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Privileged Access Management
Revolutionizing Business
Processes with SharePoint Online
and Power Apps
In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations need robust, flexible, and efficient tools to
manage their operations and processes. Microsoft SharePoint Online and Power Apps offer powerful
solutions for automating workflows, managing data, and enhancing productivity. This presentation
explores the synergy between these tools, delving into their features, benefits, and how they can be
used to revolutionize business processes.
Bert Blevins
What is SharePoint Online?
Microsoft SharePoint Online is a cloud-based solution that enables businesses to create, manage, and share content
easily. It comes with the Microsoft 365 suite and offers several key features for document management, collaboration,
content management, and integration with other Microsoft services.
Document Management
Store, organize, and manage documents in a
centralized location.
Facilitate team collaboration with shared
workspaces, document co-authoring, and
communication tools.
Content Management
Create and publish content with ease, maintaining
control over versioning and approvals.
Seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft services
like OneDrive, Teams, and Power BI.
Bert Blevins
What is Power Apps?
Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and a data platform provided by Microsoft that allows users to
build custom applications tailored to their business needs. It empowers users to create custom apps, automate
workflows, connect data, and build mobile-friendly solutions without extensive coding knowledge.
1 Create Custom Apps
Develop applications without extensive coding
knowledge using a drag-and-drop interface.
2 Automate Workflows
Design automated workflows that integrate with
various data sources and services.
3 Connect Data
Link to data stored in SharePoint, Microsoft
Dataverse, SQL Server, and other platforms.
4 Mobile-Friendly
Build apps that work seamlessly on mobile
devices, ensuring productivity on the go.
Bert Blevins
The Power of Combining SharePoint Online
and Power Apps
When combined, SharePoint Online and Power Apps offer a compelling solution for businesses looking to streamline
operations and improve efficiency. This synergy enables custom solutions tailored to business needs, enhanced data
management, streamlined workflows, improved collaboration and productivity, and increased mobility and
Custom Solutions
Build bespoke apps that sit on top
of SharePoint Online, offering
specialized solutions for specific
business processes.
Enhanced Data
Utilize SharePoint's powerful data
store with Power Apps' intuitive
user interface for efficient data
entry and retrieval.
Streamlined Workflows
Automate complex workflows
using Power Apps and Power
Automate, integrating with
SharePoint libraries and lists.
Bert Blevins

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100 CAN DO’s of SharePoint 100 CAN DO’s of SharePoint
100 CAN DO’s of SharePoint

SharePoint is a web application framework and platform developed by Microsoft. First launched in 2001,SharePoint integrates intranet, content management and document management, but recent versions have broader capabilities. SharePoint comprises a multipurpose set of Web technologies backed by a common technical infrastructure. By default, SharePoint has a Microsoft Office-like interface, and it is closely integrated with the Office suite. The web tools are intended for non-technical users. SharePoint can provide intranet portals, document & file management, collaboration, social networks, extranets, websites, enterprise search, and business intelligence. It also has system integration, process integration, and workflow automation capabilities. Enterprise application software (e.g. ERP or CRM packages) often provide some SharePoint integration capability, and SharePoint also incorporates a complete development stack based on web technologies and standards-based APIs. As an application platform, SharePoint provides central management, governance, and security controls for implementation of these requirements. The SharePoint platform integrates directly into IIS - enabling bulk management, scaling, and provisioning of servers, as is often required by large organizations or cloud hosting providers.

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SharePoint 2013: What's New For Legal?
SharePoint 2013: What's New For Legal?SharePoint 2013: What's New For Legal?
SharePoint 2013: What's New For Legal?

Since its introduction in 2001, SharePoint has been a juggernaut in legal services, supporting everything from intranets to content management and beyond. The release of SharePoint 2013 offers substantial new features, such as enterprise search, moving to the cloud and a customizable app model -- all significant improvements that can positively impact your IT performance. In this presentation, we will discuss SharePoint 2013's new capabilities, such as enhanced search and collaboration, as well as new ways to visualize and create workflows. We'll also cover: - Top reasons for -- and warnings about -- moving SharePoint to the cloud - How to reduce risk and administration in SharePoint and its applications - Talent and tools needed to undertake application development for SharePoint - A demonstration of a successful SharePoint legal app Speaker: Ted Theodoropoulos, as the founder and President of Acrowire, combines his interest in technology with his passion to improve the business productivity of entrepreneurs and corporations. He has a background in technology going back to the early 1980s and is an expert at reducing the cost of doing business by identifying process inefficiencies and implementing the right technology solution to bridge the gap. Ted has earned Six Sigma Green and Black Belt certifications, and his Green Belt work led to a United States patent for which he was recognized with the 2007 Best of Six Sigma Award. He is a Microsoft Certified Professional and a Certified Scrum Master. Contact Ted at

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White Paper: The Business Value Of Office 365 To The Enterprise
White Paper: The Business Value Of Office 365 To The EnterpriseWhite Paper: The Business Value Of Office 365 To The Enterprise
White Paper: The Business Value Of Office 365 To The Enterprise

In today's business environment, productivity and profitability depend on how well you communicate, collaborate, produce content and share knowledge. But are your current systems up to the challenge? In our new white paper, The Business Value Of Office 365 To The Enterprise, we'll show you how to transform your organization by channeling your important business activities through this single cloud-based platform. You'll learn how Office 365 helps you to: - Streamline knowledge-sharing through document management - Enhance productivity using anywhere, anytime mobile access - Drive innovation with Yammer and other social enterprise capabilities - Manage and automate workflows for optimum productivity - Communicate, collaborate and co-author documents - Improve specific business departments, such as HR, sales and operations

office 365microsoft sharepointcloud
Improved Collaboration and Productivity
Custom apps created using Power Apps and hosted on SharePoint Online enable more efficient team collaboration. For
instance, a project management application can be used to assign tasks, track progress, centralize project documentation,
and improve team communication all within the SharePoint environment.
Task Assignment
Use Power Apps to
create a custom
interface for assigning
tasks within
SharePoint lists.
Progress Tracking
Implement real-time
progress tracking with
Power Apps forms
linked to SharePoint
Utilize SharePoint
libraries to store and
manage all project-
related documents.
communication tools
within the custom app
to streamline team
Bert Blevins
Mobility and Accessibility
SharePoint Online ensures data accessibility from any location with an internet connection. Power Apps allows you
to create mobile-friendly applications, which expands this accessibility. Workers can stay productive while on the go
by using their smartphones or tablets to access vital business apps.
Mobile Access
Access SharePoint data
and Power Apps on
smartphones for on-the-
go productivity.
Tablet Compatibility
Use custom apps on
tablets for a larger
screen experience while
maintaining mobility.
Desktop Integration
Seamlessly switch
between mobile and
desktop environments
for a consistent
Cloud Connectivity
Ensure real-time data
synchronization across
all devices through cloud
Bert Blevins
Employee Onboarding Example
A customized Power App can be created to streamline the employee onboarding process. Through an intuitive interface,
new hires can fill out required forms, access training materials kept in SharePoint, and monitor their onboarding
progress. Task assignments, reminders, and approvals can be managed using automation workflows, ensuring a
seamless onboarding process.
Form Completion
New hires fill out digital forms through a user-friendly Power Apps interface.
Document Access
Training materials and company policies are accessed directly from SharePoint libraries.
Progress Tracking
Onboarding progress is monitored and displayed using Power Apps dashboards.
Automated Workflows
Power Automate manages task assignments, reminders, and approval processes.
Bert Blevins
Expense Reporting Example
A business can create an app for tracking expenses that integrates with SharePoint Online. Through the app,
employees can enter their expenses, and the reports are subsequently sent for approval. Authorized costs are kept on
file in a SharePoint list for future review and documentation.
Expense Entry
Employees input
expenses through a
custom Power Apps
form on mobile or
Approval Routing
Expense reports are
automatically routed
to appropriate
approvers using
Power Automate.
Data Storage
Approved expenses
are stored in
SharePoint lists for
easy retrieval and
Receipts and
supporting documents
are uploaded and
linked to expense
entries in SharePoint.
Bert Blevins

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Power apps is a low code development platform created to be used by citizen developers. It has an array of apps, connectors, services and data platform that provides an immediate application development environment to build custom apps for your following business requirements. Well, by using power apps, you can immediately create custom apps that connect to your business data that has been stored in the underlying data platforms, which is the standard data service for the apps on-premises or in various data sources.

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This document provides a summary of an individual's experience including over 20 years working with technologies like SharePoint, SQL Server, and business intelligence tools. Their roles have included SharePoint administrator, architect, developer, business analyst, and consultant. They have extensive experience designing and implementing SharePoint intranets and sites for organizations across different industries.

Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar
Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka WebinarMicrosoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar
Microsoft SharePoint - Edureka Webinar

This document provides information about a Microsoft SharePoint 2013 training course offered by Edureka. The course covers topics such as the SharePoint platform and features for enterprise content management, business process management, business intelligence, and enterprise search. It also discusses programming models, developer tools, and includes demos of custom web parts, business connectivity services, and custom branding in SharePoint 2013. The course aims to help participants learn how to develop apps and customize sites, components, and metadata solutions in SharePoint.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Companies can effectively handle customer data and interactions by developing a CRM application using Power Apps.
This application offers a thorough understanding of client interactions by managing follow-ups, tracking communication
history, pulling customer data from SharePoint lists, and generating reports.
Customer Data Management
Store and manage customer information in
SharePoint lists, accessible through Power Apps
Interaction Tracking
Log and monitor all customer interactions, including
calls, emails, and meetings.
Follow-up Management
Set and track follow-up tasks with automated
reminders through Power Automate.
Reporting and Analytics
Generate custom reports and dashboards using
Power BI integration with SharePoint data.
Getting Started: Assess Your Needs
The first step in implementing SharePoint Online and Power Apps is to identify the business processes that can
benefit from automation and custom applications. Prioritize based on potential impact and feasibility. This assessment
will help guide your development efforts and ensure you focus on the most valuable solutions for your organization.
1 Identify Pain Points
Analyze current processes to identify areas
where automation could significantly improve
2 Gather Stakeholder Input
Consult with department heads and end-users to
understand their needs and challenges.
3 Prioritize Opportunities
Rank potential projects based on their expected
impact and alignment with business goals.
4 Assess Feasibility
Evaluate the technical requirements and
resources needed for each potential project.
Getting Started: Familiarize Yourself with the
Explore the features of SharePoint Online and Power Apps. Microsoft offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and
community forums that can help you get started. Take advantage of these resources to build a strong foundation of
knowledge before diving into development.
Official Documentation
Study Microsoft's comprehensive
guides and documentation for
SharePoint Online and Power
Video Tutorials
Watch step-by-step video tutorials
to see the tools in action and
learn best practices.
Community Forums
Engage with the Microsoft
community to ask questions and
learn from experienced users.
Bert Blevins
Getting Started: Build a Prototype
Start with a simple application to understand the capabilities of Power Apps and how it integrates with SharePoint Online.
Use this prototype to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. This hands-on approach will help you gain
practical experience and refine your skills.
1 Choose a Simple Process
Select a straightforward business process for your first prototype application.
2 Design the App
Use Power Apps to create a basic interface that interacts with SharePoint data.
3 Test Functionality
Ensure the app correctly reads from and writes to SharePoint lists or libraries.
4 Gather Feedback
Share the prototype with stakeholders and collect their input for improvements. Bert Blevins

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Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration PlatformMicrosoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft SharePoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform which offers a wide range of integrated solutions including Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Social Networking, Business process management (BPM), Web Content Management (WCM), Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Search etc. Currently more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using Microsoft SharePoint solutions and the numbers are growing with the new Cloud Based SharePoint Online. Developers can use Cloud App Model and leverage familiar programming models and development tools to create custom solutions for Mobility, Social and Collaboration Search and Workflows.

Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration PlatformMicrosoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform
Microsoft Sharepoint 2013 : The Ultimate Enterprise Collaboration Platform

Microsoft SharePoint 2013 is an Enterprise Collaboration Platform which offers a wide range of integrated solutions including Enterprise Content Management (ECM), Enterprise Social Networking, Business process management (BPM), Web Content Management (WCM), Business Intelligence (BI), Enterprise Search etc. Currently more than 80% of Fortune 500 companies are using Microsoft SharePoint solutions and the numbers are growing with the new Cloud Based SharePoint Online. Developers can use Cloud App Model and leverage familiar programming models and development tools to create custom solutions for Mobility, Social and Collaboration Search and Workflows.

SharePoint 2013 introduction | What's new in SharePoint 2013 | SharePoint 20...
SharePoint 2013 introduction  | What's new in SharePoint 2013 | SharePoint 20...SharePoint 2013 introduction  | What's new in SharePoint 2013 | SharePoint 20...
SharePoint 2013 introduction | What's new in SharePoint 2013 | SharePoint 20...

An overview of SharePoint 2013 at a glance! Learn what’s new in SharePoint 2013; How SharePoint 2013 SKU is different previous version of SharePoint. Find out how new version of SharePoint can be useful to you!

microsoft sharepointsharepoint 2013what's new in sharepoint 2013
Getting Started: Scale Up
Once you are comfortable with the tools, scale up by developing more complex applications and workflows. Continuously
monitor and optimize these solutions to ensure they meet evolving business needs. This iterative process will help you
build increasingly sophisticated and valuable solutions.
Add more advanced
features and
integrations to your
Develop complex
automated workflows
using Power Automate
in conjunction with your
Use analytics tools to
track app usage and
identify areas for
Iterate and Improve
Continuously gather
feedback and make
improvements to
enhance user
experience and
Bert Blevins
About Bert Blevins
1 Education
MBA from University of Nevada
Las Vegas, Bachelor's in
Advertising from Western
Kentucky University.
2 Expertise
Constantly seeking knowledge
and professional development
in cybersecurity.
3 Contact
Phone: 832-281-0330, Email:, LinkedIn: bertblevins

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Revolutionizing Business Processes with SharePoint Online and Power Apps

  • 1. Privileged Access Management (PAM) Revolutionizing Business Processes with SharePoint Online and Power Apps In today's fast-paced business environment, organizations need robust, flexible, and efficient tools to manage their operations and processes. Microsoft SharePoint Online and Power Apps offer powerful solutions for automating workflows, managing data, and enhancing productivity. This presentation explores the synergy between these tools, delving into their features, benefits, and how they can be used to revolutionize business processes. Bert Blevins 27-06-2024
  • 2. What is SharePoint Online? Microsoft SharePoint Online is a cloud-based solution that enables businesses to create, manage, and share content easily. It comes with the Microsoft 365 suite and offers several key features for document management, collaboration, content management, and integration with other Microsoft services. Document Management Store, organize, and manage documents in a centralized location. Collaboration Facilitate team collaboration with shared workspaces, document co-authoring, and communication tools. Content Management Create and publish content with ease, maintaining control over versioning and approvals. Integration Seamlessly integrate with other Microsoft services like OneDrive, Teams, and Power BI. Bert Blevins
  • 3. What is Power Apps? Power Apps is a suite of apps, services, connectors, and a data platform provided by Microsoft that allows users to build custom applications tailored to their business needs. It empowers users to create custom apps, automate workflows, connect data, and build mobile-friendly solutions without extensive coding knowledge. 1 Create Custom Apps Develop applications without extensive coding knowledge using a drag-and-drop interface. 2 Automate Workflows Design automated workflows that integrate with various data sources and services. 3 Connect Data Link to data stored in SharePoint, Microsoft Dataverse, SQL Server, and other platforms. 4 Mobile-Friendly Build apps that work seamlessly on mobile devices, ensuring productivity on the go. Bert Blevins
  • 4. The Power of Combining SharePoint Online and Power Apps When combined, SharePoint Online and Power Apps offer a compelling solution for businesses looking to streamline operations and improve efficiency. This synergy enables custom solutions tailored to business needs, enhanced data management, streamlined workflows, improved collaboration and productivity, and increased mobility and accessibility. Custom Solutions Build bespoke apps that sit on top of SharePoint Online, offering specialized solutions for specific business processes. Enhanced Data Management Utilize SharePoint's powerful data store with Power Apps' intuitive user interface for efficient data entry and retrieval. Streamlined Workflows Automate complex workflows using Power Apps and Power Automate, integrating with SharePoint libraries and lists. Bert Blevins
  • 5. Improved Collaboration and Productivity Custom apps created using Power Apps and hosted on SharePoint Online enable more efficient team collaboration. For instance, a project management application can be used to assign tasks, track progress, centralize project documentation, and improve team communication all within the SharePoint environment. 1 Task Assignment Use Power Apps to create a custom interface for assigning tasks within SharePoint lists. 2 Progress Tracking Implement real-time progress tracking with Power Apps forms linked to SharePoint data. 3 Document Centralization Utilize SharePoint libraries to store and manage all project- related documents. 4 Team Communication Integrate communication tools within the custom app to streamline team interactions. Bert Blevins
  • 6. Mobility and Accessibility SharePoint Online ensures data accessibility from any location with an internet connection. Power Apps allows you to create mobile-friendly applications, which expands this accessibility. Workers can stay productive while on the go by using their smartphones or tablets to access vital business apps. Mobile Access Access SharePoint data and Power Apps on smartphones for on-the- go productivity. Tablet Compatibility Use custom apps on tablets for a larger screen experience while maintaining mobility. Desktop Integration Seamlessly switch between mobile and desktop environments for a consistent experience. Cloud Connectivity Ensure real-time data synchronization across all devices through cloud technology. Bert Blevins
  • 7. Employee Onboarding Example A customized Power App can be created to streamline the employee onboarding process. Through an intuitive interface, new hires can fill out required forms, access training materials kept in SharePoint, and monitor their onboarding progress. Task assignments, reminders, and approvals can be managed using automation workflows, ensuring a seamless onboarding process. Form Completion New hires fill out digital forms through a user-friendly Power Apps interface. Document Access Training materials and company policies are accessed directly from SharePoint libraries. Progress Tracking Onboarding progress is monitored and displayed using Power Apps dashboards. Automated Workflows Power Automate manages task assignments, reminders, and approval processes. Bert Blevins
  • 8. Expense Reporting Example A business can create an app for tracking expenses that integrates with SharePoint Online. Through the app, employees can enter their expenses, and the reports are subsequently sent for approval. Authorized costs are kept on file in a SharePoint list for future review and documentation. 1 Expense Entry Employees input expenses through a custom Power Apps form on mobile or desktop. 2 Approval Routing Expense reports are automatically routed to appropriate approvers using Power Automate. 3 Data Storage Approved expenses are stored in SharePoint lists for easy retrieval and reporting. 4 Documentation Receipts and supporting documents are uploaded and linked to expense entries in SharePoint. Bert Blevins
  • 9. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Example Companies can effectively handle customer data and interactions by developing a CRM application using Power Apps. This application offers a thorough understanding of client interactions by managing follow-ups, tracking communication history, pulling customer data from SharePoint lists, and generating reports. Customer Data Management Store and manage customer information in SharePoint lists, accessible through Power Apps interfaces. Interaction Tracking Log and monitor all customer interactions, including calls, emails, and meetings. Follow-up Management Set and track follow-up tasks with automated reminders through Power Automate. Reporting and Analytics Generate custom reports and dashboards using Power BI integration with SharePoint data.
  • 10. Getting Started: Assess Your Needs The first step in implementing SharePoint Online and Power Apps is to identify the business processes that can benefit from automation and custom applications. Prioritize based on potential impact and feasibility. This assessment will help guide your development efforts and ensure you focus on the most valuable solutions for your organization. 1 Identify Pain Points Analyze current processes to identify areas where automation could significantly improve efficiency. 2 Gather Stakeholder Input Consult with department heads and end-users to understand their needs and challenges. 3 Prioritize Opportunities Rank potential projects based on their expected impact and alignment with business goals. 4 Assess Feasibility Evaluate the technical requirements and resources needed for each potential project.
  • 11. Getting Started: Familiarize Yourself with the Tools Explore the features of SharePoint Online and Power Apps. Microsoft offers extensive documentation, tutorials, and community forums that can help you get started. Take advantage of these resources to build a strong foundation of knowledge before diving into development. Official Documentation Study Microsoft's comprehensive guides and documentation for SharePoint Online and Power Apps. Video Tutorials Watch step-by-step video tutorials to see the tools in action and learn best practices. Community Forums Engage with the Microsoft community to ask questions and learn from experienced users. Bert Blevins
  • 12. Getting Started: Build a Prototype Start with a simple application to understand the capabilities of Power Apps and how it integrates with SharePoint Online. Use this prototype to gather feedback and make necessary adjustments. This hands-on approach will help you gain practical experience and refine your skills. 1 Choose a Simple Process Select a straightforward business process for your first prototype application. 2 Design the App Use Power Apps to create a basic interface that interacts with SharePoint data. 3 Test Functionality Ensure the app correctly reads from and writes to SharePoint lists or libraries. 4 Gather Feedback Share the prototype with stakeholders and collect their input for improvements. Bert Blevins
  • 13. Getting Started: Scale Up Once you are comfortable with the tools, scale up by developing more complex applications and workflows. Continuously monitor and optimize these solutions to ensure they meet evolving business needs. This iterative process will help you build increasingly sophisticated and valuable solutions. Expand Functionality Add more advanced features and integrations to your applications. Implement Workflows Develop complex automated workflows using Power Automate in conjunction with your apps. Monitor Performance Use analytics tools to track app usage and identify areas for optimization. Iterate and Improve Continuously gather feedback and make improvements to enhance user experience and efficiency. Bert Blevins
  • 14. About Bert Blevins 1 Education MBA from University of Nevada Las Vegas, Bachelor's in Advertising from Western Kentucky University. 2 Expertise Constantly seeking knowledge and professional development in cybersecurity. 3 Contact Phone: 832-281-0330, Email:, LinkedIn: bertblevins