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Michael Freeman – Director, Demand Generation & Marketing Operations
San Francisco/Silicon Valley Eloqua User Group – March 23, 2016
Modern Goal Tracking Strategies & Analytics
2Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
WARNING - High Density Deck
There's lots of text & few images
3Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 We tend to improve what we measure
 Good decisions are very hard without good data
 Yet, good measurement practices are very rare
Good measurement is the foundation of DG
4Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 Not enough investment in understanding the data or
what’s important to the business
 Choose a path of least resistance for data gathering
 We don’t think about the future
Why don’t most marketers measure well?

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Unique Ethical Issues Marketing Ethics Marketing professionals with a backbone reap great rewards, including a solid career with the potential for advancement. But the high road is not always the easiest path to take. Making moral decisions also requires intelligence and forethought. It’s easy to fudge the truth to make a sale and believe the bottom line will be the better for it. In fact, everyone in business is wise to develop moral fibers, because ethical problems often lead to legal problems, which bite into profits, not to mention your career ladder. The first step to confronting any dilemma is recognizing the moral dimension of it. Only then can you properly weigh the pros and cons of your options. National and international organizations have developed marketing codes of ethics to guide business practices. When a business commits to a marketing code of ethics, it commits to conducting its affairs with integrity and with the customer’s well-being in mind. The Business Marketing Association (BMA) list things such as branding, promotion, and community outreach as areas of marketing good conduct. Categories for marketing ethics may include ethical norms and values as defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA), along with means of implementation. Here are common ethical dilemmas you’re likely to face as a marketing professional and steps to keep your reputation intact (Boundless, 2017). Marketing ethics addresses principles and standards that define acceptable conduct in the marketplace. Marketing usually occurs in the context of an organization, and unethical activities usually develops from the pressure to meet performance objectives. Some obvious ethical issues in marketing involve clear-cut attempts to deceive or take advantage of a situation. This is usually in the benefit of a company’s bottom line in profits. These companies play on the public morals and ethical standards even if that’s what they believe in as an organization. Other ethical marketing dilemmas include, but is not limited to, selling customer information, recalling of flawed products, hiring actors to praise the company (stealth marketing), and finally market comparison (Ferrell, 2017). All will be discussed using the following references: References Anastasia. (2015, February 6). Social Responsibility & Ethics in Marketing. Retrieved from Cleverism: Ashe-Edmunds, S. (2017). Chron. Retrieved from Ethics in Marketing Communication: Boundless. (2017). Ethics in Marketing. Retrieved from LUMEN: Ferrell, D. L. (2017). college cengage. Retrieved from Marketing Ethics: Meglio, F. D. (2017). Ethics in Marketing. Retrieved from Monster: ...

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5Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
OK, but what about goal tracking?
6Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 Not enough investment in understanding the data or
what’s important to the business
– We setup the wrong goals to track
 Choose a path of least resistance for data gathering
– Data quality suffers & maintenance eats a lot of time
 We don’t think about the future
– A limited view of the data & can’t handle change well
Goal tracking suffers as a result
7Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Thank you page-based
 Quick to start using
 Seemingly easy
 Low technical knowledge needed
 Not scalable or very flexible
 SEO/WEB needs != Data needs
 Lots of maintenance
Form submission-based
 Flexibility by using virtual URLs
 Very rich data gathering
 Separate tracking from UX & SEO
 Low maintenance
 Requires some up-front planning
 Higher technical requirements
Goal tracking – a tale of two methods
8Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
1. Create a common goal tracking function (GTF)
– Define the variables to pass to the GTF
• What? = Conversion Type
• Where? = Location
• So What? = Goal Value
– Hook in your various goal tracking services
– Host it in a common location such as Google Tag Manager
2. Form preparation
– Determine how you’ll pass the variables to the GTF
– Setup a global form listener for onSubmit events
3. Configure goals in your analytics services, as necessary
Setting up the form submission method

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9Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 conversionType (required): This will tell us where to bucket the conversion in our tracking systems.
– I recommend using a number followed by a forward slash and description of the conversion in short, URL-style text.
– 2/online-demo, 1/contact-us, 3/asset-download, 1/free-trial
 trackPath (optional): The location of the form completion. In almost all circumstances it will be defined by the value of
 goalValue (optional): This value captures the $-value we associate with a goal completion. In most cases this will be a
static value associated with the conversionType and is typically used dynamically only in ecommerce situations
trackPath + "/form/" + conversionType
"/products/adaptive-suite" + "/form/" + "2/online-demo"
The what, where, & how much of tracking
10Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 goalCompletion: the namespaced object to handle all logic
 bindFormSubmit: sets the event listener for onSubmit and calls trackGoal
 trackGoal: fires off all of the individual tracking functions for each service
 trackGoal_ga: fires off the call to GA
 trackGoal_optimizely: fires off the call to Optimizely
 trackGoal_bing: fires off the call to Bing Ad Center
 Etc.
Anatomy of goalCompletion {}
11Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Load goalCompletion from GTM
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
if (typeof goalCompletion === "undefined") {
url: "//",
dataType: "script",
cache: !0
//look for any eloqua forms and bind the submit handler
if ($('#eloquaForm').length > 0) {
//insert code here to set the conversion variables
goalCompletion.bindFormSubmit(typeof conversionType == 'undefined' ? undefined : conversionType, typeof
trackPath == 'undefined' ? undefined : trackPath, typeof goalValue == 'undefined' ? undefined : goalValue);
} catch (error) {}
Google Tag Manager is a great way to include this script loader on all of your pages
12Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Adding form-based goal tracking to GA
• Make sure you choose
regular expression
• Use the same pattern to
define form viewing for
better funnel reports

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13Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 Form has default hidden field
called conversionType
 The form load handler reads the
conversionType field value and
sets the form submit handler
 On form submission (passing
html5 validation) the trackGoal
function is called
 All tracking services are updated
Putting it all together
14Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 We can track goal completions
anywhere on the site
 We can see where the form is
most likely to be completed
 We can create a separate set of
goals to track Tier-2 goals
 It's easy to update and maintain
since it's tied to the form code,
not the destination URL
Putting it all together - continued
15Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
 Take the time to think about your reporting comprehensively
 Use goals that define your business / main touch points
 Put in a scalable system for tracking and reporting on goals
 Start using the form-submission method
 Teach your peers how to get more out of using better analyses/data
Final thoughts
Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Thank you!

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17Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Appendix – goalCompletion functions
18Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Goal tracking with goalCompletion
var goalCompletion = {
bindFormSubmit: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {//code},
trackGoal: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {//code},
trackGoal_ga: function(a, b, c) {//code},
trackGoal_optimizely: function(a, b, c) {//code},
trackGoal_bing: function(a, b, c) {//code},
//add more services here
//end goalCompletion
19Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
bindFormSubmit: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {
try {
//add in validation code if you use a 3rd party validator like jQuery Validate
// if (form is valid){ call the submit hander in the validate object etc…}
goalCompletion.trackGoal(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue);
} catch (e) {}
20Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
trackGoal: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {
//set goal defaults if none passed
goalCompletion.conversionType = conversionType || goalCompletion.conversionType || "unknown-conversion";
goalCompletion.trackPath = trackPath || goalCompletion.trackPath || document.location.pathname;
goalCompletion.goalValue = goalValue || goalCompletion.goalValue || 100;
if((/^[1-5]//).test(goalCompletion.conversionType)) {
goalCompletion.conversionType = "/form/" + goalCompletion.conversionType;
// fire off GA
goalCompletion.trackGoal_ga(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue);
} catch(error) {
console.log("errorGA:n" + error);
// fire off Optimizely
goalCompletion.trackGoal_optimizely(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue);
} catch(error) {
console.log("errorOpt:n" + error);
/* services not in use right now */
//goalCompletion.trackGoal_linkedIn(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue);
//goalCompletion.trackGoal_acme(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue);

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21Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
trackGoal_ga: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {
if (typeof gaCookie != "undefined") {
if (_gaq) {
_gaq.push(['_trackPageview', (trackPath.substr(-1) == "/" ? trackPath.substr(0, trackPath.length-1) : trackPath) +
22Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo
Resources to pass more web campaign information with form submissions
Bonus Material – Passing GA data to Eloqua

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Modern goal tracking stratgies for the web

  • 1. 1 Michael Freeman – Director, Demand Generation & Marketing Operations San Francisco/Silicon Valley Eloqua User Group – March 23, 2016 Modern Goal Tracking Strategies & Analytics
  • 2. 2Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo WARNING - High Density Deck There's lots of text & few images
  • 3. 3Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  We tend to improve what we measure  Good decisions are very hard without good data  Yet, good measurement practices are very rare Good measurement is the foundation of DG
  • 4. 4Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  Not enough investment in understanding the data or what’s important to the business  Choose a path of least resistance for data gathering  We don’t think about the future Why don’t most marketers measure well?
  • 5. 5Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo OK, but what about goal tracking?
  • 6. 6Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  Not enough investment in understanding the data or what’s important to the business – We setup the wrong goals to track  Choose a path of least resistance for data gathering – Data quality suffers & maintenance eats a lot of time  We don’t think about the future – A limited view of the data & can’t handle change well Goal tracking suffers as a result
  • 7. 7Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Thank you page-based Pros  Quick to start using  Seemingly easy  Low technical knowledge needed Cons  Not scalable or very flexible  SEO/WEB needs != Data needs  Lots of maintenance Form submission-based Pros  Flexibility by using virtual URLs  Very rich data gathering  Separate tracking from UX & SEO  Low maintenance Cons  Requires some up-front planning  Higher technical requirements Goal tracking – a tale of two methods
  • 8. 8Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo 1. Create a common goal tracking function (GTF) – Define the variables to pass to the GTF • What? = Conversion Type • Where? = Location • So What? = Goal Value – Hook in your various goal tracking services – Host it in a common location such as Google Tag Manager 2. Form preparation – Determine how you’ll pass the variables to the GTF – Setup a global form listener for onSubmit events 3. Configure goals in your analytics services, as necessary Setting up the form submission method
  • 9. 9Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  conversionType (required): This will tell us where to bucket the conversion in our tracking systems. – I recommend using a number followed by a forward slash and description of the conversion in short, URL-style text. – 2/online-demo, 1/contact-us, 3/asset-download, 1/free-trial  trackPath (optional): The location of the form completion. In almost all circumstances it will be defined by the value of window.location.pathname  goalValue (optional): This value captures the $-value we associate with a goal completion. In most cases this will be a static value associated with the conversionType and is typically used dynamically only in ecommerce situations trackPath + "/form/" + conversionType "/products/adaptive-suite" + "/form/" + "2/online-demo" /products/adaptive-suite/form/2/online-demo The what, where, & how much of tracking
  • 10. 10Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  goalCompletion: the namespaced object to handle all logic  bindFormSubmit: sets the event listener for onSubmit and calls trackGoal  trackGoal: fires off all of the individual tracking functions for each service  trackGoal_ga: fires off the call to GA  trackGoal_optimizely: fires off the call to Optimizely  trackGoal_bing: fires off the call to Bing Ad Center  Etc. Anatomy of goalCompletion {}
  • 11. 11Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Load goalCompletion from GTM <script type="text/javascript"> try { if (typeof goalCompletion === "undefined") { $.ajax({ url: "//", dataType: "script", cache: !0 }).done(function(){ //look for any eloqua forms and bind the submit handler if ($('#eloquaForm').length > 0) { //insert code here to set the conversion variables goalCompletion.bindFormSubmit(typeof conversionType == 'undefined' ? undefined : conversionType, typeof trackPath == 'undefined' ? undefined : trackPath, typeof goalValue == 'undefined' ? undefined : goalValue); } }); } } catch (error) {} </script> Google Tag Manager is a great way to include this script loader on all of your pages
  • 12. 12Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Adding form-based goal tracking to GA • Make sure you choose regular expression • Use the same pattern to define form viewing for better funnel reports
  • 13. 13Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  Form has default hidden field called conversionType  The form load handler reads the conversionType field value and sets the form submit handler variables  On form submission (passing html5 validation) the trackGoal function is called  All tracking services are updated Putting it all together
  • 14. 14Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  We can track goal completions anywhere on the site  We can see where the form is most likely to be completed  We can create a separate set of goals to track Tier-2 goals  It's easy to update and maintain since it's tied to the form code, not the destination URL Putting it all together - continued
  • 15. 15Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo  Take the time to think about your reporting comprehensively  Use goals that define your business / main touch points  Put in a scalable system for tracking and reporting on goals  Start using the form-submission method  Teach your peers how to get more out of using better analyses/data Final thoughts
  • 17. 17Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Appendix – goalCompletion functions
  • 18. 18Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Goal tracking with goalCompletion var goalCompletion = { bindFormSubmit: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {//code}, trackGoal: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) {//code}, trackGoal_ga: function(a, b, c) {//code}, trackGoal_optimizely: function(a, b, c) {//code}, trackGoal_bing: function(a, b, c) {//code}, //add more services here //end goalCompletion }
  • 19. 19Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo goalCompletion.bindFormSubmit() bindFormSubmit: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) { try { //add in validation code if you use a 3rd party validator like jQuery Validate // if (form is valid){ call the submit hander in the validate object etc…} $("form").submit(function(){ goalCompletion.trackGoal(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue); }); } catch (e) {} }
  • 20. 20Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo goalCompletion.trackGoal() trackGoal: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) { //set goal defaults if none passed goalCompletion.conversionType = conversionType || goalCompletion.conversionType || "unknown-conversion"; goalCompletion.trackPath = trackPath || goalCompletion.trackPath || document.location.pathname; goalCompletion.goalValue = goalValue || goalCompletion.goalValue || 100; if((/^[1-5]//).test(goalCompletion.conversionType)) { goalCompletion.conversionType = "/form/" + goalCompletion.conversionType; } try{ // fire off GA goalCompletion.trackGoal_ga(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue); } catch(error) { console.log("errorGA:n" + error); } try{ // fire off Optimizely goalCompletion.trackGoal_optimizely(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue); } catch(error) { console.log("errorOpt:n" + error); } /* services not in use right now */ //goalCompletion.trackGoal_linkedIn(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue); //goalCompletion.trackGoal_acme(goalCompletion.conversionType, goalCompletion.trackPath, goalCompletion.goalValue); }
  • 21. 21Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo goalCompletion.trackGoal_ga() trackGoal_ga: function(conversionType, trackPath, goalValue) { if (typeof gaCookie != "undefined") { gaCookie.getVisitData(); } if (_gaq) { _gaq.push(['_trackPageview', (trackPath.substr(-1) == "/" ? trackPath.substr(0, trackPath.length-1) : trackPath) + conversionType]); }
  • 22. 22Michael Freeman, @spanishgringo Resources to pass more web campaign information with form submissions   Bonus Material – Passing GA data to Eloqua