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Transaction Management Patterns Ruslan Platonov Lead Java Developer at C.T.Co
Definition of Transaction Transaction = Logical  unit of work
Provides  ACID Atomicity

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Notes: Verilog Part 5 - Tasks and Functions
Notes: Verilog Part 5 - Tasks and FunctionsNotes: Verilog Part 5 - Tasks and Functions
Notes: Verilog Part 5 - Tasks and Functions

This document discusses the differences between tasks and functions in Verilog. Tasks can contain timing statements while functions cannot. Tasks can have multiple input/output arguments but functions can only have one input argument and do not return output. Functions execute in zero time while tasks can execute in non-zero time. The document also provides examples of tasks like bitwise operators and asymmetric sequence generators. It discusses automatic tasks that prevent issues with shared variables. Functions are used for combinational logic and examples given are parity calculation and shifting. Recursive functions and constant/signed functions are also explained.

Java - Concurrent programming - Thread's advanced concepts
Java - Concurrent programming - Thread's advanced conceptsJava - Concurrent programming - Thread's advanced concepts
Java - Concurrent programming - Thread's advanced concepts

This presentation introduces some advanced concepts of threads, as implemented in the Java platform. It is part of a series of slides dedicated to threads. This slides introduces the following concepts: - Callable - Futures - Executors and executor services - Deadlocks (brief introduction) The presentation is took from the Java course I run in the bachelor-level informatics curriculum at the University of Padova.

Notes: Verilog Part 4- Behavioural Modelling
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Notes: Verilog Part 4- Behavioural Modelling

This is the 4th part of the Verilog HDL notes prepared from Verilog HDL by Samir Palnitkar . It contains a broad view on behavioural modelling the second most frequently used level of abstraction needed for designing of sequential circuits.

timing controlakwaysstructured procedures
Typical Issues Lack of knowledge in the area
Not clear understanding (knowledge) of transaction management strategy on application level

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Struts 2 is an open source MVC framework for building Java web applications that uses a simplified front controller design pattern and implements the MVC architecture with components like actions, interceptors, and views. It addresses some limitations of Struts 1 by having a simplified design, easier testing, support for annotations and AJAX, and removes dependencies on specific servlet APIs. The key components needed to start using Struts 2 are a Java 5.0 JDK and Tomcat 5.x or higher to provide the servlet and JSP APIs.

Java- Concurrent programming - Synchronization (part 2)
Java- Concurrent programming - Synchronization (part 2)Java- Concurrent programming - Synchronization (part 2)
Java- Concurrent programming - Synchronization (part 2)

This presentation introduces the concept of synchronization beatween threads, as implemented in the Java platform. It is the second part of a series of slides dedicated to thread synchronization. This slides introduces the following concepts: - Conditional locking - Volatile variables - Thread confinement - Immutability The presentation is took from the Java course I run in the bachelor-level informatics curriculum at the University of Padova.

Behavioral modeling
Behavioral modelingBehavioral modeling
Behavioral modeling

Procedural Constructs Procedural Assignments Timing Control Selection Statements Iterative (Loop) Statements

procedural constructs procedural assignments timin
DB team should care about transactions
All these things results in anti patterns  inside our projects
Ex 1: Auto-commit hibernate.connection.autocommit = true
hibernate.connection.release_mode = after_statement

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Применение паттерна Page Object для автоматизации веб сервисов - новый взгляд
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В данном докладе мы на реальном примере рассмотрим, как можно организовать автоматизацию тестирования вебсервисов с помощью до боли знакомого всем паттерна Page Object. Казалось бы, причем тут он?..

qaqa automationtest automation
Struts 2 Overview
Struts 2 OverviewStruts 2 Overview
Struts 2 Overview

Struts is an open source MVC framework that makes it easier to develop and maintain Java web applications by providing common functionality out of the box and enforcing standardized patterns, reducing the need to write boilerplate code and helping developers focus on business logic. The framework handles common tasks like request processing, validation, and view resolution while providing features like tag libraries, internationalization support, and annotation-based configuration. Struts uses the model-view-controller architectural pattern and is based on technologies like servlets, JSPs, and Java beans.

Функции обратного вызова в C++. Виталий Ткаченко. CoreHard Spring 2019
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Функции обратного вызова в C++. Виталий Ткаченко. CoreHard Spring 2019

Функция обратного вызова - это концепция программирования, в которой какой-либо участок исполняемого кода передается в качестве параметра в другой код. Таким образом, некоторая функция может выполнять код, который ей передается в качестве параметра. В C++ имеется множество способов реализации описанной концепции, каждая из которых имеет свои особенности. В докладе я планирую представить обзор различных подходов для реализации функций обратного вызова, проанализировать их достоинства и недостатки и выработать рекомендации для выбора подходящего метода для решения различных задач.

Ex 2: Programmatic Control Connection connection =  null ; Statement statement =  null ; try  { Class. forName ( "driverClass" ); connection = DriverManager.getConnection( "url" ,  "user" ,  "pass" ); connection.setAutoCommit( false ); statement = connection.createStatement(); // Execute queries statement.executeUpdate( "UPDATE Table1 SET Value = 1 WHERE Name = 'foo'" ); statement.executeUpdate( "UPDATE Table2 SET Value = 2 WHERE Name = 'bar'" ); connection.commit(); }  catch  (SQLException ex) { if  ( null  != connection) { connection.rollback(); } }  finally  { if  ( null  != statement) { statement.close();  } if  ( null  != connection) { connection.close();  } }
Ex 3: Incorrect Demarcation @ Repository public   class  UserRepository { @ Transactional public   void  save(User user) { ... } } @ Component public   class  UserService { @ Autowired private  UserRepository  repo ; public   void  disableUsers( List<User> usersList) { for (User user : usersList) { repo .save(user); } } }
Ex 4: Batch processing @ Component public   class  LongRunningJob { @ Autowired private  RecordRepository  repository ; @ Transactional public   void  updateRecords() { for ( int  i = 1; i < 100000; i++) { Record rec =  repository .getById(i); repository .updateTimeStamp(rec,  new  Date()); } } }
Consequences Data Inconsistency

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Ch 6 randomization
Ch 6 randomizationCh 6 randomization
Ch 6 randomization

This document discusses randomization techniques for constrained random testing (CRT). It begins by explaining that CRT requires setting up an environment to predict results using a reference model or other techniques. This initial setup takes more work than directed testing, but allows running many automated tests without manual checking. The document then discusses various aspects of randomization, including what to randomize (device configurations, inputs, protocols, errors), how to specify constraints, and issues that can arise with randomization.

systemverilograndomizationcomputer aided vlsi design
Intro to Asynchronous Javascript
Intro to Asynchronous JavascriptIntro to Asynchronous Javascript
Intro to Asynchronous Javascript

The document provides an introduction to asynchronous JavaScript. It discusses callbacks and their disadvantages like callback hell. Promises are introduced as a better way to handle asynchronous code by making it easier to write and chain asynchronous operations. Async/await is described as syntactic sugar that allows asynchronous code to be written more readably in a synchronous style using await and try/catch. Key aspects like the event loop, microtask queue, and Promise methods like all and race are explained. Overall the document aims to help understand what makes asynchronous code different and newer methods like promises and async/await that improve handling asynchronous operations in JavaScript.

Callback Function
Callback FunctionCallback Function
Callback Function

This document discusses callback functions in JavaScript. A callback function is a function passed into another function as an argument, which is then invoked inside the outer function to complete some kind of routine or action. Callback functions allow asynchronous code execution in JavaScript by performing tasks without blocking subsequent code from running. Common examples of callbacks include functions used in event handling and asynchronous operations like AJAX requests.

Performance Issues
High load on DB
How can we improve our code?
Some Ideas Use declarative definition

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How and why I turned my old Java projects into a first-class serverless compo...

Mario Fusco discusses turning old Java rule engine projects into serverless components by refactoring them to run natively on GraalVM and integrate with Quarkus. He describes the limitations of ahead-of-time compilation with GraalVM, such as lack of dynamic classloading. He details refactoring Drools to use an executable model and removing dependencies on dynamic class definition. This allows Drools to natively compile on GraalVM. He also discusses integrating the refactored Drools with Quarkus.

Verilog Tasks and functions
Verilog Tasks and functionsVerilog Tasks and functions
Verilog Tasks and functions

Task and Function is the basic component of a programming language. Even on hardware Verification , those task and function is used. Task ans function provides a short way to repeatedly use the same block of code many times, This presentation gives you the basic information about Task and Function in Verilog. For more information on this, kindly contact us.

cc++c++ task
Optimierung von JPA-­Anwendungen
Optimierung von JPA-­AnwendungenOptimierung von JPA-­Anwendungen
Optimierung von JPA-­Anwendungen

War Persistenz in Java EE früher schwergewichtig und unflexibel, so steht nun der leichtgewichtige Standard JPA mit Providern wie EclipseLink und Hibernate zur Verfügung. Die Einfachheit ist bestechend, verleitet aber auch zu unbedachtem Einsatz mit teilweise enttäuschender Performanz. Der Vortrag zeigt wie JPA-­Anwendungen auf den nötigen Durchsatz hin optimiert werden können.

Add transparency
Decouple from application logic, make flexible
Simplify maintenance
Transaction Models

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Business layer and transactions

Fourth lecture in Java EE training series. Contains: - Multilayered application architecture - Enterprise Java Beans - Transaction creation and handling - Java EE architectural patterns

Kick Start Jpa
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Kick Start Jpa

The document provides an overview of the Java Persistence API (JPA) and how to use it for object-relational mapping. It discusses mapping entities to database tables, relationships like many-to-one and one-to-many, and managing persistence with an EntityManager. The key aspects covered are configuring JPA, writing entity classes, performing CRUD operations, querying entities, and dealing with detached and merged states.

Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"
Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"
Евгений Капинос "Advanced JPA (Java Persistent API)"

The document discusses Java Persistence API (JPA), which is a specification that defines a Java API for object-relational mapping. It describes how JPA was created through the Java Community Process and references implementation. It also provides an overview of key JPA concepts including entities, the entity manager factory, entity managers, persistence contexts, and transaction types.

Transaction Models Local
Local Transaction Model Transactions are handled by DB

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JPA Optimistic Locking With @Version
JPA Optimistic Locking With @VersionJPA Optimistic Locking With @Version
JPA Optimistic Locking With @Version

This document discusses how to implement optimistic locking in JPA by using the @Version annotation to specify a version field or property in an entity class, which JPA will then automatically maintain and increment to check for data changes during updates to prevent stale data issues. An example is provided where two users concurrently try to update the same row, and an OptimisticLockException is thrown for the second user's update since the version value had already been incremented by the first user's successful update.

Java Persistence API
Java Persistence APIJava Persistence API
Java Persistence API

The document summarizes the key concepts of Java Persistence API (JPA) and EntityManager for managing object-relational mapping and persistence of data. It discusses how JPA simplifies data access using plain old Java objects (POJOs), standardizes annotations and configuration, and supports pluggable persistence providers. Entities, relationships, inheritance mapping strategies, identity, and the entity lifecycle involving the entity manager are described at a high level.

Java persistence api 2.1
Java persistence api 2.1Java persistence api 2.1
Java persistence api 2.1

An overview of JPA 2.1 API. Stress is given on Entity Context and how it works as well as different types of relationships.

Developer manage  connections  not transaction
Local Transaction Model Example
Local Transaction Model Considerations Not recommended
Suitable for simple cases

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jBPM5 in action - a quickstart for developers
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jBPM5 in action - a quickstart for developers

1. jBPM5 is an open-source business process management project that offers a generic process engine supporting native BPMN 2.0 execution targeting developers and business users. 2. The core engine of jBPM5 is a lightweight, embeddable, and generic workflow engine written in Java that can be integrated into various architectures. 3. jBPM5 provides features for testing, debugging, deploying, and monitoring processes as well as integration with persistence, transactions, and a web-based console.

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my accadanic project ppt
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my accadanic project ppt

The document describes a mobile proxy server implementation for registering online complaints from customers on a computerized customer care system. It uses Java RMI to locate remote servers based on the customer's location and ID for registering complaints. The system requires hardware like mobile phones and laptops and software components like Java, databases, and web servers to allow customers to register issues and for admins to manage complaints.

Plenty of room for errors
Cannot maintain ACID when coordinating multiple resources (DB, JMS)
Programmatic Transaction Model Developer manages  transactions  not connections
Developer is responsible for starting and terminating transactions

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Introducing Struts 2
Introducing Struts 2Introducing Struts 2
Introducing Struts 2

Struts 2 is an MVC framework that is the successor to Struts and WebWork 2, providing a simple architecture based around interceptors, actions, and results with conventions over configuration and support for technologies like Spring, Velocity, and Ajax. It aims to bring the best of Struts 1 and WebWork 2 together while being easier to test and use through defaults and annotations. The framework can integrate with many open source libraries and supports features like localization, type conversion, and configuration through XML files and annotations.


The document provides an overview of the Struts 2 framework, including its architecture, features, and configuration. Some key points: - Struts 2 is an MVC framework that uses interceptors, actions, and results. It improves on Struts 1 with a cleaner architecture, annotations/XML configuration, and integration with other frameworks like Spring. - Features include interceptors for pre/post processing, the value stack for request data, OGNL for data access, tag libraries, validation, internationalization support, and AJAX capabilities via Dojo integration. - Configuration can be done via XML or annotations. Actions map requests to classes/methods, and results define views. Common features like validation are easily


This document provides an introduction and overview of stored procedures and functions in SQL. It discusses transaction management using COMMIT and ROLLBACK statements. It defines stored procedures as precompiled collections of SQL statements that can accept parameters and return values. Stored procedures offer benefits like modular programming and faster execution. The document also introduces user-defined functions and provides examples of creating and executing stored procedures and functions.

Programmatic Transaction Model Example
Programmatic Transaction Model with Decorator public   class  AccountServiceDecorator  implements  AccountService { private  AccountService  service ; public  AccountServiceDecorator(AccountService service) {...} public   boolean  transfer(Amount amount, Account debetAcc, Account creditAcc { boolean  transferred =  false ; try  { startTransaction(); transferred =  service .transfer(amount, debetAcc, creditAcc); commit(); }  catch  (RuntimeException e) { rollback();  throw  e; }  return  transferred; } }
Programmatic Transaction Model Considerations Not recommended
Typical scenarios Client-initiated transactions

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What's Coming in Spring 3.0
What's Coming in Spring 3.0What's Coming in Spring 3.0
What's Coming in Spring 3.0

What's Coming in Spring 3.0 presentation from the Colorado Software Summit.

[DSBW Spring 2009] Unit 07: WebApp Design Patterns & Frameworks (3/3)
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This document discusses various web application frameworks including Struts 1, Spring MVC, and JavaServer Faces (JSF). It provides an overview of each framework, their terminology in relation to Java EE design patterns, examples of usage, and architectural details. Specifically, it examines the user registration process in Struts 1 through code examples and configuration files.

Interoperable Web Services with JAX-WS
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Interoperable Web Services with JAX-WS

This document summarizes Metro, JAX-WS, WSIT and REST web services technologies. It provides an overview of Project Metro and its key components JAX-WS and WSIT. JAX-WS allows developing web services from POJOs using annotations and generates WSDL. It can be used with Java SE, Java EE and various app servers. WSIT enables interoperability with Microsoft .NET by supporting reliable messaging, transactions and security. The document also discusses developing and consuming web services clients using JAX-WS APIs and proxies generated from WSDL.

Localized JTA transactions
Long running transactions (span multiple request) Manual handling of rollback (pay attention to exceptions)
Declarative Transaction Model The most recommended model

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