and hardware platform.

by home
Validations and exceptions
Problem: exceptions are here

Solution: catch'em and convert!
Error handling: big picture

1. Always prefer simple tools
2. Options and Eithers (Validations): they really work
    ○ It is possible to live with both exceptions and eithers
    ○ Performance consequences are not clear
    ○ Some times I had to use things far behind my
      understanding (sequence, traverse)
3. Server-side testing is difficult
    ○ Testing approach should be established before any code
      is written

1. http://www.assembla.
   com/spaces/liftweb/wiki/REST_Web_Services - REST
   support in Lift
   dependency-injection-di.html - complete cake pattern intro
3. - easy Validation example

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Robot Framework is a keyword-driven test automation framework for acceptance testing and acceptance test-driven development (ATDD). It has a simple tabular test data syntax that allows tests to be maintained without programming skills. Robot Framework supports different test styles including keyword-driven, data-driven, and behavior-driven. It is open source and can be extended through test libraries implemented using Python, Jython, IronPython, or any other language.

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Mule quartz
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Mule quartz

Quartz transport in Mule allows scheduling inbound and outbound events. Cron expressions are used to define schedules and jobs trigger actions when a time trigger occurs. A simple example application writes a file to an outbound folder at a specified interval using Quartz, demonstrating how it can schedule flows to run periodically.

Quartz in Mule
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Quartz in Mule

Quartz can be used in Mule applications to schedule events. Inbound quartz endpoints can trigger repeating events like every second, while outbound endpoints schedule existing events for later dates. Cron expressions define schedules using fields separated by spaces. Jobs perform scheduled actions. For example, a Mule flow can be configured to write a file to an outbound folder every specific interval using quartz.


A lot of features

Very quickly evolved at the beginning

We needed to exclude possibility of regression
Testing: solution

● Integration testing from the client point of view
● All test deal only with the http interface
● Every case is a short (5-10 reqs.) scenario
● Every case is wrapped into JUnit test for convenience
Testing: logical architecture

1. JUnit wrapper
2. Scenario
3. Library of available
   operation on http interface
4. Groovy's HTTPBuilder
Integration testing: problems

 1. Dynamic typing
 2. Not obvious ways to do simple things
 3. One extra language in project

Execution time

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Internet comenzó como un proyecto militar estadounidense pero hoy en día es accesible para todo el mundo. Originalmente era complejo publicar contenido en línea pero ahora es fácil gracias a herramientas como la Web 2.0, que permite a los usuarios crear y compartir contenido de forma sencilla. Internet ha cambiado la forma en que nos comunicamos y accedemos a la información.

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Алексей Злобин «Scala in Goozy»

  • 1. Scala in Goozy Alexey Zlobin E-Legion
  • 2. Index 1. Goozy overview 2. Scala's place 3. Lift 4. Cake pattern in scale 5. Scalaz and other fancy stuff 6. Summary
  • 3. What is Goozy? A social network built around the concept of sticky note ● A note could be left anywhere in the Web. ● It is associated with particular page element. Central UI concept: user's related feed with all new notes and comments
  • 5. Scala's place API server Main functions: ● Storage access ● Background tasks (feed writing, e-mails) ● Email sending ● Text indexing
  • 6. Why scala? ● Fast ● Сoncise ● Expressive ● Advanced OO ● Some functional stuff ○ Simple concurrency ● All Java legacy available
  • 7. The team ● 2 persons ● Strong Java background ● Fancy about technologies ● Love to try new things
  • 8. Lift Utilized features: ● REST ● JSON serialisation That's it...
  • 9. Lift: issues Localisation performance ● Hand-made localisation on standard resource bundles gave 4 times throughput improvement. Very memory-consuming JSON serialisation. ● Not so efficient PrettyPrinter is used ● Functional-styled string escaping Poor code style ● Extremely long map-match-if hierarchies ● Mutable, difficult to debug LiftRules design
  • 10. Lift: shift from Some plans about But we have a strong migration to less dependency from Boot sophisticated framework... and configuration Ideally small and simple And there is some aspect- enough to be completely like hooks on HTTP rewritten in case of any processing, which are issue. unportable.
  • 11. Goozy API logical structure Application is composed from three layers. Each layer consists from several similar components. Like UserStorage, GroupStorage, etc.
  • 12. Conceptual problems ● Components of each level depend from each other ● Components most likely have several dependencies from the previous level ● A lot of common stuff inside a level ○ Every storage needs a DB connection ○ Every service needs an entire storage system and access to text indexes ○ Etc...
  • 13. The solution: cake pattern ● Each logically closed piece of functionality is represented as component ● Dependencies are expressed as self-type ● Common features expressed as mix-ins ● Common combinations of functionality are expressed as mix-ins of several components
  • 14. Cake pattern: consequences + All top-level architecture - Long dependency lists is expressed in one less ● Poor design? than 100 LOC file - Implicit dependency on mix- + Compile-time in order (linearisation strikes dependency checks back) ● Prefer def and lazy + The biggest file is around 1000 LOC - A bit unclear how to deal with several dependencies of the same type but different runtime implementation
  • 15. scalaz.Validation One sweet morning I sent a link to the colleague... On the next morning we had a new dependency and totally refactored request parameters analysis. Now everything is validated.
  • 16. Validation: pros and cons + Comprehensible error - Monads and Applicatives aggregation and reporting cause massive brain damage + The only imaginable way to deal with 20+ request - Complicated error reports parameters with 2-3 from the compiler constraints on each - You can't just ignore + Unified approach to possibility of runtime request validation and exception runtime error handling + Type-level check for correct error handling
  • 17. Validations and exceptions Problem: exceptions are here Solution: catch'em and convert!
  • 19. Lessons 1. Always prefer simple tools 2. Options and Eithers (Validations): they really work ○ It is possible to live with both exceptions and eithers ○ Performance consequences are not clear ○ Some times I had to use things far behind my understanding (sequence, traverse) 3. Server-side testing is difficult ○ Testing approach should be established before any code is written
  • 20. References 1. http://www.assembla. com/spaces/liftweb/wiki/REST_Web_Services - REST support in Lift 2. dependency-injection-di.html - complete cake pattern intro 3. - easy Validation example
  • 21. Testing A lot of features Very quickly evolved at the beginning We needed to exclude possibility of regression
  • 22. Testing: solution ● Integration testing from the client point of view ● All test deal only with the http interface ● Every case is a short (5-10 reqs.) scenario ● Every case is wrapped into JUnit test for convenience
  • 23. Testing: logical architecture 1. JUnit wrapper 2. Scenario 3. Library of available operation on http interface 4. Groovy's HTTPBuilder
  • 24. Integration testing: problems Groovy 1. Dynamic typing 2. Not obvious ways to do simple things 3. One extra language in project Execution time