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Presentation of 2010 achievements

        Marc Laporte
What is 57 ?

What is 57 ?

            A- The number of employees in Belgium

            B- The number of countries where OpenERP is

            C- The age of Fabien

OpenERP partners present in 57 countries

     Europe                    MEA                          ASIA                   Americas

            Austria                  Algeria
            Belgium                                                Australia           Argentina
            Czech Republic           Cape Verde                    China               Bolivia
            Croatia                  Congo (Dem. Rep.)             India               Brazil
            France                   Ghana                         Indonesia           Canada
            French Polynesia         Equatorial Guinea             Japan               Colombia
            Germany                  Kenya
            Hungary                                                Malaysia            Ecuador
            Italy                    Mauritius                     Mongolia            Mexico
            Lithuania                Morocco                       New Caledonia       Peru
            Luxembourg               Qatar                         Philippines         Venezuela
            Netherlands              Nigeria                       Thailand
            Portugal                 Senegal
            Norway                   South Africa                                      Canada
            Romania                  Sudan                                             United States
            Spain                    Tunisia
            Sweden                   Turkey
            Switzerland              United Arab Emirates
            United Kingdom

6/10/2010                                                                                              4

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Systèmes d'Exploitation - chp6-synchronisation
Systèmes d'Exploitation - chp6-synchronisationSystèmes d'Exploitation - chp6-synchronisation
Systèmes d'Exploitation - chp6-synchronisation

Synchronisation des processus, sémaphores, Peterson, Systèmes d'Exploitation

semaphoressynchronisation des processuspeterson
Chp1 - Introduction à l'AGL
Chp1 - Introduction à l'AGLChp1 - Introduction à l'AGL
Chp1 - Introduction à l'AGL


Sécurité des Systèmes Répartis- Partie 1
Sécurité des Systèmes Répartis- Partie 1 Sécurité des Systèmes Répartis- Partie 1
Sécurité des Systèmes Répartis- Partie 1

Visitez !

sécuritésystèmes répartis
Offices in Belgium, India and United States

With a true international team

What is 1.065 ?
What is 1.065 ?
A- The number of people following OpenERP
on Twitter

B- The number of inhabitants in Grand Rosière

C- The number of modules in OpenERP

Recommended for you

Chp3 - Fonctionnement des ERP
Chp3 - Fonctionnement des ERPChp3 - Fonctionnement des ERP
Chp3 - Fonctionnement des ERP


Chp1 - Introduction aux ERP
Chp1 - Introduction aux ERPChp1 - Introduction aux ERP
Chp1 - Introduction aux ERP


Présentation de OpenERP/Odoo: Progiciel de Gestion Intégré Open Source
Présentation de OpenERP/Odoo: Progiciel de Gestion Intégré Open SourcePrésentation de OpenERP/Odoo: Progiciel de Gestion Intégré Open Source
Présentation de OpenERP/Odoo: Progiciel de Gestion Intégré Open Source

Présentation de Africa Performances au Forum National de l'Etudiant Comptable - FNEC. Cote d'Ivoire Novembre 2014

openerp; odoo; erp; comptabilité; finance; manage
Launch of OpenERP V6.0

A true suite of business applications

Solving the customer ’s dilenma

    Long project               Building separate
    High risks                 applications
    Uncertain return on        High complexity
    investments                Integration costs
                               Costly migrations

6/10/2010                                          11
Business applications: A huge market too




 500                              Salesforce




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Chp2 - Solutions ERP
Chp2 - Solutions ERPChp2 - Solutions ERP
Chp2 - Solutions ERP


Chp2 - Cahier des Charges
Chp2 - Cahier des ChargesChp2 - Cahier des Charges
Chp2 - Cahier des Charges


GP Chapitre 4 : La planification de production
GP Chapitre 4 : La planification de production GP Chapitre 4 : La planification de production
GP Chapitre 4 : La planification de production

Chapitre 4 : La planification de production

chapitre 4 : la planification de production
OpenERP vs Competition

                                        Dynamics   SAP   Netsuite   Salesforce   OpenERP

Onsite/ Online                             No      No      No          No          Yes

Start with one application and expand     No       No      No          No          Yes

Migration included in warranty            No       No      n/a         n/a         Yes

Cost                                      $$$      $$$     $$$         $$$          $

Now 1065 modules available in OpenERP

Relationship with the community

Building visibility for your contributions
   Contribution of the partner included in the partner’s description on the
   web site
   Visibility of the contributions through our web site contributors of the
   month provides visibility to your contributions

Clarifying OpenERP policies
   Publised revised Bug policy
   Publised revised Release Policy

6/10/2010                                                                     15
What is 208 ?

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Gestion de la chaîne logistique -OpenERP
Gestion de la chaîne logistique -OpenERPGestion de la chaîne logistique -OpenERP
Gestion de la chaîne logistique -OpenERP
OpenERP, l'ERP open source dernière génération
OpenERP, l'ERP open source dernière générationOpenERP, l'ERP open source dernière génération
OpenERP, l'ERP open source dernière génération

Vous êtes à la recherche d'un ERP modulaire? Orienté web et mobilité? Intégré aux réseaux sociaux et paramétrable? Alors OpenERP est la solution qu'il vous faut. Découvrez ses avantages et un aperçu de projets et de clients qui font déjà confiance à OpenERP et Audaxis.

erp orienté web et mobilitéerp open source paramétrableprojets openerp
Introduction aux ERP
Introduction aux ERPIntroduction aux ERP
Introduction aux ERP

Introduction aux ERP L’objectif de ce cours est de présenter les différentes fonctionnalités offertes par un ERP

erp; openerp; si
What is 208 ?

A- The number of support tickets in March

B- The number of feed back we recieve from
the community in one day

C- The number of French fries in a Mitraillette
Building a comprehensive set of services

and Bug   Migrations   Methodology   Training

Support and maintenance process precisely
      defined and measured

6/10/2010                                    19
Volumes are ramping up





            Sept   Oct   Nov   Dec   Jan   Feb   March

6/10/2010                                                            20

Recommended for you

Exercices corrigés
Exercices corrigésExercices corrigés
Exercices corrigés
Pg History And Programs
Pg History And ProgramsPg History And Programs
Pg History And Programs

Persona GLOBAL is an international consulting firm founded in 1980 that provides performance improvement and business consulting services to clients. It has a presence in 71 countries through over 1,350 partners and associates worldwide. The firm focuses on research-based and measurable approaches to align business strategy and culture through workshops, surveys, and customized performance processes. Services are available in various languages depending on the methodology or tool.

persona global españaprogramasmetodologías
Heba Gamal: "Techsoup Global Cloud Computing Survey 2012"
Heba Gamal: "Techsoup Global Cloud Computing Survey 2012"Heba Gamal: "Techsoup Global Cloud Computing Survey 2012"
Heba Gamal: "Techsoup Global Cloud Computing Survey 2012"

Telecentre-Europe Summit 2012 - Keynote Presentation of Heba Gamal: "Techsoup Global Cloud Computing Survey 2012"

Partner satisfaction survey

6/10/2010a                          21
Partners satisfaction surveys

6/10/2010                             22
Some nice comments

    Good (11/11/10 1:22AM)
    Jay has consistently been prompt, informative, and accurate in his
    responses (9/30/10 4:17PM)
    I am very happy with your turn around time (12/8/10 1:35PM)
    Thanks Anup ;) (1/6/11 4:36PM)
    Jay is always good to work with (1/7/11 5:20AM )
    Well done. Thank you for your Support (3/8/11 11:39AM )
    Bravo !!! (3/15/11 9:39PM)

6/10/2010                                                                23
but it is not a perfect world yet …

For some bigger test/bug reports, it would be nice to have a concrete
"todo" report in return, in which OpenERP explains what it will do and
what not. If not I will have to split up the test report in separate items,
loosing the overall view... (3/29/11 6:50PM)
Took long, but got fixes for both gtk and web. (2/24/11 12:52AM)
Answer was not correct (2/16/11 4:44PM)
It's not easy to have a global view of all modules: OK for the certified ones,
but less for the other ones when we're not used to development. (2/24/11


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Sap Business One Allo Smau Business Di Roma 2010
Sap Business One Allo Smau Business Di Roma 2010Sap Business One Allo Smau Business Di Roma 2010
Sap Business One Allo Smau Business Di Roma 2010

The document provides an overview of SAP Business One 8.8 and its roadmap from 2010-2014. It discusses key innovations in SAP Business One 8.8 such as the upgraded wizard, full integration with Crystal Reports, interactive dashboards with Xcelsius, and enhanced data archiving. The presentation outlines SAP's strategy to evolve SAP Business One from a business solution to a business platform that drives collaboration across the entire ecosystem through concepts like the SAP B1 integrated network. It also previews future innovations such as expanded upgrade wizard functionality, tools to convert reports to Crystal Reports, and KPI dashboards linked to transactions.

LeasePlan's implemententation for the Social Connections event II
LeasePlan's implemententation for the Social Connections event IILeasePlan's implemententation for the Social Connections event II
LeasePlan's implemententation for the Social Connections event II

This is the presentation I gave for the Social Connections event II in Cardiff. It's about the IBM Connections implementation that e-office has done for LeasePlan.

social connectionssocialleaseplan
T@h mobile solutions
T@h mobile solutionsT@h mobile solutions
T@h mobile solutions

Trade at Hand (T@H) is an ITC service that aims to enhance enterprise competitiveness through appropriate use of mobile solutions and ICT. It has operated programs in several African and Central Asian countries since 2005. T@H provides solutions like mPrices, mCollect, and mAlerts to address challenges faced by target beneficiaries. It works with local partners like trade support institutions and IT companies to design, test, and implement mobile apps. T@H also builds a sustainable model by training local administrators and users to manage the systems independently over time. It has a network of 20 advisers and focal points across Africa, Central Asia, and the Pacific to support rolling out new T@H programs.

itc m4d
Building a comprehensive set of services

Support and                                         Offshore
 Bug fixing   Migrations   Methodology   Training

Migration platform

Some statistics

 The migration platform was launch in January 2011

 Onsite customers/partners:
  •   Number of DB migrated: 11
  •   Average DB size: 45 Mb
  •   Average number of installed modules: 41
  •   Average delay to migrate and test the DB: 13 days

 Online customers (Saas)
  •   Number of DB migrated: 11
  •   Average DB size: 6 Mb
  •   Average number of installed modules: 34
  •   Average delay to migrate and test the DB: 4 days

Migration of custom modules

For non-certified modules, an optional service was set up where OpenERP
S.A. will take the responsibility for migrating the custom modules

This service covers migrating screen, workflows, menus and reports. All
necessary adaptation will be done by Migration Team

The fee is of 800€ per 1000 lines of code

• The customer pay only when he wants to migrate
• The customer modules will not be published
• The partner doesn't have to change the module codes, the Migration
   Team will do it


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Exicon si partner event - nov1 2011
Exicon   si partner event - nov1 2011Exicon   si partner event - nov1 2011
Exicon si partner event - nov1 2011

Presentation at this S.I. Partners hosted an event in London on Greater China

Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compliance
Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory ComplianceTools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compliance
Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compliance

The document summarizes a presentation about managing regulatory compliance changes over time. It introduces the Applicability Review Tool (ART) developed by Citation Technologies and IHS Markit which allows companies to review laws and regulations that apply to their operations, identify required compliance actions, and maintain an evergreen applicability register to track changes over time. The presentation notes that ART can help companies reduce costs, risks, and liability associated with audits and non-compliance. It encourages attendees to schedule demonstrations and discuss next steps for additional country deployments using ART.

by IHS
regulatory complianceenvironmentsustainability
IHS Webcast - Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compl...
IHS Webcast - Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compl...IHS Webcast - Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compl...
IHS Webcast - Tools and Techniques to Effectively Manage EHS Regulatory Compl...

Join regulatory experts from IHS and Citation Technologies as they discuss the complexity of the global EHS regulatory environment and offer very simple and straightforward advice to help companies eliminate cost and risk associated with ever-changing environmental, occupational health, physical facility security and safety regulations.

ihs webcastohsehs
Building a comprehensive set of services

Support and                                         Offshore
              Migrations   Methodology   Training
 Bug fixing                                         services

Traditional Approach

       Customer invests in RFQ
                                        Supplier invests in RFQ analysis
       Contract signed
       Price established
                                           Detailed analysis
       Start implementation phase

                                             Renegotiate contract

OpenERP Recommended Approach

      Software Assessment
                                 Pre- Analysis



Building a comprehensive set of services

Support and                                         Offshore
 Bug fixing
              Migrations   Methodology   Training   services


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AdDuplex Story
AdDuplex StoryAdDuplex Story
AdDuplex Story

This document contains information about Alan Mendelevič, the founder and CEO of AdDuplex. It summarizes his experience creating developer products and services since 1999. It also provides statistics about AdDuplex's growth, including over 550 active published apps, 600,000 ads served daily, and being the #3 ad network on Windows Phone. Developer testimonials praise AdDuplex for increasing downloads and revenue. The document outlines AdDuplex's plans to expand its services for developers and advertisers.

wpdevstartup companywp7
Using social for customer service: Separating content and support - Claire Ka...
Using social for customer service: Separating content and support - Claire Ka...Using social for customer service: Separating content and support - Claire Ka...
Using social for customer service: Separating content and support - Claire Ka...

This document discusses giffgaff's approach to social customer service. It begins by outlining the importance of social customer service and some of the challenges companies face. It then provides a case study of giffgaff's approach, which included separating customer support and content across social media channels, empowering community members to provide support, and monitoring conversations to quickly resolve issues. The results were extremely satisfied members and increasing social media followers. It concludes by discussing lessons learned around strategy, community involvement, managing expectations, and planning for future challenges.

social crmsocial businessopenknowledge

This document provides information about a 6-month training program offered by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. in various technologies including .NET, Java, PHP, hardware networking, and embedded systems. CETPA was awarded "Best IT and Embedded Training Company" in 2011 and offers project-based training with placement assistance. The training includes a learning kit, web space, and membership benefits. Batches will start on various dates in December 2011 and January-March 2012. Training fees range from Rs. 10,000-25,000 depending on the technology. Students can register online or in-person and report one day before classes with documents. The training covers topics like core Java, advanced concepts, and enterprise frameworks.

Global demand requires global training

Content of the CTP program

Training materials :
– Student book and teacher book functional
– Student and teacher book technical
– Teacher's slides for functional and technical courses
– Quizz to prepare for certification exam

Access to

Access to Eventbrite for participants registrations

6/10/2010                                                 34
First Certified Training Partners

             Camptocamp           Switzerland
             Syleam               France
             Enova                France
             Savoir faire Linux   Canada
             Netquatro            Venezuela
             Akretion             Brazil
             Smile                Spain
             OpenBig              Germany

6/10/2010                                       35
Building a comprehensive set of services

Support and
              Migrations   Methodology   Training
 Bug fixing                                         services


Recommended for you


This document advertises a 6-month IT training program offered by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. The training includes courses in .NET, Java, mechanical design, PHP, Oracle, networking, and embedded systems. CETPA was awarded "Best IT and Embedded Training Company" in 2011. The training has a fee of Rs. 10,000-25,000 depending on the course, with the option to pay after 5 days. Batches are scheduled regularly with locations in Roorkee, Noida, and Lucknow. CETPA provides certification, placement assistance, and free learning materials. Live projects are also available to participants through the training.

Be one solutions_-_company_presentation
Be one solutions_-_company_presentationBe one solutions_-_company_presentation
Be one solutions_-_company_presentation

Be One Solutions AG is an international SAP consulting firm with subsidiaries around the world. They specialize in implementing and supporting SAP Business One software for large multinational companies. Their services include worldwide rollouts of SAP Business One over several years along with integration to other systems and local support in over 40 countries. They have experience implementing SAP Business One across various industries for companies operating in North America, Europe, Asia, South America, Africa, and the Middle East.

Presentation antal international. 1
Presentation antal international. 1Presentation antal international. 1
Presentation antal international. 1

Antal International is a global recruitment firm with over 110 offices in 35 countries. They provide recruitment solutions locally while leveraging their international network. They have expertise recruiting for various sectors including banking, engineering, IT, and healthcare. Their services include specialized research utilizing their network and international database to source candidates. They guarantee replacements within the first 6 months. Clients praise their professionalism, broad international search capabilities, and ability to find top candidates.

Offshore Service

 Some partners need development workforce to help them
 Can't allow to hire and train new employee(s) right now
 Can't wait for the new devs to be efficient

 Development of modules based on a detailed design of functionalities
 Development splitted into sprints with defined ordered tasks (Scrum)
 Team = 2 or 3 developers + 1/3 team leader

Setup Phase

We suggest to use our OpenERP instance ( to
manage the project and tasks
The Belgian PM allocates a new team
The Indian Team Leader will contact the Belgian PM to get :
   Details of the project (description, roadmap, milestones)
   Customer contact persons (who is the manager, who'll be in contact
   with the Indian Team)
   OpenERP responsible Account Manager
Technical & HR setup by Indian Team Leader

Development Phase

  Customer is responsible of the project management
  Indian Team Leader can advice the customer with his experience
  If needed, a Belgian Analyst may help the customer
  Stages are defined for the project
    1. Spec review
    2. To Develop
    3. Development
    4. Need Specification
    5. Merge Proposal
    6. Review
    7. Validated
    8. Rework


   Major issues identified by the Indian Team Leader or the Belgian PM
   will be reported to the other
   Weekly task status sent to the customer and the Belgian PM
   Customer Satisfaction Survey should be filled in by the customer at
   each end of month
   Renewal 10 days before end of the project


Recommended for you

Hardware Networking
Hardware NetworkingHardware Networking
Hardware Networking

This document advertises a 6-month IT training program offered by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. The training includes courses in .NET, Java, mechanical design, PHP, Oracle, hardware networking, and embedded systems. CETPA was awarded "Best IT and Embedded Training Company" in 2011. The training has a fee of Rs. 10,000-25,000 depending on the course, with the option to pay after 5 days. Course schedules are listed along with registration methods and requirements for attending training.

Hardware Networking
Hardware NetworkingHardware Networking
Hardware Networking

This document advertises a 6-month training program in various IT and engineering topics offered by CETPA Infotech Pvt. Ltd. at their campuses in Roorkee, Noida, and Lucknow. The training includes topics like .NET, Java, mechanical design, PHP, Oracle, hardware networking, and embedded systems. Students can pay the training fee after 5 days of joining and will receive placement assistance and other benefits upon completion. New batches are scheduled to start in December 2011 and January-March 2012. Training fees range from Rs. 10,000-25,000 depending on the topic. Students can register online or in-person and are asked to report one day before the start of their batch.

Celo Development Services
Celo Development Services Celo Development Services
Celo Development Services

The Celo blockchain and ecosystem's expansion and growth are supported by Celo (CELO), a platform-native asset. It gives the owners the ability to get rewards, stake with validators, and cast votes on initiatives that determine the course of the Celo blockchain. The CELO is a proof of stake digital asset that is used to reward the validators and secure the network. It also acts as a voting mechanism and makes sure that the decision-making power within the Celo network is distributed among the participants. The future of Celo and the CELO token is very promising, and it is definitely worth considering investing in.

layer-1 protocolproof-of-stakecarbon negative
What is 19.962 ?

What is 19.962 ?

            A- The number of people who asked why there
            is an aunt in our logo

            B- The number of free trials since we launched
            the new SaaS plateform

            C- The number of downloads per month

OpenERP Online

SaaS action plan advancement status
       SaaS plateform is a complex machine

                                                   1st call with
                        Confirmation                                                                  2nd call with
 Free trial                                      OpenERP sales
                       email with link                                          Trial                OpenERP sales
registration                                   if they confirmed
                        to user guides                                                                1 week later
                                                their availability
                     + request for the
                     contact to            They get the opportunity to
                     confirm his           discuss their expectations, be                    Short online configuration of
                     availability for a    told what they should know,                       their own instance, showing
                                           what to do and how to do it +                     them what they expected to
                     call with an ISR      proposed a second call after 2                    do with the system.
                                           weeks of trial.

                                      3rd call with
           Trial continues          OpenERP sales              Client support           Billing                   Payment
                                    3 weeks of trial


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Anglo American 2012 SRI Analyst Presentation
Anglo American 2012 SRI Analyst PresentationAnglo American 2012 SRI Analyst Presentation
Anglo American 2012 SRI Analyst Presentation

Anglo American’s presentation to socially responsible investment analysts, July 2012. You can find out more about Anglo American here:

cynthia carrollsustainable developmentanglo american
Businesscase LinkedPeople Wim de Gier Leaseplan
Businesscase LinkedPeople Wim de Gier LeaseplanBusinesscase LinkedPeople Wim de Gier Leaseplan
Businesscase LinkedPeople Wim de Gier Leaseplan

Wim de Gier presented on LeasePlan's implementation of the LinkedPeople social media platform. Key points included: - LinkedPeople was piloted in 2008-2009 and allowed over 750 communities to form, helping connect LeasePlan's 6,000 employees across 30 countries. - It provides benefits like knowledge sharing, improved communication, and innovation by leveraging the expertise of employees globally. - A full rollout involved adopting governance policies, training materials, and measurement of platform usage and perception over time. - The project helped social media transition from a "yellow" optional adoption to an integral "blue" part of LeasePlan's operations and global projects.

icctyibm connect comes to youibm
DevOps and the Enterprise Cloud
DevOps and the Enterprise CloudDevOps and the Enterprise Cloud
DevOps and the Enterprise Cloud

This document discusses DevOps and its challenges in the enterprise. It identifies 5 common pitfalls that enterprises face when adopting DevOps: 1) lack of understanding of DevOps terminology, 2) balancing development and operations interests and accountability, 3) establishing the correct culture, 4) finding champions for buy-in, and 5) justifying DevOps to the business. It then provides recommendations for addressing these challenges, such as focusing on customer experience, using cloud services to improve processes, and establishing metrics to measure DevOps success.

Close monitoring of performance

6/10/2010                               45
Major milestones for the Saas

The launch of V6 real trigger for SaaS
SaaS plateform has reached stability and maturity
Implementation of live chat support
97 customers are using our SaaS platform in production
We are opening our Saas Plateform to partners

What is 874.660 ?
What is 874.660 ?
A- The number of lines of code in OpenERP

B- The number of visits to our website in Q1

C- The number of beers Fabien, Antony and
Xavier drank during the studies in Louvain la

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Timesheet Workshop: The Timesheet App People Love!
Timesheet Workshop: The Timesheet App People Love!Timesheet Workshop: The Timesheet App People Love!
Timesheet Workshop: The Timesheet App People Love!

This document introduces an app called Awesome Timesheet that allows users to track their working times, manage employees, work offline anywhere, and report and analyze data. It provides a demonstration of the app's features including tracking product, sales, projects, timesheets, employee management, and reporting on a website.

by Odoo
Odoo 3D Product View with Google Model-Viewer
Odoo 3D Product View with Google Model-ViewerOdoo 3D Product View with Google Model-Viewer
Odoo 3D Product View with Google Model-Viewer

This document discusses using the Google model-viewer widget to display and interact with 3D models in the GLB format within Odoo. It describes addons developed to integrate 3D product viewing into the backend, frontend, and e-commerce sections of Odoo. The document also provides background on glTF as an open standard for 3D content and the model-viewer library, which is based on three.js and allows easy 3D model embedding on websites. Future steps discussed include expanding AR capabilities on mobile browsers and converting models to the required glTF format.

by Odoo
Keynote - Vision & Strategy
Keynote - Vision & StrategyKeynote - Vision & Strategy
Keynote - Vision & Strategy

Odoo Experience 2020 Fabien Pinckaers, Founder & CEO

by Odoo
In March 2010

6/10/2010             49
To March 2011

6/10/2010             50
Number of visits per month


6/10/2010                          51
Top 3 : France, India and United states


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Opening Keynote - Unveilling Odoo 14
Opening Keynote - Unveilling Odoo 14Opening Keynote - Unveilling Odoo 14
Opening Keynote - Unveilling Odoo 14

The document announces an Odoo Experience online event, unveiling the new features of Odoo 14. It promotes sessions on topics like ROI analysis for ERP selection, website design tips, supply chain management, and HRMS. Speakers will provide insights into Odoo's ORM and certification. Attendees can participate in surveys, quizzes and choose their adventure for a digital CEO roleplay game. The event aims to deliver an amazing experience for amazing attendees.

by Odoo
Extending Odoo with a Comprehensive Budgeting and Forecasting Capability
Extending Odoo with a Comprehensive Budgeting and Forecasting CapabilityExtending Odoo with a Comprehensive Budgeting and Forecasting Capability
Extending Odoo with a Comprehensive Budgeting and Forecasting Capability

Essatto is a budgeting and forecasting software that integrates with Odoo. It was implemented by Global Car Sales, a company that sells cars globally using Odoo. Essatto streamlined Global Car Sales' forecasting processes by capturing forecasts at a more detailed item level, providing historical sales data to salespeople, automatically consolidating submissions, and producing interactive daily/weekly reports. It also enabled powerful budgeting, data analysis, reporting tailored to different user needs, flexibility to changes, and importing data from multiple sources including Odoo.

by Odoo
Managing Multi-channel Selling with Odoo
Managing Multi-channel Selling with OdooManaging Multi-channel Selling with Odoo
Managing Multi-channel Selling with Odoo

Managing multi-channel selling involves selling through multiple online and offline sales channels. This allows sellers to reach more customers but also presents challenges in order management, fulfillment, and inventory management across channels. Odoo and Emipro provide integrated solutions to help sellers manage orders, inventory, products, and reporting across marketplaces, e-commerce platforms, and brick-and-mortar stores in a centralized system. Emipro's solutions sync inventory, orders, and products across channels; integrate with popular marketplaces, shipping carriers, and warehouses; and provide inventory and sales reporting.

by Odoo
and many others..

6/10/2010                 53
Much more visible on twitter

6/10/2010                            54
and also on Facebook

6/10/2010                    55
Not a bad job…

6/10/2010              56

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Product Configurator: Advanced Use Case
Product Configurator: Advanced Use CaseProduct Configurator: Advanced Use Case
Product Configurator: Advanced Use Case

The Product Configurator allows for simple setup and flexibility. It can help sales go faster by integrating with a company's website, point of sale systems, and manufacturing processes. The Configurator aims to streamline operations.

by Odoo
Accounting Automation: How Much Money We Saved and How?
Accounting Automation: How Much Money We Saved and How?Accounting Automation: How Much Money We Saved and How?
Accounting Automation: How Much Money We Saved and How?

This document discusses the benefits of automating finance and accounting processes. It finds that digitizing and automating invoice processing, purchase-to-pay, and order-to-cash can significantly reduce costs compared to traditional paper-based manual processes. Specific cost savings identified include reducing processing times for invoices from over 25 minutes to just 1-2 minutes. The break-even point for automating typically occurs within 12 months for companies processing over 100 invoices per month. Automation is recommended for companies of all sizes and industries to improve efficiency and cash flow management.

by Odoo
Rock Your Logistics with Advanced Operations
Rock Your Logistics with Advanced OperationsRock Your Logistics with Advanced Operations
Rock Your Logistics with Advanced Operations

1. Camptocamp developed an open source WMS and SCM ecosystem for Odoo to meet the complex needs of a major medical logistics customer. 2. Key features include integrated procurement, warehouse management, order processing, delivery, and replenishment powered by Odoo applications and custom developments. 3. A case study of the customer's operations highlights the various storage types, equipment, and end-to-end supply chain flows managed through the system.

by Odoo
and better visibility in the press too

    OpenERP Apps for Open Source Business Applications
                                          TMC news
    OpenERP Aims to Bring ERP to the SMB Masses
                                          Linux Insider
    OpenERP V6 On the Cloud and Fending Off SAP, Oracle, Microsoft
                                           Personal Finance Bulletin
    Expanding the ERP Universe via Open Source
                                           IT Business Edge
    OpenERP Solves Open Source's Vexing Problem: Making Money
                                           Linux Insider
    See ERP in a New Light
                                           Manufacturing Business Tech.

6/10/2010                                                                 57
In conclusion

Key achievements

                                             • US operations
            • Fundraising                    • Offshore services
            • Partners meeting               • New website
            • service definition             • New training material
      Q1                                Q3
                                               and portal,
                                             • Revised methodology
                                             • New SaaS platform

            •   New partner program          •   Launch OpenERP V6
            •   OPW                          •   CTP Program
            •   Building teams               •   Revised bug policy,
            •   New support processes        •   Revised release policy,
      Q2    •   First lead campaigns    Q4   •   Migration platform

6/10/2010                                                                  59
Guess how we finished 2010

6/10/2010                          60

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by Odoo
Guess how we feel about 2011

Thank you !

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OpenERP Achievements_2010

  • 1. Presentation of 2010 achievements Marc Laporte OpenERP
  • 2. What is 57 ? 6/10/2010
  • 3. What is 57 ? A- The number of employees in Belgium B- The number of countries where OpenERP is present C- The age of Fabien 6/10/2010
  • 4. OpenERP partners present in 57 countries Europe MEA ASIA Americas Austria Algeria Belgium Australia Argentina Cameroun Czech Republic Cape Verde China Bolivia Croatia Congo (Dem. Rep.) India Brazil France Ghana Indonesia Canada French Polynesia Equatorial Guinea Japan Colombia Germany Kenya Hungary Malaysia Ecuador Lebanon Italy Mauritius Mongolia Mexico Lithuania Morocco New Caledonia Peru Luxembourg Qatar Philippines Venezuela Netherlands Nigeria Thailand Portugal Senegal Norway South Africa Canada Romania Sudan United States Spain Tunisia Sweden Turkey Switzerland United Arab Emirates United Kingdom 6/10/2010 4
  • 5. Offices in Belgium, India and United States 5
  • 6. With a true international team 6
  • 8. What is 1.065 ? A- The number of people following OpenERP on Twitter B- The number of inhabitants in Grand Rosière C- The number of modules in OpenERP
  • 10. A true suite of business applications 10
  • 11. Solving the customer ’s dilenma Long project Building separate High risks applications Uncertain return on High complexity investments Integration costs Costly migrations 6/10/2010 11
  • 12. Business applications: A huge market too 2000 1500 NetSuite 1000 SucessFactor 500 Salesforce 0 2008 2009 2010 12
  • 13. OpenERP vs Competition Dynamics SAP Netsuite Salesforce OpenERP Onsite/ Online No No No No Yes Start with one application and expand No No No No Yes Migration included in warranty No No n/a n/a Yes Cost $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $ 13
  • 14. Now 1065 modules available in OpenERP 14
  • 15. Relationship with the community Building visibility for your contributions Contribution of the partner included in the partner’s description on the web site Visibility of the contributions through our web site contributors of the month provides visibility to your contributions Clarifying OpenERP policies Publised revised Bug policy Publised revised Release Policy 6/10/2010 15
  • 17. What is 208 ? A- The number of support tickets in March 2011 B- The number of feed back we recieve from the community in one day C- The number of French fries in a Mitraillette
  • 18. Building a comprehensive set of services Support Offshore and Bug Migrations Methodology Training services fixing 18
  • 19. Support and maintenance process precisely defined and measured 6/10/2010 19
  • 20. Volumes are ramping up 250 200 150 Migration Support 100 Maintenance 50 0 Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb March 6/10/2010 20
  • 23. Some nice comments Good (11/11/10 1:22AM) Jay has consistently been prompt, informative, and accurate in his responses (9/30/10 4:17PM) I am very happy with your turn around time (12/8/10 1:35PM) Thanks Anup ;) (1/6/11 4:36PM) Jay is always good to work with (1/7/11 5:20AM ) Well done. Thank you for your Support (3/8/11 11:39AM ) Bravo !!! (3/15/11 9:39PM) 6/10/2010 23
  • 24. but it is not a perfect world yet … For some bigger test/bug reports, it would be nice to have a concrete "todo" report in return, in which OpenERP explains what it will do and what not. If not I will have to split up the test report in separate items, loosing the overall view... (3/29/11 6:50PM) Took long, but got fixes for both gtk and web. (2/24/11 12:52AM) Answer was not correct (2/16/11 4:44PM) It's not easy to have a global view of all modules: OK for the certified ones, but less for the other ones when we're not used to development. (2/24/11 7:49PM) 24
  • 25. Building a comprehensive set of services Support and Offshore Bug fixing Migrations Methodology Training services 25
  • 27. Some statistics The migration platform was launch in January 2011 Onsite customers/partners: • Number of DB migrated: 11 • Average DB size: 45 Mb • Average number of installed modules: 41 • Average delay to migrate and test the DB: 13 days Online customers (Saas) • Number of DB migrated: 11 • Average DB size: 6 Mb • Average number of installed modules: 34 • Average delay to migrate and test the DB: 4 days 27
  • 28. Migration of custom modules For non-certified modules, an optional service was set up where OpenERP S.A. will take the responsibility for migrating the custom modules This service covers migrating screen, workflows, menus and reports. All necessary adaptation will be done by Migration Team The fee is of 800€ per 1000 lines of code Benefits: • The customer pay only when he wants to migrate • The customer modules will not be published • The partner doesn't have to change the module codes, the Migration Team will do it 28
  • 29. Building a comprehensive set of services Support and Offshore Migrations Methodology Training Bug fixing services 29
  • 30. Traditional Approach 1 Customer invests in RFQ 2 Supplier invests in RFQ analysis 3 Contract signed Price established 4 Detailed analysis 5 Start implementation phase 6 Renegotiate contract 30
  • 31. OpenERP Recommended Approach 1 Software Assessment 2 Pre- Analysis 3 Analysis 4 Implementation 5 Deployment 6 Support 31
  • 32. Building a comprehensive set of services Support and Offshore Bug fixing Migrations Methodology Training services 32
  • 33. Global demand requires global training 33
  • 34. Content of the CTP program Training materials : – Student book and teacher book functional – Student and teacher book technical – Teacher's slides for functional and technical courses – Quizz to prepare for certification exam Access to Access to Eventbrite for participants registrations 6/10/2010 34
  • 35. First Certified Training Partners Camptocamp Switzerland Syleam France Enova France Savoir faire Linux Canada Netquatro Venezuela Akretion Brazil Smile Spain OpenBig Germany 6/10/2010 35
  • 36. Building a comprehensive set of services Support and Migrations Methodology Training Offshore Bug fixing services 36
  • 37. Offshore Service Some partners need development workforce to help them Can't allow to hire and train new employee(s) right now Can't wait for the new devs to be efficient Development of modules based on a detailed design of functionalities DATA MODEL, SCREEN DESIGN, PROCESSES, WORKFLOWS, WIZARDS, REPORTS, MENUS, SECURITY GROUPS AND RULES Development splitted into sprints with defined ordered tasks (Scrum) TASKS DEFINE EFFECTIVE WORK TO PERFORM SPENT TIME IS REPORTED ON THE CORRESPONDING TASKS Team = 2 or 3 developers + 1/3 team leader 37
  • 38. Setup Phase We suggest to use our OpenERP instance ( to manage the project and tasks The Belgian PM allocates a new team The Indian Team Leader will contact the Belgian PM to get : Details of the project (description, roadmap, milestones) Customer contact persons (who is the manager, who'll be in contact with the Indian Team) OpenERP responsible Account Manager Technical & HR setup by Indian Team Leader 38
  • 39. Development Phase Customer is responsible of the project management Indian Team Leader can advice the customer with his experience If needed, a Belgian Analyst may help the customer Stages are defined for the project 1. Spec review 2. To Develop 3. Development 4. Need Specification 5. Merge Proposal 6. Review 7. Validated 8. Rework 39
  • 40. Reporting Major issues identified by the Indian Team Leader or the Belgian PM will be reported to the other Weekly task status sent to the customer and the Belgian PM Customer Satisfaction Survey should be filled in by the customer at each end of month Renewal 10 days before end of the project 40
  • 41. What is 19.962 ? 6/10/2010
  • 42. What is 19.962 ? A- The number of people who asked why there is an aunt in our logo B- The number of free trials since we launched the new SaaS plateform C- The number of downloads per month 6/10/2010
  • 44. SaaS action plan advancement status SaaS plateform is a complex machine 1st call with Confirmation 2nd call with Free trial OpenERP sales email with link Trial OpenERP sales registration if they confirmed to user guides 1 week later their availability + request for the contact to They get the opportunity to confirm his discuss their expectations, be Short online configuration of availability for a told what they should know, their own instance, showing what to do and how to do it + them what they expected to call with an ISR proposed a second call after 2 do with the system. weeks of trial. 3rd call with Trial continues OpenERP sales Client support Billing Payment 3 weeks of trial 44
  • 45. Close monitoring of performance 6/10/2010 45
  • 46. Major milestones for the Saas The launch of V6 real trigger for SaaS SaaS plateform has reached stability and maturity Implementation of live chat support 97 customers are using our SaaS platform in production We are opening our Saas Plateform to partners 46
  • 48. What is 874.660 ? A- The number of lines of code in OpenERP B- The number of visits to our website in Q1 C- The number of beers Fabien, Antony and Xavier drank during the studies in Louvain la neuve
  • 51. Number of visits per month 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 6/10/2010 51
  • 52. Top 3 : France, India and United states 52
  • 54. Much more visible on twitter 6/10/2010 54
  • 55. and also on Facebook 6/10/2010 55
  • 56. Not a bad job… 6/10/2010 56
  • 57. and better visibility in the press too OpenERP Apps for Open Source Business Applications TMC news OpenERP Aims to Bring ERP to the SMB Masses Linux Insider OpenERP V6 On the Cloud and Fending Off SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Personal Finance Bulletin Expanding the ERP Universe via Open Source IT Business Edge OpenERP Solves Open Source's Vexing Problem: Making Money Linux Insider See ERP in a New Light Manufacturing Business Tech. 6/10/2010 57
  • 59. Key achievements • US operations • Fundraising • Offshore services • Partners meeting • New website • service definition • New training material Q1 Q3 and portal, • Revised methodology • New SaaS platform • New partner program • Launch OpenERP V6 • OPW • CTP Program • Building teams • Revised bug policy, • New support processes • Revised release policy, Q2 • First lead campaigns Q4 • Migration platform 6/10/2010 59
  • 60. Guess how we finished 2010 6/10/2010 60
  • 61. Guess how we feel about 2011 61