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“Mobile” Experience.
The Customer journey

Digital Experience Festival

Milano, 10 Marzo 2011
Barbara Corti, Creative Director LBi Group
“mobile” is much more than
Mobile Phone
People don’t think in isolated
They derive value and meaning from the
total experience
        Today 1.5 billion PC and 1
        billion mobile phones
        connected to the Internet
        present to the world

                                  In 2012, it is estimated that
                                  the physical sensors will
                                  generate 20% of Internet

                                                                   In 5-10 years there will be
                                                                   over 100 billion devices
                                                                   connected to the

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Future Now of Mobile Web: Life Web
Future Now of Mobile Web: Life WebFuture Now of Mobile Web: Life Web
Future Now of Mobile Web: Life Web

The document discusses the transition to mobile internet and web 2.0, with a focus on LG U+'s vision for a "Life Web" platform that enables an ubiquitous, converged experience across devices through an advanced 4G LTE network and services like location-based social shopping. It outlines LG U+'s goals of having the world's best "beyond telecom" network and becoming the number one mobile provider in Korea by expanding coverage, increasing WiFi hotspots, enabling VoLTE calling, and providing innovative services.

web2.0web as life platformlife2.0

1) The document discusses trends and challenges in the emerging field of the Internet of Things (IoT), which connects physical objects through internet connectivity and sensors. 2) Key enabling technologies for IoT include RFID, NFC, barcodes, QR codes, IPv6, and Bluetooth Smart devices. 3) Major issues in implementing IoT on a large scale involve lack of standardization, managing the huge number of connected devices, ensuring real-time performance, and addressing privacy and security threats posed by interconnected devices.

androidinternet of thingsarduino
Peluang masa depan bisnis it v4
Peluang masa depan bisnis it v4Peluang masa depan bisnis it v4
Peluang masa depan bisnis it v4

This document discusses opportunities in the ICT sector in Indonesia. It notes that while Indonesia is the 5th largest internet user in Asia, penetration is still below countries like Malaysia, Vietnam, and Thailand. It explores trends in broadband access technologies and digital lifestyles. Examples of promising IT business opportunities mentioned include content providers, online product resellers, IT system integrators, and IT consulting services. The document encourages developing new trends or identifying niche markets.

Web 1.0         Web 2.0           Web Future
Sharing Data      Sharing       Everything is shared
                Applications,     and connected
               Social network
Design Services and Users
Experiences are mainly
User Experiences
The tangible elements of a service,
including everything that customers
see, hear, touch, taste, and smell.

Line of visibility
Separates the "front stage" (visible to
the customer) and "back stage" (tools,
processes, infrastructure).

Design Services
The experiences people engage and
interact with a service
(or set of services) over time.
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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PoV on Latest technology Trends impact on Insurance Industry
PoV on Latest technology Trends impact on Insurance Industry PoV on Latest technology Trends impact on Insurance Industry
PoV on Latest technology Trends impact on Insurance Industry

1. The document discusses several emerging technologies including context-aware computing, cloud computing, fabric-based computers, quantum computing, ubiquitous computing, in-memory computing, Senseye technology, consumerization, big data analytics, social media analytics, real-time analytics, voice command applications, and augmented reality. 2. Many of these technologies can be applied in insurance and other sectors to increase efficiency, gain insights from large datasets, and better serve customers through personalized, real-time interactions and information. 3. Emerging technologies will continue to change how businesses operate as consumers increasingly demand online, self-service options available anywhere, anytime.

2012 Inflection Point Report Trend One: Leapfrog Technologies:Major trends re...
2012 Inflection Point Report Trend One: Leapfrog Technologies:Major trends re...2012 Inflection Point Report Trend One: Leapfrog Technologies:Major trends re...
2012 Inflection Point Report Trend One: Leapfrog Technologies:Major trends re...

Major trends research notes: The Cambrian Explosion was an inflection point in biological experimentation, innovation and diversification. The Cambrian Cloud is a metaphor that seeks to capture a similar transformative period of rapid experimentation and innovation. The Cambrian Cloud is a low friction, emergent social space in which innovation, collaboration, science, entrepreneurship, complexity, non-linear systems, resources and the diffusion of opportunities all intersect.

leapfrog technologymobile trafficapps
Future of Work
Future of WorkFuture of Work
Future of Work

This document discusses several topics related to the future of work: 1) It explores different perspectives on change and expectations for the future. 2) It outlines trends in the emerging sharing economy like access over ownership, on-demand services, and the internet of things. 3) It examines how jobs have evolved from the old economy model to the new reality of contingent work, the need for continuous learning, and different types of talent offerings.

workforcefuture of workhigher education
In a recent, seminal article by Peter Morville on “Ubiquitious
Service Design”, facing the emerging mobile Internet,
augmented reality & Internet of things world he states:

“It's an era in which information blurs
the boundaries, enabling multi-
channel, cross-platform, trans-media,
physicodigital user experiences. To
succeed, we'll need teams that are
multi-disciplinary and individuals who
can help us think visually.”
This is the era of Internet of
McKinsey defines Internet of Things as
"sensors and actuators embedded in
physical objects [...] linked through
wired and wireless networks, often
using the same Internet Protocol (IP)
that connects the Internet.”

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For those about to tag: mobile and ubiquitous commerce
For those about to tag: mobile and ubiquitous commerceFor those about to tag: mobile and ubiquitous commerce
For those about to tag: mobile and ubiquitous commerce

The recent evolution of mobile auto-identification technologies invites firms to connect to mobile work in altogether new ways. By strategically embedding “smart” devices, organizations involve individual subjects and real objects in their corporate information flows, and execute more and more business pro- cesses through such technologies as mobile Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). The imminent path from mobility to pervasiveness focuses entirely on improving organizational performance measures and metrics of success. Work itself, and the dramatic changes these technologies introduce to the organiza- tion and to the role of the mobile worker are by and large ignored. The aim of this chapter is to unveil the key changes and challenges that emerge when mobile landscapes are “tagged”, and when mobile workers and mobile auto-identification technologies work side-by-side. The motivation for this chapter is to encourage thoughts that appreciate auto-identification technologies and their socio-technical impact on specific mobile work practices and on the nature of mobile work in general.

surveillancemobile computinginnovation
Big Data in Retail
Big Data in RetailBig Data in Retail
Big Data in Retail

Cisco IBSG shares areas where Big Data will provide significant opportunities for Retailers over the next several years. This discussion will focus being in the store. For more info:

ibsgretailcisco systems
L20 Personalised World
L20 Personalised WorldL20 Personalised World
L20 Personalised World

Local is the Lo in SoLoMo, the buzz word. Local is not only about location, it's also about your digital track record. Over 70% of Netflix users watch the films recommend. Mining data to understand people's behaviour is getting to be a huge and valuable business. Advertisers see opportunities in getting direct to their target groups. Predictive intelligence is also about where you will be at some time in the future, and where somebody you know will be. It turns out that Facebook and Google know you better than you think you know yourself. The world is about to get really scary.

new technologyreykjavik university
           Social Energy Meter                 Nike+



                  Social Energy Meter                 Nike+

            Connected objects> Social objects



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Iot – a technology mobilizing the things to work for you

Furthermore, I/O 2015 where Google introduced its IoT OS and features was mainly organized for the developers. Hence the gadgets could be predicted to arrive during 2016 which would revolutionize the trend.

iotgoogleinternet of things
Top 5 emerging technology trends for 2021
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Top 5 emerging technology trends for 2021

Today, technology is progressing rapidly, this change and development cause the rate of change to increase until it eventually becomes exponential. However, technological trends and leading technologies are changing. Many things have changed this year since the outbreak of COVID-19, making IT professionals realize that tomorrow their position in the contactless world will not remain the same. And in 2020-21, an IT specialist can continuously learn, unlearn and relearn (out of necessity if not desire).

technologytechnology trends
ICT Vision and Technologies Adoption across Thailand
ICT Vision and Technologies Adoption across ThailandICT Vision and Technologies Adoption across Thailand
ICT Vision and Technologies Adoption across Thailand

This document discusses Thailand's ICT status and vision for 2020. It provides statistics on internet, mobile, and social media users in Thailand. It outlines Thailand's goals to have 95% broadband access by 2020 and increase the ICT industry contribution to GDP. Emerging technologies like cloud computing, mobile apps, and social media are transforming businesses and Thailand aims to capitalize on opportunities in these areas to drive economic growth as part of its ICT 2020 strategy.

In Ubiquitous communication:
the Brand “follow you”
Content is getting indipendent from the

Media are getting undifferentiated for the
user experience

Context and user intentions makes the
contents is in
the air!
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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XR for Business 2018
XR for Business 2018XR for Business 2018
XR for Business 2018

The document discusses the potential of extended reality (XR) technologies like virtual, augmented and mixed realities for businesses. It summarizes the hype but ultimate failure of Google Glass, noting how this has made business leaders more cautious about new technologies. However, the document suggests that while XR technologies have yet to fulfill their promise due to limited applications and use cases, major adoption by businesses is expected in the coming years as the technologies mature and their real business benefits become clear.

vrvirtual realityaugmented reality
Mobile Agent - Taking Your Show On The Road
Mobile Agent - Taking Your Show On The RoadMobile Agent - Taking Your Show On The Road
Mobile Agent - Taking Your Show On The Road

Learn the important tools today's mobile real estate agent has in his arsenal to be success while being out of the office. Learn how to keep in touch with clients, leverage your time, save money, and be free of the office.

real estatemobileagent
Connected innovation
Connected innovationConnected innovation
Connected innovation

Cisco promotes a culture of innovation where innovation drives growth. As the world becomes more connected through technology, it enables greater innovation. The document discusses how the number of connected devices is growing exponentially and will soon outpace the global human population. It also notes how mobility and technology are converging to transform industries like healthcare, where genome sequencing has been revolutionized. The average lifespan of Fortune 500 companies is decreasing due to the need for constant innovation. The document proposes that Canada adopt an innovation framework through public-private partnerships and support for small- and medium-sized businesses to promote long-term economic growth and transformation.

\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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Glimpses into the future of mobile devices, the internet, and more - updated ...

First given at Mobile Monday Sydney on 2 November 2009. A thought provoking look at the forces affecting the future of the mobile internet. (Let me know what you think.)

The Concept of Electronic ID Cards. How do they work.Development of Electroni...
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The Concept of Electronic ID Cards. How do they work.Development of Electroni...

Presentation held by Mr. Valeri Tkeshelashvili, within the Regional Workshop on Georgia's anti-corruption and public service delivery reforms (22-24 September 2011).

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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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Interactive Space
Mapping the Mobile First Customer Journey
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Mapping the Mobile First Customer Journey

Paul Berney (@paulbmobile), Managing Partner and Co-Founder of mCordis ( and Rob Hammond (@tech2dollars), Senior Director of Mobile Engagement at Syniverse ( present how the rising influence of the mobile channel is altering the traditional customer journey and what brands can do to enhance engagement with their customers in the mobile moment.

#CNX14 - Powering the Mobile Customer Journey
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#CNX14 - Powering the Mobile Customer Journey

Creating a seamless end-to-end customer experience has never been more important. Consumers expect information how they want it, when they want it, and on whatever device they’re currently using. Join us to learn how ExactTarget Marketing Cloud customers have incorporated mobile into the customer lifecycle to drive engagement, provide real-time customer support, and create the ultimate connected experience.

mobile marketingcustomer journeysconnections 2014
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving CarsStudy: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars
Study: The Future of VR, AR and Self-Driving Cars

We asked LinkedIn members worldwide about their levels of interest in the latest wave of technology: whether they’re using wearables, and whether they intend to buy self-driving cars and VR headsets as they become available. We asked them too about their attitudes to technology and to the growing role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the devices that they use. The answers were fascinating – and in many cases, surprising. This SlideShare explores the full results of this study, including detailed market-by-market breakdowns of intention levels for each technology – and how attitudes change with age, location and seniority level. If you’re marketing a tech brand – or planning to use VR and wearables to reach a professional audience – then these are insights you won’t want to miss.

automotivesocial media marketinglinkedin marketing solutions
Hype vs. Reality: The AI Explainer
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Hype vs. Reality: The AI Explainer

Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, promising self-driving cars, medical breakthroughs, and new ways of working. But how do you separate hype from reality? How can your company apply AI to solve real business problems? Here’s what AI learnings your business should keep in mind for 2017.

virtual realitychatbotbig data
User Interface and Future Interaction Technologies
User Interface and Future Interaction Technologies User Interface and Future Interaction Technologies
User Interface and Future Interaction Technologies

Consumer behavior and expectations around user interfaces are rapidly evolving. As mobile devices become more integrated into daily life, consumers are accessing content in new ways and shifting away from traditional television and DVDs towards digital streaming. This has driven the development of more seamless, intuitive interfaces that improve the overall user experience. Major technology companies are pursuing new interface technologies like touchscreens, gestures, voice commands and augmented reality to create more immersive experiences and stay ahead of rising consumer demands. The user interface market is expected to grow significantly in coming years as interfaces continue to transform how people interact with technology.

\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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Disruptive enterprise communications technologies
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Disruptive enterprise communications technologies

This document discusses potential disruptive changes in enterprise communications technologies over the next 10 years. Some of the changes discussed include a resurgence of voice technologies that are software-based and can be embedded in applications, increased use of application-to-person messaging and integration with workflows, the connectivity of vehicles enabling new locations for communications, the growth of social collaboration replacing email as the main form of business communication, advances in virtual reality, wearable technologies, sensors connecting the digital and physical world, and new forms of wireless access and network architectures.

disruptive enterprise technology voice social coll
Relinquishing Control: Creating Space for Open Innovation
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Relinquishing Control: Creating Space for Open Innovation

The document discusses open innovation through relinquishing control and creating open systems. It argues that innovation occurs through flows of information, energy, material, and behavior within networks of people and things. True open innovation involves open delivery systems that allow others to build upon your work, open experiences that let users build their own ideal path across channels, and open design processes that include users or let them design themselves. Fully open systems maximize innovation potential by combining open social and technological networks.

controluser experiencecreativity
Taptu: Virtual Roundtable
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Taptu: Virtual Roundtable

In the past 15 years technology has changed in ways that no one could have foreseen. Now, with the convergence of the mobile Web and touch screen technology we’re embarking on another journey into the unpredictable. However If we’re all heading in the same direction why not make use of the hive mind to prepare ourselves? We asked some leading industry thinkers what they thought. To make it easier to digest, we’ve grouped these thoughts in to common themes.

mobile touch webuxmobile commerce
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
One Brand
Many Locations
Many Channels
Many Touchpoints
One conversation
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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MWC 2017 recap
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MWC 2017 recap

The document summarizes key trends from Mobile World Congress 2017 related to connectivity, cognition, and immersion in technology. Some of the major trends discussed include the rise of 5G and its impact on areas like smart cities and entertainment. Advanced biometrics, evolving voice assistants that integrate facial recognition and 1:1 communication, and voice-based biometrics for authentication in voice interfaces were highlighted as trends in connectivity. For cognition, machine learning as a service focused on 1:1 personalized predictions from user data was discussed. Plug and play solutions for IoT device development and smartphone augmentation through high-quality modular add-ons were also summarized.

Mobile World Congress 2017 Recap: The Future of Connectivity
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Mobile World Congress 2017 Recap: The Future of Connectivity

A recap of the fourteen trends that defined Mobile World Congress 2017, through the lens of Epsilon Agency's innovation platform of Cognition, Connection and Immersion. Here you'll find the best of the show.

iotmwc2017nokia 3310
HCI Challenges for an Internet of Services
HCI Challenges for an Internet of ServicesHCI Challenges for an Internet of Services
HCI Challenges for an Internet of Services

The document discusses the challenges of designing for the Internet of Services (IoS). The IoS is defined as an infrastructure that uses the Internet to offer and sell services globally. It connects service providers, consumers, and facilitators. Key challenges for HCI in this domain include: 1) Designing seamless offline and online service experiences. 2) Dynamically monitoring and influencing the consumer experience across touchpoints. 3) Measuring the consumer experience of accessing and using services.

hcidwebservicescity university london
Customer journey is the process of
creating a graphical representation of
the steps and stages a customer goes
through to experience a
product or service
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey

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The document discusses upcoming trends in UX design and what designers need to know to stay ahead. It covers conversational commerce using chat/messaging interfaces, virtual reality which creates immersive 3D environments, and augmented reality which supplements the real world with additional digital elements. For each trend, it provides examples and considerations for UX design, such as designing interfaces within VR worlds and accounting for environmental conditions with AR. It emphasizes that designing for these new technologies is a major opportunity for UX designers to help define best practices. To future-proof their careers, designers need to obsess over emerging technologies that transform user interactions.

SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...

This document summarizes a presentation given at the 19th International Conference on Software Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM) about the development of a social shopping platform called ShopLovers. The presentation discusses: 1) The background and objectives of developing a social network to enhance sociability for customers and empower social media marketing solutions for companies. 2) An overview of the ShopLovers prototype, which aims to interconnect products and customers in a retail environment through a social network platform. 3) Details about the user research conducted to understand needs and requirements, finding that users prefer to share discounts, promotions and accumulate personalized coupons.

nfcsoftcomuser experience
Being Human
Being HumanBeing Human
Being Human

This document discusses human-computer interaction (HCI) and its evolution and future expectations. It covers: 1. How interfaces have evolved from GUIs to gestures and from fixed displays to smart fabrics. Mobiles have also replaced handsets and allow interaction with real-world objects. 2. How increasing technology integration has changed how devices are presented and made people more dependent on computers while also connecting people in new ways. 3. The goals of HCI including influencing research, providing tools and knowledge for designers, and raising public awareness of computers. Good interface design considers users, tasks, environments, and feasibility.

human computer interaction
\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey
Charmr: A Design Concept for Diabetes Management Devices

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The Future of Meetings is Going Mobile
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The evolution of mobile technology has disrupted modern day communications in a big way. This presentation provides an insight into how this innovation has impacted the way we connect to meetings and highlights some of the major conference call service providers operating in the mobile space.

productivity appandroid calendar appmeetingmogul
Mobile First: 22 may 2019, River Crossing
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Mobile First: 22 may 2019, River Crossing

The document discusses various topics related to digital technologies including spatial computing, virtual reality, augmented reality, 5G, IoT, AI, and unified communications. It provides information on the opportunities and applications of these technologies for experiences, collaboration, education, tourism, emergency services, gaming, mapping, training, digitizing, data visualization, and more. The document also discusses mobile technologies in Namibia such as apps, websites, communications features like RCS, and social media platforms and strategies.

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Empowerment technology( Information and communication technology)
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Empowerment technology( Information and communication technology)

ICT plays a crucial role in the Philippines' economic development and empowerment of individuals. It promotes growth, competitiveness, and inclusion by providing access to information and opportunities for education. ICT also enhances healthcare, public services, and digital transformation across multiple sectors. The development of ICT infrastructure is essential for supporting the growth of the digital economy and ensuring nationwide connectivity.

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Carlos Hugo Huertas Pérez
Disruptive enterprise communications technologies
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Disruptive enterprise communications technologies
Martin Geddes
Relinquishing Control: Creating Space for Open Innovation
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Steven Harries
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Ian Beacraft
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City University London
The Future of UX: What designers need to know to stay ahead
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Doralin Kelly
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
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CATTID "Sapienza"
Being Human
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Being Human
Rahul Singh
The Future of Meetings is Going Mobile
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Mobile First: 22 may 2019, River Crossing
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japie swanepoel
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Power of Social Collaboration and Business Technology Adoption
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Software Park Thailand
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XDuce Corporation
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Similar to \'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey (20)

User Interface and Future Interaction Technologies
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Disruptive enterprise communications technologies
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Relinquishing Control: Creating Space for Open Innovation
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Taptu: Virtual Roundtable
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MWC 2017 recap
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Mobile World Congress 2017 Recap: The Future of Connectivity
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HCI Challenges for an Internet of Services
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The Future of UX: What designers need to know to stay ahead
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The Future of UX: What designers need to know to stay ahead
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
SoftCOM 2011 - Design and Development of a Social Shopping Experience in the ...
Being Human
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Being Human
The Future of Meetings is Going Mobile
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Mobile First: 22 may 2019, River Crossing
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Empowerment technology( Information and communication technology)
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Power of Social Collaboration and Business Technology Adoption
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\'Mobile\' Experience and Customer Journey