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Digital Defence
Report 2022
Illuminating the threat landscape
and empowering a digital defence.
The data, insights and events in this report are
from July 2021 through June 2022 (Microsoft
fiscal year 2022), unless otherwise noted.
For the best experience viewing and
navigating this report, we recommend
using Adobe Reader, available as a free
download from the Adobe website.
Report Introduction 02
The State of Cybercrime 06
An overview of The State of Cybercrime 07
Introduction 08
Ransomware and extortion:
A nation-level threat 09
Ransomware insights from
front-line responders 14
Cybercrime-as-a-Service 18
The evolving phishing threat landscape 21
A timeline of botnet disruption from
Microsoft’s early days of collaboration 25
Cybercriminal abuse of infrastructure 26
Is hacktivism here to stay? 28
Nation State Threats 30
An overview of Nation State Threats 31
Introduction 32
Background on nation state data 33
Sample of nation state actors and
their activities 34
The evolving threat landscape 35
The IT supply chain as a gateway
to the digital ecosystem 37
Rapid vulnerability exploitation 39
Russian state actors’ wartime cyber
tactics threaten Ukraine and beyond 41
China expanding global targeting
for competitive advantage 44
Iran growing increasingly aggressive
following power transition 46
North Korean cyber capabilities employed
to achieve regime’s three main goals 49
Cyber mercenaries threaten
the stability of cyberspace 52
Operationalising cybersecurity norms
for peace and security in cyberspace 53
Devices and Infrastructure 56
An overview of Devices and Infrastructure 57
Introduction 58
Governments acting to improve critical
infrastructure security and resilience 59
IoT and OT exposed: Trends and attacks 62
Supply chain and firmware hacking 65
Spotlight on firmware vulnerabilities 66
Reconnaissance-based OT attacks 68
Cyber Influence Operations 71
An overview of Cyber Influence Operations 72
Introduction 73
Trends in cyber influence operations 74
Influence operations during the COVID-19
pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 76
Tracking the Russian Propaganda Index 78
Synthetic media 80
A holistic approach to protect
against cyber influence operations 83
Cyber Resilience 86
An overview of Cyber Resilience 87
Introduction 88
Cyber resiliency: A crucial
foundation of a connected society 89
The importance of modernising systems
and architecture 90
Basic security posture is a determining
factor in advanced solution effectiveness 92
Maintaining identity health is fundamental
to organisational well-being 93
Operating system default security settings 96
Software supply chain centrality 97
Building resilience to emerging DDoS,
web application and network attacks 98
Developing a balanced approach
to data security and cyber resiliency 101
Resilience to cyber influence operations:
The human dimension 102
Fortifying the human factor with skilling 103
Insights from our ransomware
elimination program 104
Act now on quantum security implications 105
Integrating business, security and
IT for greater resilience 106
The cyber resilience bell curve 108
Contributing Teams 110
01 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Foreign actors are also using highly effective
techniques to enable propaganda influence
operations in regions around the globe, as
covered in the third chapter. For example,
Russia has worked hard to convince its citizens,
and the citizens of many other countries, that
its invasion of Ukraine was justified – while
also sowing propaganda discrediting COVID
vaccines in the West and simultaneously
promoting their effectiveness at home.
In addition, actors are increasingly targeting
Internet of Things (IoT) devices or Operational
Technology (OT) control devices as entry points
to networks and critical infrastructure which
is discussed in chapter four. Finally, in the last
chapter, we provide the insights and lessons
we have learned from over the past year
defending against attacks directed at Microsoft
and our customers as we review the year’s
developments in cyber resilience.
Each chapter provides the key lessons learned
and insights based on Microsoft’s unique
vantage point. The trillions of signals we analyse
from our worldwide ecosystem of products
and services reveal the ferocity, scope and scale
of digital threats across the globe. Microsoft is
taking action to defend our customers and
the digital ecosystem against these threats,
and you can read about our technology that
identifies and blocks billions of phishing
attempts, identity thefts and other threats to
our customers.
A snapshot of our landscape…
Scope and scale of
threat landscape
The volume of password
attacks has risen to an
estimated 921 attacks
every second – a 74%
increase in just one year.
To date, Microsoft
removed more than
10,000 domains used
by cybercriminals and
600 used by nation
state actors.
93% of our ransomware
incident response
engagements revealed
insufficient controls on
privilege access and
lateral movement.
“The trillions of signals we analyse
		from our worldwide ecosystem of
		products and services reveal the
		ferocity, scope and scale of digital
		threats across the globe”
On February 23, 2022, the cybersecurity world
entered a new age, the age of the hybrid war.
On that day, hours before missiles were launched
and tanks rolled across borders, Russian actors
launched a massive destructive cyberattack
against Ukrainian government, technology and
financial sector targets. You can read more about
these attacks and the lessons to be learned
from them in the Nation State Threats chapter
of this third annual edition of the Microsoft
Digital Defence Report (MDDR). Key among
those lessons is that the cloud provides the best
physical and logical security against cyberattacks
and enables advances in threat intelligence and
end point protection that have proven their value
in Ukraine.
While any survey of the year’s developments in
cybersecurity must begin there, this year’s report
provides a deep dive into much more. In the
report’s first chapter, we focus on activities of
cybercriminals, followed by nation state threats in
chapter two. Both groups have greatly increased
the sophistication of their attacks which has
dramatically increased the impact of their actions.
While Russia drove headlines, Iranian actors
escalated their attacks following a transition
of presidential power, launching destructive
attacks targeting Israel and ransomware and
hack-and-leak operations targeting critical
infrastructure in the United States. China also
increased its espionage efforts in Southeast
Asia and elsewhere in the global south, seeking
to counter US influence and steal critical data
and information.
Introduction by Tom Burt
Corporate Vice President, Customer Security & Trust
02 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
The state of cybercrime
Cybercriminals continue to act as sophisticated
profit enterprises. Attackers are adapting and
finding new ways to implement their techniques,
increasing the complexity of how and where
they host campaign operation infrastructure.
At the same time, cybercriminals are becoming
more frugal. To lower their overhead and boost
the appearance of legitimacy, attackers are
compromising business networks and devices to
host phishing campaigns, malware or even use
their computing power to mine cryptocurrency.
Find out more on p6
Nation state threats
Nation state actors are launching increasingly
sophisticated cyberattacks designed to evade
detection and further their strategic priorities.
The advent of cyberweapon deployment in
the hybrid war in Ukraine is the dawn of a new
age of conflict. Russia has also supported its
war with information influence operations,
using propaganda to impact opinions in Russia,
Ukraine and globally. Outside Ukraine, nation
state actors have increased activity and have
begun using advancements in automation, cloud
infrastructure and remote access technologies to
attack a wider set of targets. Corporate IT supply
chains that enable access to ultimate targets
were frequently attacked. Cybersecurity hygiene
became even more critical as actors rapidly
exploited unpatched vulnerabilities, used
both sophisticated and brute force techniques
to steal credentials and obfuscated their
operations by using opensource or legitimate
software. In addition, Iran joins Russia in the
use of destructive cyberweapons, including
ransomware, as a staple of their attacks.
These developments require urgent adoption of
a consistent, global framework that prioritises
human rights and protects people from reckless
state behaviour online. All nations must work
together to implement norms and rules for
responsible state conduct.
Find out more on p30
Devices and infrastructure
The pandemic, coupled with rapid adoption
of internet-facing devices of all kinds as a
component of accelerating digital transformation,
has greatly increased the attack surface of our
digital world. As a result, cybercriminals and
nation states are quickly taking advantage.
While the security of IT hardware and software
has strengthened in recent years, the security of
IoT and OT devices security has not kept pace.
Threat actors are exploiting these devices to
establish access on networks and enable lateral
movement, to establish a foothold in a supply
chain or to disrupt the target organisation’s
OT operations.
Find out more on p56
We also use legal and technical means to
seize and shut down infrastructure used by
cybercriminals and nation state actors and notify
customers when they are being threatened
or attacked by a nation state actor. We work
to develop increasingly effective features
and services that use AI/ML technology to
identify and block cyber threats and security
professionals defend against and identify
cyber-intrusions more rapidly and effectively.
Perhaps most importantly, throughout the MDDR
we offer our best advice on the steps individuals,
organisations and enterprises can take to
defend against these increasing digital threats.
Adopting good cyber hygiene practices is the
best defence and can significantly reduce the risk
of cyberattacks.
Introduction by Tom Burt
‘The advent of
deployment in
the hybrid war
in Ukraine is the
dawn of a new
age of conflict.’
03 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
34.7 bn
identity threats
37 bn
email threats
2.5 bn
endpoint signals
analysed daily
43 tn
signals synthesised daily, using sophisticated
data analytics and AI algorithms to
understand and protect against digital threats
and criminal cyberactivity.
engineers, researchers, data scientists,
cybersecurity experts, threat hunters,
geopolitical analysts, investigators and
frontline responders across 77 countries.
partners in our security ecosystem who increase
cyber resilience for our customers.
Cyber resilience
Security is a key enabler of technological success.
Innovation and enhanced productivity can only
be achieved by introducing security measures
that make organisations as resilient as possible
against modern attacks. The pandemic has
challenged us at Microsoft to pivot our security
practices and technologies to protect our
employees wherever they work. This past year,
threat actors continued to take advantage of
vulnerabilities exposed during the pandemic
and the shift to a hybrid work environment.
Since then, our principal challenge has been
managing the prevalence and complexity of
various attack methods and increased nation
state activity. In this chapter, we detail the
challenges we have faced, and the defences
we have mobilised in response with our more
than 15,000 partners.
Find out more on p86
Our unique vantage point
July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022
Introduction by Tom Burt
Cyber influence operations
Nation states are increasingly using sophisticated
influence operations to distribute propaganda
and impact public opinion both domestically and
internationally. These campaigns erode trust,
increase polarisation and threaten democratic
processes. Skilled Advanced Persistent
Manipulator actors are using traditional media
together with internet and social media to vastly
increase the scope, scale and efficiency of their
campaigns, and the outsized impact they are
having in the global information ecosystem.
In the past year, we have seen these operations
used as part of Russia’s hybrid war in Ukraine,
but have also seen Russia and other nations,
including China and Iran, increasingly deploy
propaganda operations powered by social media
to extend their global influence on a range
of issues.
Find out more on p71
04 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
We believe Microsoft – independently and
through close partnerships with others in
private industry, government and civil society
– has a responsibility to protect the digital
systems that underpin the social fabric of our
society and promote safe, secure computing
environments for every person, wherever they
are located. This responsibility is the reason we
have published the MDDR each year since 2020.
The report is the culmination of Microsoft’s
vast data and comprehensive research. It shares
our unique insights on how the digital threat
landscape is evolving and the crucial actions that
can be taken today to improve the security of
the ecosystem.
We hope to instil a sense of urgency, so readers
take immediate action based on the data and
insights we present both here and in our many
cybersecurity publications throughout the year.
As we consider the gravity of the threat to the
digital landscape – and its translation into the
physical world – it is important to remember that
we are all empowered to take action to protect
ourselves, our organisations and enterprises
against digital threats.
Introduction by Tom Burt
Continued Thank you for taking
the time to review
this year’s Microsoft
Digital Defence
Report. We hope
you will find that
it provides valuable
insight and
to help us collectively
defend the digital
Tom Burt
Corporate Vice President,
Customer Security & Trust
Our objective with this report is twofold:
To illuminate the evolving digital threat landscape for our customers,
partners and stakeholders spanning the broader ecosystem, shining
a light on both new cyberattacks and evolving trends in historically
persistent threats.
To empower our customers and partners to improve their cyber
resiliency and respond to these threats.
05 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
The State of
As cyber defences improve and more organisations
are taking a proactive approach to prevention,
attackers are adapting their techniques.
An overview of The State of Cybercrime 07
Introduction 08
Ransomware and extortion:
A nation-level threat 09
Ransomware insights from
front-line responders 14
Cybercrime-as-a-Service 18
The evolving phishing threat landscape 21
A timeline of botnet disruption from
Microsoft’s early days of collaboration 25
Cybercriminal abuse of infrastructure 26
Is hacktivism here to stay? 28
06 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Devices and
Nation State
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Cyber Influence
Devices and
Nation State
An overview of
The State of Cybercrime
As cyber defences improve
and more organisations are
taking a proactive approach
to prevention, attackers are
adapting their techniques.
Cybercriminals continue to act as sophisticated
profit enterprises. Attackers are adapting and
finding new ways to implement their techniques,
increasing the complexity of how and where
they host campaign operation infrastructure.
At the same time, cybercriminals are becoming
more frugal. To lower their overhead and boost
the appearance of legitimacy, attackers are
compromising business networks and devices to
host phishing campaigns, malware or even use
their computing power to mine cryptocurrency.
The threat of ransomware and
extortion is becoming more
audacious with attacks targeting
governments, businesses and
critical infrastructure.
Human operated ransomware is most
prevalent, as one-third of targets
are successfully compromised by
criminals using these attacks and 5%
of those are ransomed.
Cybercrime continues to rise as the
industrialisation of the cybercrime
economy lowers the skill barrier to
entry by providing greater access to
tools and infrastructure.
Credential phishing
schemes which
indiscriminately target
all inboxes are on the
rise and business email
compromise, including
invoice fraud, poses a
significant cybercrime
risk for enterprises.
To disrupt the malicious
of cybercriminals
and nation state
actors, Microsoft
relies on innovative
legal approaches
and our public and
private partnerships.
Find out more on p9
Find out more on p18
Attackers increasingly threaten to
disclose sensitive data to encourage
ransom payments.
Find out more on p10
Find out more on p21
Find out more on p25
Find out more on p9
The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to
power the ransomware operations, including the builders
that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals
for communicating with victims.
A RaaS program (or syndicate) is an arrangement between
an operator and an affiliate. The RaaS operator develops and
maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations,
including the builders that produce the ransomware
payloads and payment portals for communicating with
victims. Many RaaS programs incorporate a suite of
extortion support offerings, including leak site hosting and
integration into ransom notes, as well as decryption
negotiation, payment pressure, and cryptocurrency
transaction services.
Affiliates are generally small groups of people “affiliated”
with one or more RaaS programs. Their role is to deploy the
RaaS program payloads. Affiliates move laterally in the
network, persist on systems, and exfiltrate data. Each affiliate
has unique characteristics, such as different ways of doing
data exfiltration.
Access brokers sell network access to other cybercriminals,
or gain access themselves via malware campaigns, brute
force, or vulnerability exploitation. Access broker entities
can range from large to small. Top tier access brokers
specialize in high-value network access, while lower tier
brokers on the dark web might have just 1–2 usable stolen
credentials for sale.
Organizations and individuals with weak cybersecurity
hygiene practices are at greater risk of having their network
credentials stolen.
Access brokers
Understanding the ransomware economy
falls victim to
a successful
ransomware event
are successfully
Access brokers sell access to
compromised networks to
affiliates, who run the
ransomware attack
RaaS affiliates
prioritise targets by
intended impact or
perceived profit
Attackers take advantage
of any security weakness
they find in the network,
so attacks vary
The ransomware payload
is the culmination of a
chain of malicious activity
encounter activity
associated with known
ransomware attackers
potential target
Low barrier to entry
Human operated ransomware
targeting and rate of success model
The most effective
defence against
includes multifactor
authentication, frequent
security patches and
Zero Trust principles
across network
Find out more on p13
BEC Themes (January-June 202
Gift card scam
07 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
As cyber defences improve and more
governments and businesses take a proactive
approach to prevention, we see attackers using
two strategies to gain access required to facilitate
cybercrime. One approach is a campaign with
broad targets that relies on volume. The other
uses surveillance and more selective targeting to
increase the rate of return. Even when revenue
generation is not the objective – such as nation
state activity for geopolitical purposes – both
random and targeted attacks are used. This past
year, cybercriminals continued to rely on
social engineering and exploitation of topical
issues to maximise the success of campaigns.
For example, while COVID-themed phishing lures
were used less frequently, we observed lures
soliciting donations to support the citizens of
Ukraine increasing.
Attackers are adapting and finding new ways
to implement their techniques, increasing
the complexity of how and where they host
campaign operation infrastructure. We have
observed cybercriminals becoming more
frugal and attackers are no longer paying for
technology. To lower their overhead and boost
the appearance of legitimacy, some attackers
increasingly seek to compromise businesses to
host phishing campaigns, malware or even use
their computing power to mine cryptocurrency.
In this chapter, we also examine the rise in
hacktivism, a disruption caused by private citizens
conducting cyberattacks to further social or
political goals. Thousands of individuals around
the world, both experts and novices, have
mobilised since February 2022 to launch attacks
such as disabling websites and leaking stolen
data as part of the Russia-Ukraine war. It is too
soon to predict whether this trend will continue
after the end of active hostilities.
Organisations must regularly review and
strengthen access controls and implement
security strategies to defend against
cyberattacks. However, that is not all they can
do. We explain how our Digital Crimes Unit
(DCU) has used civil cases to seize malicious
infrastructure used by cybercriminals and nation
state actors. We must fight this threat together
through both public and private partnerships.
We hope that by sharing what we have learned
over the past 10 years, we will help others
understand and consider the proactive measures
they can take to protect themselves and the
wider ecosystem against the continually growing
threat of cybercrime.
Amy Hogan-Burney
General Manager, Digital Crimes Unit
Cybercrime continues
to rise, with increases
in both random and
targeted attacks.
08 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
falls victim to
a successful
ransomware event
are successfully
Access brokers sell access to
compromised networks to
affiliates, who run the
ransomware attack
RaaS affiliates
prioritise targets by
intended impact or
perceived profit
Attackers take advantage
of any security weakness
they find in the network,
so attacks vary
The ransomware payload
is the culmination of a
chain of malicious activity
encounter activity
associated with known
ransomware attackers
potential target
Low barrier to entry
Human operated ransomware
targeting and rate of success model
• Also in May, an attack caused flight delays and
cancellations for one of India’s largest airlines,
leaving hundreds of passengers stranded.4
The success of these attacks and the extent of
their real-world impacts are the result of an
industrialisation of the cybercrime economy,
enabling access to tooling and infrastructure and
expanding cybercriminal capabilities by lowering
their skill barrier to entry.
In recent years, ransomware has moved from
a model where a single ‘gang’ would both
develop and distribute a ransomware payload
to the Ransomware as-a-Service (RaaS)
model. RaaS allows one group to manage the
development of the ransomware payload and
provide services for payment and extortion via
data leakage to other cybercriminals – the ones
who actually launch the ransomware attacks –
referred to as ‘affiliates’ for a cut of the profits.
This franchising of the cybercrime economy has
expanded the attacker pool. The industrialisation
of cybercriminal tooling has made it easier for
attackers to perform intrusions, exfiltrate data
and deploy ransomware.
Human operated ransomware5
– a term coined
by Microsoft researchers to describe threats
driven by humans who make decisions at every
stage of the attacks based on what they discover
in their target’s network and delineate the threat
from commodity ransomware attacks – remains
a significant threat to organisations.
and extortion:
A nation-level threat
Ransomware attacks pose an increased
danger to all individuals as critical
infrastructure, businesses of all sizes and
state and local governments are targeted
by criminals leveraging a growing
cybercriminal ecosystem.
Over the past two years, high profile ransomware
incidents – such as those involving critical
infrastructure, healthcare and IT service
providers – have drawn considerable public
attention. As ransomware attacks have become
more audacious in scope, their effects have
become more wide ranging. The following are
examples of attacks we’ve seen already in 2022:
• In February, an attack on two companies
affected the payment processing systems
of hundreds of petrol stations in northern
• In March, an attack against Greece’s postal
service temporarily disrupted mail delivery
and impacted the processing of financial
• In late May, a ransomware attack against Costa
Rican government agencies forced a national
emergency to be declared after hospitals were
shut down and customs and tax collection
Model based on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (EDR) data (January-June 2022).
09 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Digital threat activity
is at an all-time
high and the level
of sophistication
increases every day.
Expanding relationships between specialised
cybercriminals have increased the pace,
sophistication and success of ransomware
attacks. This has driven the evolution of the
cybercriminal ecosystem into connected players
with different techniques, goals and skillsets that
support each other on initial access to targets,
payment services and decryption or publication
tools or sites.
Ransomware operators can now purchase access
to organisations or government networks online
or obtain credentials and access via interpersonal
relationships with brokers whose main objective
is solely to monetise the access they have gained.
The operators then use the purchased access to
deploy a ransomware payload bought via dark
web marketplaces or forums. In many cases,
negotiations with victims are conducted by
the RaaS team, not the operators themselves.
These criminal transactions are seamless and the
participants risk little chance of being arrested
and charged due to the anonymity of the dark
web and difficulty enforcing laws transnationally.
A sustainable and successful effort against
this threat will require a whole-of-government
strategy to be executed in close partnership with
the private sector.
Ransomware attacks have become even more
impactful as the adoption of a double extortion
monetisation strategy has become a standard
practice. This involves exfiltrating data from
compromised devices, encrypting the data on
the devices and then posting or threatening to
post the stolen data publicly to pressure victims
into paying a ransom.
Although most ransomware attackers
opportunistically deploy ransomware to
whatever network they get access, some
purchase access from other cybercriminals,
leveraging connections between access
brokers and ransomware operators.
Our unique breadth of signal
intelligence is gathered from multiple
sources – identity, email, endpoints
and cloud – and provides insight into
the growing ransomware economy,
complete with an affiliate system which
includes tools designed for
less technically-abled attackers.
and extortion:
A nation-level threat
10 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Contrary to how ransomware is sometimes
portrayed in the media, it is rare for a single
ransomware variant to be managed by one
end-to-end ‘ransomware gang’. Instead, there
are separate entities that build malware, gain
access to victims, deploy ransomware and handle
extortion negotiations. The industrialisation of
the criminal ecosystem has led to:
• Access brokers that break in and hand off
access (Access-as-a-Service).
• Malware developers that sell tooling.
• Criminal operators and affiliates that
conduct intrusions.
• Encryption and extortion service
providers that take over monetisation
from affiliates (RaaS).
All human-operated ransomware campaigns
share common dependencies on security
weaknesses. Specifically, attackers usually
take advantage of an organisation’s poor
cyber hygiene, which often includes infrequent
patching and failure to implement multifactor
authentication (MFA).
The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to
power the ransomware operations, including the builders
that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals
for communicating with victims.
A RaaS program (or syndicate) is an arrangement between
an operator and an affiliate. The RaaS operator develops and
maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations,
including the builders that produce the ransomware
payloads and payment portals for communicating with
victims. Many RaaS programs incorporate a suite of
extortion support offerings, including leak site hosting
and integration into ransom notes, as well as decryption
negotiation, payment pressure and cryptocurrency
transaction services.
Affiliates are generally small groups of people ‘affiliated’
with one or more RaaS programs. Their role is to deploy the
RaaS program payloads. Affiliates move laterally in the
network, persist on systems and exfiltrate data. Each affiliate
has unique characteristics, such as different ways of doing
data exfiltration.
Access brokers sell network access to other cybercriminals,
or gain access themselves via malware campaigns, brute
force or vulnerability exploitation. Access broker entities can
range from large to small. Top tier access brokers specialise
in high-value network access, while lower tier brokers on
the dark web might have just one-to-two usable stolen
credentials for sale.
Organisations and individuals with weak cybersecurity
hygiene practices are at greater risk of having their network
credentials stolen.
Access brokers
Understanding the ransomware economy
11 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Case study: The dissolution of Conti
Conti, one of the top ransomware variants
over the past two years, began shutting down
operations in mid-2022, with the Microsoft
Threat Intelligence Centre (MSTIC) observing
a significant decrease in activity in late March
and early April. We observed the last Conti
ransomware deployments in mid-April.
However, much like the shuttering of other
ransomware operations, Conti’s dissolution did
not have a significant impact on ransomware
deployments, as MSTIC observed Conti affiliates
pivoting to deploy other ransomware payloads,
including BlackBasta, Lockbit 2.0, LockbitBlack
and HIVE. This is consistent with data from
previous years and suggests that when
ransomware gangs go offline, they re-emerge
months later or redistribute their technical
capabilities and resources to new groups.
Our Microsoft threat intelligence teams track
ransomware threat actors as individual groups
(labelled as DEVs) based on their specific tools,
rather than tracking them by the malware they
use. This meant that when Conti’s affiliates
dispersed, we were able to continue tracking
these DEVs through their use of other tools or
RaaS kits. For example:
• DEV-0230, which is affiliated with Trickbot,
had been a prolific user of Conti. In late April,
MSTIC observed it using QuantumLocker.
• DEV-0237 shifted from Conti’s ransomware
kit to HIVE and Nokoyawa, including using
HIVE in the May 31 attack against Costa
Rican government agencies.
• DEV-0506, another prolific user of the
Conti ransomware kit, was observed
using BlackBasta.
Example of an affiliate (DEV-0237) quickly shifting between RaaS programs
After a RaaS program such as Conti is shut down, the ransomware affiliate shifts to another one (Hive)
almost immediately.
Ryuk 2020-Jun 2021
Hive Oct 2021-present
BlackCat Mar 2022-present
Nokoyawa May 2022-present
Agenda etc. June 2022 (experimenting)
2021 2022
Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun
Conti Jul-Oct 2021
RaaS evolves the ransomware ecosystem
and hinders attribution
Because human-operated ransomware is driven
by individual operators, attack patterns vary
based on the target and alternate throughout the
duration of an attack. In the past, we observed
a close relationship between the initial entry
vector, tools and ransomware payload choices
in each campaign of a single ransomware strain.
This made attribution easier. The RaaS affiliate
model, however, decouples this relationship.
As a result, Microsoft tracks ransomware
affiliates deploying payloads in specific attacks,
rather than tracking the ransomware payload
developers as operators.
Put another way, we no longer assume the
HIVE developer is the operator behind a HIVE
ransomware attack; it is more likely to be
an affiliate.
The cybersecurity industry has struggled to
adequately capture this delineation between
developers and operators. The industry still often
reports a ransomware incident by its payload
name, giving the false impression that a single
entity, or ransomware gang, is behind all attacks
using that particular ransomware payload, and
all incidents associated with it share common
techniques and infrastructure. To support
network defenders, it is important to learn more
about the stages that precede different affiliates’
attacks – such as data exfiltration and additional
persistence mechanisms – and the detection and
protection opportunities that might exist.
More so than malware, attackers
need credentials to succeed in their
operations. The successful human
operated ransomware infection of
an entire organisation relies on access
to a highly privileged account.
12 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Spotlight on human-operated
ransomware attacks
Over the past year, Microsoft’s
ransomware experts conducted deep
investigations into more than 100 human-
operated ransomware incidents to track
attackers’ techniques and understand
how to better protect our customers.
It is important to note that the analysis we
share here is possible only for onboarded,
managed, devices. Non-onboarded, unmanaged
devices represent the least secure part of an
organisation’s hardware assets.
A durable security strategy
Combating and preventing attacks of this nature
requires a shift in an organisation’s mindset to
focus on the comprehensive protection required
to slow and stop attackers before they can
move from the pre-ransomware phase to the
ransomware deployment phase.
Enterprises must apply security best practices
consistently and aggressively to their networks,
with the goal of mitigating classes of attacks.
Due to the human decision making these
ransomware attacks can generate multiple,
seemingly disparate security product alerts which
can easily get lost or not responded to in time.
Alert fatigue is real, and security operations
centres (SOCs) can make their lives easier by
looking at trends in their alerts or grouping alerts
into incidents so they can see the bigger picture.
SOCs can then mitigate alerts using hardening
capabilities like attack surface reduction rules.
Hardening against common threats cannot
only reduce alert volume, but also stop many
attackers before they get access to networks.
Organisations must maintain
continuous high standards of
security posture and network
hygiene to protect themselves
from human-operated
ransomware attacks.
The typical human-operated attack
Human-operated ransomware attacks can be
categorised into the pre-ransomware phase
and the ransomware deployment phase.
During the pre-ransomware phase, attackers
prepare to infiltrate the network by learning
about the organisation’s typology and
security infrastructure.
Stop the attackers before
they reach the ransomware
deployment phase
Attackers prepare to infiltrate
the network by learning as much
as possible about the topology
and security infrastructure.
Attackers may also exfiltrate
data in this phase.
Attackers aim
to encrypt as
much data as
This phase
can last only
This phase can range from a few
days to several weeks or months,
although it has been shortening
over the past two years.
Our investigations found most actors behind
human-operated ransomware attacks take
advantage of similar security weaknesses and
share common attack patterns and techniques.
Most prevalent ransomware
phase techniques:
Use admin tools.
Use acquired elevated compromised
user account to spread malicious
payloads through SMB protocol.
Attempt to tamper with discovered
security and backup products using
OS-built tools.
Actionable insights
Ransomware attackers are motivated by
easy profits, so adding to their cost via
security hardening is key in disrupting the
cybercriminal economy.
1 Build credential hygiene. More so than
malware, attackers need credentials to
succeed in their operations. The successful
human-operated ransomware infection of
an entire organisation relies on access to
a highly privileged account like a Domain
Administrator, or abilities to edit
a Group Policy.
2 Audit credential exposure.
3 Prioritise deployment of Active
Directory updates.
4 Prioritise cloud hardening.
5 Reduce the attack surface.
6 Harden internet-facing assets and
understand your perimeter.
7 Reduce SOC alert fatigue by hardening
your network to reduce volume and
preserve bandwidth for high priority
Links to further information
RaaS: Understanding the cybercrime gig
economy and how to protect yourself |
Microsoft Security Blog
Human-operated ransomware attacks:
A preventable disaster | Microsoft
Security Blog
13 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Ransomware insights
from front-line
Organisations worldwide experienced
a steady growth in human-operated
ransomware attacks beginning in 2019.
However, law enforcement operations
and geopolitical events in the last
year had a significant impact on
cybercriminal organisations.
Microsoft’s Security Service Line supports
customers through an entire cyberattack, from
investigation to successful containment and
recovery activities. The response and recovery
services are offered via two highly integrated
teams, with one focusing on the investigation and
groundwork for recovery and the second one on
containment and recovery. This section presents
a summary of findings based on ransomware
engagements over the past year.
Ransomware incident and recovery
engagements by industry
Manufacturing 28%
IT 4%
Finance 8%
Government 8%
Health 20%
Energy 8%
Education 8%
Consumer retail 16%
As new small groups and threats emerge,
defending teams must be aware of evolving
ransomware threats while protecting against
previously unknown ransomware malware
families. The rapid development approach
used by criminal groups led to the creation of
intelligent ransomware packaged in easy-to-use
kits. This allows greater flexibility in launching
widespread attacks on a higher number
of targets.
The following pages provide a deeper look at the
most commonly observed contributing factors to
weak protection against ransomware, grouped
into three categories of findings:
1. Weak identity controls
2. Ineffective security operations
3. Limited data protection
of Microsoft investigations
during ransomware recovery
engagements revealed
insufficient privilege access
and lateral movement controls.
Summary of most common findings in ransomware response engagements
The most common finding among ransomware incident response engagements was insufficient privilege access
and lateral movement controls.
14 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Ransomware insights
from front-line
Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD security
of impacted customers did not employ AD
and Azure AD security best practices. This has
become a common attack vector as attackers
exploit misconfigurations and weaker security
postures in critical identity systems to gain
broader access and impact to businesses.
Least privilege access and use of Privileged
Access Workstations (PAW)
None of the impacted organisations
implemented proper administrative credential
segregation and least privilege access principles
via dedicated workstations during the
management of their critical identity and high-
value assets, such as proprietary systems and
business-critical applications.
Privilege account security
of engagements, MFA was not implemented for
sensitive and high privileged accounts, leaving
a security gap for attackers to compromise
credentials and pivot further attacks using
legitimate credentials.
Administrators across 84% of organisations did
not use privilege identity controls such as just-
in-time access to prevent further nefarious use
of compromised privileged credentials.
1 Weak identity controls
Human-operated ransomware continues to evolve and employ credential theft and lateral
movement methods traditionally associated with targeted attacks. Successful attacks are often
the result of long-running campaigns involving compromise of identity systems, like Active
Directory (AD), that allow human operators to steal credentials, access systems and remain
persistent in the network.
1 Weak identity controls:
Credential theft attacks remain
one of the top contributing factors
2 Ineffective security
operations processes do not just
present a window of opportunity
for attackers, but significantly
impact the time to recover
3 Eventually it boils down to
data – organisations struggle
to implement an effective data
protection strategy which aligns
with their business needs
The three main contributing
factors seen in our on-site
response engagements:
15 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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of impacted organisations did not have an
effective vulnerability and patch management
process, and a high dependence on manual
processes versus automated patching led to
critical openings. Manufacturing and critical
infrastructure continue to struggle with
maintenance and patching of legacy
operational technology (OT) systems.
Lack of security operations tooling:
Most organisations reported a lack of end-
to-end security visibility due to a lack or
misconfiguration of security tools, leading to a
decrease in detect and response effectiveness.
of organisations reported no use of an EDR6
tool, a fundamental technology for detection
and response.
did not invest in security information and
event management (SIEM) technology leading
to monitoring silos, limited ability to detect
end-to-end threats and inefficient security
operations. Automation remains a key gap in
SOC tooling and processes, forcing SOC staff
to spend countless hours making sense of
security telemetry.
of impacted organisations did not enable
integration of their multi-cloud environments
into their security operations tooling.
Response and recovery processes:
Lack of an effective response plan was a
critical area observed in 76% of impacted
organisations, preventing proper organisational
crisis readiness and negatively impacting time
to respond and recover.
Ransomware insights
from front-line
2 Ineffective security operations
Our data shows organisations which suffered ransomware attacks have significant gaps in their
security operations, tooling and information technology asset lifecycle management. Based on
the available data, the following gaps were most observed:
3 Limited data protection
Many compromised organisations lacked
proper data protection processes leading
to a severe impact on recovery times
and the capability to return to business
operations. The most common gaps
encountered include:
Immutable backup:
of organisations did not have immutable
backups for the impacted systems. Data also
shows administrators did not have backups
and recovery plans for critical assets such
as AD.
Data loss prevention:
Attackers usually find their way to compromise
systems via exploiting vulnerabilities in
the organisation, exfiltrating critical data
for extortion, intellectual property theft
or monetisation.
of impacted organisations did not implement
effective data loss prevention controls
to mitigate these risks, leading to critical
data loss.
16 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Ransomware declined in some
regions and increased in others
This year we observed a drop in the
overall number of ransomware cases
reported to our response teams in North
America and Europe compared to the
previous year. At the same time, cases
reported in Latin America increased.
One interpretation of this observation is
cybercriminals pivoted away from areas
perceived to have a higher risk of triggering
law enforcement scrutiny in favour of softer
targets. Since Microsoft did not observe a
substantial improvement in enterprise network
security worldwide to explain the decrease in
ransomware-related support calls, we believe
the most likely cause is a combination of law
enforcement activity in 2021 and 2022 which
increased the cost of criminal activity, along with
some geopolitical events of 2022.
One of the most prevalent RaaS operations
belongs to a Russian-speaking criminal group
known as REvil (also known as Sodinokibi) that
has been active since 2019. In October 2021,
REvil’s servers were taken offline as part of
the international law enforcement Operation
In January 2022, Russia arrested
14 alleged REvil members and raided 25 locations
associated with them.8
This was the first time
Russia acted against ransomware operators on
its soil.
Actionable insights
1 Focus on holistic security strategies, as all
of the ransomware families take advantage
of the same security weaknesses to impact
a network.
2 Update and maintain security basics to
increase defence-in-depth base level
of protection and modernise security
operations. Moving to the cloud allows
you to detect threats more quickly and
respond faster.
Links to further information
Protect your organisation from
ransomware | Microsoft Security
Seven ways to harden your environment
against compromise | Microsoft
Security Blog
Improving AI-based defences to disrupt
human-operated ransomware | Microsoft
365 Defender Research Team
Security Insider: Explore the latest
cybersecurity insights and updates |
Microsoft Security
While law enforcement activities likely slowed
the frequency of attacks in 2022, threat actors
might well develop new strategies to avoid being
caught in the future. Moreover, tension between
Russia and the United States over Russia’s
invasion of Ukraine appears to have put an end
to Russia’s nascent cooperation in the global
fight against ransomware. After a brief period of
uncertainty following the REvil arrests, the United
States and Russia ceased cooperation in pursuing
ransomware actors, which means cybercriminals
might view Russia as a safe haven once more.
Looking ahead, we predict the pace of
ransomware activities will depend on the
outcome of some key questions:
1. Will governments take action to prevent
ransomware criminals from operating within
their borders, or seek to disrupt actors
operating from foreign soil?
2. Will ransomware groups change tactics to
remove the need for ransomware and resort
to extortion style attacks?
3. Will organisations be able to modernise and
transform their IT operations faster than
criminals can exploit vulnerabilities?
4. Will advancements in tracking and tracing
ransom payments force ransom recipients
to change tactics and negotiations?
Ransomware attacks decreased
in some regions, but ransom
demands more than doubled.
While law enforcement
activities likely slowed
the frequency of attacks
in 2022, threat actors
might well develop new
strategies to avoid being
caught in the future.
17 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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the RDP, SSH and cPanels with appropriate
tools and scripts to facilitate various types
of cyberattacks.
Homoglyph domain creation services
are increasingly requiring payment
in cryptocurrencies.
Homoglyph domains impersonate legitimate
domain names by utilising characters that are
identical or nearly identical in appearance to
another character. The aim is to deceive the
viewer into thinking the homoglyph domain
is the genuine domain. These domains are a
ubiquitous threat and a gateway for a significant
amount of cybercrime. CaaS sites now sell
custom homoglyph domain names, which allows
buyers to request specific company and domain
names to impersonate. After payment is received,
the CaaS merchants use a homoglyph generator
tool to select the domain name and then register
the malicious homoglyph. Payment for this
service is almost exclusively in cryptocurrency.
process invoicing, such as CFOs or ��Accounts
Receivable’. Similarly, industries participating in
public contracting are often targeted due to the
quantity of information that is made available
through the public bidding process.
DCU investigations into CaaS surfaced
a number of key trends:
The number and sophistication of services
is increasing.
One example is the evolution of web shells
which typically consist of compromised web
servers used to automate phishing attacks.
DCU observed CaaS resellers simplifying the
upload of phishing kits or malware through
specialised web-dashboards. CaaS sellers often
subsequently attempt to sell additional services
to the threat actor through the dashboard
such as spam message services and specialised
spam recipient lists based on defined attributes
including geographic location or profession.
In some instances, we observed a single web
shell being used in multiple attack campaigns,
which suggests threat actors might maintain
persistent access to the compromised server.
We also observed an increase in anonymisation
services available as part of the CaaS ecosystem
as well as offers for virtual private networks
(VPN) and virtual private server (VPS) accounts.
In most instances, the VPN/VPS offered were
initially procured through stolen credit cards.
CaaS websites also offered a larger number of
remote desktop protocol (RDP), secure shell (SSH)
and cPanels for use as a platform to orchestrate
cybercrime attacks. CaaS merchants configure
Cybercriminals are now collaborating across time
zones and languages to deliver specific results.
For example, one CaaS website administered
by an individual in Asia maintains operations
in Europe, and creates malicious accounts in
Africa. The multi-jurisdictional nature of these
operations present complex law and enforcement
challenges. In response, DCU focuses its efforts
on disabling malicious criminal infrastructure
used to facilitate CaaS attacks and collaborating
with law enforcement agencies around the world
to hold criminals accountable.
Cybercriminals are increasingly using analytics to
maximise reach, scope and gain. Like legitimate
businesses, CaaS websites must ensure the
validity of products and services to maintain a
solid reputation. For example, CaaS websites
routinely automate access to compromised
accounts to ensure the validity of compromised
credentials. Cybercriminals will discontinue sales
of specific accounts when passwords are reset or
vulnerabilities patched. Increasingly, we identified
CaaS websites providing buyers with on-demand
verification as a quality control process. As a
result, buyers can feel confident the CaaS website
sells active accounts and passwords while
reducing potential costs to the CaaS merchant
if the stolen credentials are remediated prior
to sale.
DCU also observed CaaS websites offering
buyers the option to purchase compromised
accounts from specific geographic locations,
designated online service providers and
specifically targeted individuals, professions
and industries. Frequently ordered accounts
focus on professionals or departments that
Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) is a
growing and evolving threat to customers
worldwide. The Microsoft Digital Crimes
Unit (DCU) observed continued growth
of the CaaS ecosystem with an increasing
number of online services facilitating
various cybercrimes, including BEC
and human-operated ransomware.
Phishing continues to be a preferred
attack method as cybercriminals can
acquire significant value from
successfully stealing and selling
access to stolen accounts.
In response to the expanding CaaS market,
DCU enhanced its listening systems to detect
and identify CaaS offerings across the entire
ecosystem of internet, deep web, vetted forums,9
dedicated websites, online discussion forums
and messaging platforms.
site registrations successfully
blocked by DCU this year to get
ahead of criminal actors that
planned to use them to engage
in global cybercrime.
18 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Attackers aim
to encrypt as
much data as
1 2 3
Select a
phishing site
from among the
hundreds offered.
Once these steps are completed, the PhaaS merchant creates services with three or four layers of redirect and
hosting resources to target specific users. The campaign is subsequently launched, and victim credentials are
harvested, verified and sent to the email address provided by the purchaser. For a premium, many PhaaS
merchants offer to host phishing sites on the public blockchain so they can be accessed by any browser and
redirects can point users to a resource on the distributed ledger.
Provide an email
address to receive
obtained from
phishing victims.
Pay the PhaaS
merchant in
DCU’s work to develop tools and techniques
which identify and disrupt CaaS cybercriminals is
ongoing. The evolution of CaaS services presents
significant challenges, particularly in disrupting
cryptocurrency payments.
24/7 support. The DDoS subscription service
offers different architectures and attack methods,
so a purchaser simply selects a resource to attack
and the seller provides access to an array of
compromised devices on their botnet to conduct
the attack. The cost for the DDoS subscription
is a mere USD 500.
it is a virtual machine, gathering details about
the browser and hardware being used, and more.
If all checks pass, traffic is sent to a landing page
used for phishing.
End-to-end cybercrime services are selling
subscriptions to managed services.
Typically, each step in the commission of
an online crime can expose threat actors
if operational security is poor. The risk of
exposure and identification increases if services
are purchased from multiple CaaS sites.
DCU observed a concerning trend in the dark
web whereby there is an increase in services
offering to anonymise software code and
genericise website text to reduce exposure. End-
to-end cybercrime subscription service providers
manage all services and guarantee results which
further reduce exposure risks to the subscribing
OCN. The reduced risk has increased the
popularity of these end-to-end services.
Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) is one example
of an end-to-end cybercrime service. PhaaS is
an evolution of prior services known as fully
undetectable services (FUD) and is offered on
a subscription basis. Typical PhaaS terms include
keeping phishing websites active for a month.
DCU also identified a CaaS merchant offering
distributed denial of service (DDoS) on a
subscription model. This model outsources
the creation and maintenance of the botnet
necessary to carry out attacks to the CaaS
merchant. Each DDoS subscription customer
receives an encrypted service to enhance
operational security and one year of

CaaS sellers increasingly offer compromised
credentials for purchase.
Compromised credentials enable unauthorised
access to user accounts including email
messaging service, corporate file sharing
resources and OneDrive for Business.
If administrator credentials are compromised,
unauthorised users could gain access to
confidential files, Azure resources and
company user accounts. In many instances,
DCU investigations identified unauthorised use
of the same credential across multiple servers
as a means to automate verifying credentials.
This pattern suggests the compromised user
might be a victim of multiple phishing attacks
or have device malware allowing botnet
keyloggers to collect credentials.
CaaS services and products with enhanced
features are emerging to avoid detection.
One CaaS seller offers phishing kits with
increased layers of complexity and anonymisation
features designed to circumvent detection and
prevention systems for as little as USD 6 per
day. The service offers a series of redirects that
perform checks before allowing traffic to the next
layer or site. One of these runs over 90 checks for
fingerprinting the device, including whether
PhaaS, cybercriminals offer multiple services within
a single subscription. In general, a purchaser needs
to take only three actions:
19 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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and force cybercriminals to use other obfuscation
methods like coin tumbling or unlicensed
exchanges. As an example, Uniswap recently
announced it will start to use blacklists to block
wallets known to be involved in illicit activities
from transacting on the exchange.15
cash-out options, such as centralised exchanges
(CEX), peer-to-peer (P2P) and over the counter
(OTC) exchanges. DEXes are an attractive
laundering location because they often do not
follow AML measures.
In December 2021, hackers attacked the global
cryptocurrency trading platform AscendEx
and stole approximately USD 77.7 million in
cryptocurrency belonging to its customers.12
AscendEx hired blockchain analytics firms and
contacted other CEXs so the wallets receiving
stolen funds could be blacklisted. Additionally,
addresses where the coins were sent were
labelled as such on the Ethereum blockchain
explorer Etherscan.13
In order to circumvent the
alerting and blacklisting, the hackers sent USD
1.5 million in Ethereum to Uniswap, one of the
world’s largest DEXs, on February 18, 2022.14
The adoption of stronger AML measures by DEXs
could blunt laundering activity on their platforms
Tracking ransomware payments
Ransomware is one of the largest sources of
illicitly gained cryptocurrency. In an effort to
disrupt malicious technical infrastructure used in
ransomware attacks – for example, the disruption
of Zloader in April 202211
– Microsoft’s DCU
tracks criminal wallets to enable cryptocurrency
tracking and recovery capabilities.
DCU investigators have observed ransomware
actors evolving their communication tactics with
victims to conceal the money trail. Originally,
cybercriminals included Bitcoin addresses in their
ransom notes. However, this made it easy to
follow payment transactions on the blockchain,
so ransomware actors stopped including wallet
addresses and instead appended email addresses
or links to chat websites to communicate ransom
payment addresses to victims. Some actors
even created unique webpages and logins for
each victim to prevent security researchers and
law enforcement from obtaining the criminals’
wallet addresses by pretending to be victims.
Despite criminals’ efforts to hide their tracks,
some ransom payments can still be recovered
by working with law enforcement and crypto
analysis companies that can track movement
on the blockchain.
Trending: DEX laundering of illicit proceeds
A key issue for cybercriminals is the
conversion of cryptocurrency to fiat currency.
Cybercriminals have several potential avenues
for conversion, each of which carries a different
degree of risk. One method used to reduce risk
is to launder proceeds through a decentralised
exchange (DEX) before cashing out via available
Criminal use of
As the adoption of cryptocurrency
becomes mainstream, criminals are
increasingly using it to evade law
enforcement and anti-money laundering
(AML) measures. This heightens the
challenge for law enforcement to track
and trace cryptocurrency payments
to cybercriminals.
Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions
grew by approximately 340% over the last four
years, while new cryptocurrency wallets grew
by around 270%. There are more than 83 million
unique wallets globally, and the total market
capitalisation of all cryptocurrencies was
approximately USD 1.1 trillion as of July 28, 2022.10
Source: – @PeckShieldAlert (PeckShield
is a China-based blockchain security company).
Using the cryptocurrency investigative tool Chainalysis, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit discovered the AcendEX
hackers swapped their stolen funds at a smaller DEX called Curve in addition to Uniswap. This diagram illustrates
the laundering routes the team uncovered. Each circle represents a cluster of wallets and the numbers on each line
represent the total amount of Ethereum transmitted for laundering purposes.
Actionable insights
1 If you are a victim of cybercrime who has
paid the criminal using cryptocurrency,
contact local law enforcement who
might be able to help track and recover
lost funds.
2 Become familiar with the ALM measures
in place when selecting a DEX.
Links to further information
Hardware-based threat defence against
increasingly complex cryptojackers |
Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team
Uniswap V3
stolen funds
Tracking illicitly gained cryptocurrency
20 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Cyber Influence
Microsoft detects millions of BEC emails every
month, equivalent to 0.6% of all phishing emails
observed. A report from IC318
published in
May 2022 indicates an upward trend in exposed
losses due to BEC attacks.
The techniques used in phishing attacks
continue to increase in complexity. In response
to countermeasures, attackers adapt new ways
to implement their techniques and increase
the complexity of how and where they host
campaign operation infrastructure. This means
organisations must regularly reassess their
strategy for implementing security solutions to
block malicious emails and strengthen access
control for individual user accounts.
The evolving phishing
threat landscape
Credential phishing schemes are on
the rise and remain a substantial threat
to users everywhere because they
indiscriminately target all inboxes.
Among the threats our researchers
track and protect against, the volume of
phishing attacks is orders of magnitude
greater than all other threats.
Using data from Defender for Office, we see
malicious email and compromised identity
activity. Azure Active Directory Identity
Protection provides still more information
through compromised identity event alerts.
Using Defender for Cloud Apps, we see
compromised identity data access events,
and Microsoft 365 Defender (M365D) provides
cross-product correlation. The lateral movement
metric comes from Defender for Endpoint (attack
behaviour alerts and events), Defender for Office
(malicious email) and again M365D for cross-
product correlation).
In addition to the URLs blocked
by Defender for Office, our Digital
Crimes Unit directed the takedown
of 531,000 unique phishing URLs
hosted outside of Microsoft.
1 hr 12 m
The median time it takes for an
attacker to access your private
data if you fall victim to a
phishing email.16
1 hr 42 m
The median time for an attacker
to begin moving laterally within
your corporate network once a
device is compromised.17
Detected phish emails
The number of phish detections per week continue to rise. The decrease in December-January is an expected
seasonal drop, also reported in last year’s report. Source: Exchange Online Protection signals.
710 million
phishing emails blocked per week.
Microsoft 365 credentials remain one of the most
highly sought-after account types for attackers.
Once login credentials are compromised,
attackers can log in to corporate-tied computer
systems to facilitate infection with malware and
ransomware, steal confidential company data
and information by accessing SharePoint files,
and continue the spread of phish by sending
additional malicious emails using Outlook,
among other actions.
In addition to campaigns with broader targets,
phishing for credentials, donations and personal
information, attackers are targeting selective
businesses for larger payouts. Email phishing
attacks against businesses for financial gain
are collectively referred to as BEC attacks.
21 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
More than ever, phishers are relying on legitimate
infrastructure to operate, driving a rise in
phishing campaigns aimed at compromising
various aspects of an operation so they do
not have to purchase, host or operate their
own. For example, malicious emails might
originate from compromised sender accounts.
Attackers benefit from using these email
addresses which have a higher reputation score
and are seen as more trustworthy than newly
created accounts and domains. In some more
advanced phishing campaigns, we observed
attackers preferring to send and spoof from
domains which have DMARC19
incorrectly set up
with a ‘no action’ policy, opening the door for
email spoofing.
We continue to observe a steady year-over-year
increase in phishing emails. The shift to remote
work in 2020 and 2021 saw a substantial increase
in phishing attacks aiming to capitalise on the
changing work environment. Phish operators
are quick to adopt new email templates using
lures aligned with major world events such as
the COVID-19 pandemic and themes linked
to collaboration and productivity tools such
as Google Drive or OneDrive file sharing.
While COVID-19 themes have diminished, the
war in Ukraine became a new lure starting in
early March 2022. Our researchers observed a
staggering increase of emails impersonating
legitimate organisations soliciting cryptocurrency
donations in Bitcoin and Ethereum, allegedly to
support Ukrainian citizens.
Only a few days after the start of the war in
Ukraine in late February 2022, the number
of detected phishing emails containing
Ethereum addresses encountered across
enterprise customers increased dramatically.
Total encounters peaked in the first week of
March when half a million phishing emails
contained an Ethereum wallet address. Prior to
the start of the war, the number of Ethereum
wallet addresses across other emails detected
as phish was significantly less, averaging a few
thousand emails per day.
Large phish operations tend to use cloud
services and cloud virtual machines (VMs) to
operationalise large scale attacks. Attackers can
fully automate the process of deploying and
delivering emails from VMs using SMTP
email relays or cloud email infrastructure to
benefit from the high deliverability rates and
positive reputation of these legitimate services.
If malicious email is allowed to be sent through
these cloud services, defenders must rely on
strong email filtering capabilities to block emails
from entering their environment.
Microsoft accounts remain a top target for
phishing operators, as evidenced by the
numerous phishing landing pages which
impersonate the Microsoft 365 login page.
For example, phishers attempt to match the
Microsoft login experience in their phish kits
by generating a unique URL customised to
the recipient. This URL points to a malicious
webpage developed to harvest credentials, but
a parameter in the URL will contain the specific
recipient’s email address. Once the target
navigates to the page, the phish kit will pre-
populate user login data and a corporate logo
customised to the email recipient, mirroring the
appearance of the targeted company’s custom
Microsoft 365 login page.
Phishing page impersonating a Microsoft
login with dynamic content
Phishing emails with Ethereum wallet addresses
Total emails detected as phish containing Ethereum wallet addresses increased at the start of the Ukraine-Russia
conflict and tapered off after the initial push.
The evolving phishing
threat landscape
22 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Defending against phish
To reduce your organisation’s exposure to phish, IT administrators
are encouraged to implement the following policies and features:
1 Require the use of MFA across all accounts
to limit unauthorised access.
2 Enable conditional access features for
highly privileged accounts to block
access from countries, regions and IPs
that do not typically generate traffic at
your organisation.
3 Consider using physical security keys
for executives, employees involved in
payment or purchase activities and other
privileged accounts.
4 Enforce the use of browsers which support
services such as Microsoft SmartScreen
to analyse URLs for suspicious behaviours
and blocks access to known malicious
5 Use a machine-learning based security
solution that quarantines high probability
phish and detonates URLs and
attachments in a sandbox before email
reaches the inbox, such as Microsoft
Defender for Office 365.24
6 Enable impersonation and
spoofing protection features across
your organisation.
7 Configure DomainKeys Identified Mail
(DKIM) and Domain-based Message
Authentication Reporting  Conformance
(DMARC) action policies to prevent
delivery of non-authenticated emails that
might be spoofing reputable senders.
8 Audit tenant and user created allow
rules and remove broad domain and
IP based exceptions. These rules often
take precedence and can allow known
malicious emails through email filtering.
9 Regularly run phishing simulators to
gauge the potential risk across your
organisation and to identify and educate
vulnerable users.
Links to further information
From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use
AiTM phishing sites as entry point to
further financial fraud | Microsoft 365
Defender Research Team, Microsoft
Threat Intelligence Centre (MSTIC)
BEC trends
As a point of entry, BEC attackers normally
attempt to start a conversation with potential
victims to establish rapport. Posing as a colleague
or business acquaintance, the attacker gradually
leads the conversation in the direction of a
monetary transfer. The introduction email, which
we track as a BEC lure, represents close to 80%
of detected BEC emails. Other trends identified
by Microsoft security researchers over the past
year include:
• The most frequently used techniques in BEC
attacks observed in 2022 were spoofing21
• The BEC subtype causing the most financial
damage to victims was invoice fraud (based on
volume and requested dollar amounts seen in
our BEC campaign investigations).
• Business information theft such as accounts
payable reports and customer contacts enable
attackers to craft convincing invoice fraud.
• Most payroll redirection requests were sent
from free email services and seldom from
compromised accounts. Email volume from
these sources spiked around the first and
fifteenth of each month, the most common
pay dates.
• Despite being well-known avenues for fraud,
gift card scams comprised only 1.9% of the
BEC attacks detected.
Spotlight on business email
Cybercriminals are developing
increasingly complex schemes and
techniques to defeat security settings
and target individuals, businesses
and organisations. We are investing
significant resources to further enhance
our BEC enforcement programme
in response.
BEC is the costliest financial cybercrime, with an
estimated USD 2.4 billion in adjusted losses
in 2021, representing more than 59% of the
top five internet crime losses globally.20
understand the scope of the problem and
how best to protect users against BEC,
Microsoft security researchers have been tracking
the most common themes used in attacks.
BEC themes (January-June 2022)
Invoice fraud 9.3%
BEC lure 79.9%
Payroll redirection 4.6%
Business information 4.3%
Gift card scam 1.9%
BEC themes by percentage of occurrence
Actionable insights
23 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Homoglyph deception
BEC and phishing are common social
engineering tactics. Social engineering
plays a significant role in crime,
persuading a target to interact with
the criminal by gaining trust.
In physical commerce, trademarks are used
to secure trust in the origin of a product or
service, and counterfeit products are an abuse
of the trademark. Similarly, cybercriminals pose
as a contact familiar to the target during a
phishing attack, using homoglyphs to deceive
potential victims.
A homoglyph is a domain name used for email
communication in BEC, in which a character
is replaced by one that is identical or nearly
identical in appearance, in order to deceive
the target.
Homoglyph techniques used in BEC attempts
BEC generally has two phases, the first of which
involves compromise of credentials. These types
of credential leaks can be a result of phishing
attacks or large data breaches. The credentials
are then sold or traded on the dark web.
The second phase is the fraud phase, where
attackers use compromised credentials to
engage in sophisticated social engineering
using homoglyph email domains.
Actionable insights
1 Enforce the use of browsers that support
services to analyse URLs for suspicious
behaviours and blocks access to known
malicious websites such as Safe Links and
2 Use a machine-learning based security
solution that quarantines high probability
phish and detonates URLs and
attachments in a sandbox before
email reaches the inbox.
Links to further information
Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3)
| Business Email Compromise: The USD
43 Billion Scam
Spoof intelligence insight – Office 365 |
Microsoft Docs
Impersonation insight – Office 365 |
Microsoft Docs
Technique % of domains showing
homoglyph technique
sub l for I 25%
sub i for l 12%
sub q for g 7%
sub rn for m 6%
sub .cam for .com 6%
sub 0 for o 5%
sub ll for l 3%
sub ii for i 2%
sub vv for w 2%
sub l for ll 2%
sub e for a 2%
sub nn for m 1%
sub ll for I, sub l for i 1%
sub o for u 1%
Analysis of over 1,700 homoglyph domains between
January-July 2022. While 170 homoglyph techniques
were used, 75% of domains used just 14 techniques.
A homoglyph in action
A homoglyph domain that looks identical to a
mail domain the victim recognises is registered
on a mail provider with a username that is
identical. A hijacked email is then sent from the
hijacked domain with new payment instructions.
Leveraging open-source intelligence and
access to email threads, the criminal identifies
individuals who have responsibility for
invoicing and payments. They then create
an impersonation of an email address of the
individual sending invoices. This impersonation
is composed of an identical username and
mail domain that is a homoglyph of the
genuine sender.
The attacker copies an email chain containing
a legitimate invoice, then changes the invoice
to contain their own bank details. This new,
modified invoice is then resent from the
homoglyph impersonation email to the target.
Because the context makes sense and the email
looks genuine, often the target follows the
fraudulent instructions.
Progression of a BEC attack
24 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Waledac botnet
Description: A complex spam botnet
with US domains that collected email
addresses and distributed spam that
infected up to 90,000 computers
across the world.26
Collaboration: Creation of another
consortium, the Microsoft Malware
Protection Centre (MMPC) with a
focus on close collaboration with
Microsoft response: Microsoft
used tiered disruption approach
of C2 and surprised bad actors by
seizing US-based domains without
Microsoft granted temporary
ownership of nearly 280 domains
used by Waledac’s servers.
Trickbot botnet
Description: A sophisticated
botnet with fragmented
infrastructure across the globe
that targeted the financial services
industry; compromised IoT devices.
Collaboration: Microsoft
partnered with the Financial
Services Information Sharing and
Analysis Centre (FS-ISAC) to bring
down Trickbot.30
Microsoft response: DCU built
a system to identify and track
bot infrastructure and generated
notifications for active internet
providers, taking into account
specific laws in various countries.
2008 2009 2011 2013 2019 2022
Description: A fast-spreading worm
targeting the Windows OS, infecting
millions of computers and devices in
a common network; created network
outages worldwide.
Collaboration: Formation of
the Conficker Working Group,
the first consortium of its kind.
Microsoft partnered with
16 organisations across the
globe to defeat the bot.
Microsoft response: The
group collaborated across many
international jurisdictions and was
successful bringing Conficker down.
Conficker botnet
Collaboration: Designed to thwart
cybercrime impacting the Microsoft
ecosystem through close integration
across a team of investigators,
lawyers and engineers.
Microsoft approach: The goal is
to better understand the technical
aspects of various malware and
provide these insights to Microsoft’s
legal team to develop an effective
disruption strategy.
Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit
is formed
DCU continues to innovate
and is looking to use
its experience in botnet
disruptions to conduct
coordinated operations
that go beyond malware.
Our continued success requires
creative engineering, sharing
of information, innovative
legal theories and public
and private partnerships.
Looking ahead
Description: Microsoft disrupted
the infrastructure of seven
threat actors over the past year,
preventing them from distributing
additional malware, controlling
victims’ computers and targeting
additional victims.
Collaboration: In partnership
with internet service providers,
governments, law enforcement
and private industry, Microsoft
shared information to remediate
over 17 million malware
victims worldwide.
Continued focus on disruption
Description: An advertising
botnet designed to direct people
to dangerous websites that would
install malware or steal personal
information; infected more than two
million computers and cost advertisers
more than USD 2.7 million per month;
primarily in US and Western Europe.
Collaboration: Worked closely with
the FBI and Europol’s Cybercrime
Centre to bring down the peer-to-
peer infrastructure.
Microsoft response: Joined the Zero
Access network, replaced the criminal
C2 servers and successfully seized
download server domains.
Sirefef/Zero Access botnet
Rustock botnet
Description: A backdoor trojan
spam email bot using internet
providers as primary C2s; designed
to sell pharmaceuticals.
Collaboration: Microsoft
forged a partnership with Pfizer
Pharmaceuticals to understand the
drugs sold by Rustock and worked
closely with Dutch law enforcement
Microsoft response: Microsoft
worked with US Marshals and law
enforcement in the Netherlands to
take down the C2 servers in that
country. Registered and blocked
all future domain generator
algorithms (DGAs).
A timeline of botnet disruption from
Microsoft’s early days of collaboration
For more than a decade, DCU has worked to
proactively stop cybercrime resulting in 26 malware
and nation state disruptions. As the DCU team
uses more advanced tactics and tools to shut down
these illicit operations, we see the cybercriminals
also evolve their approaches in an attempt to stay
a step head. Here is a timeline showing a sample
of the botnets disrupted by DCU and the strategies
Microsoft adopted to shut them down.
25 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
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The State of
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Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Devices acting as reverse proxies for malware
C2 are not just unique to Trickbot and MikroTik
routers. In collaboration with the Microsoft
RiskIQ team, we traced back to the C2 involved
and, through observing SSL certificates,
identified Ubiquiti and LigoWave devices
that are impacted as well.32
This is a strong
indication that IoT devices are becoming active
components of nation state coordinated attacks
and a popular target for cybercriminals using
widespread botnets.
redirects traffic between two ports in the router,
establishing the line of communication between
Trickbot-affected devices and the C2.
We have aggregated our knowledge of the
various methods of attacking MikroTik devices,
beyond just Trickbot, as well as known common
vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) into an
open-source tool for MikroTik devices, which can
extract the forensic artifacts related to attacks on
these devices.31
More specifically, we identified how Trickbot
operators utilise compromised MikroTik routers
and reconfigure them to act as part of their C2
infrastructure. The popularity of these devices
compounds the severity of their abuse by
Trickbot, and their unique hardware and software
enable threat actors to evade traditional security
measures, expand their infrastructure and
compromise more devices and networks.
Exposed routers are at risk of having potential
vulnerabilities exploited.
By tracking and analysing traffic containing
secure shell (SSH) commands, we observed
attackers using MikroTik routers to
communicate with Trickbot infrastructure after
obtaining legitimate credentials to devices.
These credentials can be obtained through brute
force attacks, exploiting known vulnerabilities
with readily available patches and using
default passwords. Once a device is accessed,
the attacker issues a unique command that
Cybercriminal abuse
of infrastructure
Internet gateways as criminal
command and control
IoT devices are becoming an increasingly
popular target for cybercriminals using
widespread botnets. When routers are
unpatched and left exposed directly to
the internet, threat actors can abuse
them to gain access to networks,
execute malicious attacks and even
support their operations.
The Microsoft Defender for IoT team conducts
research on equipment ranging from legacy
industrial control system controllers to cutting-
edge IoT sensors. The team investigates IoT- and
OT-specific malware to contribute to the shared
list of indicators of compromise.
Routers are particularly vulnerable attack vectors
because they are ubiquitous across internet-
connected homes and organisations. We have
been tracking the activity of MikroTik routers, a
popular router around the world residentially and
commercially, identifying how they are utilised for
command and control (C2), domain name system
(DNS) attacks and crypto mining hijacking.
Attacker Command
and control
Sets up
malicious domains
Installs Trickbot on
target network
via a campaign
Communicates with
C2 via router; drops
payloads, steals info
IoT device
Performs recon
to obtain network
Scans for MikroTik
devices that are exposed
to the internet
Steals device
credentials and
maintains persistence
Executes traffic
Trickbot attack chain showing the use of MikroTik IoT devices as proxy servers for C2.
Trickbot attack chain
93,868 1
Number of exposed
MikroTik routers
Distribution of exposed MikroTik routers
around the world
26 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence
Virtual machines as criminal
The widespread move to the cloud
includes cybercriminals who leverage
private assets of unwitting victims
obtained through phishing or
distributing malware credential stealers.
Many cybercriminals are choosing to
set up their malicious infrastructures
on cloud-based virtual machines (VMs),
containers and microservices.
Once the cybercriminal has access, a sequence of
events can occur to set up infrastructure – such
as a series of virtual machines through scripting
and automated processes. These scripted,
automated processes are used to launch
malicious activity including large scale email
spam attacks, phishing attacks and web pages
hosting nefarious content. It can even include
setting up a scaled virtual environment carrying
out cryptocurrency mining, causing the end
victim a bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars
at the end of the month.
Cybercriminals understand their malicious activity
has a limited life span before it is detected and
shut down. As a result, they have scaled up and
now operate proactively with contingencies top
of mind. They have been observed preparing
compromised accounts ahead of time and
monitoring their environments. As soon as an
account (set up using hundreds of thousands of
virtual machines) is detected, they traverse to
In the past year, Microsoft observed a growing
number of attacks that abuse routers for
redirecting cryptocurrency mining efforts.
Cybercriminals compromise routers connected
to mining pools and redirect mining traffic
to their associated IP addresses with DNS
poisoning attacks, which alters the DNS settings
of targeted devices. Affected routers register
the wrong IP address to a given domain name,
sending their mining resources – or hashes – to
pools used by threat actors. These pools might
mine anonymous coins associated with criminal
activities or use legitimate hashes generated by
miners to acquire a percentage of the coin that
they mined, thus reaping the rewards.
With more than half of known
vulnerabilities found in 2021 lacking a
patch, updating and securing routers
on corporate and private networks
remains a significant challenge for
device owners and administrators.
Crypto criminals
abusing IoT devices
Gateway devices are an increasingly
valuable target for threat actors as the
number of known vulnerabilities has
grown consistently from year to year.
They are being used for crypto mining
and other types of malicious activity.
As cryptocurrency has become more popular,
many individuals and organisations have invested
computational power and network resources
from devices such as routers to mine coins on
the blockchain. However, mining cryptocurrency
is a time- and resource-intensive process
with a low probability of success. To increase
the likelihood of mining a coin, miners pool
together in distributed, cooperative networks,
receiving hashes relative to the percentage of
the coin they succeeded in mining with their
connected resources.
the next account – already prepared by scripts to
be immediately activated – and their malicious
activity continues with little to no interruption.
Like cloud infrastructure, on-premises
infrastructure can be used in attacks with
virtual local environments that are unknown to
the on-premises user. This requires the initial
access point to remain open and accessible.
On-premises private assets have also been
abused by cybercriminals to initiate an onward
chain of cloud infrastructure, set up to obfuscate
their origin to avoid suspicious infrastructure
creation detection.
DNS poisoning of gateway devices compromises legitimate mining activities and redirects resources
to criminal mining activities.
Actionable insights
1 Implement good cyber hygiene and
provide cybersecurity training for
employees with guidance for avoiding
being socially engineered.
2 Conduct regular automated user activity
anomaly checks through detections at
scale to help reduce these types of attacks.
3 Update and secure routers on corporate
and private networks.
Portion of hashes from
original pool are stolen
by threat actors, or
resources are transferred
to their pool, or routers
have malware on them
that steal resources
for mining.
Miner Miners
DNS Poisoning
Criminal’s pool
Compromising devices for illegal crypto mining.
27 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022
Nation State
The State of
Cyber Influence
Devices and
The State of
Nation State
Devices and
Cyber Influence

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  • 1. Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Illuminating the threat landscape and empowering a digital defence.
  • 2. Contents The data, insights and events in this report are from July 2021 through June 2022 (Microsoft fiscal year 2022), unless otherwise noted. For the best experience viewing and navigating this report, we recommend using Adobe Reader, available as a free download from the Adobe website. Report Introduction 02 The State of Cybercrime 06 An overview of The State of Cybercrime 07 Introduction 08 Ransomware and extortion: A nation-level threat 09 Ransomware insights from front-line responders 14 Cybercrime-as-a-Service 18 The evolving phishing threat landscape 21 A timeline of botnet disruption from Microsoft’s early days of collaboration 25 Cybercriminal abuse of infrastructure 26 Is hacktivism here to stay? 28 Nation State Threats 30 An overview of Nation State Threats 31 Introduction 32 Background on nation state data 33 Sample of nation state actors and their activities 34 The evolving threat landscape 35 The IT supply chain as a gateway to the digital ecosystem 37 Rapid vulnerability exploitation 39 Russian state actors’ wartime cyber tactics threaten Ukraine and beyond 41 China expanding global targeting for competitive advantage 44 Iran growing increasingly aggressive following power transition 46 North Korean cyber capabilities employed to achieve regime’s three main goals 49 Cyber mercenaries threaten the stability of cyberspace 52 Operationalising cybersecurity norms for peace and security in cyberspace 53 Devices and Infrastructure 56 An overview of Devices and Infrastructure 57 Introduction 58 Governments acting to improve critical infrastructure security and resilience 59 IoT and OT exposed: Trends and attacks 62 Supply chain and firmware hacking 65 Spotlight on firmware vulnerabilities 66 Reconnaissance-based OT attacks 68 Cyber Influence Operations 71 An overview of Cyber Influence Operations 72 Introduction 73 Trends in cyber influence operations 74 Influence operations during the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine 76 Tracking the Russian Propaganda Index 78 Synthetic media 80 A holistic approach to protect against cyber influence operations 83 Cyber Resilience 86 An overview of Cyber Resilience 87 Introduction 88 Cyber resiliency: A crucial foundation of a connected society 89 The importance of modernising systems and architecture 90 Basic security posture is a determining factor in advanced solution effectiveness 92 Maintaining identity health is fundamental to organisational well-being 93 Operating system default security settings 96 Software supply chain centrality 97 Building resilience to emerging DDoS, web application and network attacks 98 Developing a balanced approach to data security and cyber resiliency 101 Resilience to cyber influence operations: The human dimension 102 Fortifying the human factor with skilling 103 Insights from our ransomware elimination program 104 Act now on quantum security implications 105 Integrating business, security and IT for greater resilience 106 The cyber resilience bell curve 108 Contributing Teams 110 01 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 3. Foreign actors are also using highly effective techniques to enable propaganda influence operations in regions around the globe, as covered in the third chapter. For example, Russia has worked hard to convince its citizens, and the citizens of many other countries, that its invasion of Ukraine was justified – while also sowing propaganda discrediting COVID vaccines in the West and simultaneously promoting their effectiveness at home. In addition, actors are increasingly targeting Internet of Things (IoT) devices or Operational Technology (OT) control devices as entry points to networks and critical infrastructure which is discussed in chapter four. Finally, in the last chapter, we provide the insights and lessons we have learned from over the past year defending against attacks directed at Microsoft and our customers as we review the year’s developments in cyber resilience. Each chapter provides the key lessons learned and insights based on Microsoft’s unique vantage point. The trillions of signals we analyse from our worldwide ecosystem of products and services reveal the ferocity, scope and scale of digital threats across the globe. Microsoft is taking action to defend our customers and the digital ecosystem against these threats, and you can read about our technology that identifies and blocks billions of phishing attempts, identity thefts and other threats to our customers. A snapshot of our landscape… Scope and scale of threat landscape The volume of password attacks has risen to an estimated 921 attacks every second – a 74% increase in just one year. Dismantling cybercrime To date, Microsoft removed more than 10,000 domains used by cybercriminals and 600 used by nation state actors. Addressing vulnerabilities 93% of our ransomware incident response engagements revealed insufficient controls on privilege access and lateral movement. “The trillions of signals we analyse from our worldwide ecosystem of products and services reveal the ferocity, scope and scale of digital threats across the globe” On February 23, 2022, the cybersecurity world entered a new age, the age of the hybrid war. On that day, hours before missiles were launched and tanks rolled across borders, Russian actors launched a massive destructive cyberattack against Ukrainian government, technology and financial sector targets. You can read more about these attacks and the lessons to be learned from them in the Nation State Threats chapter of this third annual edition of the Microsoft Digital Defence Report (MDDR). Key among those lessons is that the cloud provides the best physical and logical security against cyberattacks and enables advances in threat intelligence and end point protection that have proven their value in Ukraine. While any survey of the year’s developments in cybersecurity must begin there, this year’s report provides a deep dive into much more. In the report’s first chapter, we focus on activities of cybercriminals, followed by nation state threats in chapter two. Both groups have greatly increased the sophistication of their attacks which has dramatically increased the impact of their actions. While Russia drove headlines, Iranian actors escalated their attacks following a transition of presidential power, launching destructive attacks targeting Israel and ransomware and hack-and-leak operations targeting critical infrastructure in the United States. China also increased its espionage efforts in Southeast Asia and elsewhere in the global south, seeking to counter US influence and steal critical data and information. Introduction by Tom Burt Corporate Vice President, Customer Security & Trust 02 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 4. The state of cybercrime Cybercriminals continue to act as sophisticated profit enterprises. Attackers are adapting and finding new ways to implement their techniques, increasing the complexity of how and where they host campaign operation infrastructure. At the same time, cybercriminals are becoming more frugal. To lower their overhead and boost the appearance of legitimacy, attackers are compromising business networks and devices to host phishing campaigns, malware or even use their computing power to mine cryptocurrency. Find out more on p6 Nation state threats Nation state actors are launching increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks designed to evade detection and further their strategic priorities. The advent of cyberweapon deployment in the hybrid war in Ukraine is the dawn of a new age of conflict. Russia has also supported its war with information influence operations, using propaganda to impact opinions in Russia, Ukraine and globally. Outside Ukraine, nation state actors have increased activity and have begun using advancements in automation, cloud infrastructure and remote access technologies to attack a wider set of targets. Corporate IT supply chains that enable access to ultimate targets were frequently attacked. Cybersecurity hygiene became even more critical as actors rapidly exploited unpatched vulnerabilities, used both sophisticated and brute force techniques to steal credentials and obfuscated their operations by using opensource or legitimate software. In addition, Iran joins Russia in the use of destructive cyberweapons, including ransomware, as a staple of their attacks. These developments require urgent adoption of a consistent, global framework that prioritises human rights and protects people from reckless state behaviour online. All nations must work together to implement norms and rules for responsible state conduct. Find out more on p30 Devices and infrastructure The pandemic, coupled with rapid adoption of internet-facing devices of all kinds as a component of accelerating digital transformation, has greatly increased the attack surface of our digital world. As a result, cybercriminals and nation states are quickly taking advantage. While the security of IT hardware and software has strengthened in recent years, the security of IoT and OT devices security has not kept pace. Threat actors are exploiting these devices to establish access on networks and enable lateral movement, to establish a foothold in a supply chain or to disrupt the target organisation’s OT operations. Find out more on p56 We also use legal and technical means to seize and shut down infrastructure used by cybercriminals and nation state actors and notify customers when they are being threatened or attacked by a nation state actor. We work to develop increasingly effective features and services that use AI/ML technology to identify and block cyber threats and security professionals defend against and identify cyber-intrusions more rapidly and effectively. Perhaps most importantly, throughout the MDDR we offer our best advice on the steps individuals, organisations and enterprises can take to defend against these increasing digital threats. Adopting good cyber hygiene practices is the best defence and can significantly reduce the risk of cyberattacks. Introduction by Tom Burt Continued ‘The advent of cyberweapon deployment in the hybrid war in Ukraine is the dawn of a new age of conflict.’ 03 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Cyber Resilience Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Cyber Resilience Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 5. 34.7 bn identity threats blocked 37 bn email threats blocked 2.5 bn endpoint signals analysed daily 43 tn signals synthesised daily, using sophisticated data analytics and AI algorithms to understand and protect against digital threats and criminal cyberactivity. 8,500+ engineers, researchers, data scientists, cybersecurity experts, threat hunters, geopolitical analysts, investigators and frontline responders across 77 countries. 15,000+ partners in our security ecosystem who increase cyber resilience for our customers. Cyber resilience Security is a key enabler of technological success. Innovation and enhanced productivity can only be achieved by introducing security measures that make organisations as resilient as possible against modern attacks. The pandemic has challenged us at Microsoft to pivot our security practices and technologies to protect our employees wherever they work. This past year, threat actors continued to take advantage of vulnerabilities exposed during the pandemic and the shift to a hybrid work environment. Since then, our principal challenge has been managing the prevalence and complexity of various attack methods and increased nation state activity. In this chapter, we detail the challenges we have faced, and the defences we have mobilised in response with our more than 15,000 partners. Find out more on p86 Our unique vantage point July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 Introduction by Tom Burt Continued Cyber influence operations Nation states are increasingly using sophisticated influence operations to distribute propaganda and impact public opinion both domestically and internationally. These campaigns erode trust, increase polarisation and threaten democratic processes. Skilled Advanced Persistent Manipulator actors are using traditional media together with internet and social media to vastly increase the scope, scale and efficiency of their campaigns, and the outsized impact they are having in the global information ecosystem. In the past year, we have seen these operations used as part of Russia’s hybrid war in Ukraine, but have also seen Russia and other nations, including China and Iran, increasingly deploy propaganda operations powered by social media to extend their global influence on a range of issues. Find out more on p71 04 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 6. We believe Microsoft – independently and through close partnerships with others in private industry, government and civil society – has a responsibility to protect the digital systems that underpin the social fabric of our society and promote safe, secure computing environments for every person, wherever they are located. This responsibility is the reason we have published the MDDR each year since 2020. The report is the culmination of Microsoft’s vast data and comprehensive research. It shares our unique insights on how the digital threat landscape is evolving and the crucial actions that can be taken today to improve the security of the ecosystem. We hope to instil a sense of urgency, so readers take immediate action based on the data and insights we present both here and in our many cybersecurity publications throughout the year. As we consider the gravity of the threat to the digital landscape – and its translation into the physical world – it is important to remember that we are all empowered to take action to protect ourselves, our organisations and enterprises against digital threats. Introduction by Tom Burt Continued Thank you for taking the time to review this year’s Microsoft Digital Defence Report. We hope you will find that it provides valuable insight and recommendations to help us collectively defend the digital ecosystem. Tom Burt Corporate Vice President, Customer Security & Trust Our objective with this report is twofold: 1 To illuminate the evolving digital threat landscape for our customers, partners and stakeholders spanning the broader ecosystem, shining a light on both new cyberattacks and evolving trends in historically persistent threats. 2   To empower our customers and partners to improve their cyber resiliency and respond to these threats. 05 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 7. The State of Cybercrime As cyber defences improve and more organisations are taking a proactive approach to prevention, attackers are adapting their techniques. An overview of The State of Cybercrime 07 Introduction 08 Ransomware and extortion: A nation-level threat 09 Ransomware insights from front-line responders 14 Cybercrime-as-a-Service 18 The evolving phishing threat landscape 21 A timeline of botnet disruption from Microsoft’s early days of collaboration 25 Cybercriminal abuse of infrastructure 26 Is hacktivism here to stay? 28 06 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Cyber Resilience Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Nation State Threats Report Introduction Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams Cyber Resilience Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Nation State Threats Report Introduction
  • 8. An overview of The State of Cybercrime As cyber defences improve and more organisations are taking a proactive approach to prevention, attackers are adapting their techniques. Cybercriminals continue to act as sophisticated profit enterprises. Attackers are adapting and finding new ways to implement their techniques, increasing the complexity of how and where they host campaign operation infrastructure. At the same time, cybercriminals are becoming more frugal. To lower their overhead and boost the appearance of legitimacy, attackers are compromising business networks and devices to host phishing campaigns, malware or even use their computing power to mine cryptocurrency. The threat of ransomware and extortion is becoming more audacious with attacks targeting governments, businesses and critical infrastructure. Human operated ransomware is most prevalent, as one-third of targets are successfully compromised by criminals using these attacks and 5% of those are ransomed. Cybercrime continues to rise as the industrialisation of the cybercrime economy lowers the skill barrier to entry by providing greater access to tools and infrastructure. Credential phishing schemes which indiscriminately target all inboxes are on the rise and business email compromise, including invoice fraud, poses a significant cybercrime risk for enterprises. To disrupt the malicious infrastructures of cybercriminals and nation state actors, Microsoft relies on innovative legal approaches and our public and private partnerships. Find out more on p9 Find out more on p18 Attackers increasingly threaten to disclose sensitive data to encourage ransom payments. Find out more on p10 Find out more on p21 Find out more on p25 Find out more on p9 The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations, including the builders that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals for communicating with victims. A RaaS program (or syndicate) is an arrangement between an operator and an affiliate. The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations, including the builders that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals for communicating with victims. Many RaaS programs incorporate a suite of extortion support offerings, including leak site hosting and integration into ransom notes, as well as decryption negotiation, payment pressure, and cryptocurrency transaction services. Affiliates are generally small groups of people “affiliated” with one or more RaaS programs. Their role is to deploy the RaaS program payloads. Affiliates move laterally in the network, persist on systems, and exfiltrate data. Each affiliate has unique characteristics, such as different ways of doing data exfiltration. Access brokers sell network access to other cybercriminals, or gain access themselves via malware campaigns, brute force, or vulnerability exploitation. Access broker entities can range from large to small. Top tier access brokers specialize in high-value network access, while lower tier brokers on the dark web might have just 1–2 usable stolen credentials for sale. Organizations and individuals with weak cybersecurity hygiene practices are at greater risk of having their network credentials stolen. Operators Access brokers Understanding the ransomware economy Affiliates Conti HIVE Black Matter LockBit REvil BlackCat falls victim to a successful ransomware event are successfully compromised Access brokers sell access to compromised networks to Ransomware-as-a-Service affiliates, who run the ransomware attack RaaS affiliates prioritise targets by intended impact or perceived profit Attackers take advantage of any security weakness they find in the network, so attacks vary The ransomware payload is the culmination of a chain of malicious activity encounter activity associated with known ransomware attackers potential target organisations 1 20 60 2,500 Factors Low barrier to entry Human operated ransomware targeting and rate of success model p15 The most effective defence against ransomware includes multifactor authentication, frequent security patches and Zero Trust principles across network architecture. Find out more on p13 Ransomware Pre-ransomware 2022 BEC Themes (January-June 202 9.3% 1.9% Gift card scam Invoice fraud 4.6% Payroll redirection 4.3% Business information 07 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 9. As cyber defences improve and more governments and businesses take a proactive approach to prevention, we see attackers using two strategies to gain access required to facilitate cybercrime. One approach is a campaign with broad targets that relies on volume. The other uses surveillance and more selective targeting to increase the rate of return. Even when revenue generation is not the objective – such as nation state activity for geopolitical purposes – both random and targeted attacks are used. This past year, cybercriminals continued to rely on social engineering and exploitation of topical issues to maximise the success of campaigns. For example, while COVID-themed phishing lures were used less frequently, we observed lures soliciting donations to support the citizens of Ukraine increasing. Attackers are adapting and finding new ways to implement their techniques, increasing the complexity of how and where they host campaign operation infrastructure. We have observed cybercriminals becoming more frugal and attackers are no longer paying for technology. To lower their overhead and boost the appearance of legitimacy, some attackers increasingly seek to compromise businesses to host phishing campaigns, malware or even use their computing power to mine cryptocurrency. In this chapter, we also examine the rise in hacktivism, a disruption caused by private citizens conducting cyberattacks to further social or political goals. Thousands of individuals around the world, both experts and novices, have mobilised since February 2022 to launch attacks such as disabling websites and leaking stolen data as part of the Russia-Ukraine war. It is too soon to predict whether this trend will continue after the end of active hostilities. Organisations must regularly review and strengthen access controls and implement security strategies to defend against cyberattacks. However, that is not all they can do. We explain how our Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) has used civil cases to seize malicious infrastructure used by cybercriminals and nation state actors. We must fight this threat together through both public and private partnerships. We hope that by sharing what we have learned over the past 10 years, we will help others understand and consider the proactive measures they can take to protect themselves and the wider ecosystem against the continually growing threat of cybercrime. Amy Hogan-Burney General Manager, Digital Crimes Unit Cybercrime continues to rise, with increases in both random and targeted attacks. Introduction 08 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 10. falls victim to a successful ransomware event are successfully compromised Access brokers sell access to compromised networks to Ransomware-as-a-Service affiliates, who run the ransomware attack RaaS affiliates prioritise targets by intended impact or perceived profit Attackers take advantage of any security weakness they find in the network, so attacks vary The ransomware payload is the culmination of a chain of malicious activity encounter activity associated with known ransomware attackers potential target organisations 1 20 60 2,500 Factors Low barrier to entry Human operated ransomware targeting and rate of success model p15 • Also in May, an attack caused flight delays and cancellations for one of India’s largest airlines, leaving hundreds of passengers stranded.4 The success of these attacks and the extent of their real-world impacts are the result of an industrialisation of the cybercrime economy, enabling access to tooling and infrastructure and expanding cybercriminal capabilities by lowering their skill barrier to entry. In recent years, ransomware has moved from a model where a single ‘gang’ would both develop and distribute a ransomware payload to the Ransomware as-a-Service (RaaS) model. RaaS allows one group to manage the development of the ransomware payload and provide services for payment and extortion via data leakage to other cybercriminals – the ones who actually launch the ransomware attacks – referred to as ‘affiliates’ for a cut of the profits. This franchising of the cybercrime economy has expanded the attacker pool. The industrialisation of cybercriminal tooling has made it easier for attackers to perform intrusions, exfiltrate data and deploy ransomware. Human operated ransomware5 – a term coined by Microsoft researchers to describe threats driven by humans who make decisions at every stage of the attacks based on what they discover in their target’s network and delineate the threat from commodity ransomware attacks – remains a significant threat to organisations. Ransomware and extortion: A nation-level threat Ransomware attacks pose an increased danger to all individuals as critical infrastructure, businesses of all sizes and state and local governments are targeted by criminals leveraging a growing cybercriminal ecosystem. Over the past two years, high profile ransomware incidents – such as those involving critical infrastructure, healthcare and IT service providers – have drawn considerable public attention. As ransomware attacks have become more audacious in scope, their effects have become more wide ranging. The following are examples of attacks we’ve seen already in 2022: • In February, an attack on two companies affected the payment processing systems of hundreds of petrol stations in northern Germany.1 • In March, an attack against Greece’s postal service temporarily disrupted mail delivery and impacted the processing of financial transactions.2 • In late May, a ransomware attack against Costa Rican government agencies forced a national emergency to be declared after hospitals were shut down and customs and tax collection disrupted.3 Model based on Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (EDR) data (January-June 2022). 09 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 11. Digital threat activity is at an all-time high and the level of sophistication increases every day. Expanding relationships between specialised cybercriminals have increased the pace, sophistication and success of ransomware attacks. This has driven the evolution of the cybercriminal ecosystem into connected players with different techniques, goals and skillsets that support each other on initial access to targets, payment services and decryption or publication tools or sites. Ransomware operators can now purchase access to organisations or government networks online or obtain credentials and access via interpersonal relationships with brokers whose main objective is solely to monetise the access they have gained. The operators then use the purchased access to deploy a ransomware payload bought via dark web marketplaces or forums. In many cases, negotiations with victims are conducted by the RaaS team, not the operators themselves. These criminal transactions are seamless and the participants risk little chance of being arrested and charged due to the anonymity of the dark web and difficulty enforcing laws transnationally. A sustainable and successful effort against this threat will require a whole-of-government strategy to be executed in close partnership with the private sector. Ransomware attacks have become even more impactful as the adoption of a double extortion monetisation strategy has become a standard practice. This involves exfiltrating data from compromised devices, encrypting the data on the devices and then posting or threatening to post the stolen data publicly to pressure victims into paying a ransom. Although most ransomware attackers opportunistically deploy ransomware to whatever network they get access, some purchase access from other cybercriminals, leveraging connections between access brokers and ransomware operators. Our unique breadth of signal intelligence is gathered from multiple sources – identity, email, endpoints and cloud – and provides insight into the growing ransomware economy, complete with an affiliate system which includes tools designed for less technically-abled attackers. Ransomware and extortion: A nation-level threat Continued 10 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 12. Contrary to how ransomware is sometimes portrayed in the media, it is rare for a single ransomware variant to be managed by one end-to-end ‘ransomware gang’. Instead, there are separate entities that build malware, gain access to victims, deploy ransomware and handle extortion negotiations. The industrialisation of the criminal ecosystem has led to: • Access brokers that break in and hand off access (Access-as-a-Service). • Malware developers that sell tooling. • Criminal operators and affiliates that conduct intrusions. • Encryption and extortion service providers that take over monetisation from affiliates (RaaS). All human-operated ransomware campaigns share common dependencies on security weaknesses. Specifically, attackers usually take advantage of an organisation’s poor cyber hygiene, which often includes infrequent patching and failure to implement multifactor authentication (MFA). The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations, including the builders that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals for communicating with victims. A RaaS program (or syndicate) is an arrangement between an operator and an affiliate. The RaaS operator develops and maintains the tools to power the ransomware operations, including the builders that produce the ransomware payloads and payment portals for communicating with victims. Many RaaS programs incorporate a suite of extortion support offerings, including leak site hosting and integration into ransom notes, as well as decryption negotiation, payment pressure and cryptocurrency transaction services. Affiliates are generally small groups of people ‘affiliated’ with one or more RaaS programs. Their role is to deploy the RaaS program payloads. Affiliates move laterally in the network, persist on systems and exfiltrate data. Each affiliate has unique characteristics, such as different ways of doing data exfiltration. Access brokers sell network access to other cybercriminals, or gain access themselves via malware campaigns, brute force or vulnerability exploitation. Access broker entities can range from large to small. Top tier access brokers specialise in high-value network access, while lower tier brokers on the dark web might have just one-to-two usable stolen credentials for sale. Organisations and individuals with weak cybersecurity hygiene practices are at greater risk of having their network credentials stolen. Operators Access brokers Understanding the ransomware economy Affiliates Conti HIVE Black Matter LockBit REvil BlackCat 11 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 13. Case study: The dissolution of Conti Conti, one of the top ransomware variants over the past two years, began shutting down operations in mid-2022, with the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Centre (MSTIC) observing a significant decrease in activity in late March and early April. We observed the last Conti ransomware deployments in mid-April. However, much like the shuttering of other ransomware operations, Conti’s dissolution did not have a significant impact on ransomware deployments, as MSTIC observed Conti affiliates pivoting to deploy other ransomware payloads, including BlackBasta, Lockbit 2.0, LockbitBlack and HIVE. This is consistent with data from previous years and suggests that when ransomware gangs go offline, they re-emerge months later or redistribute their technical capabilities and resources to new groups. Our Microsoft threat intelligence teams track ransomware threat actors as individual groups (labelled as DEVs) based on their specific tools, rather than tracking them by the malware they use. This meant that when Conti’s affiliates dispersed, we were able to continue tracking these DEVs through their use of other tools or RaaS kits. For example: • DEV-0230, which is affiliated with Trickbot, had been a prolific user of Conti. In late April, MSTIC observed it using QuantumLocker. • DEV-0237 shifted from Conti’s ransomware kit to HIVE and Nokoyawa, including using HIVE in the May 31 attack against Costa Rican government agencies. • DEV-0506, another prolific user of the Conti ransomware kit, was observed using BlackBasta. Example of an affiliate (DEV-0237) quickly shifting between RaaS programs After a RaaS program such as Conti is shut down, the ransomware affiliate shifts to another one (Hive) almost immediately. Jan Ryuk 2020-Jun 2021 Hive Oct 2021-present BlackCat Mar 2022-present Nokoyawa May 2022-present Agenda etc. June 2022 (experimenting) 2021 2022 Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Conti Jul-Oct 2021 RaaS evolves the ransomware ecosystem and hinders attribution Because human-operated ransomware is driven by individual operators, attack patterns vary based on the target and alternate throughout the duration of an attack. In the past, we observed a close relationship between the initial entry vector, tools and ransomware payload choices in each campaign of a single ransomware strain. This made attribution easier. The RaaS affiliate model, however, decouples this relationship. As a result, Microsoft tracks ransomware affiliates deploying payloads in specific attacks, rather than tracking the ransomware payload developers as operators. Put another way, we no longer assume the HIVE developer is the operator behind a HIVE ransomware attack; it is more likely to be an affiliate. The cybersecurity industry has struggled to adequately capture this delineation between developers and operators. The industry still often reports a ransomware incident by its payload name, giving the false impression that a single entity, or ransomware gang, is behind all attacks using that particular ransomware payload, and all incidents associated with it share common techniques and infrastructure. To support network defenders, it is important to learn more about the stages that precede different affiliates’ attacks – such as data exfiltration and additional persistence mechanisms – and the detection and protection opportunities that might exist. More so than malware, attackers need credentials to succeed in their operations. The successful human operated ransomware infection of an entire organisation relies on access to a highly privileged account. 12 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 14. Spotlight on human-operated ransomware attacks Over the past year, Microsoft’s ransomware experts conducted deep investigations into more than 100 human- operated ransomware incidents to track attackers’ techniques and understand how to better protect our customers. It is important to note that the analysis we share here is possible only for onboarded, managed, devices. Non-onboarded, unmanaged devices represent the least secure part of an organisation’s hardware assets. A durable security strategy Combating and preventing attacks of this nature requires a shift in an organisation’s mindset to focus on the comprehensive protection required to slow and stop attackers before they can move from the pre-ransomware phase to the ransomware deployment phase. Enterprises must apply security best practices consistently and aggressively to their networks, with the goal of mitigating classes of attacks. Due to the human decision making these ransomware attacks can generate multiple, seemingly disparate security product alerts which can easily get lost or not responded to in time. Alert fatigue is real, and security operations centres (SOCs) can make their lives easier by looking at trends in their alerts or grouping alerts into incidents so they can see the bigger picture. SOCs can then mitigate alerts using hardening capabilities like attack surface reduction rules. Hardening against common threats cannot only reduce alert volume, but also stop many attackers before they get access to networks. Organisations must maintain continuous high standards of security posture and network hygiene to protect themselves from human-operated ransomware attacks. The typical human-operated attack Human-operated ransomware attacks can be categorised into the pre-ransomware phase and the ransomware deployment phase. During the pre-ransomware phase, attackers prepare to infiltrate the network by learning about the organisation’s typology and security infrastructure. Deployment! Stop the attackers before they reach the ransomware deployment phase Attackers prepare to infiltrate the network by learning as much as possible about the topology and security infrastructure. Attackers may also exfiltrate data in this phase. Attackers aim to encrypt as much data as possible. This phase can last only minutes. This phase can range from a few days to several weeks or months, although it has been shortening over the past two years. Ransomware Pre-ransomware Our investigations found most actors behind human-operated ransomware attacks take advantage of similar security weaknesses and share common attack patterns and techniques. Most prevalent ransomware phase techniques: 75% Use admin tools. 75% Use acquired elevated compromised user account to spread malicious payloads through SMB protocol. 99% Attempt to tamper with discovered security and backup products using OS-built tools. Actionable insights Ransomware attackers are motivated by easy profits, so adding to their cost via security hardening is key in disrupting the cybercriminal economy. 1 Build credential hygiene. More so than malware, attackers need credentials to succeed in their operations. The successful human-operated ransomware infection of an entire organisation relies on access to a highly privileged account like a Domain Administrator, or abilities to edit a Group Policy. 2 Audit credential exposure. 3 Prioritise deployment of Active Directory updates. 4 Prioritise cloud hardening. 5 Reduce the attack surface. 6 Harden internet-facing assets and understand your perimeter. 7 Reduce SOC alert fatigue by hardening your network to reduce volume and preserve bandwidth for high priority incidents. Links to further information RaaS: Understanding the cybercrime gig economy and how to protect yourself | Microsoft Security Blog Human-operated ransomware attacks: A preventable disaster | Microsoft Security Blog 13 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 15. Ransomware insights from front-line responders Organisations worldwide experienced a steady growth in human-operated ransomware attacks beginning in 2019. However, law enforcement operations and geopolitical events in the last year had a significant impact on cybercriminal organisations. Microsoft’s Security Service Line supports customers through an entire cyberattack, from investigation to successful containment and recovery activities. The response and recovery services are offered via two highly integrated teams, with one focusing on the investigation and groundwork for recovery and the second one on containment and recovery. This section presents a summary of findings based on ransomware engagements over the past year. Ransomware incident and recovery engagements by industry Manufacturing 28% IT 4% Finance 8% Government 8% Health 20% Energy 8% Education 8% Consumer retail 16% As new small groups and threats emerge, defending teams must be aware of evolving ransomware threats while protecting against previously unknown ransomware malware families. The rapid development approach used by criminal groups led to the creation of intelligent ransomware packaged in easy-to-use kits. This allows greater flexibility in launching widespread attacks on a higher number of targets. The following pages provide a deeper look at the most commonly observed contributing factors to weak protection against ransomware, grouped into three categories of findings: 1. Weak identity controls 2. Ineffective security operations 3. Limited data protection 93% of Microsoft investigations during ransomware recovery engagements revealed insufficient privilege access and lateral movement controls. Summary of most common findings in ransomware response engagements Low maturity security operations Insufficient application security practices Limited adoption of modern security frameworks Insufficient privilege access and lateral movement controls Insecure configuration of identity provider No multifactor authentication Lack of information protection control 62% 74% 87% 93% 86% 74% 65% The most common finding among ransomware incident response engagements was insufficient privilege access and lateral movement controls. 14 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 16. Ransomware insights from front-line responders Continued Active Directory (AD) and Azure AD security 88% of impacted customers did not employ AD and Azure AD security best practices. This has become a common attack vector as attackers exploit misconfigurations and weaker security postures in critical identity systems to gain broader access and impact to businesses. Least privilege access and use of Privileged Access Workstations (PAW) None of the impacted organisations implemented proper administrative credential segregation and least privilege access principles via dedicated workstations during the management of their critical identity and high- value assets, such as proprietary systems and business-critical applications. Privilege account security 88% of engagements, MFA was not implemented for sensitive and high privileged accounts, leaving a security gap for attackers to compromise credentials and pivot further attacks using legitimate credentials. 84% Administrators across 84% of organisations did not use privilege identity controls such as just- in-time access to prevent further nefarious use of compromised privileged credentials. 1 Weak identity controls Human-operated ransomware continues to evolve and employ credential theft and lateral movement methods traditionally associated with targeted attacks. Successful attacks are often the result of long-running campaigns involving compromise of identity systems, like Active Directory (AD), that allow human operators to steal credentials, access systems and remain persistent in the network. 1 Weak identity controls: Credential theft attacks remain one of the top contributing factors 2 Ineffective security operations processes do not just present a window of opportunity for attackers, but significantly impact the time to recover 3 Eventually it boils down to data – organisations struggle to implement an effective data protection strategy which aligns with their business needs The three main contributing factors seen in our on-site response engagements: 15 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 17. Patching: 68% of impacted organisations did not have an effective vulnerability and patch management process, and a high dependence on manual processes versus automated patching led to critical openings. Manufacturing and critical infrastructure continue to struggle with maintenance and patching of legacy operational technology (OT) systems. Lack of security operations tooling: Most organisations reported a lack of end- to-end security visibility due to a lack or misconfiguration of security tools, leading to a decrease in detect and response effectiveness. 60% of organisations reported no use of an EDR6 tool, a fundamental technology for detection and response. 60% did not invest in security information and event management (SIEM) technology leading to monitoring silos, limited ability to detect end-to-end threats and inefficient security operations. Automation remains a key gap in SOC tooling and processes, forcing SOC staff to spend countless hours making sense of security telemetry. 84% of impacted organisations did not enable integration of their multi-cloud environments into their security operations tooling. Response and recovery processes: 76% Lack of an effective response plan was a critical area observed in 76% of impacted organisations, preventing proper organisational crisis readiness and negatively impacting time to respond and recover. Ransomware insights from front-line responders Continued 2 Ineffective security operations Our data shows organisations which suffered ransomware attacks have significant gaps in their security operations, tooling and information technology asset lifecycle management. Based on the available data, the following gaps were most observed: 3 Limited data protection Many compromised organisations lacked proper data protection processes leading to a severe impact on recovery times and the capability to return to business operations. The most common gaps encountered include: Immutable backup: 44% of organisations did not have immutable backups for the impacted systems. Data also shows administrators did not have backups and recovery plans for critical assets such as AD. Data loss prevention: Attackers usually find their way to compromise systems via exploiting vulnerabilities in the organisation, exfiltrating critical data for extortion, intellectual property theft or monetisation. 92% of impacted organisations did not implement effective data loss prevention controls to mitigate these risks, leading to critical data loss. 16 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 18. Ransomware declined in some regions and increased in others This year we observed a drop in the overall number of ransomware cases reported to our response teams in North America and Europe compared to the previous year. At the same time, cases reported in Latin America increased. One interpretation of this observation is cybercriminals pivoted away from areas perceived to have a higher risk of triggering law enforcement scrutiny in favour of softer targets. Since Microsoft did not observe a substantial improvement in enterprise network security worldwide to explain the decrease in ransomware-related support calls, we believe the most likely cause is a combination of law enforcement activity in 2021 and 2022 which increased the cost of criminal activity, along with some geopolitical events of 2022. One of the most prevalent RaaS operations belongs to a Russian-speaking criminal group known as REvil (also known as Sodinokibi) that has been active since 2019. In October 2021, REvil’s servers were taken offline as part of the international law enforcement Operation GoldDust.7 In January 2022, Russia arrested 14 alleged REvil members and raided 25 locations associated with them.8 This was the first time Russia acted against ransomware operators on its soil. Actionable insights 1 Focus on holistic security strategies, as all of the ransomware families take advantage of the same security weaknesses to impact a network. 2 Update and maintain security basics to increase defence-in-depth base level of protection and modernise security operations. Moving to the cloud allows you to detect threats more quickly and respond faster. Links to further information Protect your organisation from ransomware | Microsoft Security Seven ways to harden your environment against compromise | Microsoft Security Blog Improving AI-based defences to disrupt human-operated ransomware | Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team Security Insider: Explore the latest cybersecurity insights and updates | Microsoft Security While law enforcement activities likely slowed the frequency of attacks in 2022, threat actors might well develop new strategies to avoid being caught in the future. Moreover, tension between Russia and the United States over Russia’s invasion of Ukraine appears to have put an end to Russia’s nascent cooperation in the global fight against ransomware. After a brief period of uncertainty following the REvil arrests, the United States and Russia ceased cooperation in pursuing ransomware actors, which means cybercriminals might view Russia as a safe haven once more. Looking ahead, we predict the pace of ransomware activities will depend on the outcome of some key questions: 1. Will governments take action to prevent ransomware criminals from operating within their borders, or seek to disrupt actors operating from foreign soil? 2. Will ransomware groups change tactics to remove the need for ransomware and resort to extortion style attacks? 3. Will organisations be able to modernise and transform their IT operations faster than criminals can exploit vulnerabilities? 4. Will advancements in tracking and tracing ransom payments force ransom recipients to change tactics and negotiations? 2× Ransomware attacks decreased in some regions, but ransom demands more than doubled. While law enforcement activities likely slowed the frequency of attacks in 2022, threat actors might well develop new strategies to avoid being caught in the future. 17 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 19. the RDP, SSH and cPanels with appropriate tools and scripts to facilitate various types of cyberattacks. Homoglyph domain creation services are increasingly requiring payment in cryptocurrencies. Homoglyph domains impersonate legitimate domain names by utilising characters that are identical or nearly identical in appearance to another character. The aim is to deceive the viewer into thinking the homoglyph domain is the genuine domain. These domains are a ubiquitous threat and a gateway for a significant amount of cybercrime. CaaS sites now sell custom homoglyph domain names, which allows buyers to request specific company and domain names to impersonate. After payment is received, the CaaS merchants use a homoglyph generator tool to select the domain name and then register the malicious homoglyph. Payment for this service is almost exclusively in cryptocurrency. process invoicing, such as CFOs or ‘Accounts Receivable’. Similarly, industries participating in public contracting are often targeted due to the quantity of information that is made available through the public bidding process. DCU investigations into CaaS surfaced a number of key trends: The number and sophistication of services is increasing. One example is the evolution of web shells which typically consist of compromised web servers used to automate phishing attacks. DCU observed CaaS resellers simplifying the upload of phishing kits or malware through specialised web-dashboards. CaaS sellers often subsequently attempt to sell additional services to the threat actor through the dashboard such as spam message services and specialised spam recipient lists based on defined attributes including geographic location or profession. In some instances, we observed a single web shell being used in multiple attack campaigns, which suggests threat actors might maintain persistent access to the compromised server. We also observed an increase in anonymisation services available as part of the CaaS ecosystem as well as offers for virtual private networks (VPN) and virtual private server (VPS) accounts. In most instances, the VPN/VPS offered were initially procured through stolen credit cards. CaaS websites also offered a larger number of remote desktop protocol (RDP), secure shell (SSH) and cPanels for use as a platform to orchestrate cybercrime attacks. CaaS merchants configure Cybercriminals are now collaborating across time zones and languages to deliver specific results. For example, one CaaS website administered by an individual in Asia maintains operations in Europe, and creates malicious accounts in Africa. The multi-jurisdictional nature of these operations present complex law and enforcement challenges. In response, DCU focuses its efforts on disabling malicious criminal infrastructure used to facilitate CaaS attacks and collaborating with law enforcement agencies around the world to hold criminals accountable. Cybercriminals are increasingly using analytics to maximise reach, scope and gain. Like legitimate businesses, CaaS websites must ensure the validity of products and services to maintain a solid reputation. For example, CaaS websites routinely automate access to compromised accounts to ensure the validity of compromised credentials. Cybercriminals will discontinue sales of specific accounts when passwords are reset or vulnerabilities patched. Increasingly, we identified CaaS websites providing buyers with on-demand verification as a quality control process. As a result, buyers can feel confident the CaaS website sells active accounts and passwords while reducing potential costs to the CaaS merchant if the stolen credentials are remediated prior to sale. DCU also observed CaaS websites offering buyers the option to purchase compromised accounts from specific geographic locations, designated online service providers and specifically targeted individuals, professions and industries. Frequently ordered accounts focus on professionals or departments that Cybercrime- as-a-Service Cybercrime-as-a-Service (CaaS) is a growing and evolving threat to customers worldwide. The Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) observed continued growth of the CaaS ecosystem with an increasing number of online services facilitating various cybercrimes, including BEC and human-operated ransomware. Phishing continues to be a preferred attack method as cybercriminals can acquire significant value from successfully stealing and selling access to stolen accounts. In response to the expanding CaaS market, DCU enhanced its listening systems to detect and identify CaaS offerings across the entire ecosystem of internet, deep web, vetted forums,9 dedicated websites, online discussion forums and messaging platforms. 2,750,000 site registrations successfully blocked by DCU this year to get ahead of criminal actors that planned to use them to engage in global cybercrime. 18 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 20. Attackers aim to encrypt as much data as possible 1 2 3 Select a phishing site template/design from among the hundreds offered. Once these steps are completed, the PhaaS merchant creates services with three or four layers of redirect and hosting resources to target specific users. The campaign is subsequently launched, and victim credentials are harvested, verified and sent to the email address provided by the purchaser. For a premium, many PhaaS merchants offer to host phishing sites on the public blockchain so they can be accessed by any browser and redirects can point users to a resource on the distributed ledger. Provide an email address to receive credentials obtained from phishing victims. Pay the PhaaS merchant in cryptocurrency. DCU’s work to develop tools and techniques which identify and disrupt CaaS cybercriminals is ongoing. The evolution of CaaS services presents significant challenges, particularly in disrupting cryptocurrency payments. 24/7 support. The DDoS subscription service offers different architectures and attack methods, so a purchaser simply selects a resource to attack and the seller provides access to an array of compromised devices on their botnet to conduct the attack. The cost for the DDoS subscription is a mere USD 500. it is a virtual machine, gathering details about the browser and hardware being used, and more. If all checks pass, traffic is sent to a landing page used for phishing. End-to-end cybercrime services are selling subscriptions to managed services. Typically, each step in the commission of an online crime can expose threat actors if operational security is poor. The risk of exposure and identification increases if services are purchased from multiple CaaS sites. DCU observed a concerning trend in the dark web whereby there is an increase in services offering to anonymise software code and genericise website text to reduce exposure. End- to-end cybercrime subscription service providers manage all services and guarantee results which further reduce exposure risks to the subscribing OCN. The reduced risk has increased the popularity of these end-to-end services. Phishing-as-a-Service (PhaaS) is one example of an end-to-end cybercrime service. PhaaS is an evolution of prior services known as fully undetectable services (FUD) and is offered on a subscription basis. Typical PhaaS terms include keeping phishing websites active for a month. DCU also identified a CaaS merchant offering distributed denial of service (DDoS) on a subscription model. This model outsources the creation and maintenance of the botnet necessary to carry out attacks to the CaaS merchant. Each DDoS subscription customer receives an encrypted service to enhance operational security and one year of CaaS sellers increasingly offer compromised credentials for purchase. Compromised credentials enable unauthorised access to user accounts including email messaging service, corporate file sharing resources and OneDrive for Business. If administrator credentials are compromised, unauthorised users could gain access to confidential files, Azure resources and company user accounts. In many instances, DCU investigations identified unauthorised use of the same credential across multiple servers as a means to automate verifying credentials. This pattern suggests the compromised user might be a victim of multiple phishing attacks or have device malware allowing botnet keyloggers to collect credentials. CaaS services and products with enhanced features are emerging to avoid detection. One CaaS seller offers phishing kits with increased layers of complexity and anonymisation features designed to circumvent detection and prevention systems for as little as USD 6 per day. The service offers a series of redirects that perform checks before allowing traffic to the next layer or site. One of these runs over 90 checks for fingerprinting the device, including whether Cybercrime- as-a-Service Continued PhaaS, cybercriminals offer multiple services within a single subscription. In general, a purchaser needs to take only three actions: 19 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 21. and force cybercriminals to use other obfuscation methods like coin tumbling or unlicensed exchanges. As an example, Uniswap recently announced it will start to use blacklists to block wallets known to be involved in illicit activities from transacting on the exchange.15 cash-out options, such as centralised exchanges (CEX), peer-to-peer (P2P) and over the counter (OTC) exchanges. DEXes are an attractive laundering location because they often do not follow AML measures. In December 2021, hackers attacked the global cryptocurrency trading platform AscendEx and stole approximately USD 77.7 million in cryptocurrency belonging to its customers.12 AscendEx hired blockchain analytics firms and contacted other CEXs so the wallets receiving stolen funds could be blacklisted. Additionally, addresses where the coins were sent were labelled as such on the Ethereum blockchain explorer Etherscan.13 In order to circumvent the alerting and blacklisting, the hackers sent USD 1.5 million in Ethereum to Uniswap, one of the world’s largest DEXs, on February 18, 2022.14 The adoption of stronger AML measures by DEXs could blunt laundering activity on their platforms Tracking ransomware payments Ransomware is one of the largest sources of illicitly gained cryptocurrency. In an effort to disrupt malicious technical infrastructure used in ransomware attacks – for example, the disruption of Zloader in April 202211 – Microsoft’s DCU tracks criminal wallets to enable cryptocurrency tracking and recovery capabilities. DCU investigators have observed ransomware actors evolving their communication tactics with victims to conceal the money trail. Originally, cybercriminals included Bitcoin addresses in their ransom notes. However, this made it easy to follow payment transactions on the blockchain, so ransomware actors stopped including wallet addresses and instead appended email addresses or links to chat websites to communicate ransom payment addresses to victims. Some actors even created unique webpages and logins for each victim to prevent security researchers and law enforcement from obtaining the criminals’ wallet addresses by pretending to be victims. Despite criminals’ efforts to hide their tracks, some ransom payments can still be recovered by working with law enforcement and crypto analysis companies that can track movement on the blockchain. Trending: DEX laundering of illicit proceeds A key issue for cybercriminals is the conversion of cryptocurrency to fiat currency. Cybercriminals have several potential avenues for conversion, each of which carries a different degree of risk. One method used to reduce risk is to launder proceeds through a decentralised exchange (DEX) before cashing out via available Criminal use of cryptocurrencies As the adoption of cryptocurrency becomes mainstream, criminals are increasingly using it to evade law enforcement and anti-money laundering (AML) measures. This heightens the challenge for law enforcement to track and trace cryptocurrency payments to cybercriminals. Worldwide spending on blockchain solutions grew by approximately 340% over the last four years, while new cryptocurrency wallets grew by around 270%. There are more than 83 million unique wallets globally, and the total market capitalisation of all cryptocurrencies was approximately USD 1.1 trillion as of July 28, 2022.10 Source: – @PeckShieldAlert (PeckShield is a China-based blockchain security company). Using the cryptocurrency investigative tool Chainalysis, Microsoft’s Digital Crimes Unit discovered the AcendEX hackers swapped their stolen funds at a smaller DEX called Curve in addition to Uniswap. This diagram illustrates the laundering routes the team uncovered. Each circle represents a cluster of wallets and the numbers on each line represent the total amount of Ethereum transmitted for laundering purposes. Actionable insights 1 If you are a victim of cybercrime who has paid the criminal using cryptocurrency, contact local law enforcement who might be able to help track and recover lost funds. 2 Become familiar with the ALM measures in place when selecting a DEX. Links to further information Hardware-based threat defence against increasingly complex cryptojackers | Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team Uniswap V3 Curve stolen funds 11-12-2021 72.19 ETH ETH 46.77 Tracking illicitly gained cryptocurrency 20 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 22. Microsoft detects millions of BEC emails every month, equivalent to 0.6% of all phishing emails observed. A report from IC318 published in May 2022 indicates an upward trend in exposed losses due to BEC attacks. The techniques used in phishing attacks continue to increase in complexity. In response to countermeasures, attackers adapt new ways to implement their techniques and increase the complexity of how and where they host campaign operation infrastructure. This means organisations must regularly reassess their strategy for implementing security solutions to block malicious emails and strengthen access control for individual user accounts. The evolving phishing threat landscape Credential phishing schemes are on the rise and remain a substantial threat to users everywhere because they indiscriminately target all inboxes. Among the threats our researchers track and protect against, the volume of phishing attacks is orders of magnitude greater than all other threats. Using data from Defender for Office, we see malicious email and compromised identity activity. Azure Active Directory Identity Protection provides still more information through compromised identity event alerts. Using Defender for Cloud Apps, we see compromised identity data access events, and Microsoft 365 Defender (M365D) provides cross-product correlation. The lateral movement metric comes from Defender for Endpoint (attack behaviour alerts and events), Defender for Office (malicious email) and again M365D for cross- product correlation). 531,000 In addition to the URLs blocked by Defender for Office, our Digital Crimes Unit directed the takedown of 531,000 unique phishing URLs hosted outside of Microsoft. 1 hr 12 m The median time it takes for an attacker to access your private data if you fall victim to a phishing email.16 1 hr 42 m The median time for an attacker to begin moving laterally within your corporate network once a device is compromised.17 Detected phish emails Millions 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Jul 2021 Aug 2021 Sep 2021 Oct 2021 Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Jan 2022 Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 The number of phish detections per week continue to rise. The decrease in December-January is an expected seasonal drop, also reported in last year’s report. Source: Exchange Online Protection signals. 710 million phishing emails blocked per week. Microsoft 365 credentials remain one of the most highly sought-after account types for attackers. Once login credentials are compromised, attackers can log in to corporate-tied computer systems to facilitate infection with malware and ransomware, steal confidential company data and information by accessing SharePoint files, and continue the spread of phish by sending additional malicious emails using Outlook, among other actions. In addition to campaigns with broader targets, phishing for credentials, donations and personal information, attackers are targeting selective businesses for larger payouts. Email phishing attacks against businesses for financial gain are collectively referred to as BEC attacks. 21 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 23. More than ever, phishers are relying on legitimate infrastructure to operate, driving a rise in phishing campaigns aimed at compromising various aspects of an operation so they do not have to purchase, host or operate their own. For example, malicious emails might originate from compromised sender accounts. Attackers benefit from using these email addresses which have a higher reputation score and are seen as more trustworthy than newly created accounts and domains. In some more advanced phishing campaigns, we observed attackers preferring to send and spoof from domains which have DMARC19 incorrectly set up with a ‘no action’ policy, opening the door for email spoofing. We continue to observe a steady year-over-year increase in phishing emails. The shift to remote work in 2020 and 2021 saw a substantial increase in phishing attacks aiming to capitalise on the changing work environment. Phish operators are quick to adopt new email templates using lures aligned with major world events such as the COVID-19 pandemic and themes linked to collaboration and productivity tools such as Google Drive or OneDrive file sharing. While COVID-19 themes have diminished, the war in Ukraine became a new lure starting in early March 2022. Our researchers observed a staggering increase of emails impersonating legitimate organisations soliciting cryptocurrency donations in Bitcoin and Ethereum, allegedly to support Ukrainian citizens. Only a few days after the start of the war in Ukraine in late February 2022, the number of detected phishing emails containing Ethereum addresses encountered across enterprise customers increased dramatically. Total encounters peaked in the first week of March when half a million phishing emails contained an Ethereum wallet address. Prior to the start of the war, the number of Ethereum wallet addresses across other emails detected as phish was significantly less, averaging a few thousand emails per day. Large phish operations tend to use cloud services and cloud virtual machines (VMs) to operationalise large scale attacks. Attackers can fully automate the process of deploying and delivering emails from VMs using SMTP email relays or cloud email infrastructure to benefit from the high deliverability rates and positive reputation of these legitimate services. If malicious email is allowed to be sent through these cloud services, defenders must rely on strong email filtering capabilities to block emails from entering their environment. Microsoft accounts remain a top target for phishing operators, as evidenced by the numerous phishing landing pages which impersonate the Microsoft 365 login page. For example, phishers attempt to match the Microsoft login experience in their phish kits by generating a unique URL customised to the recipient. This URL points to a malicious webpage developed to harvest credentials, but a parameter in the URL will contain the specific recipient’s email address. Once the target navigates to the page, the phish kit will pre- populate user login data and a corporate logo customised to the email recipient, mirroring the appearance of the targeted company’s custom Microsoft 365 login page. Phishing page impersonating a Microsoft login with dynamic content Phishing emails with Ethereum wallet addresses Thousands 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Jul 2021 Aug 2021 Sep 2021 Oct 2021 Nov 2021 Dec 2021 Jan 2022 Feb 2022 Mar 2022 Apr 2022 May 2022 Jun 2022 Total emails detected as phish containing Ethereum wallet addresses increased at the start of the Ukraine-Russia conflict and tapered off after the initial push. The evolving phishing threat landscape Continued 22 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 24. Defending against phish To reduce your organisation’s exposure to phish, IT administrators are encouraged to implement the following policies and features: 1 Require the use of MFA across all accounts to limit unauthorised access. 2 Enable conditional access features for highly privileged accounts to block access from countries, regions and IPs that do not typically generate traffic at your organisation. 3 Consider using physical security keys for executives, employees involved in payment or purchase activities and other privileged accounts. 4 Enforce the use of browsers which support services such as Microsoft SmartScreen to analyse URLs for suspicious behaviours and blocks access to known malicious websites.23 5 Use a machine-learning based security solution that quarantines high probability phish and detonates URLs and attachments in a sandbox before email reaches the inbox, such as Microsoft Defender for Office 365.24 6 Enable impersonation and spoofing protection features across your organisation. 7 Configure DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting Conformance (DMARC) action policies to prevent delivery of non-authenticated emails that might be spoofing reputable senders. 8 Audit tenant and user created allow rules and remove broad domain and IP based exceptions. These rules often take precedence and can allow known malicious emails through email filtering. 9 Regularly run phishing simulators to gauge the potential risk across your organisation and to identify and educate vulnerable users. Links to further information From cookie theft to BEC: Attackers use AiTM phishing sites as entry point to further financial fraud | Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team, Microsoft Threat Intelligence Centre (MSTIC) BEC trends As a point of entry, BEC attackers normally attempt to start a conversation with potential victims to establish rapport. Posing as a colleague or business acquaintance, the attacker gradually leads the conversation in the direction of a monetary transfer. The introduction email, which we track as a BEC lure, represents close to 80% of detected BEC emails. Other trends identified by Microsoft security researchers over the past year include: • The most frequently used techniques in BEC attacks observed in 2022 were spoofing21 and impersonation.22 • The BEC subtype causing the most financial damage to victims was invoice fraud (based on volume and requested dollar amounts seen in our BEC campaign investigations). • Business information theft such as accounts payable reports and customer contacts enable attackers to craft convincing invoice fraud. • Most payroll redirection requests were sent from free email services and seldom from compromised accounts. Email volume from these sources spiked around the first and fifteenth of each month, the most common pay dates. • Despite being well-known avenues for fraud, gift card scams comprised only 1.9% of the BEC attacks detected. Spotlight on business email compromise Cybercriminals are developing increasingly complex schemes and techniques to defeat security settings and target individuals, businesses and organisations. We are investing significant resources to further enhance our BEC enforcement programme in response. BEC is the costliest financial cybercrime, with an estimated USD 2.4 billion in adjusted losses in 2021, representing more than 59% of the top five internet crime losses globally.20 To understand the scope of the problem and how best to protect users against BEC, Microsoft security researchers have been tracking the most common themes used in attacks. BEC themes (January-June 2022) Invoice fraud 9.3% BEC lure 79.9% Payroll redirection 4.6% Business information 4.3% Gift card scam 1.9% BEC themes by percentage of occurrence Actionable insights 23 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 25. Homoglyph deception BEC and phishing are common social engineering tactics. Social engineering plays a significant role in crime, persuading a target to interact with the criminal by gaining trust. In physical commerce, trademarks are used to secure trust in the origin of a product or service, and counterfeit products are an abuse of the trademark. Similarly, cybercriminals pose as a contact familiar to the target during a phishing attack, using homoglyphs to deceive potential victims. A homoglyph is a domain name used for email communication in BEC, in which a character is replaced by one that is identical or nearly identical in appearance, in order to deceive the target. Homoglyph techniques used in BEC attempts BEC generally has two phases, the first of which involves compromise of credentials. These types of credential leaks can be a result of phishing attacks or large data breaches. The credentials are then sold or traded on the dark web. The second phase is the fraud phase, where attackers use compromised credentials to engage in sophisticated social engineering using homoglyph email domains. Actionable insights 1 Enforce the use of browsers that support services to analyse URLs for suspicious behaviours and blocks access to known malicious websites such as Safe Links and SmartScreen.25 2 Use a machine-learning based security solution that quarantines high probability phish and detonates URLs and attachments in a sandbox before email reaches the inbox. Links to further information Internet Crime Complaint Centre (IC3) | Business Email Compromise: The USD 43 Billion Scam Spoof intelligence insight – Office 365 | Microsoft Docs Impersonation insight – Office 365 | Microsoft Docs Technique % of domains showing homoglyph technique sub l for I 25% sub i for l 12% sub q for g 7% sub rn for m 6% sub .cam for .com 6% sub 0 for o 5% sub ll for l 3% sub ii for i 2% sub vv for w 2% sub l for ll 2% sub e for a 2% sub nn for m 1% sub ll for I, sub l for i 1% sub o for u 1% Analysis of over 1,700 homoglyph domains between January-July 2022. While 170 homoglyph techniques were used, 75% of domains used just 14 techniques. A homoglyph in action A homoglyph domain that looks identical to a mail domain the victim recognises is registered on a mail provider with a username that is identical. A hijacked email is then sent from the hijacked domain with new payment instructions. Leveraging open-source intelligence and access to email threads, the criminal identifies individuals who have responsibility for invoicing and payments. They then create an impersonation of an email address of the individual sending invoices. This impersonation is composed of an identical username and mail domain that is a homoglyph of the genuine sender. The attacker copies an email chain containing a legitimate invoice, then changes the invoice to contain their own bank details. This new, modified invoice is then resent from the homoglyph impersonation email to the target. Because the context makes sense and the email looks genuine, often the target follows the fraudulent instructions. Progression of a BEC attack 24 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 26. Waledac botnet Description: A complex spam botnet with US domains that collected email addresses and distributed spam that infected up to 90,000 computers across the world.26 Collaboration: Creation of another consortium, the Microsoft Malware Protection Centre (MMPC) with a focus on close collaboration with academics.27 Microsoft response: Microsoft used tiered disruption approach of C2 and surprised bad actors by seizing US-based domains without notice.28 Microsoft granted temporary ownership of nearly 280 domains used by Waledac’s servers. Trickbot botnet Description: A sophisticated botnet with fragmented infrastructure across the globe that targeted the financial services industry; compromised IoT devices. Collaboration: Microsoft partnered with the Financial Services Information Sharing and Analysis Centre (FS-ISAC) to bring down Trickbot.30 Microsoft response: DCU built a system to identify and track bot infrastructure and generated notifications for active internet providers, taking into account specific laws in various countries. 2008 2009 2011 2013 2019 2022 Description: A fast-spreading worm targeting the Windows OS, infecting millions of computers and devices in a common network; created network outages worldwide. Collaboration: Formation of the Conficker Working Group, the first consortium of its kind. Microsoft partnered with 16 organisations across the globe to defeat the bot. Microsoft response: The group collaborated across many international jurisdictions and was successful bringing Conficker down. Conficker botnet Collaboration: Designed to thwart cybercrime impacting the Microsoft ecosystem through close integration across a team of investigators, lawyers and engineers. Microsoft approach: The goal is to better understand the technical aspects of various malware and provide these insights to Microsoft’s legal team to develop an effective disruption strategy. Microsoft Digital Crimes Unit is formed DCU continues to innovate and is looking to use its experience in botnet disruptions to conduct coordinated operations that go beyond malware. Our continued success requires creative engineering, sharing of information, innovative legal theories and public and private partnerships. Looking ahead Description: Microsoft disrupted the infrastructure of seven threat actors over the past year, preventing them from distributing additional malware, controlling victims’ computers and targeting additional victims. Collaboration: In partnership with internet service providers, governments, law enforcement and private industry, Microsoft shared information to remediate over 17 million malware victims worldwide. Continued focus on disruption Description: An advertising botnet designed to direct people to dangerous websites that would install malware or steal personal information; infected more than two million computers and cost advertisers more than USD 2.7 million per month; primarily in US and Western Europe. Collaboration: Worked closely with the FBI and Europol’s Cybercrime Centre to bring down the peer-to- peer infrastructure. Microsoft response: Joined the Zero Access network, replaced the criminal C2 servers and successfully seized download server domains. Sirefef/Zero Access botnet Rustock botnet Description: A backdoor trojan spam email bot using internet providers as primary C2s; designed to sell pharmaceuticals. Collaboration: Microsoft forged a partnership with Pfizer Pharmaceuticals to understand the drugs sold by Rustock and worked closely with Dutch law enforcement officials.29 Microsoft response: Microsoft worked with US Marshals and law enforcement in the Netherlands to take down the C2 servers in that country. Registered and blocked all future domain generator algorithms (DGAs). A timeline of botnet disruption from Microsoft’s early days of collaboration For more than a decade, DCU has worked to proactively stop cybercrime resulting in 26 malware and nation state disruptions. As the DCU team uses more advanced tactics and tools to shut down these illicit operations, we see the cybercriminals also evolve their approaches in an attempt to stay a step head. Here is a timeline showing a sample of the botnets disrupted by DCU and the strategies Microsoft adopted to shut them down. 25 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 27. Devices acting as reverse proxies for malware C2 are not just unique to Trickbot and MikroTik routers. In collaboration with the Microsoft RiskIQ team, we traced back to the C2 involved and, through observing SSL certificates, identified Ubiquiti and LigoWave devices that are impacted as well.32 This is a strong indication that IoT devices are becoming active components of nation state coordinated attacks and a popular target for cybercriminals using widespread botnets. redirects traffic between two ports in the router, establishing the line of communication between Trickbot-affected devices and the C2. We have aggregated our knowledge of the various methods of attacking MikroTik devices, beyond just Trickbot, as well as known common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs) into an open-source tool for MikroTik devices, which can extract the forensic artifacts related to attacks on these devices.31 More specifically, we identified how Trickbot operators utilise compromised MikroTik routers and reconfigure them to act as part of their C2 infrastructure. The popularity of these devices compounds the severity of their abuse by Trickbot, and their unique hardware and software enable threat actors to evade traditional security measures, expand their infrastructure and compromise more devices and networks. Exposed routers are at risk of having potential vulnerabilities exploited. By tracking and analysing traffic containing secure shell (SSH) commands, we observed attackers using MikroTik routers to communicate with Trickbot infrastructure after obtaining legitimate credentials to devices. These credentials can be obtained through brute force attacks, exploiting known vulnerabilities with readily available patches and using default passwords. Once a device is accessed, the attacker issues a unique command that Cybercriminal abuse of infrastructure Internet gateways as criminal command and control infrastructure IoT devices are becoming an increasingly popular target for cybercriminals using widespread botnets. When routers are unpatched and left exposed directly to the internet, threat actors can abuse them to gain access to networks, execute malicious attacks and even support their operations. The Microsoft Defender for IoT team conducts research on equipment ranging from legacy industrial control system controllers to cutting- edge IoT sensors. The team investigates IoT- and OT-specific malware to contribute to the shared list of indicators of compromise. Routers are particularly vulnerable attack vectors because they are ubiquitous across internet- connected homes and organisations. We have been tracking the activity of MikroTik routers, a popular router around the world residentially and commercially, identifying how they are utilised for command and control (C2), domain name system (DNS) attacks and crypto mining hijacking. Attacker Command and control Sets up malicious domains Installs Trickbot on target network via a campaign Communicates with C2 via router; drops payloads, steals info Compromised IoT device Target network Performs recon to obtain network information Scans for MikroTik devices that are exposed to the internet Steals device credentials and maintains persistence Executes traffic redirection command Trickbot attack chain showing the use of MikroTik IoT devices as proxy servers for C2. Trickbot attack chain 93,868 1 Number of exposed MikroTik routers Distribution of exposed MikroTik routers around the world 26 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience
  • 28. Virtual machines as criminal infrastructure The widespread move to the cloud includes cybercriminals who leverage private assets of unwitting victims obtained through phishing or distributing malware credential stealers. Many cybercriminals are choosing to set up their malicious infrastructures on cloud-based virtual machines (VMs), containers and microservices. Once the cybercriminal has access, a sequence of events can occur to set up infrastructure – such as a series of virtual machines through scripting and automated processes. These scripted, automated processes are used to launch malicious activity including large scale email spam attacks, phishing attacks and web pages hosting nefarious content. It can even include setting up a scaled virtual environment carrying out cryptocurrency mining, causing the end victim a bill of hundreds of thousands of dollars at the end of the month. Cybercriminals understand their malicious activity has a limited life span before it is detected and shut down. As a result, they have scaled up and now operate proactively with contingencies top of mind. They have been observed preparing compromised accounts ahead of time and monitoring their environments. As soon as an account (set up using hundreds of thousands of virtual machines) is detected, they traverse to In the past year, Microsoft observed a growing number of attacks that abuse routers for redirecting cryptocurrency mining efforts. Cybercriminals compromise routers connected to mining pools and redirect mining traffic to their associated IP addresses with DNS poisoning attacks, which alters the DNS settings of targeted devices. Affected routers register the wrong IP address to a given domain name, sending their mining resources – or hashes – to pools used by threat actors. These pools might mine anonymous coins associated with criminal activities or use legitimate hashes generated by miners to acquire a percentage of the coin that they mined, thus reaping the rewards. With more than half of known vulnerabilities found in 2021 lacking a patch, updating and securing routers on corporate and private networks remains a significant challenge for device owners and administrators. Crypto criminals abusing IoT devices Gateway devices are an increasingly valuable target for threat actors as the number of known vulnerabilities has grown consistently from year to year. They are being used for crypto mining and other types of malicious activity. As cryptocurrency has become more popular, many individuals and organisations have invested computational power and network resources from devices such as routers to mine coins on the blockchain. However, mining cryptocurrency is a time- and resource-intensive process with a low probability of success. To increase the likelihood of mining a coin, miners pool together in distributed, cooperative networks, receiving hashes relative to the percentage of the coin they succeeded in mining with their connected resources. the next account – already prepared by scripts to be immediately activated – and their malicious activity continues with little to no interruption. Like cloud infrastructure, on-premises infrastructure can be used in attacks with virtual local environments that are unknown to the on-premises user. This requires the initial access point to remain open and accessible. On-premises private assets have also been abused by cybercriminals to initiate an onward chain of cloud infrastructure, set up to obfuscate their origin to avoid suspicious infrastructure creation detection. DNS poisoning of gateway devices compromises legitimate mining activities and redirects resources to criminal mining activities. Actionable insights 1 Implement good cyber hygiene and provide cybersecurity training for employees with guidance for avoiding being socially engineered. 2 Conduct regular automated user activity anomaly checks through detections at scale to help reduce these types of attacks. 3 Update and secure routers on corporate and private networks. Portion of hashes from original pool are stolen by threat actors, or resources are transferred to their pool, or routers have malware on them that steal resources for mining. Miner Miners Cryptocurrency DNS Poisoning Criminal’s pool Pool ASIC Miners Miners Miners Routers Compromising devices for illegal crypto mining. 27 Microsoft Digital Defence Report 2022 Report Introduction Nation State Threats Cyber Resilience Contributing Teams The State of Cybercrime Cyber Influence Operations Devices and Infrastructure Contributing Teams Report Introduction The State of Cybercrime Nation State Threats Devices and Infrastructure Cyber Influence Operations Cyber Resilience