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Programming Process
21BCA2T313 : Computing And Programming Fundamentals
Prof. Vishnu Priya P M
Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science
Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous
(Reaccredited A++ Grade by NAAC with CGPA 3.78/4)
Bengaluru – 560077, India
Developing a program, program development cycle; Introduction to Algorithms, Characteristics,
writing an algorithm; Flowchart, Symbols, guidelines for preparing flowchart, benefits of flowcharts,
limitations of flowcharts; Pseudo code, Pseudo code guidelines, benefits of pseudo code, limitations of
pseudo code;
Number System conversion.
Developing a program involves a series of steps to translate a solution or algorithm into a working software
• Problem Definition and Requirements Gathering:
Clearly define the problem you're trying to solve and gather all the requirements from stakeholders or users.
• Algorithm Design and Pseudocode:
Plan out the logic of your program using pseudocode or flowcharts. Break down the problem into smaller
steps and plan how they will be implemented.
• Choose a Programming Language:
Select a programming language that is suitable for the task and aligns with your team's expertise and the
project's requirements.
• Coding:
Write the actual code based on the pseudocode or algorithm you've designed. Implement the logic and use
the chosen programming language's syntax.
• Testing and Debugging:
Test your program to ensure that it works as expected. Identify and fix any errors (bugs) in your code.
• Optimization:
Improve the efficiency and performance of your code, if necessary. This might involve optimizing
algorithms or code structure.
• Documentation:
Create documentation that explains how to use your program, the logic behind it, and any important
technical details.
• Version Control:
Use version control systems (like Git) to track changes to your code over time. This helps in
collaboration and tracking progress.
• Integration and Deployment:
If your program interacts with other software or systems, integrate it seamlessly. Deploy your program
to the desired environment (e.g., a server or user's machine).

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This document provides an overview of problem solving and Python programming. It discusses computational thinking and problem solving, including identifying computational problems, algorithms, building blocks of algorithms, and illustrative problems. It also discusses algorithmic problem solving techniques like iteration and recursion. Finally, it briefly introduces the course titled "GE8151-PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING".

software engineering
software engineering software engineering
software engineering

Software is a set of instructions and data structures that enable computer programs to provide desired functions and manipulate information. Software engineering is the systematic development and maintenance of software. It differs from software programming in that engineering involves teams developing complex, long-lasting systems through roles like architect and manager, while programming involves single developers building small, short-term applications. A software development life cycle like waterfall or spiral model provides structure to a project through phases from requirements to maintenance. Rapid application development emphasizes short cycles through business, data, and process modeling to create reusable components and reduce testing time.

Waterfall model
Waterfall modelWaterfall model
Waterfall model

This document discusses various prescriptive process models for software engineering. It begins by introducing generic process frameworks and then discusses traditional models like waterfall, incremental, prototyping, RAD and spiral. It also covers specialized models for component-based development and formal methods. Each model is explained in terms of its activities, advantages and challenges. Traditional models tend to be sequential while evolutionary models iterate and provide early feedback. Specialized models focus on areas like reuse and formal specification.

• User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
Have users or stakeholders test the program in a real-world scenario to ensure it meets their
needs and expectations.
• Feedback and Iteration:
Gather feedback from users and stakeholders. If needed, iterate on your program to make
improvements and address issues.
• Final Testing and Quality Assurance (QA):
Conduct thorough testing to ensure your program is stable, secure, and reliable.
• Release and Maintenance:
Once your program is ready and tested, release it to users or clients. Monitor its performance, fix
any post-release issues, and provide ongoing maintenance.
The program development cycle, also known as the software development life
cycle (SDLC), outlines the stages involved in creating and maintaining a software
application. This cycle provides a structured approach to software development,
ensuring that the resulting software meets user requirements, is of high quality,
and is delivered within a reasonable timeframe.
 Requirements Gathering and Analysis:
Define the purpose of the software and gather detailed requirements from stakeholders and users.
Analyze and prioritize these requirements to ensure a clear understanding of what the software
should accomplish.
 System Design:
Design the system architecture, outlining the components, modules, and their interactions.
Create a high-level design that defines the structure of the software and how different parts will
work together.
 Detailed Design:
Create detailed design specifications for each component or module.
Define data structures, algorithms, user interfaces, and any external interfaces.
 Implementation (Coding):
Write the actual code based on the design specifications.
Use best coding practices and adhere to coding standards.
 Testing:
Test each component/module individually (unit testing) to identify and fix bugs.
Integrate different components/modules and perform integration testing to ensure they work
together correctly.
Conduct system testing to validate the entire software against the defined requirements.
 Deployment:
Deploy the software in a production or user environment.
Ensure all necessary resources are available for the software to run effectively.
 User Acceptance Testing (UAT):
Let users or stakeholders test the software in a real-world environment to ensure it meets their needs
and expectations.
 Feedback and Iteration:
Collect feedback from users and stakeholders and make necessary changes based on their input.
Release and Maintenance:

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This document discusses system programming and implementation. It begins by outlining steps for defining the control task and developing a control strategy, including thinking through the solution before programming. It then provides guidelines for programming, such as understanding the desired function, flowcharting the process, and assigning I/O addresses. The document outlines programming guidelines for new applications and modernizations. It stresses organizing the program and choosing the correct hardware and software. Flowcharting is described as a way to represent and communicate the operational process sequentially using standard symbols. Pseudo code is presented as an alternative to flowcharts.

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Software Engineering
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Software Engineering

The document provides an introduction to software engineering and discusses key concepts such as: 1) Software is defined as a set of instructions that provide desired features, functions, and performance when executed and includes programs, data, and documentation. 2) Software engineering applies scientific knowledge and engineering principles to the development of reliable and efficient software within time and budget constraints. 3) The software development life cycle (SDLC) involves analysis, design, implementation, and documentation phases to systematically develop high quality software that meets requirements.

Introduction to problem solving in C
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Programming involves developing programs by specifying computational steps in a programming language. An algorithm is a logical list of steps to solve a problem. Developing good algorithms involves specifying clear input/output, variables, and ensuring the algorithm terminates in a finite number of steps. Flowcharts provide a pictorial representation of algorithm steps and are useful for explaining programs. A computer program consists of instructions provided to the computer to solve a problem.

problem solving
 Release the software to users or clients.
Monitor the software's performance, fix any post-release issues (bugs), and provide ongoing
maintenance and updates.
 Retirement or Enhancement:
If the software becomes outdated or is no longer needed, it may be retired.
If the software needs new features or updates, enter the cycle again to make enhancements.
An algorithm is a step-by-step set of well-defined instructions for solving a
problem or performing a task. In essence, an algorithm provides a systematic
approach to tackling a problem, outlining the exact sequence of actions to be
taken in order to achieve a desired outcome. Algorithms are not limited to
computer science; they are used in various fields, including mathematics,
engineering, and everyday life.
• Well-Defined Steps: An algorithm's steps must be precisely defined and unambiguous,
leaving no room for interpretation.
• Finiteness: Algorithms must have a finite number of steps. They cannot continue indefinitely;
they must eventually terminate and produce an output.
• Input and Output: Algorithms take some input, process it through the defined steps, and
produce an output. The output could be a solution to a problem, a result of computation, or a
modified version of the input data.
• Effectiveness: Algorithms should be practical and feasible, meaning that they can be
executed using a finite amount of resources, such as time and memory.
• Deterministic: Each step of the algorithm must be well-defined and lead to a single,
unambiguous action. There should be no randomness or ambiguity in how the algorithm
• Independence: The steps of an algorithm should be independent, meaning that each step relies
only on the results of previous steps and the given input.
• Correctness: An algorithm is correct if it produces the desired output for all valid inputs and
follows its defined behavior without errors.
• Optimality: Some algorithms aim to find the best possible solution according to certain criteria,
such as efficiency, accuracy, or resource usage.

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The document provides information about computing and programming fundamentals. It discusses the programming process, including developing a program through the program development life cycle of planning, coding, testing, and maintaining a program. It also describes algorithms, flowcharts, and pseudocode - tools used to design programs. Algorithms are sets of steps to solve a problem, flowcharts use graphical symbols to represent program logic, and pseudocode uses a simplified language to design programs before coding.

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The document discusses various software development processes. It begins by defining a software process as a framework that describes the activities performed at each stage of a project. It then categorizes common activities as software specification, development, validation, and evolution. The document goes on to describe plan-driven and agile processes, and notes that most practical processes include elements of both. It provides details on specific process models like waterfall, V-model, prototyping, incremental development, component-based development, and spiral model.

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Writing an algorithm involves breaking down a problem into a sequence of clear and unambiguous steps.
 Understand the Problem: Before you start writing an algorithm, make sure you fully
understand the problem you're trying to solve. Identify the inputs, the desired output, and any
constraints or requirements.
 Plan and Design: Think about the approach you want to take to solve the problem. Consider
different strategies and select the one that seems most appropriate. This might involve dividing
the problem into smaller subproblems, applying specific techniques, or iterating through data.
 Outline the Steps: Break down the problem-solving process into a sequence of steps. Each step
should be clear, concise, and independent. Use a combination of text and pseudocode (a
simplified programming-like language) to describe the actions to be taken.
 Use Control Structures: Incorporate control structures like loops (for, while) and conditional
statements (if, else) to control the flow of the algorithm based on different conditions.
 Assign Variables: If your algorithm involves data manipulation, assign variables to store and
manipulate the data as needed.
 Handle Input and Output: Specify how the algorithm will handle input (if any) and how it will
produce the desired output. Input could come from users, files, sensors, etc.
 Consider Error Handling: Think about potential issues that might arise during execution, such as
invalid input or unexpected scenarios. Incorporate error-handling steps if necessary.
 Test the Algorithm: Run through the algorithm manually with example inputs to make sure the
steps are correct and that the algorithm produces the expected output.
 Refine and Optimize: If needed, refine the algorithm to improve its efficiency, readability, or
correctness. This might involve restructuring steps, simplifying logic, or optimizing loops.
 Document the Algorithm: Write a clear description of the algorithm's purpose, steps, and any
relevant details. This documentation will help others understand and implement the algorithm.
Algorithm: Sum of Two Numbers
Input: Two numbers - num1, num2
Output: Sum of num1 and num2
1. Start
2. Read num1
3. Read num2
4. Set sum = num1 + num2
5. Print sum
6. Stop

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This document provides an overview of several software development life cycle models: - The Waterfall Model involves sequential phases from requirements to maintenance without iteration. - Prototyping allows for experimenting with designs through iterative prototype development and user testing. - Iterative models like the Spiral Model involve repeating phases of design, implementation, and testing in cycles with user feedback.

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The document discusses various topics related to software engineering including: 1. The software development life cycle (SDLC) and its phases like requirements, design, implementation, testing, etc. 2. The waterfall model and its phases from modeling to maintenance. 3. The purpose of feasibility studies, data flow diagrams, and entity relationship diagrams. 4. Different types of testing done during the testing phase like unit, integration, system, black box and white box testing.

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A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process, algorithm, or system using
different shapes and arrows to depict the flow of steps and decisions. It's a visual
tool that helps convey the logic and structure of a process in a clear and
understandable way. Flowcharts are widely used in various fields, including
computer programming, business process analysis, system design, and education.
 Start/End: Represents the beginning or end of a process. Usually depicted as an oval or rounded
 Process/Action: Represents a specific action or task in the process. Displayed as a rectangle with
rounded corners.
 Decision: Represents a decision point where the process can take different paths based on a
condition. Displayed as a diamond shape with "Yes" and "No" branches.
 Input/Output: Represents data input or output from/to the process. Shown as a parallelogram.
 Connector: Indicates a connection between different parts of the flowchart. Often represented
as a small circle.
 Flow Arrows: Arrows connect the various symbols to show the sequence and direction of steps.
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Annotation / Comment

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o Terminal (Start/End): Represents the start or end of a process. Usually depicted as an oval or
rounded rectangle.
o Process/Action: Represents a specific action or task in the process. Displayed as a rectangle with
rounded corners.
o Decision: Represents a decision point where the process can take different paths based on a
condition. Displayed as a diamond shape with "Yes" and "No" branches.
o Input/Output: Represents data input or output from/to the process. Shown as a parallelogram.
o Connector: Indicates a connection between different parts of the flowchart. Often represented as
a small circle.
o Flow Arrows: Arrows connect the various symbols to show the sequence and direction of steps.

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 Define the Scope: Clearly define the process or system you're depicting with the flowchart.
Understand the purpose and desired outcome.
 Identify Symbols: Choose the appropriate symbols for each element in your process—start, end,
actions, decisions, inputs, outputs, and connectors.
 Order and Sequence: Organize the flow of actions logically. Use arrows to indicate the sequence
of steps, ensuring that the process is easy to follow.
 Keep it Simple: Use simple and clear language for labels inside the symbols. Avoid excessive
detail; focus on conveying the main steps.
 Use Consistency: Maintain a consistent style throughout the flowchart, including symbol shapes,
line styles, and text formatting.
 Use Standard Conventions: Stick to commonly recognized symbols to ensure your flowchart is
easily understandable by others.
 Avoid Ambiguity: Make sure each decision point has clear conditions, such as "Yes" or "No," and
that each path leads to a well-defined outcome.
 Test with Examples: Verify the flowchart's accuracy by running through examples to see if it
produces the expected results.
 Review and Refine: Share the flowchart with others to get feedback. Refine it based on their
input to enhance clarity and correctness.
 Visual Representation: Flowcharts provide a visual overview of a process, making it easier to understand
complex sequences of actions and decisions.
 Clarity and Communication: Flowcharts facilitate clear communication among team members, stakeholders,
and individuals with varying levels of expertise.
 Process Analysis: Flowcharts help identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement in a process,
aiding in optimization.
 Standardization: Flowcharts allow organizations to standardize processes, ensuring consistent procedures
are followed.
 Documentation: They serve as documentation of processes, making it easier to train new employees or
troubleshoot issues.
 Decision Analysis: Flowcharts aid in decision-making by visually representing different choices and
 Complexity: For highly complex processes, flowcharts can become convoluted and difficult to
 Limited in Detail: Flowcharts may not capture all the nuances of a process, especially when it
involves extensive decision trees or intricate logic.
 Dynamic Processes: Flowcharts represent static processes; they don't capture dynamic or real-
time interactions.
 Not Ideal for Algorithms: While flowcharts are great for high-level processes, they might not be
the best choice for detailing intricate programming algorithms.
 Subjective Interpretation: Different individuals may interpret the same flowchart differently,
leading to confusion or miscommunication.

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Here are the key types of programming languages: - Machine languages: Low-level languages that use binary numbers to directly interface with computer hardware. Only understood by computers. - Assembly languages: Low-level languages that use mnemonics to represent machine code instructions. Easier for humans to read than machine code. - High-level languages: Languages like C, C++, Java, Python etc. that are easier for humans to read and write. Require compilation or interpretation to run. - Scripting languages: Languages like JavaScript, PHP, Python etc. Often interpreted and used for web development or system scripting tasks. - Domain-specific languages: Languages designed for a specific application domain like genetics

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An ER diagram is used to design databases and represents the relationships among entities. It shows entities as rectangles, attributes as ellipses, relationships as diamonds, and uses lines to connect them. The document discusses the components of an ER diagram including entities, attributes, relationships, and the different types of relationships. It also explains the symbols used in an ER diagram and how to draw one.

Pseudocode is a high-level description of a computer program or algorithm that
uses a combination of natural language and simplified programming constructs.
It's used to outline the logic of a program before actual coding begins, helping to
clarify and plan the steps necessary to solve a problem. Pseudocode is not tied to
a specific programming language and is primarily meant to convey the algorithm's
logic in a human-readable manner.
 Keep It Simple: Use plain language and simple programming constructs that convey the logic
without getting into implementation details.
 Use Indentation: Indentation helps to indicate the structure and nesting of statements, making
the pseudocode more readable.
 Use Standard Conventions: While pseudocode isn't bound to a specific programming language,
adopting common conventions (like if-else statements or loops) makes it more understandable.
 Focus on Logic: Emphasize the algorithm's logic rather than specific syntax. Use descriptive
variable names and meaningful comments.
 Use Control Structures: Utilize standard control structures like loops, conditionals, and function
calls to express the flow of the algorithm.
 Modularization: Break down the algorithm into smaller, manageable modules to enhance
clarity and reusability.
 Avoid Ambiguity: Make sure each step is unambiguous, and the logic is clear. Readers should
be able to understand the intent without ambiguity.
 Test with Examples: Run through the pseudocode with examples to ensure it accurately
describes the desired behavior
Algorithm: Find Maximum of Three Numbers
Input: Three numbers - num1, num2, num3
Output: Maximum of the three numbers
1. Start
2. Read num1
3. Read num2
4. Read num3
5. If num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3 then
1. Set max = num1
2. Print max
6. Else If num2 >= num1 and num2 >= num3 then
1. Set max = num2
2. Print max
7. Else
1. Set max = num3
2. Print max
8. End
1. Start
2. Read num1
3. Read num2
4. Read num3
5. Set max = num1
6. If num2 > max
1. Set max =
7. End If
8. If num3 > max
1. Set max =
9. End If

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1. NumPy is a fundamental Python library for numerical computing that provides support for arrays and vectorized computations. 2. Pandas is a popular Python library for data manipulation and analysis that provides DataFrame and Series data structures to work with tabular data. 3. When performing arithmetic operations between DataFrames or Series in Pandas, the data is automatically aligned based on index and column labels to maintain data integrity. NumPy also automatically broadcasts arrays during arithmetic to align dimensions element-wise.

o Language Agnostic: Pseudocode is not tied to any specific programming language, making it useful for
collaboration among individuals with different programming backgrounds.
o Focus on Logic: Pseudocode allows developers to focus on the algorithm's logic and design before getting
into the complexities of actual coding.
o Clear Communication: It serves as a bridge between developers and non-developers, allowing stakeholders
to understand the high-level approach.
o Planning and Documentation: Pseudocode aids in planning and documenting the algorithm's design,
making it easier to revisit and revise the logic.
o Algorithm Design: It's particularly useful for designing complex algorithms where the exact syntax is less
important than the overall logic.
 Not Executable: Pseudocode is not directly executable like code written in a programming
language. It requires translation into a specific language for implementation.
 Level of Detail: Pseudocode may lack the level of detail required for actual coding, leading to
ambiguities or inconsistencies when translated.
 Subjective Interpretation: Like any form of natural language, pseudocode can be interpreted
differently by different people, potentially leading to misunderstandings.
 Limited for Complex Algorithms: While pseudocode is great for outlining logic, extremely
complex algorithms might still require additional diagrams or descriptions to fully convey their
 Translatability: Translating pseudocode into code requires understanding the specific
programming language's syntax and idioms.
Number system conversion refers to the process of changing a numerical representation from one
base or radix to another. In computer science and digital systems, the most common number
systems are decimal (base 10), binary (base 2), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16).
Converting between these number systems is important for tasks like programming, digital design,
and data representation.
 Divide the decimal number by 2.
 Record the remainder (0 or 1).
 Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until the quotient becomes 0.
 The binary equivalent is the sequence of recorded remainders (read in reverse order).
Let's convert the decimal number 25 to binary.
Divide 25 by 2: Quotient = 12, Remainder = 1
Divide 12 by 2: Quotient = 6, Remainder = 0
Divide 6 by 2: Quotient = 3, Remainder = 0
Divide 3 by 2: Quotient = 1, Remainder = 1
Divide 1 by 2: Quotient = 0, Remainder = 1
Reading the remainders in reverse order gives us: 11001
So, the binary equivalent of decimal 25 is 11001.

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Open source engineering is a collaborative approach to software development where individuals work together openly to create and maintain projects. It provides benefits such as reduced costs, faster innovation, and greater transparency. Examples include the Arduino platform and RepRap 3D printer. Open source engineering relies on tools like version control systems and code libraries to facilitate collaboration between developers around the world.

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Multiply each binary digit by 2 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum
up the results.
Let's convert the binary number 101101 to decimal.
Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant bit):
1 * 2^0 = 1
0 * 2^1 = 0
1 * 2^2 = 4
1 * 2^3 = 8
0 * 2^4 = 0
1 * 2^5 = 32
Summing these values gives: 1 + 0 + 4 + 8 + 0 + 32 = 45
So, the decimal equivalent of binary 101101 is 45.
 Divide the decimal number by 16.
 Record the remainder.
 Continue dividing the quotient by 16 until the quotient becomes 0.
 Replace remainders greater than 9 with corresponding hexadecimal letters (A, B, C, D, E, F).
Let's convert the decimal number 206 to hexadecimal.
Divide 206 by 16: Quotient = 12, Remainder = C (12 in hexadecimal)
Divide 12 by 16: Quotient = 0, Remainder = E
Reading the remainders in reverse order gives us: EC
So, the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal 206 is EC.
Multiply each binary digit by 2 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum
up the results.
Let's convert the binary number 110110 to decimal.
Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant bit):
0 * 2^0 = 0
1 * 2^1 = 2
1 * 2^2 = 4
0 * 2^3 = 0
1 * 2^4 = 16
1 * 2^5 = 32
Summing these values gives: 0 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 16 + 32 = 54
So, the decimal equivalent of the binary number 110110 is
Multiply each octal digit by 8 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum
up the results.
Let's convert the octal number 247 to decimal.
Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant digit):
7 * 8^0 = 7
4 * 8^1 = 32
2 * 8^2 = 128
Summing these values gives: 7 + 32 + 128 = 167
So, the decimal equivalent of the octal number 247 is 167.

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The document discusses four fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming: inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation, and abstraction. It defines inheritance as the ability to define a new class that inherits properties from an existing class. Polymorphism is described as the ability for an object to take different forms, with two types being compile-time and run-time. Encapsulation is defined as protecting data by making it only accessible through an object's interface. Finally, abstraction is presented as identifying the relevant qualities an object should have, without needing to know the intrinsic implementation details.

Multiply each hexadecimal digit by 16 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as
0). Sum up the results, replacing any hexadecimal letters with their decimal equivalents.
Let's convert the hexadecimal number 1A7 to decimal.
Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant digit):
7 * 16^0 = 7
A (10 in decimal) * 16^1 = 160
1 * 16^2 = 256
Summing these values gives: 7 + 160 + 256 = 423
So, the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal 1A7 is 423.

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  • 1. Programming Process 21BCA2T313 : Computing And Programming Fundamentals Prof. Vishnu Priya P M Assistant Professor Dept. of Computer Science Kristu Jayanti College, Autonomous (Reaccredited A++ Grade by NAAC with CGPA 3.78/4) Bengaluru – 560077, India
  • 2. UNIT 1: PROGRAMMING PROCESS Developing a program, program development cycle; Introduction to Algorithms, Characteristics, writing an algorithm; Flowchart, Symbols, guidelines for preparing flowchart, benefits of flowcharts, limitations of flowcharts; Pseudo code, Pseudo code guidelines, benefits of pseudo code, limitations of pseudo code; Number System conversion.
  • 3. DEVELOPING A PROGRAM Developing a program involves a series of steps to translate a solution or algorithm into a working software application. • Problem Definition and Requirements Gathering: Clearly define the problem you're trying to solve and gather all the requirements from stakeholders or users. • Algorithm Design and Pseudocode: Plan out the logic of your program using pseudocode or flowcharts. Break down the problem into smaller steps and plan how they will be implemented. • Choose a Programming Language: Select a programming language that is suitable for the task and aligns with your team's expertise and the project's requirements. • Coding: Write the actual code based on the pseudocode or algorithm you've designed. Implement the logic and use the chosen programming language's syntax.
  • 4. • Testing and Debugging: Test your program to ensure that it works as expected. Identify and fix any errors (bugs) in your code. • Optimization: Improve the efficiency and performance of your code, if necessary. This might involve optimizing algorithms or code structure. • Documentation: Create documentation that explains how to use your program, the logic behind it, and any important technical details. • Version Control: Use version control systems (like Git) to track changes to your code over time. This helps in collaboration and tracking progress. • Integration and Deployment: If your program interacts with other software or systems, integrate it seamlessly. Deploy your program to the desired environment (e.g., a server or user's machine).
  • 5. • User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Have users or stakeholders test the program in a real-world scenario to ensure it meets their needs and expectations. • Feedback and Iteration: Gather feedback from users and stakeholders. If needed, iterate on your program to make improvements and address issues. • Final Testing and Quality Assurance (QA): Conduct thorough testing to ensure your program is stable, secure, and reliable. • Release and Maintenance: Once your program is ready and tested, release it to users or clients. Monitor its performance, fix any post-release issues, and provide ongoing maintenance.
  • 6. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT CYCLE The program development cycle, also known as the software development life cycle (SDLC), outlines the stages involved in creating and maintaining a software application. This cycle provides a structured approach to software development, ensuring that the resulting software meets user requirements, is of high quality, and is delivered within a reasonable timeframe.
  • 7.  Requirements Gathering and Analysis: Define the purpose of the software and gather detailed requirements from stakeholders and users. Analyze and prioritize these requirements to ensure a clear understanding of what the software should accomplish.  System Design: Design the system architecture, outlining the components, modules, and their interactions. Create a high-level design that defines the structure of the software and how different parts will work together.  Detailed Design: Create detailed design specifications for each component or module. Define data structures, algorithms, user interfaces, and any external interfaces.  Implementation (Coding): Write the actual code based on the design specifications. Use best coding practices and adhere to coding standards.
  • 8.  Testing: Test each component/module individually (unit testing) to identify and fix bugs. Integrate different components/modules and perform integration testing to ensure they work together correctly. Conduct system testing to validate the entire software against the defined requirements.  Deployment: Deploy the software in a production or user environment. Ensure all necessary resources are available for the software to run effectively.  User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Let users or stakeholders test the software in a real-world environment to ensure it meets their needs and expectations.  Feedback and Iteration: Collect feedback from users and stakeholders and make necessary changes based on their input. Release and Maintenance:
  • 9.  Release the software to users or clients. Monitor the software's performance, fix any post-release issues (bugs), and provide ongoing maintenance and updates.  Retirement or Enhancement: If the software becomes outdated or is no longer needed, it may be retired. If the software needs new features or updates, enter the cycle again to make enhancements.
  • 10. ALGORITHM An algorithm is a step-by-step set of well-defined instructions for solving a problem or performing a task. In essence, an algorithm provides a systematic approach to tackling a problem, outlining the exact sequence of actions to be taken in order to achieve a desired outcome. Algorithms are not limited to computer science; they are used in various fields, including mathematics, engineering, and everyday life.
  • 11. CHARACTERISTICS OF ALGORITHMS • Well-Defined Steps: An algorithm's steps must be precisely defined and unambiguous, leaving no room for interpretation. • Finiteness: Algorithms must have a finite number of steps. They cannot continue indefinitely; they must eventually terminate and produce an output. • Input and Output: Algorithms take some input, process it through the defined steps, and produce an output. The output could be a solution to a problem, a result of computation, or a modified version of the input data. • Effectiveness: Algorithms should be practical and feasible, meaning that they can be executed using a finite amount of resources, such as time and memory.
  • 12. • Deterministic: Each step of the algorithm must be well-defined and lead to a single, unambiguous action. There should be no randomness or ambiguity in how the algorithm behaves. • Independence: The steps of an algorithm should be independent, meaning that each step relies only on the results of previous steps and the given input. • Correctness: An algorithm is correct if it produces the desired output for all valid inputs and follows its defined behavior without errors. • Optimality: Some algorithms aim to find the best possible solution according to certain criteria, such as efficiency, accuracy, or resource usage.
  • 13. WRITING AN ALGORITHM Writing an algorithm involves breaking down a problem into a sequence of clear and unambiguous steps.  Understand the Problem: Before you start writing an algorithm, make sure you fully understand the problem you're trying to solve. Identify the inputs, the desired output, and any constraints or requirements.  Plan and Design: Think about the approach you want to take to solve the problem. Consider different strategies and select the one that seems most appropriate. This might involve dividing the problem into smaller subproblems, applying specific techniques, or iterating through data.  Outline the Steps: Break down the problem-solving process into a sequence of steps. Each step should be clear, concise, and independent. Use a combination of text and pseudocode (a simplified programming-like language) to describe the actions to be taken.
  • 14.  Use Control Structures: Incorporate control structures like loops (for, while) and conditional statements (if, else) to control the flow of the algorithm based on different conditions.  Assign Variables: If your algorithm involves data manipulation, assign variables to store and manipulate the data as needed.  Handle Input and Output: Specify how the algorithm will handle input (if any) and how it will produce the desired output. Input could come from users, files, sensors, etc.  Consider Error Handling: Think about potential issues that might arise during execution, such as invalid input or unexpected scenarios. Incorporate error-handling steps if necessary.  Test the Algorithm: Run through the algorithm manually with example inputs to make sure the steps are correct and that the algorithm produces the expected output.
  • 15.  Refine and Optimize: If needed, refine the algorithm to improve its efficiency, readability, or correctness. This might involve restructuring steps, simplifying logic, or optimizing loops.  Document the Algorithm: Write a clear description of the algorithm's purpose, steps, and any relevant details. This documentation will help others understand and implement the algorithm.
  • 16. Algorithm: Sum of Two Numbers Input: Two numbers - num1, num2 Output: Sum of num1 and num2 1. Start 2. Read num1 3. Read num2 4. Set sum = num1 + num2 5. Print sum 6. Stop
  • 17. FLOWCHART A flowchart is a graphical representation of a process, algorithm, or system using different shapes and arrows to depict the flow of steps and decisions. It's a visual tool that helps convey the logic and structure of a process in a clear and understandable way. Flowcharts are widely used in various fields, including computer programming, business process analysis, system design, and education.
  • 18.  Start/End: Represents the beginning or end of a process. Usually depicted as an oval or rounded rectangle.  Process/Action: Represents a specific action or task in the process. Displayed as a rectangle with rounded corners.  Decision: Represents a decision point where the process can take different paths based on a condition. Displayed as a diamond shape with "Yes" and "No" branches.  Input/Output: Represents data input or output from/to the process. Shown as a parallelogram.  Connector: Indicates a connection between different parts of the flowchart. Often represented as a small circle.  Flow Arrows: Arrows connect the various symbols to show the sequence and direction of steps.
  • 24. SYMBOLS USED IN FLOWCHARTS: o Terminal (Start/End): Represents the start or end of a process. Usually depicted as an oval or rounded rectangle. o Process/Action: Represents a specific action or task in the process. Displayed as a rectangle with rounded corners. o Decision: Represents a decision point where the process can take different paths based on a condition. Displayed as a diamond shape with "Yes" and "No" branches. o Input/Output: Represents data input or output from/to the process. Shown as a parallelogram. o Connector: Indicates a connection between different parts of the flowchart. Often represented as a small circle. o Flow Arrows: Arrows connect the various symbols to show the sequence and direction of steps.
  • 25. GUIDELINES FOR PREPARING FLOWCHARTS:  Define the Scope: Clearly define the process or system you're depicting with the flowchart. Understand the purpose and desired outcome.  Identify Symbols: Choose the appropriate symbols for each element in your process—start, end, actions, decisions, inputs, outputs, and connectors.  Order and Sequence: Organize the flow of actions logically. Use arrows to indicate the sequence of steps, ensuring that the process is easy to follow.  Keep it Simple: Use simple and clear language for labels inside the symbols. Avoid excessive detail; focus on conveying the main steps.  Use Consistency: Maintain a consistent style throughout the flowchart, including symbol shapes, line styles, and text formatting.
  • 26.  Use Standard Conventions: Stick to commonly recognized symbols to ensure your flowchart is easily understandable by others.  Avoid Ambiguity: Make sure each decision point has clear conditions, such as "Yes" or "No," and that each path leads to a well-defined outcome.  Test with Examples: Verify the flowchart's accuracy by running through examples to see if it produces the expected results.  Review and Refine: Share the flowchart with others to get feedback. Refine it based on their input to enhance clarity and correctness.
  • 27. BENEFITS OF FLOWCHARTS:  Visual Representation: Flowcharts provide a visual overview of a process, making it easier to understand complex sequences of actions and decisions.  Clarity and Communication: Flowcharts facilitate clear communication among team members, stakeholders, and individuals with varying levels of expertise.  Process Analysis: Flowcharts help identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, or areas for improvement in a process, aiding in optimization.  Standardization: Flowcharts allow organizations to standardize processes, ensuring consistent procedures are followed.  Documentation: They serve as documentation of processes, making it easier to train new employees or troubleshoot issues.  Decision Analysis: Flowcharts aid in decision-making by visually representing different choices and outcomes.
  • 28. LIMITATIONS OF FLOWCHARTS:  Complexity: For highly complex processes, flowcharts can become convoluted and difficult to follow.  Limited in Detail: Flowcharts may not capture all the nuances of a process, especially when it involves extensive decision trees or intricate logic.  Dynamic Processes: Flowcharts represent static processes; they don't capture dynamic or real- time interactions.  Not Ideal for Algorithms: While flowcharts are great for high-level processes, they might not be the best choice for detailing intricate programming algorithms.  Subjective Interpretation: Different individuals may interpret the same flowchart differently, leading to confusion or miscommunication.
  • 29. PSEUDOCODE Pseudocode is a high-level description of a computer program or algorithm that uses a combination of natural language and simplified programming constructs. It's used to outline the logic of a program before actual coding begins, helping to clarify and plan the steps necessary to solve a problem. Pseudocode is not tied to a specific programming language and is primarily meant to convey the algorithm's logic in a human-readable manner.
  • 30. PSEUDOCODE GUIDELINES:  Keep It Simple: Use plain language and simple programming constructs that convey the logic without getting into implementation details.  Use Indentation: Indentation helps to indicate the structure and nesting of statements, making the pseudocode more readable.  Use Standard Conventions: While pseudocode isn't bound to a specific programming language, adopting common conventions (like if-else statements or loops) makes it more understandable.  Focus on Logic: Emphasize the algorithm's logic rather than specific syntax. Use descriptive variable names and meaningful comments.
  • 31.  Use Control Structures: Utilize standard control structures like loops, conditionals, and function calls to express the flow of the algorithm.  Modularization: Break down the algorithm into smaller, manageable modules to enhance clarity and reusability.  Avoid Ambiguity: Make sure each step is unambiguous, and the logic is clear. Readers should be able to understand the intent without ambiguity.  Test with Examples: Run through the pseudocode with examples to ensure it accurately describes the desired behavior
  • 32. Algorithm: Find Maximum of Three Numbers Input: Three numbers - num1, num2, num3 Output: Maximum of the three numbers 1. Start 2. Read num1 3. Read num2 4. Read num3 5. If num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3 then 1. Set max = num1 2. Print max 6. Else If num2 >= num1 and num2 >= num3 then 1. Set max = num2 2. Print max 7. Else 1. Set max = num3 2. Print max 8. End 1. Start 2. Read num1 3. Read num2 4. Read num3 5. Set max = num1 6. If num2 > max then 1. Set max = num2 7. End If 8. If num3 > max then 1. Set max = num3 9. End If
  • 33. BENEFITS OF PSEUDOCODE: o Language Agnostic: Pseudocode is not tied to any specific programming language, making it useful for collaboration among individuals with different programming backgrounds. o Focus on Logic: Pseudocode allows developers to focus on the algorithm's logic and design before getting into the complexities of actual coding. o Clear Communication: It serves as a bridge between developers and non-developers, allowing stakeholders to understand the high-level approach. o Planning and Documentation: Pseudocode aids in planning and documenting the algorithm's design, making it easier to revisit and revise the logic. o Algorithm Design: It's particularly useful for designing complex algorithms where the exact syntax is less important than the overall logic.
  • 34. LIMITATIONS OF PSEUDOCODE:  Not Executable: Pseudocode is not directly executable like code written in a programming language. It requires translation into a specific language for implementation.  Level of Detail: Pseudocode may lack the level of detail required for actual coding, leading to ambiguities or inconsistencies when translated.  Subjective Interpretation: Like any form of natural language, pseudocode can be interpreted differently by different people, potentially leading to misunderstandings.  Limited for Complex Algorithms: While pseudocode is great for outlining logic, extremely complex algorithms might still require additional diagrams or descriptions to fully convey their intricacies.  Translatability: Translating pseudocode into code requires understanding the specific programming language's syntax and idioms.
  • 35. NUMBER SYSTEM CONVERSION. Number system conversion refers to the process of changing a numerical representation from one base or radix to another. In computer science and digital systems, the most common number systems are decimal (base 10), binary (base 2), octal (base 8), and hexadecimal (base 16). Converting between these number systems is important for tasks like programming, digital design, and data representation.
  • 36. DECIMAL TO BINARY:  Divide the decimal number by 2.  Record the remainder (0 or 1).  Continue dividing the quotient by 2 until the quotient becomes 0.  The binary equivalent is the sequence of recorded remainders (read in reverse order). Let's convert the decimal number 25 to binary. Divide 25 by 2: Quotient = 12, Remainder = 1 Divide 12 by 2: Quotient = 6, Remainder = 0 Divide 6 by 2: Quotient = 3, Remainder = 0 Divide 3 by 2: Quotient = 1, Remainder = 1 Divide 1 by 2: Quotient = 0, Remainder = 1 Reading the remainders in reverse order gives us: 11001 So, the binary equivalent of decimal 25 is 11001.
  • 37. BINARY TO DECIMAL: Multiply each binary digit by 2 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum up the results. Let's convert the binary number 101101 to decimal. Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant bit): 1 * 2^0 = 1 0 * 2^1 = 0 1 * 2^2 = 4 1 * 2^3 = 8 0 * 2^4 = 0 1 * 2^5 = 32 Summing these values gives: 1 + 0 + 4 + 8 + 0 + 32 = 45 So, the decimal equivalent of binary 101101 is 45.
  • 38. DECIMAL TO HEXADECIMAL:  Divide the decimal number by 16.  Record the remainder.  Continue dividing the quotient by 16 until the quotient becomes 0.  Replace remainders greater than 9 with corresponding hexadecimal letters (A, B, C, D, E, F). Let's convert the decimal number 206 to hexadecimal. Divide 206 by 16: Quotient = 12, Remainder = C (12 in hexadecimal) Divide 12 by 16: Quotient = 0, Remainder = E Reading the remainders in reverse order gives us: EC So, the hexadecimal equivalent of decimal 206 is EC.
  • 39. BINARY TO DECIMAL: Multiply each binary digit by 2 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum up the results. Let's convert the binary number 110110 to decimal. Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant bit): 0 * 2^0 = 0 1 * 2^1 = 2 1 * 2^2 = 4 0 * 2^3 = 0 1 * 2^4 = 16 1 * 2^5 = 32 Summing these values gives: 0 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 16 + 32 = 54 So, the decimal equivalent of the binary number 110110 is 54.
  • 40. OCTAL TO DECIMAL: Multiply each octal digit by 8 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum up the results. Let's convert the octal number 247 to decimal. Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant digit): 7 * 8^0 = 7 4 * 8^1 = 32 2 * 8^2 = 128 Summing these values gives: 7 + 32 + 128 = 167 So, the decimal equivalent of the octal number 247 is 167.
  • 41. HEXADECIMAL TO DECIMAL: Multiply each hexadecimal digit by 16 raised to the power of its position (starting from the rightmost digit as 0). Sum up the results, replacing any hexadecimal letters with their decimal equivalents. Let's convert the hexadecimal number 1A7 to decimal. Starting from the rightmost digit (least significant digit): 7 * 16^0 = 7 A (10 in decimal) * 16^1 = 160 1 * 16^2 = 256 Summing these values gives: 7 + 160 + 256 = 423 So, the decimal equivalent of hexadecimal 1A7 is 423.