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Upside / 2013 1
MAY 2013
Upside / 2013
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Upside / 2013
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Upside / 2013

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Local SEO For Global Marketing
Local SEO For Global MarketingLocal SEO For Global Marketing
Local SEO For Global Marketing

Practical guide on local search and SEO for Google Places. Slides from the SEO Conference 2011 in Sofia, Bulgaria.

seogoogle placeslocal search
Global Strategy for Local SEO - Helga Bendea
Global Strategy for Local SEO - Helga BendeaGlobal Strategy for Local SEO - Helga Bendea
Global Strategy for Local SEO - Helga Bendea

This document discusses managing local SEO for global brands. It emphasizes the need for a coordinated global and local strategy. Locally, it is important to optimize profiles on platforms like Google My Business, websites for local visibility, manage citations and links from local directories, and analyze local popularity metrics. A global strategy must coordinate these local efforts consistently across all locations while allowing for scalability through automation. The synergy of local and global efforts and consistency in processes are keys to success.

local seoseogoogle my business
The Shipyard Local SEO
The Shipyard Local SEOThe Shipyard Local SEO
The Shipyard Local SEO

The document provides information on using groups to better understand local and competitor data to improve marketing strategies. It discusses how to create groups to compare campaigns, products, features, audiences, locations, and competitors. Creating relevant groups allows marketers to discover new keywords, find content gaps, understand search behavior by location, and identify new competitors. The document outlines how to set up groups with content and keywords, add locations and competitors, and use the groups to learn more about performance and opportunities.

Upside / 2013 5
My lessons learned in five buckets
1. Tracking
2. Keywords
3. Interests
4. Messaging
5. Structure
Upside / 2013
Proper tracking = proper optimization
• Cannot breakdown which keyword in an ad
group resulted in conversion
• As keywords and ads change, ad group-level
tracking makes tracking murky and imprecise
Set up granular tracking (e.g., keyword + match type + ad) to minimize tracking issues.
Create an internally-generated ID to uniquely track every atomic unit
(use this to join against other data sets).
• Match type mismatch errors (e.g., joining broad
match cost data with exact match revenue
Upside / 2013
Proper tracking = proper optimization
San Francisco Hotels Broad
Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed.
Save on Hotels in San Francisco!
San Francisco Hotels Phrase
Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed.
Save on Hotels in San Francisco!
San Francisco Hotels Exact
Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed.
Save on Hotels in San Francisco!
San Francisco Hotels Broad
Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed.
Save on Hotels in San Francisco!
Sample URL parameters
Set up granular tracking (e.g., keyword + match type + ad) to minimize tracking issues.
Create an internally-generated ID to uniquely track every atomic unit
(use this to join against other data sets).
revenue data
cost data
Upside / 2013 8
Keywords are little units of intent and can be used effectively at scale
• Any site log (Apache, Rails logger, etc.) or analytics
system (GA, SiteCatalyst) can be parsed to pull out a
wealth of information, including:
• pages visited
• channels used
• keywords searched
• Test quality of keywords pulled from logs and build
rules to filter out “bad seeds”
• Search substrings
• Gibberish
• Blacklisted words (profanity, etc.)
• If it makes sense, productize this process:
• Pull all logs and do some basic scrubbing
• Run terms through business rules & filters
• Remove duplicates and add to correct ad group
• Initial bid value assignment
• Manual review
• Launch!

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From the SMX West Conference in San Jose, California, March 1-3, 2016. SESSION: What Would Beyonce Do? 5 Fierce PPC Tactics To Make Your Account A Superstar. PRESENTATION: What Would Beyonce Do? 5 Fierce PPC Tactics To Make Your Account A Superstar - Given by Maddie Cary, @MaddieMarketer - Point It, Senior Client Manager. #SMX #13B1

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Presentation from Search London - July 2014. The goal of our work is to understand the triggers behind new and existing customers content consumption and buying behaviour so we can plot the best course of action to drive demonstrable improvements in revenue. Here is a 3-step process to do that.

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Just Say No to Low CTR
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Just Say No to Low CTR

Larry Kim's SMX Advanced 2014 Presentation on Debunking AdWords Myths and Other Dogma (or, why you should say no to low CTR).

Upside / 2013 9
Keywords are little units of intent and can be used effectively at scale
For the ad group “Edinburgh Hotels”:
1. Add keyword negatives for irrelevant or poorly-
converting phrases
2. Add new exact match keywords
3. Move queries to another campaign or ad group for
better ad text targeting
edinburgh hotel
edinburgh cheap hotel
edinburgh hotels discount
edinburgh hotel jobs
edinburgh scotland hotel
edinburgh best hotels
travel guide edinburgh hotels
edinburgh hotel george
Upside / 2013
Interests (and demographics)
Interests are unique to brand and
customer so ...
1. Cast a wide net
(test hundreds or thousands of
potential interests, both broad and
2. See what works for you
3. Optimize out the remaining non-
Upside / 2013
Upside / 2013
Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on
Which ad copy performed better?

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Are you maximizing on the amazing opportunity to grow your business with paid search advertising? Join our expert, Mark Irvine as he walks you through the 6 Fundamental Skills every advertiser will need in order to start profiting from this type of marketing. You'll learn how to: - Use keyword managment strategies to attract the most valuable traffic to your site - Adjust bids to ensure you're only spending budget on relevant searches - Target your ideal audience with the appropriate messaging

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This document discusses geo-targeted SEO strategies for online retailers. It begins by defining geo-targeted SEO and distinguishing it from standard local and international SEO approaches. It then covers specific ranking factors and tactics for geo-targeted SEO, including on-page optimization with location-specific keywords and structured data, links from locally relevant sites, consistent business listings, and tailored local content. Examples from Grubhub demonstrate how these techniques have helped rank their local landing pages. The document emphasizes that geo-targeting requires dedicated approaches for each location to improve search visibility and conversions for target audiences.

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This document discusses using data and psychology to optimize marketing campaigns. It provides examples of how food companies like Prego optimized their spaghetti sauces by testing different flavors. It also discusses how Diet Pepsi was optimized by testing different aspartame levels. The document advocates testing multiple versions of web pages, ads, and products to find the "perfect" versions for different audiences rather than a single perfect solution. It highlights the importance of understanding motivations, incentives, and reducing friction in the customer journey.

Upside / 2013
Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on
Which ad copy performed better?
Upside / 2013
Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on
Which ad copy performed better?
CTR 2%*
CVR 3.2%*
CPA $100*
CTR 4%*
CVR 4.5%*
CPA $80*
Beware of “too good to be true” messaging
(it’s not always a race to the bottom)
Price point likely resulted in different population of
customers clicking on the ad, with different behaviors
* illustrative example
Upside / 2013
Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters
Upside / 2013
Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters

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Gene Glaeser of 360 Partners presents on how to analyze your competitors' strategy. Topics include: -Deciphering a company’s search strategy or lack thereof -Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your competitor -Defining the gaps in your own search strategy -Improving visibility

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Upside / 2013
Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters
(from $60/night!)
(500 hotels in Los Angeles!)
(up to 50% off!)
Problem: how to create relevant,
targeted ad copy with the correct values,
at scale?
Solution: Google Ad Parameters!
1. Create new ads inserted with {param1} and
{param1:500} Hotels in Sydney
Find Hotel Deals from {param2:$60}/Night!
2. Add param1 and param2 fields to each keyword,
which triggers the proper parameter when the ad is
3. Optimize, try new variations, rinse, repeat!
Upside / 2013
The importance of structure: scale, tracking, messaging, targeting
Case study:
• Started process of campaign structure overhaul
• Used various data sources and analyses to determine to most effectively create
targeted, granular, consistent structure
• Created worldwide list of top destinations by language (English, Spanish, French,
German, Dutch, Danish, Japanese, etc.)
• Categorized destinations into tiers:
• Tier 1: Major cities worldwide (New York City, London, Paris, etc.)
• Tier 2: Regional + seasonal destinations (Edinburgh, Philadelphia, Phuket, Vail, etc.)
• Tier 3: Long-tail cities
70K destinations * 500 patterns * 100 qualifiers = ~3.5B potential keywords
~3.5B keywords = 100+ accounts & righteous ire from Google account team
Upside / 2013 19
Optimization process:
• Ran keywords through both internal vetting process AND Google Traffic Estimator to
weed out low-relevance and low-volume queries
• Used analysis of regional travel patterns and customer behavior to determine that
travelers from different countries had significantly different travel behaviors, some that
were specific only to that subset
• US travel to Paris
• UK travel to Nice, Provence
• FR travel to Nantes, Deauville
• Created flexible framework to handle differences in keyword density by origination
• US English keywords for Miami (base): ~50
• UK English keywords for Miami (base): ~15
• SG English keywords for Miami (base): ~5
Result: Total keyword set reduced to about 200K and only four accounts per language
Performance: Increased profitability by +300%
The importance of structure: scale, tracking, messaging, targeting
Upside / 2013 20
Recap: Know your customer, track them, create hypotheses, test, repeat.
• Granular tracking is important to minimize reporting errors
• Create a unique ID based on the combination of parameters you
want to track (keyword + match type + ad + placement)
• Leverage site (search) logs to mine quality keywords
• Search query reports are awesome for optimizing keywords
• Productize processes to scale keyword nomination & creation
• Zoom in then zoom out to find effective segments, then refine
• Create custom interests using a combination of topics and
precise interests
• Applicable across channels, assets, etc.
• Test things even if they are counter-intuitive
• Scale dynamic messaging through Google Ad Parameters
• Sometimes, less is more
• Drill down, then drill sideways to get more granularity
• Create opportunities for flexibility to accommodate changes

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The document discusses testing whether to bid on brand keywords for paid search advertising. It summarizes the results of a company's test of not bidding on certain brand keywords. They found organic traffic and click-through rates increased for those keywords, with no loss in call volumes. However, measurement was challenging. The document provides tips for determining keyword intent, monitoring competitors, creating automated rules to adjust bidding, and outlines next steps to continue testing and applying learnings.

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These are slides from my presentation on "Unstoppable Consumer Funnels" at Conversion Conference 2017 ( at the Rio in Las Vegas. These slides show 40 different ways to increase conversions across 10 separate funnel elements, from traffic to ad to landing page to upsells to order from, thank you page, emails, retargeting, social, video and more.

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  • 2. Upside / 2013 A little bit about me 2 2
  • 3. Upside / 2013 New company 3 3
  • 5. Upside / 2013 5 My lessons learned in five buckets 1. Tracking 2. Keywords 3. Interests 4. Messaging 5. Structure 5
  • 6. Upside / 2013 Proper tracking = proper optimization 6 NOT THIS AD GROUP-LEVEL TRACKING • Cannot breakdown which keyword in an ad group resulted in conversion • As keywords and ads change, ad group-level tracking makes tracking murky and imprecise Set up granular tracking (e.g., keyword + match type + ad) to minimize tracking issues. Create an internally-generated ID to uniquely track every atomic unit (use this to join against other data sets). KEYWORD-LEVEL TRACKING • Match type mismatch errors (e.g., joining broad match cost data with exact match revenue data) 6
  • 7. Upside / 2013 Proper tracking = proper optimization 7 DO THIS KEYWORD MATCH TYPE AD NETWORK San Francisco Hotels Broad Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed. Save on Hotels in San Francisco! Search San Francisco Hotels Phrase Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed. Save on Hotels in San Francisco! Search San Francisco Hotels Exact Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed. Save on Hotels in San Francisco! Search San Francisco Hotels Broad Best Hotel Prices Guaranteed. Save on Hotels in San Francisco! Content Sample URL parameters ?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_term={keyword}&utm_content={creative} &utm_campaign=<ADGROUPNAME>&Network={ifContent:Content}{ifSearch:Search} &SiteTarget={placement}&id=1234567890 ?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_term={keyword}&utm_content={creative} &utm_campaign=<ADGROUPNAME>&Network={ifContent:Content}{ifSearch:Search} &SiteTarget={placement}&id=1234567890 ?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_term={keyword}&utm_content={creative} &utm_campaign=<ADGROUPNAME>&Network={ifContent:Content}{ifSearch:Search} &SiteTarget={placement}&id=1234567890 Set up granular tracking (e.g., keyword + match type + ad) to minimize tracking issues. Create an internally-generated ID to uniquely track every atomic unit (use this to join against other data sets). revenue data (id=1234567890) cost data (id=1234567890) 7
  • 8. Upside / 2013 8 Keywords are little units of intent and can be used effectively at scale SEARCH LOGS SEARCH QUERIES PARSE SEARCH LOGS TO CREATE NEW KEYWORD OPPORTUNITIES • Any site log (Apache, Rails logger, etc.) or analytics system (GA, SiteCatalyst) can be parsed to pull out a wealth of information, including: • pages visited • channels used • keywords searched • Test quality of keywords pulled from logs and build rules to filter out “bad seeds” • Search substrings • Gibberish • Blacklisted words (profanity, etc.) • If it makes sense, productize this process: • Pull all logs and do some basic scrubbing • Run terms through business rules & filters • Remove duplicates and add to correct ad group • Initial bid value assignment • Manual review • Launch! 8
  • 9. Upside / 2013 9 Keywords are little units of intent and can be used effectively at scale LEVERAGE SEARCH QUERIES TO REFINE CAMPAIGNS For the ad group “Edinburgh Hotels”: 1. Add keyword negatives for irrelevant or poorly- converting phrases 2. Add new exact match keywords 3. Move queries to another campaign or ad group for better ad text targeting edinburgh hotel edinburgh cheap hotel edinburgh hotels discount edinburgh hotel jobs edinburgh scotland hotel edinburgh best hotels travel guide edinburgh hotels edinburgh hotel george SEARCH LOGS SEARCH QUERIES 9
  • 10. Upside / 2013 Interests (and demographics) 10 POTENTIAL INTERESTS EXAMPLE INTEREST CLOUD Interests are unique to brand and customer so ... 1. Cast a wide net (test hundreds or thousands of potential interests, both broad and precise) 2. See what works for you 3. Optimize out the remaining non- performers 10
  • 12. Upside / 2013 Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on 12 vs. Which ad copy performed better? 12
  • 13. Upside / 2013 Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on 13 vs. Which ad copy performed better? 13
  • 14. Upside / 2013 Messaging: don’t forget to put your “customer hat” on 14 vs. Which ad copy performed better? CTR 2%* CVR 3.2%* CPA $100* CTR 4%* CVR 4.5%* CPA $80* Beware of “too good to be true” messaging (it’s not always a race to the bottom) Price point likely resulted in different population of customers clicking on the ad, with different behaviors * illustrative example 14
  • 15. Upside / 2013 Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters 15 15
  • 16. Upside / 2013 Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters 16 16
  • 17. Upside / 2013 Messaging: Scaling dynamic ad text through Ad Parameters 17 DYNAMIC COMPONENTS “FROM PRICE” (from $60/night!) NUMBER OF HOTELS (500 hotels in Los Angeles!) PERCENTAGE OFF (up to 50% off!) Problem: how to create relevant, targeted ad copy with the correct values, at scale? Solution: Google Ad Parameters! Usage: 1. Create new ads inserted with {param1} and {param2} Example: {param1:500} Hotels in Sydney Find Hotel Deals from {param2:$60}/Night! 2. Add param1 and param2 fields to each keyword, which triggers the proper parameter when the ad is fired 3. Optimize, try new variations, rinse, repeat! 17
  • 18. Upside / 2013 The importance of structure: scale, tracking, messaging, targeting 18 Case study: • Started process of campaign structure overhaul • Used various data sources and analyses to determine to most effectively create targeted, granular, consistent structure • Created worldwide list of top destinations by language (English, Spanish, French, German, Dutch, Danish, Japanese, etc.) • Categorized destinations into tiers: • Tier 1: Major cities worldwide (New York City, London, Paris, etc.) • Tier 2: Regional + seasonal destinations (Edinburgh, Philadelphia, Phuket, Vail, etc.) • Tier 3: Long-tail cities 70K destinations * 500 patterns * 100 qualifiers = ~3.5B potential keywords ~3.5B keywords = 100+ accounts & righteous ire from Google account team 18
  • 19. Upside / 2013 19 Optimization process: • Ran keywords through both internal vetting process AND Google Traffic Estimator to weed out low-relevance and low-volume queries • Used analysis of regional travel patterns and customer behavior to determine that travelers from different countries had significantly different travel behaviors, some that were specific only to that subset • US travel to Paris • UK travel to Nice, Provence • FR travel to Nantes, Deauville • Created flexible framework to handle differences in keyword density by origination • US English keywords for Miami (base): ~50 • UK English keywords for Miami (base): ~15 • SG English keywords for Miami (base): ~5 Result: Total keyword set reduced to about 200K and only four accounts per language Performance: Increased profitability by +300% The importance of structure: scale, tracking, messaging, targeting 19
  • 20. Upside / 2013 20 Recap: Know your customer, track them, create hypotheses, test, repeat. TRACKING • Granular tracking is important to minimize reporting errors • Create a unique ID based on the combination of parameters you want to track (keyword + match type + ad + placement) KEYWORDS • Leverage site (search) logs to mine quality keywords • Search query reports are awesome for optimizing keywords • Productize processes to scale keyword nomination & creation INTERESTS • Zoom in then zoom out to find effective segments, then refine • Create custom interests using a combination of topics and precise interests • Applicable across channels, assets, etc. MESSAGING • Test things even if they are counter-intuitive • Scale dynamic messaging through Google Ad Parameters STRUCTURE • Sometimes, less is more • Drill down, then drill sideways to get more granularity • Create opportunities for flexibility to accommodate changes 20