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Open Metrics for Open Repositories
 20x20 Pecha Kucha delivered at OR2012 on Tuesday 10th July based on the
     unpublished paper available from

        Brian Kelly1, Nick Sheppard2, Jenny Delasalle3, Mark Dewey1, Owen Stephens4, Gareth J
                                     Johnson5 and Stephanie Taylor1
            1 UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, UK {B.Kelly, M.Dewey, S.Taylor}
         2 UKCoRR/Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK {}
                   3 University of Warwick, Warwick, UK {}
                                4 Consultant, UK {}
                      5 UKCoRR/University of Leicester, Leicester, UK {}
OA still in its infancy?
• Need for metrics
• Understand how IRs are
  being used
• Policy decisions
• Technical infrastructure
• Business data
• Not just research
• Open Data / OER
• Open landscape
•   New, alternative metrics
•   Use in evaluation and assessment
•   Exploit opportunities
•   Usage / bibliographic data
•   Make openly available
•   Adoption of altmetrics
•   The BOAI at 10 – Alma Swan (video)
The Finch report
•   Executive Summary
•   Gold vs Green
•   Estimated additional £50-60M
•   Green has failed!
•   What does failure look like?
•   What would success look like?
•   Evidence

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Institutional Repositories
Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories

Institutional repositories are digital collections that capture and preserve the intellectual output of academic institutions. They contain scholarly works and research in various formats and stages of academic work. The goal is typically open access to research. Major systems for developing institutional repositories include DSpace, EPrints, Fedora, and Digital Commons. Key considerations for starting an institutional repository include getting faculty buy-in, submission policies, intellectual property issues, and interoperability through standards like OAI-PMH. Ensuring ongoing contributions and use remains a challenge.

Institutional Repositories
Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories

An institutional repository is a digital archive of intellectual works created by a university's faculty, researchers, and students. It provides open access to works with few barriers. Content includes pre-prints, reports, theses, audio/visual materials. Benefits include increased visibility, centralized storage, and long-term preservation of the institution's academic output. Challenges include costs, difficulties generating content, and rights management issues.

indiadirectoriesopen access
Institutional Repositories
Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories

Institutional repositories play an important role in making scholarly research openly accessible and increasing its impact. They house research outputs like journal articles, theses, and other works. Repositories enhance the visibility of the hosting institution and facilitate further research by providing access to latest information. There are currently over 1,400 repositories worldwide adhering to interoperability standards so their contents can be indexed together. Repositories provide benefits like increased citations and downloads for authors, and give institutions metrics to assess their research programs. For these reasons, more Indian institutions are establishing their own open access repositories.

open accessrepositories
Practice what you preach
• Open it up
• Article level (ideal)
• Software / fragmentation
• Wrangle your software
• Need for accurate
• Technical challenges

                                 Julian Kleyn (2008)
The Institutional Picture
• Total number of records
• Full-text / metadata only
• Raw figure / Proportion of
• Metadata records accessed
• Full-text downloaded
• How records are accessed
   – Search/browse
   – Search engine referral
   – Referral from aggregation
   – Social media referral
Open Metrics for Open Repositories at OR2012

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Pathways to Online Information: A Collaborative Project for E-Resources
Pathways to Online Information: A Collaborative Project for E-ResourcesPathways to Online Information: A Collaborative Project for E-Resources
Pathways to Online Information: A Collaborative Project for E-Resources

1) Pathways to Online Information (ePOI) is a collaborative project between Hawaii Medical Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa Library, and John A. Burns School of Medicine to provide a single access point for biomedical resources. 2) The project faced challenges of collaboration between different organizations, creating an easy-to-use interface, and defining the scope of included resources. 3) ePOI allows users to search over 16,000 journal titles, browse an alphabetical list of titles, and link directly to resources through participating libraries' proxy servers. Initial user response has been positive.

Resource and Metadata Management with a Linked Data perspective
Resource and Metadata Management with a Linked Data perspectiveResource and Metadata Management with a Linked Data perspective
Resource and Metadata Management with a Linked Data perspective

This document summarizes a presentation on resource and metadata management from a linked data perspective. It discusses projects like Organic.Edunet that deal with heterogeneous metadata from multiple standards and stakeholders. It also outlines the conceptual overview of the EntryStore system for managing linked data, including named graphs, REST API, ACLs, harvesting, querying, and SPARQL. Some lessons learned are around ontologies being difficult for annotators to grasp, the need for clear licensing of data versus metadata, and the complexity involved in practical implementation at large scale.

information managementresourcemetadata
Institutional Repositories
Institutional RepositoriesInstitutional Repositories
Institutional Repositories

Institutional repositories provide open access to scholarly works created by a university's researchers and community. They allow for increased visibility, preservation and sharing of research. Content typically includes articles, theses, reports and other materials. Repositories offer benefits like increased citations and supporting funder open access policies. Many countries now fund repository programs to encourage participation and network infrastructure.

lucy a tedd
•   Article level metrics
•   Open interface
•   Use as advocacy tool
                                                                      (GA plug-in)
                                                                 • More reliable than
                                                                   existing DS plugins
                                                                 • lost stats/inflated
                                                                   page views from
                                                                 • Stats available at
                                                                   three levels:
                                                                    – item,
                                                                    – collection
                                                                    – repository
The Big Picture
•   OPuS - Bath (EPrints)
•   Leeds Metropolitan
•   Proportion as measure?
•   RepUK / aggregations
•   Software issues
     – EPrints
     – DSpace
     – Also ran
Number of Full Text
• Few IRs can easily provide data
• RepUK (national aggregation service)
• Discrepancies
• Proportion as measure?
• Full text only exemplars (19)
                                                           (Should be HTML?)
• Developing Research Management
  Infrastructure     Brunel, City University London, Cranfield, Loughborough,
• CRIS               QMUL, RHUL, School of Advanced Study, Aberdeen,
                           Birmingham, Cambridge, East London, Edinburgh, Exeter,
                           Hull, St Andrews, Stirling, Surrey, Warwick, Nottingham

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2013 DataCite Summer Meeting - Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) (...
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2013 DataCite Summer Meeting - Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) (...

Michael Witt presented on the Purdue University Research Repository (PURR) at the DataCite summer meeting. PURR is a collaborative effort between Purdue University Libraries, Office of the Vice President for Research, and Information Technology. It provides researchers a space to store, share, and publish research data, with librarian support for data management plans and curation. PURR aims to encourage citation of datasets by assigning identifiers, displaying licenses, providing citation examples, and exposing structured citations. It is built on open source HUBzero software and has over 1,000 registered researchers sharing data across 200 projects.

2013cdlsummer meeting
Reaching the researcher
Reaching the researcherReaching the researcher
Reaching the researcher

This document summarizes a presentation about the Europeana Libraries project. The project aims to add over 5 million digitized objects from research libraries to Europeana. It involves 19 participating libraries coordinated by The European Library. The goals are to create a valuable research resource through standardized data, full-text search, and a dedicated research portal. It also discusses developing a sustainable business model and standards for best practices to ensure the continued success of providing library content through Europeana.

libersla 2011europeana libraries
Pampel/Bertelnmann/Hobohm: Data Librarianship
Pampel/Bertelnmann/Hobohm: Data LibrarianshipPampel/Bertelnmann/Hobohm: Data Librarianship
Pampel/Bertelnmann/Hobohm: Data Librarianship

The document discusses the roles, tasks, and competencies of data librarianship. It outlines how research data management is relevant for libraries and defines key aspects like disciplinarity, organization, technology, access, and quality. International curriculum models for data librarianship are presented, covering topics such as data management, description, curation, archiving, and dissemination. The roles and competencies of data librarians, data managers, data scientists, and data creators are also compared.

Oai_dc node occurences
                                                •   Technical challenges
Oai_dc node occurences over time                •   OpenDoar
Oai_dc percentabe node occurences over time
Metadata quality – validity of XML and DRIVER   •   OAI-PMH
dc:subject classification system occurrence     •   Data visualisation
dc:language occurrence across UK repositories
Matches against IANA Mime Types                 •   Trends revealed
(Edinburgh Research Archive)

154 IRs aggregated (28/06/12)
•   397790 PDF
•   20578 MS Word
•   44018 jpeg
•   122764 html
Open Metrics for Open Repositories at OR2012

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The document summarizes trends observed in libraries. It discusses topics like data curation, linked (open) data, bookless libraries, makerspaces, library services platforms, and identifier issues. For linked data, it provides examples of implementations by the British Library, Europeana, and OCLC using vocabulary. It also discusses the Bibliographic Framework Initiative (BIBFRAME) and initiatives like ORCID for uniquely identifying researchers.

圖書館 趨勢 library
Cross-Community User Requirements and the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Cross-Community User Requirements and the Biodiversity Heritage LibraryCross-Community User Requirements and the Biodiversity Heritage Library
Cross-Community User Requirements and the Biodiversity Heritage Library

The document summarizes the Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), a global consortium of natural history libraries working to digitize biodiversity literature. It discusses BHL's partnerships, digital collections and services including OpenURL and a names lookup API. It also describes considerations for adopting cloud storage including costs, technical skills and control issues. Lessons from a DuraCloud pilot show cloud is useful for scaling but huge files are problematic and repository management requires social infrastructure. BHL aims to make over 90,000 volumes and 34 million pages freely available online while serving the needs of a broad user community.

The library in the life of the user
The library in the life of the userThe library in the life of the user
The library in the life of the user

We used to think of the user in the life of the library. Now we think of the library in the life of the user. As behaviors change in a network environment, we have seen growing interest in ethnographic and user-centered design approaches. This presentation introduces this topic. It also explores changes in how we manage collections as an illustration of this shift towards thinking of the library in the life of the user.

research library partnershipshared printethnographic
The Researchers’ Requirements
•   May have effect on deposit choice
•   PLoS/Arxiv display article-level metrics
•   Numbers aggregated (locations / versions)
•   PLoS show visitor numbers from PMC
•   May not deposit in IR to maximise numbers
    at preferred location
•   Few publishers display article-level metrics
•   Opportunity for IRs to engage with authors
•   Measuring impact (REF, RCUK)
•   altmetrics
Third Party Services

•   Mechanisms to harvest metadata/full-text
•   The search party didn’t turn up?
•   Slow growth
•   Google (Scholar)
•   CiteSeerX, CORE cache copies
•   Affects repository metrics
•   PIRUS2 / article level metrics
COnnecting REpositories (CORE)
• Repository Analytics
• Increase the visibility of content
• Provide applications to aid
  content discovery
• Enrich metadata
    • Yes it’s complicated!
    • Stats don’t tell the
      whole picture
    • Greatest value for
      operational / strategic
    • Senior management
    • IR managers should be
    • Culture of openness

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Accessing Treasure on lands and peoples
Accessing Treasure on lands and peoplesAccessing Treasure on lands and peoples
Accessing Treasure on lands and peoples

Presented by Peter Burnhill at the "Alexander Carmichael: Collecting, Controversy and Contexts" conference, Edinburgh, 23-24 June 2011

edinaeducationcarmichael watson
FAIR data and NPG Scientific Data: RIKEN Yokohama, 25 June, 2014
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FAIR data and NPG Scientific Data: RIKEN Yokohama, 25 June, 2014

The document summarizes a presentation about making scientific data FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable). It discusses the concept of FAIR data and several of the presenter's related projects. Examples are provided of using standards like ISA-Tab to structure metadata and make datasets interoperable. The presentation outlines the presenter's roles in data capture, publication, and standards development efforts to promote FAIR data principles. Scientific Data, a new journal for peer-reviewed data descriptions, is introduced as a way to make datasets more discoverable and reusable.

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The Development of a Socio-technical infrastructure to support Open Access pu...
The Development of a Socio-technical infrastructure to support Open Access pu...The Development of a Socio-technical infrastructure to support Open Access pu...
The Development of a Socio-technical infrastructure to support Open Access pu...

The document discusses the development of UK RepositoryNet+ (RepNet), a socio-technical infrastructure that aims to increase the cost effectiveness of open access institutional repositories. RepNet will offer a suite of services like deposit tools, reporting, and registries to enable repositories to operate more cost effectively. It outlines RepNet's context, scope, and focus, and details its planned implementation in waves, with wave 1 integrating existing services and wave 2 exploring additional components like curation microservices. The goal is to transition RepNet from a project to a sustained service by March 2013.

repositoriesuk repnet+open access

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Open Metrics for Open Repositories at OR2012

  • 1. Open Metrics for Open Repositories 20x20 Pecha Kucha delivered at OR2012 on Tuesday 10th July based on the unpublished paper available from Brian Kelly1, Nick Sheppard2, Jenny Delasalle3, Mark Dewey1, Owen Stephens4, Gareth J Johnson5 and Stephanie Taylor1 1 UKOLN, University of Bath, Bath, UK {B.Kelly, M.Dewey, S.Taylor} 2 UKCoRR/Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds, UK {} 3 University of Warwick, Warwick, UK {} 4 Consultant, UK {} 5 UKCoRR/University of Leicester, Leicester, UK {}
  • 2. OA still in its infancy? • Need for metrics • Understand how IRs are being used • Policy decisions • Technical infrastructure • Business data • Not just research • Open Data / OER • Open landscape
  • 3. New, alternative metrics • Use in evaluation and assessment • Exploit opportunities • Usage / bibliographic data • Make openly available • Adoption of altmetrics • The BOAI at 10 – Alma Swan (video)
  • 4. The Finch report • Executive Summary • Gold vs Green • Estimated additional £50-60M • Green has failed! • What does failure look like? • What would success look like? • Evidence
  • 5. Practice what you preach • Open it up • Article level (ideal) • Software / fragmentation • Wrangle your software • Need for accurate aggregation • Technical challenges Julian Kleyn (2008)
  • 6. The Institutional Picture • Total number of records • Full-text / metadata only • Raw figure / Proportion of total • Metadata records accessed • Full-text downloaded • How records are accessed – Search/browse – Search engine referral – Referral from aggregation – Social media referral
  • 9. Article level metrics • Open interface • • Use as advocacy tool
  • 10. Dspace (GA plug-in) • More reliable than existing DS plugins • lost stats/inflated page views from robots • Stats available at three levels: – item, – collection – repository
  • 11. The Big Picture • OPuS - Bath (EPrints) • Leeds Metropolitan • Proportion as measure? • RepUK / aggregations • Software issues – EPrints – DSpace – Also ran
  • 12. Number of Full Text • Few IRs can easily provide data • RepUK (national aggregation service) • CORE • Discrepancies • Proportion as measure? • Full text only exemplars (19) (Should be HTML?) • Developing Research Management Infrastructure Brunel, City University London, Cranfield, Loughborough, • CRIS QMUL, RHUL, School of Advanced Study, Aberdeen, Birmingham, Cambridge, East London, Edinburgh, Exeter, Hull, St Andrews, Stirling, Surrey, Warwick, Nottingham
  • 13. RepUK
  • 14. Deposits Oai_dc node occurences • Technical challenges Oai_dc node occurences over time • OpenDoar Oai_dc percentabe node occurences over time Metadata quality – validity of XML and DRIVER • OAI-PMH compliance dc:subject classification system occurrence • Data visualisation dc:language occurrence across UK repositories Matches against IANA Mime Types • Trends revealed
  • 15. (Edinburgh Research Archive) 154 IRs aggregated (28/06/12) • 397790 PDF • 20578 MS Word • 44018 jpeg • 122764 html
  • 17. The Researchers’ Requirements • May have effect on deposit choice • PLoS/Arxiv display article-level metrics • Numbers aggregated (locations / versions) • PLoS show visitor numbers from PMC • May not deposit in IR to maximise numbers at preferred location • Few publishers display article-level metrics • Opportunity for IRs to engage with authors • Measuring impact (REF, RCUK) • altmetrics
  • 18. Third Party Services • Mechanisms to harvest metadata/full-text • OAI-PMH • The search party didn’t turn up? • Slow growth • Google (Scholar) • CiteSeerX, CORE cache copies • Affects repository metrics • PIRUS2 / article level metrics
  • 19. COnnecting REpositories (CORE) • Repository Analytics • Increase the visibility of content • Provide applications to aid content discovery • Enrich metadata
  • 20. Conclusions • Yes it’s complicated! • Stats don’t tell the whole picture • Greatest value for operational / strategic purposes • Senior management • IR managers should be proactive • Culture of openness

Editor's Notes

  1. We need metrics to support a variety of business needs for a variety of stakeholders National /international funders and policy makersInstitutional policy makersIR managers Content owners (researchers / OER creators) Developer community (increasingly important as APIs developed /open data becomes available)Paper illustrates a number of examples of how the needs of these stakeholders are being addressedIR managers should take a pro-active role in providing open access for metrics associated with their services Yes it's complicated and stats don't tell the whole picture" this will undermine repository managers work in promoting open access (which, as we know, also has complexities).
  2. a measure of an organization's activities and performance. Performance metrics should support a range of stakeholders’ needs from customers, shareholderstoemployees. While traditionally many metrics are financed based, inwardly focusing on the performance of the organization, metrics may also focus on the performance against customer requirements and to inform policy decisions on future investment, technical policy decisions on enhancements to the technical infrastructureoperational decisions by practitioners demonstrate value of investment inform decisions on deprecating aspects of the services. monitor effectiveness of open access activities
  3. "two key purposes of a repository are (1) maximising access to research publications and (2) ensuring long-term preservation of research publications (Kelly, B. 2011)