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Oracle UCM V062524 Page 1 of 289
Oracle PaaS and IaaS
Universal Credits
Service Descriptions
Effective Date:25-June-2024
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 2 of 289
Table of Contents
Metrics 4
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit 24
a. Eligible Oracle PaaS Cloud Services 24
b. Eligible Oracle IaaS Cloud Services 24
c. Additional Services 24
d. Retired Services 25
e. Always Free Cloud Services 25
f. Oracle Database developer cloud services 27
g.Bring Your Own License (“BYOL”) 27
h. Limited availability 29
i. Operating Your Services 30
a. Introduction 31
b. Credit Period Types 31
i. Annual Universal Credit 31
ii. Monthly Universal Credit (subject to Oracle approval) 33
iii. Pay as You Go 35
iv. Funded Allocation Model 35
a. Foundation Services and Tools 37
b. Additional Licenses and Oracle Linux Technical Support 40
c. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Catalog 41
d. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Transfer Disk 41
f. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console 43
g. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell 43
a. Oracle Cloud Services delivered via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 44
b. Third party products available via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 44
c. Community Applications Available via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 46
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services categories 50
Oracle Analytics Cloud Services 50
Oracle Application Development Cloud Services 56
Oracle Content Management Cloud Services 77
Oracle Data Integration Cloud Services 87
Oracle Data Management Cloud Services 94
Oracle Enterprise Integration Cloud Services 153
Oracle Management Cloud Services 161
Oracle Security and Identity Cloud Services 174
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Oracle Compute Cloud Services 188
Oracle Network Cloud Services 200
Oracle Storage Cloud Services 214
Oracle Data and AI Cloud Services 220
Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services 226
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure 233
Optional Subscription Cloud Services to Use with Universal Credits 237
Free Oracle Cloud Promotion 238
Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation 240
Free Oracle Cloud Promotion - Universal Credits - Startup Accelerator 240
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit for North America 242
Oracle Analytics Universal Credits for North America 245
Retired Skus 250
Appendix A 268
Appendix B 271
Appendix C 279
Appendix D 284
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1,000,000 API Calls: is defined as 1,000,000 API calls or notifications (or combination thereof)
incoming from a client to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Gateway Service. Billing for partial
1,000,000 API calls will be prorated.
1,000,000 Calls Per Month: is defined as 1,000,000 API calls or notifications consumed by any
application built on the Oracle Cloud Service during a month.
10,000 Audit Records Per Target Per Month: is defined as 10,000 database audit records
collected from a specific database target by the Oracle Cloud Service during a month.
1,000 Emails Sent: is defined as 1,000 emails that are accepted by the Email Delivery Cloud
Service to receive and parse or to deliver to the end recipient in the billing period, where an email
is defined as an electronic mail message, counted on a per recipient basis. A single email with 10
different recipients would be counted as 10 emails (e.g., 140,000 emails accepted, each with 2
different recipients would be charged 280 x $0.085= $23.80). For the purposes of Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure - Notifications - Email Delivery Cloud Service, each 64 kilobyte (KB) portion of
delivered data is billed as 1 email. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Notifications
- Email Delivery Cloud Service, each 2MB portion of delivered data is billed as 1 email. The
maximum message size of 10MB will be billed as 5 emails (e.g., 140,000 emails accepted at 10MB
size, each with 2 different recipients would be charged 280 x $0.085 x 5= $119.00).
100 Entities Per Hour: is defined as 100 entities where each entity refers to a technical asset
being managed or monitored, such as a server, database, application that resides either in the
cloud and/or onpremise during a one hour period. Examples of entities include, but are not
limited to: Host, Docker Container, SQL Server instance, MySQL instance, Oracle Database
instance, WebLogic Server, Tomcat, Oracle Traffic Director Instance, custom created entity, etc.
You have the ability to extend existing pre-defined entities and create Your own entirely custom
entities. In extending pre-defined entities, a maximum of five (5) additional numeric time series
is allowed. For custom entities, a total of 40 numeric time series are allowed (a numeric time
series is a measurement of time associated with an entity, such as response time, transaction
per second, CPU %, etc.).
For the purposes of counting certain entity types, a conversion factor will be applied:
 One database Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) will count as 1 entity.
 One database processor will count as 2 entities.
 One Application Performance Monitoring Agent (an “APM Agent”) will count as 15 entities.
An APM Agent is defined as the data collector on a target application server being monitored,
whether in the cloud or on-premises.
1,000 Events Per Hour: is defined as 1,000 events where an event is one distributed tracing
span. A distributed tracing span describes the time it takes to complete an individual unit of work
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in the distributed system. Each distributed tracing span encapsulates an operation name,
context information, a start and finish timestamp, a set of key value tags that can be used for
annotation and key value logs that can be used to capture messages and debug information
related to the span.
100,000 Events Per Hour: is defined as 100,000 events where an event is one distributed tracing
span. A distributed tracing span describes the time it takes to complete an individual unit of work
in the distributed system. Each distributed tracing span encapsulates an operation name,
context information, a start and finish timestamp, a set of key value tags that can be used for
annotation and key value logs that can be used to capture messages and debug information
related to the span.
1,000,000 Function Invocations: is defined as 1,000,000 function invocations, where a function
invocation is defined as a request received from a client to execute a single function. Oracle will
charge You for the number of 1,000,000 invocation quantities used in a month. Billing for partial
1,000,000 invocation quantities will be prorated.
10,000 Gigabyte Memory-Seconds: is defined as 10,000 gigabyte memory-seconds, where a
gigabyte memory-second is defined as the amount of RAM (GB) allocated to a function during
its execution (S). Oracle will charge You for the number of 10,000 GB-S quantities used by all
functions in a month. Billing for partial 10,000 GB-S quantities will be prorated.
1,000,000 Incoming Requests Per Month: is defined as a collection of 1,000,000 page hits over
HTTP/S incoming from a client on the internet, VCN or CDN to the Web Application Firewall.
10 Monitor Runs Per Hour: is defined as 10 monitor runs, where a monitor run is an execution
of one monitor (scripted monitor, page load monitor, REST API monitor) from one vantage point
location. Where there is usage of an external vantage point location to execute a monitor, each
execution will be counted as 3 monitor runs.
10 Monitored Resources Per Hour: is defined as 10 monitored resources per hour, where a
monitored resource is part of the technology stack, such as an application (e.g., Oracle E-
Business Suite (EBS) and EBS components such as Concurrent Processing), a database (e.g.,
Oracle database), or an application server (e.g., Oracle Weblogic Server). .
For the purposes of billing, each instance of a monitored resource type is counted as one
resource. For clustered resources, the cluster - including all individual members - is collectively
counted as one resource (i.e., individual members of the cluster are not counted). For example,
an Oracle WebLogic Cluster containing 2 Oracle WebLogic Servers would be counted as one
monitored resource. Monitored resources will be charged in blocks of 10 Monitored Resources
Per Hour; each partial 10 Monitored Resources Per Hour will be charged as a full 10 Monitored
Resources Per Hour.
1,000,000 Queries: is defined as the number of DNS queries received by the public authoritative
DNS server at a prorated cost of $1.00 per 1 million queries during the monthly billing period (e.g.,
500 million queries received would be invoiced at 500 x $1.00 = $500).
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1,000 Requests Per Month: is defined as a maximum of 1,000 requests per month, of the type
of REST API requests You use in the Oracle Cloud Service, including PUT, HEAD, POST, COPY,
LIST, DELETE and GET requests.
10,000 Requests Per Month: is defined as a maximum of 10,000 requests per month, of the
type of REST API requests You use in the Oracle Cloud Service, including PUT, HEAD, POST,
COPY, LIST, DELETE and GET requests.
1,000,000 Requests: is defined as the number of data plane operations received to or from an
Oracle Cloud Service.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Queue Service, each request is defined
as a 64 kilobyte request of one of the following data plane operations to the Oracle Cloud
Service: push, get, delete and update. If a request exceeds 64 kilobytes (KB), the request
will count as multiple requests (e.g., one 68KB delete operation will count as 2 requests).
1,000 Transactions: is defined as the number of 1,000 character units within a document that is
provided as an input to the Oracle Cloud Service (API call). Transactions less than 1,000
characters will be counted as a full transaction (e.g., 1,010 characters input would be counted as
2 transactions).
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Document Understanding Cloud
Services, transactions are defined as the number of operations per page that are
provided as inputs to the Oracle Cloud Service (API call) and consumed in total at
service end points, monitored hourly through the month, with each operation equal
to one transaction.
10,000 Transactions: is defined as the number of 10,000 character units processed by the Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI Service for on-demand base models, where a character is equal
to a transaction. The number of characters includes the input request character count and the
output response character count. If You process fewer than 10,000 characters in the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Generative AI Service, You will be charged only for the fractional usage.
250 Video Assets Per Month: is defined as 250 video assets per month, where one (1) video asset
is one (1) advanced video (published or not published) stored in an Oracle Content Management
asset repository, or 20 files of any type stored in the Oracle Content Management advanced video
project workspace. An advanced video project workspace is used for storing user-contributed
draft files.
If the total number of video assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of video assets
that are entitled per 250 Video Assets Per Month, an additional 250 Video Assets Per Month will
be charged. Only the current top level revision of any given video asset is counted toward the total
number of video assets.
If an Oracle Content Management instance has been provisioned and designated as a non-primary
instance, only a single quantity of 250 Video Assets Per Month will be charged regardless of the
total number of video assets being replicated. A non-primary instance can be used for disaster
recovery, development, staging or quality assurance activities.
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20,000 Messages Per Hour: is defined as the number of 20,000 message quantities used as
part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A message is defined as up to 50 kilobytes (KB) of in-and-out
transmission from/to the Oracle Cloud Service. Any message over 50KB in size must be
counted as multiple messages, with each 50KB or portion thereof counting as equivalent to one
message (e.g., 210KB would be counted as 5 messages).
For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service – BYOL (all editions), a message is
calculated following these rules:
 Integrations:
o Trigger: Each trigger activity counts as at least one message, depending on the
message size. If the inbound message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message
is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages).
o Invoke: Invoke requests do not count as messages, but invoke responses that are
greater than or equal to 50KB count as messages. If an invoke response message
payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB
(e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages). If the invoke response message
payload is less than 50KB, then the invoke response is not counted as a message.
o File: For file-based scheduled flows where there are incoming files into integrations,
each file is converted into a billed message (in multiples of 50KB) only when the file
size is greater than or equal to 50KB.
 Process Automation:
o One concurrent user for the process automation feature is equal to 400 messages.
 Integration Insight:
o Each business transaction in Insight counts as one message.
 Visual Builder
o One concurrent user for the Visual Apps feature is equal to 100 messages.
 Internal: Internal calls within the same Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance are not
counted as messages. For example, the following are not counted:
o Process to Integration
o Visual Builder to Integration
o Integration to Integration
 Calling another Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance does incur messages in the target
Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance, and, depending on the response size, may also
incur messages in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance from which the call
Any combination of message input, message output, concurrent users, or messages sizes may be
utilized concurrently, but must not exceed the maximum quantity of 20,000 Messages Per Hour
that You set when You create an instance for the Oracle Cloud Service.
300 Gigabytes Per Hour: is defined as 300 gigabytes of total indexed size of stored log data
during a one hour period.
500 Transactions Per hour: is defined as 500 blockchain transactions attempted in an Oracle
Blockchain Platform Cloud Service instance in an hour. A blockchain transaction is defined as a
ledger query, an attempted endorsement transaction (irrespective of the outcome of the
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transaction – success or failure), or an attempted commit transaction (irrespective of the outcome
of the transaction – success or failure) for each peer in the Oracle Autonomous Blockchain Cloud
Service instance. A peer represents an entity (organization registered on the blockchain)
executing blockchain transactions. One entity can have multiple peers. You specify the number
of peers at the time of provisioning and You can dynamically start additional peers.
5,000 Assets Per Month: is defined as 5,000 assets per one month, where one (1) asset (an
“Asset”) is one (1) item of any type (published or not published) stored in the Oracle Content
Management asset repository. An asset stored in the asset repository can be either a file-based
asset (e.g., a document, an image, a video) or a content item; a content item is a block of
information created using a content type.
Every twenty (20) files of any type stored in the Oracle Content Management documents file
repository counts as one (1) asset; Every one hundred (100) files of any type stored in an Oracle
Content Management business asset repository counts as one (1) asset; And every two hundred
(200) files of any type that has been archived counts as one (1) asset.
If the total number of assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of assets that are
entitled per the 5,000 Assets Per Month quota, an additional fee for an additional 5,000 Assets
Per Month will be charged during such one month period.
Only the current top level revision of any given file or asset is counted toward the assets counts.
If an Oracle Content Management instance has been provisioned and designated as a non-
primary instance, only a single quantity of 5,000 Assets Per Month will be charged regardless of
the total number of assets being replicated. A non-primary instance can be used for development,
staging, QA or disaster recovery.
Each provisioned Oracle Content Management instance is charged a minimum of 5,000 Assets
Per Month (i.e., the minimum charge is one 5,000 Assets pack per instance). You will be charged
for the total count of 5,000 Assets packs per month used across all provisioned Oracle Content
Management instances (primary and non-primary) within Your Cloud Services Account.
5,000 Messages Per Hour: is defined as the number of 5,000 message quantities used as part
of the Oracle Cloud Service. A message is defined as up to 50 kilobytes (KB) of in-and-out
transmission from/to the Oracle Cloud Service. Any messages over 50KB in size must be counted
as multiple messages, with each 50KB or portion thereof counting as equivalent to one message
(e.g., 210KB would be counted as 5 messages). One concurrent user for the process automation
feature is equal to 400 messages.
For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service (all editions), a message is calculated
following these rules:
 Integrations:
o Trigger: Each trigger activity counts as at least one message, depending on the
message size. If the inbound message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message
is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages).
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o Invoke: Invoke requests do not count as messages, but invoke responses that are
greater than or equal to 50KB count as messages. If the message payload exceeds
50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would
be counted as 5 messages). If the invoke response message payload is less than
50KB, then the invoke response is not counted as a message.
o File: For file-based scheduled flows where there are incoming files into integrations,
each file is converted into a billed message (in multiples of 50KB) only when the size
is greater than or equal to 50KB.
 Process Automation:
o One concurrent user for the process automation feature is equal to 400 messages.
 Integration Insight:
o Each business transaction in Insight counts as one message.
 Visual Builder
o One concurrent user for the Visual Apps feature is equal to 100 messages.
 Internal: Internal calls within the same Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance are not
counted as messages. For example, the following are not counted:
o Process to Integration
o Visual Builder to Integration
o Integration to Integration
 Calling another Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance does incur messages in the target
Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance, and, depending on the response size, may also
incur messages in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance from which the call
Any combination of message input, message output, concurrent users, or message sizes may
be utilized concurrently, but must not exceed the maximum quantity of 5,000 Messages Per
Hour that You set when You create an instance for the Oracle Cloud Service.
Active Process User Per Hour: is defined as a unique active user that interacts with the Oracle
Cloud Service for any task where registered users could be Development, Design, Operations,
Invocation or Participant users during a 1-hour period across the Designer or Workspace UIs. A
user interacting with the Oracle Cloud Service through REST APIs will also be counted. Each single
unique user accessing the Oracle Cloud Service multiple times in a one-hour period will be counted
as only one Active Process User Per Hour.
Active User Per Hour: is defined as a unique active user that interacts with the Oracle Cloud
Service through a specific channel (website, mobile app, API, SMS) during a 1-hour period. Active
users are tracked through the use of audit logs, cookies, user ids, tokens, device ids, IP’s or
session id’s. Access across multiple channels will be counted as multiple active users on an hourly
basis. An active user is tracked for each instance of the Oracle Cloud Service.
For the purposes of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service, the interaction with the Service consists of,
but is not limited to, specific actions or events performed within the Service (authentication,
Single Sign On, user provisioning, step-up authentication, password management, etc.).
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For the purposes of the Oracle Content Management and the Oracle Content and Experience
Cloud Service - Classic, the Service tracks either named users or visitors based upon the role that
a user is given in the Service; users with anonymous access to the Service will be tracked as
visitors. Visitor access – whether for anonymous or registered visitors - across multiple channels
during the same hour counts as multiple active visitor users. In addition, during the same hourly
period, the Service also tracks:
• the number of API calls made to the Service by third party applications. If the number
of API calls exceeds the number of API calls that are entitled per active user, a new active
user will be added.
• the number of published assets. A published asset is either a file-based asset (e.g., a
document, an image, or a video) or a content item (a block of information created using
a content type) either of which has been published during the hourly period. If the
number of published assets exceeds the number of published assets that are entitled
per active user, a new active user will be added.
• outbound data transfer per active user per hour. Outbound data transfer is defined as
the quantity during an hour of the Oracle Cloud Service of both the data You download
directly from the Oracle Cloud Service plus the quantity of Outbound Data Transfer
from the Oracle Cloud Service over the internet, including responses to Your client
AI Unit Per Hour: is defined as a pre-configured set of infrastructure with a given performance
level, billed per hour, dedicated to You for the purposes of hosting or fine-tuning generative AI
models. You must maintain a minimum Services Period commitment of 744 hours per hosting
cluster and 1 hour per fine-tuning cluster; once the minimum of either is exceeded, You will be
billed on a per second basis. You will be charged for dedicated AI clusters units You have created
until You delete the units.
Annotated Data Records: is defined as the number of data records that were assigned one or
more labels. An annotated data record involves (a) creating one or more bounding boxes to an
image, (b) classifying an entire image, document or text, or (c) highlighting part of text, video or
speech with labels.
API Calls: is defined as the number of calls incoming from a client to the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Threat Intelligence Service endpoint. A call may include GET or LIST commands to
retrieve certain threat intelligence indicator data from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Threat
Intelligence Service endpoint. Calls are metered on a per tenancy basis. Each search in the console
or call to the API is considered an API call for the purposes of metering.
Cluster Per Hour: is defined as the number of cluster hours used as part of the Oracle Container
Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service. It is billed per second and measured as the number of Oracle
Container Engine for Kubernetes enhanced clusters for a duration measured in seconds, rounded
up to the nearest whole number with minimum of one minute. A cluster is an instance of the
Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service that includes the control plane that
implements core Kubernetes functionality and the cluster data plane comprised of worker nodes
that runs the applications that You deploy in a cluster.
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Consumer User Per Month: is defined as an identity that is not configured to access the Service
through either a user interface or through a programmatic configuration during the billing
period, but whose accesses are managed in the Service by Workforce Users (as defined below).
 For the purposes of Oracle Access Governance, non-Workforce Users (these would
include, but are not limited to, customers, partners, citizens, and contingent freelance
talent whose birth right accesses needs to be managed) shall be deemed to be Consumer
 You will be billed for Consumer Users marked as “Active” in Oracle Access Governance on
a monthly basis for the configured Consumer User count metered every hour.
CPU Core Per Hour: is defined as the total number of CPU cores of processor hours enabled for
monitoring as part of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Management Service. The
number of CPU cores shall be determined based upon the total number of CPU cores of the
processor on the host, VM or Container on which the target is being monitored, and equals the
current number of CPU cores on the system thatincludes sub-cores of multi-core CPUs, as well
as single-core CPUs. The number of sockets multiplied by the number of CPU cores per socket
will give the total count of CPU cores. Programs licensed on a CPU core basis may be accessed
by your internal users (including agents and contractors) and by your third party users. Each
partial CPU core per hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.
1. Oracle Database Enterprise or Standard Edition processor count definition, policy and limits
do not apply.
2. Multiple targets running on the same hosts, VMs, or Containers will be counted only once
for licensing purposes.
3. CPU cores of each instance of Oracle Real Application Clusters must be counted.
4. If You are using a standby database and Dataguard is monitored and managed by the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Management Service, then CPU cores of these
instances must also be counted for licensing purposes.
5. On Exadata systems, CPU cores on all the database instance hosts must be counted for
licensing purposes, however CPU cores of Exadata Storage Server need not be counted for
licensing purposes.
Desktop Per Month: is defined as a unique desktop instance accessed by a single user that
interacts with the Oracle Cloud Service through a specific channel (website, mobile app, API,
SMS) during a one-month period. Desktops are grouped into pools and charged at pool creation,
regardless of whether or not a user is accessing the desktop.
ECPU Per Hour: is, for the purposes of Oracle Autonomous Database, Oracle APEX Application
Development, Oracle Exadata Exascale RDMA Compute Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata
Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure, based on the number of cores per hour elastically
allocated from a pool of compute and storage servers and is, for the purposes of MySQL Database
and MySQL HeatWave, a platform-independent measure of the work done per hour by the MySQL
Database and MySQL HeatWave.
Endpoint Per Hour: is defined as the number of endpoints provisioned and made available for
Your use per houras part of the Oracle Cloud Service.
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 For the purposes of MySQL HeatWave on AWS, endpoints are defined as the number of
Ingress Private Endpoints or Egress Private Endpoints that are provisioned and made
available for Your use per AWS AZ in one hour. You will be billed for each endpoint
provisioned and made available for use during a part of an hour, with a one-minute
Endpoint Per Month: is defined as the number of endpoints (IP addresses or HTTP targets)
monitored from up to 10 vantage points (from locations) for each protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP,
ICMP, etc) at either a high or low frequency rate of measurement (e.g., every 10 seconds versus
every 30 seconds), during a given calendar month of the Service.
Exadata TB (Terabyte) Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as the number of terabytes of
Exadata storage reserved for Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse or Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing or reserved for cross-region resources or log staging, if applicable,
during each month of the Services Period of the applicable Oracle Cloud Service. Each terabyte
of Exadata storage space reserved for part of a month will be billed on an hourly basis.
Execution Hour: is defined as the number of execution hours used by Pipeline Operators as
part of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration. A scheduled run of a single task counts as
a pipeline with a single Pipeline Operator execution. Each partial Execution Hour consumed is
billed as a partial hour with a one-minute minimum. The first 30 hours of Execution Hour per
tenant per month is free.
Execution Pack Per Month: is defined as up to 10,000 execution activities during each month
of the Services Period, with one execution pack equaling up to 10,000 activities. An activity is
any available element in the palette such as notifications, human tasks, service calls, start/end
events, and gateways. An executed activity is defined as an activity that is executed at runtime
when a transaction or payload is processed.
Gateway Per Hour: is defined as single state representation of one or many instances (called
gateway nodes) of the gateway application component installation. A gateway is represented
as a “Gateway” in the management service gateway table in the database and is shown as such
in the user interface. A gateway is counted by counting the number of gateways in the
“Gateways” tab in the management service user interface during a single hour. When a gateway
node is registered to the management service, You have the option to register it to an existing
gateway or to create a new gateway. When the last node is de-registered, You will have the
option to delete the gateway and reduce the count of gateways.
Gibibyte (GiB) Memory Per Hour: is defined as 1 gibibyte of memory capacity in the server as a
part of the Oracle Cloud Service.
Gigabyte (GB) Data Capacity Per Hour: for the purposes of Oracle CASB for IaaS and Oracle
CASB for Custom Apps is defined as the volume of data generated, ingested, managed and
analyzed from the Monitored Accounts and Monitored Apps per hour. Capacity may include but
is not limited to development, test, quality assurance (QA), training, pre-production, production,
high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR) or any other environments that You deem
necessary to be monitored by Oracle’s Cloud Service offering.
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 For the purposes of Oracle CASB for Data Protection, Data Loss Prevention Retroactive
Scan, Gigabyte (GB) of Data Capacity Per Hour is defined as the volume of data scanned
per hour.
Gigabyte (GB) of Data Processed: is defined as the quantity of any transfer of data to or from
the Load Balancer over the internet including responses to Your client requests during a
calendar month.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Firewall, Gigabyte (GB) of Data
Processed is defined as every GB of data processed by the network firewall instance in
a month.
Gigabyte (GB) of Data Processed Per Hour: is defined as the quantity of gigabytes of data
processed from/to the Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service (host or remote agents),
which may include counting any combination of data throughput for data replication, batch data
movement, data streaming or data cleansing operations. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Data Integration, Gigabyte of Data Processed Per Hour is defined as the quantity
of gigabyte of data input into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration during a one hour
Gigabyte (GB) of Data Transferred: is defined as the quantity of gigabytes of data You
transfer to/from the Oracle Cloud Service.
 For the purposes of MySQL HeatWave on AWS, the quantity of gigabytes of data
transferred to/from the Oracle Cloud Service and for which You will be charged include
1. Out of Service transfers, where the traffic is across different AWS regions or between
AWS region and internet/other cloud AND
2. In and out of Service transfers, where the traffic is through the Ingress and Egress
Private Endpoints
Gigabyte (GB) of Good Traffic Per Month: is defined as the data of the HTTP response egress
traffic passed through the WAF as a reverse proxy from the origin server.
Gigabyte (GB) Log Storage Per Month: is defined as the number of GB of logs stored inside the
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging Cloud Service during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service.
The minimum amount that will be billed is 1 MB.
Gigabyte (GB) Memory Per Hour: is defined as the number of GB memory hours allocated as
part of an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service instance.
Gigabyte (GB) of Packaged Video Content: is defined as the number of gigabytes requested by
a video player or content delivery network (CDN) service and packaged to Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Media Streams during a month.
Gigabyte (GB) Per Hour: is defined as 1 GB of memory capacity in the server as a part of the
Oracle Cloud Service.
Gigabyte (GB) Outbound Data Transfer Per Month: is defined as the quantity during a calendar
month of the Oracle Cloud Service of (a) the data You download directly from the Oracle Cloud
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Service and (b) the quantity of Outbound Data Transfer from the Oracle Cloud Service over the
internet, including responses to Your client requests and (c) the data You transfer between Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure regions.
Gigabyte (GB) Performance Units Per Month: is defined as per gigabyte storage performance
characteristics for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure block volume during a month of the Service.
This metric must be purchased and is metered in increments of 10. You may adjust performance
characteristics such as IOPS/GB, throughput/GB, and maximum IOPS for the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure block volume.
Gigabyte (GB) Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as a gigabyte (1073741824 bytes) of
computer storage space used by a storage filer of the Oracle Cloud Service during a month of the
Service. The metric may be subject to a minimum storage duration requirement.
• For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with PostgreSQL, Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Database Optimized Storage is a high-performance storage that is
utilized for that service.
• For the purposes of Oracle Exadata Exascale VM Filesystem Storage and Oracle Exadata
Exascale Smart Database Storage are utilized for that service.
Gigabyte (GB) Storage Retrieved Per Month: is defined as a gigabyte (1073741824 bytes) of
computer storage retrieved during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service.
Gigabyte (GB) of Data Transferred: is defined as the quantity of data You transfer out of the
Oracle Cloud Service where the data is
 Transferred across different AWS regions, or
 Transferred between an AWS region and internet/another cloud.
HeatWave Capacity per Hour: is defined as a unit of 16 gigabyte memory hours allocated in
MySQL HeatWave.
Host CPU Core Per Hour: is defined as the total number of cores of the processors used per hour
underlying the physical host, VM, or container on which the target database or host is being
monitored externally. All host CPU cores are counted, including cores underlying both primary
and standby databases, and cores running each instance of RAC. If multiple Oracle database
targets are running on the same processors of the physical hosts, VMs or containers, then the
host CPU core will only be counted once. Each partial Host CPU Core hour consumed will be billed
as a full hour.
Hosted Environment Per Hour: is defined as the combination of systems and supporting
resources provided as part of the Oracle Data Management Cloud Services (the Hosted
Environment), the use of which is measured on a per hour basis. Each partial Hosted
Environment hour consumed will be billed as a partial hour. The included amount of the
following items vary per service and selected shape, and are as specified in the Service
Descriptions for the applicable Cloud Service: minimum Services Period, base number (zero or
more) of OCPU enabled, optional maximum OCPU capacity and local storage capacity.
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 15 of 289
Hosted Environment Per Month: is the combination of systems and supporting resources to
which Oracle grants You access as part of the Oracle Cloud Services ordered by You, that is (i)
configured for the Oracle Programs operating on it and for specific uses as part of the Oracle
Public Cloud Services, and (ii) used by Oracle to perform the Oracle Cloud Services. The hosted
environment consists of the production environment, and any non-production environment(s),
as referenced in the applicable ordering document.
 For the purposes of Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service
o You are provided a minimum of 420,000 read units per month
o You are provided a minimum of 280,000 write units per month
o You are provided a minimum of 17,500 GB storage per month
Hosted Named User Per Hour: is defined as an individual authorized by You to access the hosted
Cloud Service in an hour, regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the hosted
Cloud Service at any given time.
HSM Partition Per Hour: is defined as one single-tenant Hardware Security Module (HSM)
partition used on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Service where that Service is measured and
billed on an hourly basis.
Instance Per Hour: is defined by each Cloud Service as follows:
 For the purposes of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated – Developer , Oracle
Autonomous Transaction Processing - Dedicated – Developer, Oracle Autonomous Data
Warehouse – Exadata Cloud@Customer – Developer and Oracle Autonomous
Transaction Processing – Exadata Cloud@Customer – Developer , an instance is defined
as a single, provisioned Autonomous Database. Autonomous Database instances are
billed per hour, with partial hours rounded up to the nearest whole hour. Every hour the
Autonomous Database instance is running, it is counted as an instance per hour.
 For the purposes of Oracle ZFS Storage – High Availabillity, an instance is defined as a
bare metal (BM) or virtual machine (VM) instance in which the ZFS Storage Martket Place
image is deployed. Every hour the instance is running, it is counted as an instance per
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Web Application Firewall (“WAF”), an
instance is defined as an active WAF policy attached to a web-application or a load
balancer instance. Every hour the policy and the attachment are in active status is
counted as an instance hour.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Firewall, every hour the network
firewall instance is in active status is counted as an instance per hour.
Instance Per Month: is defined as a single deployment of an Oracle Cloud Service provisioned by
Inferencing Unit Hour: is an hour an inferencing unit is dedicated for running a custom model.
Any partial inferencing unit hours will be charged as a full hour. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure Language Cloud Service, an inference unit running a custom model provides a
throughput equivalent to 500 characters per second and an inference unit running a healthcare
model provides a throughput equivalent to 10,000 characters per second.
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 16 of 289
Key Version Per Month: is defined as one key version in a single-tenant accessible encryption
key storage vault used on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Service where that Service is
measured and billed on a monthly basis.
Load Balancer Hour: is the number of hours from when a given Load Balancer is launched until
it is terminated. Each partial server-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour.
Logging Analytics Storage Unit Per Month: is defined as 300 gigabytes of logs stored during a
month of the Oracle Cloud Service. The minimum amount that will be billed is 1 Logging Analytics
Storage Unit.
Logging Analytics Storage Unit: is defined as a gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) of logs stored
inside Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging Analytics during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service.
One Logging Analytics Storage Unit equates to 300 gigabytes of Log Storage per month. The
minimum billing threshold is 1 Logging Analytics Storage Unit.
Mbps Per Hour: is the bandwidth of the load balancer represented in Mbps per hour. This metric
is only applicable to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer Cloud Service.
Memory Gigabyte Per Hour: is defined as 1 gigabyte GB of memory capacity in the server as a
part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A gigabyte is defined as a unit of information equal to one billion
Migration Hour: is defined as the amount of time that a migration is running, where ‘running’ is
defined as a migration job being in a state of “in progress” or in a state of “waiting”. Partial
Migration Hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one-minute minimum.
Million Datapoints: is defined as a count in the millions of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Monitoring Datapoints either ingested or retrieved for a Monitoring Metric.
Million Delivery Operations: is defined as the number of delivery operations in the millions
performed by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service, including retries to deliver
messages to HTTPS endpoints. Each 8KB portion of delivered data is billed as 1 operation.
Minute of Output Media Content: is defined as the length of output media content that is
processed by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Media Flow Cloud Service during a one-minute period..
Each minute will be billed in 6 second increments.
Monitored Service User Per Hour: is defined as a user account in Your SaaS applications, which
You are authorized to monitor each hour for each service with the Oracle CASB Service. Users
account may include individual user accounts as well as accounts shared by multiple users of the
monitored SaaS applications and are not limited to the employees, customers, partners,
consultants, contractors and agents of You, and Your customers.
Monitored Account Per Hour: is defined as the account that You established with Your IaaS or
PaaS provider that includes (1) the Your email address and password, (2) the control of resources
available or created within the account, and (3) payment for the IaaS or PaaS activity related to
those resources. Each Active IaaS/PaaS Monitored Account by use of the applicable Oracle Cloud
Service. Active means account is configured and activated in Oracle CASB Cloud Service. For the
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 17 of 289
purposes of Oracle CASB Cloud Service, an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compartment is
considered to be equivalent to an account.
Monitored App Per Hour: is defined as any custom or tailor-made application or workload that
is specifically developed and deployed by You on a PaaS or IaaS based infrastructure, either for
internal or external use, that is configured and activated and that You monitor each hour with the
applicable Oracle Cloud Service. A Monitored App may include but is not limited to development,
test, quality assurance (QA), training, pre-production, high availability (HA), disaster recovery
(DR) or other environments that You monitor with this Oracle CASB Cloud Service.
Node Per Hour: is defined as the number of node hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service.
A node is a predefined combination of OCPU’s (or vCPUs) and memory based on the shape. Each
partial node hour consumed is billed as a partial hour, with a one-minute minimum.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service with OpenSearch – Node
– Metered, a node is defined as the number of data node instances that can be part of a
cluster system in one hour.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service with OpenSearch, a data
node instance is defined as the number of Compute instances with an instance type of
data node that can be part of a clustered system in one hour. A customer can have two
data nodes within its cluster without any hourly metering. Only any additional data nodes
after the second data node will be charged the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service
with OpenSearch HA rate. For example, a two-data node cluster will not be metered. If a
third data node is added, there would be a single data node per hour charge metered for
the third data node. If a fourth data node is added, then two data node per hour charges
will be incurred.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Guard Workload Protection, a node instance is the
number of Compute instances that are monitored by the workload protection agents in
one hour.
NVMe Terabyte (TB) Per Hour: is defined as 1 TB of NVMe storage capacity in the server as a
part of the Oracle Cloud Service, where a TB is defined as 1000 gigabytes.
OCPU Per Hour: is defined as the number of Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) hours used as part of
the Oracle Cloud Service. An OCPU provides CPU capacity equivalent of one physical core of a
processor with hyper-threading enabled. Each OCPU corresponds to two hardware execution
threads, known as vCPUs. Each OCPU has a pre-defined amount of memory. Each partial OCPU
Hour consumed will be billed as a full hour subject to the following exceptions.
• For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - A1, each OCPU is limited
to providing CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a
single hardware execution thread or vCPU.
• For the purposes of Oracle Base Database Service on ARM, each OCPU is limited to providing
CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a single
hardware execution thread or vCPU.
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• For the purposes of Oracle Base Database Service on ARM, each OCPU is limited to providing
CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a single
hardware execution thread or vCPU.
• For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - A1; Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - E4; Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard -
E3; and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Optimized - X9, all are available with flexible
memory in Virtual Machine (VM) environments.
• For the purposes of Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer - Compute - Standard - E5, it is available
with flexible memory in Virtual Machine (VM) environments.
• For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with PostgreSQL, an OCPU is
defined as each OCPU utilized in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with
PostgreSQL service.
• For Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer - Compute - Standard - E5 virtual machine instances,
partial OCPU and memory hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one-minute
• For the following Services, partial OCPUs hours consumed are billed per second with a one-
minute minimum:
 Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse
 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing
 Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated
 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated
 Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer – Autonomous Data Warehouse
 Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer – Autonomous Transaction Processing
• For the following Services, partial OCPUs hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one-
minute minimum:
 Oracle APEX Application Development
 Oracle Autonomous JSON Database
 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – GoldenGate
 Oracle Base Database Service
 Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure
 Oracle Gen 2 Exadata Cloud@Customer
 Compute Virtual Machine instances
 Windows OS images
 Compute Bare Metal instances
 Oracle Platform Services hosted in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The full list of these
services is available here:
• For the purposes of Microsoft SQL server, partial OCPU hours consumed are billed as partial
hours with a 744-hour minimum.
• For the purposes of the Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service, only the Oracle Java Cloud
Service OCPUs running the Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service instance must be counted.
The Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service requires a minimum number of one (1) OCPU and
requires high memory virtual machines.
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• For the purposes of the Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service, only the OCPUs running the
Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service must be counted. One (1) OCPU gives You up to one (1)
Connection; more Connections require more OCPUs. A Connection is defined as a unique
connection used to build integrations between applications or databases using the Oracle Data
Integrator Cloud Service. A Connection is counted per unique application, data source, third
party software, Oracle software, Web Service or REST endpoint to which the Oracle Data
Integrator Cloud Service is connected. Applications, databases or Web Services that use the
same url and credential are counted as one Connection. Files hosted on a file system do not
count as a Connection.
• For the purposes of the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise, only the OCPUs running
the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise must be counted. One (1) OCPU gives You
up to one (1) Connection; more Connections require more OCPUs. A Connection is defined as
a unique connection used to build integrations between applications or databases using the
Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise. A Connection is counted per unique application,
data source, third party software, Oracle software, Web Service or REST endpoint to which the
Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise is connected. Applications, databases or Web
Services that use the same URL and credential are counted as one Connection. Files hosted on
a file system do not count as a Connection. The service environment includes 1 Terabyte of
local block storage.
• For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service – Standard, and the Oracle Integration
Cloud Service - Enterprise, each Cloud Service tracks OCPUs that are in running status on an
hourly basis.
• For the purposes of the Oracle WebLogic Enterprise Edition for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Container Engine for Kubernetes and the Oracle WebLogic Suite for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Container Engine for Kubernetes Services, all the OCPUs running in the WebLogic node pool
must be counted.
• For the purposes of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ops Insights for Oracle Autonomous
Database Service and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ops Insights for Oracle Cloud Databases, OCPU
Per Hour is defined as the total number of OCPU hours enabled for target database monitoring
as part of the Service.
OCPU Per Month: is defined as the number of Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) hours used as part
of the Oracle Analytics Cloud Service in a calendar month. An OCPU provides CPU capacity
equivalent to one physical core of an Intel Xeon processor with hyper-threading enabled. Each
OCPU corresponds to two hardware execution threads, known as vCPUs.
One Million IO Requests Per Month: is defined as the maximum of one million IO requests
during a calendar month of the Oracle Cloud Service of the type of Block Storage IO Requests
You use in the Oracle Cloud Service.
Partition Hour: is defined as the number of Partition hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud
Service. A Partition provides the capacity equivalent of 1 MB/s of data ingress, 2 MB/s of data
egress and 1000 PUT operations per second.
Port Hour: is defined as the number of hours consumed for each port configured.
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Read Unit Per Month: is defined as the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data per second
for an eventually consistent read operation (i.e., where the data returned may not be the most
recently written data to the database; if no new updates are made to the data, eventually all
accesses to that data will return the latest updated value) over a one-month period, or
approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) reads. (Each month is deemed to
have seven hundred forty-four (744) hours or approximately two million six hundred thousand
(2.6 million) seconds. So over a one-month period, one (1) read unit will provide You with
approximately 2.6 million reads.) To achieve the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data
per second for an absolute consistent read operation (i.e., where the data returned is expected to
be the most recently written data to the database), the equivalent of two Read Units Per Month
need to be provisioned.
Recipe Jobs Per Hour: is defined as the total number of recipe jobs launched within an hour
window for all users within an Oracle Self Service Integration Cloud Service instance. A recipe job
for an active recipe is launched to process its associated data when the recipe’s trigger event and
condition are met.
Redis Memory Gigabyte Per Hour: is a management fee charged for offering the managed
service that is tied to the amount of memory deployed per node. Memory is defined as the number
of gigabytes of memory capacity utilized per hour per node in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Caching with Redis Cloud Service. As a note, this management fee also accounts for all underlying
infrastructure deployed.
Request: is defined as the number of requests made to the Oracle Cloud Service. A request is
defined as an API call from a mobile app or one round trip interaction (request to a bot and a
response from that bot) or a push initiated from the Oracle Cloud Service. For the purposes of
the Oracle Digital Assistant Cloud Service, a request is counted as follows: (a) any round-trip
conversation with the chatbot skill, (b) authentication and authorization (login); (c) invocation of
an instant app or WebView component; (d) use of the tester in the Bots admin tool; (e) push
notifications from the skill ; (f) drill down from the Bot Insights home page to Insight Details; and
(g) calling the embedded custom component code.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Cloud Guard Workload Protection,
arequest is equivalent to each query of Workload Protection run per each instance for a
given hour.
Request Per Hour: is defined as the number of requests made to the Oracle Cloud Service in an
hour. A request is defined as an API call from a mobile app or one round trip interaction (request
to a bot and a response from that bot) or a push initiated from the Oracle Cloud Service.
1 SMS Message Sent: is defined as each Short Message Service (SMS) message (counted on a per
recipient basis) that is accepted by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service to deliver
during the applicable billing period. A single Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service topic
with 10 different recipients would therefore be counted as 10 SMS messages (e.g., 140,000 SMS
Messages accepted, each with 2 different recipients would be charged as 280,000 SMS messages).
The cost of each SMS message depends on the destination country zone of the recipient (e.g., a
message sent to a recipient in the United States would be charged at the per SMS message rate of
country zone 1 while a message sent to a recipient in Canada would be charged at the per SMS
message rate of country zone 2). The list of countries within a specific country zone may change
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 21 of 289
periodically and the latest list may always be found on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications
Service pricing page.
Static IP Per Hour: is defined as the number of static IP hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud
Service. These hours could include additional static IPs associated with a running instance or
additional static IPs that are not associated with any running instance.
Target Database Per Month: is defined as a unique database target (either on-premises or
running in a virtual machine on infrastructure as a service) registered to be managed by the Oracle
Cloud Service during a month.
Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as a terabyte (1024 gigabytes) of computer
storage space used by a storage filer of the Oracle Cloud Service during a month of the Service.
Token: is defined as a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is issued by the Cloud Service and used to
securely transmit information between parties during a one hour period.
Training Hour: is defined as the number of hours spent training a custom model. Any partial
training hour will be charged as a full hour.
 For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Vision, users have the option to either
define a set number of hours (i.e., 3) or choose a “recommended” training duration, which
can be up to 24 hours.
For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Language - Custom Training, a training hour is
the equivalent of training on an 8 core CPU machine.
Transcription Hour: is defined as the cost of transcribing one hour of audio into text.
User Per Month: is defined as an individual configured to access the hosted service during the
billing period, regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the hosted service at any
given time. You will be billed at the maximum configured user count during each billing period,
even if users are removed from the hosted service during this period.
 For purposes of the Oracle Container Pipelines Cloud Service, users are represented in
container pipelines as members of an organization. For each billed entity there must be
one parent organization under which all of its users and sub-organizations are managed.
 For the purposes of Oracle Analytics Cloud,You will be charged immediately on creation
of the instance for all users that are configured. The minimum number of users for which
You will be charged is 10.
 For the purposes of Oracle Content Management – Sales Accelerator Suite, You will be
charged immediately on creation of the instance for all users that are configured. You will
be charged for a minimum number of 25 users. Moreover, with respect to any new users
added or existing users removed (subject to the minimum user number) in between the
billing months, or if the Cloud Service started after the start of the billing month, You will
be charged for those users at a pro-rated rate for the number of days left in a billing
month. Additionally, one Sales Accelerator Suite User with a Content Creator user role is
equivalent to one User Per Month and each five Sales Accelerator Suite Users with the
Standard Application user role is equivalent to one User Per Month.
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 22 of 289
vCPU Per Hour: is defined as the number of compute hours used as part of the Cloud Service.
It provides CPU capacity equivalent of one hardware execution threads, known as vCPUs.The
vCPU Per Hour price is based on the deployment model.
For Cloud Services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (whether standard, enterprise or metal).
• Standard means those Cloud Services which provide CPU capacity equivalent to 100%
vCPUs overcommit.
• Enterprise means those Cloud Services which provide CPU capacity with no vCPUs
• Metal means those Cloud Services which provide dedicated, for your application, bare
metal servers allocated in 36 vCPU units with no vCPUs overcommit.
For non-elastic IP addresses, fees are based on the time period the virtual machines are actually
running. For elastic IP addresses, fees are based on the entire time period that the IP is allocated
for Your use.
Video Pack (500 Videos - 500 Gigabytes (GB)) Per Month: is defined as up to 500 videos
consuming up to 500 GB of storage per month.
Virtual Node Per Hour: is defined as the number of virtual node hours used as part of the Oracle
Container Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service. A virtual node provides the abstraction of a
regular worker node to Kubernetes. It is billed per second and measured as the number of virtual
nodes in Oracle Engine for Kubernetes clusters for a duration measured in seconds, rounded up
to the nearest whole number with minimum of one minute.
Virtual Private Vault Per Hour: is defined as 1 single-tenant accessible encryption key storage
vault used on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) that is measured on an hourly basis and billed on
a monthly basis.
Virtualized-Gigabyte (GB) Per Month: is defined as the sum of the storage space used from the
following: weekly full backups, daily incremental backups, and archived redo log backups of the
Oracle Database instances during a calendar month.
Workspace Usage Per Hour: Is defined as the workspace instance provided as part of Oracle
Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration, the use of which is measured on a per hour basis.
Workforce User Per Month: is defined as an identity that is configured to access the Service
either through a user interface or through programmatic configuration during the billing period,
regardless of whether the identity is actively accessing the Service at any given time.
 For the purposes of Oracle Access Governance, identities that could access the Service
through the Service user interface or through external user interfaces to manage their
own access or the accesses of other identities shall be deemed to be Workforce Users.
 Identities that include, but are not limited to, employees, temporary workers, outsourcers,
and contractors whose birth right and regular accesses are managed through access
controls of Oracle Access Governance shall be deemed to be Workforce Users.
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 23 of 289
 You will be billed for Workforce Users marked as “Active” in Oracle Access Governance on
a monthly basis for the configured Workforce User count metered every hour.
Write Unit Per Month: is defined as the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data per second
for a write operation over a one month period, or approximately two million six hundred
thousand (2.6 million) writes. (Each month is deemed to have seven hundred forty-four (744)
hours or approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) seconds. So over a one-
month period, one (1) write unit will provide You with approximately 2.6 million writes.)
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 24 of 289
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit
Part # B88206
Oracle will provide You with a Cloud Services Account which allows You to set up and use
eligible Oracle Cloud Services for the applicable Cloud Services categories in accordance with
the type of Credit Period You have selected.
The current eligible Oracle PaaS Cloud Services categories include:
• Analytics Cloud Services
• Application Development Cloud Services
• Big Data Cloud Services
• Content Management Cloud Services
• Data Integration Cloud Services
• Data Management Cloud Services
• Enterprise Integration Cloud Services
• Management Cloud Services
• Security and Identity Cloud Services
• *Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services
The current eligible Oracle IaaS Cloud Services categories include:
• Compute Cloud Services
• Network Cloud Services
• Storage Cloud Services
• *Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services
Note: Service Descriptions for the Oracle Data and AI Cloud Services which invoke other Oracle
IaaS Cloud Services are located at the end of the IaaS Cloud Service Category.
* Note: Services in the Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services category are not eligible for
If Oracle adds additional service offerings to the list of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services
within Your Cloud Services Account during the Services Period, You may activate and use those
service offerings and the discount will be applied based on the Cloud Service category discount
specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. The development,
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 25 of 289
release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings remains at the sole
discretion of Oracle Corporation.
Oracle in its sole discretion, may make certain Oracle Cloud Services listed on the rate card
attached to Your order and/or as seen in the Cloud Portal unavailable for new instance
deployments during the term of Your order. Those Cloud Services will be listed under the section
“Retired SKU’s” in this Service Descriptions document. You may continue to use Retired SKU’s
prior to the announced retirement date (including after a renewal order, where applicable) unless
Oracle in its sole discretion provides You with a written notification of an official End Of Life for
such Cloud Service(s) during the term of Your order. If Oracle provides a written notification of
End Of Life of a Cloud Service, You may be required to transition to a successor Oracle Cloud
Service if Oracle makes a successor Cloud Service available. The “Retired SKU’s” section of this
Service Descriptions document shall take precedence over any term to the contrary in Section 1.2
of the Agreement and Section 4.2.2 of the Oracle Cloud Hosting & Delivery Policies.
Oracle may make available to You certain Cloud Services at no charge (“Always Free Cloud
Services”) subject to the following terms. Always Free Cloud Services may be designated as
free in two ways: (1) via a specific Cloud Service part designated as “Free” or (2) via a specified
Cloud Service tier of usage that is designated as $0 on Your rate card, provided such Cloud
Service is noted in this Service Descriptions document as having a free tier (a “Free Tier”).
The following sections of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies do not apply to Always
Free Cloud Services: Cloud Service Continuity Policy, Cloud Service Level Agreement and
Oracle Cloud Support Policy. However, if You use more than just the Free Tier of a multi-tier
rate card Cloud Service and commence paying for that applicable Cloud Service, You will receive
the benefit of the entire Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies for all of Your use of that
applicable Cloud Service during such a paid subscription period.
If You only order Always Free Cloud Services , Oracle may end, upon 7 days’ notice: (i) Your
right to use an applicable Always Free Cloud Service(s), or (ii) the Oracle Cloud Services Account,
if You have not used the Always Free Cloud Services or have no activity during the 7 day period
preceding the date of the Notice, You may, however, thereafter initiate new Always Free Cloud
Services. Customers consuming only Always Free Cloud Services prior to December 20th, 2022
will be subject to these terms beginning January 19, 2023.
For the purposes of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Object Storage Cloud Service (B#91628)
and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Archive Storage Cloud Service (B#B91633), if You
transition either from a paid version of one of those Cloud Services or from a free Oracle Cloud
promotion for one of those Cloud Services to the Always Free Cloud Services version of one of
those Cloud Services, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will provide You with a maximum of 20
gigabytes of combined Object Storage and Archive Storage whether You are using one or both
of these Cloud Services. If You transition as noted in the preceding sentence but do so with a
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 26 of 289
combined Object Storage and Archive Storage above 20 gigabytes, all of Your data will be
permanently deleted.
Oracle in its sole discretion may remove or modify an Always Free Cloud Service from the
Always Free category (a “Removed Service”) at any time. With respect to the foregoing, if You
are at the time of the removal using the Removed Service, then You may switch to a
subscription fee-based version of the Removed Service in order to continue using the
applicable Oracle Cloud Service.
The default Data Center Region (the “Home Region”) for Always Free Cloud Services is the
region that You choose when You sign up for the applicable Always Free Cloud Services (subject
to an Always Free Cloud Service being available in a given Data Center Region). You will not be
allowed to change the Home Region even if You subsequently attempt to add additional Data
Center Regions.
Oracle in its sole discretion may terminate a customer’s usage of an Always Free Cloud Service
if Oracle identifies unusual activity that violates section 9.3 of the Oracle Cloud Services
Cloud Service Part #
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Application Performance Monitoring Service –
Tracing Data - Free
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Application Performance Monitoring Service -
Synthetic Usage - Free
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Free B91393
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – Exadata Storage – Free B91394
Oracle Autonomous JSON Database – Free B93307
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Free B91391
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Exadata Storage – Free B91392
Oracle APEX Application Development – Free B93320
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Block Volume – Free B91445
*Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - 10 Mbps Load Balancer – Free B91960
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Virtual Machine Standard - E2
Micro - Free
Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud – Write – Free - Write Unit Per Month B92627
Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud - Read - Free – ReadUnit Per Month B92628
Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud-Storage – Free - Gigabyte Storage Capacity
Per Month
*Note: This Cloud offering may not be available for all new customers
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Oracle may make available to You certain Database Developer Cloud Entitlements subject to the
following terms:
 Database Developer Cloud Entitlements are granted to You for non-production use only.
 Oracle in its sole discretion may modify a Database Developer Cloud Entitlement at any
 The following sections of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies do not apply to
Database Developer Cloud Services: Cloud Service Continuity Policy and Cloud Service
Level Agreement.
 Resource allocation and restrictions may differ for each Database Developer Cloud
Service and can be found in their respective sections in this document.
 If You require entitlements beyond what Database Developer Cloud Entitlements provide,
You may switch to a subscription fee-based License-Included or Bring Your Own License
(BYOL) version of the Database Cloud Service.
 Oracle in its sole discretion may terminate a customer's usage of Database Developer
Cloud Entitlements if Oracle identifies unusual activity that violates the Term and
Termination section of the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement.
Cloud Service Part #
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated – Developer B98280
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Dedicated – Developer B98279
Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse - Exadata Cloud@Customer –
Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Cloud@Customer -
You may activate the BYOL version of a Cloud Service if available (not all Cloud Services have
BYOL versions) and You will be charged the BYOL rate for the activated Cloud Service provided
that You have sufficient supported on premise licenses as required and specified in the Service
Description for the Cloud Service.
You remain responsible for compliance with any license restrictions applicable to the on
premise licenses (including metrics), as defined in Your Program order for those licenses. The
following license types may be applied towards Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment:
Full Use, Limited Use, Application Specific Full Use and Proprietary Hosting (subject to an ISV
Amendment). Term licenses are eligible to apply toward Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service
environment as long as the term of the license is in effect. For enterprise or non-standard
metrics where the license applies to Your entire population (e.g., a Campus license), You are
entitled to use the same number of OCPUs or other Cloud metric to support the same number
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 28 of 289
of associated on premise licenses as granted under Your enterprise or non-standard metric.
Embedded Software Licenses are not eligible to be applied towards Your use in a BYOL Cloud
Service environment. For clarity, the license type retains its type when applied towards Your
use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment (e.g., Full Use stays as Full Use and Limited Use stays
as Limited Use). Licenses applied towards Your requirements for the BYOL version of a Cloud
Service are deemed deployed and in use (i.e., You may not also use these licenses on premise)
and may be verified in an audit.
For any BYOL Cloud Service where multiple Program licenses are identified as eligible to apply
towards BYOL Cloud Service requirements and are listed with an “or” in the description for the
applicable BYOL Cloud Service, You may aggregate Your supported license quantities of those
listed Program licenses to meet Your license requirement for that BYOL Cloud Service.
You acknowledge that a BYOL Cloud Service may not be available for all versions of a Program
license that You might have previously deployed on premise. For example, You may have
previously deployed applications on version 10 of the applicable Oracle Program but Your
chosen BYOL Cloud Service may be running version 12 of the applicable Oracle Program.
A BYOL Cloud Service instance must at all times have a sufficient number of supported licenses
to meet Your requirement for use of the applicable BYOL Cloud Service. If You do not have
sufficient supported licenses at any point in time, then You must either stop the instance and
redeploy the standard Cloud Service (non-BYOL) or You must acquire enough supported
licenses to meet Your requirement for use of the applicable BYOL Cloud Service.
Some Cloud Services allow an instance, or group of instances, to be billed at a combination of
BYOL and License-Included rates. For these Cloud Services, You may set what portion of the
instance, or group of instances, will be billed at the BYOL rate based upon the metric and Your
available supported licenses, and the remainder will be billed at the License-Included rate. If
BYOL is used for a portion of an instance, or group of instances, the entire instance or group of
instances is subject to the BYOL requirements for that Cloud Service.
 Example 1: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with
80 ECPUs, and You set 40 ECPUs as the BYOL limit, then 40 ECPUs are License-
Included. Because this Cloud Service instance is more than 64 ECPUs, 5 supported
Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Processor licenses and 5 supported Real Application
Clusters Option Processor licenses are required for the 40 BYOL ECPUs. The 40
License-Included ECPUs do not require You to bring any licenses.
 Example 2: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with
16 ECPUs, and You set 12 ECPUs as the BYOL limit, then 4 ECPUs are License-Included.
If You enable a local Autonomous Data Guard standby Service instance, then for the
primary and standby Service instances combined, there will be total of 24 BYOL ECPUs
and 8 License-Included ECPUs. For this scenario, 3 supported Oracle Database
Enterprise Edition Processor licenses are required for the 24 BYOL ECPUs. Additionally,
if You use the standby database for query access/reporting, 3 supported Active Data
Guard Option Processor licenses are also required for the 24 BYOL ECPUs. The 8
License-Included ECPUs do not require You to bring any licenses.
 Example 3: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with
any non-zero number of ECPUs as the BYOL limit, and You are using supported Oracle
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 29 of 289
Database Standard Edition Processor licenses for BYOL, then the maximum
Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance is 32 ECPUs.
Oracle will allow you up to 100 days from the activation of Your BYOL Cloud Service to
transition from the applicable on premise Program licenses to that BYOL version of the Cloud
Service(s) (i.e., upon the earlier of Your transition date or the end of the 100 days, licenses
applied towards Your requirements for the BYOL version of a Cloud Service are deemed
deployed and in use (i.e., You may not also use these licenses on premise)); once a license has
been deemed deployed and in use, You may not apply the same license towards a different
BYOL version of a Cloud Service and Your license usage may be verified in an audit. For the
purposes of on premise Oracle Identity Management Program licenses that You elect to
transition to the Oracle Identity Cloud Services (excluding on premise Oracle Identity
Management Program licenses licensed under a Named User Plus metric, which are described
in the following sentence), Your transition time may exceed 100 days as long as You do not
exceed either (i) Your original on premise Program license usage or (ii) the Cloud Service(s)’
BYOL ratio requirement. With respect specifically to Your on-premises Oracle Identity
Management Program licenses that are licensed under the Named User Plus metric, Your
transition time may exceed 100 days as long as You do not exceed either (i) the total number
of Your Named User Plus licenses across Your combined on premise and BYOL usage, or (ii)
the Cloud Service(s)’ BYOL ratio requirement.
From time to time and in Oracle’s sole discretion, Oracle may make certain Oracle Cloud Services
available to You on a limited basis (“Limited Available Services” or “LA Services”). If You are
chosen to receive access to an LA Service, You will be able to select the LA Service in the Console
and if You choose to utilize the LA Service, the terms of Your Oracle Cloud Services Agreement
and the terms in this section of this Service Descriptions document shall apply to the LA Services
and Your use of those services. In the event of any conflict between the terms in this Services
Description document and Your Oracle Cloud Services Agreement with respect to LA Services,
the terms of this Services Description document shall take precedence.
REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND. You agree that (a) each LA Service is not a generally available
service and may never become a generally available service; (b) each LA Service may have
defects, security vulnerabilities, or other deficiencies that may not and/or cannot be corrected
by Oracle and are subject to change at Oracle’s sole discretion; (c) Oracle may not produce a
version of an LA Service that is generally available for use and any development efforts
undertaken by You with the LA Service are at Your own risk; (d) Oracle may monitor and audit
Your use of each LA Service; (e) Oracle does not provide any Service Level Agreements for any
LA Service; and (f) Oracle has no obligation to provide any support for any LA Service. Oracle
shall determine at its sole discretion (i) if and when an LA Service is made generally available for
use, and (ii) the features, performance and configuration of an LA Service and the inclusion
thereof or not in any generally available version of the LA Service.
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 30 of 289
You agree to provide Oracle with input, including changes or suggested changes regarding the
LA Services (“Feedback”) when and in the form reasonably requested by Oracle. You agree that
Feedback may be recorded by Oracle, including but not limited to audio, video recording, and/or
screen images (“Recordings”). All such Recordings shall be deemed to be Feedback. You may
limit or terminate Recordings but if You do, You agree to provide Feedback in an alternative form.
Notwithstanding anything that You may note or state in connection with providing Feedback, all
Feedback provided by You shall be Oracle Confidential Information. You agree that Oracle or its
licensors retain all ownership and intellectual property rights (including all derivatives or
improvements thereof) in and to any Feedback provided by You or any other party, and
acknowledge that Oracle may use the Feedback for any purpose, including but not limited to
incorporation or implementation of such Feedback into an Oracle product or service, and to
display, market, sublicense and distribute such Feedback as incorporated or embedded in any
product or service distributed or offered by Oracle.
For each Cloud Service/instance that You deploy, You will have the opportunity to select
the data center location. Oracle will continue to bill You from the Oracle entity on Your
Order. We reserve the right to update these practices to support our internal operating
Oracle European Union Sovereign Cloud Data Center Region
The Oracle European Union Sovereign Cloud (“EUSC”) is an option for implementation only
with select Oracle Cloud Services identified by Oracle, and available only in the European
Union. The EUSC service employs a set of organizational, contractual and technical
controls designed to help address the requirement that Your Content, including Personal
Information, will not leave the selected EUSC data center region(s) without Your
authorization or instruction. These controls are intended to mitigate the risk that entities or
individuals which are not part of an EUSC organization be determined to have possession,
custody, and/or control of Your Content. Please see the Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud
Services Pillar Document (which may be viewed at for
additional terms.
The version of the Data Processing Agreement for EUSC applicable to Your order (a) is
available at: and is incorporated herein by reference, and (b) will
remain in force during the Services Period of Your order. In the event of any conflict
between the terms of the Data Processing Agreement and the terms of the Service
Specifications (including any applicable Oracle privacy policies), the terms of the Data
Processing Agreement shall take precedence.
Oracle Serbia Central Data Center Region
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 31 of 289
When You select Oracle Serbia Central Region, Your tenancy will be provisioned in the
Oracle Serbia Central data center and You will only be able to create tenancies in the Oracle
Serbia Central data center, in accordance with Oracle realm isolation design principles.
Resources in a tenancy inside Oracle Serbia Central Region cannot natively integrate with
Oracle Cloud Services in other commercial region groups.
Your order for these Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services are subject to the Oracle Cloud
Hosting and Delivery Policies and the Oracle PaaS1 and IaaS Public Cloud Services pillar
documentation, which may be viewed at
During the Services Period of Your order, You may consume any Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud
Service designated as eligible Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services. The Service Description for
each Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Service describes how You consume the Service and how Oracle
measures and charges for Your actual usage. A monthly statement detailing Your actual usage
and the related charges will be available in Your Cloud Services Account. Your Cloud Services
Account will be charged based on one of the following payment/billing models: 1: Annual
Universal Credit, and 2: Pay as You Go.
As part of activation, You will be given a tenancy to use Your Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud
Services. A “tenancy” is a secure and isolated partition within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure where
You can create, organize, and administer Your cloud resources. You and/or your current and
future affiliates/subsidiaries worldwide will have the option to create new tenancies within, or link
additional existing tenancies to, Your Oracle Universal Credit cloud subscription as long as those
existing tenancies are associated to existing Pay as You Go, Funded Allocation, or
Annual/Monthly Commit subscriptions You have obtained via the Cloud Portal or a separate
order. Any additional tenancies You link will consume credits from Your Services Period for
Annual Universal Credit (as defined below) or Monthly Universal Credit (as defined below) at Your
rate card price and currency and will apply towards overages. Your use will be governed by the
Agreement and related terms associated with the Oracle Universal Credit cloud subscription
tenancy. You will not receive separate invoices for additional tenancies but You will be able to use
the “Cost Analysis” tool and the “Cost Reports” tool in the Console (as defined in f below) to break
down estimated costs per tenancy.
Oracle allows You the flexibility to commit an amount to Oracle (as specified in the “Credit
Quantity” table in Your order, the “Annual Universal Credit”) to be applied towards the future
usage of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services specified in the rate card attached to Your
order or as seen in the Cloud Portal, provided such Cloud Services are available in production
release when ordered, at the fees specified in the rate card. The total Annual Universal Credits
acquired under Your order (the “Total Credit Value”) and the applicable Services Period for
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 32 of 289
those credits will be as specified in Your order. An Annual Universal Credit amount must be
used within its applicable yearly Credit Period during the Services Period and will expire at the
end of that yearly Credit Period (typically 12 months or as specified in Your order); any pre-paid
unused amounts are non-refundable and are forfeited at that time. The pre-paid balance of
the Total Credit Value will be decremented on a monthly basis reflecting Your actual usage for
the prior month at the rates for each activated Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service as defined
in Your order.
If, at the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the applicable Annual
Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS
Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as seen in
the Cloud Portal.
Except as provided in the following paragraph, if You placed Your order for Annual Universal
Credits through an Oracle Partner and if at the end of any month during the Services Period, You
have exceeded the applicable Annual Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the
excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified
in the rate card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Oracle will send invoices for the
additional usage to You at the Billing Contact provided to Oracle by the Oracle Partner; You are
responsible for all additional usage fees and such fees shall be payable to Oracle as stated in the
applicable Oracle invoice.
If You placed Your order for Annual Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and the
corresponding order between Oracle and the Oracle Partner provides that the Oracle Partner will
be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage as described in the above paragraph, then You
acknowledge that the Oracle Partner will receive information about, and will invoice You for, Your
excess usage. You shall ensure that Your order with the Oracle Partner indicates whether the
Oracle Partner has agreed to be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage in this manner.
At the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as
You Go unless You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit amount. Upon replenishment of Your
Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and You will
receive the Cloud Services category discounts specified in the rate card attached to Your order
or as seen in the Cloud Portal. At the end of the Services Period of this order, if You decide not
to replenish Your Cloud Services Account and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud
Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under this order by sending
an email to Oracle at: You are not entitled to a refund
for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period and
You are responsible for all fees due to Oracle for the entire Annual Universal Credit amount that
may be owed and unpaid at the end of Your Services Period under this order.
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If You placed Your order through an Oracle Partner, at the end of Your Services Period, Oracle
will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go (“PAYG Conversion”), and invoice You
as described under III – PAY AS YOU GO below until You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit
amount (either through an order with an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle). Upon
replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as
You Go rate and Your use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services will be charged at the
Unit Net Price specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal.
Upon the PAYG Conversion, You will be deemed to have a direct order with Oracle for the Cloud
Services, subject to the terms of your then current master agreement, or if such agreement has
expired or was not entered into directly with Oracle, the then current terms of Oracle’s Cloud
Services Agreement available at for the country in which You
are incorporated (or, if Oracle’s invoice indicates a different Oracle entity, the country in which
such Oracle entity is incorporated). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You do not replenish Your
Cloud Services Account (whether through an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle) at the end of
Your Services Period, and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account
to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under the order by sending an email to
Oracle at: Neither You nor the Oracle Partner through
which the order was placed will be entitled to a refund from Oracle or reduction in fees due to
Oracle for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period.
If Oracle adds additional service offerings to the list of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud
Services within Your Cloud Services Account during the Services Period, You may activate and
use those service offerings and the discount will be applied based on the Cloud Service category
discount specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. The
development, release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings
remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation.
When placing an order for additional Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits (the "New Order")
to increase the Credit Quantity of an existing order, unless stated otherwise in the New Order,
the most recent rate card included in the New Order will supersede the rate card of the existing
order. As such, You may be entitled to a higher Cloud Service Category Discount (as specified
in the Rate Card Pricing Table in the New Order) upon the Cloud Services Start Date of the New
Order for the remainder of the Services Period of the existing order and the New Order.
Oracle allows You the flexibility to commit an amount to Oracle to be applied towards the future
monthly usage of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services and You agree that You will
consume each month during the Services Period a combined total equal to at least the Credit
Quantity amount specified in Your order (the “Monthly Universal Credit”) of the Oracle IaaS
and PaaS Cloud Services specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud
Portal, provided such Cloud Services are available in production release when ordered, at the
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 34 of 289
fees specified in the rate card. Consumption will be measured upon activation of each eligible
Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service in the Cloud Portal.
The Services Period for the Monthly Universal Credit is a twelve (12) month period commencing
on the day that You are issued access that enables You to activate your Service, unless
otherwise specified in Your order. The Monthly Universal Credit amount must be used within
each month and will expire at the end of that month; any unused amounts are non-refundable
and are forfeited at that time. The Monthly Universal Credit balance shall be decremented on
a monthly basis reflecting Your actual usage for the prior month at the rates for each activated
Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service as defined in Your order. If, by the end of any month during
the Services Period, You have not consumed Services in an amount equal to the Monthly
Universal Credit, Oracle will decrement Your account for the credit shortfall for that month and
all fees will be due and payable in accordance with the Agreement.
If, at the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the Monthly
Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and
PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as
seen in the Cloud Portal.
Except as provided in the following paragraph, if You placed Your order for Monthly Universal
Credits through an Oracle Partner and ifat the end of any month during the Services Period,
You have exceeded the Monthly Universal Credit, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage
of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate
card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Oracle will send invoices for the additional
usage to You at the Billing Contact provided to Oracle by the Oracle Partner; You are responsible
for all additional usage fees and such fees shall be payable to Oracle as stated in the applicable
Oracle invoice.
If You placed Your order for Monthly Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and the
corresponding order between Oracle and the Oracle Partner provides that the Oracle Partner
will be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage as described in the above paragraph, then You
acknowledge that the Oracle Partner will receive information about, and will invoice You for,
Your excess usage. You shall ensure that Your order with the Oracle Partner indicates whether
the Oracle Partner has agreed to be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage in this manner.
At the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as
You Go unless You replenish Your Monthly Universal Credit amount. Upon replenishment of
Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and You
will receive the Cloud Services category discounts specified in the rate card attached to Your
order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. At the end of the Services Period of this order, if You decide
not to replenish Your Cloud Services Account and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your
Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under this order by
sending an email to Oracle at: You are not entitled to
a refund for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services
Oracle UCM V062524 Page 35 of 289
Period and You are responsible for all fees due to Oracle for the entire Annual Universal Credit
amount that may be owed and unpaid at the end of Your Services Period under this order.
If You placed Your order through an Oracle Partner, at the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will
convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go (“PAYG Conversion”), and invoice You as
described under III – PAY AS YOU GO below until You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit
amount (either through an order with an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle). Upon
replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You
Go rate and Your use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services will be charged at the Unit
Net Price specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Upon the
PAYG Conversion, You will be deemed to have a direct order with Oracle for the Cloud Services,
subject to the terms of Your then current master agreement, or if such agreement has expired or
was not entered into directly with Oracle, the then current terms of Oracle’s Cloud Services
Agreement available at for the country in which You are
incorporated (or, if Oracle’s invoice indicates a different Oracle entity, the country in which such
Oracle entity is incorporated). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You do not replenish Your Cloud
Services Account (whether through an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle) at the end of Your
Services Period, and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay
as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under the order by sending an email to Oracle
at: Neither You nor the Oracle Partner through which the
order was placed will be entitled to a refund from Oracle or reduction in fees due to Oracle for any
unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period.
If You do not wish to pre-pay an amount to Oracle for use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud
Services, You can choose to and will be charged for the actual usage of all Services that You activate
within Your Cloud Services Account. Oracle, at its own discretion, may make changes to pricing of
any eligible PAYG IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services without prior notice to You. Any new or adjusted
prices are published on If during the Services Period
of Your order Oracle makes available new Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services within Your Cloud
Services Account, Oracle will notify You of any fees that would apply to their activation and use.
You will not be charged for any Oracle IaaS or PaaS Cloud Service that You do not activate within
Your Cloud Services Account. Charges for all Pay as You Go usage will be billed monthly in arrears
with the Payment Terms described in Your order. As soon as an account termination request is
processed, we stop billing the customer and start terminating down resources.
The development, release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings
remain at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation. Pay as You Go may not be available for all
Cloud Services. Oracle reserves the right to invoice You more frequently if Oracle identifies
unusual activity that we may suspect is fraudulent or at risk of non-payment.
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf
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Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions.pdf

  • 1. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 1 of 289 Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits Service Descriptions Effective Date:25-June-2024
  • 2. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 2 of 289 Table of Contents Metrics 4 Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit 24 1. AVAILABLE SERVICES 24 a. Eligible Oracle PaaS Cloud Services 24 b. Eligible Oracle IaaS Cloud Services 24 c. Additional Services 24 d. Retired Services 25 e. Always Free Cloud Services 25 f. Oracle Database developer cloud services 27 g.Bring Your Own License (“BYOL”) 27 h. Limited availability 29 i. Operating Your Services 30 2. ACTIVATION USAGE AND BILLING 31 a. Introduction 31 b. Credit Period Types 31 i. Annual Universal Credit 31 ii. Monthly Universal Credit (subject to Oracle approval) 33 iii. Pay as You Go 35 iv. Funded Allocation Model 35 3. INCLUDED SERVICES 37 a. Foundation Services and Tools 37 b. Additional Licenses and Oracle Linux Technical Support 40 c. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Catalog 41 d. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Transfer Disk 41 f. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console 43 g. Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Shell 43 4. SERVICES AVAILABLE VIA THE ORACLE CLOUD MARKETPLACE 44 a. Oracle Cloud Services delivered via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 44 b. Third party products available via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 44 c. Community Applications Available via the Oracle Cloud Marketplace 46 5. ORACLE DATABASE SERVICE FOR AZURE (ODSA) 47 Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services categories 50 Oracle Analytics Cloud Services 50 Oracle Application Development Cloud Services 56 Oracle Content Management Cloud Services 77 Oracle Data Integration Cloud Services 87 Oracle Data Management Cloud Services 94 Oracle Enterprise Integration Cloud Services 153 Oracle Management Cloud Services 161 Oracle Security and Identity Cloud Services 174
  • 3. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 3 of 289 Oracle Compute Cloud Services 188 Oracle Network Cloud Services 200 Oracle Storage Cloud Services 214 Oracle Data and AI Cloud Services 220 Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services 226 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Oracle Roving Edge Infrastructure 233 Optional Subscription Cloud Services to Use with Universal Credits 237 Free Oracle Cloud Promotion 238 Oracle Cloud Policies and Pillar Documentation 240 Free Oracle Cloud Promotion - Universal Credits - Startup Accelerator 240 PARTS RETIRED AS OF 6/1/18 242 Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit for North America 242 Oracle Analytics Universal Credits for North America 245 Retired Skus 250 Appendix A 268 Appendix B 271 Appendix C 279 Appendix D 284
  • 4. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 4 of 289 Metrics 1,000,000 API Calls: is defined as 1,000,000 API calls or notifications (or combination thereof) incoming from a client to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Gateway Service. Billing for partial 1,000,000 API calls will be prorated. 1,000,000 Calls Per Month: is defined as 1,000,000 API calls or notifications consumed by any application built on the Oracle Cloud Service during a month. 10,000 Audit Records Per Target Per Month: is defined as 10,000 database audit records collected from a specific database target by the Oracle Cloud Service during a month. 1,000 Emails Sent: is defined as 1,000 emails that are accepted by the Email Delivery Cloud Service to receive and parse or to deliver to the end recipient in the billing period, where an email is defined as an electronic mail message, counted on a per recipient basis. A single email with 10 different recipients would be counted as 10 emails (e.g., 140,000 emails accepted, each with 2 different recipients would be charged 280 x $0.085= $23.80). For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Notifications - Email Delivery Cloud Service, each 64 kilobyte (KB) portion of delivered data is billed as 1 email. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Notifications - Email Delivery Cloud Service, each 2MB portion of delivered data is billed as 1 email. The maximum message size of 10MB will be billed as 5 emails (e.g., 140,000 emails accepted at 10MB size, each with 2 different recipients would be charged 280 x $0.085 x 5= $119.00). 100 Entities Per Hour: is defined as 100 entities where each entity refers to a technical asset being managed or monitored, such as a server, database, application that resides either in the cloud and/or onpremise during a one hour period. Examples of entities include, but are not limited to: Host, Docker Container, SQL Server instance, MySQL instance, Oracle Database instance, WebLogic Server, Tomcat, Oracle Traffic Director Instance, custom created entity, etc. You have the ability to extend existing pre-defined entities and create Your own entirely custom entities. In extending pre-defined entities, a maximum of five (5) additional numeric time series is allowed. For custom entities, a total of 40 numeric time series are allowed (a numeric time series is a measurement of time associated with an entity, such as response time, transaction per second, CPU %, etc.). For the purposes of counting certain entity types, a conversion factor will be applied:  One database Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) will count as 1 entity.  One database processor will count as 2 entities.  One Application Performance Monitoring Agent (an “APM Agent”) will count as 15 entities. An APM Agent is defined as the data collector on a target application server being monitored, whether in the cloud or on-premises. 1,000 Events Per Hour: is defined as 1,000 events where an event is one distributed tracing span. A distributed tracing span describes the time it takes to complete an individual unit of work
  • 5. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 5 of 289 in the distributed system. Each distributed tracing span encapsulates an operation name, context information, a start and finish timestamp, a set of key value tags that can be used for annotation and key value logs that can be used to capture messages and debug information related to the span. 100,000 Events Per Hour: is defined as 100,000 events where an event is one distributed tracing span. A distributed tracing span describes the time it takes to complete an individual unit of work in the distributed system. Each distributed tracing span encapsulates an operation name, context information, a start and finish timestamp, a set of key value tags that can be used for annotation and key value logs that can be used to capture messages and debug information related to the span. 1,000,000 Function Invocations: is defined as 1,000,000 function invocations, where a function invocation is defined as a request received from a client to execute a single function. Oracle will charge You for the number of 1,000,000 invocation quantities used in a month. Billing for partial 1,000,000 invocation quantities will be prorated. 10,000 Gigabyte Memory-Seconds: is defined as 10,000 gigabyte memory-seconds, where a gigabyte memory-second is defined as the amount of RAM (GB) allocated to a function during its execution (S). Oracle will charge You for the number of 10,000 GB-S quantities used by all functions in a month. Billing for partial 10,000 GB-S quantities will be prorated. 1,000,000 Incoming Requests Per Month: is defined as a collection of 1,000,000 page hits over HTTP/S incoming from a client on the internet, VCN or CDN to the Web Application Firewall. 10 Monitor Runs Per Hour: is defined as 10 monitor runs, where a monitor run is an execution of one monitor (scripted monitor, page load monitor, REST API monitor) from one vantage point location. Where there is usage of an external vantage point location to execute a monitor, each execution will be counted as 3 monitor runs. 10 Monitored Resources Per Hour: is defined as 10 monitored resources per hour, where a monitored resource is part of the technology stack, such as an application (e.g., Oracle E- Business Suite (EBS) and EBS components such as Concurrent Processing), a database (e.g., Oracle database), or an application server (e.g., Oracle Weblogic Server). . For the purposes of billing, each instance of a monitored resource type is counted as one resource. For clustered resources, the cluster - including all individual members - is collectively counted as one resource (i.e., individual members of the cluster are not counted). For example, an Oracle WebLogic Cluster containing 2 Oracle WebLogic Servers would be counted as one monitored resource. Monitored resources will be charged in blocks of 10 Monitored Resources Per Hour; each partial 10 Monitored Resources Per Hour will be charged as a full 10 Monitored Resources Per Hour. 1,000,000 Queries: is defined as the number of DNS queries received by the public authoritative DNS server at a prorated cost of $1.00 per 1 million queries during the monthly billing period (e.g., 500 million queries received would be invoiced at 500 x $1.00 = $500).
  • 6. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 6 of 289 1,000 Requests Per Month: is defined as a maximum of 1,000 requests per month, of the type of REST API requests You use in the Oracle Cloud Service, including PUT, HEAD, POST, COPY, LIST, DELETE and GET requests. 10,000 Requests Per Month: is defined as a maximum of 10,000 requests per month, of the type of REST API requests You use in the Oracle Cloud Service, including PUT, HEAD, POST, COPY, LIST, DELETE and GET requests. 1,000,000 Requests: is defined as the number of data plane operations received to or from an Oracle Cloud Service.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Queue Service, each request is defined as a 64 kilobyte request of one of the following data plane operations to the Oracle Cloud Service: push, get, delete and update. If a request exceeds 64 kilobytes (KB), the request will count as multiple requests (e.g., one 68KB delete operation will count as 2 requests). 1,000 Transactions: is defined as the number of 1,000 character units within a document that is provided as an input to the Oracle Cloud Service (API call). Transactions less than 1,000 characters will be counted as a full transaction (e.g., 1,010 characters input would be counted as 2 transactions).  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Document Understanding Cloud Services, transactions are defined as the number of operations per page that are provided as inputs to the Oracle Cloud Service (API call) and consumed in total at service end points, monitored hourly through the month, with each operation equal to one transaction. 10,000 Transactions: is defined as the number of 10,000 character units processed by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI Service for on-demand base models, where a character is equal to a transaction. The number of characters includes the input request character count and the output response character count. If You process fewer than 10,000 characters in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Generative AI Service, You will be charged only for the fractional usage. 250 Video Assets Per Month: is defined as 250 video assets per month, where one (1) video asset is one (1) advanced video (published or not published) stored in an Oracle Content Management asset repository, or 20 files of any type stored in the Oracle Content Management advanced video project workspace. An advanced video project workspace is used for storing user-contributed draft files. If the total number of video assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of video assets that are entitled per 250 Video Assets Per Month, an additional 250 Video Assets Per Month will be charged. Only the current top level revision of any given video asset is counted toward the total number of video assets. If an Oracle Content Management instance has been provisioned and designated as a non-primary instance, only a single quantity of 250 Video Assets Per Month will be charged regardless of the total number of video assets being replicated. A non-primary instance can be used for disaster recovery, development, staging or quality assurance activities.
  • 7. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 7 of 289 20,000 Messages Per Hour: is defined as the number of 20,000 message quantities used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A message is defined as up to 50 kilobytes (KB) of in-and-out transmission from/to the Oracle Cloud Service. Any message over 50KB in size must be counted as multiple messages, with each 50KB or portion thereof counting as equivalent to one message (e.g., 210KB would be counted as 5 messages). For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service – BYOL (all editions), a message is calculated following these rules:  Integrations: o Trigger: Each trigger activity counts as at least one message, depending on the message size. If the inbound message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages). o Invoke: Invoke requests do not count as messages, but invoke responses that are greater than or equal to 50KB count as messages. If an invoke response message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages). If the invoke response message payload is less than 50KB, then the invoke response is not counted as a message. o File: For file-based scheduled flows where there are incoming files into integrations, each file is converted into a billed message (in multiples of 50KB) only when the file size is greater than or equal to 50KB.  Process Automation: o One concurrent user for the process automation feature is equal to 400 messages.  Integration Insight: o Each business transaction in Insight counts as one message.  Visual Builder o One concurrent user for the Visual Apps feature is equal to 100 messages.  Internal: Internal calls within the same Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance are not counted as messages. For example, the following are not counted: o Process to Integration o Visual Builder to Integration o Integration to Integration  Calling another Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance does incur messages in the target Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance, and, depending on the response size, may also incur messages in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance from which the call originates. Any combination of message input, message output, concurrent users, or messages sizes may be utilized concurrently, but must not exceed the maximum quantity of 20,000 Messages Per Hour that You set when You create an instance for the Oracle Cloud Service. 300 Gigabytes Per Hour: is defined as 300 gigabytes of total indexed size of stored log data during a one hour period. 500 Transactions Per hour: is defined as 500 blockchain transactions attempted in an Oracle Blockchain Platform Cloud Service instance in an hour. A blockchain transaction is defined as a ledger query, an attempted endorsement transaction (irrespective of the outcome of the
  • 8. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 8 of 289 transaction – success or failure), or an attempted commit transaction (irrespective of the outcome of the transaction – success or failure) for each peer in the Oracle Autonomous Blockchain Cloud Service instance. A peer represents an entity (organization registered on the blockchain) executing blockchain transactions. One entity can have multiple peers. You specify the number of peers at the time of provisioning and You can dynamically start additional peers. 5,000 Assets Per Month: is defined as 5,000 assets per one month, where one (1) asset (an “Asset”) is one (1) item of any type (published or not published) stored in the Oracle Content Management asset repository. An asset stored in the asset repository can be either a file-based asset (e.g., a document, an image, a video) or a content item; a content item is a block of information created using a content type. Every twenty (20) files of any type stored in the Oracle Content Management documents file repository counts as one (1) asset; Every one hundred (100) files of any type stored in an Oracle Content Management business asset repository counts as one (1) asset; And every two hundred (200) files of any type that has been archived counts as one (1) asset. If the total number of assets utilized during a month exceeds the number of assets that are entitled per the 5,000 Assets Per Month quota, an additional fee for an additional 5,000 Assets Per Month will be charged during such one month period. Only the current top level revision of any given file or asset is counted toward the assets counts. If an Oracle Content Management instance has been provisioned and designated as a non- primary instance, only a single quantity of 5,000 Assets Per Month will be charged regardless of the total number of assets being replicated. A non-primary instance can be used for development, staging, QA or disaster recovery. Each provisioned Oracle Content Management instance is charged a minimum of 5,000 Assets Per Month (i.e., the minimum charge is one 5,000 Assets pack per instance). You will be charged for the total count of 5,000 Assets packs per month used across all provisioned Oracle Content Management instances (primary and non-primary) within Your Cloud Services Account. 5,000 Messages Per Hour: is defined as the number of 5,000 message quantities used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A message is defined as up to 50 kilobytes (KB) of in-and-out transmission from/to the Oracle Cloud Service. Any messages over 50KB in size must be counted as multiple messages, with each 50KB or portion thereof counting as equivalent to one message (e.g., 210KB would be counted as 5 messages). One concurrent user for the process automation feature is equal to 400 messages. For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service (all editions), a message is calculated following these rules:  Integrations: o Trigger: Each trigger activity counts as at least one message, depending on the message size. If the inbound message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages).
  • 9. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 9 of 289 o Invoke: Invoke requests do not count as messages, but invoke responses that are greater than or equal to 50KB count as messages. If the message payload exceeds 50KB, 1 additional message is counted for each additional 50KB (e.g., 210 KB would be counted as 5 messages). If the invoke response message payload is less than 50KB, then the invoke response is not counted as a message. o File: For file-based scheduled flows where there are incoming files into integrations, each file is converted into a billed message (in multiples of 50KB) only when the size is greater than or equal to 50KB.  Process Automation: o One concurrent user for the process automation feature is equal to 400 messages.  Integration Insight: o Each business transaction in Insight counts as one message.  Visual Builder o One concurrent user for the Visual Apps feature is equal to 100 messages.  Internal: Internal calls within the same Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance are not counted as messages. For example, the following are not counted: o Process to Integration o Visual Builder to Integration o Integration to Integration  Calling another Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance does incur messages in the target Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance, and, depending on the response size, may also incur messages in the Oracle Integration Cloud Service instance from which the call originates. Any combination of message input, message output, concurrent users, or message sizes may be utilized concurrently, but must not exceed the maximum quantity of 5,000 Messages Per Hour that You set when You create an instance for the Oracle Cloud Service. Active Process User Per Hour: is defined as a unique active user that interacts with the Oracle Cloud Service for any task where registered users could be Development, Design, Operations, Invocation or Participant users during a 1-hour period across the Designer or Workspace UIs. A user interacting with the Oracle Cloud Service through REST APIs will also be counted. Each single unique user accessing the Oracle Cloud Service multiple times in a one-hour period will be counted as only one Active Process User Per Hour. Active User Per Hour: is defined as a unique active user that interacts with the Oracle Cloud Service through a specific channel (website, mobile app, API, SMS) during a 1-hour period. Active users are tracked through the use of audit logs, cookies, user ids, tokens, device ids, IP’s or session id’s. Access across multiple channels will be counted as multiple active users on an hourly basis. An active user is tracked for each instance of the Oracle Cloud Service. For the purposes of the Oracle Identity Cloud Service, the interaction with the Service consists of, but is not limited to, specific actions or events performed within the Service (authentication, Single Sign On, user provisioning, step-up authentication, password management, etc.).
  • 10. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 10 of 289 For the purposes of the Oracle Content Management and the Oracle Content and Experience Cloud Service - Classic, the Service tracks either named users or visitors based upon the role that a user is given in the Service; users with anonymous access to the Service will be tracked as visitors. Visitor access – whether for anonymous or registered visitors - across multiple channels during the same hour counts as multiple active visitor users. In addition, during the same hourly period, the Service also tracks: • the number of API calls made to the Service by third party applications. If the number of API calls exceeds the number of API calls that are entitled per active user, a new active user will be added. • the number of published assets. A published asset is either a file-based asset (e.g., a document, an image, or a video) or a content item (a block of information created using a content type) either of which has been published during the hourly period. If the number of published assets exceeds the number of published assets that are entitled per active user, a new active user will be added. • outbound data transfer per active user per hour. Outbound data transfer is defined as the quantity during an hour of the Oracle Cloud Service of both the data You download directly from the Oracle Cloud Service plus the quantity of Outbound Data Transfer from the Oracle Cloud Service over the internet, including responses to Your client requests. AI Unit Per Hour: is defined as a pre-configured set of infrastructure with a given performance level, billed per hour, dedicated to You for the purposes of hosting or fine-tuning generative AI models. You must maintain a minimum Services Period commitment of 744 hours per hosting cluster and 1 hour per fine-tuning cluster; once the minimum of either is exceeded, You will be billed on a per second basis. You will be charged for dedicated AI clusters units You have created until You delete the units. Annotated Data Records: is defined as the number of data records that were assigned one or more labels. An annotated data record involves (a) creating one or more bounding boxes to an image, (b) classifying an entire image, document or text, or (c) highlighting part of text, video or speech with labels. API Calls: is defined as the number of calls incoming from a client to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Threat Intelligence Service endpoint. A call may include GET or LIST commands to retrieve certain threat intelligence indicator data from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Threat Intelligence Service endpoint. Calls are metered on a per tenancy basis. Each search in the console or call to the API is considered an API call for the purposes of metering. Cluster Per Hour: is defined as the number of cluster hours used as part of the Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service. It is billed per second and measured as the number of Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes enhanced clusters for a duration measured in seconds, rounded up to the nearest whole number with minimum of one minute. A cluster is an instance of the Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service that includes the control plane that implements core Kubernetes functionality and the cluster data plane comprised of worker nodes that runs the applications that You deploy in a cluster.
  • 11. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 11 of 289 Consumer User Per Month: is defined as an identity that is not configured to access the Service through either a user interface or through a programmatic configuration during the billing period, but whose accesses are managed in the Service by Workforce Users (as defined below).  For the purposes of Oracle Access Governance, non-Workforce Users (these would include, but are not limited to, customers, partners, citizens, and contingent freelance talent whose birth right accesses needs to be managed) shall be deemed to be Consumer Users.  You will be billed for Consumer Users marked as “Active” in Oracle Access Governance on a monthly basis for the configured Consumer User count metered every hour. CPU Core Per Hour: is defined as the total number of CPU cores of processor hours enabled for monitoring as part of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Management Service. The number of CPU cores shall be determined based upon the total number of CPU cores of the processor on the host, VM or Container on which the target is being monitored, and equals the current number of CPU cores on the system thatincludes sub-cores of multi-core CPUs, as well as single-core CPUs. The number of sockets multiplied by the number of CPU cores per socket will give the total count of CPU cores. Programs licensed on a CPU core basis may be accessed by your internal users (including agents and contractors) and by your third party users. Each partial CPU core per hour consumed will be billed as a full hour. Notes: 1. Oracle Database Enterprise or Standard Edition processor count definition, policy and limits do not apply. 2. Multiple targets running on the same hosts, VMs, or Containers will be counted only once for licensing purposes. 3. CPU cores of each instance of Oracle Real Application Clusters must be counted. 4. If You are using a standby database and Dataguard is monitored and managed by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Management Service, then CPU cores of these instances must also be counted for licensing purposes. 5. On Exadata systems, CPU cores on all the database instance hosts must be counted for licensing purposes, however CPU cores of Exadata Storage Server need not be counted for licensing purposes. Desktop Per Month: is defined as a unique desktop instance accessed by a single user that interacts with the Oracle Cloud Service through a specific channel (website, mobile app, API, SMS) during a one-month period. Desktops are grouped into pools and charged at pool creation, regardless of whether or not a user is accessing the desktop. ECPU Per Hour: is, for the purposes of Oracle Autonomous Database, Oracle APEX Application Development, Oracle Exadata Exascale RDMA Compute Infrastructure and Oracle Exadata Database Service on Exascale Infrastructure, based on the number of cores per hour elastically allocated from a pool of compute and storage servers and is, for the purposes of MySQL Database and MySQL HeatWave, a platform-independent measure of the work done per hour by the MySQL Database and MySQL HeatWave. Endpoint Per Hour: is defined as the number of endpoints provisioned and made available for Your use per houras part of the Oracle Cloud Service.
  • 12. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 12 of 289  For the purposes of MySQL HeatWave on AWS, endpoints are defined as the number of Ingress Private Endpoints or Egress Private Endpoints that are provisioned and made available for Your use per AWS AZ in one hour. You will be billed for each endpoint provisioned and made available for use during a part of an hour, with a one-minute minimum. Endpoint Per Month: is defined as the number of endpoints (IP addresses or HTTP targets) monitored from up to 10 vantage points (from locations) for each protocol (HTTP, HTTPS, TCP, ICMP, etc) at either a high or low frequency rate of measurement (e.g., every 10 seconds versus every 30 seconds), during a given calendar month of the Service. Exadata TB (Terabyte) Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as the number of terabytes of Exadata storage reserved for Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse or Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing or reserved for cross-region resources or log staging, if applicable, during each month of the Services Period of the applicable Oracle Cloud Service. Each terabyte of Exadata storage space reserved for part of a month will be billed on an hourly basis. Execution Hour: is defined as the number of execution hours used by Pipeline Operators as part of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration. A scheduled run of a single task counts as a pipeline with a single Pipeline Operator execution. Each partial Execution Hour consumed is billed as a partial hour with a one-minute minimum. The first 30 hours of Execution Hour per tenant per month is free. Execution Pack Per Month: is defined as up to 10,000 execution activities during each month of the Services Period, with one execution pack equaling up to 10,000 activities. An activity is any available element in the palette such as notifications, human tasks, service calls, start/end events, and gateways. An executed activity is defined as an activity that is executed at runtime when a transaction or payload is processed. Gateway Per Hour: is defined as single state representation of one or many instances (called gateway nodes) of the gateway application component installation. A gateway is represented as a “Gateway” in the management service gateway table in the database and is shown as such in the user interface. A gateway is counted by counting the number of gateways in the “Gateways” tab in the management service user interface during a single hour. When a gateway node is registered to the management service, You have the option to register it to an existing gateway or to create a new gateway. When the last node is de-registered, You will have the option to delete the gateway and reduce the count of gateways. Gibibyte (GiB) Memory Per Hour: is defined as 1 gibibyte of memory capacity in the server as a part of the Oracle Cloud Service. Gigabyte (GB) Data Capacity Per Hour: for the purposes of Oracle CASB for IaaS and Oracle CASB for Custom Apps is defined as the volume of data generated, ingested, managed and analyzed from the Monitored Accounts and Monitored Apps per hour. Capacity may include but is not limited to development, test, quality assurance (QA), training, pre-production, production, high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR) or any other environments that You deem necessary to be monitored by Oracle’s Cloud Service offering.
  • 13. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 13 of 289  For the purposes of Oracle CASB for Data Protection, Data Loss Prevention Retroactive Scan, Gigabyte (GB) of Data Capacity Per Hour is defined as the volume of data scanned per hour. Gigabyte (GB) of Data Processed: is defined as the quantity of any transfer of data to or from the Load Balancer over the internet including responses to Your client requests during a calendar month.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Firewall, Gigabyte (GB) of Data Processed is defined as every GB of data processed by the network firewall instance in a month. Gigabyte (GB) of Data Processed Per Hour: is defined as the quantity of gigabytes of data processed from/to the Oracle Data Integration Platform Cloud Service (host or remote agents), which may include counting any combination of data throughput for data replication, batch data movement, data streaming or data cleansing operations. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration, Gigabyte of Data Processed Per Hour is defined as the quantity of gigabyte of data input into Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration during a one hour period. Gigabyte (GB) of Data Transferred: is defined as the quantity of gigabytes of data You transfer to/from the Oracle Cloud Service.  For the purposes of MySQL HeatWave on AWS, the quantity of gigabytes of data transferred to/from the Oracle Cloud Service and for which You will be charged include 1. Out of Service transfers, where the traffic is across different AWS regions or between AWS region and internet/other cloud AND 2. In and out of Service transfers, where the traffic is through the Ingress and Egress Private Endpoints Gigabyte (GB) of Good Traffic Per Month: is defined as the data of the HTTP response egress traffic passed through the WAF as a reverse proxy from the origin server. Gigabyte (GB) Log Storage Per Month: is defined as the number of GB of logs stored inside the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging Cloud Service during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service. The minimum amount that will be billed is 1 MB. Gigabyte (GB) Memory Per Hour: is defined as the number of GB memory hours allocated as part of an Oracle Application Container Cloud Service instance. Gigabyte (GB) of Packaged Video Content: is defined as the number of gigabytes requested by a video player or content delivery network (CDN) service and packaged to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Media Streams during a month. Gigabyte (GB) Per Hour: is defined as 1 GB of memory capacity in the server as a part of the Oracle Cloud Service. Gigabyte (GB) Outbound Data Transfer Per Month: is defined as the quantity during a calendar month of the Oracle Cloud Service of (a) the data You download directly from the Oracle Cloud
  • 14. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 14 of 289 Service and (b) the quantity of Outbound Data Transfer from the Oracle Cloud Service over the internet, including responses to Your client requests and (c) the data You transfer between Oracle Cloud Infrastructure regions. Gigabyte (GB) Performance Units Per Month: is defined as per gigabyte storage performance characteristics for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure block volume during a month of the Service. This metric must be purchased and is metered in increments of 10. You may adjust performance characteristics such as IOPS/GB, throughput/GB, and maximum IOPS for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure block volume. Gigabyte (GB) Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as a gigabyte (1073741824 bytes) of computer storage space used by a storage filer of the Oracle Cloud Service during a month of the Service. The metric may be subject to a minimum storage duration requirement. • For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with PostgreSQL, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database Optimized Storage is a high-performance storage that is utilized for that service. • For the purposes of Oracle Exadata Exascale VM Filesystem Storage and Oracle Exadata Exascale Smart Database Storage are utilized for that service. Gigabyte (GB) Storage Retrieved Per Month: is defined as a gigabyte (1073741824 bytes) of computer storage retrieved during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service. Gigabyte (GB) of Data Transferred: is defined as the quantity of data You transfer out of the Oracle Cloud Service where the data is  Transferred across different AWS regions, or  Transferred between an AWS region and internet/another cloud. HeatWave Capacity per Hour: is defined as a unit of 16 gigabyte memory hours allocated in MySQL HeatWave. Host CPU Core Per Hour: is defined as the total number of cores of the processors used per hour underlying the physical host, VM, or container on which the target database or host is being monitored externally. All host CPU cores are counted, including cores underlying both primary and standby databases, and cores running each instance of RAC. If multiple Oracle database targets are running on the same processors of the physical hosts, VMs or containers, then the host CPU core will only be counted once. Each partial Host CPU Core hour consumed will be billed as a full hour. Hosted Environment Per Hour: is defined as the combination of systems and supporting resources provided as part of the Oracle Data Management Cloud Services (the Hosted Environment), the use of which is measured on a per hour basis. Each partial Hosted Environment hour consumed will be billed as a partial hour. The included amount of the following items vary per service and selected shape, and are as specified in the Service Descriptions for the applicable Cloud Service: minimum Services Period, base number (zero or more) of OCPU enabled, optional maximum OCPU capacity and local storage capacity.
  • 15. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 15 of 289 Hosted Environment Per Month: is the combination of systems and supporting resources to which Oracle grants You access as part of the Oracle Cloud Services ordered by You, that is (i) configured for the Oracle Programs operating on it and for specific uses as part of the Oracle Public Cloud Services, and (ii) used by Oracle to perform the Oracle Cloud Services. The hosted environment consists of the production environment, and any non-production environment(s), as referenced in the applicable ordering document.  For the purposes of Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud Service o You are provided a minimum of 420,000 read units per month o You are provided a minimum of 280,000 write units per month o You are provided a minimum of 17,500 GB storage per month Hosted Named User Per Hour: is defined as an individual authorized by You to access the hosted Cloud Service in an hour, regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the hosted Cloud Service at any given time. HSM Partition Per Hour: is defined as one single-tenant Hardware Security Module (HSM) partition used on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Service where that Service is measured and billed on an hourly basis. Instance Per Hour: is defined by each Cloud Service as follows:  For the purposes of Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated – Developer , Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Dedicated – Developer, Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Exadata Cloud@Customer – Developer and Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – Exadata Cloud@Customer – Developer , an instance is defined as a single, provisioned Autonomous Database. Autonomous Database instances are billed per hour, with partial hours rounded up to the nearest whole hour. Every hour the Autonomous Database instance is running, it is counted as an instance per hour.  For the purposes of Oracle ZFS Storage – High Availabillity, an instance is defined as a bare metal (BM) or virtual machine (VM) instance in which the ZFS Storage Martket Place image is deployed. Every hour the instance is running, it is counted as an instance per hour.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Web Application Firewall (“WAF”), an instance is defined as an active WAF policy attached to a web-application or a load balancer instance. Every hour the policy and the attachment are in active status is counted as an instance hour.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Network Firewall, every hour the network firewall instance is in active status is counted as an instance per hour. Instance Per Month: is defined as a single deployment of an Oracle Cloud Service provisioned by You. Inferencing Unit Hour: is an hour an inferencing unit is dedicated for running a custom model. Any partial inferencing unit hours will be charged as a full hour. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Language Cloud Service, an inference unit running a custom model provides a throughput equivalent to 500 characters per second and an inference unit running a healthcare model provides a throughput equivalent to 10,000 characters per second.
  • 16. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 16 of 289 Key Version Per Month: is defined as one key version in a single-tenant accessible encryption key storage vault used on an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Service where that Service is measured and billed on a monthly basis. Load Balancer Hour: is the number of hours from when a given Load Balancer is launched until it is terminated. Each partial server-hour consumed will be billed as a full hour. Logging Analytics Storage Unit Per Month: is defined as 300 gigabytes of logs stored during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service. The minimum amount that will be billed is 1 Logging Analytics Storage Unit. Logging Analytics Storage Unit: is defined as a gigabyte (1,073,741,824 bytes) of logs stored inside Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Logging Analytics during a month of the Oracle Cloud Service. One Logging Analytics Storage Unit equates to 300 gigabytes of Log Storage per month. The minimum billing threshold is 1 Logging Analytics Storage Unit. Mbps Per Hour: is the bandwidth of the load balancer represented in Mbps per hour. This metric is only applicable to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer Cloud Service. Memory Gigabyte Per Hour: is defined as 1 gigabyte GB of memory capacity in the server as a part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A gigabyte is defined as a unit of information equal to one billion (10^9). Migration Hour: is defined as the amount of time that a migration is running, where ‘running’ is defined as a migration job being in a state of “in progress” or in a state of “waiting”. Partial Migration Hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one-minute minimum. Million Datapoints: is defined as a count in the millions of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring Datapoints either ingested or retrieved for a Monitoring Metric. Million Delivery Operations: is defined as the number of delivery operations in the millions performed by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service, including retries to deliver messages to HTTPS endpoints. Each 8KB portion of delivered data is billed as 1 operation. Minute of Output Media Content: is defined as the length of output media content that is processed by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Media Flow Cloud Service during a one-minute period.. Each minute will be billed in 6 second increments. Monitored Service User Per Hour: is defined as a user account in Your SaaS applications, which You are authorized to monitor each hour for each service with the Oracle CASB Service. Users account may include individual user accounts as well as accounts shared by multiple users of the monitored SaaS applications and are not limited to the employees, customers, partners, consultants, contractors and agents of You, and Your customers. Monitored Account Per Hour: is defined as the account that You established with Your IaaS or PaaS provider that includes (1) the Your email address and password, (2) the control of resources available or created within the account, and (3) payment for the IaaS or PaaS activity related to those resources. Each Active IaaS/PaaS Monitored Account by use of the applicable Oracle Cloud Service. Active means account is configured and activated in Oracle CASB Cloud Service. For the
  • 17. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 17 of 289 purposes of Oracle CASB Cloud Service, an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compartment is considered to be equivalent to an account. Monitored App Per Hour: is defined as any custom or tailor-made application or workload that is specifically developed and deployed by You on a PaaS or IaaS based infrastructure, either for internal or external use, that is configured and activated and that You monitor each hour with the applicable Oracle Cloud Service. A Monitored App may include but is not limited to development, test, quality assurance (QA), training, pre-production, high availability (HA), disaster recovery (DR) or other environments that You monitor with this Oracle CASB Cloud Service. Node Per Hour: is defined as the number of node hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A node is a predefined combination of OCPU’s (or vCPUs) and memory based on the shape. Each partial node hour consumed is billed as a partial hour, with a one-minute minimum.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service with OpenSearch – Node – Metered, a node is defined as the number of data node instances that can be part of a cluster system in one hour.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service with OpenSearch, a data node instance is defined as the number of Compute instances with an instance type of data node that can be part of a clustered system in one hour. A customer can have two data nodes within its cluster without any hourly metering. Only any additional data nodes after the second data node will be charged the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Search Service with OpenSearch HA rate. For example, a two-data node cluster will not be metered. If a third data node is added, there would be a single data node per hour charge metered for the third data node. If a fourth data node is added, then two data node per hour charges will be incurred.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Guard Workload Protection, a node instance is the number of Compute instances that are monitored by the workload protection agents in one hour. NVMe Terabyte (TB) Per Hour: is defined as 1 TB of NVMe storage capacity in the server as a part of the Oracle Cloud Service, where a TB is defined as 1000 gigabytes. OCPU Per Hour: is defined as the number of Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. An OCPU provides CPU capacity equivalent of one physical core of a processor with hyper-threading enabled. Each OCPU corresponds to two hardware execution threads, known as vCPUs. Each OCPU has a pre-defined amount of memory. Each partial OCPU Hour consumed will be billed as a full hour subject to the following exceptions. • For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - A1, each OCPU is limited to providing CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a single hardware execution thread or vCPU. • For the purposes of Oracle Base Database Service on ARM, each OCPU is limited to providing CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a single hardware execution thread or vCPU.
  • 18. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 18 of 289 • For the purposes of Oracle Base Database Service on ARM, each OCPU is limited to providing CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of a processor and corresponds to a single hardware execution thread or vCPU. • For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - A1; Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - E4; Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Standard - E3; and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Optimized - X9, all are available with flexible memory in Virtual Machine (VM) environments. • For the purposes of Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer - Compute - Standard - E5, it is available with flexible memory in Virtual Machine (VM) environments. • For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with PostgreSQL, an OCPU is defined as each OCPU utilized in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Database with PostgreSQL service. • For Oracle Compute Cloud@Customer - Compute - Standard - E5 virtual machine instances, partial OCPU and memory hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one-minute minimum. • For the following Services, partial OCPUs hours consumed are billed per second with a one- minute minimum:  Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse  Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing  Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated  Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – Dedicated  Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer – Autonomous Data Warehouse  Oracle Exadata Cloud@Customer – Autonomous Transaction Processing • For the following Services, partial OCPUs hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a one- minute minimum:  Oracle APEX Application Development  Oracle Autonomous JSON Database  Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – GoldenGate  Oracle Base Database Service  Oracle Exadata Database Service on Dedicated Infrastructure  Oracle Gen 2 Exadata Cloud@Customer  Compute Virtual Machine instances  Windows OS images  Compute Bare Metal instances  Oracle Platform Services hosted in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. The full list of these services is available here: us/iaas/Content/General/Reference/PaaSprereqs.htm#supported • For the purposes of Microsoft SQL server, partial OCPU hours consumed are billed as partial hours with a 744-hour minimum. • For the purposes of the Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service, only the Oracle Java Cloud Service OCPUs running the Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service instance must be counted. The Oracle WebCenter Portal Cloud Service requires a minimum number of one (1) OCPU and requires high memory virtual machines.
  • 19. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 19 of 289 • For the purposes of the Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service, only the OCPUs running the Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service must be counted. One (1) OCPU gives You up to one (1) Connection; more Connections require more OCPUs. A Connection is defined as a unique connection used to build integrations between applications or databases using the Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service. A Connection is counted per unique application, data source, third party software, Oracle software, Web Service or REST endpoint to which the Oracle Data Integrator Cloud Service is connected. Applications, databases or Web Services that use the same url and credential are counted as one Connection. Files hosted on a file system do not count as a Connection. • For the purposes of the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise, only the OCPUs running the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise must be counted. One (1) OCPU gives You up to one (1) Connection; more Connections require more OCPUs. A Connection is defined as a unique connection used to build integrations between applications or databases using the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise. A Connection is counted per unique application, data source, third party software, Oracle software, Web Service or REST endpoint to which the Oracle GoldenGate Cloud Service – Enterprise is connected. Applications, databases or Web Services that use the same URL and credential are counted as one Connection. Files hosted on a file system do not count as a Connection. The service environment includes 1 Terabyte of local block storage. • For the purposes of the Oracle Integration Cloud Service – Standard, and the Oracle Integration Cloud Service - Enterprise, each Cloud Service tracks OCPUs that are in running status on an hourly basis. • For the purposes of the Oracle WebLogic Enterprise Edition for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes and the Oracle WebLogic Suite for Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes Services, all the OCPUs running in the WebLogic node pool must be counted. • For the purposes of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ops Insights for Oracle Autonomous Database Service and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Ops Insights for Oracle Cloud Databases, OCPU Per Hour is defined as the total number of OCPU hours enabled for target database monitoring as part of the Service. OCPU Per Month: is defined as the number of Oracle Compute Unit (OCPU) hours used as part of the Oracle Analytics Cloud Service in a calendar month. An OCPU provides CPU capacity equivalent to one physical core of an Intel Xeon processor with hyper-threading enabled. Each OCPU corresponds to two hardware execution threads, known as vCPUs. One Million IO Requests Per Month: is defined as the maximum of one million IO requests during a calendar month of the Oracle Cloud Service of the type of Block Storage IO Requests You use in the Oracle Cloud Service. Partition Hour: is defined as the number of Partition hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. A Partition provides the capacity equivalent of 1 MB/s of data ingress, 2 MB/s of data egress and 1000 PUT operations per second. Port Hour: is defined as the number of hours consumed for each port configured.
  • 20. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 20 of 289 Read Unit Per Month: is defined as the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data per second for an eventually consistent read operation (i.e., where the data returned may not be the most recently written data to the database; if no new updates are made to the data, eventually all accesses to that data will return the latest updated value) over a one-month period, or approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) reads. (Each month is deemed to have seven hundred forty-four (744) hours or approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) seconds. So over a one-month period, one (1) read unit will provide You with approximately 2.6 million reads.) To achieve the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data per second for an absolute consistent read operation (i.e., where the data returned is expected to be the most recently written data to the database), the equivalent of two Read Units Per Month need to be provisioned. Recipe Jobs Per Hour: is defined as the total number of recipe jobs launched within an hour window for all users within an Oracle Self Service Integration Cloud Service instance. A recipe job for an active recipe is launched to process its associated data when the recipe’s trigger event and condition are met. Redis Memory Gigabyte Per Hour: is a management fee charged for offering the managed service that is tied to the amount of memory deployed per node. Memory is defined as the number of gigabytes of memory capacity utilized per hour per node in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Caching with Redis Cloud Service. As a note, this management fee also accounts for all underlying infrastructure deployed. Request: is defined as the number of requests made to the Oracle Cloud Service. A request is defined as an API call from a mobile app or one round trip interaction (request to a bot and a response from that bot) or a push initiated from the Oracle Cloud Service. For the purposes of the Oracle Digital Assistant Cloud Service, a request is counted as follows: (a) any round-trip conversation with the chatbot skill, (b) authentication and authorization (login); (c) invocation of an instant app or WebView component; (d) use of the tester in the Bots admin tool; (e) push notifications from the skill ; (f) drill down from the Bot Insights home page to Insight Details; and (g) calling the embedded custom component code.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Cloud Guard Workload Protection, arequest is equivalent to each query of Workload Protection run per each instance for a given hour. Request Per Hour: is defined as the number of requests made to the Oracle Cloud Service in an hour. A request is defined as an API call from a mobile app or one round trip interaction (request to a bot and a response from that bot) or a push initiated from the Oracle Cloud Service. 1 SMS Message Sent: is defined as each Short Message Service (SMS) message (counted on a per recipient basis) that is accepted by the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service to deliver during the applicable billing period. A single Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service topic with 10 different recipients would therefore be counted as 10 SMS messages (e.g., 140,000 SMS Messages accepted, each with 2 different recipients would be charged as 280,000 SMS messages). The cost of each SMS message depends on the destination country zone of the recipient (e.g., a message sent to a recipient in the United States would be charged at the per SMS message rate of country zone 1 while a message sent to a recipient in Canada would be charged at the per SMS message rate of country zone 2). The list of countries within a specific country zone may change
  • 21. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 21 of 289 periodically and the latest list may always be found on the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Notifications Service pricing page. Static IP Per Hour: is defined as the number of static IP hours used as part of the Oracle Cloud Service. These hours could include additional static IPs associated with a running instance or additional static IPs that are not associated with any running instance. Target Database Per Month: is defined as a unique database target (either on-premises or running in a virtual machine on infrastructure as a service) registered to be managed by the Oracle Cloud Service during a month. Terabyte Storage Capacity Per Month: is defined as a terabyte (1024 gigabytes) of computer storage space used by a storage filer of the Oracle Cloud Service during a month of the Service. Token: is defined as a JSON Web Token (JWT) that is issued by the Cloud Service and used to securely transmit information between parties during a one hour period. Training Hour: is defined as the number of hours spent training a custom model. Any partial training hour will be charged as a full hour.  For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Vision, users have the option to either define a set number of hours (i.e., 3) or choose a “recommended” training duration, which can be up to 24 hours. For the purposes of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Language - Custom Training, a training hour is the equivalent of training on an 8 core CPU machine. Transcription Hour: is defined as the cost of transcribing one hour of audio into text. User Per Month: is defined as an individual configured to access the hosted service during the billing period, regardless of whether the individual is actively accessing the hosted service at any given time. You will be billed at the maximum configured user count during each billing period, even if users are removed from the hosted service during this period.  For purposes of the Oracle Container Pipelines Cloud Service, users are represented in container pipelines as members of an organization. For each billed entity there must be one parent organization under which all of its users and sub-organizations are managed.  For the purposes of Oracle Analytics Cloud,You will be charged immediately on creation of the instance for all users that are configured. The minimum number of users for which You will be charged is 10.  For the purposes of Oracle Content Management – Sales Accelerator Suite, You will be charged immediately on creation of the instance for all users that are configured. You will be charged for a minimum number of 25 users. Moreover, with respect to any new users added or existing users removed (subject to the minimum user number) in between the billing months, or if the Cloud Service started after the start of the billing month, You will be charged for those users at a pro-rated rate for the number of days left in a billing month. Additionally, one Sales Accelerator Suite User with a Content Creator user role is equivalent to one User Per Month and each five Sales Accelerator Suite Users with the Standard Application user role is equivalent to one User Per Month.
  • 22. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 22 of 289 vCPU Per Hour: is defined as the number of compute hours used as part of the Cloud Service. It provides CPU capacity equivalent of one hardware execution threads, known as vCPUs.The vCPU Per Hour price is based on the deployment model. For Cloud Services on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (whether standard, enterprise or metal). • Standard means those Cloud Services which provide CPU capacity equivalent to 100% vCPUs overcommit. • Enterprise means those Cloud Services which provide CPU capacity with no vCPUs overcommit. • Metal means those Cloud Services which provide dedicated, for your application, bare metal servers allocated in 36 vCPU units with no vCPUs overcommit. For non-elastic IP addresses, fees are based on the time period the virtual machines are actually running. For elastic IP addresses, fees are based on the entire time period that the IP is allocated for Your use. Video Pack (500 Videos - 500 Gigabytes (GB)) Per Month: is defined as up to 500 videos consuming up to 500 GB of storage per month. Virtual Node Per Hour: is defined as the number of virtual node hours used as part of the Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes Cloud Service. A virtual node provides the abstraction of a regular worker node to Kubernetes. It is billed per second and measured as the number of virtual nodes in Oracle Engine for Kubernetes clusters for a duration measured in seconds, rounded up to the nearest whole number with minimum of one minute. Virtual Private Vault Per Hour: is defined as 1 single-tenant accessible encryption key storage vault used on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) that is measured on an hourly basis and billed on a monthly basis. Virtualized-Gigabyte (GB) Per Month: is defined as the sum of the storage space used from the following: weekly full backups, daily incremental backups, and archived redo log backups of the Oracle Database instances during a calendar month. Workspace Usage Per Hour: Is defined as the workspace instance provided as part of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Data Integration, the use of which is measured on a per hour basis. Workforce User Per Month: is defined as an identity that is configured to access the Service either through a user interface or through programmatic configuration during the billing period, regardless of whether the identity is actively accessing the Service at any given time.  For the purposes of Oracle Access Governance, identities that could access the Service through the Service user interface or through external user interfaces to manage their own access or the accesses of other identities shall be deemed to be Workforce Users.  Identities that include, but are not limited to, employees, temporary workers, outsourcers, and contractors whose birth right and regular accesses are managed through access controls of Oracle Access Governance shall be deemed to be Workforce Users.
  • 23. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 23 of 289  You will be billed for Workforce Users marked as “Active” in Oracle Access Governance on a monthly basis for the configured Workforce User count metered every hour. Write Unit Per Month: is defined as the throughput of up to one kilobyte (KB) of data per second for a write operation over a one month period, or approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) writes. (Each month is deemed to have seven hundred forty-four (744) hours or approximately two million six hundred thousand (2.6 million) seconds. So over a one- month period, one (1) write unit will provide You with approximately 2.6 million writes.)
  • 24. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 24 of 289 Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credit Part # B88206 Oracle will provide You with a Cloud Services Account which allows You to set up and use eligible Oracle Cloud Services for the applicable Cloud Services categories in accordance with the type of Credit Period You have selected. 1. AVAILABLE SERVICES A. ELIGIBLE ORACLE PAAS CLOUD SERVICES The current eligible Oracle PaaS Cloud Services categories include: • Analytics Cloud Services • Application Development Cloud Services • Big Data Cloud Services • Content Management Cloud Services • Data Integration Cloud Services • Data Management Cloud Services • Enterprise Integration Cloud Services • Management Cloud Services • Security and Identity Cloud Services • *Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services B. ELIGIBLE ORACLE IAAS CLOUD SERVICES The current eligible Oracle IaaS Cloud Services categories include: • Compute Cloud Services • Network Cloud Services • Storage Cloud Services • *Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services Note: Service Descriptions for the Oracle Data and AI Cloud Services which invoke other Oracle IaaS Cloud Services are located at the end of the IaaS Cloud Service Category. * Note: Services in the Not Discount Eligible Cloud Services category are not eligible for discounts. C. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If Oracle adds additional service offerings to the list of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services within Your Cloud Services Account during the Services Period, You may activate and use those service offerings and the discount will be applied based on the Cloud Service category discount specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. The development,
  • 25. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 25 of 289 release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation. D. RETIRED SERVICES Oracle in its sole discretion, may make certain Oracle Cloud Services listed on the rate card attached to Your order and/or as seen in the Cloud Portal unavailable for new instance deployments during the term of Your order. Those Cloud Services will be listed under the section “Retired SKU’s” in this Service Descriptions document. You may continue to use Retired SKU’s prior to the announced retirement date (including after a renewal order, where applicable) unless Oracle in its sole discretion provides You with a written notification of an official End Of Life for such Cloud Service(s) during the term of Your order. If Oracle provides a written notification of End Of Life of a Cloud Service, You may be required to transition to a successor Oracle Cloud Service if Oracle makes a successor Cloud Service available. The “Retired SKU’s” section of this Service Descriptions document shall take precedence over any term to the contrary in Section 1.2 of the Agreement and Section 4.2.2 of the Oracle Cloud Hosting & Delivery Policies. E. ALWAYS FREE CLOUD SERVICES Oracle may make available to You certain Cloud Services at no charge (“Always Free Cloud Services”) subject to the following terms. Always Free Cloud Services may be designated as free in two ways: (1) via a specific Cloud Service part designated as “Free” or (2) via a specified Cloud Service tier of usage that is designated as $0 on Your rate card, provided such Cloud Service is noted in this Service Descriptions document as having a free tier (a “Free Tier”). The following sections of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies do not apply to Always Free Cloud Services: Cloud Service Continuity Policy, Cloud Service Level Agreement and Oracle Cloud Support Policy. However, if You use more than just the Free Tier of a multi-tier rate card Cloud Service and commence paying for that applicable Cloud Service, You will receive the benefit of the entire Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies for all of Your use of that applicable Cloud Service during such a paid subscription period. If You only order Always Free Cloud Services , Oracle may end, upon 7 days’ notice: (i) Your right to use an applicable Always Free Cloud Service(s), or (ii) the Oracle Cloud Services Account, if You have not used the Always Free Cloud Services or have no activity during the 7 day period preceding the date of the Notice, You may, however, thereafter initiate new Always Free Cloud Services. Customers consuming only Always Free Cloud Services prior to December 20th, 2022 will be subject to these terms beginning January 19, 2023. For the purposes of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Object Storage Cloud Service (B#91628) and the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Archive Storage Cloud Service (B#B91633), if You transition either from a paid version of one of those Cloud Services or from a free Oracle Cloud promotion for one of those Cloud Services to the Always Free Cloud Services version of one of those Cloud Services, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure will provide You with a maximum of 20 gigabytes of combined Object Storage and Archive Storage whether You are using one or both of these Cloud Services. If You transition as noted in the preceding sentence but do so with a
  • 26. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 26 of 289 combined Object Storage and Archive Storage above 20 gigabytes, all of Your data will be permanently deleted. Oracle in its sole discretion may remove or modify an Always Free Cloud Service from the Always Free category (a “Removed Service”) at any time. With respect to the foregoing, if You are at the time of the removal using the Removed Service, then You may switch to a subscription fee-based version of the Removed Service in order to continue using the applicable Oracle Cloud Service. The default Data Center Region (the “Home Region”) for Always Free Cloud Services is the region that You choose when You sign up for the applicable Always Free Cloud Services (subject to an Always Free Cloud Service being available in a given Data Center Region). You will not be allowed to change the Home Region even if You subsequently attempt to add additional Data Center Regions. Oracle in its sole discretion may terminate a customer’s usage of an Always Free Cloud Service if Oracle identifies unusual activity that violates section 9.3 of the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement. ALWAYS FREE CLOUD SERVICES Cloud Service Part # Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Application Performance Monitoring Service – Tracing Data - Free B92940 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Application Performance Monitoring Service - Synthetic Usage - Free B96629 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Free B91393 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing – Exadata Storage – Free B91394 Oracle Autonomous JSON Database – Free B93307 Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Free B91391 Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Exadata Storage – Free B91392 Oracle APEX Application Development – Free B93320 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure – Block Volume – Free B91445 *Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - 10 Mbps Load Balancer – Free B91960 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure - Compute - Virtual Machine Standard - E2 Micro - Free B91444 Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud – Write – Free - Write Unit Per Month B92627 Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud - Read - Free – ReadUnit Per Month B92628 Oracle NoSQL Database Cloud-Storage – Free - Gigabyte Storage Capacity Per Month B92629 *Note: This Cloud offering may not be available for all new customers
  • 27. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 27 of 289 F. ORACLE DATABASE DEVELOPER CLOUD SERVICES Oracle may make available to You certain Database Developer Cloud Entitlements subject to the following terms:  Database Developer Cloud Entitlements are granted to You for non-production use only.  Oracle in its sole discretion may modify a Database Developer Cloud Entitlement at any time.  The following sections of the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies do not apply to Database Developer Cloud Services: Cloud Service Continuity Policy and Cloud Service Level Agreement.  Resource allocation and restrictions may differ for each Database Developer Cloud Service and can be found in their respective sections in this document.  If You require entitlements beyond what Database Developer Cloud Entitlements provide, You may switch to a subscription fee-based License-Included or Bring Your Own License (BYOL) version of the Database Cloud Service.  Oracle in its sole discretion may terminate a customer's usage of Database Developer Cloud Entitlements if Oracle identifies unusual activity that violates the Term and Termination section of the Oracle Cloud Services Agreement. ORACLE DATABASE DEVELOPER CLOUD SERVICES Cloud Service Part # Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse – Dedicated – Developer B98280 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Dedicated – Developer B98279 Oracle Autonomous Data Warehouse - Exadata Cloud@Customer – Developer B98278 Oracle Autonomous Transaction Processing - Exadata Cloud@Customer - Developer B98277 G.BRING YOUR OWN LICENSE (“BYOL”) You may activate the BYOL version of a Cloud Service if available (not all Cloud Services have BYOL versions) and You will be charged the BYOL rate for the activated Cloud Service provided that You have sufficient supported on premise licenses as required and specified in the Service Description for the Cloud Service. You remain responsible for compliance with any license restrictions applicable to the on premise licenses (including metrics), as defined in Your Program order for those licenses. The following license types may be applied towards Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment: Full Use, Limited Use, Application Specific Full Use and Proprietary Hosting (subject to an ISV Amendment). Term licenses are eligible to apply toward Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment as long as the term of the license is in effect. For enterprise or non-standard metrics where the license applies to Your entire population (e.g., a Campus license), You are entitled to use the same number of OCPUs or other Cloud metric to support the same number
  • 28. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 28 of 289 of associated on premise licenses as granted under Your enterprise or non-standard metric. Embedded Software Licenses are not eligible to be applied towards Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment. For clarity, the license type retains its type when applied towards Your use in a BYOL Cloud Service environment (e.g., Full Use stays as Full Use and Limited Use stays as Limited Use). Licenses applied towards Your requirements for the BYOL version of a Cloud Service are deemed deployed and in use (i.e., You may not also use these licenses on premise) and may be verified in an audit. For any BYOL Cloud Service where multiple Program licenses are identified as eligible to apply towards BYOL Cloud Service requirements and are listed with an “or” in the description for the applicable BYOL Cloud Service, You may aggregate Your supported license quantities of those listed Program licenses to meet Your license requirement for that BYOL Cloud Service. You acknowledge that a BYOL Cloud Service may not be available for all versions of a Program license that You might have previously deployed on premise. For example, You may have previously deployed applications on version 10 of the applicable Oracle Program but Your chosen BYOL Cloud Service may be running version 12 of the applicable Oracle Program. A BYOL Cloud Service instance must at all times have a sufficient number of supported licenses to meet Your requirement for use of the applicable BYOL Cloud Service. If You do not have sufficient supported licenses at any point in time, then You must either stop the instance and redeploy the standard Cloud Service (non-BYOL) or You must acquire enough supported licenses to meet Your requirement for use of the applicable BYOL Cloud Service. Some Cloud Services allow an instance, or group of instances, to be billed at a combination of BYOL and License-Included rates. For these Cloud Services, You may set what portion of the instance, or group of instances, will be billed at the BYOL rate based upon the metric and Your available supported licenses, and the remainder will be billed at the License-Included rate. If BYOL is used for a portion of an instance, or group of instances, the entire instance or group of instances is subject to the BYOL requirements for that Cloud Service.  Example 1: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with 80 ECPUs, and You set 40 ECPUs as the BYOL limit, then 40 ECPUs are License- Included. Because this Cloud Service instance is more than 64 ECPUs, 5 supported Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Processor licenses and 5 supported Real Application Clusters Option Processor licenses are required for the 40 BYOL ECPUs. The 40 License-Included ECPUs do not require You to bring any licenses.  Example 2: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with 16 ECPUs, and You set 12 ECPUs as the BYOL limit, then 4 ECPUs are License-Included. If You enable a local Autonomous Data Guard standby Service instance, then for the primary and standby Service instances combined, there will be total of 24 BYOL ECPUs and 8 License-Included ECPUs. For this scenario, 3 supported Oracle Database Enterprise Edition Processor licenses are required for the 24 BYOL ECPUs. Additionally, if You use the standby database for query access/reporting, 3 supported Active Data Guard Option Processor licenses are also required for the 24 BYOL ECPUs. The 8 License-Included ECPUs do not require You to bring any licenses.  Example 3: If You create an Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance with any non-zero number of ECPUs as the BYOL limit, and You are using supported Oracle
  • 29. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 29 of 289 Database Standard Edition Processor licenses for BYOL, then the maximum Autonomous Transaction Processing Service instance is 32 ECPUs. Oracle will allow you up to 100 days from the activation of Your BYOL Cloud Service to transition from the applicable on premise Program licenses to that BYOL version of the Cloud Service(s) (i.e., upon the earlier of Your transition date or the end of the 100 days, licenses applied towards Your requirements for the BYOL version of a Cloud Service are deemed deployed and in use (i.e., You may not also use these licenses on premise)); once a license has been deemed deployed and in use, You may not apply the same license towards a different BYOL version of a Cloud Service and Your license usage may be verified in an audit. For the purposes of on premise Oracle Identity Management Program licenses that You elect to transition to the Oracle Identity Cloud Services (excluding on premise Oracle Identity Management Program licenses licensed under a Named User Plus metric, which are described in the following sentence), Your transition time may exceed 100 days as long as You do not exceed either (i) Your original on premise Program license usage or (ii) the Cloud Service(s)’ BYOL ratio requirement. With respect specifically to Your on-premises Oracle Identity Management Program licenses that are licensed under the Named User Plus metric, Your transition time may exceed 100 days as long as You do not exceed either (i) the total number of Your Named User Plus licenses across Your combined on premise and BYOL usage, or (ii) the Cloud Service(s)’ BYOL ratio requirement. H. LIMITED AVAILABILITY From time to time and in Oracle’s sole discretion, Oracle may make certain Oracle Cloud Services available to You on a limited basis (“Limited Available Services” or “LA Services”). If You are chosen to receive access to an LA Service, You will be able to select the LA Service in the Console and if You choose to utilize the LA Service, the terms of Your Oracle Cloud Services Agreement and the terms in this section of this Service Descriptions document shall apply to the LA Services and Your use of those services. In the event of any conflict between the terms in this Services Description document and Your Oracle Cloud Services Agreement with respect to LA Services, the terms of this Services Description document shall take precedence. LA SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN “AS IS” BASIS WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND ORACLE AND ITS LICENSORS HEREBY DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE LA SERVICES INCLUDING ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND. You agree that (a) each LA Service is not a generally available service and may never become a generally available service; (b) each LA Service may have defects, security vulnerabilities, or other deficiencies that may not and/or cannot be corrected by Oracle and are subject to change at Oracle’s sole discretion; (c) Oracle may not produce a version of an LA Service that is generally available for use and any development efforts undertaken by You with the LA Service are at Your own risk; (d) Oracle may monitor and audit Your use of each LA Service; (e) Oracle does not provide any Service Level Agreements for any LA Service; and (f) Oracle has no obligation to provide any support for any LA Service. Oracle shall determine at its sole discretion (i) if and when an LA Service is made generally available for use, and (ii) the features, performance and configuration of an LA Service and the inclusion thereof or not in any generally available version of the LA Service.
  • 30. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 30 of 289 You agree to provide Oracle with input, including changes or suggested changes regarding the LA Services (“Feedback”) when and in the form reasonably requested by Oracle. You agree that Feedback may be recorded by Oracle, including but not limited to audio, video recording, and/or screen images (“Recordings”). All such Recordings shall be deemed to be Feedback. You may limit or terminate Recordings but if You do, You agree to provide Feedback in an alternative form. Notwithstanding anything that You may note or state in connection with providing Feedback, all Feedback provided by You shall be Oracle Confidential Information. You agree that Oracle or its licensors retain all ownership and intellectual property rights (including all derivatives or improvements thereof) in and to any Feedback provided by You or any other party, and acknowledge that Oracle may use the Feedback for any purpose, including but not limited to incorporation or implementation of such Feedback into an Oracle product or service, and to display, market, sublicense and distribute such Feedback as incorporated or embedded in any product or service distributed or offered by Oracle. I. OPERATING YOUR SERVICES I. DATA CENTER SELECTION For each Cloud Service/instance that You deploy, You will have the opportunity to select the data center location. Oracle will continue to bill You from the Oracle entity on Your Order. We reserve the right to update these practices to support our internal operating model. Oracle European Union Sovereign Cloud Data Center Region The Oracle European Union Sovereign Cloud (“EUSC”) is an option for implementation only with select Oracle Cloud Services identified by Oracle, and available only in the European Union. The EUSC service employs a set of organizational, contractual and technical controls designed to help address the requirement that Your Content, including Personal Information, will not leave the selected EUSC data center region(s) without Your authorization or instruction. These controls are intended to mitigate the risk that entities or individuals which are not part of an EUSC organization be determined to have possession, custody, and/or control of Your Content. Please see the Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services Pillar Document (which may be viewed at for additional terms. The version of the Data Processing Agreement for EUSC applicable to Your order (a) is available at: and is incorporated herein by reference, and (b) will remain in force during the Services Period of Your order. In the event of any conflict between the terms of the Data Processing Agreement and the terms of the Service Specifications (including any applicable Oracle privacy policies), the terms of the Data Processing Agreement shall take precedence. Oracle Serbia Central Data Center Region
  • 31. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 31 of 289 When You select Oracle Serbia Central Region, Your tenancy will be provisioned in the Oracle Serbia Central data center and You will only be able to create tenancies in the Oracle Serbia Central data center, in accordance with Oracle realm isolation design principles. Resources in a tenancy inside Oracle Serbia Central Region cannot natively integrate with Oracle Cloud Services in other commercial region groups. II. ORACLE CLOUD POLICIES AND PILLAR DOCUMENTATION Your order for these Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services are subject to the Oracle Cloud Hosting and Delivery Policies and the Oracle PaaS1 and IaaS Public Cloud Services pillar documentation, which may be viewed at 2. ACTIVATION USAGE AND BILLING A. INTRODUCTION During the Services Period of Your order, You may consume any Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Service designated as eligible Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services. The Service Description for each Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Service describes how You consume the Service and how Oracle measures and charges for Your actual usage. A monthly statement detailing Your actual usage and the related charges will be available in Your Cloud Services Account. Your Cloud Services Account will be charged based on one of the following payment/billing models: 1: Annual Universal Credit, and 2: Pay as You Go. As part of activation, You will be given a tenancy to use Your Oracle PaaS and IaaS Cloud Services. A “tenancy” is a secure and isolated partition within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure where You can create, organize, and administer Your cloud resources. You and/or your current and future affiliates/subsidiaries worldwide will have the option to create new tenancies within, or link additional existing tenancies to, Your Oracle Universal Credit cloud subscription as long as those existing tenancies are associated to existing Pay as You Go, Funded Allocation, or Annual/Monthly Commit subscriptions You have obtained via the Cloud Portal or a separate order. Any additional tenancies You link will consume credits from Your Services Period for Annual Universal Credit (as defined below) or Monthly Universal Credit (as defined below) at Your rate card price and currency and will apply towards overages. Your use will be governed by the Agreement and related terms associated with the Oracle Universal Credit cloud subscription tenancy. You will not receive separate invoices for additional tenancies but You will be able to use the “Cost Analysis” tool and the “Cost Reports” tool in the Console (as defined in f below) to break down estimated costs per tenancy. B. CREDIT PERIOD TYPES I. ANNUAL UNIVERSAL CREDIT Oracle allows You the flexibility to commit an amount to Oracle (as specified in the “Credit Quantity” table in Your order, the “Annual Universal Credit”) to be applied towards the future usage of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal, provided such Cloud Services are available in production release when ordered, at the fees specified in the rate card. The total Annual Universal Credits acquired under Your order (the “Total Credit Value”) and the applicable Services Period for
  • 32. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 32 of 289 those credits will be as specified in Your order. An Annual Universal Credit amount must be used within its applicable yearly Credit Period during the Services Period and will expire at the end of that yearly Credit Period (typically 12 months or as specified in Your order); any pre-paid unused amounts are non-refundable and are forfeited at that time. The pre-paid balance of the Total Credit Value will be decremented on a monthly basis reflecting Your actual usage for the prior month at the rates for each activated Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service as defined in Your order. OVERAGE If, at the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the applicable Annual Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. ORDERS PLACED VIA A PARTNER Except as provided in the following paragraph, if You placed Your order for Annual Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and if at the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the applicable Annual Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Oracle will send invoices for the additional usage to You at the Billing Contact provided to Oracle by the Oracle Partner; You are responsible for all additional usage fees and such fees shall be payable to Oracle as stated in the applicable Oracle invoice. If You placed Your order for Annual Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and the corresponding order between Oracle and the Oracle Partner provides that the Oracle Partner will be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage as described in the above paragraph, then You acknowledge that the Oracle Partner will receive information about, and will invoice You for, Your excess usage. You shall ensure that Your order with the Oracle Partner indicates whether the Oracle Partner has agreed to be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage in this manner. REPLENISHMENT OF ACCOUNT AT END OF SERVICES PERIOD At the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go unless You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit amount. Upon replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and You will receive the Cloud Services category discounts specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. At the end of the Services Period of this order, if You decide not to replenish Your Cloud Services Account and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under this order by sending an email to Oracle at: You are not entitled to a refund for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period and You are responsible for all fees due to Oracle for the entire Annual Universal Credit amount that may be owed and unpaid at the end of Your Services Period under this order. ORDERS PLACED VIA A PARTNER REPLENISHMENT OF ACCOUNT AT END OF SERVICES PERIOD
  • 33. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 33 of 289 If You placed Your order through an Oracle Partner, at the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go (“PAYG Conversion”), and invoice You as described under III – PAY AS YOU GO below until You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit amount (either through an order with an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle). Upon replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and Your use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services will be charged at the Unit Net Price specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Upon the PAYG Conversion, You will be deemed to have a direct order with Oracle for the Cloud Services, subject to the terms of your then current master agreement, or if such agreement has expired or was not entered into directly with Oracle, the then current terms of Oracle’s Cloud Services Agreement available at for the country in which You are incorporated (or, if Oracle’s invoice indicates a different Oracle entity, the country in which such Oracle entity is incorporated). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You do not replenish Your Cloud Services Account (whether through an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle) at the end of Your Services Period, and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under the order by sending an email to Oracle at: Neither You nor the Oracle Partner through which the order was placed will be entitled to a refund from Oracle or reduction in fees due to Oracle for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period. ADDITIONAL SERVICES If Oracle adds additional service offerings to the list of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services within Your Cloud Services Account during the Services Period, You may activate and use those service offerings and the discount will be applied based on the Cloud Service category discount specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. The development, release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings remains at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation. NEW ORDER When placing an order for additional Oracle PaaS and IaaS Universal Credits (the "New Order") to increase the Credit Quantity of an existing order, unless stated otherwise in the New Order, the most recent rate card included in the New Order will supersede the rate card of the existing order. As such, You may be entitled to a higher Cloud Service Category Discount (as specified in the Rate Card Pricing Table in the New Order) upon the Cloud Services Start Date of the New Order for the remainder of the Services Period of the existing order and the New Order. II. MONTHLY UNIVERSAL CREDIT (SUBJECT TO ORACLE APPROVAL) Oracle allows You the flexibility to commit an amount to Oracle to be applied towards the future monthly usage of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services and You agree that You will consume each month during the Services Period a combined total equal to at least the Credit Quantity amount specified in Your order (the “Monthly Universal Credit”) of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal, provided such Cloud Services are available in production release when ordered, at the
  • 34. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 34 of 289 fees specified in the rate card. Consumption will be measured upon activation of each eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service in the Cloud Portal. The Services Period for the Monthly Universal Credit is a twelve (12) month period commencing on the day that You are issued access that enables You to activate your Service, unless otherwise specified in Your order. The Monthly Universal Credit amount must be used within each month and will expire at the end of that month; any unused amounts are non-refundable and are forfeited at that time. The Monthly Universal Credit balance shall be decremented on a monthly basis reflecting Your actual usage for the prior month at the rates for each activated Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service as defined in Your order. If, by the end of any month during the Services Period, You have not consumed Services in an amount equal to the Monthly Universal Credit, Oracle will decrement Your account for the credit shortfall for that month and all fees will be due and payable in accordance with the Agreement. OVERAGE If, at the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the Monthly Universal Credit amount, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. ORDERS PLACED VIA A PARTNER Except as provided in the following paragraph, if You placed Your order for Monthly Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and ifat the end of any month during the Services Period, You have exceeded the Monthly Universal Credit, Oracle will invoice You for the excess usage of the Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service at the Overage Unit Net Price specified in the rate card of Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Oracle will send invoices for the additional usage to You at the Billing Contact provided to Oracle by the Oracle Partner; You are responsible for all additional usage fees and such fees shall be payable to Oracle as stated in the applicable Oracle invoice. If You placed Your order for Monthly Universal Credits through an Oracle Partner and the corresponding order between Oracle and the Oracle Partner provides that the Oracle Partner will be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage as described in the above paragraph, then You acknowledge that the Oracle Partner will receive information about, and will invoice You for, Your excess usage. You shall ensure that Your order with the Oracle Partner indicates whether the Oracle Partner has agreed to be invoiced by Oracle for Your excess usage in this manner. REPLENISHMENT OF ACCOUNT AT END OF SERVICES PERIOD At the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go unless You replenish Your Monthly Universal Credit amount. Upon replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and You will receive the Cloud Services category discounts specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. At the end of the Services Period of this order, if You decide not to replenish Your Cloud Services Account and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under this order by sending an email to Oracle at: You are not entitled to a refund for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services
  • 35. Oracle UCM V062524 Page 35 of 289 Period and You are responsible for all fees due to Oracle for the entire Annual Universal Credit amount that may be owed and unpaid at the end of Your Services Period under this order. ORDERS PLACED VIA A PARTNER REPLENISHMENT OF ACCOUNT AT END OF SERVICES PERIOD If You placed Your order through an Oracle Partner, at the end of Your Services Period, Oracle will convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go (“PAYG Conversion”), and invoice You as described under III – PAY AS YOU GO below until You replenish Your Annual Universal Credit amount (either through an order with an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle). Upon replenishment of Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will no longer charge You at the Pay as You Go rate and Your use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services will be charged at the Unit Net Price specified in the rate card attached to Your order or as seen in the Cloud Portal. Upon the PAYG Conversion, You will be deemed to have a direct order with Oracle for the Cloud Services, subject to the terms of Your then current master agreement, or if such agreement has expired or was not entered into directly with Oracle, the then current terms of Oracle’s Cloud Services Agreement available at for the country in which You are incorporated (or, if Oracle’s invoice indicates a different Oracle entity, the country in which such Oracle entity is incorporated). Notwithstanding the foregoing, if You do not replenish Your Cloud Services Account (whether through an Oracle Partner or directly with Oracle) at the end of Your Services Period, and You do not wish to have Oracle convert Your Cloud Services Account to Pay as You Go, You may end Your Cloud Services under the order by sending an email to Oracle at: Neither You nor the Oracle Partner through which the order was placed will be entitled to a refund from Oracle or reduction in fees due to Oracle for any unused Cloud Services credits that may remain at the end of Your Services Period. III. PAY AS YOU GO If You do not wish to pre-pay an amount to Oracle for use of eligible Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services, You can choose to and will be charged for the actual usage of all Services that You activate within Your Cloud Services Account. Oracle, at its own discretion, may make changes to pricing of any eligible PAYG IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services without prior notice to You. Any new or adjusted prices are published on If during the Services Period of Your order Oracle makes available new Oracle IaaS and PaaS Cloud Services within Your Cloud Services Account, Oracle will notify You of any fees that would apply to their activation and use. You will not be charged for any Oracle IaaS or PaaS Cloud Service that You do not activate within Your Cloud Services Account. Charges for all Pay as You Go usage will be billed monthly in arrears with the Payment Terms described in Your order. As soon as an account termination request is processed, we stop billing the customer and start terminating down resources. The development, release, and timing of any future features, functionality or service offerings remain at the sole discretion of Oracle Corporation. Pay as You Go may not be available for all Cloud Services. Oracle reserves the right to invoice You more frequently if Oracle identifies unusual activity that we may suspect is fraudulent or at risk of non-payment. IV. FUNDED ALLOCATION MODEL