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ReMoLa: Responsibility Model Language to Align
Access Rights with Business Process Requirements
Christophe Feltus, Michaël Petit, Eric Dubois
Fifth IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information
Science, May 19-21 2011, Guadeloupe - French West Indies, France
 Governance requirements
 1st statement :The responsibility of the employees
involved in the processes must be strictly defined and
correctly assigned to the employee:
 In ISO IEC 38500:2008 – Corporate Governance of ICT
 In Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s – Title III corporate responsibilities
 In Basel II – Responsibility of the board of directors
 2nd statement : One of the requirements is to have
access rights strictly aligned with the business process
 ISO 27000, CobiT, etc.
 Aligning access rights with BP
 Responsibility model
 Presentation of the main concepts of the model
 Links between these concepts
 Alignment method
 Presentation of the method
 Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities,
Provisioning of the access rights
 Proof-of-concept
 Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005,
Code of practice for information security management.
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Conclusions and future works
 Responsibility model
 Presentation of the main concepts of the model
 Links between these concepts
 Alignment method
 Presentation of the method
 Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities,
Provisioning of the access rights
 Proof-of-concept
 Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005,
Code of practice for information security management.
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Conclusions and future works

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Presentation of the Responsibility model
 Elaboration of the model
 Employee, right, obligation, commitment
Presentation of the Responsibility model
 4 types of obligation
 In order to refine the model, we use the CobiT RACI chart
that describes 4 types of obligation
 Responsible: an employee who performs a task
 Accountable: an employee that directs and makes authorization
 Consulted: an employee that makes consultancy to permit a task
to be done
 Informed: an employee that is informed about the achievement
of a task
Presentation of the Responsibility model
Responsible Accountable
 Responsibility model
 Presentation of the main concepts of the model
 Links between these concepts
 Alignment method
 Presentation of the method
 Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities,
Provisioning of the access rights
 Proof-of-concept
 Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005,
Code of practice for information security management.
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Conclusions and future works

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Presentation of the Alignment method
 Our approach
 2 layers Business/Technical and 2 levels Language/Instantiation
 Method:
 Definition of the responsibilies from business layer
 Assignement of the responsibilities
 AR provisioning
Presentation of the Alignment method
 Mapping BP / ReMoLa in order to elaborate responsibilities
 Instantiation of Task/Obligation,
Accountabilities, Right Step 2 Step 1
e.g. CobiT,
ISO 15504
Presentation of the Alignment method
BP owner
Responsibil. DelegatorEmployee Employee’s manager RBAC Administrator
Step 3
 Mapping of ReMoLa with one AC Model
 Role Based Access Control
 To simplify the management of granting permissions to
 3 main elements :
 User, Role and Permission
 2 main functions :
 User-role
assignment (URA)
 Permission-role
assignment (PRA)
Presentation of the Alignment method

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developing-business-it-solutionsit governance
RBAC Role is a type of responsibility : an employee assigned to that
responsibility gets all the permissions needed by that responsibility.
Although if RBAC Role is a business role : an employee assigned to
that role is not obligatory assigned responsible for all the tasks of
the role. He receives to many permissions.
Presentation of the Alignment method
 Responsibility model
 Presentation of the main concepts of the model
 Links between these concepts
 Alignment method
 Presentation of the method
 Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities,
Provisioning of the access rights
 Proof-of-concept
 Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005,
Code of practice for information security management.
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Conclusions and future works
Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance
 Audit of the employees’ access rights for the process:
System Acceptance
 Audit observations :
 5 employees with a set of rights and assigned to a business role
 Are these rights strictly
necessary for the employees ?
Employees Rights
Carla Access to all
Access to the list of requirements
Access to migration priorities
Allow participating in migration meetings
Access to the migration risks
Access to operational efficiencies requirements
Access to migration priorities
Allow to participate migration meetings
Access migration risk analysis
Access to preparation template
Access to testing template
Access to the training support
Time to participate to training
Access to the system manual
Access to the set of security controls in place
Access to the list of errors
Bob Access to the tests results
Employees Business roles
Carla Chief information officer
Alice Employee assigned to the System Acceptance process
Emma System Acceptance process manager
Denis Project leader
Bob System architect
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Identification of the tasks that compose the System Acceptance
 Based on the task semantic,
the associations with a RACI
obligations are possible.
 Based upon the type of
obligation, the specific
responsibility model can be
taken into consideration
 Alice needs access rights, commitment, is answerable,…
Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance
Tasks Obligation
Ensure that the requirements and criteria for acceptance of
new systems are clearly defined, agreed, documented, and
Provide acceptance for the migration of new information
systems, upgrades, and new versions
Ensure the operational efficiency of the proposed system
Preparation and testing of routine operating procedures to
defined standards
Training in the operation or use of new systems I
Agreed set of security controls in place A
Appropriate tests should be carried out to confirm that all
acceptance criteria have been fully satisfied
Consider error recovery and restart procedures, and
contingency plans
Responsibility of Alice

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The document discusses the system development life cycle (SDLC), which includes 5 stages: system planning, system analysis, system design, system implementation, and system operation. The accountant plays an important role in several of these stages. In system planning, accountants provide expertise in evaluating feasibility and ensuring careful planning. In system analysis, accountants are important players in designing controls. In system design, accountants ensure accounting considerations are included. In implementation, accountants help with training and follow-up studies. In operation, accountants participate in post-implementation reviews and periodic system reviews.

 Right to task association
 In most of the business
frameworks, and in ISO 27002
as well, rights are not explicitly
 Need for fine grain analysis
to engineer rights that
are needed to perform a task.
Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance
Tasks Rights
Ensure that the requirements and
criteria for acceptance of new
systems are clearly defined, agreed,
documented, and tested
Access to the list of requirements
Access to the agreement
Access to the test results
Provide acceptance for the
migration of new information
systems, upgrades, and new
Access to migration priorities
Access to migration meetings
Access migration risk analysis
Ensure the operational efficiency of
the proposed system design
Access to operational efficiencies
requirements list
Preparation and testing of routine
operating procedures to defined
Access to preparation template
Access to testing template
Training in the operation or use of
new systems
Access to the training support
Time to participate to training
Access to the system manual
Agreed set of security controls in
Access to the set of security
controls in place
Appropriate tests should be carried
out to confirm that all acceptance
criteria have been fully satisfied
No access required
Consider error recovery and restart
procedures, and contingency plans
Access to the list of errors
 Audit conclusions
 Observation :Alice is an employee assigned to the System Acceptance process
and she gets access because of her Business Role
 the list of requirements,
 migration priorities,
 allow participation in migration meetings,
 migration risks
 access to operation efficiencies requirements list
 Using ReMoLa :Alice is responsible for Providing acceptance for the migration
of new information systems, upgrades, and new versions and needs only the
following rights:
 access to migration priorities,
 allow participating in migration meetings,
 access to migration risks.
Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance
 Responsibility model
 Presentation of the main concepts of the model
 Links between these concepts
 Alignment method
 Presentation of the method
 Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities,
Provisioning of the access rights
 Proof-of-concept
 Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005,
Code of practice for information security management.
 Definition of the responsibilities
 Conclusions and future works
Conclusions and future works
 Business needs for a better alignement of the employees’
responsibility from the management frameworks down to
the technical rules
 Our approach :
 Step 1: Definition of the responsibilities :
 Business Role, Activities, Tasks, Obligations  Responsibilities
 Step 2 : Responsibility to employee assignment
 Step 2 : Rights to responsibility association
 Future works
 Complementary validations using case studies – One ongoing and
one begins in June
 Looking forward for integration within ArchiMate and others EA.

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This document discusses the requirements engineering (RE) process. It defines a process as a set of organized activities that transforms inputs to outputs. The RE process involves problem analysis and product description tasks that run iteratively. Key activities in the RE process include requirements elicitation, analysis, specification, validation and management. The document also discusses factors like process models, actors, variability, safety requirements, support tools, improvement and maturity levels.

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This document proposes an innovative approach called SIM (Secure Identity Management) that aims to make access management policies closer aligned with business objectives. It does this in two ways: 1) By focusing the policy engineering process on business goals and responsibilities defined in processes, using concepts from the ISO/IEC 15504 standard. This links capabilities and accountabilities to process outcomes and work products. 2) By defining a multi-agent system architecture to automate the deployment of policies across heterogeneous IT components and devices. The agents provide autonomy and ability to adapt rapidly according to context. The approach was prototyped using open source components and aims to improve how access rights are defined according to business needs and deployed across an organization

Sim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access management
Sim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access managementSim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access management
Sim an innovative business oriented approach for a distributed access management

This document proposes an innovative approach called SIM (Secure Identity Management) that aims to define access control policies in a way that is closely aligned with business objectives. It does this by linking concepts from the ISO/IEC 15504 process-based model for organizing work to concepts of responsibility. The approach also defines a multi-agent system architecture to automate the deployment of access policies across an organization's heterogeneous IT components and devices. This provides autonomy and adaptability. The goal is to improve how access rights are defined according to business needs and how those rights are deployed throughout the IT infrastructure.

sim an innovative business oriented approach for adistributed access management
Thank you ! Questions ?

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ReMoLa: Responsibility Model Language to Align Access Rights with Business Process Requirements

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  • 2. Motivation  Governance requirements  1st statement :The responsibility of the employees involved in the processes must be strictly defined and correctly assigned to the employee:  In ISO IEC 38500:2008 – Corporate Governance of ICT  In Sarbanes-Oxley Act’s – Title III corporate responsibilities  In Basel II – Responsibility of the board of directors  2nd statement : One of the requirements is to have access rights strictly aligned with the business process  ISO 27000, CobiT, etc.  Aligning access rights with BP
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  • 4. Outlines  Responsibility model  Presentation of the main concepts of the model  Links between these concepts  Alignment method  Presentation of the method  Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities, Provisioning of the access rights  Proof-of-concept  Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005, Code of practice for information security management.  Definition of the responsibilities  Conclusions and future works
  • 5. Presentation of the Responsibility model  Elaboration of the model  Employee, right, obligation, commitment
  • 6. Presentation of the Responsibility model  4 types of obligation  In order to refine the model, we use the CobiT RACI chart that describes 4 types of obligation  Responsible: an employee who performs a task  Accountable: an employee that directs and makes authorization  Consulted: an employee that makes consultancy to permit a task to be done  Informed: an employee that is informed about the achievement of a task
  • 7. Presentation of the Responsibility model Responsible Accountable Consulted Informed
  • 8. Outlines  Responsibility model  Presentation of the main concepts of the model  Links between these concepts  Alignment method  Presentation of the method  Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities, Provisioning of the access rights  Proof-of-concept  Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005, Code of practice for information security management.  Definition of the responsibilities  Conclusions and future works
  • 9. Presentation of the Alignment method  Our approach  2 layers Business/Technical and 2 levels Language/Instantiation  Method:  Definition of the responsibilies from business layer  Assignement of the responsibilities  AR provisioning
  • 10. Presentation of the Alignment method  Mapping BP / ReMoLa in order to elaborate responsibilities  Instantiation of Task/Obligation, Accountabilities, Right Step 2 Step 1 e.g. CobiT, ISO 15504
  • 11. Presentation of the Alignment method BP owner Responsibil. DelegatorEmployee Employee’s manager RBAC Administrator HR involved Step 3
  • 12.  Mapping of ReMoLa with one AC Model  Role Based Access Control  To simplify the management of granting permissions to users  3 main elements :  User, Role and Permission  2 main functions :  User-role assignment (URA)  Permission-role assignment (PRA) Presentation of the Alignment method
  • 13. RBAC Role is a type of responsibility : an employee assigned to that responsibility gets all the permissions needed by that responsibility. Although if RBAC Role is a business role : an employee assigned to that role is not obligatory assigned responsible for all the tasks of the role. He receives to many permissions. Presentation of the Alignment method
  • 14. Outlines  Responsibility model  Presentation of the main concepts of the model  Links between these concepts  Alignment method  Presentation of the method  Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities, Provisioning of the access rights  Proof-of-concept  Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005, Code of practice for information security management.  Definition of the responsibilities  Conclusions and future works
  • 15. Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance  Audit of the employees’ access rights for the process: System Acceptance  Audit observations :  5 employees with a set of rights and assigned to a business role  Are these rights strictly necessary for the employees ? Employees Rights Carla Access to all Alice Access to the list of requirements Access to migration priorities Allow participating in migration meetings Access to the migration risks Access to operational efficiencies requirements list Emma Access to migration priorities Allow to participate migration meetings Access migration risk analysis Denis Access to preparation template Access to testing template Access to the training support Time to participate to training Access to the system manual Access to the set of security controls in place Access to the list of errors Bob Access to the tests results Employees Business roles Carla Chief information officer Alice Employee assigned to the System Acceptance process Emma System Acceptance process manager Denis Project leader Bob System architect
  • 16.  Definition of the responsibilities  Identification of the tasks that compose the System Acceptance  Based on the task semantic, the associations with a RACI obligations are possible.  Based upon the type of obligation, the specific responsibility model can be taken into consideration  Alice needs access rights, commitment, is answerable,… Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance Tasks Obligation Ensure that the requirements and criteria for acceptance of new systems are clearly defined, agreed, documented, and tested R Provide acceptance for the migration of new information systems, upgrades, and new versions A Ensure the operational efficiency of the proposed system design C Preparation and testing of routine operating procedures to defined standards R Training in the operation or use of new systems I Agreed set of security controls in place A Appropriate tests should be carried out to confirm that all acceptance criteria have been fully satisfied R Consider error recovery and restart procedures, and contingency plans R Responsibility of Alice
  • 17.  Right to task association  In most of the business frameworks, and in ISO 27002 as well, rights are not explicitly described.  Need for fine grain analysis to engineer rights that are needed to perform a task. Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance Tasks Rights Ensure that the requirements and criteria for acceptance of new systems are clearly defined, agreed, documented, and tested Access to the list of requirements Access to the agreement documentation Access to the test results Provide acceptance for the migration of new information systems, upgrades, and new versions Access to migration priorities Access to migration meetings Access migration risk analysis Ensure the operational efficiency of the proposed system design Access to operational efficiencies requirements list Preparation and testing of routine operating procedures to defined standards Access to preparation template Access to testing template Training in the operation or use of new systems Access to the training support Time to participate to training Access to the system manual Agreed set of security controls in place Access to the set of security controls in place Appropriate tests should be carried out to confirm that all acceptance criteria have been fully satisfied No access required Consider error recovery and restart procedures, and contingency plans Access to the list of errors
  • 18.  Audit conclusions  Observation :Alice is an employee assigned to the System Acceptance process and she gets access because of her Business Role  the list of requirements,  migration priorities,  allow participation in migration meetings,  migration risks  access to operation efficiencies requirements list  Using ReMoLa :Alice is responsible for Providing acceptance for the migration of new information systems, upgrades, and new versions and needs only the following rights:  access to migration priorities,  allow participating in migration meetings,  access to migration risks. Proof-of-concept : System Acceptance
  • 19. Outlines  Responsibility model  Presentation of the main concepts of the model  Links between these concepts  Alignment method  Presentation of the method  Definition of the responsibilities, Assignment of the responsibilities, Provisioning of the access rights  Proof-of-concept  Analyze of the System Acceptance from ISO/IEC 27002/2005, Code of practice for information security management.  Definition of the responsibilities  Conclusions and future works
  • 20. Conclusions and future works  Business needs for a better alignement of the employees’ responsibility from the management frameworks down to the technical rules  Our approach :  Step 1: Definition of the responsibilities :  Business Role, Activities, Tasks, Obligations  Responsibilities  Step 2 : Responsibility to employee assignment  Step 2 : Rights to responsibility association  Future works  Complementary validations using case studies – One ongoing and one begins in June  Looking forward for integration within ArchiMate and others EA.
  • 21. Thank you ! Questions ?